National Crisis Management Center. Crisis management center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Main goal FKU "TsUKS GU EMERCOM of Russia for Moscow" is to ensure sustainable and continuous management of the forces and means of the MGSES during the implementation of measures to protect the population and territories from emergencies, ensure fire safety, the safety of people on water bodies, as well as participation in the provision of measures civil defence.

Main goals TsUKS:

Collection, processing and analysis of operational information about the threat or facts of emergency situations and the progress of the ASDNR during their liquidation, as well as information about potential sources of natural and man-made emergency situations;

Participation in the collection and processing of information in the field of civil defense (hereinafter referred to as civil defense), ensuring, in accordance with the established procedure, the continuous management of civil defense forces and means during the transition from peacetime to wartime;

Organization of fire extinguishing and management of forces and means during ASDNR;

Ensuring interaction of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow with the Moscow Emergency Control Service, emergency (emergency) services of the city and organizations for liquidation of emergency situations and their consequences, fires, accidents and incidents requiring ASDNR;

Creation of conditions for the timely mobilization and transfer of military units of the State Fire Service (hereinafter referred to as the State Fire Service) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow for wartime;

Implementation of methodological guidance and coordination of the activities of the monitoring system, laboratory control and forecasting of natural and man-made emergency situations in the city of Moscow;

Implementation of activities for monitoring, laboratory control and forecasting of natural and man-made emergency situations;

Monitoring the readiness for action for the purpose of the DDS, forces and means of constant readiness of the Moscow State Emergency Service, the Moscow fire brigade, as well as monitoring the operational activities of the State Fire Service’s facility units;

Popularization of fire safety measures and rescue services through the media, fire-technical literature, brochures, bulletins, visual products, creation of videos on the topics of measures to protect the population from emergency situations and fire safety.

The main functions of the Federal Institution “TsUKS Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow”:

Collection and processing of information in the field of fire safety, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, provided by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Implementation of organizational and technical support for the activities of the commission for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the Moscow Government (hereinafter referred to as CoES and FPB), working groups of the Moscow Government on crisis management;

Providing notification in the prescribed manner to the management of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow about the occurrence of an emergency and the progress of emergency rescue operations, the operational group of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow in the event of its departure to emergency areas;

Participation in the organization and implementation of fire prevention;

Ensuring the organization and management of emergency rescue operations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow;

Ensuring coordination of the activities of fire and rescue, search and rescue, emergency rescue units and other units and organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia stationed in Moscow;

Preparation of reference and settlement documents, proposals for the use of forces and the use of funds and financing of expenses, determining the need for financing of other types of resources, financial support from various sources, in the event of the threat and occurrence of emergencies and fires;

Ensuring reliable, stable and continuous functioning of automation, communication and warning systems for the management of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow, maintaining the communication system, automated control systems of the Institution in a state of constant readiness and their timely deployment during the transfer of management bodies, forces, means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense to the highest degree of readiness;

Ensuring the functioning of an automated information management system, means of communication and warning, automation and information resources that ensure data exchange, preparation, collection, storage, processing, analysis and transmission of information;

Ensuring the operation of video conferencing and warning facilities during emergency prevention and response;

Providing information within its competence to executive authorities located on the territory of the city and local government bodies;

Organization of interaction with the day-to-day management bodies of the Moscow State Emergency Service;

Organization of monitoring of the situation in areas of possible emergencies, fires and places of mass presence of people on the territory of Moscow;

Organizing the collection and submission in the prescribed manner of documents justifying (confirming) expenses incurred in responding to emergencies and fires;

Carrying out reference and analytical, informational, methodological and research work to improve methods of maintaining and updating relevant automated databases, methods of providing information from them, introducing innovative information technologies in the field of civil defense, in emergencies and terrorist attacks;

Ensuring the protection of information constituting state secrets and the security of information in accordance with the assigned tasks and within the competence of the Institution;

Introduction into the system of day-to-day management bodies of the RSChS of innovative technologies and software for crisis management, models and technologies for emergency prevention, civil defense management, warning and informing the population;

Participation in the development of departmental target and scientific and technical programs in the field of emergency prevention and fire safety in Moscow;

Carrying out an analysis of the state of professional training of the Institution’s personnel;

Methodological guidance in providing professional training, retraining and advanced training for the personnel of the Institution;

preparation of proposals for the development of draft decisions (proposals for decisions) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow for the implementation of measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies;

Ensuring the maintenance in the established order of constant interaction and exchange of operational information with the management bodies of the Moscow State Emergency Service on the territory of Moscow;

Providing, in the prescribed manner, to the management of Moscow both management signals (orders), as well as signals (orders) to transfer civil defense to the highest levels of readiness;

Ensuring that the population is informed through the media and other channels about predicted and occurring emergencies, measures to ensure the safety of the population and territories, methods and methods of protecting the population and territories from emergencies, ensuring fire safety and the safety of people on water bodies, on public and personal transport on the territory of Moscow;

Participation in monitoring the state of readiness of the duty forces and means of the Moscow State Emergency Service on the territory of Moscow;

Participation in the prescribed manner in planning and organizing training with day-to-day management bodies, duty forces and means of the Moscow State Emergency Service on the territory of Moscow;

Interaction in carrying out the tasks assigned to the Establishment with the Government of Moscow, heads of the administrative district and districts of Moscow, governing bodies of federal executive bodies located in the city, duty dispatch services of organizations that form permanent readiness forces of the Moscow State Emergency Service, duty services of fire and rescue, search -rescue, emergency rescue units, and other units and organizations of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, stationed in the territory of Moscow.

On the last day of June, at the invitation of the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, I went to NTSUKS. This abbreviation hides the “National Center for Management in Crisis Situations” of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. All information about incidents in our country flows into this center in real time: where things are burning, where accidents occurred, where man-made threats appeared and all other unpleasant situations. The regions of the country have their own regional centers that monitor order locally. And the tasks of the NTsUKS include always keeping a finger on the pulse, and in the event of a catastrophe of federal significance, the center’s specialists fly to the scene of the incident to resolve the situation.

The press tour was timed to coincide with the center’s birthday, which is celebrated on July 1. And the history of the center dates back to the late 80s, when a special emergency headquarters was created at the Civil Defense (CD) headquarters. After that, it went through many reorganizations and modernizations, and now it is a single situational center for all of Russia, which has no analogues in the world. At least, that’s what the Emergencies Ministry experts say.

Well, let's take a look at the Big Brother headquarters?

1. The center is open 24 hours a day. It `s naturally. And the start of our press tour was scheduled for 6 am!

2. Early in the morning, a small group of journalists gathered on Vatutina Street. The national center and a whole complex of buildings of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are located here.

3. The screens display the current situation on our territory. The information broadcast is very different: what happened, where it happened, how many people were injured and how many were saved.

4. As of the morning of June 30, there were 480 road accidents, 18 water accidents, 321 fires, 14 explosive objects from the Great Patriotic War were discovered and destroyed.

5. Exactly at 6:30 a meeting begins with the deputy minister. Those responsible for their areas and directions report on what is happening in the country, what are the plans for today, what remains to be done.

6. Particular attention is paid to refugees from Ukraine, who need to be accommodated, fed, provided with everything necessary for life, and provided with medical and psychological assistance.

7. And here is a sample of monitoring for the past day - where are the thermal points.

8. Some kind of godforsaken - but not the Ministry of Emergency Situations - village in the Irkutsk region. Where is the fire, what is its strength and area, what means are used to extinguish it, how many residents, children, etc. are in the village.

9. Flights for today are being discussed with the aviation department. True, the aircraft icon resembles a DC-10, not an Il-76.

10. Finally, the holy of holies - the situational room of the operational shift.

11. There is a morning conference call with the heads of departments in the regions, other federal organizations are also involved, such as Avialeskhrana, for example. By the way, have you noticed that after one sensational incident, video cameras were installed on street TV screens that record this screen for control? Here on the far wall the image from these cameras is displayed.

12. Special attention is paid to the weather forecast. Taking this and thousands of other factors into account, a special department issues its forecast for emergency situations in Russia.

13. Forecast for fire-hazardous areas in Russia.

14. Any emergency is taken under control. Even a broken wire somewhere in the Jewish Autonomous Region does not go unnoticed.

15. Many employees have news constantly on separate screens, laptops and even tablets. Each employee monitors incoming information with half an eye. The fact is that the Ministry of Emergency Situations learns about 7-10% of emergency situations from the news. For example, they learned about the pile that pierced a subway car in 2006 from a journalist who was traveling in that train. Correspondents, as they say in the press service, often call their acquaintances to the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees and report personally, they say, something happened, we went to do a story.

16. In the situation room, all operators must wear headphones. Also, you cannot appear here in civilian clothes - only in uniform. The work schedule is one to three days. These days include breaks for food and sleep. For three whole hours. But all this is possible only in a quiet operating mode. If something happens, there is no time for rest and food. The center is buzzing like a disturbed hive.

17. The operational duty officer is the heart and brain of the situation center. If all the operators are quite young, then only an experienced employee who has been working in the system for a long time is appointed to duty.

18. Almost all vehicles of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are equipped with the GLONASS system to determine their location and you can see in real time where they are.

19. The new shift begins daily duty. Morning formation, clarification of tasks, testing of knowledge. At first I thought it was a show, but then everyone I talked to said it was a common practice in the morning.

20. Shift briefing before starting duty. Please note the disabled icon. The center employs several wheelchair users and has created a barrier-free environment for them.

21. I hope this is not secret information:) The call signs of the formations deserve a separate photo.

22. Passed the post, accepted the post. The new shift works with the old one for half an hour.

24. A separate meeting with the Minister of Emergency Situations on the results of the Far Eastern expedition.

25. Checked the readiness of dams, protective fortifications and restoration work.

26. Blue glass building.

27. Communication machine with classified equipment.

28. The task force vehicle has all the necessary means of communication to work in an emergency zone. It can be autonomous for up to three days.

29. The task force at work. On the right is an armored (!) laptop.

30. View of Moscow from the NTSUKS helipad.

31. Residential complex "Edelweiss", a piece of the City and Victory Park.

32. The pinnacle of architectural squalor is the Kuntsevo residential complex.

33. The Bk-117 resuscitation helicopter is landing. Developed in the late 70s by Messerschmitt-B?lkow-Blohm and Kawasaki Heavy Industries. Since 1992 it has been produced under the Eurocopter EC145 brand.

34. The helicopter is based in Ramenskoye. And every day he flies on duty to Vykhino. He flew to Kuntsevo from Hospital No. 15, where the victim of an accident was taken.

35. In quiet times, EMERCOM aviation adheres to the routes established for all aviation. But if necessary, a green light is turned on for them to fly over Moscow, over airport glide paths and directly over air terminal buildings. If necessary, everyone will be put on the ground and kept there while the EMERCOM aviation carries out its task.

36. The helicopter is equipped with all the necessary resuscitation kit.

37. It is very important to carry out resuscitation measures in the first hour after the incident. And the helicopter allows you to begin the necessary actions on board.

38. Special devices for cutting wires. They are located below and above the cabin. According to the commander, so far, pah-pah-pah, they have not been useful. And so, he says, there are so many pieces of land to plant on.

39. Well, in the meantime, a portrait against the backdrop of a nice helicopter :)

40. And the situation center continues its work - everything must be under control!

Many thanks to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for organizing the shooting.

Very close to my house on Vatutina Street there is the National Center for Crisis Management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. I’ve passed by a huge number of times by car and bicycle, but now I managed to get inside.

1. The National Crisis Management Center originates from the establishment of the 151st information center. The created center was the main unit of the USSR Civil Defense headquarters, performing the tasks of accumulating and processing information throughout the country.

2. The National Crisis Management Center (NCMC) is a new generation intelligent multi-level control complex that allows solving problems of interdepartmental coordination, operational management and emergency response to prevent and eliminate emergency situations around the clock.

3. The use of the latest technologies in the work of the center makes it possible to process all types of information in real time using global navigation satellite systems and global monitoring technologies based on space remote sensing of the Earth.

4. NTSUCS promptly processes a huge amount of information flowing from all subjects of the Russian Federation. There are no analogues to the Center and its hardware and software complex in any country in the world.

5. The main tasks of the center are: ensuring coordination of the activities of all bodies of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, managing forces and means intended to prevent and eliminate emergencies, carrying out information exchange and timely informing the population about the threat and occurrence of emergencies, delivering warning signals to territorial authorities, as well as control availability and readiness of the operational response forces and means of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for actions in case of emergencies.

6. Senior operational duty officer of NTSUKS Timur Litvin

7. At any time, the senior operational duty officer of the NTSUS can contact the Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and report the situation in the country.

8. Head of the Operations Department of the Space Monitoring Directorate of NTSUS Andrey Kudinov talks about how images of the earth’s surface from 10 Russian and foreign satellites are collected and used. Based on these images, the Center can simulate the development of forest fires and floods. Great attention is also paid to meteorite monitoring. This danger has not been canceled either.

9. International relations specialists are in constant communication with similar centers in other countries. Assistance in emergency situations has become an integral task of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

11. Vladislav Viktorovich Lapushkin - deputy head of the emergency response center of the NTSUCS.

12. Documents on all emergency situations are printed and distributed to all personnel involved in the liquidation of consequences and the press.

13. Duty is maintained around the clock. According to the schedule, you can go out to smoke, eat, take a shower and relax in the relaxation room.

14. I also relaxed. 20 minutes of massage and the fatigue went away on its own :).

15. We also went to the Meeting Hall of the Government Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations.

16. It is from here that, if necessary, management of work in major emergency situations is carried out. The Center's specialists can quickly simulate a picture of the incident to understand what happened. It is also possible to display images for the media.

18. That’s all for a short excursion to the National Center for Crisis Management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. I want the guys to always have a calm and peaceful service without any emergencies!

19. Thanks to the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the invitation to the National Crisis Management Center.

20. By the way, to protect yourself and your loved ones, install the “Mobile Rescuer” application on your smartphone (link for Android version).

A mobile rescuer allows you to notify the rescue service and notify your family and friends that an emergency has occurred.

In addition, the application contains reference books that clearly demonstrate first aid methods and rules of behavior in various emergency situations.
The application contains directories of institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

If an emergency occurs near you, the application will notify you about it, inform you about recommended actions and collection or evacuation points.

You can watch all the latest things on my website.

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