Nagatinsky District Court archive. Nagatinsky District Court Office for Civil Cases telephone

Many citizens have dealt with district courts, which deal with the most a large number of business This is the main link of the Russian judicial system and there are district courts in urban and rural areas. IN big cities For example, in Moscow, each district has its own judicial institution. But if a person came to the capital from afar, he does not know how to get to the Nagatinsky District Court, even if the address is known judicial institution.

Where is the Nagatinsky District Court and how to get there?

The Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow is located at the address: Moscow, 115201, Kashirsky proezd, 3. The court office is open from 9-00 to 18-00, on Friday – until 16-45.

You can get to the court in the following way:

  1. Take trolleybus No. 40 or bus No. 147 from the Varshavskaya metro station. You need to go towards the City Center along the Warsaw Highway for two stops. Get off at the Shalom Theater stop;
  2. from the metro station "Nagatinskaya" you pass three stops at any public transport, which runs along Kashirskoye Highway towards the region. You need to get off at the “Biblioteka im. Lev Tolstoy";
  3. walk to court. From the Kashirskaya metro station you can reach the court in about twenty minutes on foot. Walk along Kashirskoye Highway towards the Center approximately 300 meters until the intersection with Kashirskoye Proezd. Then you need to turn left onto Kashirsky Passage and there you will see the court;
  4. From the Nakhimovsky Prospekt metro station you need to go to the avenue of the same name. Then you walk along Fruktovaya Street straight to its end. Next, go through underground crossing and you will exit just near the court onto the Starokashirskoe highway. This walk will take approximately fifteen minutes.

What happens if the defendant does not appear in court?

Quite often the defendant does not show up court hearing, although he was given a summons. Of course, if he doesn't mind judicial trial, the legislation provides for consideration of the case without his participation. But both the plaintiff and the defendant must be notified by the court about the place and time of the hearing. If several defendants are involved in the case, then all of them are sent a summons, which postal workers hand over against signature.

If the defendant has a respectful reason failure to appear at a court hearing, he must notify the court about this. In this case, the judge will adjourn the case to another day, as the defendant usually files a motion to reschedule the hearing. If such a request has not been received from a party to the case, the judge has every right consider the case without a defendant, and then make its decision. Consideration of a case without the presence of the defendant is considered absentee.

The consideration of the case may also be postponed if the defendant filed a counterclaim. But two parties must be present at such a hearing. In the absence of a defendant, the judge is guided in general consideration of the evidence presented. If necessary, experts are brought in and all material and documentary evidence is considered.

Instead, the defendant can send his representative to the court with a power of attorney. In this case, the case will not be considered in absentia. In general, it can be noted that the case can always be considered without the defendant, but he still has the right to file a cassation appeal.

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Today, the position of judge is considered the highest paid in state apparatus. However, courts are reluctant to publish information on their official websites...

Judicial acts and decisions - Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City)

    Resolution of August 18, 2016 in case No. 5-163/2015

    Citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ibragimov Yu.R. committed an administrative offense under Art. 18.8 Part 3 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences, namely: January 20, 2015 at 18:00 at the address: Moscow, Kasimovskaya St., 33, Apt. 41, as a result of checking compliance with the requirements migration legislation employees Department of Internal Affairs of Russia In the Biryulyovo East district of Moscow, a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ibragimov Yu.R., was identified...

    Decision of December 29, 2015 in case No. 12-3002/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Resolution of the traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow No. 18810077140005201471 dated November 26, 2015 in relation to Kazansky M.S. leave unchanged and the complaint is not satisfied. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 25, 2015 in case No. 12-2826/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Resolution of the traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow No. 18810277156501686050 dated October 27, 2015 in relation to Gorshenin S.N. leave unchanged, and S.N. Gorshenin’s complaint is not satisfied. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 25, 2015 in case No. 12-2905/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Complaint by Vavilin A.V. to satisfy. Resolution of the traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow dated November 27, 2015 in the case of administrative offense in relation to Vavilin A.V. cancel, return the case for a new consideration to the Traffic Police Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 25, 2015 in case No. 12-2820/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Resolution of TsAFAP Traffic Police Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow No. 18810177151017036255 dated October 17, 2015 in the case of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in relation to Gorshenina A.V. cancel the proceedings on the case of an administrative offense against Gorshenina A.V. stop. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 25, 2015 in case No. 12-2879/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Resolution of the deputy head of MADI No. 78210177151019115909 dated October 19, 2015 in the case of an administrative offense under Part 5 of Art. 12.16 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses in relation to Patskevich V.A. leave unchanged, the complaint is not satisfied. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 25, 2015 in case No. 2-12064/2015

    The essence of the dispute: About recovery insurance compensation(payments)

    Collect in favor<данные изъяты>with K.K.H. material damage at the rate of<данные изъяты>, court expenses for payment of state duty in the amount of<данные изъяты>, Total -<данные изъяты>The defendant has the right to file an application to the Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow to cancel the decision within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court through the Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow within a month, if the court refuses to satisfy the application for cancellation default judgment...

    Verdict of December 25, 2015 in case No. 1-978/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Criminal

    Zirailaev A.M. committed intentional causing slight harm health, causing a short-term health disorder, with the use of an object used as a weapon...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 12-2846/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Resolution of the TsAFAP traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow No. 18810177151006131782 dated October 06, 2015 in relation to LLC "KAKADU" in the case of an administrative offense under Article 12.9 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is left unchanged, and the complaint of LLC "KAKADU" is left without satisfaction . The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 12-3010/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Complaint by Lebedev O.Yu. - to satisfy. Magistrate's ruling judicial section No. 46 of the Orekhovo-Borisovo South district of Moscow dated November 09, 2015 - cancel. Based on clause 2 of Art. 24.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, proceedings in the case of an administrative offense against Lebedev O.Yu. stop. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 12-2931/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Resolution of TsAFAP Traffic Police Department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow No. 18810177150521219723 dated May 21, 2015 in the case of an administrative offense under Part 2 of Art. 12.9 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, in relation to Zaltsman T.I. leave unchanged, and the complaint of Zaltsman T.I. - without satisfaction. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 12-2851/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Administrative

    Resolution of the TsAFAP traffic police inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow No. 18810177151024125594 dated October 24, 2015 in relation to Spetsperemeshchenie LLC in the case of an administrative offense under Article 12.9 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation is left unchanged, and the complaint of Spetsperemeshchenie LLC is left unchanged . The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within 10 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision. Federal Judge O.G. Chubarova...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13655/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Collect from S.V.G. in favor<данные изъяты>debt on bank card <№ изъят>at the rate of<данные изъяты>, as well as the cost of paying state duty in the amount of<данные изъяты>, Total -<данные изъяты>The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within a month, through the Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow, by filing an appeal. Federal Judge A.I. Shamova...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13653/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under the loan agreement, loan agreement

    <№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from M.E.M.. To collect from M.E.M. in favor<данные изъяты> <№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>, <данные изъяты>

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13663/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from P.S.N.. Collect from P.S.N. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13650/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from B.M.A.. To collect from B.M.A. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты> <данные изъяты>cop, total<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-10980/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    The essence of the dispute: Other housing disputes

    Claims of Derbeneva E.V. partially satisfy. Oblige the Moscow City Property Department to conclude a contract with E.V. Derbenova. agreement social hiring residential premises at the address:<адрес изъят>, indicating Derbenev V.M., Kruglova T.M., Kruglova M.V. and Kruglova M.V. as family members. Refuse to satisfy the remaining demands. The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court through the Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow within a month from the date of its production in final form...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13654/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from K.A.G.. To collect from K.A.G. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>Total -<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13656/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from K.A.N.. To collect from K.A.N. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>Total -<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13651/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from A.N.A.. To collect from A.N.A. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>, as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>Total -<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13288/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    The essence of the dispute: Other claims

    Collect from R.S.N. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>Collect from R.S.N. in income local budget city ​​of Moscow legal expenses for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13671/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>with full name1. Collect from FULL NAME1 in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>, as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>The decision can be appealed to the Moscow City Court within a month, through the Nagatinsky District Court of Moscow, by filing an appeal with Federal Judge A.I. Shamova...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13667/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from B.T.M.. To collect from B.T.M. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13673/2015

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from L.A.V.. To collect from L.A.V. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13666/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from T.Yu.V.. Collect from T.Yu.V. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>, as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment can be filed by the defendant in the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision... ...Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from M.I.V.. Collect from M.I.V. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

    Decision of December 24, 2015 in case No. 2-13662/2015

    Nagatinsky District Court (Moscow City) - Civil

    Essence of the dispute: Claims for collection of amounts under a loan agreement, credit agreement

    Terminate the loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, concluded between<данные изъяты>from K.S.A.. To collect from K.S.A. in favor<данные изъяты>debt under a loan agreement<№ изъят>from<дата изъята>, at the rate of<данные изъяты>, as well as legal costs for payment of state fees in the amount of<данные изъяты>An application to cancel a default judgment may be filed by the defendant with the Nagatinsky District Court within 7 days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision...

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