Purpose, composition of personal protective equipment for skin (SPE). preparation of special protective clothing and rules for its use




Personal protective equipment for skin.

Medical personal protective equipment
1. Purpose and classification of PPE

Personal protective equipment is designed to protect the human body from the harmful effects of hazardous chemical substances (hazardous chemical substances), OM (toxic substances), radioactive substances (radioactive substances), BS (bacterial agents), as well as to reduce the undesirable effects of light, thermal and ionizing radiation (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Classification of PPE
2. Personal protective equipment for skin

2.1. Purpose and classification of SZK

Radioactive and toxic substances and bacterial agents can penetrate the human body not only through the respiratory system, but also through the skin. Therefore, in case of danger of radiation, chemical, bacteriological contamination, in case of accidents and natural disasters with the release of hazardous substances, it is necessary to protect not only the respiratory tract, but also the entire human body and skin. Skin protection products (SPA) are intended for this purpose.

Skin protection means include special clothing that complements or replaces a person’s usual clothing and footwear, made from special materials (rubberized fabrics, rough cloth, tarpaulin, polyethylene and other moisture- and dust-proof materials) and provides protection of human skin from toxic substances (CA). ), radioactive dust (RP), biological agents (BS) and hazardous chemical substances (HAS). SZK is used in conjunction with RPE.

Skin protection products are classified according to their purpose, principle of use and principle of action (Fig. 2).

Fig.2. Purpose and classification of SZK

The classification of SZK based on the principle of protective action is based on the type of material (impregnation) from which the SZK sample is made. In accordance with this principle, all SZK are divided into filtering And insulating.

2.2. Filtering SZK

Designed to protect against harmful substances in the vapor (gas) phase. They are made from air- and vapor-permeable fabrics and non-woven materials. This circumstance makes it possible for them to be used for a long time without significantly affecting the ergonomic properties of a person. Some samples of filtering SZK are designed for many months of constant wear during a threatening period of enemy use of weapons of mass destruction. They are used in combination with gas masks, boots and gloves.

Filter-type SZK are intended mainly for non-paramilitary civil defense forces industrial facilities.

Set of protective filter clothing (ZFO) Designed for protection against vapors and aerosols of hazardous substances, chemical agents, BS and RP. The ZFO kit includes: an impregnated protective filtering overalls made of moleskin, a cotton balaclava, two pairs of cotton foot wraps, one of which is impregnated, as well as rubber gloves and protective rubber boots.
2.3. Insulating SZK

Insulating SZKs are made from airtight rubberized fabrics or polymeric materials and are used when performing decontamination, decontamination and disinfection work in lesions and in areas of infection, i.e. in cases where a person encounters large densities of infection. They are only used for protection personnel of non-paramilitary civil defense formations economic objects.

SZK of insulating type, depending on the method of their use and type of donning (cape or overalls), can be hermetically sealed And leaky. Sealed ones protect against vapors (gases), aerosols and droplets of hazardous chemicals. Unsealed - only from aerosols and drops.

Insulating SZK affect the body's heat exchange. High temperatures and heavy work cause the body to overheat, which can lead to heatstroke. For this reason, the use of insulating SZK is limited in time. Repeated stay in isolating SZK is possible after a 30-minute rest.

These should include combined arms protective kit OZK And light protective suit L-1. Currently, the production of modern insulating protective protection systems has been organized to support RSChS structures, including civil defense of economic facilities. Among them are protective insulating suits such as KZIM, LG-5, KIH, etc. "

Combined arms protective kit (OZK) Designed to protect human skin, uniforms, equipment and individual weapons from chemical agents, BS, radioactive substances and hazardous chemicals. When put on in advance, the OZK increases the level of protection of the skin from fire mixtures and open flames, and also weakens the destructive effects of thermal factors on the items of equipment located under it. OZK is a means of protection periodic wearing. When infected with OV, BS, or RV, the OZK is subjected to special treatment and used repeatedly.

OZK consists of: protective raincoat OP-1; protective stockings made of rubberized fabric; protective rubber gloves, with seals made of impregnated fabric (impregnated with a special composition), summer five-fingered and winter two-fingered. All gloves are the same size.

protective cloak
made of special fabric and can be used as a cape, worn in sleeves, or as a jumpsuit

IN in the form of a cape it is used for protection against radioactive substances, droplet-liquid hazardous substances (AS) and BS falling from an infected cloud. When OZK is used to eliminate the consequences of an accident in an area contaminated with radioactive substances and BS, as well as when performing work on the disinfection of equipment, transport, technological equipment, a raincoat put on sleeves. When operating in areas, outbreaks and areas contaminated with hazardous chemicals (AS), with strong dust formation in areas contaminated with radioactive substances and BS, the kit is used in in the form of a jumpsuit.

Raincoats are made in four heights: the first - for people up to 166 cm tall; the second - from 166 to 172; third - from 172 to 178; fourth - from 178 cm and above.

The soles of the protective stockings are reinforced with canvas or rubber soles. They are worn over regular shoes. Protective stockings are made in three sizes: the first - for shoes of sizes 37-40, the second - for 41-42, the third - for sizes 43 and more.

light protective suit (L-1)
protects not only from agents, BS, RP, but also from many hazardous substances. It is a special means of protection and is used during long-term work in contaminated areas, as well as when performing decontamination, decontamination, rescue and other urgent work. It is made of rubberized fabric (Figure 3).

The L-1 suit is a means of protection periodic wearing. When infected with OV, RV, BS, the L-1 suit is subjected to special treatment and used repeatedly.

The costume includes : jacket with a hood; trousers with stockings; two pairs of gloves; impregnated liner; carrying bag.

The L-1 suit is available in three sizes: the first - for a person’s height up to 165 cm, the second - from 166 to 172 cm, the third - above 172 cm.

Emergency protective kit (KZA) designed to protect specialists of emergency rescue teams involved in the liquidation of accidents involving fire from the effects of open flame, infrared radiation, and hazardous chemicals. The kit is used in combination with a breathing apparatus placed in the sub-suit space. KZA consists of two overalls: heat-reflective and heat-insulating, the legs are protected by boots with shoe covers made of the same materials, the hands are protected by three-fingered mittens. The heat-reflective (upper) overalls are made of special fabric with a fire, oil and petrol resistant coating, with an infrared radiation reflection coefficient of up to 80%. To protect the eyes, the overalls are equipped with special panoramic glasses.
2.4. Handy skin protection products

To protect the population, the simplest SZK can be used production workwear- jackets and trousers, overalls, robes with hoods, made in most cases from coarse cloth, tarpaulin, fire-retardant or rubberized fabric. It not only protects against contact of radioactive substances and bacterial agents with human skin, but also does not allow droplet-liquid agents to pass through for some time.

At home, if there is a threat of injury from radioactive, toxic substances or bacterial agents, everyone should be able to adapt available means to protect the skin - industrial, sports and everyday (household) clothing and shoes. To increase the protective properties of clothing against chemical agent vapors, it is necessary to impregnate it with a special solution. To impregnate one set of clothes, it is enough to dissolve 250-300 g of crushed laundry soap in 2 liters of hot water and add 0.5 liters of vegetable or mineral oil, then heat the solution. After impregnation, the clothes are lightly wrung out and dried in the open air.

If the protective properties of the suit are not enough, raincoats and capes made of waterproof material are put on top of it. Such clothing protects against contact with the skin of chemical agents and chemical agents; it protects from droplet-liquid agents in the summer for about 10 minutes. You can also use winter things: coats made of rough cloth or drape, padded jackets, sheepskin coats, leather coats. To protect your nose and hands - mittens, gloves, rubber boots, galoshes, felt boots, etc.
3. Medical protection

3.1. Purpose and classification of medical PPE

Medical personal protective equipment (MSPE)- these are chemical, chemotherapeutic, biological preparations and dressings intended to prevent or reduce the impact on humans of the damaging factors of various emergencies (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Classification of medical PPE
Their timely and correct use can save a person’s life, prevent or significantly reduce the severity of damage. They are used either independently or in mutual assistance.

If there is a threat of radiation, biological or chemical contamination, medical protective equipment will be issued at specially organized points for issuing PPE.
3.2. Individual first aid kit AI-2

Individual first aid kit AI-2 Designed to provide self- and mutual assistance for wounds and burns (to relieve pain), to alleviate the damage of radioactive substances, chemical agents or hazardous chemicals, as well as to prevent infectious diseases.

The products included in the first aid kit are placed in a plastic case. Small size (90x100x20 mm) and weight (130 g) allow you to always have it with you. The contents of the first aid kit are a syringe tube and pencil cases of different colors with medications, placed in a plastic case and held by the internal partitions of the case. Each medicine is located in a strictly defined place, which allows you to quickly find the necessary remedy. In the cold season, a first aid kit is carried in the inner pocket of clothing to prevent freezing. The first aid kit includes detailed instructions for use. The instructions are stamped with the expiration date of the drugs, which you should definitely pay attention to. All medicines in the first aid kit are ready for use.

The order of placing medical supplies in the slots of the first aid kit is strictly defined and is as follows.

socket no. 1 - syringe tube with 2% solution of promedol -strong painkiller which is administered intramuscularly for severe pain caused by fractures, extensive wounds, crushed tissue, burns; in emergency cases, the injection can be given through clothing. Promedol is a narcotic; it is not included in a training first aid kit, but is stored separately and replaced in a syringe with distilled water;

nest№ 2 - taren -antidote against organophosphorus toxic substances.

Six tablets are stored in a red pencil case. Take one tablet under the tongue, then put on a gas mask; if signs of poisoning appear and increase (deterioration of vision, shortness of breath), after 6 hours you need to take another tablet;

nest№ 3 - sulfadimethoxine -antibacterial agent. The uncolored pencil case contains 15 tablets. Taken for gastrointestinal disorders arising after radiation exposure, seven tablets at once in one dose on the first day, on the second and third days take four tablets per dose;

nest№ 4 - cystamine (preparation RS-1)- fast acting radioprotector(decreased radiosensitivity). Stored in two pink pencil cases of six tablets each. Take six tablets at once over 60 minutes. before the expected exposure. The radioprotective effect occurs within 40-60 minutes. and persists for 4-6 hours. Repeated administration is possible after 6 hours at the same dose if you are in an area contaminated with radioactive substances;

nest№ 5 - tetracyclineantibacterial agent(broad spectrum antibiotic). Stored in two colorless pencil cases of five tablets each. Taken in case of threat or infection by bacterial agents, as well as for wounds and burns (to prevent infection): first, immediately drink the contents of one pencil case (five tablets), and then after 6 hours - another;

nest number 6 -potassium iodide (radioprotective drug RS-2)- used to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine(the thyroid gland is maximally saturated with ordinary iodine, then it will not be able to capture radioactive iodine). A white pencil case contains ten tablets of potassium iodide. Apply in 30-40 minutes. before the expected exposure or when staying in an area contaminated with radionuclides, in a dose of one tablet daily until the threat of radioactive iodine isotopes entering the body disappears;

nest№ 7 - drug etaperazine -antiemetic. The blue pencil case contains five tablets of the drug. Take one tablet immediately after irradiation to prevent vomiting, as well as for head bruises, concussions and concussions, if nausea occurs. The action lasts 4-5 hours after administration. If nausea continues, take one tablet every 4 hours. For children, the dose should be smaller. Children under eight years old are given 1/4 of an adult dose per dose, from eight to 15 years old - 1/2 dose.

In order to increase the efficiency of medical protection of the population, it is planned to include more modern medicines in the AI-2 first aid kit. Instead of tetracycline - doxycycline, instead of etaprazine - the drug dimethcarb. The individual first aid kit does not contain any general sedatives or agents that reduce the feeling of fear. In an emergency, as practice has shown, these funds are necessary. Therefore, we can recommend to the population for these purposes, in addition to the contents of AI-2, to use tranquilizers (such as Elenium, Sibazon, Fenozepam).

3.3. Individual anti-chemical packages

Individual anti-chemical packages are intended for the disinfection of droplet-liquid chemicals of organophosphorus hazardous chemicals that have come into contact with the human body and clothing, personal protective equipment and tools. Currently, there are various modifications of individual anti-chemical packages based on both liquid and powder degassing formulations.

IPP-8 consists of a flat glass bottle with a screw cap filled with a polydegassing solution, four cotton-gauze swabs and instructions, placed in a sealed plastic bag. When using the package, you need to open its shell, unscrew the cap of the bottle and moisten the tampon generously with its contents . Thoroughly wipe open areas of the neck and hands with it, wipe the outer surface of the gas mask helmet; then moisten the swab again and treat the edges of the collar and sleeve cuffs adjacent to the skin. You should also treat those areas of clothing and shoes where drops of chemical agents are visible. When treating the skin, a burning sensation may be felt, but it quickly disappears and does not affect your well-being. However, you need to remember that the liquid in the bag is poisonous and dangerous to the eyes, so the skin around the eyes should be wiped with a dry swab and rinsed with clean water or a 2 percent soda solution. The liquid in the bottle does not have disinfectant properties.

IPP-9 is a cylindrical aluminum vessel with a screw cap. A punch is inserted into the bottle, on the top of which there is a foam sponge. To moisten the sponge, you need to press the punch all the way, opening and turning the vessel, shake it two or three times. Wipe the skin of the face, hands, and contaminated areas of clothing with a moistened sponge. After this, pull the punch out of the vessel and screw on the lid.

IPP-10- a cylindrical aluminum cylinder filled with a polydegassing preventive protective formulation based on Langlica . The cylinder is equipped with a cap-nozzle with stops, which is attached to a strap. There is a punch inside the lid. When using it, you need to turn the lid, move it from the stops and hit it to open the vessel; remove the lid and pour 10-15 ml of liquid into your palm; apply it to the front of the face and neck. Then you need to pour another 10-15 ml of liquid and treat the hands and back of the neck. After this, close the bag with a lid and store it for re-processing. The skin is treated in 30-40 minutes. before entering the source of chemical contamination. If chemical agents or hazardous substances come into contact with skin or clothing, treatment is carried out immediately. The liquid has a disinfectant effect and provides a protective effect for 12-24 hours by creating a protective film in the thickness of the skin.

The most convenient and easy to use is an individual anti-chemical package IPP-11. It is intended for the prevention of lesions due to infection of exposed skin areas with any known agents. IPP-11 is a plastic disposable bag (36 g) in which a tampon soaked in a special solution is sealed. The advantages of IPP-11 are:

  • speed and area of ​​skin treatment;

  • Convenient treatment of the face under the front part of the gas mask;

  • effective protection up to 6 hours;

  • bactericidal;

  • healing of minor wounds and cuts;

  • treatment of thermal and chemical burns.
In the absence of anti-chemical bags, areas of the body and clothing can be treated with soap and water, using paper swabs, rags or a handkerchief. It is better to do this when no more than 10 minutes have passed since the drops hit the body and clothes. As a degassing liquid, you can use a solution prepared from one liter of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and 150 g of silicate glue, which are mixed immediately before use.

Treatment of exposed areas of the body, carried out using an individual anti-chemical package in the first minutes of infection, prevents skin damage and the penetration of agent into the blood. Treatment carried out at a later date may reduce, but not prevent, the development of the lesion. In these cases, an antidote must be administered after treatment.
3.4. Individual dressing package
Individual dressing package (PPI)
used for applying a primary dressing to wounds and burn surfaces. It contains disinfected dressing material, which is enclosed in two shells: the outer one is made of rubberized fabric, with the method of opening and use printed on it, and the inner one is made of paper. There is a safety pin in the fold of the inner shell.

Shells ensure the sterility of the dressing material, protecting it from mechanical damage, dampness and contamination. The material in the bag consists of a gauze bandage (1) 10 cm wide and 7 m long and two equal-sized cotton-gauze pillows measuring 17x32 cm. One of the pillows is sewn to the bandage (2), the other is movably connected to it (4 ) and can move freely along the length of the bandage (5). Thanks to this, in case of penetrating wounds, it is possible to close the entrance and exit wound holes using one package. Colored threads (3) mark the surfaces of the pads, which can be grasped with your hands when applying a bandage.

When applying a bandage you must:

  • open the package, take out the pin and pin it to the clothes;

  • Take the end of the bandage with your left hand, and the roll of the bandage with your right hand and unfold it;

  • place the pads, without touching other objects, on the wound (burn) with the side that is not stitched with colored threads;

  • bandage the pads and secure the end of the bandage with a pin.

To protect the skin, personal skin protective equipment (SPE) is used. They protect against poisonous and highly toxic substances acting on and through the skin, radioactive substances, bacterial aerosols and toxins, as well as from light radiation from a nuclear explosion and incendiary mixtures. Based on the principle of protective action, all personal protective equipment for the skin is divided into: insulating and filtering. According to the method of use, skin protection products are distinguished between constant wear, periodic use and single use.

Individual skin protection equipment includes a combined military complex protective suit of filter type (OKZK-M, OKZK-D), a set of protective filter clothing (KZFO), a combined military protective set of filtering type (OZK-F), a combined military protective set of insulating type (OZK) and a special protective clothing - suit L-1.

Skin protection with filter-type personal protective equipment is based on the neutralization of aerosols or vapors of poisonous and highly toxic substances as they pass through the thickness of underwear and uniforms, previously impregnated with special degassing formulations.

The combined arms integrated protective suit (OKZK-M) is designed to protect the skin of personnel from poisonous and highly toxic substances, radioactive aerosol, biological agents and light radiation from a nuclear explosion, as well as from the adverse effects of weather conditions at the level and below summer army uniforms. It consists of a cap with a visor that allows you to protect your eyes from the light radiation of a nuclear explosion, a jacket with visors on the low sleeves and trousers. A balaclava is worn over the cap, and a protective shirt and long johns are worn under the jacket and trousers. Complete with OKZK-M, a filtering gas mask and protective stockings can be used, and a KZS protective mesh suit, which is a jacket with a hood and trousers, can be worn over it.

The protective properties of OKZK-M from the effects of light radiation from a nuclear explosion are ensured by fire-retardant impregnations of the outer layer and headgear, the presence of air gaps between the layers and additional elements to protect exposed skin areas. The fire retardant properties of the suit are maintained for 5 months.

Protection against OVTV is achieved by the presence of impregnation on the protective underwear, multi-layer suit and its tightness. The time of protective action depends on the type of agent and its concentration, the content of “active” chlorine on the protective clothing and air temperature. For OM vapors, it ranges from 3 to 24 hours. When the suit is wetted with sweat and water, the protective properties are reduced, therefore, to protect OKZK-M from moisture during rain, it is necessary to use raincoats or insulating skin protection products. The protective properties of moistened OKZK are restored after the suit dries. After wearing the OKZK-M for 2-2.5 months, as well as after degassing and disinfection, units of the radiation, chemical and biological defense troops restore the protective properties of the suit against OVTV vapors and aerosols by re-impregnating the protective underwear and liner by machine or other means .

The protective effect of insulating-type personal protective equipment is based on the ability of some materials to retain OHTV on their surface and very slowly pass them in a liquid and vapor state through the thickness of the tissue. Such materials are not breathable and, with the appropriate cut of clothing made from them, isolate the body from the external environment.

Combined arms protective kit (OZK), which includes a protective rubberized raincoat 0P-1M, protective stockings and protective gloves. The OZK protective raincoat can be used as a cape, worn in sleeves and as a jumpsuit.

In the form of a cape, the cloak is used when the enemy suddenly uses poisonous and highly toxic substances, biological agents, as well as when radioactive substances fall out of the cloud of a nuclear explosion. When driving open vehicles through areas of terrain contaminated with poisonous, highly toxic or radioactive substances, when performing decontamination and decontamination work, a protective raincoat is worn in sleeves. In areas intensively contaminated with toxic substances, as well as in areas of chemical damage during rescue operations and evacuation measures, a protective raincoat is used in the form of overalls.

In conditions of increased danger of labor or external factors, personal protective equipment is used. In order to protect the exposed surface of a person’s skin, as well as his clothing, shoes, and equipment from the effects of chemical, radiation, biological and toxic substances, individual means, abbreviated as PPE, are used. What personal protective equipment for the skin is, how they are used, and how to choose them will be described below.

All personal protective equipment for skin are divided into:

  • Special
  • Henchmen

The first type, in turn, is divided into breathable and airtight, i.e. filtering and insulating. Filtering SZKs are made of cotton fabric, which is impregnated with a special chemical composition that neutralizes or absorbs toxic fumes. Breathable skin protection means air passes inside the suit, creating a barrier from everything else with its surface. Some types of filtering skin protection products are used only in conjunction with respiratory protection equipment. The time spent inside filtering protective equipment is limited by the period of protective action, while the time spent in insulating suits is strictly limited in accordance with the ambient temperature and the severity of the work.

Insulating protective equipment is covered with a special film that prevents the penetration of gas and liquid through the material. They are either sealed or non-sealed. The first type of insulating clothing completely protects the entire skin and mucous membranes, while the second protects only from toxic fumes. The time spent in an insulating suit in cool, windy or cloudy weather can be doubled compared to summer in sunny weather. There is a special table indicating the duration of work in an airtight suit, depending on the severity of the work performed and the temperature. To increase the time of safe wearing of airtight protective equipment, you need to periodically water them with cold water, or put cotton capes and screens moistened with water on top of such a suit. When working in winter under protective protective equipment, you need to wear warm clothes to prevent frostbite.

SZKs at hand protect human skin from radioactive dust, toxic fumes, and harmful biological agents. These include boots, gloves, raincoats impregnated with special agents, capes used in conjunction with basic protective clothing.
PPEs are made from rubberized materials that are frost-resistant and waterproof, reliably protecting against exposure to contaminated atmospheres, as well as during disinfection and degassing.

If additional sealing of clothing is necessary, this can be done at home. To do this you will need a solution prepared from 300 g. laundry soap, two liters of water heated to 70 degrees, 0.5 liters of vegetable or mineral oil. The ingredients are mixed and heated until a homogeneous soap-oil emulsion is obtained. To impregnate one set of clothes, you need to prepare three liters of solution.

Based on the type of production, SIZK can also be divided into two groups: industrial and home-made. In accordance with the name, the first type is a production sample, manufactured in accordance with GOSTs and the necessary standards, and has been tested, inspected and approved by the relevant department. Homemade protective equipment can be made in any room using available materials.

The types into which personal protective equipment for skin are divided are described above. Now it is necessary to give a specific description of what types of clothing or shoes belong to those described above.

Insulating type protective equipment includes:

The overalls are made of rubberized fabric, complemented by a pair of rubber boots in six sizes, and a pair of gloves.

Filtering personal protective equipment for the skin consists of cotton overalls made of special impregnated fabric, underwear (men's underpants and shirt), a balaclava, and two pairs of foot wraps, one of which is also impregnated with a chemical substance. The set is completed with a pair of rubber boots and a pair of gloves.

Available personal protective equipment for skin includes:

  • Raincoats with a hood made of rubberized fabric or synthetic material. They should protect exposed areas of the body with clothing, and can provide short-term protection even from droplet-liquid hazardous substances.
  • Rubber boots to protect your feet.
  • Rubber gloves are used to protect hands from toxic chemicals; leather or fabric gloves are used from radioactive or biologically hazardous substances.
  • The braid ties the pants at the bottom.
  • To protect against radiation dust or bacteriological agents, homemade protective capes made from film materials, thick fabric or oilcloth are used. In addition, you can make stockings and gloves from cotton fabric. The stockings use a double layer of fabric, two ties at the top and bottom, and canvas for the sole.

To purchase a high-quality and truly useful skin protection suit, you need to pay attention to some points:

  • Knowing the operating conditions of the purchased protective clothing, it is necessary to choose it based on the level of protection, which is different for different types of personal protective equipment.
  • The climatic factor is also important.
  • During the purchase, it is necessary to study the quality certificate to ensure the quality and wear resistance of the material from which the protective product is made.
  • When purchasing, you need to carefully check the complete set of protective equipment, the quality of tailoring, and the presence of additional elements. For example, if additional protective pads are sewn onto potentially dangerous areas of the suit, its level of operation increases.
  • The product must comply with the hygiene certificate.
  • A subjective assessment must be made regarding the comfort of the workwear, convenience; the suit should not hinder movement or interfere with movement.
  • The appearance of the suit should not cause hostility, but this is far from the most important criterion for choosing a protective suit.
  • In order for the protective suit to be conveniently stored, it should not take up much space.

Its reliability in the event of dangerous circumstances, when the suit will help preserve the health and life of a person, depends on the careful selection of the purchased protective equipment.

Storage of PPE must be carried out in a specially designated place, in a warehouse or workplace. The suit and safety shoes must be subject to timely cleaning from dust and dirt, as well as adhesive repairs. If necessary, dry cleaning and washing of work clothes must be carried out. If you take care of your protective suit and periodically carry out preventative repairs, you can significantly extend its service life.

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky

Department of Mobilization Training

health and disaster medicine

Head Department: Candidate of Medical Sciences Sidelnikov S.A.

Lecturer assistant department

Danilov V.S.


"Military and extreme medicine"



Completed by a 5th year ISO student

Volkova Valentina Nikolaevna

Group No. 6

Saratov 2010


1. Introduction.


3. Skin protection products and their purpose. Working hours in protective clothing.


5. Conclusion.


As a result of their activities, people use chemicals that, due to their properties, have a harmful effect on the body. Despite the constant improvement of technology, the potential danger of situations associated with emissions of highly toxic substances, leaks, etc. is increasing.

To protect the population from exposure to highly toxic substances, as well as to localize the consequences, timely and correct use of personal protective equipment is required. And to detect danger it is necessary to use radiation and chemical reconnaissance means.

Classification of personal protective equipment.

Personal protective equipment is divided into for protected areas:

Personal Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPP);

Personal Eye Protection Equipment (PEPE);

Personal Skin Protection Products (PSP).

Personal protective equipment includes gas masks, respirators, self-contained breathing apparatus, a set of additional cartridges, and a hopcalite cartridge.

SIGS include protective glasses against the light pulse of a nuclear explosion.

PPE includes protective clothing.

By purpose Personal protective equipment is divided into general and special. Combined arms personal protective equipment is intended for use by personnel of all or several types of armed forces and branches of the military. Special personal protective equipment is intended for use by military personnel of certain specialties or to perform special work.

According to the principle of protective action RPE and PPE are divided into filtering and insulating.

Filtering SIZK are clothes made of material that is impregnated with a special technical composition to neutralize or adsorb SDYAV vapors.);

Skin protection products and their purpose.

Designed to protect people from exposure to potent toxic, toxic, radioactive substances and bacterial agents. All of them are divided into special and improvised. In turn, special ones are divided into insulating (airtight) and filtering (air-permeable).

Insulating clothing is made from materials that do not allow any drops or vapors of toxic substances to pass through, provide the necessary tightness and, thanks to this, protect the person.

Filter media are made from cotton fabric impregnated with special chemicals. Impregnation with a thin layer envelops the threads of the fabric, and the space between them remains free. As a result, the air permeability of the material is largely preserved, and vapors of toxic and toxic substances passing through the fabric are retained. In some cases, neutralization occurs, and in others, sorption (absorption).

Structurally, these protective equipment are usually made in the form of jackets with hoods, bib overalls and overalls. When put on, they provide significant areas of overlap between the joints of various elements.

To protect against ESD in the accident zone, mainly insulating type protective equipment is used.

In non-military civil defense formations at national economic facilities, in civil defense units and formations, in chemical forces and other special forces. For a long time, units of the Armed Forces have been equipped with such insulating skin protection equipment as a combined arms protective kit, a light protective suit L-1, and protective overalls.

According to the principle of protective action, like respiratory protection products, skin protection products can be insulating or filtering.

The simplest skin protection products.

As the simplest means of protecting human skin, primarily industrial clothing can be used: jackets, trousers, overalls, robes with hoods, made in most cases from tarpaulin, fire-retardant or rubberized fabric, or coarse cloth. They are capable of not only protecting against contact with the skin of radioactive substances during accidents at nuclear power plants and other radiation hazardous facilities, but also against droplets, vapors and aerosols of many toxic substances. Tarpaulin products, for example, protect against droplet-liquid agents and airborne chemicals for up to 1 hour in winter, and up to 30 minutes in summer.

Among items of household clothing, the most suitable for this purpose are raincoats and capes made of rubberized fabric or fabric coated with vinyl chloride film.

Winter items can also provide protection: coats made of rough cloth or drape, padded jackets, sheepskin coats, leather coats. These items can protect for up to 2 hours. It all depends on specific weather and other conditions, the concentration and state of aggregation of potent toxic or toxic substances.

After appropriate preparation, other types of outerwear can provide protection: tracksuits, jackets, especially leather ones, denim, raincoats made of waterproof fabric.

To protect your feet, it is best to use industrial or household rubber boots, rubber boots, and galoshes. Rubber products are capable of preventing the passage of droplet-liquid agents and SDYAVs for up to 3 - 6 hours.

You should wear rubber or leather gloves on your hands, or canvas mittens.

In order for ordinary clothing to better protect against vapors and aerosols of chemical agents and chemical agents, it must be impregnated with a special solution. How this is done when preparing protective filter clothing (PFC). Only clothing made from fabric materials can be impregnated. To impregnate one set of clothing and accessories (chest flap, hood, gloves, socks), 2.5 liters of solution is enough.

The impregnating solution can be prepared on the basis of aqueous synthetic detergents (OP-7, OP-10, “Novost”, “Don”, “Astra”, etc.) used for washing clothes.

Insulating skin protection products.

Insulating skin protection products are made from rubberized fabric and are used when people stay in contaminated areas for a long time, when performing decontamination and disinfection work in affected areas and areas of infection.

Designed to protect fighters of gas rescue teams, emergency rescue units and civil defense troops when performing work under conditions of exposure to high concentrations of gaseous SDNA, nitric and sulfuric acids, as well as liquid ammonia.

Chemical insulating kit KIKH-4(KIKH-5)


Designed to protect rescuers of gas rescue teams, emergency rescue units and civil defense troops when performing work under conditions of exposure to hazardous chemicals (chlorine, ammonia, nitric and sulfuric acids) with high concentrations.


The kit includes: protective suit, rubber and cotton gloves. A protective suit of airtight overalls with a hood, with panoramic glass glued into the front part. The trousers of the overalls end with stitched stockings made of rubberized material. Rubber boots are worn over them. The suit is put on and taken off through a hole in the back of the suit, which is sealed by twisting the suit fabric. On the front side, the seams are sealed with sizing tape.


KIKH-4 is used with one of the breathing systems such as ASV-2, KIP-8, installed in the sub-suit space.

KIKH-5 is used with an insulating gas mask IP-4MK, placed inside the suit. The released air from under the suit flows into the atmosphere through the excess pressure relief valve, which is located on the back of the hood. The kit is used by professional rescuers. It is worn over standard winter or summer clothing. At the end of the work, it is degassed by dousing it with water, followed by ventilation and drying in air.


Operating temperature range +(-) 400С;

Protective action time:

a) for gaseous chlorine and ammonia at a concentration of 1-2 g/m3 for no more than 1 hour;

b) for liquid ammonia – no more than 2 minutes;

c) for nitric and sulfuric acids at high concentrations for about 10 minutes.

Resistance to degassing solutions – stable;

The time for continuous performance of moderately heavy work at temperatures below 250C is at least 40 minutes, above 250C - at least 20 minutes;

Frequency of application – at least 5 times;

Sizes – 49.53, 57th;

Weight without breathing apparatus – 5 kg.

Combined arms protective kit.

Consists of a shirt with a hood, trousers, stockings, gloves. The dimensions of the OZK are similar to those of the FIR. Weight 5 kilograms. Typically used when conducting radiation chemical and bacteriological reconnaissance, as well as to protect personnel in conditions of chemical and bacteriological attack.

Light protective suit L-1.


A lightweight protective suit is designed to protect against radioactive dust, chemical and bacteriological effects on humans.


The L-1 suit consists of:

Pants with galoshes, jacket with a hood;

Two pairs of three-fingered gloves;

Bags for storage and transportation.


The L-1 suit is made of rubberized fabric T-15 or UNKL-3. The sleeves of the jacket have cuffs that securely fit the wrist both with and without gloves. L-1 is manufactured in three heights.

The suit does not protect against liquid chlorine and ammonia.

The dimensions of L-1 are similar to those of FIR. The mass of L-1 is 3 kilograms.

Protective suit “Phoenix”


Designed to evacuate personnel and visitors of organizations in the event of a fire, when the air is contaminated with gaseous combustion products and to protect the respiratory system from 40 different hazardous substances.


The hood with a mask fits on the head, has a built-in mouthpiece for breathing, carbon dioxide does not accumulate under the mask, which allows you to increase the time you use the hood.


The hood is very light, easy to handle, and small in size. The time of guaranteed protection of the hood is 15-20 minutes, with a backup “Phoenix” this time can be increased to 40 minutes. It can be beneficial for electricians and plumbers. They can also be equipped with emergency lights, fire services and building formations.

The design of “Phoenix” is such that people of any age can freely use it, regardless of gender, hair length, and even if they have glasses (without taking them off). The hood is very easy to use; you can unpack and put it on in a matter of seconds.

Protective suit “Corundum”


The Corundum protective suit is designed to protect against radioactive dust, chemical and bacteriological effects on humans.


The protective suit is made of rubberized fabric and consists of:

Jackets with hood;

Overalls with boots;

Two pairs of gloves.


The fabric of the Corundum suit has higher mechanical strength and protective ability than fabrics such as T-15, beech, and NMF. Even though it is thinner, the overall suit weight and permeability is less than L-1.

The hood has a rubber seal that allows you to put on and take off the gas mask without removing the hood. Thanks to the reliable fit of the gas mask seal (GP-7V, GP-7VM, PFM-1) to the hood seal, reliable sealing of the entire space under the suit is achieved. The bright blue color of the suit makes the rescuer working in it more visible against the background of the area, which makes it easier to control and detect it if necessary.

The suit is available in three heights: up to 166 cm, from 166-176 cm and over 176 cm.

Anti-plague suit “Quartz”


The personal protective equipment set is designed to protect the respiratory organs and skin of employees of laboratories and institutions involved in the study and treatment of especially dangerous infectious diseases, as well as medical and sanitary staff of anti-plague services.


The kit includes:

Helmet with panoramic glass

Half mask with speaking membrane and valve system

Overalls made of dust-proof viscose-polyester fabric

Rubber shoe covers with a boot made of rubberized fabric

Filter box FSU-MB.


The set can be used as protective filter clothing and in civil defense formations (taking into account the fact that instead of the standard FSU, the GP-5 or GP-7k box will be used). It is easy to use, reliable in operation, and provides a high degree of protection for the respiratory system and skin, which has been confirmed by practical use in infectious diseases clinics. The suit retains its protective properties after repeated disinfection (decontamination, disinfection).

Degree of respiratory protection: microbial aerosol permeability coefficient – ​​Kpr=1* 10-50%.

Degree of skin protection: microbial aerosol permeability coefficient - Kpr=1* 10-2%.

The set is available in two types - men's and women's, the sizes correspond to clothing sizes.

Protective filter clothing – Western Federal District


Protective filter clothing is designed to protect human skin from the effects of nuclear light radiation

explosion, radioactive dust and bacterial aerosols.


It is a jumpsuit made of thick fabric with a hood and rubber seals on the sleeves and pants. The ends of the sleeves and legs are double - for tucking into gloves (mittens) and high shoes.


To protect against hazardous chemicals, the overalls are impregnated with a special paste, but at the same time it provides a lower degree of protection than L-1 and Corundum. It is much more convenient to work in it due to the fact that it “breathes”, i.e. heated excess moist air is removed from the subsuit space. Complete with the R-2(U-2K) respirator, the suit is ideal for working in conditions of radioactive contamination. In addition, it is much cheaper than other similar products. The suit is made according to the size of regular clothes.

Gas and smoke protection kit (GDZK)


The gas and smoke protection kit (GSDK) is designed to protect the respiratory system, facial skin and eyes of a person from smoke, carbon monoxide and other toxic gases generated during a fire.


The GDZK kit consists of a fire-resistant hood with a transparent viewing film. There is an elastic stretchable cuff at the bottom. The hood is hermetically connected to a half mask, in the cuff of which a filter-absorbing cartridge is fixed. The headband, adjustable at two points, ensures a snug fit of the half mask to the face.


The gas and smoke protective suit can be used in all climatic zones of Russia. It retains its protective properties at t 60 C, as well as with short-term (up to 2 minutes) exposure to t 100 C. The existing filter-sorbing cartridge reduces the concentration within 15 minutes: mg/m

Carbon monoxide – from 12800 to 620;

Hydrogen cyanide – from 482 to 3.5;

Hydrogen chloride – from 1610 to 6.5.

After passing through the filter-sorbing cartridge, the content of these gases in the inhaled air decreases by no less than 20 times. In addition, it is able to protect against the following hazardous substances at their concentration, mg/m:

Ammonia – no higher than 380;

Nitric oxide – not higher than 410;

Sulfur dioxide – not higher than 286;

Hydrogen fluoride – not higher than 890;

Hydrogen bromide – not higher than 3620;

Inlet resistance with constant air flow and flow rate is no more than 149 Pa (15 mm water column). It is necessary to store GDZK in dry rooms at a temperature from – 20 to +40 C.

Guaranteed shelf life 3 years.

Weight – 800 g.

Filtering skin protection products.

Filters are products made from material impregnated with special compounds that ensure the neutralization or sorption of hazardous chemicals.

These include:

Filtering protective clothing FZO-MP;

Protective filter clothing ZFO-58;

Anti-alkali-acid suits (ACS);

Combined arms protective suit (OZK), etc.

All of them are used in conjunction with filter gas masks.

FZO-MP kit


Designed to protect the skin from various hazardous substances and prevents their vapors from penetrating the skin of a person (rescuer).


The FZO-MP set includes:

Two-layer jacket with a hood and trousers;

Linen layer made of calico (jacket and trousers);

Combined gloves;

Rubber textile boots.

The top layer of the jacket and trousers is made of cotton-lavsan fabric with acid-protective impregnation. The lower one (internal, chemical protective) is made of cotton fabric with protective impregnation, which binds the vapors of the exposed hazardous substances.


The weight of the set is 4 kg.

Operating temperature range - + (minus) 300 C.

The permissible number of washes is 12.

The time of protective action at a concentration of toxic substances of 0.1 mg/l is 150 minutes.

Clothing sizes – 49,53,57.

Set of protective filter clothing ZFO-58.


Designed to protect the skin from vapors of various hazardous substances.


The FZO-58 set includes underwear, a balaclava, and two pairs of foot wraps.


ZFO-58 can be used when carrying out rescue operations in emergency cordon zones. Used in conjunction with a filter gas mask. Available in three sizes:

The first is for people up to 160 cm tall;

Second 160 - 170 cm;

The third is above 170 cm.

Protection of human skin from the effects of toxic substances in a vapor state. The kit also provides protection against radioactive dust and aerosolized bacterial agents.

Protective suit KZS (KZS suit)

Designed to increase the level of protection of the skin from SIYV burns when worn over OKZK (OKZK-M, OKZK-D), uniforms, special clothing made from fire-retardant and ordinary fabrics, as well as to protect them from thermal destruction.

The KZS suit can also be used as a camouflage device. The KZS suit is a means of protection for periodic wear. GLC suits contaminated with droplet-liquid 0B, as a rule, are not degassed, but destroyed (buried in the ground).

The jacket with a hood and trousers of the KZS suit are made from mesh fabric treated with a fire-retardant formulation with camouflage coloring. The hood of the jacket has an increased size and allows you to wear it in a “combat” position over headgear, a steel helmet, all types of gas masks, and, if necessary, cover your face. To secure the hood on the head there is a front tie made of braid. The sleeves of the jacket allow you to completely cover your hands and protect them from direct exposure to nuclear radiation. Straight-cut trousers are worn over boots. To fasten the trousers to the belt and tops of the boots, the bottom and top of them are tied with a corded elastic band. The trousers have slits for using the pockets of the uniform trousers underneath.

Protection to a certain level of OKZK (OKZK-M, OKZK-D), uniforms and special clothing from thermal destruction is achieved by shielding them with a KZS suit from direct exposure to nuclear radiation. After this, the KZS suit is destroyed (charred) and is not suitable for further use.

The jacket with a hood and trousers of the KZS suit are marked on sewn-in fabric labels: the first line is the name of the manufacturer; second line - growth; the third line is the batch number; fourth line - year of manufacture; the fifth line is the product grade. The labels are sewn into the bottom left side of the jacket and into the waistband of the trousers.

The selection of GLC suits is carried out according to the height of the serviceman: the first height is for servicemen up to 166 cm tall; the second - from 166 to 178 cm; the third is from 179 cm and above.

Upon receipt of the KZS suit, you must check its completeness, integrity of the material, seams and elastic cord. If a suit is found to be faulty, repair or replace it. A properly selected suit should not hinder movement.

Medical protective equipment.

In the complex of protective measures carried out by civil defense, it is of great importance to provide the population with means of special prevention and first aid. assistance, as well as training in how to use them. The use of medical personal protective equipment in combination with respiratory and skin protective equipment is one of the main ways to protect people in conditions of the enemy using weapons of mass destruction, as well as in peacetime emergency situations. Considering that in a difficult situation it is necessary to provide prevention and first aid. assistance in the shortest possible time, the use of medical supplies in the form of self- and mutual assistance is of particular importance.

Medical personal protective equipment is medical preparations, materials and special means intended for use in emergencies to prevent injury or reduce the effect of exposure to damaging factors and prevent complications.

The role of training in the use of personal protective equipment.

The severity of physical activity when using PPE depends on the type of combat operations:

· peace – rest, sleep;

· light – marching on mobile objects of weapons and military equipment, conducting radio communications, work of operators, computers, staff specialists, etc.;

· medium – march on foot (speed 4–5 km/h), actions of missile crews at combat positions, repair of weapons and military equipment, driving military equipment over rough terrain, carrying out special processing of weapons and military equipment and property;

· moderately heavy – attack with shooting, rolling guns manually, actions of artillery crews, performing rescue operations;

· very heavy – forced march, terrain engineering equipment and crossings, laying cable communication lines (manually), moving through wooded and swampy areas on foot, etc.

The maximum period of work at elevated temperatures is the time, when exceeded, 80% of military personnel may develop heat strokes, incapacitating personnel for a long time (up to 5 days) and in some cases leading to death.

Motor activity in protective clothing and a gas mask is significantly hampered mainly due to the complication of the heat transfer process, as a result of which, at high external temperatures, conditions are created for overheating of the body. Thus, muscular work in protective clothing and a gas mask under unfavorable environmental conditions can be accompanied by disruption of thermoregulation processes and, consequently, disruption of other body functions, which causes a sharp decrease in motor performance.

Special studies have established that when personnel wear protective clothing and a gas mask at an air temperature above plus 35° C, a sharp decrease in endurance is observed, as a result of a severe violation of the most important functions of the body.

Without special training, even military personnel well acclimatized to the hot climate in protective clothing and a gas mask are not able to cover a distance of more than 2 km in these conditions. Further movement in protective clothing and a gas mask can cause severe fainting.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that during a forced march in protective clothing and a gas mask at high air temperatures, running has an extremely adverse effect on the body. Already after the first attempt at running at the beginning of the march, a sharp deterioration in the body’s condition occurs, and soon further motor activity in these conditions becomes impossible.

Movement in protective clothing and a gas mask at moderate air temperatures is more favorable than in conditions of high air temperatures. Research has found that at an outside temperature of minus 7° - plus 10° C, the majority of participants wearing protective clothing and a gas mask finish a 5 km forced march in satisfactory condition.

However, even at moderate external temperatures, movement in protective clothing and a gas mask, carried out without special training, is accompanied by significant changes in motor ability.

Carrying out special marching training in protective clothing and a gas mask in a hot climate showed that in a relatively short time (7-9 sessions) it is possible to achieve a high level of endurance for movement in protective clothing and a gas mask at high external temperatures. If at the beginning of the training period the participants While walking in protective clothing and a gas mask in a desert climate at an air temperature above plus 34 C could only cover 2 km, after 7-9 training sessions they covered 4-5 km. At the same time, there was a significant improvement in many body functions.

Indicative is the pronounced improvement at the end of the training period in higher nervous activity, which was manifested in an adequate assessment of the surrounding reality, the absence of memory impairment and the presence of greater balance in excitatory and inhibitory processes.

After performing a 5 km forced march in protective clothing and a gas mask at an air temperature of plus 10 ° C and a 5 km ski run in protective clothing and a gas mask at an air temperature of minus 5-7 ° C, less pronounced changes in various body functions are observed than when operating in protective clothing and a gas mask in conditions of high external temperature.

The nature of functional changes in this case largely depends on the degree of training of personnel to perform prolonged muscular work of moderate intensity.

Based on the high demands placed on the human body during actions and protective clothing and a gas mask, it should be considered necessary to carry out special training before starting training sessions in protective clothing and a gas mask in performing accelerated movements at a distance of 5 to 30 km in ordinary uniform and with using running in a gas mask. Training in accelerated movement using running in a gas mask will allow you to quickly achieve a high level of endurance for intense and prolonged physical activity.

The most important feature of moving in protective clothing and a gas mask is the difficulty of running in conditions of high external temperature. Therefore, when training personnel to move in protective clothing and a gas mask at air temperatures above plus 30 ° C at the beginning of the training period, running should be completely excluded. The possibility of using running in later periods of training requires special study.

The main means of training to move in protective clothing and a gas mask in conditions of high external temperature is walking. When walking in protective clothing and a gas mask, the pace of walking and its duration are of great importance.

The optimal step frequency in the first days of training is walking at a pace of no more than 60 steps per minute.

Determining the duration of movement in protective clothing and a gas mask at the initial stage of training should be strictly consistent with the well-being of the trainees. During the first training sessions, the walking distance in protective clothing and a gas mask at an air temperature of plus 30 ° C should not exceed 1000 m.

When training in accelerated movements in protective clothing and a gas mask in conditions of moderate external temperature, it is possible to use running along with walking, and in the first stages of training more space should be given to walking. The easiest way to tolerate this is with a frequent change of running and walking. High efficiency is observed when alternating walking and running every 50-100 m. Apparently, the relative ease of movement with frequent changes of walking and running in protective clothing and a gas mask is determined by the prevention of overheating of the body and the possibility of some restoration of altered functions during periods of decreased intensity of motor activity, i.e. while walking.

The increase in load in the process of training personnel to move in protective clothing and a gas mask should be strictly gradual.

The dosage of load when training to act in protective clothing and a gas mask in conditions of high external temperature is achieved by changing the step frequency and movement distance.

The pace of movement in the final period of training in conditions of high external temperature should not exceed 100 steps per minute. The optimal step frequency, according to our data, is in the range of 80-100 steps per minute.

Walking faster in protective clothing and a gas mask in conditions of high external temperature leads to significant overheating of the body and a sharp decrease in motor ability.

With rational organization of the training process, it is possible in a relatively short time (7-9 sessions) to achieve a significant increase in endurance for movement in protective clothing and a gas mask under adverse external conditions. At the same time, in persons who have achieved a high level of endurance for movement in protective clothing and a gas mask at high external temperatures, significant changes in various functions can be detected during this period (increased atrioventricular conductivity, acceleration of ROE, pronounced process of leukocytolysis, etc.). This indicates that the body has not yet fully adapted to this load. Therefore, the period of special training for personnel to move in protective clothing and a gas mask may be longer than the time of preparation for accelerated movement in ordinary uniform.

It is advisable to conduct training sessions in protective clothing and a gas mask in small units (squad, crew, etc.). This makes it easier for the leader (commander) to carefully monitor the condition of the trainees.


Providing personnel and the population with PPE and practical training in the correct application and use of these means is an important stage in the complex of protective measures. The entire complex of these measures is aimed at minimizing the likelihood of losses and damage in possible accidents and emergencies in peacetime and war. Not knowing the basics of civil defense does not exempt you from the consequences of an accident, but knowing them helps to prevent it or minimize its unpleasant consequences. The task of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government, civil defense and emergency management authorities is to ensure the accumulation of the required amount of personal protective equipment and the timely distribution of them to the population in the event of emergency situations.


1. To prevent heat stroke when using OZK, the following is used:

Answer – 1. Time protection;

2. Insulating skin protection products include:

Answer – 1. OZK;

3. Skin protection means for constant wear in wartime is used:

Answer – 3. OKZK – M;

4. Protective mesh kit (KZS) – protects against:

Answer - 4. Light radiation;

5. Filter-type skin protection products include:

Answer – 2. OKZK –M


1.Emelyanov V.M., Kokhanov V.N., Nekrasov P.A. Protection of the population and territories in emergency situations. - M.: Academic project, 2003.

2.A. I. Yarotsky, lecture "Peculiarities of movement in protective clothing and a gas mask."

3.Emergencies: protection of the population and territory. Textbook, S.A. Bobok, V.I. Yurtushkin. Moscow, 2000.

4.Protection of national economic facilities from weapons of mass destruction. Directory, / G.P.Demidenko, E.P.Kuzmenko, P.P. Orlov et al., Kyiv, 1989.

5. Atamanyuk V. G. Civil defense, Moscow, 1986.

6. Operating manual for personal protective equipment, part 3, Moscow 1988.

7. Zyuzin V. S. Protection of personnel and the population from SDYAV at a chemically hazardous facility.

8.Emergencies and protection from them. Comp. A. Bondarenko. Moscow, 1998.


While working at manufacturing enterprises, people constantly encounter harmful environmental factors. These can be chemicals, dust, dirt, high temperatures. In order to protect human organs from harmful influences, special protective kits have been developed. People working at high heights need devices to protect them from falling. For work in such conditions, personal protective equipment in the form of safety belts is used.

What is personal protective equipment

Safety elements that protect a person from toxic substances, contamination by radioactive compounds, injuries, and falls are represented by clothing, shoes, masks and other devices. They are specially developed to protect the population from negative external influences. These elements must have high strength and resistance to thermal and radiation influences. Personal protective equipment includes:

  • insulating gas masks;
  • respirators;
  • protective clothing;
  • mounting safety belts;
  • special shoes;
  • glasses, masks;
  • individual first aid kit.


In production, comprehensive measures are taken to protect workers from harmful factors. These include wearing special anti-chemical suits, filtering gas masks, and heat-resistant glasses. In order to protect people from frost who work outside during the cold season, winter overalls and insulated work shoes are used. To perform installation work at height, safety slings and belts are used. Combined-arms protective kits are used to protect people from toxic substances, radioactive dust, and bacterial agents.


Human protective equipment can be divided according to the principle of protection and method of manufacture. Depending on which organs protect these elements, they are divided according to their purpose. All safety components can be designed to protect:

  • eye;
  • respiratory organs;
  • heads;
  • skin;
  • from blows, falling from a height.

Based on the principle of protective action, there are insulating and filtering agents. The former prevent harmful industrial substances from entering the human body and protect them from light radiation, fire, and electric current. The action of the latter is based on the principle of filtration. Contaminated air, passing through the cleaning elements, is freed from harmful compounds and becomes breathable. Depending on the type of production, these products can be either: produced by industrial enterprises or created on site from scrap materials.

How to use

The effectiveness of using protective equipment at an enterprise depends on the correctness of their choice. The selection of necessary elements should be carried out taking into account the type of activity and the impact of hazardous environmental factors on workers. The employee must understand what personal protective equipment is and use these items correctly.

Protective clothing

Elements for protecting human skin from harmful influences are suits and overalls. If necessary, these collective protective equipment are equipped with gloves, masks, and special shoes. Overalls can be insulating or filtering. Kits of the first type are made of airtight materials. They provide reliable protection in conditions of radiation and bacteriological contamination. These include a general military protective kit, which consists of a rubberized raincoat, boots, and gloves.

Filter clothing is made from special materials impregnated with chemicals. The fabric does not allow harmful vapors to pass through, while remaining breathable. Individual anti-chemical protective clothing sets are used for work in areas of disasters, accidents, and hazardous industries. Robes and jackets made from ordinary fabrics are simple means of protecting human skin from biological agents. They are designed for work in production and protect against dirt, water, and dust.

To protect feet from water and harmful solutions, special work shoes are provided. These can be rubber boots with additional protective elements (reinforced toe). Protect your hands with cotton or rubber gloves. All employees are required to use the facilities provided to them. At the beginning of the shift, the foreman must check the availability of protective kits and their correct operation. Items unsuitable for work are replaced with new ones as they wear out.

Mounting belt

For installation work, special personal protective equipment has been developed to prevent falls from height. This device can be made in the form of a safety belt or slings with carabiners. They come in strap and tape types. These elements are used by rescue services, installers, and industrial climbers. The slings can be equipped with shock absorbers that provide a soft touch to the surface without jerking. The belt is worn over the work overalls and secured with clips.

Respiratory and skin protection

The most reliable element that protects a person’s face and respiratory tract from toxic substances is a gas mask. It works on the principle of filtration or isolation from external influences. Filtering gas masks are equipped with an air purification system. This device is the main element among personal respiratory protection equipment. Gas masks are divided into civil and industrial. They have different purposes.

Modern civilian gas masks, which include filter masks, are used for the defense of the population. If you detect signs of bacteriological infection, you should put a helmet-mask on your head. When put on correctly, the gas mask should fit snugly to the face, and the glasses should be exactly in front of the eyes. These funds are issued to the population in special bags. There are modifications for children that protect the child from harmful environmental emissions. Filter systems are used for this.

Insulating gas masks are designed for use in areas affected by radioactive substances (nuclear accidents, catastrophes). They are used in cases where filter elements cannot provide the required level of protection. Industrial gas masks block the entry of contaminated air into the human body. The protection element is equipped with a breathing bag, a regenerative cartridge and a bag. Gas masks are stored in accordance with the instructions of sanitary inspection authorities.

Respirators are used in hazardous industries to protect the respiratory tract of workers from harmful impurities. This product is a half mask with filter fabric. When using a respirator, you must ensure that it fits tightly to your head to prevent contaminated air from entering your lungs. Using available materials, workers can make their own anti-dust gauze bandage.

Organs of vision

Special glasses are used to protect eyes in production. Glass can be shockproof, metallized, equipped with light filters. The first type of glasses is used when working with hard materials: metal, wood, stone. They provide eye protection from chips, sparks, and industrial dust. Glasses with filters protect vision from ultraviolet and infrared waves. Personal eye protection can be presented in the form of:

  • head shields;
  • masks;
  • helmets

Head PPE

In factories and construction enterprises, the workwear set includes helmets and special headgear. The purpose of personal protective equipment for the head is to protect a person from mechanical injury. Additionally, they protect the hair and neck from dirt and dust. Helmets are used during installation work in industrial production. Additionally, they can be equipped with balaclavas, goggles, and elements to protect the neck.

Responsibilities of the employer to provide workers with personal protective equipment

Labor protection for workers implies free provision of workers with special shoes, clothing, and additional protective equipment. All necessary elements are issued in accordance with the standards and deadlines in force at a particular production site. Workers should not be allowed to enter the workplace without personal protective equipment. The administration is required to regularly conduct safety training so that employees know what PPE is. It is necessary to arrange training on the correct use of products.

Protective kits are stored in dry rooms with normal humidity levels. After use, clothing, shoes, and masks are cleaned, repaired, and disinfected. The employer must ensure timely processing of special clothing. The administration is obliged to buy new kits on time at the best price and replace those that have become unusable. When an employee leaves, the kit he receives is returned to the warehouse. Duty special equipment used by a group of workers must be kept in a separate warehouse and issued by the foreman for the duration of the work.

Issue norms

At each enterprise, the receipt of protective equipment and sets of additional elements is carried out under the control of the administration. The number of elements and terms of use are determined according to the issuance standards. Examples can be seen in this table:

Job title

Name of special equipment

Issue rate per year, pieces (sets)


Protective suit

Gloves with dotted surface

Before wear

Before wear

Loader driver

Suit for protection against general pollution

Rubber boots

Polymer coated gloves


Before wear


Suit protecting against acid solutions

Robe, protective trousers

1 kit

Apron with polymer bib

Rubber boots with protective elements

Polymer coated gloves

Rubber gloves

Safety glasses

Before wear


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Classification of personal protective equipment in enterprises and in emergency situations

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