New car inspection. Video cameras for traffic police violations will record cars on the roads without technical inspection and issue fines

If you need to undergo a technical inspection in 2015, this procedure has not been changed. The only point that is important to remember is that from August 1, technical inspection coupons, which have been gradually replaced by diagnostic cards since 2012, will no longer be valid. By the way, they are necessary to obtain compulsory motor liability insurance, since it is now impossible to purchase a policy without a valid maintenance certificate.

What does a diagnostic chart look like?

A diagnostic card is an A4 format table that contains information about the condition of the vehicle and a conclusion about the possibility of its operation. Certified by the signature of the expert who conducted the technical inspection.

The document has individual number and is drawn up in three copies:

  • electronic – entered into single base(EAISTO), where it will be stored for five years;
  • paper - one is kept by the expert for three years, the second is issued to the car owner.

Please note that the diagnostic card or its duplicate is issued free of charge!

Who won't have to undergo maintenance in 2015?

Timely maintenance – mandatory procedure. The exception is trailers weighing up to three and a half tons. But only those that belong individuals. Since 2012 they have not undergone maintenance.

Vehicles in the following categories, if their weight does not exceed three and a half tons, will not require maintenance for the first three years (including the year of purchase):

  • motorcycles;
  • cars;
  • trailers;
  • trucks.

Deadlines for passing technical inspection

Having bought a car, its owner inevitably asks the question: technical inspection new car, after how many years does it take place? Until 2012, it was necessary to undergo it immediately after purchase, and a maintenance coupon was issued for three years. Now check further technical condition car and register diagnostic card not required in the first three years. Further dates Maintenance passes depend on the category and age of the car.

For cars, motorcycles, trailers, semi-trailers and trucks weighing up to three and a half tons: from three to seven years - every two years; over seven years - annually.

For buses, passenger taxis, vehicles special purpose and trailers therefor, trucks containing more than eight seats- every six months.

For cars intended for driving lessons, vehicles with special signals and trucks weighing over three and a half tons - annually.

After the expiration of the diagnostic card, the car owner is given thirty days to undergo a repeat technical inspection.

What documents will be needed to pass MOT in 2015?

To undergo MOT, the car owner must present:

  • driver's license;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • general power of attorney (only if it is not the owner of the car who undergoes the technical inspection).

The list of documents is approved by the legislation of the Russian Federation; demands to present other documents are illegal.

Where to go for maintenance and what is needed for this?

The car owner can choose any private or public station Maintenance on the territory of the Russian Federation. The choice is no longer limited only to the region in which your car was registered. The only condition- The service station must have valid accreditation obtained from the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. On the Union website you can always find full list accredited service stations, find out the cost of undergoing maintenance, address and other necessary information.

To pass the inspection, you will need to submit the necessary documents and pay for the services of an expert. Of course, the vehicle must be technically sound.

When assessing the technical condition of a car, the expert will check:

  • braking system;
  • engine;
  • serviceability of lighting devices;
  • tires and wheels;
  • door locks;
  • steering wheel and suspension play, steering;
  • tint level;
  • level of technical fluids;
  • exhaust toxicity;
  • seat belts, mirrors, glass (cracks on the windshield are not allowed if they are located on the driver’s side);
  • first aid kit (it is important to check the availability of all necessary medications and their expiration date) and a working fire extinguisher;
  • readability of license plates.

If the car does not pass MOT, the driver is given twenty days to correct all problems and eliminate comments. After this you need to go re-inspection, which is paid in full.

How long does the inspection take?

The timing of vehicle maintenance is clearly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • checking the compliance of the vehicle with the provided documents - up to 5 minutes;
  • inspection of cars with gasoline engine- up to 39 minutes;
  • inspection of diesel cars, trucks and buses - up to 43 minutes;
  • inspection of scooters and motorcycles - up to 21 minutes;
  • filling out a diagnostic card - up to 10 minutes.

Cost of technical inspection in 2015

There is no state duty for maintenance (300 rubles) in 2015; car owners only pay for the services of a service station expert. Maximum possible cost Maintenance is installed and controlled by authorities executive power the corresponding region.

Approximate cost of maintenance:

  • car category “B” - 700 rubles;
  • buses - 1300 rubles;
  • large-sized freight transport- 1600 rubles.

The price will depend not only on the category of the vehicle, but also on in which region of the country the driver will undergo technical inspection.

Who can undergo MOT for free?

Disabled people and pensioners have the right to a free technical inspection. To do this, they need to sign up in advance for diagnostics at any accredited service station and, in addition to general list necessary documents, take another one that confirms your right to preferential treatment.

Fine for lack of technical inspection

The fine for driving without maintenance is currently imposed only on drivers of the following categories of vehicles:

  • trucks designed to transport dangerous goods or passengers;
  • buses;
  • passenger taxis.

The fine ranges from 500 to 800 rubles.

For overdue maintenance or its absence in relation to drivers of category “B” cars, the fine was canceled. However, without a valid diagnostic card, it is now impossible to issue an MTPL policy and the driver will face a fine for lack of insurance.

OSAGO policy and technical inspection

A technical inspection for MTPL in 2015 is required. To obtain a policy, the car owner must present a vehicle inspection coupon (valid until August 1, 2015) or a diagnostic card. If previously the technical inspection at the time of purchasing the policy had to be valid for at least six more months, now insurance can be purchased even if the technical inspection period expires the next day.

If the owner of the vehicle has changed, then you will not have to change the diagnostic card and the MTPL policy. It is enough to make changes to the policy - information about the new owner of the car and persons entitled to drive it.

Buy compulsory motor liability insurance without passing a technical inspection

You can buy insurance without a valid MOT for up to twenty days. This time is given to the driver to proceed to the place of registration of the car, to the place of primary or repeated maintenance. Also, owners of new cars (up to three years) will not need a technical inspection for compulsory motor liability insurance.

An initiative worthy of being called a “trend” XXI century" came from the Ministry economic development RF. The ministry plans to strike illegal extradition diagnostic cards at points technical inspection, without which, as you know, not a single driver in the country can get a policy Compulsory insurance civil liability. Why does the development of amendments keep pace with the times? It’s just that, along with toughening the liability for violation of the law by the inspection points themselves, the process of carrying out work at the technical inspection stations will be filmed. That is, the full cycle of technical inspection work will be literally monitored, and the captured footage will be automatically transferred to a single automated technical inspection information system.

The bill introduces new concepts, such as:

Diagnostic line - a set of tools technical diagnostics, other equipment, including video recording equipment, and software necessary for carrying out a technical inspection and transmitting information about the technical inspections performed;

Mobile diagnostic line- a set of diagnostic line and means of its delivery, unloading, loading and power supply, allowing for technical inspection outside the technical inspection point;

Bandwidth- maximum (limit) number of vehicles certain categories, in respect of which a technical inspection can be carried out per unit of time at a certain technical inspection point or using a certain mobile diagnostic line.

Control over the work of OTO (technical inspection operators) passes to RSA ( Russian Union auto insurers). The change in the supervisory authority causes particular concern among the expert community due to the possible weakening of control over operators.

Amendments to the federal law on technical inspection of vehicles No. 170-FZ (link to draft amendments) can be approved by deputies State Duma already this fall. What exactly will change with them and how will this affect drivers?

Question answer

Will it be more difficult for drivers to pass inspection?

For law-abiding drivers who honestly look after their car and who have everything they need to successful completion There is no reason for concern during the technical inspection procedure. Everything will be the same as before and even better; apparently, some unscrupulous employees of inspection points will not be able to offer a “quick” inspection of a car without providing the latter, imposing their illegal services.

But for those car owners who are used to going through, or rather buying, diagnostic cards, not very bright times will come. They will have to actually prepare their cars for inspection. You don’t need much for this and, in principle, any car enthusiast can properly prepare the car.

What is needed to successfully pass the inspection?

If we’ve already started talking about it, let’s say a few words about what needs to be provided for its successful completion.

Firstly, technically sound car. Read the list of faults that must be corrected by law and, if necessary, fix them yourself or in a specialized service.

Secondly, there must be an unexpired first aid kit in the car.

Third, fire extinguisher, also with current date suitability. Check it out.

What will be captured on the photo/video camera?

In the frames, according to the bill amending the Federal Law, the license plate number and the car must be visible, the date and time of the start and end of the diagnosis must be indicated. Photo data with the license plate of the car will have to be entered into the diagnostic card.

The videos will have to be uploaded into a single database, which will be maintained by the RSA and the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Will diagnostic cards remain paper as before?

Excerpt from the bill: ", formed in a single automated information system technical inspection of vehicles immediately upon completion of the technical inspection of the vehicle, signed by enhanced qualified electronic signature technical inspection operator, containing mandatory information about the compliance or non-compliance of the vehicle mandatory requirements vehicle safety, a photograph of the vehicle during technical diagnostics, as well as a conclusion on the possibility of admitting the vehicle to participate in traffic in the territory Russian Federation and in accordance with international treaties Russian Federation also outside its borders or a conclusion prohibiting the operation of the vehicle".

Thus, the diagnostic card will become electronic.

Will video cameras recording traffic police violations record cars on the roads without technical inspection and issue fines?

Indeed, such an initiative can be adopted. Drivers who fail to have their vehicles inspected will again be able to issue fines. For now, it is expected that this will extend to video recording cameras.

Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses is supplemented by part 3 with the following content:

"3. Driving a vehicle for which a technical inspection has not been carried out or during the technical inspection of which it was revealed that the vehicle does not comply with mandatory vehicle safety requirements -

entails imposition administrative fine in the amount of eight hundred rubles working in automatic mode special technical means, having the functions of photography, filming, video recording, or means of photography, filming, video recording.”

What liability will the PTO face for dishonest performance of its duties?

According to the law, it will be tightened administrative responsibility for violations during technical inspection. Rostransnadzor will monitor this. Fines for vehicle maintenance operators will be increased several times, as in the case of failure to provide data to the database (the fine will double, up to 10 thousand rubles), and if a diagnostic card is issued for a vehicle that has not been inspected, then new fine, also in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. In addition, the document introduces a number of fines for violations of legislation in the field of maintenance.

Will the proposed measures be effective?

In our opinion, it will be impossible to completely eradicate the component of deception by these measures, since it is simply impossible to track whether the car owner will carry out repairs after deficiencies are identified in his car or not. This, whether the owner corrected the fault or not, must be monitored by the maintenance station itself. Well, if they often issue diagnostic cards themselves without an actual examination, then what kind of supervisory norm can we even talk about?

How often do you need to check the technical condition of a vehicle? IN last years changes were made to the law regulating the frequency of technical inspections, which made life much easier for some car owners. We will try to tell you in detail about all the changes. Let's start with cars.


New cars, up to three years from the date of release of the car (and not from the moment of sale and start of operation), are completely exempt from undergoing maintenance. That is, if the car was produced in 2013, but was sold only in 2015, then the inspection must be completed in 2016. are not issued for such vehicles. Congratulations to all new car owners! Finally, there was one less absurd formality.

Passenger cars aged from 3 to 7 years are required to undergo a technical inspection every 2 years.

Passenger cars from 7 years old, must undergo maintenance annually.

Other categories of vehicles


With a maximum weight of less than 3.5 tons:

  • Up to 3 years of age— exempt from undergoing maintenance.
  • Ages from 3 to 7 years- It is necessary to visit a technical inspection point every 2 years.
  • From 7 years of age- are required to undergo technical inspection annually.

With a maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons (as well as trailers with a maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons) - must undergo annual maintenance.

Motorcycles and ATVs

The need for a motorcycle inspection also depends on age:

  • Up to 3 years- exempt from undergoing technical inspection
  • From 3 to 7 years— THEN once every 2 years.
  • From 7 years- Maintenance required annually.

Buses, taxis and trucks

Designed for permanent transportation of people, with more than 8 seats, the technical condition must be checked once every six months. This requirement This also applies to technical inspection for taxis.

Tractors, self-propelled construction equipment, etc.

Similar vehicles undergo maintenance annually, equipment for seasonal work must undergo technical inspection before starting operation (no later than 15 days after the start of work).

Some other vehicles

Machines on which installation is allowed special signals - Maintenance required annually.

Vehicles used for the transport of dangerous goods- are required to appear at maintenance points at least once every 6 months.

Educational transport- undergoes technical inspection annually

According to the new law, trailers that belong to individuals and have a maximum weight of less than three and a half tons, are not subject to technical inspection from January 1, 2012.

In case the trailers belong legal entities, they are required to undergo maintenance at the following intervals:

  • Up to 3 years of age— are exempt from maintenance.
  • Ages from 3 to 7 years— THEN once every 2 years.
  • From 7 years of age- maintenance required annually

Trailers used for transporting dangerous goods - must undergo maintenance once every six months.

As for the rest of the trailers (weighing more than 3.5 tons, not intended for the transportation of dangerous goods), the frequency of technical inspection for them is not regulated by law; probably, legislators simply forgot to establish required deadlines passing technical inspection for them.

Finally, I would like to remind dear motorists that as of 2015, there is no need to carry diagnostic cards issued by technical inspection operators with you all the time. Traffic police officers do not have the right to demand this document. But a diagnostic card is necessary to obtain an MTPL insurance policy and, of course, to ensure the safety of your own car. After all, it was for safety reasons that the need for periodic inspections of vehicles was legislated. But sometimes, for some reason, some car owners forget about this.

  • The frequency of inspection directly depends on the age of a particular car. Today he becomes attached not to the owner, but to the car. That is, the new owner does not have to undergo a technical inspection procedure if the old one is still operational.
  • The older the car, the more often it will have to undergo technical inspection. But at the request of the owner it can be completed earlier due date. This may be necessary when traveling to another country, where vehicle inspection periods are different (don’t forget to fill out).
  • Vehicles under 3 years old do not need to undergo technical inspection.

It must be remembered that this period begins from the month the car was manufactured, and not from the time of its purchase. For example, a car was manufactured in January 2016, and purchased in June 2016. This means that this car needs to undergo technical inspection in January 2019.

A specialist will tell you whether maintenance is required in Russia in the video below:

Below we will tell you how often a vehicle inspection is carried out.


For cars

  • New vehicles are exempt from inspection until they are 3 years old.
  • Passenger cars that are from 3 to 7 years old should undergo an inspection procedure every 2 years.
  • Passenger vehicles that are more than 7 years old from the date of manufacture will have to undergo a technical inspection every year.
  • For category “B” taxis, a technical inspection is required once every six months. It doesn’t matter how much vehicle years.
  • Cars used for are required to undergo maintenance once a year.
  • Cars with special signals must undergo a technical inspection once every 1 year.

TO to this vehicle The traffic police presents increased requirements on safety, because they involve the transport of people or the performance of other special actions. Drivers of such cars traffic inspector has the right to request a diagnostic card on the completed technical inspection.

We will tell you below how often you need to carry out (pass) a truck inspection for compulsory motor liability insurance and other purposes.

For trucks

  • If freight car has a mass of up to 3.5 tons, it is subject to the same conditions as passenger cars.
  • New vehicles under 3 years old do not require a technical inspection.
  • In the period from 3 to 7 years, technical inspection is carried out every 2 years.
  • After 7 years, a truck up to 3.5 tons must undergo technical inspection every year.
  • If the weight of the truck is more than 3.5 tons, then technical inspection must be completed annually.

For specialized trucks, a different frequency of technical inspection is established, because their activities involve great responsibility. To prevent emergency situations, you need to be sure that the machine is in good working order.

  • Trucks equipped for transporting people with more than 8 seats require a technical inspection procedure once every 6 months.
  • Trucks transporting hazardous materials require maintenance once every 6 months.

The traffic police may also ask the drivers of these trucks for a diagnostic card to check the presence and duration of the inspection.

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