Regulatory acts of preschool education. List of regulatory documents regulating the activities of a preschool educational institution

P.1 Concept of preschool education (approved by the decision of the board of the USSR State Committee for Public Education on June 16, 1989 N 7/1) (http://gdou18spb/ basic provisions and new tasks of preschool education; role in its reform in the direction of student-oriented pedagogy.

clause 3 Model regulations on a preschool educational institution (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2011 N 2562).

Clause 4 Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (from December 29, 2012 No. 273 Federal Law) ( Documents. Education)

Clause 5 The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 N 1014)

P.6 Federal state educational standard for preschool education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013)

Clause 7 Approximate basic educational program for preschool education (approved by the decision of the Federal Education Ministry of Education dated May 20, 2015)

P.1 Concept of preschool education(approved by the decision of the board of the USSR State Committee for Public Education on June 16, 1989 N 7/1) (http://gdou18spb/ basic provisions and new tasks of preschool education; its role in reforming in the direction of student-centered pedagogy.

Let us consider the main provisions of the concept of preschool education and the tasks that are set in it.

The document consists of five parts.

Part 1 is called “Child and Society”.

It says that stereotypes have developed in the public consciousness that have replaced a genuine understanding of childhood and care for it. One of them is “Childhood is a stage of preparation for the future life.” If society defines its attitude towards childhood solely as a time of “preparation” , then the intrinsic value of “living” the era of childhood by a child is denied. Only the attitude towards childhood as an intrinsically valuable time of life makes children in the future full-fledged schoolchildren, gives birth to such long-lasting personality qualities that make it possible to step beyond the boundaries of childhood.

The second stereotype is “All the best goes to children!” - so far only a slogan. To say that the “residual principle” operates in this area is not telling the whole truth. Children get "leftovers from leftovers." The consequences of saving on childhood (in such areas as maternity support, professional training and retraining of teachers, manuals and technical means of education, construction, promotion of pedagogical and medical knowledge, etc.) directly affect the state of the child’s physical and mental well-being, opportunities to ensure continuity between different periods of his life. It is necessary to abandon the “residual principle” in public education and social security itself.

In the same part of the concept, the importance of preschool childhood in the formation of personality is highlighted. In particular, it is said that the period from birth to entry into school provides precisely general development, which serves as the foundation for the further acquisition of any special knowledge and skills and the mastery of various types of activities.

The concept emphasizes the need to humanize the goals and principles of pedagogical work with children. The quality of preschool education is determined by the nature of communication between an adult and a child. In the practice of family and public education, two main types (or models) of such communication can be distinguished. The differences between them are determined not only by the process, but also by its final result - what the child ultimately becomes, what his personality is like.

The educational and disciplinary model is characterized by the following features. The goal is to equip children with knowledge, skills and abilities; instill obedience; The slogan during the interaction between an adult and children is “Do as I do!” Methods of communication - instructions, explanations, prohibitions, demands, threats, punishments, notations, shouting. Tactics - dictatorship and guardianship. The teacher’s task is to implement the program and satisfy the requirements of management and regulatory authorities. In these conditions, the guidelines turn into a law that does not allow any exceptions. One develops a view of the child simply as an object of application of the forces of the educational system. The center of the pedagogical process is frontal forms of work with children, and above all classes, which are structured like a school lesson. The activity of the children themselves is suppressed for the sake of external order and formal discipline. Play, as the main type of children's activity, is limited in time and strictly regulated by adults.

The result is mutual alienation between adults and children. Children lose initiative; and later they develop negativism. Adults have an illusory confidence in the effectiveness of educational influences. Outside of contact with teachers, children's behavior changes dramatically and may have nothing to do with what is expected and should. Children's obedience is often only evidence that they have mastered the ability to live according to a "double standard" - "for themselves" and "for their aunt."

The person-centered model is an alternative to the first model. When communicating with children, the teacher adheres to the principle: “Not next to and not above, but together!” Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.

The educator does not adjust the development of each child to the defined canons, but prevents the occurrence of possible dead ends in the personal development of children; Based on the tasks, maximize the opportunity for their growth. Knowledge, skills and abilities are considered not as a goal, but as a means of full development of the individual. Methods of communication require the ability to take the child’s position, take into account his point of view and not ignore his feelings and emotions. Communication tactics are cooperation. The position of the teacher is based on the interests of the child and the prospects for his further development as a full-fledged member of society.

In the second part The document addresses problems related to the protection and promotion of children's health; restructuring the content of pedagogical work with children; age-based approach in raising and teaching children.

Main points.

1. Preschool education from top to bottom should be permeated with concern for the child’s physical health and psychological well-being.

2. An urgent task of physical education is to find effective means of improving the development of the motor sphere of preschool children based on the formation of their need for movement. It is advisable to introduce into the staffing table of a preschool institution a physical education teacher (for example, on a self-supporting basis), who, in addition to the main classes, will conduct additional classes aimed at the physiological correction of children with postural disorders, low motor activity, weakened, often ill, etc. Additional classes can be provided spend during walks, in free and specially designated time.

3. Since the physical health of children forms an inextricable unity with their mental health, with their emotional well-being, the ways to achieve the physical and mental health of a child are not limited to narrow pedagogical means of physical education and medical measures. They permeate the entire organization of children’s lives in a children’s institution, the organization of the subject and social environment, the regime and various types of children’s activities, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

4. In the first seven years, a child goes through three main periods of his development, each of which is characterized by a certain step towards universal human values ​​and new opportunities to understand the world. These periods of life are delimited from each other; each preceding one creates the conditions for the emergence of the subsequent one.

IN third part The concept describes what the upbringing of a preschooler should be like and what his education should be like.

To educate means to introduce a child to the world of human values: cognitive, values ​​of transformation, values ​​of experience. By the end of preschool age, the value foundations of the attitude towards reality can and should be formed, namely: the attitude towards nature, the attitude towards the “man-made world”, the attitude towards the phenomena of social life (attitude towards other people), the attitude towards oneself.

From teaching knowledge, skills and abilities, one should move on to teaching the very possibility of acquiring them and using them in life.

IN part four it talks about the unity of teaching and upbringing, as well as the organization of a child’s life and the conditions for his development.

The condition for such unity is a common approach to the selection of material and the organization of education and training. It is based on the idea of ​​enriching the child’s spiritual world, saturating his life with bright, unusual, interesting events - activities, meetings, games, adventures.
Art plays a big role in this. Art is a unique means of shaping the most important aspects of mental life - the emotional sphere, imaginative thinking, artistic and creative abilities. It is in preschool childhood that the foundations of aesthetic consciousness and artistic culture are laid, and the need for artistic activity appears. In this regard, it is necessary to saturate the child’s life with art, to introduce him to the world of music, fairy tales, theater, and dance.

The general basis of education and training in kindergarten is the acquisition of speech. Mastery of the native language as a means and way of communication and cognition is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood. Particular attention should be paid to nurturing the principles of internationalism

The main forms of organizing life in kindergarten are: play and related forms of activity, classes, and subject-based practical activities.

The game should become a genuine means of creative self-realization for the child and fully perform developmental functions; it should be free from themes and regulation of actions imposed by adults “from above.” The adult acts as a playing partner.

Direct instruction should not be the predominant form of classroom organization. Learning is also carried out in the context of gaming activities. One of the most effective ways for children to learn in the classroom is didactic play.

IN parts 5 We are talking about the interaction between family and kindergarten, kindergarten and school, the personality of the kindergarten teacher, as well as the management system and structure of preschool institutions.
Family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.

Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school currently comes down to the preparation of the child himself. As a result, what remains beyond the scope of attention is identifying what is common and what is different in the system of relationships between the educator and teacher and the child, and changing the social position of the child himself. In kindergarten and primary school there is a common task - cooperation between teacher and parents.

In the future, it would be advisable to introduce differentiated training for teachers so that in each group of preschoolers one of them has the highest qualification of a teacher-psychologist, the other has the qualification of a teacher. A teacher-psychologist conducts basic classes with children with a free choice of educational programs with the right to creatively transform them; determines the state and level of development of the child during the transition from one age category to another; participates in diagnosing the child’s condition in intrafamily relationships. Unlike a teacher-psychologist, a teacher organizes various types of games, walks, excursions, etc. with children. In the coming years, centers for psychological and pedagogical consultation for kindergarten teachers and parents should be established in the country, involving various specialists in this work.

Variable educational guidelines and educational programs for children should be created, related to regional specifics and the type of preschool institutions - dynamic, systematically updated, based on the achievements of world science and practice, taking into account the state of social life in the country.

It is necessary to provide for diversity and variability in the types of preschool institutions depending on regional and national-cultural conditions; get rid of gigantomania during the construction of kindergartens. Recognize the right of preschool employees to creative exploration, to the existence of a wide variety of “author’s” kindergartens.

Introduce a preschool psychological service into the preschool education system.

P.2 Concept of the content of lifelong education (preschool and primary level) (approved by the Federal Coordination Council for General Education of the Ministry of Education of Russia on June 17, 2003).

The introduction to this document describes the state of preschool and primary education at the time the concept was created (2003), which explains the reason for the appearance of this document.

“Democratic transformations in Russian society have led to serious changes in the system of preschool and primary school education, which affected both the organizational and content aspects of these levels of education. Thus, the preschool education system represents a flexible, multifunctional network of preschool educational institutions (PECs), which provide a wide range of educational services, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child, the needs of the family and society as a whole. Preschool institutions are being developed with priorities in one or more areas of work with children (compensatory kindergartens, child care and health care, child development centers, etc.). New forms of service for preschool children have emerged (mini-kindergartens, short-term groups, recreational, recreational, etc.). Educational institutions “primary school - kindergarten” have proven themselves positively, creating the most favorable conditions for ensuring continuity in the upbringing, training and development of children. Positive changes have emerged in the development and dissemination of psychological services for children of preschool and primary school age and their parents.

Significant changes have occurred in the content of education for children of preschool and primary school age, in the general nature and style of the pedagogical process: the variability of programs, curricula, and teaching aids is becoming increasingly widespread, which significantly enriches the content of both the preschool and primary stages of education. There has been a move away from strictly regulated forms of education, and the teaching community has accepted the ideas of humanistic pedagogy.”

The unpreparedness of a significant part of the teaching staff to make a conscious choice of a variable educational program and its adequate implementation, taking into account the capabilities and needs of children;

Unjustified passion for subject-based education in preschool educational institutions, and in primary schools - the presence of one-hour subjects, which led to an unjustified increase in requirements for those entering school, a decrease in the quality of education and overload of children;

Lack of education standards approved at the state level, which significantly impedes ensuring continuity in the education system;

Excessive passion for preschool teachers with “school” technologies: frontal classes in individual subjects, verbal teaching methods;

Premature formation of a number of academic skills (for example, cursive writing, fluent reading, etc.) in elementary school,

Insufficient attention is paid to the physical education and development of children of preschool and primary school age, the protection and promotion of their health;

Lack of unified conceptual approaches to defining the goals, objectives and content of education at each level, taking into account their continuity and prospects;

The idea of ​​continuity of education is currently more declared than implemented.

All of the above problems hinder the full development of the child.

There was a need to create a concept that would reveal modern approaches to the goals and content of lifelong education at its first stages - preschool and primary school.

Continuing education is understood as the connection, consistency and prospects of all components of the system (goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization of education and training) at each stage of education to ensure continuity in the development of the child.

The concept is based on the values ​​of education recognized in modern pedagogy: humanism, openness, self-worth of each age, individualization of education, creation of conditions for development.

“The concept of lifelong education (preschool and primary education) is designed to:

– highlight priorities in the content of education at each of these stages of age development, taking into account the modern social situation;

– determine the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of continuity of education;

– identify the contribution of each educational area to the development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren;

- to give the age characteristics of the child at the beginning and end of his education in primary school.”

The document provides the goals and objectives of lifelong education for children of preschool and primary school age. For the first time, general goals of lifelong education for children of preschool and primary school age have been formulated:

Raising a moral person;

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

Preservation and support of the child’s individuality, physical and mental development of children.

Knowledge, skills and abilities are considered in the system of lifelong education as the most important means of child development.

Next, the priority tasks at the stage of preschool education and in primary school, the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of lifelong education, the principles of selecting the content of lifelong education for children of preschool and primary school age (development, humanitarization of the content of education, integrity of the image of the world, cultural conformity, variability) are listed.

The document provides the age characteristics of the child before entering school and of the younger student at the end of primary school. Moreover, the age portrait of a preschool child reflects ideal sociocultural expectations, and not the average statistical level of achievements of children of this age. The portrait of a primary school student reflects the required (minimum) level of achievement that must be achieved as a result of studying at the first stage of education.



Social and personal

Artistic and aesthetic.

In relation to primary school, it is advisable to distinguish educational areas that integrate content from different educational areas.

Russian language. Literary reading


The world. Technology

Art. Technology (artistic work)

Physical Culture

clause 3 Standard regulations on a preschool educational institution (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 27, 2011 N 2562)

The standard regulation on a preschool educational institution (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 27, 2011 N 2562) regulates the activities of state and municipal preschool educational institutions of all types.

The document consists of 6 parts:

1. General Provisions

2. Organization of activities of a preschool educational institution

3. Staffing a preschool educational institution

4. Participants in the educational process

5. Management of a preschool educational institution

6. Property and funds of the institution

Part 1 says:

1. A preschool educational institution implements basic general education programs for preschool education, and also provides supervision and care for children aged from 2 months to 7 years.

2.The main objectives of a preschool educational institution are:

life protection and strengthening physical and mental health pupils;

security cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development pupils;

upbringing citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family;

correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development pupils;

interaction with families pupils to ensure the full development of children;

providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents(legal representatives) on issues of upbringing, education and development of children.

3. Preschool educational institutions include educational institutions of the following types:

Kindergarten (implements the basic general education program of preschool education (GEP) in groups with a general developmental focus);

Kindergarten for children early age (implements preschool education in general developmental groups for pupils from 2 months to 3 years);

Kindergarten for children preschool(senior preschool) age (implements pre-school education in general developmental groups, as well as, if necessary, in compensatory and combined groups for pupils aged 5 to 7 years);

Kindergarten care and health improvement(implements OOP DO in groups health-improving orientation);

Kindergarten compensating type(implements OOP DO with activities on correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of children with disabilities (HH));

Kindergarten combined type(implements educational preschool education in groups of general developmental, compensatory, health-improving and combined orientations in various combinations);

General developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities in one of the areas of development pupils (cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic or physical);

child development center- kindergarten (implements educational preschool education in groups of general developmental, health, compensatory and combined orientation with priority in several areas of development).

Priority development is implemented in those areas that most contribute to strengthening the health of children and correcting deficiencies in their physical and (or) mental development.

The main structural unit of a preschool educational institution is group preschool children.

Groups can have a general developmental, compensatory, health-improving or combined focus.

In preschool educational institutions can be organized:

Groups for the supervision and care of children, including the organization of their meals and daily routine, without implementing OOP DO;

family preschool groups may have a general developmental focus or provide supervision and care for children without the implementation of preschool educational programs.

Groups can include both pupils of the same age and pupils of different ages (multi-age groups).

The groups also differ in the length of stay of the pupils and operate in the following mode: full day (12-hour stay); shortened day (8-10 hour stay); extended day (14-hour stay); short-term stay (from 3 to 5 hours a day) and round-the-clock stay. The groups operate on a 5-day and 6-day work week. At the request of parents (legal representatives), it is possible to organize group work also on weekends and holidays.

The preschool educational institution bears responsibility for:

Failure to perform functions within his competence;

Implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education is not fully implemented; the quality of education of their students;

Life and health of pupils and workers of a preschool educational institution during the educational process;

Violation of the rights and freedoms of pupils and employees of a preschool educational institution.

Part 2 states that:

The content of the educational process in preschool educational institutions is determined by the main educational program of preschool education, developed and approved them on one's own. The educational program of preschool education is developed in accordance with the FGT and with the approximate basic educational program of preschool education, which determines the content mandatory part programs.

A preschool educational institution may implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services

In 3 parts:

The preschool educational institution accepts children aged from 2 months to 7 years. Admission of children is carried out on the basis of a medical report, application and identification documents of one of the parents (legal representatives)

The number and ratio of age groups of children in the preschool educational institution is determined by the founder.

In 4 parts:

Participants in the educational process of preschool educational institutions are pupils, their parents (legal representatives), and teaching staff.

The relationship between the pupil and the staff of a preschool educational institution is built on the basis of cooperation, respect for the pupil’s personality and giving him freedom of development in accordance with his individual characteristics.

Persons with secondary vocational or higher vocational education are allowed to engage in teaching activities in a preschool educational institution.

In parts 5 and 6 The document describes the management of the preschool educational institution (principles of management of the preschool educational institution, the rights and responsibilities of the head) and financial activities (property and funds).

Related information.

Elena Matveeva
List of regulatory documents regulating the activities of a preschool educational institution

Exemplary scroll

regulatory legal documentation, regulating activities

preschool educational institution

1. Nomenclature of cases.

2. Charter of the preschool educational institution.

3. Agreement between preschool educational institutions and founder.

4. Job descriptions of employees.

5. Regulations on the preschool educational institution council.

6. General provisions workers' meeting.

7. Regulations on the parent committee.

8. Regulations on the Board of Trustees.

9. Internal labor regulations of preschool educational institutions.

10. Work plan for the academic year.

11. Regulations on official control in preschool educational institutions.

12. Orders, instructions for preschool educational institutions.

13. Regulations on the procedure for admitting children to preschool educational institutions.

14. Regulations on the pedagogical council.

15. Regulations on the methodological association of teaching staff.

16. Regulations on the certification commission of teaching staff.

17. Regulations on circle work.

18. The procedure for carrying out recreational work.

19. Preschool educational institution’s service agreement with medical institution.

20. Preschool educational institution agreement with parents (legal representatives)

21. Regulations on the expert council (with control education) .

22. Regulations on the procedure for conducting experimental work.

23. Agreement on the provision of paid additional educational services.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for preschool teachers “Regulatory framework” Consultation for preschool teachers CHILD'S RIGHTS REGULATORY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK Prepared by Olga Sergeevna Roslyakova, teacher.

Materials and Equipment for fine art activities. List of non-traditional drawing techniques. 1st and 2nd junior groups. First and second junior groups (2 - 4 years) 131. Paper for drawing 15 For drawing 132. Colored paper 15 133. Finger paints.

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Game "Family". Mom's role: wig, handbag, shopping bag, cell phone, elastic skirt, stroller, umbrella, wallet, basin.

Action plan for developing legal competence in older preschoolers Action plan for the development of legal competence in children of senior preschool age. month Topic GCD Goals September “About rights.

Plan of events for holding a day of legal assistance to children Work with pupils: Responsible: Teachers of groups of children of senior preschool age, “Znayki” - senior group, “Pochemuchki” - preparatory group.

Review-competition of groups’ readiness for the academic year (documentation) ORDER Dated 08/18/2015 No.___ On holding a review-competition of readiness of groups of MBDOU "Kindergarten No." by the 2016-2016 academic year. According.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Goal: To deepen the knowledge of teachers on regulatory documents: “Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; “Standard provision of preschool educational institutions”; “Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

Preliminary work:

  1. Consultations with teachers to familiarize them with regulatory documents, an exhibition of methodological literature on this topic;
  2. Production of didactic educational games, holding a workshop on their use in working with children; ( Annex 1.)
  3. Parent survey. Consultations for the information stand “Mother’s School”. ( Appendix 2.)
  4. Testing of preparatory group children by a psychologist: “Ladder” technique, drawing “My Family”.

Didactic strategy: conversation, socio-game methods, questions, Business game: “Do you know children’s rights?”, pedagogical reflection.

Design: Statements by teachers, psychologists on the role of education, Bill of Rights of the Child.

Materials: Regulatory documents on the number of participants in the teachers' council (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model regulations of preschool educational institutions, Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Convention of the Rights of the Child, Universal Declaration of Human Rights); pens, paper, envelopes with assignments, fabulous illustrations.

Presenter: Deputy Head for Educational Work of MBDOU No. 1 “Little Red Riding Hood”.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues, guests, we are glad to see you in this hall! Our meeting today is dedicated to the regulatory documents that we use when organizing the work of both the preschool educational institution itself and directly in working with the teaching staff, students and their parents.

Game: “Magic Wand”

Rules of the game: When passing the wand, each of you must name one of the regulatory documents that teachers in preschool educational institutions should know. (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Laws of the Russian Federation, Decisions of the government and administrative bodies, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Civil and labor legislation, Rules and regulations of labor protection and safety regulations.)

LAW - norms (rules) that are binding on everyone.

Adopted by the state, which monitors its implementation.

In this Law, education is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

LAW is a set of mandatory rules of behavior (norms) established or sanctioned by the state.

HUMAN RIGHTS – a protected, state-provided, legalized opportunity to do something, to implement something; that which corresponds to human nature and is permitted by law.

Organizational game “Smile”.

Goal: To get acquainted, create a psycho-emotional mood for doing work, a feeling of comfort and friendly disposition towards each other.

Now let's divide ourselves into four companies according to the principle: make a picture. (Teachers make up a whole picture-illustration from the parts and sit down).

Part 1: Introduction to regulatory documents:

a) What articles in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” relate directly to preschool education?

Law “On Education” - teacher’s report ( Appendix 3)

b) What regulatory document concerns the work of preschool educational institutions?

“Model regulations on preschool educational institutions” - report by the head of MBDOU No. 1 ( Appendix 4)

c) What legal document should a preschool teacher be guided in his work?

“Convention on the Rights of the Child” - teacher’s report ( Appendix 5)

Presenter: Part 2 of our Council of Teachers:

Business game: “Do we know children’s rights”?

Goal: Promoting the legal education of children in the teaching staff.

Rules of the game: Work in companies with the Convention of the Rights of the Child. You can confer, but not interfere with the work of other companies. For each answer found quickly and correctly, the company receives a token.

The 4th task is worth 5 points, the conditions are who can name more fairy tales involving the hero of their illustration, and what right he violated.

The 5th task is aimed at developing a certain position in teachers, the ability to defend their point of view with reason. (Not Evaluated).

Jury: Deputy Head for Educational Work Solonitsyna S.V. - (leader); RMK specialists, heads of preschool educational institutions.

Envelopes with tasks are laid out on the tables:

1. Assignment: Try to refute the following statements using articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child:

  • Children have only one right: to do what their parents and educators tell them to do. All other rights come in due time when the law gives a person full legal responsibility

(Article 2 states that all rights apply to all children without exception. The state is obliged to protect the child from any form of discrimination and takes the necessary measures to protect his rights).

  • The child must live in his own family, despite the fact that this is contrary to his best interests.

(Under Article 9, a child has the right to live with his parents unless this is contrary to the best interests of the child. The child also has the right to maintain contact with both parents in the event of separation from one or both of them).

2. Task: Choose the correct answer:

  • Who owns the words that the happiness of the whole world is not worth one tear of an innocent child?

a) A.P. Chekhov

b) F.M. Dostoevsky +

to you. Gorky

  • In what year did the UN General Assembly proclaim the Declaration of the Rights of the Child?
  • In what year did the UN General Assembly adopt the Convention on the Rights of the Child?
  • The UN considers a person a child from birth to:

(According to Article 1, a child is a person under 18 years of age, unless national laws provide for majority at an earlier age.)

  • What differences (race, nationality, gender, health status, etc.) may influence children's unequal enjoyment of their rights?

a) there are no such differences +

(According to Article 2, all rights apply to all children regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, state of health or birth).

b) nationality

c) health status.

  • Who is primarily responsible for raising a child?

a) teachers

b) parents +

(According to Article 18, parents share the primary responsibility for raising the child. The State must provide them with adequate assistance.)

c) members of the government.

  • Who is responsible for caring for children left without parents under the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

a) for charitable organizations

b) for foreign sponsors

c) for the state +

(According to Article 20, the state is obliged to provide social protection for a child deprived of a family environment, and to provide an appropriate child care institution).

  • The state must protect the child from economic exploitation and work that:

a) not listed in official directories

b) can interfere with education and harm health +

(According to Article 32, a child has the right to protection in cases where he is assigned work that poses a danger to his health, education or development. The State must establish a minimum age for employment and determine requirements for working conditions).

c) does not correspond to the interests and inclinations of the child.

  • Treatment of children involved in violations of criminal law should contribute to their development of:

a) feelings of fear of punishment

b) caution in realizing your desires

c) feelings of dignity and significance +

(Under Article 40, a child who is alleged to have broken the law has the right to treatment that promotes his sense of self-worth and worth, takes into account his age and is aimed at his social reintegration).

H. Assignment: To illustrate the fairy tale, match the article of the Convention on the Rights of the Child that was violated:

(Illustrations are used based on which the division into companies was carried out)

4. Assignment: a) What right was violated by Kashchei, the immortal, in which fairy tales?

b) What right was violated by the Gray Wolf, in which fairy tales?

c) What right was violated by Lisa Patrikeevna, in which fairy tales?

d) What right was violated by Baba Yaga, in which fairy tales?


“Should children be introduced to the Convention on the Rights of the Child or not?”

Goal: To develop teachers’ ability to negotiate and jointly defend a certain point of view.

(Get into two groups)

(2 groups “FOR”, 2 groups “AGAINST”

Thanks for your activity!

The presenter concludes:

The process of personality formation is determined by the socio-legal protection of childhood and social education. Social and legal protection is understood as state control over the observance of the rights of young citizens, as well as the explanation of these rights to children and parents. To form in children basic ideas about their rights and freedoms, to develop respect and tolerance for other people and their rights, it is important not only to provide knowledge, but also to create conditions for their practical application. Therefore, when working with preschoolers, it is necessary to rely on the leading types of activity inherent in this age: play and artistic-productive.

  • Role-playing, theatrical and didactic games;
  • Games and exercises to develop the emotional sphere, empathy, communication skills and abilities.


  • Problem-search activities of children (work in a group to solve situations and problems, develop joint projects with the teacher, etc.);
  • Productive activities (production of emblems, posters, etc., and their presentation).

Information for the teacher:

  • Fairy tales, poems, proverbs and sayings can be used as illustrative examples illustrating this or that right or concept. However, introducing children to the examples of fairy tales must be done very carefully - after all, in fairy tales there is a completely different assessment of the actions of the heroes;
  • Selection of relevant methodological literature;

The jury sums up the results and conducts a short reflection with the participants of the game.

The decision of the teachers' council:

  1. In the preschool educational institution, complete the library with all the necessary regulatory documents.
  2. Every child needs to learn about their rights. Teachers and a psychologist working in kindergarten will help him with this.

What tasks should teachers set:

  • In a playful way, introduce children to the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Educational entertainment “We also have rights”, senior group);
  • To develop tolerance and respect for other people in children;
  • Contribute to the formation of self-esteem, awareness of one’s rights and freedoms, and a sense of responsibility;
  • Develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person;
  • Explain social norms and rules of behavior.
  1. Hold a general parent meeting on the topic “The Basics of Education.” ( Appendix 6.)


    1. “Your rights” E.S. Shabelnik; E.G. Kashirskaya / M. “Vita-Press” 1996
    2. “Preschool education” magazine No. 8; eleven; 12 – 2001
    3. “Protection of the rights and dignity of the child in preschool institutions and families” T.N. Doronova; A.E. Zhichkina;
    4. “Studying the rights of the child” V. Antonov / M. “Vita-Press” - 1996
    5. “Convention on the Rights of the Child” magazine “Bulletin of Education” No. 4 -1998
    6. Methodological work in a preschool institution.
    7. K.Yu. Belaya: M., 1991.
    8. Teachers' council in a preschool educational institution. K.Yu. Belaya: M., 2003
    9. “Ped Council” magazine No. 8 2003
    10. Work of preschool educational institution with family. A.V. Kozlova, R.P. Desheulina.
    11. M., 2004
    12. Work of a senior preschool teacher with teachers.
    13. L.M. Volobueva M., 2005
    14. “Child in kindergarten” magazine No. 4; 5 – 2002; No. 3; 5 – 2003
“Modern educational programs for preschool institutions” T.I. Erofeeva; T.A.

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