Standard service life of technical devices. What is service life

April 13, 2016 A.S. Pecherkin, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, prof., first deputy. gene. CJSC NTC

Recently, excited by the new procedure for certification of experts, in which not commercial structures are involved, but a state authority (Rostekhnadzor), activists representing mainly those same commercial structures, the thesis “about the need for improvement” is increasingly being broadcast and exaggerated. They (the activists) initiated the February Parliamentary hearings on this topic, although they rallied at these hearings only about the practice of certifying experts; they sound the alarm, warning the President of the Russian Federation no less than a threat to national sovereignty”
Let's try to figure out together what is needed, and whether it needs to be done there, maybe... we shouldn't start with the conservatory?

In accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 “On” (hereinafter referred to as the Law97), upon expiration of the service life or when the number of load cycles of a technical device established by the manufacturer is exceeded, unless the technical regulations establish another form of assessing the conformity of a technical device, such technical device subject to industrial safety examination.
It does not clearly follow from this provision that it is in the expert opinion that a new service life is established. Although the current practice is exactly that.
The purpose of industrial safety expertise is completely different. An industrial safety examination in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Law97 “is carried out to assess the compliance of the object of examination with the industrial safety requirements imposed on them.”
is artificially connected with the industrial safety examination and should be carried out according to an independent procedure.

I’ll explain why, since more than 20 years have passed since the conception of the error, and not everyone remembers, or they remember, but for some reason they keep silent.
Since 1993, in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for issuing special permits (licenses) for activities associated with increased danger of industrial production (facilities) and work, as well as ensuring safety when using subsoil, approved by Resolution of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia dated July 3, 1993 No. 20 (hereinafter referred to as Regulation 93) long before the release of the Law 97, the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia issued licenses for the examination of the safety of industrial production (facilities), equipment and work. Moreover, these licenses, according to Regulations93, were divided into the following types of work:

  1. Conducting an examination (issuing opinions) on the organizational and technical readiness of the enterprise to carry out the licensed type of activity.
  2. Conducting examinations (issuing opinions) on programs, methods of control and testing, equipment of high-risk production facilities.
  3. Conducting an examination (issuing opinions) on technical solutions related to ensuring the safety of industrial production (work) provided for in the design documentation.
  4. Carrying out technical diagnostics (examination) of equipment.
  5. Carrying out inspection of equipment and materials using non-destructive testing methods.

Those. then (before the Law97 was issued) there was a completely different examination - the “old examination”, it was not a procedure for assessing the compliance of the object of examination with industrial safety requirements, which is now the “new examination” -!

Basically, this “old examination” was carried out by the so-called “specialized organizations” carrying out technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing - so in paragraphs (4) and (5) there are no words examination at all!
After the release of Law 97, Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia began to create an examination system, based on the provision that industrial safety examination is a conformity assessment procedure. It is not for nothing that the examination system, already during the time of Rostechnadzor, degenerated into the agonizing (after Rostechnadzor self-eliminated from it) Unified System of Conformity Assessment.

Issues of life extension (life of safe operation), diagnostics and non-destructive testing could not be resolved within the framework of the Expertise System; this is a different direction and other independent procedures. That is why in 2001, the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia initiated the issuance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 2001 No. 241 “On measures to ensure hazardous production facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as PP241), which contained only two points.

In the first paragraph, the proposal of state supervision, agreed upon by all interested departments, was accepted on “allowing for the examination of industrial safety and technical diagnostics without compromising the suitability for further use and operation of the technical devices, equipment and structures being tested (non-destructive testing), for making a decision on extending the period their safe operation at hazardous production facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation.”
With this resolution, the Government of the Russian Federation actually divided:

  1. technical diagnostics (non-destructive testing),
  2. making a decision to extend the safe operation period.

These are different procedures. And this seems clear. But, unfortunately, in the field of industrial safety (hereinafter - FNP) “Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations”, approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated November 14, 2013 No. 538, there is some confusion of these different procedures. Some of this continues in .

The first procedure - EPB - is based on: (1) the bodies that conduct the examination are expert organizations that receive a license from Rostechnadzor; (2) experts in the field of industrial safety certified by Rostechnadzor; (3) industrial safety requirements - they are quite sufficient (let me remind you that Rostechnadzor regularly approves a consolidated document - Section I “Technological, construction, energy supervision” of the List of regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents related to the scope of activity of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and nuclear supervision (P-01-01-2017) - the latter as of July 6, 2017 was introduced by order of Rostechnadzor dated July 10, 2017 No. 254. If for some objects of examination there are not enough industrial safety requirements, it is necessary to improve the sectoral FNP in the field of industrial safety. security, adding requirements to these objects of examination as necessary, without fanaticism.

The second procedure - NDT - is based on: (1) bodies that conduct NDT - these are NDT laboratories that receive authority in the voluntary Unified Conformity Assessment System (UCAS) without the participation of Rostechnadzor; (2) personnel certified in independent centers that receive authority in the Unified Environmental System without the participation of Rostechnadzor; (3) NDT methods for various objects that are included in Rostekhnadzor documents; if they are not enough, then it is necessary to develop safety manuals and methods in an independent field - in the field of technical diagnostics without destroying the suitability for further use and operation of the technical devices, buildings and equipment being tested structures, taking into account their functional specifics.

The third procedure - extending the period of safe operation - is now implemented through the conduct of industrial safety inspections and is indirectly regulated by the Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations. Let me remind you that previously there was a document of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia - Regulations on the procedure for extending the period of safe operation of technical devices, equipment and structures at hazardous production facilities (RD-03-484-02), which was canceled by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated June 30, 2009. No. 195, which approved a new Procedure with the same name, valid until 2014. The time has come for Rostechnadzor to exercise the right (it has owned it since 2011), which is granted to it by the 2nd paragraph of PP241 and approve the procedure for extending the safe operation life of technical devices, equipment and structures operated at hazardous production facilities (determining the residual life).


  1. Rostekhnadzor should supplement the FNP with requirements for specific objects of examination, taking into account industry specifics.
  2. Rostechnadzor should develop the missing regulatory documents regulating the procedure for technical diagnostics and examination, taking into account industry specifics, as well as requirements for personnel and organizations conducting NDT.
  3. Rostechnadzor needs to develop a regulatory document regulating the procedure for extending the safe operation life of technical devices, equipment and structures operated at hazardous production facilities (determining the residual life). At a minimum, these documents should establish:
    • who makes the decision “on extension” (options - Rostekhnadzor, or an organization operating a hazardous production facility, or a third-party organization specializing in this),
    • on what basis this decision is made (for example, on the basis of aggregate data from an industrial safety examination; technical diagnostics without compromising the suitability for further use and operation of the technical devices, equipment and structures being tested (non-destructive testing), as well as special calculations.

Hypothetical example.

Some FNP in the field of industrial safety establish: a certain vessel (technical device), made of a certain material, can be operated in a given range of pressures, environmental parameters, number of load cycles, etc., provided that the walls are continuous with a given minimum thickness .
In order to establish the safe operation period, the operating organization:

  1. independently, with the help of its diagnostic laboratory or with the involvement of an independent laboratory, the NK carries out technical diagnostics to determine the continuity and thickness of the walls of the vessel;
  2. engages an expert organization to assess the compliance of the actual values ​​of the pressure range, environmental indicators, number of load cycles, wall material (determined after analyzing the technological documentation and documentation for the technical device); continuity and thickness (determined according to technical diagnostic data) to the parameters established by the FNP;
  3. independently determines the period according to Rostechnadzor standards, taking into account the dynamics of wall reduction (for example, from corrosion) or increasing load cycles.
  • 15. Fire safety of technological processes. General requirements. Control methods
  • 16. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination
  • 17. Residual current devices. Classification. General technical requirements.
  • 18. Means of protecting workers from mechanical influences. General requirements and classification.
  • 19. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. General technical requirements and characteristics.
  • 20. Technological regulations. Purpose, structure and content of the document.
  • Contents of sections of technical regulations:
  • 28. General safety requirements at nuclear cycle enterprises.
  • 29. General safety requirements at energy complex facilities.
  • 30. General safety requirements at transport complex facilities.
  • 1. Sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation. By-laws and regulations in the field of industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene. Supervision and control of compliance with sanitary legislation.
  • Section 10-Labor safety-Main directions of state policy in the field of:
  • 4. Methods and means of normalizing the industrial microclimate.
  • 5. Harmful substances and their classification. Century hazard classes
  • 6.Toxicity. Toxicometry indicators. Hygienic Rationing centuries
  • 7. Protection against explosives in production.
  • 11. Industrial ventilation. Classification. Requirements for ventilation units.
  • 17. Light measurement. Methods for calculating natural and artificial lighting.
  • 18. Industrial noise. Physical characteristics of noise. Noise classification.
  • 19. Noise regulation. Devices and methods for noise control in production.
  • 21. Classification and standardization of bonds. Methods of dealing with bonds.
  • 23. Classification and standardization of infrasound. Methods of combating infrasound.
  • 24. Physical characteristics of vibration. Classification and regulation of vibration.
  • 25. Methods and methods of vibration protection in production.
  • 26. Types of ionizing radiation. Doses and limits of exposure. Standardization of ionizing radiation. Means of protection against ionizing radiation.
  • 30. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the layout of the enterprise and the organization of production.
  • 1. Basic concepts of MPB. Regulatory framework for monitoring and examination of life safety
  • 2. Classification of types of monitoring. Technogenic impacts on the biosphere, technosphere, their classification
  • 3. Environmental aspects of interaction between humans, engineering structures and the environment
  • 4. Modeling of technological processes in the technosphere. Types of models. Calculation of coefficients of a linear regression equation. Checking the significance of the coefficients and the adequacy of the regression equation
  • 5. Rational use of energy is the basis for the sustainable development of the biosphere. Observation of energy flows. Types of energy.
  • 6.Method of material balance. Drawing up material balances of technological processes. Types of material balances of ecological systems.
  • 7. Calculation of the amount of pollutants released during fuel combustion.
  • 8. Monitoring and calculation of emissions of particulate matter, carbon monoxide (II), sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, organic substances.
  • Monitoring compliance with MPCs. Calculations of maximum permissible concentrations.
  • Monitoring and calculation of emissions of harmful substances during the operation of technological equipment.
  • Calculation of the expected concentration of pollutants in the surface layer of atmospheric air.
  • 12. Basic formulas for calculating water quality when discharging pollutants. Dilution of discharges in rivers. Dilution of discharges into water bodies.
  • 13. Carrying out an inventory of emissions of harmful substances
  • 14. Calculation of maximum permissible limits. Drawing up a draft maximum limit and recommendations for the protection of the air basin.
  • 15. Conducting an inventory of pollutant discharges. Calculation of maximum permissible discharge standards (MPS(VAT))
  • 4 Design Stages:
  • 16. Drawing up a draft PDS and recommendations for the protection of the water basin
  • 17. Radiation safety monitoring. Basic characteristics and units of measurement of radiation
  • 18. Radiation dose. Weighting factors. Equivalent radiation dose and their units of measurement
  • 19.Exposure dose of radiation. Units of measurement, relationships between units of measurement
  • 20. Radiation-hygienic standards and the impact of radionuclides on the biosphere
  • 21. Methods for protecting the biosphere from ionizing radiation
  • 22.Monitoring and noise characteristics. Frequency spectra of noise. Features of noise monitoring. Measuring instruments
  • 23. Methods for calculating external noise of industrial enterprises. Basic calculation formulas
  • 24.Cost assessment of damage to nature due to anthropogenic pollution. Calculation of damage caused by air pollution
  • 25. Monitoring of the water basin. Methodology for calculating damage from water pollution.
  • 26. Monitoring soil conditions. Methodology for calculating damage from soil pollution.
  • 27. Comparison of environmental measures and selection of the optimal option.
  • 28. Instrumental and laboratory tests of industrial safety devices and structures.
  • 29. The procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life.
  • 30. Monitoring of buildings and structures.
  • 2.Regulatory basis for conducting a special assessment of working conditions
  • 3. The procedure for conducting a special assessment of working conditions. Composition of the certification commission
  • Factors to be assessed when conducting a special assessment of working conditions.
  • 6. Working conditions and classes of working conditions in accordance with Federal Law No. 426
  • 7. Assessment of working conditions based on chemical factors. Assessment of yt based on microclimate indicators.
  • 8. Assessment of working conditions based on vibroacoustic factors. Assessment of working conditions based on light environment indicators.
  • 9. Assessment of working conditions when exposed to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields and radiation.
  • 10. Assessment of working conditions based on the severity of the labor process.
  • 11. Assessment of working conditions based on indicators of the intensity of the labor process.
  • 12. General assessment of the severity and intensity of the labor process.
  • 14. General hygienic assessment of equipment.
  • 13. Assessment of the worker’s provision of personal protective equipment
  • 15. Legislative and regulatory framework for labor protection. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The concept of “Labor safety”.
  • 16. Rights, guarantees and obligations of the employee in the field of labor protection.
  • 17. Responsibilities of the employer to ensure safe conditions and labor protection.
  • 18. Education and training in labor protection.
  • 19State supervision and control over compliance with labor protection legislation.
  • State management of labor protection.
  • 21. State examination of working conditions.
  • 22Responsibility for violation of labor protection requirements.
  • 23Organization of labor protection service at the enterprise. Functions and tasks of the labor protection service. Basic documentation and reporting of the labor protection service.
  • Types, content and procedure for conducting TB training. Development and approval of TB instructions.
  • 25. Training, testing of knowledge and admission of personnel to work.
  • 26 Organization and conduct of preliminary and periodic medical examinations.
  • 27. Features of labor protection for women and workers under the age of 18.
  • 28. Benefits and compensation for hard work and work with harmful and dangerous working conditions.
  • Safety requirements during preparatory work
  • 2.1. Safety measures when organizing a construction site
  • 1. Concept, apparatus, object of hazard analysis.
  • 2. Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative hazard analysis
  • 3.Classification of industrial injuries
  • 4.Methods for analyzing industrial injuries
  • 6. Risk analysis. Classification and characteristics of types of risk. Characteristics of the main approaches to risk analysis and assessment.
  • 5. Classification and characteristics of hazardous and harmful production factors.
  • 8. Safety requirements for production equipment controls.
  • 10. The nature of the effect of electric current on the human body
  • 11. Factors influencing the outcome of electric shock.
  • 12. Analysis of the danger of electric shock in various electrical networks.
  • 13. Protective measures in electrical installations against electric shock.
  • 14. Electrical protective equipment. The procedure for using and maintaining protective equipment.
  • 15.Classification groups for electrical safety
  • 16. Protection against static and atmospheric electricity.
  • 17. Safety of warehouse, loading and unloading operations.
  • 18. Typical designs of lifting machines, requirements for design and safe operation.
  • 19. Technical examination of lifting machines, organization of operation and supervision.
  • 20. Pressure vessels, their design and general principles for ensuring the safe operation of vessels
  • 21. Design principles and main characteristics of compressor units
  • 22. Conditions for trouble-free operation of air compressor units, fittings, instrumentation and control equipment of compressor units
  • 23.Organization of safe operation of boilers
  • 25. Basic provisions of the “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels”
  • 26.Types of combustion and explosions, conditions of their flow. Indicators of explosion and fire hazard of flammable substances
  • 27. Measures to prevent explosions and fires and reduce their consequences
  • 28.Means and methods of fire extinguishing
  • 29. Organization of fire service
  • 30.Regulatory framework in the field of fire safety
  • Chapter I. General provisions (terms, industrial safety requirements, legal regulation)
  • Chapter III. Final provisions (entry into force of Federal Law 116)
  • 9. Types of liability for violation of industrial safety requirements.
  • 12. Drawing up a declaration of industrial safety of the industrial facility.
  • 13. Main stages and conditions for extending the safe operation of technical devices. Safety requirements during the examination of hazardous materials.
  • 14.Investigation of accidents and incidents at hazardous areas.
  • 15. Types of technical devices, permission for the use of which is issued by the territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor.
  • 16. Procedure for drawing up industrial safety declarations at industrial facilities. Regulatory documentation for drawing up an industrial declaration. OPO safety
  • Regulatory documentation regulating the activities of educational organizations.
  • 18. The procedure for obtaining a license to conduct industrial activities at industrial enterprises.
  • 20. Categories, types of hazardous materials, basic principles of their classification
  • 21. Contents and structure of the license for the activities of the HPO
  • 22. Basic provisions for the training and certification of workers working at hazardous production facilities
  • 23.Procedure for identification and registration of educational organizations. State Register of Public Opportunities
  • 24. Risk indicators at industrial production facilities
  • 25. The order of work to investigate the causes of accidents at hazardous facilities
  • 26.Self-regulatory organizations
  • 27. Types of liability for violation of industrial safety requirements.
  • 28. Licensing of activities carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 117
  • 29. Contents of materials of technical investigation of accidents at hazardous facilities
  • 30. Types of monitoring at hazardous production facilities
  • Classification of monitoring systems (cm)
  • 29. The procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life.

    Standard service life of technical devices, buildings and structures are established on the basis of calculations and are indicated in the design documentation.

    In the absence of information on standard service life, estimated (limit) periods are established in the manner determined by Rostechnadzor of Russia. The examination of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life is carried out by an expert organization that has a license for the specified type of activity in accordance with the Federal Law "On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities" dated August 8, 2001 N 128-FZ and the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety" hazardous production facilities." The procedure for extending the safe operation period includes the following steps:

    consideration of the application (technical specifications); development, coordination and approval of the survey work program; performing survey work; analysis of the information received; issuing a conclusion with proposals on the possibility of extending the safe operation period of technical devices, buildings and structures and, if necessary, a corrective action plan; approval of the expert opinion; preparation, coordination, adoption and approval of decisions on further operation (or termination of operation); implementation by the applicant of corrective measures provided for in the conclusion of the industrial safety examination; monitoring the implementation of corrective measures.

    Based on the study of the technical specifications and the object of inspection, the expert organization must draw up a program of work for the inspection, agreed upon with the head of the operating organization.: passport of technical device, building, structure; technical documentation for mechanical and electrical equipment; a set of drawings indicating all changes made during the execution of the work and notes on the approval of these changes with the design organization that developed the project; installation and repair forms, with information about the replacements and upgrades carried out; technical journal for operation; acts of investigation of accidents (incidents) and deviations from technological parameters affecting the operating conditions of technical devices, buildings and structures for the entire period of operation; materials on previously conducted industrial safety reviews; reports of the results of inspections performed; materials for inspection and testing of pressure vessels; materials of geodetic (mine surveying) surveys;

    30. Monitoring of buildings and structures.

    GOST R 53778-2010 “Buildings and structures. Rules for inspection and monitoring of technical condition.”

    Monitoring includes checking: technical condition, operability of the condition, limited condition, emergency condition, acts and reports that were carried out earlier, design documentation, geological surveys, information about dangerous geographical objects, power of water and electricity.

    When carrying out monitoring, the author of the project, the year of development, the design of H and S, installation diagrams of the assembly, soil characteristics, environmental data, and wear and tear of the object are determined.

    The conclusion notes: name of the survey, time, organization, type of project, design organization, year of the last major overhaul, form of property, number of floors, assessment of technical condition, physical and moral wear and tear, assessment of sound insulation and technical condition of the system’s fences.

    Monitoring of the technical condition of buildings and structures is carried out for:

    Monitoring the technical condition of buildings and structures and timely taking measures to eliminate emerging negative factors leading to the deterioration of this condition;

    Identification of objects at which changes in the stress-strain state of load-bearing structures have occurred and for which an examination of their technical condition is necessary;

    Ensuring the safe operation of buildings and structures through timely detection at an early stage of negative changes in the condition of structures and foundation soils, which may lead to the transition of objects into a limited serviceable state or into an emergency condition;

    Monitoring the degree and rate of change in the technical condition of the object and, if necessary, taking emergency measures to prevent its collapse.

    The methodology and scope of the monitoring observation system, including measurements, must ensure the reliability and completeness of the information received for the contractor to prepare a reasonable conclusion about the current technical condition of the object (objects).

    Measuring instruments and equipment used for observations must be certified, verified (calibrated) and attested by authorized bodies.

    Answers Certification of workplaces and labor protection

      Basic concepts, tasks, timing of a special assessment of working conditions.Working conditions - a set of factors of the labor process and the working environment in which human activity is carried out.

    Harmful production factor - a production factor, the impact of which on a worker under certain conditions leads to illness or decreased performance. If it results in injury or sudden, severe deterioration in health - hazardous production factor.

    Standards of working conditions - approved by the authorized federal executive body, the limit values ​​of indicators of factors of the working environment and the labor process, the impact of which on the employee’s body during daily (except for weekends) work for 8 hours, but not more than 40 hours per week, during the entire working period length of service does not cause diseases or deviations in the employee’s health that are detected using modern diagnostic methods;

    2) class of working conditions - the degree of deviation of the actual values ​​of factors of the production environment and the labor process from the standards of working conditions, determined during a special assessment of working conditions;

    3) criteria for assessing working conditions - indicators indicating the degree of deviation of the values ​​of factors of the working environment and the labor process from the standards of working conditions;

    4) special assessment of working conditions - a single set of sequentially performed procedures for identifying hazards (hazards) and assessing the level of impact of identified harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment and the labor process on the worker’s body, taking into account the effectiveness of personal protective equipment;

    5) labor process - the employee’s influence on the subject of labor for the purpose of manufacturing products or performing work, accompanied by the expenditure of his physical and nervous energy;

    6) expert - an individual who meets the qualification requirements and has a certificate for the right to perform work on a special assessment of working conditions, obtained in the manner established by this Federal Law;

    7) testing laboratory (center) - a structural unit of an organization conducting a special assessment of working conditions, carrying out research and measurement of factors of the working environment and the labor process.

    Workplace - all places where the employee must be or go in connection with his work and which are directly or indirectly under the control of the employer. Permanent is the workplace where the worker spends most of his working time (more than 50% or more than 2 hours continuously). objectives of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions:

    Carry out competent inspection of workplaces for working conditions for employees of enterprises

    Clearly regulate the procedure for compensation and compensation of risks, due to the harmfulness and danger of production conditions;

    Stimulate additional financial investments in improving working conditions and increasing safety in order to reduce the costs of compensating for dangerous and harmful conditions in the future.

    Dates for conducting a planned special assessment of working conditions: for the first time (during the transition period) and again

    To conduct a special assessment of working conditions, for the first time in connection with the adoption of Law N 426-FZ, transitional provisions on deadlines are provided.

    An assessment of working conditions should be carried out:

    1) at previously certified workplaces - no later than five years from the date of the last certification (Part 4, Article 27, Clause 3, Part 6, Article 10 of Law No. 426-FZ);

    2) at previously uncertified workplaces not included in paragraphs 1, 2, part 6 of Art.

    10 of Law No. 426-FZ, - until December 31, 2018 (Part 6 of Article 27 of Law No. 426-FZ);

    3) at previously uncertified workplaces included in paragraphs 1, 2, part 6 of Art. 10 of Law N 426-FZ, - as soon as possible from the date of entry into force of this Law. These jobs include:

    a) workplaces of workers whose professions (positions, specialties) are included in List No. 1 and List No. 2 (taking into account them, an old-age labor pension is assigned early);

    Let us note that Law No. 426-FZ does not directly establish a deadline for conducting a special assessment of working conditions in such workplaces. At the same time, we recommend that you carry out a special assessment as soon as possible, since for failure to carry it out the employer faces administrative liability under Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    A repeated planned assessment of working conditions is carried out only in relation to workplaces where, based on the results of the previous assessment, harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions were identified. The period for conducting a repeated planned assessment is no later than five years from the date of approval of the report on the last assessment (Part 4, Article 8 of Law No. 426-FZ).


    Timing for an unscheduled special assessment of working conditions

    An unscheduled special assessment of working conditions must be carried out within six months (Article 17 of Law No. 426-FZ):

    1) at new workplaces put into operation (both in an existing organization and when registering a new one).

    Let us note that the period during which it is necessary to conduct an assessment when creating an organization (registration of an individual entrepreneur) is not specifically regulated by law. However, all cases of new jobs being created are classified as cases of unscheduled assessment;

    2) at those workplaces in respect of which there is an order from the State Labor Inspectorate to conduct a special assessment;

    3) at those workplaces where the technological process changes, production equipment is replaced, the composition of the materials and (or) raw materials used, personal and collective protective equipment change, which may affect the level of exposure of workers to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors ;

    Continuation of the list:

    4) at the workplace where, due to exposure to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, an accident occurred to the employee (not through the fault of third parties);

    5) at the workplace of an employee who has been diagnosed with an occupational disease that has arisen in connection with exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors;

    6) at workplaces in respect of which there is a reasoned proposal from the elected body of the primary trade union organization (another representative body of workers) to conduct a special assessment.

    Technical devices - machines, equipment, mechanisms used at hazardous production facilities - have a limited period of safe operation. To extend it, the device must undergo an industrial safety examination. We will tell you how to organize this procedure in the article.

    How to extend the life of a technical device

    Now many experts are of the opinion that it is not necessary to extend the safe operation life of technical devices, equipment and structures at a hazardous production facility (hereinafter referred to as HPF). Because Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources dated April 8, 2014 No. 173 canceled the Procedure for extending the safe operation period of technical devices, equipment and structures at hazardous production facilities, approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources dated June 30, 2009 No. 195.

    If the technical regulations do not establish another form of assessing the conformity of a technical device, then the industrial safety examination is carried out:

    • before the start of use at hazardous production facilities;
    • at the end of its service life or when the number of load cycles specified by its manufacturer is exceeded;
    • if its actual service life exceeds 20 years, while the documents for the device do not contain information about the service life;
    • after changing the design, replacing the material of the load-bearing elements of the device, restorative repairs after an accident or incident at a hazardous production facility.

    How to conduct an industrial safety examination

    When raising the question of conducting an industrial safety examination of a technical device, you should be guided by regulatory documents in the following order:

    1. Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated October 18, 2011 No. 823 “On the adoption of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of machinery and equipment”.”
    2. Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety, specified in the List, approved by order of Rostechnadzor dated January 13, 2015 No. 5.

    Watch the webinar on "Occupational Safety and Health Management in an Enterprise":

    The industrial safety examination is carried out by an organization that has a license for this type of work. The volume, composition and nature of the examination depend on the type of technical device, its actual condition and technology of application. For example, when examining lifting structures, the following work must be performed:

    • a full technical examination was carried out;
    • the quality of completed installation, repair, and reconstruction was assessed;
    • the completeness and operability of the control system, indicators, limiters and recorders was assessed;
    • the completeness and quality of bolted connections was checked;
    • the quality of the repair or reconstruction of the lifting structure is confirmed, or it is indicated that its operation will be suspended and the noted inconsistencies will be sent for correction, or further operation is permitted with a reduction in the intended purpose indicators (for example, load capacity, speeds of mechanisms).


    Evgenia BARANOVA,

    General Director of the Institute for Advanced Training "PROFESSIONAL", LLC ECC "Industrial Safety" (Moscow)

    The average cost of an industrial safety examination is 100,000 rubles. This includes expert salaries, travel expenses, and instrument maintenance. A greatly reduced price for a service is a reason to be wary. Most likely, it is offered by an unscrupulous organization that does not carry out the procedure properly. The conclusion of such an examination will be invalid, and problems will emerge during the first inspection by Rostechnadzor.

    How long can the operation of a technical device be extended?

    Based on the results of the industrial safety examination, a conclusion is drawn up, which is signed by the head of the organization that conducted the examination and the industrial safety expert who participated in the procedure. It is in this document that the period for extending the operation of a technical device is established. Thus, this period is limited only by the validity period of the industrial safety examination results.

    The conclusion of the industrial safety examination must be submitted to Rostekhnadzor. It will be entered into the register of conclusions. Only after this the results of the examination come into force, that is, the technical device can be operated.

    You cannot use a technical device that has expired. After all, no one guarantees the safety of his work, and the employer can be punished with a fine:

    • for an official - from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles or disqualification for a period of six months to one year;
    • for an organization - from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days (

    Major housing renovations in the Russian Federation will not affect all objects. The technical condition of the building and its service life are of primary importance. Against this background, in 2019 the question of the service life of residential buildings is relevant.

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    The bulk of the housing stock of the Russian Federation was built in the second half of the last century. Most buildings are in dire need of major repairs.

    But there are also those that will “outlive” the current new buildings. What determines the durability of buildings, and what is the service life of residential buildings in 2019?

    Basic moments

    The life of a residential building is limited in time and is entirely dependent on the frequency of repair work.

    The renovation of an individual apartment does not in any way affect the general condition of the building. Over time, any home becomes outdated and its market value decreases.

    But at the same time, the cost increases, since more and more energy resources are spent on maintaining the house due to the wear and tear of the main structures.

    At some point, maintaining housing costs more than renting an apartment with good living conditions.

    In order to minimize the percentage of defective residential buildings, the Government of the Russian Federation created overhaul and liquidation programs.

    Regional projects provide for the resettlement of citizens from dilapidated housing. When classifying residential properties, standard deadlines according to building codes are taken into account.

    Essentially, these are warranty periods during which certain structural elements must last.

    For example, the heating system in a house needs to be changed after a period of use of 30-40 years. For sewerage and water supply, up to 25 years of service are provided. Wooden structures will last the same amount of time.

    The standards provide for major repairs and replacement of utilities at least once every thirty years.

    But it is advisable to carry out selective repair work every fifteen years. It is recommended to replace floors and non-load-bearing walls every fifty years.

    But in order to accurately determine when home repairs are needed, you need to know the service life of residential buildings.

    What you need to know

    The term “useful life” implies a certain period of time during which a building can be used without economic damage.

    To put it simply, this is the period during which the structure is guaranteed to last. The service life depends on many factors.

    This is the quality of building materials, construction technology, capital of the facility, etc. As for the main parameters, the following are taken into account:

    The duration of operational periods can vary from several years to decades. The average service life of a residential building is considered to be twenty-five years.

    This value is due to the minimum service life of equipment and individual structures. But the technical condition of the house is still considered the fundamental criterion.

    Legal regulation

    The concept of service life of residential buildings is inextricably linked with the safe use of buildings.

    The safety parameters of building structures in the Russian Federation are regulated by the “Technical Regulations...” introduced by decree. Compliance with the regulations “List of National Standards...” is ensured.

    For example, houses built in the 70s and earlier have a minimum of comfort when compared with modern construction.

    The second option of obsolescence implies the aging of its elements and their non-compliance with basic sanitary, construction and other standards. Reconstruction or modernization of the building can solve the problem.

    Document's name: On approval of the Guidelines on the procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life in the mining industry
    Document Number: 66
    Document type: Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
    Receiving authority: Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
    Status: Active
    Published: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 120/1, 06/21/2003 (special issue)

    Official publication, Series 06. Regulatory documents on safety, supervisory and licensing activities in the mining industry. Issue 2. - M.: State Unitary Enterprise "STC "Industrial Safety", 2003

    Acceptance date: 05 June 2003
    Start date: 02 July 2003

    On approval of the Guidelines on the procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life in the mining industry



    Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia


    1. Approve the Guidelines on the procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life in the mining industry*.
    * Gosgortekhnadzor has assigned the designation RD 06-565-03 to the “Methodological guidelines on the procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life in the mining industry.” - Database manufacturer's note.

    2. Send guidelines on the procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life in the mining industry for registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

    Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

    at the Ministry of Justice
    Russian Federation
    June 16, 2003,
    registration N 4687

    Electronic text of the resolution
    prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
    "Russian newspaper",
    N 120/1, 06/21/2003
    (special issue)

    Guidelines on the procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life in the mining industry

    on the procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures
    with expired standard service life in the mining industry

    Attention! The electronic text of the Methodological Instructions is given in the edition published in the official publication of the State Unitary Enterprise "STC "Industrial Safety" - for an explanation, see the label "Notes".
    - Database manufacturer's note.

    I. Introduction

    1. Guidelines on the procedure for extending the service life of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life in the mining industry (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) were developed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ "On the Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 30, Art. 3588); Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 28, 2001 N 241 “On measures to ensure industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 15, Art. 1489) and approved by Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated July 9, 2002 N 43, registered Ministry of Justice of Russia 05.08.2002, N 3665.

    2. The instructions are intended for specialists from organizations operating hazardous production facilities in the mining industry, and expert organizations in order to determine the technical condition and make a decision on the possibility of extending the period of safe operation (industrial safety examination) of technical devices, equipment (hereinafter referred to as technical devices), buildings and structures with expired standard service life.

    3. The instructions apply to all technical devices, both domestic and foreign, used at hazardous production facilities in the mining industry.

    4. The instructions establish the procedure for conducting an examination and developing a work program, determine the scope, methods and criteria of technical condition, conditions and period of further operation of technical devices, buildings and structures, the need for their repair or modernization.

    5. The guidelines define the requirements for organizations and qualifications of specialists conducting industrial safety assessments.

    II. General requirements

    6. Upon reaching the established service life, further use of technical devices, buildings and structures without carrying out work (examination) to extend the period of safe operation is not allowed [clause 5 of the Regulations on the procedure for extending the period of safe operation of technical devices, equipment and structures at hazardous production facilities ( RD 03-484-02)].

    7. Standard service life of technical devices, buildings and structures are established on the basis of calculations and are indicated in the design documentation. In the absence of information about the standard service life, the estimated (limit) periods are established in the manner determined by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia [clause 8 of the Regulations on the procedure for extending the safe operation life of technical devices, equipment and structures at hazardous production facilities (RD 03-484-02)] .

    8. Work to determine the possibility of extending the period of safe operation (hereinafter referred to as the examination) of technical devices, buildings and structures must be planned in such a way that the appropriate decision is made before they reach the normatively established service life.

    9. The examination of technical devices, buildings and structures with an expired standard service life is carried out by an expert organization that has a license for the specified type of activity in accordance with Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 128-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 33, part I, art. 3430) and art. 13 of the Federal Law “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities”.

    The expert organization must have:

    the regulatory, technical, instrumentation and instrumental base necessary for conducting the survey;

    duly certified experts, including the right to perform calculations of the remaining service life, for which work in an expert organization is the main one.

    An expert organization may contract certified testing and analytical non-destructive testing laboratories to carry out technical diagnostic work.

    10. If organizational and technical capabilities are available (certified laboratories, necessary technical personnel), individual work to monitor the technical condition of technical devices, buildings and structures, in agreement with the expert organization, can be carried out by the operating organization, which must be reflected in the extension work program period of safe operation.

    11. Based on the results of the examination, one of the decisions is made:

    continued operation at the established parameters;

    continued operation with limited parameters;


    revision (reconstruction);

    use for other purposes;

    removal from service.

    12. The period for which the service life can be extended is established based on the results of the industrial safety examination and is determined by the residual resource.

    Depending on the technical condition, design, operating conditions and taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents, extension of the service life can be carried out in stages, within the limits of the residual resource or for the entire period of the residual resource.

    III. Main stages and conditions for extending the safe operation of technical devices

    13. Industrial safety examination to determine the possibility of extending the safe operation life of technical devices, buildings and structures is carried out in accordance with the Rules for conducting industrial safety examination (PB 03-246-98), approved by Resolution of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia dated 06.11.98 N 64, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 08.12.98, registration N 1656, and the Regulations on the procedure for extending the period of safe operation of technical devices, equipment and structures at hazardous production facilities (RD 03-484-02) based on:

    applications (technical specifications) for examination (Appendix 1) when technical devices, buildings and structures reach their standard service life;

    requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or its territorial body in the event of a natural disaster, fire, accident with damage or destruction of individual parts of technical devices, load-bearing structures of buildings and structures.

    14. The procedure for extending the period of safe operation includes the following steps:

    consideration of the application (technical specifications);

    development, coordination and approval of the survey work program;

    performing survey work;

    analysis of the information received;

    issuing a conclusion with proposals on the possibility of extending the safe operation period of technical devices, buildings and structures and, if necessary, a corrective action plan;

    approval of the expert opinion;

    preparation, coordination, adoption and approval of decisions on further operation (or termination of operation);

    implementation by the applicant of corrective measures provided for in the conclusion of the industrial safety examination;

    monitoring the implementation of corrective measures.

    15. Based on the study of the technical specifications and the object of inspection, the expert organization must draw up a program of work for the inspection, agreed upon with the head of the operating organization (Appendix 2).

    16. The work program to determine the possibility of extending the safe operation life of technical devices, buildings and structures (inspection program) must include:

    selection of the necessary regulatory and organizational and methodological documents agreed upon or approved by the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia;

    collection, analysis and synthesis of information on the reliability of used technical devices and structures that are subject to examination, or, in the absence of information, comparison with their analogues, including foreign ones;

    drawing up a statement with a list of components and components to be examined, including technical diagnostics;

    drawing up a calendar plan (examination schedule);

    development and approval of industrial safety examination conclusions based on the results of work performed with conclusions (proposals) on the possibility of extending the period of safe operation;

    drawing up, if necessary, a plan of corrective measures to ensure the safe operation of technical devices, buildings and structures for the extended period.

    During the inspection, the operating organization must supplement the missing technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of these Guidelines.

    17. Before carrying out the examination, the operating organization issues an order to carry out work to inspect technical devices.

    The order appoints representatives of the operating organization who participate in the work and ensure the work of the expert commission, the timing of decommissioning of technical devices subject to inspection, and indicates measures to ensure the safety of work.

    The work to carry out the inspection is carried out in accordance with the permit issued by the operating organization, the inspection program for the technical device, building or structure, and the work organization project (WOP) approved by the head of the expert organization.

    18. The scope of the examination may include a partial or complete examination, determined by the head of the operating organization, depending on the actual condition of the object being examined, the existing system of maintenance, repair and load level.

    A partial inspection of an object (technical device, building, structure) is permitted subject to compliance with schedules and repair regulations, and the absence of accidents and injuries during the operation of the inspected object. During a partial inspection, safety equipment, main components and basic parts are checked. An enlarged flow chart for conducting surveys is given in Appendix 3.

    19. The operating organization must provide the following documentation to the expert commission:

    passport of a technical device, building, structure;

    technical documentation for mechanical and electrical equipment;

    a set of drawings indicating all changes made during the execution of the work and notes on the approval of these changes with the design organization that developed the project;

    installation and repair forms with information on replacements and upgrades carried out;

    technical journal for operation;

    acts of investigation of accidents (incidents) and deviations from technological parameters affecting the operating conditions of technical devices, buildings and structures for the entire period of operation;

    materials on previously conducted industrial safety reviews;

    reports of the results of inspections performed;

    materials for inspection and testing of pressure vessels;

    materials of geodetic (mine surveying) surveys;

    other documents at the request of the commission, allowing to obtain more complete information about the condition of a technical device, building or structure.

    20. During the examination the following is carried out:

    analysis of operational, design (project) and repair documentation;

    checking the completeness, correctness and compliance of the use of technical devices, buildings, structures;

    identification of design changes not approved by the manufacturer;

    external examination to analyze the general condition;

    checking the quality of connections of elements (welded, bolted, hinged, riveted, etc.);

    assessment of corrosion, wear and other defects;

    measurement of element deformations;

    unbrakable control;

    checking the condition of electrical equipment for electrical safety.

    If necessary, the following can be carried out:

    sampling for laboratory research;

    determination of mechanical characteristics;

    study of the stress-strain state, identification of stress concentrators and establishment of limit state criteria;

    metallographic studies;

    determination of the chemical composition of materials;

    strength tests and other types of tests.

    21. Checking the condition of electrical equipment should include:

    assessment of the compliance of installed electrical equipment with design documentation;

    external inspection and measurements necessary to analyze the electrical safety of electrical equipment;

    control check of the functionality of electrical equipment, which consists of checking the correct functioning of all mechanisms according to electrical diagrams (switching control devices, ensuring smooth start and stop of electric drives, trouble-free switching on and off of mechanism drives, etc.);

    triggering of protections and interlocks;

    checking insulation resistance;

    checking ground resistance, etc.

    22. When conducting an examination, regardless of the type, basic parts and assemblies, fencing and safety devices must be examined.

    23. Replaceable equipment (teeth, buckets, caterpillar links, drilling tools, rods, conveyor belts, conveyor rollers, lining, armor of crushers and mills, ropes, with the exception of ropes of lifting machines, tires, etc.) are not subject to inspection, but its condition can be taken into account when assessing the general technical condition of the object being examined.

    24. Basic, load-bearing and supporting structures of technical devices are subject to testing using non-destructive testing methods or, if it is impossible, laboratory testing of selected samples.

    25. Inspection of buildings and structures.

    The general goal of examining the technical condition of structures of buildings and structures at hazardous production facilities is to identify the degree of their actual wear and performance, as well as to identify factors that influence their safe operation.

    To ensure an effective and independent examination, specialists in the calculation of building structures, including those with experience in designing similar structures, should participate in the examination.

    26. Inspection of structures of buildings and structures at hazardous production facilities should include:

    study of design and executive documentation;

    study of materials from previously carried out work on inspection, repair, etc.;

    studying the characteristics of the operational, climatic and mining-hydrogeological state of the “structure - operational environment - environment” system;

    study of actual loads and operational impacts on building structures and structures;

    studying the degree of aggressiveness of the environment (soils, ground and technical waters, sinter formations, etc.);

    study of the chemical aggressiveness of the production environment in relation to materials of building structures and structures;

    studying the temperature and humidity conditions of operation of structures and structures;

    study of the ventilation regime of structures;

    external and internal inspection of the facility;

    measuring work in order to determine the compliance of the actual position of the structures of buildings and structures with the design one;

    calculations of the bearing capacity of structures taking into account identified defects and damage;

    calculations of the magnitude of deflections and deformations of structures and structures;

    calculations of the magnitude of crack opening, identifying the causes of their occurrence and monitoring the dynamics of their development;

    determination of roll (curvature) and settlement of high-rise engineering structures;

    determination of the state of secondary protection of structures, structures in the case when it is available (waterproofing, protective coatings, etc.);

    determination of physical-mechanical and physical-chemical parameters of materials of load-bearing and enclosing structures using non-destructive methods directly on site and through laboratory tests;

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