New rules for communication between traffic police and drivers. Driver's ABCs: rules of behavior when stopped by a traffic police inspector

On October 20, 2017, a new traffic police regulation comes into force in Russia (Ministry of Internal Affairs order No. 664).

1. Stop on demand

One of the main innovations is the right of inspectors to stop cars anywhere on the road. Previously, this was only allowed at stationary posts. Although, if there was some kind of raid or important operation to detain violators, the police could check documents wherever it was convenient. Therefore, in practice, this innovation will not affect the lives of drivers in any way.

2. "Unbuckle your license"

Another important point when checking documents, the motorist must provide them to the inspector not only without the cover, but also without “holding devices” - we are talking about all kinds of chains with which some drivers tie their licenses. It is better to act according to the law, said the head of the regional public organization of motorists "SPB AVTO" Svyatoslav Danilov:

“In general, communication with an inspector takes 15-30 seconds. Accordingly, you give the person a license and insurance, he checks, sees that everything is in order, wishes you a pleasant journey, you say “thank you” to him and the whole conversation ends. That is , in my opinion, there is no need to additionally come up with any means of retention, or means that, one way or another, can provoke a conflict, because checking documents is a fairly simple action on the road, which takes place extremely quickly and somehow It seems pointless to me to lengthen it, to make it heavier."

3. You can film on camera

In addition, the new regulations detail how inspectors must communicate with motorists. Traffic police officers are prohibited from behaving rudely, showing a dismissive tone, being arrogant, and even more so, offensive expressions and remarks are not allowed. If the policeman becomes rude to the driver, he will be able to film everything on video (this is allowed by law).

In general, the dispute whether it is possible to film inspectors or not began due to the fact that the new regulations of the State Traffic Inspectorate disappeared from the clause that allowed citizens to take photos and videos of interactions with a traffic police officer.

From a legal point of view, there is no question of banning filming by drivers. And everything that is not prohibited is permissible! Moreover, the traffic police regulations are administrative in nature. But there is also the federal law “On the Police,” which is one rank higher than these regulations, and it is precisely this that allows police officers, including inspectors, to be filmed, Georgy Kholmansky, chairman of the Legal Partnership Association, explained to Autoradio:

“A certain practice has long been formed on this issue. Since the Law “On Police” assumes that the actions of internal affairs officers are of a public nature, aimed at protecting the rights and interests of citizens, there are no problems in making video recordings of the actions of police officers. The exception is when they are engaged in carrying out operational investigative activities within the framework of a criminal case.”

Therefore, you can safely film inspectors with your smartphone. But still, experts advise doing this in cases of urgent need, for example, when a controversial situation has arisen, and not for fun, when the inspector decided to smoke. By the way, there is not a word about smoking in the new traffic police regulations. Not because you can smoke, but because the smoking ban is spelled out in the code of ethics for State Traffic Inspectorate employees.

4. Rights cannot be confiscated at the scene of the offense

If it comes to the confiscation of rights, then in this regard there is an important change in the new regulations: the rules allowing the confiscation of a driver’s license at the scene of the violation are excluded. Now the motorist is given three days from the date of committing the violation to independently submit a driver’s license.

5. Accompaniment after medical examination

In addition, traffic police officers will now be required to return the driver to his car after undergoing a medical examination, if the examination took place at a stationary post and the driver was found to be sober based on the results of the check.

6. There will be no more reports of road accidents.

After an accident, drivers will receive only copies of protocols and decisions. We really hope that insurance companies will stop requiring them (since this provision is still present in the law on compulsory motor liability insurance, as well as in many company rules in the case of comprehensive insurance policies). And as for compulsory motor liability insurance. Now the driver can present the inspector with a printed version of the electronic policy, and not just a paper one, as before.

7. Traffic cameras will be installed anywhere

Another important innovation concerns video and photo complexes. Previously, there was a ban on installing automatic cameras in the area covered by temporary restrictions. And this point raises the most questions - after all, no one will stop them from putting up “40” signs on the highway and sending fines. The State Traffic Inspectorate assures that there should be no excesses: cameras will be fined only during repairs, and if the repairs are completed according to the papers, then “chain letters” will not arrive (even if the camera has not yet been removed).

The new Administrative Regulations of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of 2017 brought a large number of changes to the organization and implementation of the traffic control process. The changes also affected the rules of interaction between traffic police officers and road users. How should a driver behave when stopping a vehicle? What can he demand from the traffic police inspector, and what cannot he? How should a traffic police officer behave when communicating with a driver?

Stopping a vehicle

Clause 85 of the Administrative Regulations of the Traffic Police determined that a traffic police officer can stop a vehicle using a loudspeaker, as well as a hand gesture with a baton or a red disk. Additionally, other sound and light signals can be used to attract attention. Clause 86 of the same Regulations obliged traffic police officers to indicate the place where the car was stopped.

Paragraph 88 indicated that it is not allowed to stop a vehicle in places where it is prohibited by traffic rules (except in certain cases). However, this does not mean that the driver can ignore the inspector’s request to stop. In any of the cases, he needs to turn on the right turn, press down to the indicated place on the side of the road and open (slightly open) the window to communicate with the inspector. There is no need to get out of the car right away.

How should an inspector behave?

Clause 89 of the Traffic Police Regulations determined that when stopping a vehicle, a traffic police officer is obliged to immediately proceed to the driver, introduce himself, state the reason for the stop and state the requirement for the transfer of the necessary documents. If a vehicle is stopped in order to attract the driver as a witness or a witness, his rights and obligations must be explained to him.

Clause 45 of the Regulations determined that before handing over his documents to a traffic police officer, the driver has the right to demand his service ID and the officer cannot refuse him this. Otherwise, the driver has every reason not to show his documents. According to paragraph 53 of the Regulations, the traffic police inspector must accept documents from the driver without covers and holding devices. If necessary, the traffic police inspector has the right to take the driver’s documents and go with them to the patrol car (stationary post) to check the information through the electronic database. In this case, the driver is not required to get out of the car. According to paragraph 93 of the Administrative Regulations, an employee can ask him about this only in the following cases:

  • If signs of intoxication or ill health of the driver are detected;
  • In case of aggressive behavior of a motorist, creating a danger for a traffic police officer;
  • For inspection of a vehicle and (or) personal inspection;
  • To verify the VIN number of the vehicle;
  • To involve the driver as a witness or witness;
  • To attract the car owner to participate in procedural actions (drawing out a protocol, resolution, etc.).

In none of the above cases, the driver is required to get into a patrol car. Although nothing prohibits the traffic police inspector from asking the driver to do this. But at the same time, if an inspector detains a driver or sends him for a medical examination, the driver will have to get into a patrol car so that the inspector can take him to his destination.

Is video filming allowed?

Paragraph 43 of the Administrative Regulations indicated that, regardless of the situation, during the entire period of interaction between a traffic police officer and a road user, the traffic police inspector is obliged to address him exclusively as “you”, and also to be polite and tactful. The employee should not be rude or call the driver names, nor should he take actions that provoke unlawful behavior by the other party.

In order to prove in the future that the inspector did not comply with these rules, the driver (passengers, witnesses) has the right to film everything that happens on a video camera or record the conversation on a voice recorder. Despite the fact that the new Regulations do not contain a clause on the possibility of such recording, a traffic police officer does not have the right to demand its termination, except in cases where the recording may contain a secret protected by law. Clause 39 of the Regulations determined that a traffic police officer also has the right to record a conversation using audio and video recording devices. However, he must first inform the driver about this.

Driver behavior rules

There are no regulations that would directly indicate to drivers how to communicate with traffic police officers. The only thing is that when issuing a driver’s license, citizens receive a “Memo for interaction with a traffic police inspector,” which indicates the basic rules for such interaction. So, it indicates the possibility of video recording a conversation, the correct procedure for inspecting a vehicle, and so on.

In addition, taking into account paragraph 43 of the Administrative Regulations of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, which obligated traffic police officers to behave politely and tactfully towards road users, we can conclude that a motorist should behave in the same way. Moreover, in most cases, when a driver tries to intimidate an employee with threats, connections, or video recording, this does not lead to anything good. An inspector can find a lot of reasons for temporarily detaining a vehicle: inspection, checking documents against a database, checking the driver against a database of various government services, etc. Based on this, a driver who has not violated anything and who is confident that he is right is recommended:

  • Address the traffic police officer exclusively politely;
  • Carry out all his orders (if they do not go beyond the scope of his authority);
  • Record the employee’s actions on a video camera if they are unlawful.

Otherwise, if an insoluble conflict situation arises, in accordance with paragraph 51 of the Regulations, the employee is obliged to call the duty station and call the investigation team of responsible officials to the scene of the incident. In addition, the car owner himself has the right to call the duty station. According to paragraph 52 of the Regulations, the traffic police inspector is obliged to provide him with the appropriate telephone number upon first request. Also, the telephone number of the duty station is always indicated on the patrol car.

A road user has the right to demand from the inspector an explanation of the legal acts on the basis of which he is held accountable (or on the basis of which he was stopped or detained). At the same time, the traffic police officer is not required to carry and show the driver copies of regulations and internal orders. Thus, if a vehicle is stopped due to a special operation, the inspector only verbally informs the car owner about the reason for the stop. He should not show the order on the basis of which the operation is carried out. If you want to check the legality of such a special operation, the driver can always call the traffic police duty station.


There is no law in Russia that would strictly regulate the specifics of communication between a driver and a traffic police inspector. But everything indicates that this communication should be polite and correct. To avoid the employee exceeding his authority, it is recommended to record the conversation on a video camera, and unlike the inspector, the driver is not required to inform in advance about the ongoing video recording.

Let's talk about the rights that you have when your car is stopped by a traffic police inspector: what you can do, what you can demand, what you can refuse and what you can control. All these rights are from the Constitution, the police law, the administrative code and the regulations for traffic police officers.

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Keep these pictures for yourself to use when meeting with the inspector. And share with other drivers: the more legally competent car owners, the less arbitrariness on the part of the traffic police.

The right not to get out of the car when stopped by an inspector

How does this work. When the inspector stops the car, he immediately approaches the driver. The driver is not required to get out of the car. He can sit still and listen to what the inspector wants. A traffic police officer approaches the car from the driver’s side (paragraph 48). And only if something is in the way or there is danger, he can approach from the other side.

The inspector may ask the driver to get out of the car if there are specific reasons. For example, you need to conduct a search, draw up a report, or there is a suspicion that the driver is drunk (clause 93). When checking documents, it is not necessary to get out: the very fact of a stop does not mean that the driver must immediately leave the car and stand next to the inspector or go to the patrol car.

The right to know the reason for stopping or restricting traffic

How does this work. When stopping a car, the inspector must explain why it was stopped and what documents need to be shown. It is not the driver who asks, but the inspector who speaks himself and immediately. There are enough reasons to stop the car. This could be a document check or some kind of raid.

Sometimes they say that inspectors cannot check the driver’s documents: supposedly this is not a reason to stop the car. Indeed, previously documents could only be checked at stationary posts, but this restriction has been abolished. According to the new regulations, this is a reason to stop on the road: the inspector has the right to ask for a license, compulsory motor liability insurance policy or plastic card, even if there were no violations.

According to the regulations, the inspector can also check the documents of passengers. It is believed that such checks are contrary to the right to personal security and freedom of movement. But these are the regulations.

See also:

The right to explain one's actions or not to testify

How does this work. Even if the driver violated something - exceeded the speed limit, crossed a solid line, drove without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy - he can explain why he did this. The reason may affect the punishment, for example, become a mitigating circumstance when imposing a fine. Sometimes this completely excludes the driver’s fault. In any case, the inspector is obliged to listen to the explanations and record them in the protocol.

If the driver does not want to explain anything, he has the right: according to the Constitution, no one is obliged to testify against himself or his relatives. Even if there is a gross violation, the driver was caught trying to give a bribe, he stole a car or forged documents for the cargo, you can remain silent. Whether this will help or not is another question, but such a right exists, and it can be used.

The right to film the inspector

How does this work. The new regulations do not include a clause on video recording. Some inspectors take advantage of this: they say that filming their actions is prohibited. In fact, you can video record all the actions of a traffic police officer or police officer. And then use this filming as evidence in court - for example, that a bribe was demanded from the driver or that the search was carried out without witnesses or a protocol.

Sometimes they can still prohibit filming. But for this you need a document and a basis - for example, an operational event is being carried out or something related to state secrets. The traffic police inspector simply cannot prohibit video recording. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has a clear opinion on this matter.

See also:

Download pictures with instructions to your phone to always remember your rights

Download pictures with instructions

The right to find out the telephone number of the inspector’s duty station, his position, rank and surname

How does this work. When the inspector approaches the driver, he must introduce himself. The driver has the right to ask for a service license. You can find out the number of the duty station or unit and call there to check: is this employee actually serving there, is he really on duty now, and is it true that there is a reference for the same vehicle.

Getting to know the traffic police department is also useful for complaints. The question itself about the place of duty can make the inspector more polite and make him more attentive to the driver’s rights.

The right to study a protocol, act or resolution, to receive copies thereof

How does this work. If the inspector noticed speeding, inspected the car, determined that he was intoxicated, detained the car, and took some things from it, then there must be documents. Depending on the event, this may be an act, protocol or resolution. For example, during an inspection, a report is drawn up, and during an inspection, a protocol is drawn up. If you draw up the wrong document, the results may be invalidated.

In any case, the driver has the right to study the protocol and make clarifications to it. The inspector is obliged to show him what is written there and give him a copy. All this helps to challenge fines, prove someone else’s guilt and receive compensation.

See also:

  • What to do when towing a car

The right not to sign the protocol and indicate disagreements

How does this work. When the inspector draws up a report, he will show it to the driver. He won’t give you a copy right away, but will let you read it first. The driver will be asked to sign the protocol, but there is no need to rush into this.

Firstly, you don’t have to sign the protocol at all. But having such a right does not provide any advantages: it will be written in the protocol that the driver did not sign, but this will not save you from a fine. It is better to use another right - to provide explanations and comments. For example, that the inspector indicated something wrong or the driver violated for such and such a reason. Or that there were actually no witnesses, and instead of an inspection, the inspector conducted a search. This will come in handy in court.

If there are registration errors in the protocol, for example, the wrong date or driver’s information, you don’t have to write about it and then use it to completely cancel it: incorrectly completed documents may not be accepted at all in court, and then a fine will not be imposed.

See also:

The right not to pay anything on the spot

How does this work. The traffic police inspector cannot demand money, even if the driver has violated something. Drivers do not pay fines directly to the inspector. They need to be paid to the budget through a bank or card.

If the inspector offers to negotiate on the spot and promises a discount, he extorts a bribe. You can also get a 50% discount when paying a fine for public services, and hints from an inspector can lead to a criminal charge. For giving even a small bribe, you can be fined hundreds of thousands of rubles or sentenced to imprisonment.

If they ask you for money, refuse or file a complaint. Such a proposal could be a provocation: for catching bribe-payers, employees will receive new titles and bonuses.

If you employ drivers, warn them that the fines for bribes in the interests of the company are even higher. The driver will receive a sentence, and

See also:

Download pictures with instructions to your phone to always remember your rights

Download pictures with instructions

The right to demand witnesses or video recording during an inspection

How does this work. If an inspector wants to inspect a car, he must have a reason. For example, there are suspicions that there are criminals in the car or illegally transporting weapons. This is not the same as an examination: it has different grounds and a different procedure.

During the inspection, everyone needs to get out of the car, and the inspector has the right to touch things. But in this case, witnesses or video recording are required. During inspection, they may not be there, but you can’t touch things there, and it’s not necessary to get out of the car. If the inspector did not call witnesses, does not keep a record, but at the same time conducts an inspection, you don’t have to interfere with him, but then write down in the protocol that there were no witnesses. The search results will be invalid - they will not be recognized as evidence.

Without witnesses and a protocol, you can refuse the search. Let them call the authorities from the duty station: in conflict situations, this is how it is supposed to be (paragraph 51). But do not forget that if the requirements are legal, then they must be fulfilled.

See also:

The right not to give up a driver's license without a court order

How does this work. It happens that right on the road the inspector found grounds for deprivation of rights. For example, the driver is drunk, driving with someone else's license plates, or crossed a double line. They cannot take away your license on the spot. To do this, you need a court decision that has entered into force.

On site, the inspector can only draw up a protocol. Then he is taken to court. Even if the court decision is not in favor of the driver, it can be appealed. Until the resolution comes into force, the license cannot be taken away and the driver has the right to use it. Many years ago, rights were taken away immediately, but now this condition does not apply.

If the deprivation of rights has entered into force, they must be surrendered as soon as possible. By law, there are three working days for this. If you do not submit them on time, the period of deprivation will be interrupted, and you will face a fine for driving a car.

See also:

Right to medical examination

How does this work. If the inspector suspects that the driver is drunk, he may be asked to undergo an alcohol test, or, simply put, to breathe into a tube. But the driver can refuse. Then he will undergo a medical examination, that is, he will take samples in the laboratory.

This right can be useful if there are doubts about the accuracy of the breathalyzer, its verification and seals. Or if the inspector does not follow the inspection procedure and did not draw up a protocol. The results of the inspection affect fines, deprivation of rights, removal from management, payments under compulsory motor liability insurance and loss of work. A medical examination is usually more accurate than a breathalyzer test - use this right in controversial situations on the road.

See also:

Right to complaints, protection of rights and compensation for damages

How does this work. When a traffic police inspector violates your rights, he is responsible for it. One can complain about his actions or inaction, the results of checks and protocols can be challenged, evidence can be invalidated, fines can be cancelled, rights can be returned.

If damage is caused to the driver due to a violation of rights, you can demand compensation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Most often this does not lead to anything, but there are cases when drivers achieved their goal and received payments from the budget.

Even if you do not go as far as compensating for damages, you can cancel the decision on a fine or deprivation of rights. We have already told the stories of drivers,

When a traffic police inspector can stop a car, the procedure for communication. How procedural actions are formalized. Driver's license.

Every driver has at least once wondered whether his car could be stopped just like that. Many topics have been created on forums about this, endless debates are ongoing, and different versions are put forward. Where is the truth?

Legislative regulation of car stopping

A separate section is devoted to the procedure for stopping a car in Chapter 3 of the Administrative Regulations for the execution of the function of state supervision by road users over the compliance of road users with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of road safety. The regulations were approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 23, 2017 N 664. The new rules have been applied for about a year and a half - since February 2018.

The main innovations concern the location of a possible car stop and video recording of the actions of traffic police officers.

Can a car be stopped just like that?

Procedure for testing for alcohol consumption

During any stop, the traffic police inspector pays attention to the condition of the driver. At the slightest suspicion of alcohol intoxication, the presence of alcohol or other prohibited substances should be checked.

The examination can take two forms:

  • on site by a traffic police officer using a special device;
  • in the form of a medical examination in a medical institution.

Any condition check must be documented. Based on the results of the inspection, a report is drawn up.

A report is drawn up and in the event of a driver’s refusal to undergo an on-site inspection

Examination by blood test for alcohol content is not always carried out. The reason for sending the driver to a medical facility is:

  • his disagreement with the results of the on-site inspection;
  • if the driver refused to be checked by an inspector;
  • if the result of the on-site test is negative and there are obvious signs of intoxication.

An inspector can send a driver to a medical facility only after a portable breathalyzer test has been carried out or if the driver has been offered such a test and he has refused. Referral for a medical examination in violation of the specified sequence is illegal.

The driver is legally required to undergo a condition check if required by an inspector. However, this requirement must be fulfilled voluntarily; coercion is not used. In this case, refusal is qualified as an independent offense provided for in Article 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. For such stubbornness, you can not only become poorer by 30 thousand rubles, but also lose your driver status for 1.5–2 years.

Video: examination during arrest

Reasons for detaining and delivering the driver and passengers to the station

In the worst case scenario, the driver may even be detained and sent to the police station.

Detention is a serious measure for which there must be compelling reasons. Such a basis is the commission of a crime and the involvement of traffic participants in it.

Upon arrest, the inspector must inform the duty officer about this, after which an investigative team should be called to the place of detention or an instruction to deliver the offenders to the police.

It is necessary to distinguish from detention the forced transfer of a person to the police station. You have to resort to this measure if:

  • it is impossible to draw up a protocol on the spot;
  • liability for unlawful actions of the driver provides for administrative arrest. In this case, we are talking about administrative detention;
  • if it is necessary to establish an identity and there are suspicions that the citizen is wanted;
  • it is necessary to resolve the issue of detention and it is difficult at the place where the car is stopped;
  • this is necessary for the safety of the citizen in the event of a threat to his life and health and if he cannot take care of himself;

In this case, the citizen is delivered to the police station in a patrol car or his own car, but control is transferred to the inspector.

Does the inspector have the right to demand payment of a fine on the spot?

Often stopping a car ends with a decision on an administrative violation. Indeed, under some articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which, as a rule, provide for minor violations, the inspector can independently bring the violator to justice and impose punishment. This is allowed if the punishment involves a fine or warning and the driver agrees with everything.

But if the driver does not agree with the fact of the violation, a protocol must be drawn up and sent for consideration to the traffic police department. In this case, no decision will be made.

A fine is a punitive measure that requires the violator to pay a certain fixed amount to the budget. You can pay the fine at a bank branch, post office, through terminals, as well as special Internet services (mobile applications, a single portal of government services).

There is no provision for paying a fine on the spot. Any transfer of money to an official may be qualified as a bribe.

The inspector should only provide information about how and where the fine can be paid.

Let us remind you that when paying a fine no later than 20 days after the decision is made, the violator saves half the amount established by the relevant article of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Other rights of drivers when a car is stopped by an inspector

It would be useful for any driver to know about his rights.

Let us dwell on those rights that were not mentioned earlier:

  • if we are talking about registering an administrative offense, the inspector must explain to the driver his rights and obligations;
  • the driver or his fellow travelers can familiarize themselves with the procedural documents drawn up in relation to them;
  • the alleged violator can and should make explanations if he disagrees with the protocol. You should not think that refusing to sign the protocol can somehow protect you. To act wisely, the protocol must be read carefully and in case of reasoned disagreement or any comments, be sure to indicate this in the protocol itself, and then sign it. Only in this case will your comments be taken into account and may somehow affect the consideration of the case or appeal;
  • participants in the proceedings have the right to a copy of the protocol, which is handed to them by default.

In 22 years, they have never stopped me just to get to the bottom of it; if there were stops, it was for an obvious violation of traffic rules or just a document check \ a complete sobriety test raid. It never occurred to me to challenge the legality of the stop, because there is nothing easier than stopping for 2 minutes, talking to the inspector and moving on.

Rowan Atkinson

Video: driver’s rights when drawing up a protocol by a traffic police officer

What should a driver do if his license is violated?

When filing a complaint against a traffic police officer, you must indicate the facts of his behavior, which the driver considered to be a violation of his rights.

Drivers should remember the principle of the presumption of innocence. That is, the very fact of stopping does not mean anything. It’s another matter if the driver himself knows about the violation of the rules. In this case, you just need to make sure that the administrative proceedings are properly completed and adhere to friendly, correct behavior.

Otherwise, he can be confident of his innocence until proven otherwise. To bring someone to justice, direct evidence of guilt is required. It is precisely in this context that one should not let the situation take its course, but should take care of protecting one’s rights.

  • studying traffic rules. The rules have many clauses that exempt you from liability. For example, you cannot be cited for not wearing a seat belt if the design of the car does not provide for this. A reasoned objection indicating traffic rules or other documents can become a decisive fact;
  • many controversial situations can be resolved using DVR recordings;
  • carefully read any document drawn up on the spot, indicate your disagreement in it, and take a copy for yourself.

The inspector can draw up a resolution only after the protocol. These two documents should not be confused. By signing the order, the driver confirms his agreement with the fact of the violation.

It was already mentioned earlier that if the driver disagrees with the fact of the violation, the traffic police representative is obliged to draw up a protocol and send it for consideration to the traffic police department or the court. In fact, often after the protocol is drawn up, a decision is made. In judicial practice, there are cases where drivers sought to have such a decision overturned. They motivated this by the fact that the same person cannot initiate and consider a case of administrative violation.

If the inspector, without direct evidence of the driver’s guilt, makes a decision, you must not give up. You can defend your position by appealing. If the driver does not agree with the decision, he has 10 days to file a complaint with the territorial traffic police department or court.

No matter how much the driver tries to avoid meeting with the traffic police inspector, the latter will always have reasons to stop the car. While driving, you should not ignore the official’s request. If the driver is not at fault, it is important to remain calm and maintain polite behavior. Any procedural action must be documented in the form of an act or protocol. It is important to fill out these papers correctly and take a copy in hand. Under this condition, and also in the absence of direct evidence of a violation, the driver has every chance to restore his rights.

Traffic police In fact, this is an internal order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with instructions for traffic police inspectors, but it directly concerns you and me. We explain the main innovations on the roads and what you can do about it.


The State Traffic Inspectorate no longer issues certificates of road accidents. Now all information about the accident will be entered only in procedural documents provided for by law. They are of three types: a ruling on initiating a case and conducting an investigation, a protocol on a case of an administrative offense and a resolution on the same topic.

What should you do now if you get into an accident? You call the police on 112 or, if you suddenly know the number, the local duty station, and they tell you what to do. If only you and another rider got separated on the road, no one was hurt and no dispute broke out between you, fill out the accident notifications yourself and go your separate ways.

If a discussion ensues, the damage is significant, something is wrong with the documents, etc., then the officer on duty will most likely offer to file the accident yourself and report to the nearest traffic police post. When things get really bad, especially if there are casualties, the crew will come to you. The inspector himself will decide which of the three above documents to issue and will give you and the other participants in the accident copies.


Traffic cops can stop you to check your documents anywhere, and not exclusively at a stationary traffic police post.


The traffic police are allowed to set up ambushes in so-called hidden control vehicles (these are official cars without identification marks). This was allowed before, but the new edition clarifies that the above-mentioned standard vehicles can only be used to record violations that could lead to an accident. The duty officers pass on what they saw to the patrol, equipped with the required identification marks, and it will be they who slow you down and punish you.

Hiding patrol cars is legal (but deliberately disguising patrol cars as milk trucks and hiding flashing lights is a no-no!). This should be done “in emergency-dangerous places, as well as in cases of traffic control using photo and video recording of traffic violations” and “in places with visibility limited by natural breaks in the terrain, road turns, and elements arrangement of the street and road network."

Patrols are sent to control traffic not at the call of the wallet or heart, but by the decision of the head of the unit. To check whether the traffic cop who stopped you is on the road legally, call the number of the duty station written on the side of the patrol car. If there is no telephone in the designated place, the inspector must tell you the number of the person in charge.

At night, the inspector is allowed to decorate especially illuminated sections of roads, and he must be equipped with a reflective vest and a luminous police baton.


If a traffic cop stopped you on the highway and asked for documents, forgive me, but you must hand them over not only hand to hand and not just without covers, but even without paper clips, clips, hairpins and other invisible things. This rule is clearly stated in the new regulations!


Traffic police officers are prohibited from taking away your driver’s license and the license plate from your car. Their ceiling on the first point is drawing up a protocol; only a court can take away your rights.


Inspectors are allowed to film violations using any cameras, including personal mobile phones, and not just office recorders. A special case: when examining a driver for intoxication on a dark night or at a deserted construction site, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can simply film what is happening, and not search through the bushes for witnesses. The court will silently accept the recording made on the phone as evidence.


By the way, you can also videotape your conversations with road guards to your heart’s content. This norm is no longer spelled out in the regulations, but no one has introduced a ban. What is not prohibited...


If the inspector has doubts about your alcohol adequacy and, in order to resolve them, he took you to a traffic police post or to a medical facility, and you turned out to be clean, he is obliged to take you back to your car, salute and wish you a safe journey.

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Calorie content: Not specified Cooking time: Not specified We all love the tastes of childhood, because they take us to the “beautiful far away”....

Canned corn has a simply amazing taste. With its help, Chinese cabbage salads recipes with corn are obtained...

It happens that our dreams sometimes leave an unusual impression, and then the question arises as to what it means. Due to the fact that to solve...

Did you happen to ask for help in a dream? Deep down, you doubt your abilities and need wise advice and support. Why else do you dream...
Fortune telling on coffee grounds is popular, intriguing with signs of fate and fatal symbols at the bottom of the cup. In this way of prediction...
Younger age. We will describe several recipes for preparing such a dish. Porridge with vermicelli in a slow cooker First, let's look at...
Wine is a drink that is drunk not only at every event, but also simply when you want something stronger. However, table wine is...
The variety of business loans is now very large. An entrepreneur can often find a truly profitable loan only...
If desired, the meatloaf with egg in the oven can be wrapped in thin strips of bacon. It will give the dish an amazing aroma. Also, instead of eggs...