New rules for allowing pedestrians to pass at a pedestrian crossing. New rules for allowing pedestrians to pass at a pedestrian crossing Pedestrian movement at intersections of trajectories

Traffic rules of the Russian Federation - 4. Responsibilities of pedestrians

4.1. Pedestrians must move on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, bicycle and pedestrian paths, and in their absence, along the roadsides. Pedestrians carrying or carrying bulky objects, as well as persons using non-motorized wheelchairs, may walk along the edge of the roadway if their movement on sidewalks or shoulders creates an obstacle for other pedestrians.
If there are no sidewalks, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths or shoulders, and also if it is impossible to move along them, pedestrians can move along a bicycle path or walk in one row along the edge of the roadway (on roads with a dividing strip - along the outer edge of the roadway).
When walking along the edge of the roadway, pedestrians must walk towards the movement of vehicles. Persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle, in these cases must follow the direction of travel of the vehicles.
When crossing the road and driving along the sides or edge of the roadway in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are recommended, and outside populated areas, pedestrians are required to carry objects with reflective elements and ensure that these objects are visible to vehicle drivers.

4.2. The movement of organized pedestrian columns along the roadway is permitted only in the direction of movement of vehicles on the right side of no more than four people in a row. In front and behind the column on the left side there should be escorts with red flags, and in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility - with lights on: in front - white, in back - red.
Groups of children are allowed to drive only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and in their absence, along the roadsides, but only during daylight hours and only when accompanied by adults.

4.3. Pedestrians must cross the road at pedestrian crossings, including underground and overground ones, and in their absence, at intersections along sidewalks or curbs.
At a controlled intersection, it is allowed to cross the roadway between opposite corners of the intersection (diagonally) only if there are markings 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 indicating such a pedestrian crossing.
If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to the edge of the roadway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

4.4. In places where traffic is regulated, pedestrians must be guided by the signals of a traffic controller or a pedestrian traffic light, and in its absence, a transport traffic light.

4.5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the roadway (tram tracks) after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and making sure that the crossing will be safe for them. When crossing the road outside a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, in addition, must not interfere with the movement of vehicles and exit from behind a standing vehicle or other obstacle that limits visibility without making sure that there are no approaching vehicles.

4.6. Once on the roadway (tram tracks), pedestrians should not linger or stop unless this is related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the crossing must stop on a traffic island or on a line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue crossing only after making sure that further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

4.7. When approaching vehicles with a blue flashing light (blue and red) and a special sound signal on, pedestrians are required to refrain from crossing the road, and pedestrians on the roadway (tram tracks) must immediately vacate the roadway (tram tracks).

4.8. It is allowed to wait for a route vehicle and a taxi only on landing platforms raised above the roadway, and if there are none, on the sidewalk or side of the road. In stopping places for route vehicles that are not equipped with raised landing platforms, it is allowed to enter the roadway to board the vehicle only after it has stopped. After disembarking, it is necessary to clear the roadway without delay.
When moving across the roadway to or from the stopping point of a route vehicle, pedestrians must be guided by the requirements of paragraphs of the Rules.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

The updated rules mainly regulate the relationship between pedestrians and vehicle drivers. For example, drivers are prohibited from overtaking at a pedestrian crossing, and pedestrian crossings themselves can now be located not only on the roadway.

There are not very many changes, but they are quite important, so I recommend that all drivers familiarize themselves with them. Let's get started.

Updated concept of pedestrian crossing

“Pedestrian crossing” is a section of the roadway marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 (hereinafter the numbering of road markings is given in accordance with Appendix 2) and allocated for the movement of pedestrians across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

“Pedestrian crossing” is a section of the roadway, tram tracks, marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 (hereinafter the numbering of road markings is given in accordance with Appendix 2) and allocated for pedestrian traffic across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

The first important change: From November 29, 2014, pedestrian crossings will be able to exist not only on the roadway, but also on the tram tracks. Let me remind you that tram tracks can run both on the roadway and off it. For example, tram tracks often run along a median.

Thus, from November 29, 2014, pedestrians crossing tram tracks at a pedestrian crossing will enjoy all the benefits of this crossing.

For example, a tram driver must give way to pedestrians crossing tram tracks.

However, I would like to draw the attention of pedestrians to the fact that trams are very heavy vehicles, so they cannot stop quickly. So you shouldn’t throw yourself under the wheels of a tram at a crossing; it’s better to let it pass, but stay alive and healthy.

The phrase "tram tracks" has been added to several paragraphs of traffic rules related to pedestrian crossings. I will not list each of them in this article. The general meaning of the changes is that now pedestrian crossings will exist not only on the roadway, but also on tram tracks.

When crossing tram tracks outside a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians must not interfere with trams.

Prohibition of overtaking at a pedestrian crossing

Next interesting change:

11.4. Overtaking is prohibited:

  • at pedestrian crossings if there are pedestrians on them;

11.4. Overtaking is prohibited:

  • at controlled intersections, as well as at unregulated intersections when driving on a road that is not the main one;
  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • at railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them;
  • on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them, as well as in tunnels;
  • at the end of a climb, on dangerous turns and in other areas with limited visibility.

Starting November 29, 2014 overtaking at pedestrian crossings is always prohibited. Previously, overtaking was prohibited only if there were pedestrians at the crossing.

Changing the rules for allowing pedestrians to pass at crossings

Paragraph 14.1 of the Rules has also undergone changes:

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must slow down or stop before the crossing in order to allow pedestrians crossing the roadway or entering it to cross.

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to cross.

I am sure that drivers who have been following changes in traffic rules for a long time have already noticed that there is nothing new in paragraph 14.1. Indeed, legislators almost completely decided to return to the wording that was used before May 10, 2010.

Starting from November 29, 2014, the phrase “give way to pedestrians” was removed from the rules. This term was not defined in the rules, so drivers could not understand it clearly.

Drivers must now give way to pedestrians at uncontrolled crossings. Just in case, here is a definition of the term “give way”:

“Give way (do not interfere)” is a requirement meaning that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction. movement or speed.

Clause 14.2 of the rules has also undergone changes:

14.2. If a vehicle stops or slows down in front of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, then drivers of other vehicles moving in adjacent lanes can continue driving only after making sure that there are no pedestrians in front of the specified vehicle.

14.2. If a vehicle stops or slows down in front of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, then drivers of other vehicles moving in the same direction are also required to stop or slow down. It is allowed to continue driving, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 14.1 of the Rules.

Previously, paragraph 14.2 applied only to drivers moving in adjacent lanes. Starting from November 29, 2014, all drivers moving in this direction must slow down or stop.

For example, if you are driving in the fourth lane of a five-lane one-way road and a vehicle in the first lane slows down in front of a pedestrian crossing, you must also slow down or stop. You can drive further only after you give way to pedestrians.

Prohibition of cyclists on pedestrian crossings

Vehicles, which include bicycles, could not cross the road at pedestrian crossings before. However, apparently, not all cyclists could understand this complex logical chain (a bicycle is a vehicle - you cannot ride on pedestrian crossings).

Starting from November 29, 2014, the ban on the movement of cyclists on pedestrian crossings is spelled out in the rules as a separate line:

24.8. Cyclists and moped drivers are prohibited from:

  • drive a bicycle or moped without holding the handlebars with at least one hand;
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • transport passengers if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction;
  • drive on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet (for moped drivers);
  • cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

As for drivers, now there will be much less worries when they arise at a pedestrian crossing. In the documents about the accident you only need to write that the cyclist violated clause 24.8.

Note. From December 14, 2018, additional changes were made to clause 24.8 of the traffic rules, discussed in the article "".

This concludes the consideration of the new traffic rules of November 29, 2014. You can familiarize yourself with the full text of the updated traffic regulations, and you can print the new version of the traffic rules.

In conclusion, I just want to note that from July 1, 2015, another change was made to the rules relating to pedestrians, but this is discussed in.

Good luck on the roads!

Now you need to give way to pedestrians “crossing the road or stepping onto the roadway...” But the sidewalk is also part of the road. It turns out that you need to stop when the pedestrian is still on the sidewalk? And where the sidewalk is not so clearly defined or very wide?

The main requirement is to GIVE WAY. This point is stated quite precisely in the traffic rules. And so, watch for pedestrians, I even remembered a humorous joke: “Watch for traffic”

So in the end, what about pedestrians?

If a pedestrian starts crossing the road from the opposite side, can I drive freely?

If a pedestrian has just started crossing on my side of the road, and I am on the 3rd lane and will not interfere with him - can I drive?

Or will the gays turn everything upside down again?

So in the end, what about pedestrians?

If a pedestrian starts crossing the road from the opposite side, can I drive freely?

If a pedestrian has just started crossing on my side of the road, and I am on the 3rd lane and will not interfere with him - can I drive?

Or will the gays turn everything upside down again?

You need to drive so that the pedestrian does not change direction or speed because of you.

what about the "if it might force other road users" loophole? despite 6 lanes and a pedestrian on the other side, I could easily force the pedestrian to change, maybe he’s shy

Good afternoon I study at a driving school and the exam will be in January. Now how to correctly answer the question about overtaking at a pedestrian crossing if you come across the corresponding ticket. In online versions, the correct answer is still that overtaking is allowed if there are no pedestrians at the pedestrian crossing.

According to the new rules. Overtaking is prohibited. Everything will be updated soon, and even more so by January, when you take your exams.

You need to drive so that the pedestrian does not change direction or speed because of you.

I fully support you! We returned to the traffic rules before 2010! Everything new is forgotten old.

I am interested in what it means to “cross the road or step onto the roadway.” Why are “road” and “roadway” separated?

“Road” is a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. The road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, curbs and dividing strips, if available.

“Carriageway” is an element of the road intended for the movement of trackless vehicles.

Another traffic blunder. A man is walking along the sidewalk, we stand and wait, maybe he wants to cross the roadway? Although if he walks steadily, does not sway, and does not change speed, then you can safely move forward, we have fulfilled the “give way” requirement!

[what about the "if it might force other road users" loophole? despite 6 lanes and a pedestrian on the other side, I could easily force the pedestrian to change, maybe he’s shy

This is not a loophole, this is the norm. A pedestrian stood at the curb near the pedestrian crossing and put his foot on the crossing, his foot back, his foot forward... Again, traffic rules, but from a different story! Pedestrians must be “let through”, give way to them, but not persuaded or led by the hand!


Hello, Maxim!

I took my traffic police exam today. The theory and the site are successful without errors. But the city seems to have overwhelmed me.

In connection with the changes dated November 29, 2014, please comment on the situation. Regulated intersection (the road consists of two carriageways of 10 m each, a 5 m dividing strip in the middle with tram tracks). The traffic light turns green. When the signal turns green, I start moving to the right along my roadway (that is, immediately to the right under the traffic light). At this very time, a pedestrian crosses the road along the dividing strip, also at a green signal (he started moving from the opposite side of the road, that is, he crossed one roadway and entered the dividing strip). The roadway for cars in my direction is clear and wide. Thus, I managed to complete the maneuver without creating any interference for the pedestrian (he did not even have time to enter the roadway). At the same time, the examiner from the traffic police says that I made a 5-point error by not letting a pedestrian pass.

I'd like to see your opinion. Indeed, according to clauses 14.1-14.3 and the term “give way”, I did not violate anything, since I did not create absolutely any obstacles for him (he did not retreat, did not stop, and continued the transition in the same rhythm)

This opinion is already outdated, because traffic rules no longer contain the incomprehensible term “pass”. Now they operate with a very specific requirement to “give way.” Therefore, there was no traffic violation, but our traffic cop is a priori to the right than the driver. In real life, you can demand to contact the pedestrian, threaten to write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office, etc. And I was just unlucky in the exam!

z.y. I will repeat many times that traffic rules and other laws in our country are formulated by stupid people who have problems with the brain, and as a result, with the expression of their thoughts in words. And the situation with traffic regulations is even worse, because deputies do not comply with traffic regulations and therefore simply do not understand real-life situations. They don’t walk on foot, they don’t ride bicycles, but they are transported in cars with flashing lights!

And then, what about “11.4. Overtaking is prohibited: at pedestrian crossings”?

Pedestrian crossings may be on dual carriageway roads. Overtaking is prohibited in these places.

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It is known that drivers must give way to pedestrians at pedestrian crossings, but how can this be done so that traffic police officers do not have complaints, and if they do, then only justified ones?

Let's look at the example of an unregulated pedestrian crossing.

Requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to cross.

After entering , the requirement became defined - instead of “skip”. This is defined by the term.

“Give way (do not interfere)” is a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction. movement or speed.

With regard to pedestrians, this is often forced to change speed both up and down. A pedestrian has three positions when a driver can violate the requirement to give way.

  • On the roadway;
  • At the intersection of trajectories;
  • On the sidewalk or curb.

Pedestrian movement along the roadway

  • One of the popular traps for drivers is when a pedestrian begins to cross the road from the left side of a wide roadway or even an oncoming roadway. Drivers fall for the clipping from paragraph 14.1 “give way to pedestrians who have entered the roadway.” But to violate the “give way” requirement, it is necessary to force a change in speed. In this situation, the accusation is unfounded.

    If a pedestrian nevertheless changes speed, then the reason for the change in his speed should be precisely the approaching car, and not any reasons at the request of the pedestrian.

    Pedestrian movement at the intersection of trajectories

    In such a situation, it is difficult to give an objective assessment of the driver’s actions. A pedestrian may simply be afraid of an approaching car, and the driver, in turn, subjectively assesses the situation. To avoid a controversial situation, the driver should stop in front of the pedestrian crossing without resorting to emergency braking, which will confirm that there is no threat to the pedestrian.

    Pedestrian movement on the sidewalk

    You know that the sidewalk is part of the road. And it is possible that a pedestrian, moving in a transverse direction, stops in front of the roadway due to an approaching car.

    There is a pedestrian crossing the road, there is a change in the pedestrian's speed, there is a change in the pedestrian's speed due to a car - that's the fine. But we will disappoint the inspector. Try to determine for yourself what else is missing to create a violation by the driver. Look carefully at the image.

    I extract the answer from the text of the Rules. Once again from the text of the requirements of clause 14.1.

    14.1. Driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must give way pedestrians crossing the road

    And from the term.

    “Pedestrian crossing” is a section of the roadway, tram tracks...

    Yes. There is no crosswalk on the sidewalk, and there cannot be pedestrians crossing the road. Pedestrians cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, and a pedestrian crossing is a section of the roadway or tram tracks.

    Yes. According to the text and against common sense, it is impossible to start crossing the road without entering the roadway.

    Yes. There cannot be a pedestrian crossing over a bicycle path.

  • Government Decree No. 315 dated April 2, 2015 “On Amendments to the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation” was published on the official Internet portal of legal information. The amendments were initiated by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Changes to traffic rules come into force 7 days after official publication - from April 15, 2015.

    There are many changes, they are interesting and controversial. The most noticeable ones are diagonal pedestrian crossings, marking parking pockets with longitudinal markings, the legalization of “VIP parking” - now the Rules contain a sign “only for holders of parking permits.” Just as a year ago, attention was paid to cyclists; now they can move in a dedicated lane for public transport, and special signs have appeared on the roadway for the cyclist lane. The material consists of two parts. The main one, on changes in the text of the Rules and an additional one on new signs and markings.

  • Let's look at the changes in traffic rules from April 15, 2015 in detail for each item

    New definition of "Safety Island"

    “Safety island” is an element of the road arrangement that separates traffic lanes in opposite directions (including lanes for cyclists), structurally separated by a curb stone above the roadway or designated by technical means of traffic management and intended to stop pedestrians when crossing the roadway. The traffic island may include part of the dividing strip through which a pedestrian crossing is laid.

    Everyone has heard the concept of “safety island”, but until now it has not had a definition in . A formal change that does not alter the organization of the movement. Previously, pedestrians stopped on the median strip, but now they are allocated a special place on this strip.

    Changing the definition of "Bicycle Lane"

    “Lane for cyclists” is a lane of the roadway intended for the movement of cyclists and mopeds, separated from the rest of the roadway by horizontal markings and marked with sign 4.4.1 in combination with sign 8.14 located above the lane.

    “Lane for cyclists” is a lane of the roadway intended for the movement of bicycles and mopeds, separated from the rest of the roadway by horizontal markings and marked with sign 5.14.2.

    A new sign 5.14.2 has been introduced. "Lane for cyclists." To indicate a lane, it is no longer necessary to place a combination of two characters and always above the lane. It is also possible to place it on the edge of the roadway, in the same way as the sign “Lane for route vehicles”

    Diagonal pedestrian crossings

    4.3. Pedestrians must cross the road at pedestrian crossings, including underground and overground ones, and in their absence, at intersections along the sidewalks or roadsides.

    At a controlled intersection, it is allowed to cross the roadway between opposite corners of the intersection (diagonally) only if there are markings 1.14.1 or 1.14.2 indicating such a pedestrian crossing.

    If there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone, it is allowed to cross the road at right angles to the edge of the roadway in areas without a dividing strip and fences where it is clearly visible in both directions.

    A new paragraph has been added to clause 4.3, which allows crossing the intersection diagonally. Please note the conditions under which such a transition is possible:

    1. Only at signalized intersections;
    2. Only if there are markings indicating a pedestrian crossing 1.14.1 or 1.14.2.

    Pedestrians are NOT allowed to cross the road diagonally, as stated in many headlines published. Such an intersection is possible only with appropriate organization of traffic through the intersection.

    Application of the definition of “Safety Island”

    Once on the roadway (tram tracks), pedestrians should not linger or stop unless this is related to ensuring traffic safety. Pedestrians who do not have time to complete the crossing must stop on a traffic island or on a line separating traffic flows in opposite directions. You can continue crossing only after making sure that further movement is safe and taking into account the traffic light signal (traffic controller).

    If a pedestrian does not have time to cross the road, he must stop first at a traffic island or at a line separating traffic flows in opposite directions. It can not be in any other way. Perhaps it would be more logical to replace the preposition “or” with “and in case of its absence.” But we noted above that this change in traffic rules does not have much significance.

    Red outline in additional section

    Additional section signal turned off or the red light signal of its outline is turned on means prohibition of movement in the direction regulated by this section.

    Another formal change; in practice, such traffic lights are already used. It would not be superfluous to reflect this fact in the Rules.

    Parking method

    12.2. It is allowed to park a vehicle in one row parallel to the edge of the roadway, with the exception of those places whose configuration allows for a different arrangement of vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

    12.2. It is allowed to park the vehicle in one row parallel to the edge of the roadway. Two-wheeled vehicles without a side trailer may be parked in two rows.

    The method of parking a vehicle (parking lot) is determined by sign 6.4 and road marking lines, sign 6.4 with one of the signs 8.6.1 - 8.6.9 and road marking lines or without them.

    The combination of sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9, as well as road marking lines, allows the vehicle to be positioned at an angle to the edge of the roadway if the configuration (local widening) of the roadway allows such an arrangement.

    Parking on the edge of the sidewalk bordering the roadway is permitted only for cars, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles in places marked with sign 6.4 with one of the signs 8.6.2, 8.6.3, 8.6.6-8.6.9.

    Useful clarification on the method of stowing the vehicle. You've probably come across spontaneous parking lots at an angle to the edge of the roadway. Until April 15, 2015, this method of installation was regulated by an unspecified configuration of the roadway and an unspecified “other” location. Given the scarcity of parking spaces, any pocket or widening of the roadway could be considered to allow "non-parallel" parking, even if such a pocket was narrow and not intended for such an arrangement. As a result, obstacles were created for traffic on the roadway.

    In the new edition, a vehicle can only be parked parallel to the edge of the roadway, unless otherwise expressly stated:

    • sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.1 - 8.6.9 and road marking lines;
    • sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.1 - 8.6.9 without road markings.
    • sign 6.4 and road marking lines;

    In this situation, the question may arise: “Why is such parking incorrect? Condition - sign 6.4 + plate - fulfilled"

    Let's look again at the new paragraphs in clause 12.2 of the Rules.

    The method of parking a vehicle (parking lot) is determined by sign 6.4 and road marking lines, sign 6.4 with one of the signs 8.6.1 - 8.6.9 and road marking lines or without them.

    The combination of sign 6.4 with one of the plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9, as well as road marking lines, allows the vehicle to be positioned at an angle to the edge of the roadway if the configuration (local widening) of the roadway allows such an arrangement.

    The method of setting in this situation is determined by the sign. There is no sign indicating the method of setting at an angle in the Russian Traffic Regulations. Plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9 indicate the installation method - perpendicular edge of the roadway. The ability to park the car at an angle using such plates is indicated in the second paragraph of this amendment, which requires the fulfillment of the condition: “Sign 6.4 + plate 8.6.4 - 8.6.9 + markings.” This paragraph excludes the contradiction between plates 8.6.4 - 8.6.9 and markings applied at an angle to the edge of the roadway.

    Or, to park the car at an angle, the condition from the first paragraph “Sign 6.4 + markings” must be met when there is no sign on the sign. Only if these conditions are met when organizing parking is it possible to park the car at an angle to the edge of the roadway.

    Please note that for parking at any angle to the edge of the roadway, the use of sign 6.4 is mandatory.

    Cyclists are allowed to use the MTS lane

    18.2. On roads with a lane for fixed-route vehicles, marked with signs 5.11, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14, the movement and stopping of other vehicles (except for vehicles used as a passenger taxi) is prohibited , as well as cyclists - if the lane for route vehicles is located on the right) on this strip.

    A highly controversial amendment. The good goal is to expand cycling routes. Imagine the simplest situation. The MTS lane, according to GOST, is marked with 1.1 markings and has a width of 3.5 meters.

  • Hard statistics of road accidents in our country indicate that about a third of accidents occur in connection with a collision of a vehicle with pedestrians. Events take place both within specially designated areas and outside them. In this case, the rules for driving a pedestrian crossing are relevant.

    Drivers and passengers in cars have passive protection, unlike citizens crossing the roadway. This significantly increases the risks of negative consequences for ordinary people.

    Current traffic regulations describe a pedestrian crossing as a section on the road where there is a special marking (usually in the form of light wide stripes), an audible alarm is installed, and there are indicating signs warning drivers and other road users to comply with safety measures. If there is no supporting infrastructure, then crossing the road in this place is not allowed and is dangerous.

    You need to know that a pedestrian crossing can be located either at an intersection or on an ordinary flat section of the road, and its coverage area is limited by the width of the markings.

    If the zebra crossing is absent or poorly visible, then the width of the zone for crossing the roadway is determined by two installed signs 5.19.1, located on both sides of the road. Inside the blue rectangle there is a white square with a black figure walking along the zebra crossing. The rules assume the presence of two types of transitions:

    • adjustable, equipped with white markings on the asphalt surface and a traffic light that helps systematize traffic;
    • unregulated, where there is no traffic light, but only markings and signs.

    When a traffic light fails on a regulated section or goes into “flashing yellow” mode, such a section automatically turns into an unregulated pedestrian crossing. Drivers and other road users need to monitor changes in traffic regulations so as not to become unwitting violators.

    Important changes

    The Traffic Rules, paragraph 14.3, describes the permissible actions of drivers that must be followed at a controlled crossing. In this case, the pedestrian has the right of way to cross the road at a specified interval. Motorists are required to let citizens through, providing the opportunity to confirm the maneuver. It is necessary to ensure priority for completing the transition even when the green light has already turned on for cars.

    It is worth remembering that the driver does not have the right to rush citizens by using a sound signal or other types of aggressive attracting attention. For such acts he can reasonably be punished with a very significant fine.

    Let's give way

    The current traffic rules at a pedestrian crossing, which is an unregulated type, have undergone some changes. According to outdated terminology, such a concept was applied to pedestrians as “let a pedestrian pass.” The new interpretation uses the phrase “give way.” Although the meaning is quite close, there is a difference in the nuances.

    According to previous standards, the driver was obliged to let pedestrians pass as soon as the person crossed the zebra crossing. In fact, the car should stop moving if a person moves across traffic along the markings. It was necessary to wait until the zebra crossing was completely freed.

    Legislators made adjustments to the new wording of the traffic rules. Now the rules for crossing pedestrian crossings have become more flexible for pedestrians. The driver must give way even when the citizen has not yet stepped on the roadway, but is located at a short distance from it. In this case, a moving vehicle can create a potential threat to a pedestrian.

    In the event that the car does not slow down, the person will be forced to change his trajectory or accelerate himself. A motorist is allowed to move only when the pedestrian is clearly moving away from the zebra crossing..

    There is also a relaxation for motorists. They are allowed to ignore pedestrians stopped at a crossing and talking on the phone. This allows you to avoid creating traffic jams, which is important for large populated areas.

    Congestion in the city

    Intense traffic forces car owners to act actively on the road, which leads to frequent stops almost at zebra crossings. This action is prohibited by traffic regulations and is punishable. According to the rules, if there is a possibility of such a situation, then it is necessary to reduce the speed limit in advance to prevent events. A car at a zebra crossing during a traffic jam is a potential danger:

    • an obstacle is created for other pedestrians, blocking the normal crossing of the road;
    • a car significantly reduces visibility for other drivers in other lanes, so there is a risk of them driving while citizens are crossing the road.

    It is important for motorists to be aware of the serious restrictions regarding pedestrian crossings. In these areas, vehicles are prohibited from performing certain maneuvers:

    • make a turn;
    • abandon cars directly on the markings or within the crossing area;
    • move in reverse.

    It is worth considering that due to the peculiarity of the transition zone, special standards are being developed for it.

    Tram track

    The new edition of the traffic rules includes information about crossings for pedestrians on the tram route. In this way, factors of discrepancies in the interpretation of rules are minimized. Previously, the section where the border crossing crossed the rails did not provide benefits to citizens. This area is now treated as an extension of the crossing rather than the tram track.

    In fact, urban rail transport drivers are forced to give way to passing citizens. However, the latter should be especially careful, because this type of transport has great inertia and is unable to stop instantly.

    Marking and overtaking

    On a zebra crossing, it is strictly unacceptable to overtake cars going in a parallel direction. This applies even in cases where there are no pedestrians on the path. In early editions, the phenomenon was allowed when one of the cars in a certain lane slowed down, and the second could cross the segment at a low speed.

    Now that one vehicle has slowed down or stopped, the speed limit in other lanes must also be reduced. Suitable where there are pedestrians and poor visibility.

    Current punishments

    The amount of administrative penalties for violators depends on the context of the violation. The rules do not provide for strict and unambiguous punishment. When making a decision, different interpretations can be used:

    • When the suspect’s visibility was blocked by a car driving ahead that did not give way and ignored traffic regulations, then the punishment can be avoided or its size can be minimized. The driver has the right to argue his ignorance by not being notified of the presence of people at the zebra crossing.
    • Intentionally reducing speed and braking is prescribed by paragraph 14.2 of the traffic rules. This must be done when a similar maneuver is performed by the vehicle ahead.
    • A situation in which a driver deliberately ignores traffic rules in the context of passing a pedestrian crossing is described in the rules of clause 12.8. In such conditions, the fine will be up to 2,500 rubles.

    The minimum penalty for violating a zebra crossing is set at 1,500 rubles. However, drivers should be careful not only because of finances, but also because of the high risk of injury from such incidents.

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