New rules for allowing pedestrians to pass at a pedestrian crossing. Pedestrian crossings outside intersections

A pedestrian crossing is one of the special zones on the roadway. Without it, pedestrians cannot safely cross from one side of the road to the other. To make it easier to navigate, this part of the roadway is marked out in a special way. For example, with the help of artificial structures that can be located above or below the road. In addition, according to traffic regulations, pedestrian crossings must be marked with special road signs.

Near tram and trolleybus stops and in front of intersections, as a rule, they put up a special set of signs for people, or so-called “zebra crossings”. Such means are also used in other territories where the flow of people is quite large. It is in them that compliance with traffic rules becomes especially important. Ensuring order and regulating any changes on road sections are the responsibilities assigned to the traffic police. Previously, this organization was called the state traffic inspectorate or abbreviated as traffic police.

Adjacent territory and pedestrian crossing sign

Pedestrian crossings are called ground crossings if “zebras” are drawn at their location. They are precisely what are used to safely move from one side to the other. Of course, such parts of roads can be highlighted in other ways.

The simplest option is a pedestrian crossing without regulation. There are no traffic lights, but drivers are required to let anyone who has at least one foot on the zebra crossing pass. Usually such crossings are placed where there are not very many drivers. 5.19 is a type of sign that is used to designate such zones. Sometimes traffic lights are installed to equip a section of the road, but only a yellow signal flashes in them, or they are completely turned off.

The use of additional allocation means in such zones has become a mandatory requirement since 2010. In particular, the following set of requirements is imposed on such zones:

  1. Mandatory presence of light animation for signs;
  2. Not only white stripes appear, but also additional orange ones;
  3. Sometimes so-called noise stripes are additionally applied;
  4. Also, four to five speed bumps are installed at different distances. Depending on how close the transition is, their frequency may increase;
  5. It is necessary to circle the sign itself with a yellow-green reflective edging;
  6. The installation of yellow flashing lights becomes mandatory;
  7. At least one speed bump must be installed before crossing;
  8. It is necessary to organize bright lighting of the area where pedestrians pass.

If the pedestrian crossing is adjustable, then it must be equipped with working traffic lights that operate in normal mode. Along the lines of street intersections, you can most often see these types of devices. Typically, authorities try to combine traffic lights for both pedestrians and cars. These types of equipment are sometimes installed outside intersections. Then a button is connected, when pressed, the traffic light switches to the green signal mode for pedestrians.

Off-street pedestrian crossings are located at the same or at different levels with the road. They can also be underground or above ground. True, in construction, these objects become very, very expensive. Therefore, most often, they are placed only on sections of roads where the flow of cars is really very large. Due to the fact that the presence of a zebra crossing reduces the throughput indicator.

Underground crossings can be installed under railway tracks and highway carriageways.

A viaduct or bridge is the name given to ground-type crossings. They are built both over railway tracks and overpasses.

Basic rules for the Pedestrian Crossing sign

If a traffic light does not work or is missing, it can be difficult to remember what rules to follow. Drivers are always required to give way to those who have entered a pedestrian crossing or are crossing the road, according to the Russian Traffic Rules, clause 14.1.

If everything is in order with the traffic light, then before you start moving, you must wait until the light turns green. The rules state this very clearly and clearly: if a driver turns onto a road, he must give way to pedestrians walking along it. Mention of such situations is easy to find in the traffic rules; just look at clause 13.1.

Sign “Pedestrian Crossing and its coverage area”

There are two different Pedestrian Crossing signs. On one of them the little man goes to the right, and on the other - to the left. For pedestrians, the coverage area is limited only to the area between these signs. If there is a zebra crossing, then the signs are valid only within its borders.

If there is no zebra crossing and the driver needs to let people pass, the above rule comes into effect. Then, when the markings are present on the road surface, they serve as a limiter. They do not have the right to fine a driver if a pedestrian crossed the road in the area where the rules apply, but not on a zebra crossing. In this case, the pedestrian violates the traffic rules.

In case of parking or stopping, the coverage area of ​​the pedestrian crossing extends 5 meters in each direction. If there are no signs, then the action is limited to five meters on each side of the nearest zebra.

Russian rules for the Pedestrian Crossing sign

What designations for pedestrian crossings do we use? According to GOSTs, signs must be placed on each side of the street where its boundaries lie. In practice, we have pedestrian crossings - a type of territory where sign 5.33 is placed on all sides. “No traffic” sign 3.2. - one of which was used before 5.33 came out. And the sign numbered 5.34 marks the boundary of such areas.

Where there are such signs, it is generally prohibited to travel by any type of transport. An exception is made only for trams. Arbat was the first street in Moscow that was intended only for pedestrians. It has always been forbidden to drive cars on it.

Pedestrian crossing sign at overhead bridges

Off-street corridors are called elevated pedestrian crossings. Such structures usually take the form of bridges and are intended only for the movement of people. Such bridges are placed either over wide roadways or over railway tracks.

What are the advantages of these designs?

  1. There is no need for 24/7 lighting. From the outside you can clearly see everything that is happening;
  2. There is no need to make any changes to underground communications;
  3. Lower cost when compared with underground corridors;
  4. High level of security.

The construction of overpasses requires additional engineering research, despite the apparent simplicity of construction, than during underground construction. The crossing should be built not low - to allow heavy vehicles to pass under it, and not too high - to avoid increasing the cost of the construction process.

Road sign number 6.7 - has the designation “overground pedestrian crossing”. It falls into the category of sources of important information for road users.

Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing"

They are usually made in the form of tunnels. And they are located either under the roadway or where there are railways. Steps lead down to such a tunnel from sidewalks and walkways. Today, special slopes are required for people with disabilities, strollers and bicycles. An underground passage sign is always placed next to such a structure.

Underground pedestrian crossings appeared in our country during the Soviet era. At this time they were used exclusively as a connection. With the onset of the 90s and the collapse of the Soviet Union, pedestrian crossings turned into spontaneous shopping arcades. Some crossings are closed at night, especially those combined with metro station lobbies.

Signs indicating underground pedestrian crossings are designated in GOSTs by number 6.6. .

Crossing unregulated pedestrian crossings is dangerous for both pedestrians and car drivers. We all know that road safety fully depends on all participants. Sometimes drivers are at fault in road accidents, but it is not uncommon for pedestrians to be at fault as well. How can drivers protect themselves and their loved ones on the road from careless pedestrians?

First, let's define the concepts. A driver is a person who drives a vehicle. Drivers even include drovers leading a herd of animals. A pedestrian is a person who is on the road outside of transport and who does not work on a particular vehicle. Persons moving in wheelchairs without a mechanical drive are also considered pedestrians, as well as those who roll a bicycle, motorcycle, stroller, etc. along the road.

An unregulated pedestrian crossing is the simplest and least expensive crossing. At such crossings, vehicle drivers must give way to pedestrians. Such crossings, as a rule, are equipped on small streets where the traffic flow is relatively small.

All violations of traffic rules by pedestrians are assessed inexpensively, and for crossing a pedestrian crossing on a red light, and for crossing the road in the wrong place, a citizen will get off with a relatively small fine. But if an accident occurs due to his fault, the punishment will be much more significant.

Remember that traffic rules and safety principles must also be observed by pedestrians crossing unregulated pedestrian crossings. Even a pedestrian can go to jail for violating traffic rules.

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, the rules are extremely simple - you need to take care of your own safety. When crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing, a pedestrian has full priority over any vehicle. However, the rules prohibit stopping traffic and stopping in the middle of the roadway. Exceptions are made if this is related to security.

Pedestrians entering an unregulated pedestrian crossing should only give way. However, in practice, I do not recommend that you throw yourself under the wheels of ordinary cars. It is not obvious to everyone that in an accident involving a car moving at a speed of at least 50-60 km/h, the chances of survival are not great.

Let me remind all drivers of a few fundamental rules related to unregulated pedestrian crossings and, in particular, pedestrians. The driver is obliged to give way to pedestrians when he turns right at a traffic light.

The driver of a vehicle, when approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing, is obliged to reduce speed, or even stop, to allow pedestrians who have stepped onto the roadway, or who are just about to do so, to begin crossing the roadway.

In all cases with blind pedestrians intending to cross an unregulated pedestrian crossing, the driver is obliged to give way to them, as well as to persons accompanying the blind pedestrians who signal with a white cane.

Often, in an accident involving a collision with a pedestrian, the driver is not to blame, and therefore he will not have to bear punishment. By the way, some and other road users have opposing opinions. Some insist that the driver is at fault in an accident involving pedestrians, while the other side argues the opposite.

Any accident involving a pedestrian at an unregulated pedestrian crossing will have a number of unpleasant consequences for the driver. Firstly, this is a huge waste of time. Even a normal two-vehicle collision can take up to 80 hours to resolve. Secondly, this is a huge moral harm.

In accordance with Art. 1100 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner of the source of increased security must compensate for moral damage to the injured pedestrian. The car is such a source, and, therefore, even if the driver of the car is not guilty of an accident, the injured pedestrian has the right to demand compensation for moral damage in court.

And who will compensate the driver for damages if the blame for an accident at a pedestrian crossing is assigned to a pedestrian who violated the rules for crossing an unregulated pedestrian crossing? According to Art. 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a driver injured due to the fault of a pedestrian has the right to demand compensation for losses incurred in court.

Losses should be understood as expenses that a person has incurred or must incur to restore anything, including the damage caused. In addition, you can include the costs of a lawyer. Thus, if the case goes to court, the driver may demand compensation for damage caused to the car, as well as moral damages and legal expenses.

In order to regulate traffic on highways, special signs are used. They are designed for all drivers and pedestrians. A pedestrian crossing sign is provided to allow pedestrians to cross the road. This is the most familiar sign among all pedestrians and drivers among other road signs. It creates conditions for the safe movement of people across any roads. All drivers are required to stop and let pedestrians pass if there is one.

Pedestrian crossing sign: what it looks like and types

Pedestrian crossings come in several varieties. Their choice is usually determined by the characteristics of the area. This is also affected by the interchanges of existing roads. Transitions can be divided into the following types:

  • ground;
  • underground;
  • overhead in the form of bridges.

The most common are ground-type pedestrian crossings. They have signs and markings on the road surface itself, and can be regulated or unregulated.

The order of pedestrian movement is regulated by traffic lights located at intersections. Between them special traffic lights with buttons are installed. If you press them, the green light immediately turns on. It gives pedestrians the right to cross the street. These devices can also operate in automatic mode. This is convenient for both drivers and pedestrians.

A pedestrian crossing is marked with markings and signs immediately or separately. At crossings not regulated by traffic lights, 5.19.1 is used. Road sign 5.19.2 may also be installed.

The difference between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 is only in the direction of movement

In the first case, the transition will have a left direction, and in the second case it will be directed to the right.

Large highways with heavy vehicle traffic and multiple lanes are equipped with elevated pedestrian devices. They look like bridges over the roadway. These rather narrow structures are suitable only for the movement of people. In this case, pedestrians will not have to go to the part where cars are moving when crossing the road. This in itself eliminates the possibility of any accidents. All overpasses are equipped with a special sign 6.7.

Typically, such crossings are placed above railway tracks. In this case, they are equipped with exits to the platforms where trains arrive

This image represents a man walking up the stairs. But the disadvantage of such pedestrian crossings is their bulky design. Also, when arranging such crossings, it is important to have free space at the edges of the road.

In large cities, the most popular among pedestrians are underground passages, since they do not involve access to the roadway.

This ensures the safe movement of people even across busy highways. In passages that are underground, a sign numbered 6.6 is installed.

Such crossings can also be found at metro descent points.

It shows a man walking down the stairs. Underground passages have many advantages, but their disadvantage is the rather high cost of construction. At the same time, an overpass for pedestrian traffic will be much cheaper in terms of costs.

Which rule reflects

The driver is obliged to give way to a pedestrian crossing the road at a marked crossing

When driving a car through a ground-type pedestrian crossing, each driver must strictly adhere to traffic rules.

Moreover, this requirement applies to all vehicles without exception.

The sign indicates to drivers that they are starting to move along an important section of the road. This part of the roadway is where people move.

According to the new rules, a section of tram tracks can also be a pedestrian crossing. Markings are applied on it and road signs are installed that determine the crossing location. As a result, not only car drivers, but also car drivers in such areas must let people cross the road.

Traffic rules at pedestrian crossings prohibit the following actions by drivers:

  • perform any types of turns;
  • move in reverse;
  • overtake if there are people at the crossing;
  • park directly at the crossing;
  • cross a zebra crossing;
  • park in the area covered by 5.19.

Sign's coverage area and where it is installed

Zebra allows you to attract even more attention to the pedestrian crossing

Pedestrian crossings regulated by signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 can often be found on city streets. Between them, perpendicular to the main movement, a special marking is applied, which consists of alternating white and yellow stripes. This marking is called “zebra”. It allows you to attract the attention of drivers and pedestrians.

If there are simply two signs 5.19.1 on the road on both sides of the road, then the length of the transition is the distance from one to the other.

All signs must be visible to drivers and pedestrians from a long distance, so they are made on a yellow background and are well lit. Sometimes flashing lights are used to highlight signs on the road.

Features of parking and parking, fines for violation

You must park your car at a certain distance from the pedestrian crossing, which cannot be more than 5 meters.

An exception to this rule can be considered an accident or car breakdown. Thus, parking a car is only allowed behind it. The distance of 5 meters must be considered from the road sign to the car or, in the absence of such a sign, from the zebra marked on the road surface.

Also, when parking near crossings, you must observe the following rule: there must be a distance from the car to the intersection, which is no more than 5 meters.

If the established traffic rules are violated at a pedestrian crossing, the driver will be stopped by a traffic police inspector. He will be required by law to draw up a protocol on the existing violation and impose a fairly large administrative fine. And such a measure is completely justified and understandable.

As a result of non-compliance with the rules of passage at the crossing, adults and children may suffer. For violating the passage of a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing, the fine can be 1.5 thousand. For crossing a red light - up to a thousand rubles.

Any driver should have a good understanding of how to properly drive on the most dangerous sections of the road. In addition, he must comply with the rules for passing pedestrian crossings. Every pedestrian is a participant in road traffic who can suffer the most. The most serious traffic violation is hitting pedestrians.

Every year, despite the dogmas and rules learned from an early age, the number of drivers and pedestrians involved in various incidents on the roads is growing by leaps and bounds, and the main reason is the complete disregard for traffic regulations related to pedestrian crossings.

Where can a pedestrian cross the road?

With the development of motor transport, the evolution of roads took place, and it turned out that most of them were given over to means of transportation. Almost immediately, problems arose: places were needed where walkers could cross the streets without risk to life and health. The first “swallows” were land crossings. At one time, to mark them, they found nothing better than installing metal circles right under their feet, and then zebra-type road markings appeared.

This method of crossing the street is used more often than other types (overground and underground passages), because it is cheaper and more profitable: there is no need to use special earth-moving or bridge-building equipment, or go broke on salaries for auxiliary workers and designers. Viaducts or tunnels are built when passage in accordance with traffic regulations after installing traffic lights and markings through a pedestrian crossing can create problems when driving on expressways.

Traffic rules for land crossings

Ground pedestrian crossings can be regulated by traffic lights (regulated) or simply marked with markings and (unregulated), which are familiar to everyone who has ever looked at the traffic rules. For each of them there is a certain order of passage of vehicles. Let's start with the features, and then discuss the innovations in the 2015 traffic rules related to pedestrian crossings.


With this view, everything is clear: there is a traffic light for cars and a light section for pedestrians. Red light - we are standing, green - we are going. Despite its textbook simplicity, the traffic rules also impose additional responsibilities on car drivers when driving through a pedestrian crossing. So, when the permitting signal is turned on, they must allow the driver to finish crossing the roadway. So look carefully and remember: if someone is crossing the road, you can only move off if the pedestrian steps on the sidewalk.

There are traffic lights with buttons that allow those crossing the street to turn the light green on demand. Usually, for the installation of such equipment, crossings through roadways are allocated, where the traffic volume of vehicles periodically changes, or pedestrians appear very rarely.


Here the flow is regulated by installing road signs and zebra markings. According to the traffic rules, the driver stops a couple of meters in front of the pedestrian crossing if the person crossing the street still continues to walk along the zebra crossing or has just taken a step onto the roadway, intending to go to the opposite side of the street. You cannot scare or hurry up pedestrians with a gas signal or a sound signal.

Or suppose there is a truck coming in the same direction of travel as your car. When approaching a pedestrian crossing, they do not always make an immediately understandable stop. In this case, you need to reduce your speed and carefully watch the maneuvers of the heavy truck driver, as well as the situation on the road. If pedestrians are crossing a zebra crossing, you have the right to go only when they have finished crossing. Neglecting this rule can lead to irreparable consequences, since the reaction of all drivers is different. It may well happen that one of them will notice a pedestrian on the markings earlier than you.


In addition to the listed features, there are general rules for passing ground crossings. For example, Traffic regulations prohibit entering this part of the road if there is a traffic jam ahead and you will have to stop at the markings. It is also necessary to allow blind pedestrians with a white cane to pass, even if they are not following the markings. And in 2015, several more prohibitions were added. You cannot overtake at an unregulated crossing, even if there is not a single living soul on it or even on the approach to it.

Also, in the 2015 traffic rules, the area of ​​​​the intersection of tram lines is also allocated for crossing the road by pedestrians, and cyclists and scooter riders do not have the right to use the privileges of the pedestrian category of citizens and pass through the crossing “on horseback” on their vehicles.

Designations of crossings and penalties for violating their passage

In 2010, changes were made to the Traffic Rules to allow the use of modern technologies, as well as additional signs and markings. Signs began to be equipped with light animation, yellow-green edging with reflective properties, and a duplicate sign began to be hung above the roadway. Also, the zebra pattern is complemented by yellow stripes in addition to white. Since then, it is possible to install yellow strobe lights near pedestrian crossings, and on the roadway the rules allow speed bumps or noise stripes.

In September 2013, amendments were introduced to “punish” drivers for disrespecting pedestrians. Thus, a driver who did not stop when a walker or cyclist was crossing the road at an unregulated crossing risks being fined 1,500 rubles. For the same offense, but on a regulated zebra crossing, the initial fine will be 1,000 rubles, and if the rules are violated again - 5,000 rubles, and even with a “surprise” in the form of confiscation of rights for a period of 4 to six months. The driver crossing the stop line before crossing also became a “sin” (800 rubles).

And that is not all! As in many old sets of traffic rules, parking a car closer than 5 m to the marking of a pedestrian crossing and on it itself is fraught with a receipt for as much as 1000 rubles if it was the first time, and if repeated - 3000 rubles. However, stopping immediately after a zebra crossing is not prohibited, and this will no longer be considered a violation.

Penalty for parking a car closer than 5 m to the PP markings

As we can see, the punishment of a driver for violating the rules of travel and parking near a crossing can be severe, but what about the pedestrian himself? He is also responsible if he suddenly gets it into his head that he can do it when the light is red. It will, of course, be difficult to prove the guilt of a careless runner, but given the rapid development of video recording tools in recent years, it is quite possible. If this happens, the offender’s wallet may be lightened by 500 rubles.

And the most unpleasant thing: in the near future, the legislation may be supplemented with provisions whereby cyclists who are too lazy to get off their bike while crossing the street, as well as those who like to type SMS messages and forget to be vigilant on the roadway, will be fined. Also, traffic discipline and correct stopping at zebra crossings will be improved due to Western experience. There, for many years now, crossings have been protected from those who like to park very close, in defiance of traffic regulations, by installing “stones” or curbs at the required distance in both directions. And those who still needed to stop right next to the zebra crossing, and this was possible due to the high ground clearance of the car, are recorded by cameras and very soon receive a receipt for the violation by mail.

A pedestrian crossing, according to traffic rules, is a section of the roadway, including tram tracks, marked with appropriate signs and markings, which are commonly called “zebra crossings”.

The sign indicating the transition is familiar to everyone from childhood. This is a blue rectangle in the center, with a white triangle highlighted in it, in which a schematic man walking along a zebra is depicted in black.

There are two such signs. They are mirror images of each other. In other words, the little men move in different directions. In traffic regulations, the signs have numbers: 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

Thus, a crossing is a section of the roadway, if there are tram tracks in this place, then including them, marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2, as well as zebra markings. Zebra markings may or may not be present. “Zebra” in traffic regulations is designated by number 1.14.1. Also, option 1.14.2 is provided - there are arrows on the zebra crossing indicating the direction of people's movement.

What are the options?

If the crossing does not have traffic lights, but only signs and zebra markings, then it is not adjustable. As you understand, a controlled crossing with a traffic light that is out of order immediately becomes unregulated. A non-functioning traffic light will not only be one that does not light up at all, but also one that flashes only one color.

For pedestrians, two-section traffic lights are installed, which have two colors: green and red. There are also three-section traffic lights, just like for drivers. Their colors are red, yellow and green.

If at a crossing the traffic light for pedestrians is out of order, then people who need to move across the road need to navigate by the traffic light for drivers.

You can move from one side of the road to the other only when the traffic light is green!

Clause 1.2 of the Traffic Regulations establishes that a traffic controller is a traffic police officer who is dressed in uniform and has a distinctive sign or equipment. He regulates traffic with gestures provided for by traffic rules, and can also use a whistle to attract attention to the signs being given.

For better visibility of the gestures being made, the traffic controller uses a rod or disk with a red signal (retroreflector).

Traffic controller gestures

According to clause 6.10 of the Traffic Regulations, traffic controller gestures for pedestrians have the following meaning:

  • the right hand is raised above the head - moving along the roadway is strictly prohibited;
  • the right arm is extended forward - pedestrians are allowed to move only behind the back of the traffic police officer;
  • both arms are extended in different directions (the policeman resembles the letter “T”) - pedestrians are allowed to move through the roadway;
  • both arms are lowered - pedestrian traffic is prohibited from the back and chest of the traffic controller.

So, we have mastered the main gestures of a traffic policeman. In addition to these gestures, he can use other gestures, as well as give signals using a baton or a reflective disk, which will be understandable to pedestrians and vehicle drivers.

How to cross an adjustable transition

The main rule for driving along a controlled pedestrian crossing is that when the traffic light and the traffic controller are working, the main signal for movement along the road will be the gestures of the traffic police regulatory officer.

If you approach a zebra crossing and see that a traffic controller is working on it, then you must wait for a permitting gesture from him and only after that go out onto the roadway.

How to properly cross the road at a pedestrian crossing?

When there is no traffic controller at a pedestrian crossing, but there is a working traffic light, you can only move along it when the light is green. If you see that the traffic light installed for pedestrians is temporarily not working or is constantly flashing one color, then focus on the traffic light for drivers.

There are no rules for moving through underground and overground passages. You just need to remember that when such a crossing is installed in some place, there will be no pedestrian crossing on the road there.

If you nevertheless try to “slip” along the roadway, then such actions are called moving in the wrong place and are a violation of traffic rules.

How to cross in unregulated places

At unregulated pedestrian crossings, according to clause 4.5 of the traffic rules, the people themselves who cross the highway are responsible for their safety.

A pedestrian can enter the roadway, as well as tram tracks, only after assessing the situation on the road and making sure that it is safe to move. To do this, you need to estimate the distance to the car and be sure to take into account its speed.

Traffic rules, as well as the instinct of self-preservation, do not allow pedestrians to suddenly run onto the road, or appear from behind some obstacle: a car, a pole, a billboard, etc. Indeed, in this case, drivers of cars moving along the road will not be able to see the person in time, assess the current situation and let the unfortunate pedestrian pass.

Before entering the roadway, you should always look both ways and make sure that moving vehicles are at a distance that will allow you to move across the road without hindrance.

It is necessary to cross the roadway not only at a significant distance from moving cars, but also at a right angle so as not to interfere with drivers. As you know from the school curriculum, the path at a right angle will be the shortest, in comparison with other possible options.

What to do if there is no crossing nearby?

The traffic rules stipulate that if there is no crossing nearby, then a person must cross the roadway at the intersection. This approach is due to the fact that the driver always slows down when approaching any intersection. Pedestrians must move only along sidewalks and curbs. Crossing the intersection diagonally is strictly prohibited.

If there are no pedestrian crossings or intersections nearby on the road, then you can only move along the roadway at right angles in a clearly visible area. If you enter the highway from around a bend, the visibility in such a section will not allow motorists to see the pedestrian in time and orient themselves in order to let him pass.

Traffic regulations prohibit crossing the road in areas that have a dividing strip or fence. A fence is a fence or other structure in the middle of a highway. A person who wants to cross the roadway in this particular place will be forced to climb over the fence. You may be fined for such actions.

Pedestrian advantage on the road

A few rules for pedestrians.

The traffic rules include section No. 14 “Pedestrian crossings and stopping places for route vehicles.” It is useful for all pedestrians to become familiar with the responsibilities of drivers and, accordingly, their rights.

According to clause 14.1, a motorist who is approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to people who are moving along the roadway or have entered it in order to start moving.

Drivers are required, when approaching a road crossing sign, to reduce their speed to a level that will allow them to stop and give way to a person on the roadway. If a citizen is standing on the sidewalk, the driver is not required to stop to let him pass.

Clause 14.3 considers the behavior of drivers at controlled pedestrian crossings. If a pedestrian started moving along the roadway when the light was green, but did not have time to cover the distance before the light turned red, then drivers are obliged to give him the opportunity to do this. This requirement applies not only to those car owners who are standing in front of the crossing, but also to those who are approaching it.

An approaching motorist, despite the green color of his traffic light, is obliged to stop to allow the pedestrian to complete the journey he has begun.

Basic rules for pedestrians

Stay alert at a pedestrian crossing

A pedestrian crossing the carriageway, regardless of the location (regulated or unregulated crossing, as well as another section of the road), is obliged to:

  • allow a vehicle to pass when it is driving with its special sound signal and blue flashing light on. If a person has just started moving along the road, then he should quickly turn back and let the car pass. When he completes his movement along the roadway, do so as quickly as possible;
  • If a person does not have time to cross the road, he must stop at the dividing line. You can continue your movement only when: there are no moving cars; the driver stops the car and lets him pass; the traffic light turned green again;
  • It is strictly prohibited to linger or stop in other situations.

You must always remember these three important rules. They will help maintain health and life not only for you, but also for other people.

What can they be fined for?

Nothing should distract you from crossing the street.

According to traffic regulations, a pedestrian faces a fine of 500 rubles or a warning for crossing the color red. A citizen can also be fined 500 rubles for driving on a road in the wrong place.

If, while moving in the wrong place, a person also interferes with vehicles, then the fine will be 1000 rubles. Traffic police inspectors are focused on the ability to fine drivers, but they have “pedestrian days” and then if you break the rules, your wallet will become thinner by the amount of the fine.

Bottom line

In conclusion, I would like to say that pedestrians must cross the roadway in accordance with the traffic rules and not create emergency situations.

It must be remembered that:

  • At a controlled crossing with a working traffic light and a traffic controller, the traffic controller is in charge. You can cross only after his signal;
  • You only need to cross the road when the traffic light is green;
  • If the crossing in the right place is not equipped, then you should move across the road at an intersection or a clearly visible area.

Never forget that you are always responsible for your safety. In Britain, one gravestone bears the inscription “This pedestrian was right.”

Good luck on your journey!

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