The new traffic police regulations should be read by a consultant. The most important changes in the traffic police regulations for monitoring compliance with traffic rules

The administrative regulations, introducing significant changes to the rights and duties of traffic police officers during execution for the first time since 2009, were supposed to come into effect on April 1, 2017. However, on Monday on the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate a message appeared that the implementation of the document is being postponed - the text will have to be finalized after public discussions on the Unified Portal for posting information. The draft regulations are awaiting further approval, and it is still unknown when exactly the new administrative instrument will come into effect. Meanwhile, sources in the capital's State Traffic Inspectorate admit that they haven't even heard about the innovations, even if they haven't been adopted yet - there is too much work, there is no time to read the news. Gazeta.Ru found out what else new they came up with for traffic police officers and drivers.

Stop not only at stationary posts

Along with the message about the refusal to implement the document, on April 1, they also presented new points that will appear in the regulations based on the results of public discussions.

“To implement the powers of the police to protect public order in the context of a reduction in staffing levels, the rule prohibiting stopping vehicles to check documents outside stationary posts has been excluded in the new edition of the administrative regulations,” the traffic police said.

That is, previously, theoretically, a traffic police officer could stop a driver outside a stationary checkpoint only if there was a “tip” on the car or the motorist violated traffic rules right in front of the inspector. Or as part of a special operation like “Interception” or “Barrier” - a detailed list of such reasons is contained in Art. 63 of the regulations currently in force.

This rule was not always observed, and inspectors check drivers’ documents not only and not even so much at the checkpoints.

“Officially, it was possible to stop a driver if his car, for example, is of operational interest,” says Gazeta.Ru’s source in the State Traffic Inspectorate. “But on the other hand, the leadership constantly demands that we fight crime, identify weapons and drugs. No one will transport such cargo through the traffic police post - they will take a detour, outside the city. So why not stop them now? So it’s good that now this can be done officially, no questions will arise.”

In turn, an expert from the regional branch of the All-Russian Popular Front, Katerina Solovyova, drew attention to the fact that most drug and alcohol intoxication is detected through personal contact with the driver and the only “justification” for stopping by a traffic police inspector was that same document check.

“Taking into account the fact that in court eight out of ten drivers had an argument about an illegal stop, the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to eliminate this rule, leaving this right to traffic police officers,” she says.

If you don’t agree with the inspector’s arguments, write it as it is

The provisions regarding the assessment of evidence by a driver against whom an administrative case was opened were also adjusted so that the motorist could write in detail in the protocol everything that he does not agree with, in free form, without pressure from the traffic police inspector. “We are talking about deciphering explanations,” says Solovyova. — Our Code of Administrative Offenses does not in any way restrict the driver’s right to write his objections and arguments in the protocol or in a separate document. This can be done on the spot, or it can be presented separately in court. This document is called comments and additions to the protocol.

And in the regulations it will now be possible to describe almost point by point what exactly the driver can indicate in this protocol. Agree-disagreement, counterarguments, your position and assessment of evidence.”

According to Solovyova, this decision was justified by the fact that when people write their explanations, some careless traffic police officers try to convince drivers to write everything under their dictation and do not allow them to indicate everything that the detainees want to write. “This is a very cumbersome and detailed clause. But it is interpreted in favor of drivers and, apparently, turned out to be necessary from the point of view of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” explains the expert.

At the same time, according to the draft document, explanations must indicate passport and biographical information, including age, place of residence, marital and property status, and state of health.

This will be taken into account when assessing the offender’s personality and assigning the type and amount of administrative punishment.

The drunk turned out to be sober - take him back

The new norm has also been supplemented with provisions relating to examination for intoxication. Now, if the test result for intoxication is negative, a police officer will be required to escort the driver to the place of suspension from driving or to the location of his vehicle.

“The following situation often happens: the driver is stopped by traffic police officers and sent for a medical examination, or he himself wants to go there,” explains Solovyova. — Very often in regions, central hospitals are located in remote areas. You can get there all 25-30 km, especially if the duty is somewhere on the highway.

And the person is taken to this hospital, the results wait several days, but the doctor says that no external signs of intoxication were found. After this, the traffic cop simply leaves, and the person remains there - and what should he do, how to get to the car?

For this purpose, they prescribed the delivery procedure, which was not fixed anywhere before. And this led to many abuses; a large percentage of refusals from medical examination were recorded only because they wanted to take the driver 50 km and abandon him there. As a result, an article was molded to him. 12.26." At the same time, the expert doubts that the innovation will significantly protect drivers from unnecessary suspicion - often crews are on duty in twos. One will stop you, and the second will take you to the first aid station.

Another important point: a traffic police officer must now be present at the moment when a biological sample is taken from the driver - roughly speaking, when you need to pee in a jar. Because experienced drug addicts carry around a jar of fake “clean” tests.

Restraining devices, bribes and drones

Meanwhile, a number of norms remained unchanged even after public discussions. But, according to the expert, not all of them are logical.

For example, it is planned to prohibit the transfer of documents to an inspector for inspection using special holding devices.

“We are talking about some kind of cords, chains, with the help of which the driver can hold on to his license and prevent the inspector from taking it away,” says Solovyova. — This is an open question, and the regulations do not disclose this point in any way. From the point of view of traffic rules and the law, this norm is not tied anywhere. And responsibility for its violation falls under the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Disobedience to the demands of a police officer.” The new edition will also retain the rule on the procedure for inducing someone to accept a bribe (the employee is required to submit a corresponding notification of such a fact in the prescribed manner). And when supervising road traffic, aviation means can be used, including helicopters, balloons, airships, motorized hang gliders and even unmanned aerial vehicles. In addition, thanks to the expansion of the powers of inspectors, any, even a very small manager, can declare any operation to be carried out by his subordinates. That is, arrange a local “Interception”.

It turns out that the task of the new document is to decipher and detail all the procedures included in the relationship between the driver and the traffic police inspector.

“But if a traffic police officer violates this regulation, this is unlikely to be a reason to cancel the fine issued to him,” Solovyova believes. “The maximum he faces is disciplinary action.” It turns out that knowledge of this regulation is not enough for drivers to protect their rights.

Today in Russia “On the approval of the Administrative Regulations for the execution by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the state function of exercising federal state supervision over compliance by road users with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of road safety,” in which a number of innovations have appeared for all road users. We have selected for you all the most significant changes that affect car enthusiasts.

1) The traffic police will no longer issue certificates of accidents

As a result, you now have the right to stop any vehicle not only at a traffic police post, but anywhere to check documents. Including traffic police officers patrolling on foot, they are also allowed to stop vehicles to check documents.

Let us remind you that previously it was allowed to stop cars outside of stationary checkpoints, but only if there were serious reasons for doing so. For example, when it is revealed that the driver has violated traffic rules, there are indications that the vehicle is involved in the commission of an offense, the need to interview the driver or involve him as a witness to provide assistance, the need to use the car and when carrying out special preventive and other measures.

Now, to these grounds for stopping cars outside stationary checkpoints, a ground for checking documents has been added.

3) Is it possible, according to the new regulations, to take a photo or video of a traffic police officer?

It is worth noting that the new administrative regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 664, which came into force on October 20, 2017, does not contain, as in the old regulation (dated 2009), a ban by the traffic police on photo and video shooting by road users.

That is why the new regulations raised a large number of questions. As a result, today the traffic police finally explained why the new regulations do not contain a provision on photo and video recording, the right to which was previously available to all road users without exception, regardless of the circumstances.

Now, according to the new law, there are restrictions on photo and video shooting. But in most cases, State Traffic Inspectorate employees do not have the right to prohibit photo and video shooting.

In what cases may road users be prohibited from taking photos and videos?

According to the clarifications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Russian Federation, the right to film may be limited within the framework of operational investigative activities. Also, a ban on filming may be imposed due to security measures. For example, apparently, it will now be impossible to film cars with special signals and accompanying vehicles.

Also, a restriction on filming may be imposed by a traffic police officer when considering, as well as for the purpose of protecting state and other secrets protected by law, protecting the rights of citizens, public associations and organizations.

Let's say, if, for example, you approached a traffic police officer on the road and started filming him, then the State Traffic Inspectorate officer may prohibit filming if you interfere with him.

It is worth noting that a traffic police officer has the right to take personal photographs not only on a service device, but also on his mobile phone.

It seems to us that this potentially slightly limits the rights of road users, since over time, traffic police officers may specifically prohibit photo and video shooting under various pretexts. The motivation will be standard - it interferes with the administrative procedure, etc.

Then go prove that the road user did not interfere. Agree that with this situation, traffic police officers will be more tempted to violate the rights of motorists.

4) Speed ​​cameras - Now also on roads where repair work is underway

The new administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which came into force on October 20, 2017, now allow the installation of photo and video cameras to control the speed limit. We would like to remind you earlier that cameras could not be used in the repair work area. Now, from today, traffic police officers have the right to place high-speed photo and video recording cameras on roads where repair work is being carried out.

5) Now traffic police officers are required to take drivers back to the car after a medical examination

A new norm in the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now, when sending a driver for a medical examination, traffic police officers are required to take the driver back to his car if the examination results are negative.

That is, now if a driver is taken to a traffic police post to measure the level of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air, and after a negative conclusion, traffic police officers are obliged to return the driver back.

Let us remind you that in the old regulations, traffic police officers had an obligation to return drivers only in the event of a medical examination at the medical center. institutions.

On October 20, 2017, a new traffic police regulation came into force in the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 664). What awaits the Russians? News about important things!

  1. According to the new rules, The installation of speed cameras is permitted anywhere in the temporary restrictions area. The previous ban has been lifted. This point gave rise to a lot of discontent. Drivers are wondering whether patrol officers will independently install “40” signs and then issue a fine to improve their personal performance? The traffic police hastened to assure that this is impossible. Cases of violations recorded by video cameras will be carefully checked. If it turns out that according to the documents, the repairs on the road have been completed, then the fine is invalid despite the fact that the camera has not been removed.
  2. Instead of being able to check documents only at equipped posts, traffic police officers received the right to carry them out on any section of the road. Statistics were given as an argument. According to them, in 2016 and 2017 the number of posts in the country decreased threefold, and drivers need to be checked. In principle, previously, traffic police officers had the right to stop a car if they could clearly indicate the reason (for example, theft).
  3. The new regulations abolished the clause stating that When communicating with the driver, the inspector has no right to oppose filming. And this was also perceived ambiguously by drivers. To begin with, by law it is possible to remove an employee. Many people wondered what to do if the inspector asked to stop filming? What awaits us? Doesn’t this threaten a violation of 19.3 of the Code of Administrative Offences, “failure to comply with employee requirements?” Will it turn out that the driver’s actions drag on for 15 days? The authors of the new traffic police regulations deny punishment and say that a state inspector may interfere with filming if the check and communication with the driver take place in the zone of anti-terrorist operations.
  4. Regulations excludes the issuance of certificates of road accidents. In cases of participation in a traffic accident, the driver will receive copies of protocols and decisions. Work is underway with insurance companies to cancel certificates, since the law on compulsory motor liability insurance and the rules of companies, in the case of comprehensive insurance policies, have this requirement.
  5. The new rules provide transfer of documents for inspection without covers and holding mechanisms(chains, etc.).
  6. There was a lot of noise around the cancellation smoking ban regulations. But this does not mean that now a traffic police officer has the right to smoke while communicating with the driver. The developers considered that the smoking ban is provided for in the code of ethics for civil servants and there is no need to duplicate it in the new traffic police regulations. The inspector is obliged to speak to the driver in a civilized manner, without rudeness, without rudeness, and especially without obscene language. He must not allow statements of a “discriminatory nature” related to the driver’s gender, age, or nationality. For expressions like “a woman is driving” he will be held accountable.
  7. If an inspector, on suspicion of drinking alcohol, had to take the driver for a medical examination to the traffic police post, and there it turned out that he was absolutely sober, then the responsibility includes its delivery to the vehicle. This clause existed before, but it only provided for the situation when the driver was taken to a medical facility.
  8. The 2017 regulations state that the driver has the opportunity to present to the employee both a paper version of the OSAGO policy and its electronic version. The rule worked before, but now it is also spelled out in the regulations.

The new regulations are introduced by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the execution by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the state function of implementing federal state supervision over compliance by road users with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of road safety." It comes into force on October 20, 2017. The regulations have received many important changes.

Deleting information about old traffic violations

According to the new rules, now information about driver violations must be deleted from automated databases within three days after the termination of the proceedings or 1 year after the end of execution of the decision.

rules related to the withdrawal of rights and the prohibition of the operation of a vehicle as measures to ensure proceedings in a case of an administrative offense are excluded
To ensure road safety, traffic inspectors were allowed to use technical measuring instruments that do not belong to the internal affairs bodies

Video recording of the actions of a traffic police officer

The regulations allow video recording of procedural actions carried out without the participation of witnesses. Moreover, a clause has appeared recommending that a traffic police officer carry out administrative procedures in the field of view of video surveillance systems or wearable video recorders. When using video recording, the traffic police officer is obliged to warn the driver and all other citizens present.


The regulations spell out the procedure for registering an accident without the participation of authorized police officers - Europrotocol. In the case where 2 cars were involved in an accident, there were no injuries and both drivers have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, the inspectors will recommend that they file the accident themselves, according to the European Protocol.

Electronic MTPL policies

It is envisaged to conclude a compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in the form of an electronic document. This became mandatory for insurers from January 1, 2017, but was not specified in the traffic police documents.

New rules for transferring documents to the inspector

The regulations include a rule requiring a police officer to accept documents handed over to him for verification without covers or “holding devices.”

Stopping outside stationary posts

In the new regulations, the rule prohibiting stopping vehicles to check documents outside of stationary posts is excluded. Now the traffic inspector can stop the car and check the documents anywhere at his discretion.

Patrol cars were allowed to be hidden

Let us remind you that according to the current traffic police regulations, during road inspections, traffic inspectors are required to position the car so that road users can see it from afar. This is also stated in the new regulations:

“When supervising traffic using a patrol car that has a special color scheme, it must be placed in a stationary position in such a way that it is clearly visible to road users and there is a possibility of timely suppression of the offense.”

“In order to ensure traffic supervision on emergency-hazardous sections of the road, as well as in cases of traffic supervision using photo and video recording of violations of traffic rules, a patrol car can be placed in places with visibility limited by natural breaks in the terrain, road turns, as well as elements of the road network." That is, in simple terms, when working with cameras recording traffic violations or on emergency road sections, inspectors can hide patrol cars behind hillocks, turns, banners, etc. In general, in almost any situation it will be possible to hide a car without breaking the law.

“Actions of employees entailing the deliberate creation of obstacles to the recognition by road users of a special color scheme, devices for giving special sound and light signals of a patrol car, are not allowed.” This point no longer inspires optimism, since the intentionality of actions will be very difficult to prove. Even with the ban in many areas of the country, traffic inspectors deliberately hid their cars while on duty. After October 20, 2017, they will be able to do this by law.

Patrolling in civilian vehicles

The corresponding clause is in the new regulations:

“When supervising traffic by a squad of officers in a patrol car without a special color scheme, measures are taken to record violations of traffic rules that contribute to the commission of an accident, including facts of dangerous driving, driving in violation of traffic rules into a lane intended for oncoming traffic, speeding the established speed of movement, violations of the rules for passing pedestrian crossings, the rules for using the telephone by the driver of the vehicle, while ensuring its interaction with other squads (stationary, pedestrian posts, squads on patrol cars with a special color scheme), which, if necessary, suppress and formalize an administrative offense. the vehicle is stopped."

In other words, a hidden traffic police patrol in a regular car only records violations and reports them to colleagues. And the driver is stopped by another patrol - in a car with flashing lights and an appropriate color scheme that fully complies with the current rules.

Use of dummies and aviation

According to the new traffic police regulations, from October 20, 2017, traffic police officers can use aviation equipment (helicopters, balloons, airships, trikes, unmanned aerial vehicles and others) when supervising traffic. In addition, to prevent violations of traffic rules, devices (models, dummies) that imitate an employee, a patrol car, or automatic fixation devices can be used.

Return of the driver from medical examination

If an examination for intoxication is carried out at the nearest traffic police post or other premises of the internal affairs body, if the result is negative and there are no grounds for sending for a medical examination, traffic police officers will be required to escort the person to the place of suspension from driving or to the location of his car.

Checking passenger documents

According to changes in the traffic police regulations, from October 20, traffic police officers will have the right to stop cars to check the identity documents of the driver and passengers.

There may be the following reasons for this:

  • there is evidence giving grounds to suspect the driver or passengers of committing a crime
  • there are suspicions that they are wanted
  • if there is a reason to initiate an administrative offense case against these citizens
  • if there are grounds for detaining the driver or passengers, in cases provided for by federal law.

That is, formally, a traffic police officer can check the documents of a car passenger, indicating any of these reasons as an explanation.

Using trucks to stop violators

According to changes in the traffic police regulations, from October 20, traffic police officers will have the right to forcibly stop the cars of violators using trucks. However, such a forced stop of a vehicle can only be carried out if the driver creates a real danger to the life and health of people, repeatedly disobeys the legal demands of an employee to stop, and provided that the safety of other road users is ensured.

Forced stopping using trucks is not allowed in relation to:

  • vehicles transporting dangerous goods;
  • trucks intended for transporting people (if there are passengers);
  • ambulances;
  • vehicles belonging to diplomatic, consular and other missions of foreign states, international organizations;
  • buses;
  • motorcycles and mopeds.

Taking photos and videos of traffic police officers

The clause allowing drivers to take photos and videos of traffic inspectors has disappeared from the new edition of the administrative regulations of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, which comes into force on October 20, 2017.

The new regulations no longer contain the requirement that employees not interfere with the use of recording equipment. We are talking about paragraph 10.13:

“employees, when performing a public function, are obliged not to interfere with the use of photo, video and sound recording equipment by a road user, unless prohibited by law, and if there is a prohibition, inform the road user of its reasons.”

In fact, there is no such ban. This clause has disappeared from the regulations, which are intended for traffic police officers, not drivers. In addition, this regulation does not allow, but does not prohibit filming. As a lawyer confirmed to the portal, when communicating with a traffic police officer, citizens must be guided by the Law “On Police,” which does not prohibit photography and video recording.

Before we begin to clarify the key changes, we will make a couple of clarifications. Firstly, if you need the full text of the regulations discussed here, then you should look for it by its full name: Administrative Regulations for the Execution by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the state function of exercising federal state supervision over compliance by road users with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of road safety movements. Well, secondly, for convenience, we will group the changes made to the document into two categories: what disappeared from it, and what was added to it. Let's start with the first category.

1. Inspectors will no longer take away your license and prohibit the operation of your car.

The rules regulating the confiscation of a driver's license and the prohibition of operating a vehicle in the event of an administrative offense were excluded from the updated regulations. Now the license will not be confiscated by the inspector and delivered to the traffic police department - instead, the driver, deprived of the right to drive a vehicle, is ordered to independently submit them to the traffic police department within three days after receiving the protocol on the administrative offense.

It is worth noting that if there are signs of intoxication, the driver will be “removed from driving a vehicle until the reason for the suspension is eliminated”: this is stated in a separate paragraph of the protocol on removal from driving a vehicle.

2. Inspectors are no longer prohibited from stopping cars to check documents outside of stationary posts

The regulations state, among other things, that “road traffic supervision can be carried out on a patrol car in motion or in a stationary position,” and “the place, time, forms and methods of traffic supervision by employees” are determined by the regional heads of traffic police and State Traffic Inspectorate departments. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the inspector’s powers to stop a car - that is, he can stop it outside a stationary post.

3. Inspectors will no longer provide certificates of accidents

Among the documents drawn up by traffic police officers in response to an accident, there is now no certificate of a traffic accident, the form of which was previously officially established by the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 154. In the new regulations, the list of actions of an inspector at the scene of an accident includes drawing up a protocol or resolution on the commission of an administrative offense and a diagram of the accident site, taking photos and videos of the situation at the scene of an accident, as well as interviewing participants, witnesses and eyewitnesses of the accident and collecting material evidence.

In order to avoid controversial situations when contacting an insurance company, you need to make sure that the inspector has included in the prepared documents all the data about the participants and the circumstances of the accident, including the MTPL policy number and information about the damage caused to the cars.

4. It is no longer prohibited to install cameras in areas with temporary markings and signs

A proposal that directly prohibits the use of speed control devices in areas with temporary markings and road signs was excluded from the new regulations. If in the old version there was a phrase that “the use of automatic fixation means in places where traffic restrictions are established by temporary road signs is not allowed,” then according to the current document, “the choice of installation sites for automatic fixation means is carried out on the basis of an analysis of accident rates on sections of highways with a high probability of an accident." In practice, this means that you can now get a fine for speeding while driving at a “normal” speed, for example, in a section where repairs have almost been completed, but the sign limiting the maximum speed to 20 kilometers per hour has not yet been removed - those who have been to country roads, are familiar with such situations. In such a section, from now on you can see both a camera on a tripod and an inspector in a patrol car controlling the speed.

5. Permission to film has disappeared from the regulations - but filming is still allowed

The new version of the regulations does not provide direct permission to take photographs and videos when communicating with traffic police inspectors - however, this does not mean that from now on filming is prohibited. It, as before, is permitted by the very constitutional right of every citizen to search, receive and transmit information in any legal way. If, while filming, the driver does not interfere with the police officer’s performance of his official duties, the driver’s actions remain within the limits of what is permitted.

However, it is worth noting here that not only the driver, but also the inspector himself has the right to film what is happening. The only circumstance indicated in this regard in the regulations is that “if an employee uses photo, video and sound recording equipment in the performance of a state function, including a video recorder installed in a patrol car, he notifies road users (persons present during administrative procedures).”

This concludes the list of what has disappeared from the new edition of the traffic police regulations - and we move on to what has been added to it.

6. Inspectors should not set up “ambushes”, removing the patrol car from view

The new regulations clearly state that “actions by employees that entail intentional interference with the recognition by road users of a special color scheme or devices for giving special sound and light signals of a patrol car are not allowed.” In other words, the patrol car must be positioned so as to be clearly visible to all road users. However, the regulations also contain specific reservations regarding its visibility.

Thus, the regulations explain that “a patrol car can be placed in places with visibility limited by natural breaks in the terrain, road turns, as well as elements of the road network.” Simply put, familiar patterns where the patrol car is not visible around a bend, hill or fence are still possible. In addition, in emergency areas or areas with insufficient visibility, the patrol car will be positioned as safely as possible - thus, the condition of good visibility may be limited by these circumstances.

7. Inspectors will offer to file an accident according to the European protocol

This is one of the innovations of the regulations, which allows it to “catch up with modern realities” in the form. If the conditions allowing for the execution of a European protocol are met, the inspector called by phone will first offer to use this opportunity, and in case of refusal or impossibility to use the simplified scheme, he will, if possible, send an authorized police officer to the scene of the accident, and if there are no free officers available at that time , will inform about the possibility of registering an accident at the nearest stationary post indicating the time, inform about the need to take detailed photographs of the accident site before leaving it, and offer to draw up a diagram of the place where the administrative offense was committed.

8. Inspectors will accept independently printed electronic MTPL policies

This amendment to the regulations is also from the category of “legalizing what already exists.” With the advent, car owners now have printouts of these policies, certified by a digital signature, in their hands. Such a printout is a full confirmation of the existence of a valid MTPL agreement: the inspector will be satisfied with both the original policy and “information printed on paper about the conclusion of a compulsory civil liability insurance agreement for the owner of the vehicle in the form of an electronic document.”

9. The driver is obliged to hand over documents to the inspector without covers or holding devices

The new version of the regulations takes care of those who like to fasten documents with a chain or cord to themselves or to a car so that the inspector cannot move away from the car with them. Now “documents handed over by road users for verification are accepted by employees without covers and without restraints.” In addition, as before, you do not need to invest money, securities or foreign objects in the documents - otherwise the inspector will return the documents to you and ask you to hand them over without these extra elements.

10. Inspectors will deliver drivers back to the car if the results of the medical examination are negative.

If the inspector has suspicions that the driver is a driver, he, as before, has the right to require him to undergo a medical examination. The new version of the regulations clearly states that “if the result of the examination for intoxication is negative and there are no grounds for referral for a medical examination for intoxication, the person is transported to the place of suspension from driving a vehicle or to the location of his vehicle.” Simply put, if all the tests you take do not show signs of intoxication, the inspector will be obliged to take you back to your car.

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