Do Russians need a visa to travel to Georgia? Entry documents

Before planning his trip to a particular country, the right tourist asks the right question: “What documents are needed to cross the border.” A visa is one of the most important stages in planning a trip, because its processing can take weeks or even months, depending on the severity of the requirements of the country's consulate. It is because of this document that many tourists prefer to spend their holidays in visa-free countries.

In this article, we have collected all the necessary information about the visa issue for a trip to Georgia: You will find out whether a visa is needed for Russians and what documents will be required to cross the border.

Since 2015, Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Georgia. Without a visa, you can cross the state border of the country by any means of transport, both land and air. The allowed period of stay for Russians in Georgia without a visa is up to 1 year, after which the Russian citizen is obliged to leave the country or, if necessary, obtain a residence permit (temporary or permanent). A residence permit is issued directly in Georgia, at the Civil Registry Agency, where a foreign citizen must apply with the relevant documents. You will find more information on the official website of the organization -

Documents for crossing the border

To enter Georgia, Russians will only need a valid foreign passport. Its validity period can be any! Medical insurance is not required, but it is recommended to take it out, because... Treatment of foreigners in the country is carried out exclusively on a paid basis.

Those who are planning to travel to Georgia by car will additionally need the following documents, which will definitely be checked at the border:

  • Driver's license. To travel around Georgia, Russians can use both Russian and international driving licenses.
  • Vehicle registration certificate (technical passport).
  • A general power of attorney from the owner of the car with the right to travel abroad, certified by a notary. This document will be needed for those who are traveling to Georgia in someone else’s car. Translation of the document is not necessary.

Since December 2017, another mandatory document for auto travelers has become a civil liability insurance policy for their vehicle. Insurance must be valid for the entire period of stay in Georgia; you can apply for a policy online or directly at the border checkpoint. This service is provided by the Compulsory Insurance Center. The cost of the insurance package depends on the category of vehicle (motorcycle, car, bus, etc.), as well as on the length of stay.

Thus, an insurance policy for a passenger car for a 15-day trip will cost 30 GEL, for a 30-day trip – 50 GEL. More information about tariffs can be found on the website

For a trip to Georgia, children will need:

  • International passport (if not, then a birth certificate and the corresponding entry in the parents’ passport).
  • Notarized permission for a minor to travel abroad from one or both parents. Permission from one parent is allowed only if the child is traveling with the second parent; permission from both parents is required if the child is traveling accompanied by third parties. The permit must be valid for the entire period of stay in the country, i.e. if a child plans to spend 1 year in Georgia, then the permit must be valid for at least 1 year.

How long can you stay in the country?

Russians can stay in Georgia for 1 year without a visa and additional registration procedures. When crossing the state border, the date of entry into the country is entered into the foreigner’s passport. It is based on this information that citizens are monitored by length of stay. After the allowed year has expired, you must either leave the country or apply for a residence permit (permanent or temporary).

There is no official ban on leaving Georgia for 1 day and returning back after 1 year. However, customs officers will most likely have questions and you may be convicted of conducting illegal labor activities without the appropriate permit.

If you really need to continuously stay in Georgia for more than 1 year, then you should contact the Civil Registry Agency and apply for a residence permit. More detailed information about residence permits in Georgia for foreigners and the rules for their registration can be found on the website:

Where should Russians turn in case of conflict situations on the territory of Georgia?

Few people, before starting a trip or even during it, think about possible incidents that could happen during the trip. But life is complicated, and you need to be prepared for anything. Russian citizens who find themselves in a difficult situation on the territory of Georgia should contact the Russian embassy. There is no Russian embassy as such in Georgia, but there is a Russian interests section at the Swiss embassy. Our specialists are there who speak Russian and provide all kinds of assistance to compatriots who find themselves in difficult life situations. Located at:

  • I. Chavchavadze Ave. 53

You should contact the Russian Embassy in case of loss of your passport, road accident, detention or arrest, as well as in situations where the life or health of a Russian citizen is in danger.

Visiting Georgia after Abkhazia and South Ossetia

After the military conflict, Georgia has disputed territories that broke away from the country: Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The country even has a special law “On Occupied Territories,” which provides for criminal or administrative penalties for entering these territories from outside the territory of Georgia.

A natural question arises whether it is possible to visit Georgia after staying in the disputed territories. In theory, yes. To visit Abkhazia and South Ossetia, only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is enough, and to cross the Georgian border, you must present a foreign passport. Moreover, when visiting unrecognized states, there are no marks in the passport. It follows from this that problems with Georgian customs should not arise simply for the reason that they will not know about the fact of your stay on the disputed lands.

However, there are cases where Russians entered Georgia through international checkpoints and left the country through checkpoints in disputed territories. When visiting Georgia again, the country's law enforcement agencies accused these citizens of illegally crossing the state border.

Important! According to the Law on Occupied Territories, violators face criminal penalties of up to 5 years in prison or an administrative penalty of about 2,000 US dollars.

Let's sum it up

The strict entry rules that were introduced in September 2014 were abolished, thereby eliminating the issue of obtaining a visa to Georgia. Undoubtedly, this is positive news for our citizens, since every person who wishes has the right to stay in Georgia for one year without applying for a visa.

Despite the conflict between Russia and Georgia, everything is in the past, a visa-free regime has been reintroduced. However, it is worth hiding the fact, if it occurred, of being on the territory of unrecognized states. If customs officers find out about this, entry into the country will be denied.

Do not forget that it will be impossible to enter the territory of Georgia using a Russian civil passport. But a medical life insurance policy is not mandatory. However, Russians should know that honey. assistance in the country is provided to all foreigners only on a paid basis, even in emergency cases. So we recommend that you still take out an insurance policy.

When traveling in your own car, remember that crossing the state border can take several hours, it all depends on how busy the checkpoint is. Also, don't forget to take out insurance. You can purchase it online or directly at the checkpoint.

When staying on the territory of Georgia, keep in mind that there is also no Russian Embassy here; Russian interests are represented by the Swiss Embassy in Tbilisi.

When planning their vacation in Georgia, many tourists are interested in the main question: “What do you actually need to get to this wonderful country?” We were no exception when planning our vacation. Today we will tell you everything that we managed to learn about the visa issue while preparing for the flight to Georgia.

Visa to Georgia for Russians in 2019

Since 2015, residents of the Russian Federation can stay in Georgia without a visa and problems with the law equals a full calendar year. In essence, this means that Russian tourists can stay in the country for 365 days without leaving the country. with a valid passport. After the expiration of the period, you must either return to your place or go to neighboring countries for literally 1 day. The new rules allow Russians not only to actively travel around Georgia, but also to freely work, study or buy real estate and live here for a long time.

Important: At the time of departure from Georgia, your passport must be valid for another 3 months.

Visa to Georgia for residents of the CIS countries and Europe in 2019

Also in 2015, by decision of the Georgian government, a number of countries, including the CIS and Europe, were officially allowed to stay in the country for a year without a visa. Therefore, residents of Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, etc. (see list below) if you want to relax in Georgia or simply when crossing the border with this country, you need to have with you only a valid passport.

Incomplete list of countries whose residents were allowed to stay in Georgia throughout the year:

  • Austria
  • Republic of Albania
  • New Zealand
  • Republic of Bulgaria
  • Federal Republic of Germany
  • Spain
  • Turkish Republic
  • Japan
  • State of Israel
  • Italian Republic
  • Canada
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of Poland
  • Romania
  • Greece
  • French Republic
  • Republic of Serbia
  • The Republic of Tajikistan
  • Hungary
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Sweden
  • Czech

Full the list of countries can be seen on the official website of the Legislative Gazette of Georgia.

Who needs a visa to Georgia in 2019?

And yet, residents of some countries will have to apply for a visa in 2019 to get to Georgia. The list includes: Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Indonesia, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Jordan, Syrian Arab Republic, Lebanese Republic, People's Republic of China, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Arab Republic of Egypt. Citizens of the above countries are issued a visa for 90 days. The cost is $50.

Trip to Georgia with a child and/or by car in 2019

Another equally important question that many tourists have is: “What documents are needed for a child’s trip to Georgia?” First of all, it depends on the age of the little traveler. Parents need to have either their child’s international passport or the child’s details entered in their passport. The baby's birth certificate wouldn't hurt either. If the child is traveling with one of the parents, be sure to have written permission from the other parent to take the child out. If the baby is traveling with a third party (grandmother, uncle, sister, etc.), you need to keep with you a document certified by a notary (permission) from one of the parents or guardians.

List of documents required for traveling by car: driver's license (ordinary, not international, as long as the data is also in Latin); registration certificate; a power of attorney authorizing the export of a car abroad from the owner of the car, certified by a notary (if the owner is not driving or in the car). Not mandatory, but desirable (rather for your peace of mind) car insurance.

Among other things, I would like to give some practical advice regarding the documents with which ordinary travelers travel around Georgia. First of all, regarding the international passport: it should not be old. In other words, the passport you have cannot exceed its validity period is 10 years. At the same time, the document must remain minimum 2 blank pages for affixing appropriate stamps. At the time of departure from Georgia, the passport must be valid for at least another 3 months.

If after the expiration of the 1 year period you forgot or were unable to leave Georgia, be prepared pay a fine at the rate of 180 GEL GEORGIAN GEL RATE:
180 lari = 59.58 euros;
180 lari = 68.4 dollars;
180 lari = 4539.6 rubles;
180 lari = 1915.2 hryvnia;
180 lari = 153 Belarusian rubles.
Exchange rates and prices may not be accurate.. Keep in mind that every three months its amount will grow rapidly.

Another important tip concerns travel to neighboring Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Those who decide to visit Georgia are absolutely not allowed to have stamps from these settlements in their passports. Otherwise, you may not only be fined, but also imprisoned for illegal entry across the border.

The stone where many tourists like to take pictures is located on a steep mountain slope. There are a lot of similar “temptations” for tourists in Georgia.

At the moment there are several options: get two passports; travel to Abkhazia using an internal passport (for residents of the Russian Federation) or request official permission to enter with a visa.

The second option is the most risky, since theoretically you can be “punched” through the databases and expelled from Georgia forever. The last method is time-consuming and expensive, but it is worth talking about in more detail.

First, you need to fill out a special electronic form on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia and send a photocopy of your passport along with it. A response should come within 5 days. With a printed permit and a valid international passport, the tourist goes to the only working checkpoint on the border with Abkhazia - near the bridge over the Inguri River. After crossing the cordon, the traveler is required to appear at the consular department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia in Sukhumi within a three-day period and present permission to obtain a visa. It is issued for residents of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries for free. Citizens of other countries are required to pay a visa fee of 660 rubles. To avoid further problems with the Georgian authorities, you need to return through the same checkpoint.

After the armed conflict, diplomatic relations between Russia and Georgia were severed. But this did not affect the attitude towards Russians and the possibility of visiting the country. On the contrary, Georgia is actively seeking to simplify entry rules for foreigners. And this concerns not only Russians. Do you need a visa to visit this country, as well as the rules for obtaining permission - read about all the nuances below.

Do I need a visa to enter Georgia (including for citizens of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians)?

Citizens of 93 countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, can stay in Georgia without a visa for a year. There is no need to report the purpose of the trip.

When entering and leaving Georgia, a stamp with the dates of border crossing is placed in the international passport. These marks are used to control the length of stay.

Tbilisi is a city with a rich history that has absorbed the culture of many peoples

You need to take into account one feature that is important for visiting Georgia. After the 2008 war, two territories were actually separated from it - Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Georgia does not control either the regions themselves or their borders with Russia. But the Georgian authorities still consider them integral parts of the country. If your passport contains entry stamps for Abkhazia or South Ossetia, this can have unpleasant consequences. According to Georgians, only the Georgian stamp should be affixed, and these territories do not have the right to take border control into their own hands. But under the current conditions this is impossible. Despite this, Georgia faces charges of illegal border crossing due to such a stamp. And this threatens with a fine and even imprisonment.

Entry into Georgia for more than a year

You can stay in Georgia for more than a year on the basis of work, study, or family reunification. This right also applies to investors who have invested at least 300 thousand Georgian lari in Georgia, and owners of expensive real estate.

For long-term stays, you must obtain an immigrant visa category D or a residence permit (temporary residence permit).

You can find out which of these documents to request by taking a test on the website of the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Georgian and English languages ​​only) or by contacting one of the representative offices. In Russia, after the severance of diplomatic relations, the Georgian Embassy was closed, and in its place the Interests Section of the Republic of Georgia was opened at the Swiss Embassy. Embassies and consulates of the Republic of Georgia operate in other countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia is guiding citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to obtain a residence permit. If a long-term visa is still necessary, you can apply for it at the Georgian representative offices in your country.

Where and how can I obtain a residence permit?

A residence permit is issued on the territory of Georgia by filling out an electronic application. Documents are submitted to the House of Justice.

Procedure for obtaining a residence permit

  1. Submit an electronic application on the website of the Civil Registry Agency or to the Consular Department, attaching electronic copies of all documents. In this case, visual contact with the operator is required. You will need a webcam, headphones and a microphone.
  2. Pay for document review services using a bank card or cash at the bank.
  3. After registering your application, you will receive a notification to your email containing the application number and code. You can use them to track the status of your application.
  4. Within 10 days from the date of approval of the application, submit all documents in person to the House of Justice.
  5. Conduct an interview if necessary.
  6. After 10–30 days, you will be notified that the document is ready, which can be obtained at the House of Justice.

List of required documents depending on the purpose of entry

For short-term (up to a year) entry into Georgia, a foreign passport will be sufficient. For minors, it is necessary to prepare birth certificates, as well as consent to travel abroad (if the child is traveling unaccompanied by his parents or with one of them).

Documents for obtaining a residence permit

  • international passport;
  • photograph size 3x4 cm;
  • confirmation of payment for document review;
  • if necessary - confirmation of legal stay in Georgia (immigrant visa);

In addition, you need to attach documents regarding the purpose of living in Georgia:

  • for the purpose of work - a document confirming employment relations with a Georgian company or a certificate of entrepreneurship;
  • for the purpose of professional activity of people of free professions (for example, journalism) - a document on professional activity and a document on the source of legal income; a written recommendation from a citizen of Georgia;
  • for the purpose of study - a certificate from an educational institution and a document confirming the availability of sufficient funds (certificate of income of a sponsor relative, certificate of the amount in a bank account);
  • for the purpose of family reunification - a document confirming kinship and a document of a relative; a document confirming the availability of sufficient funds;
  • according to the right of an investor - a document on investments in Georgia in the amount of 300 thousand Georgian lari according to the auditor’s conclusion; a written recommendation from three citizens of Georgia authorized to issue such recommendations.

All documents are accepted only in Georgian or in a notarized translation. If necessary, they must be legalized and certified with an apostille.

Deadlines for consideration of applications and issuance of residence permits

The decision on extradition is made within 30 days after submission of documents. For an additional fee, the review can be expedited.

Cost of obtaining a residence permit

Payment for document review services:

  • within 30 days - 210 Georgian lari,
  • within 20 days - 330 Georgian lari,
  • within 10 days - 410 Georgian lari.

Costs must also be provided for translation, certification and legalization of documents.

Validity periods and renewal rules

A residence permit is issued for a period of validity from one to 6 years.

The document can be renewed under the same conditions and according to the same procedure, if no significant changes have occurred. Over time, the purpose of your stay in Georgia may change, and you have the right to apply for residence for a different purpose.

What to do if you receive a refusal?

Reasons for refusal may be:

  • false information about yourself,
  • false documents or lack of the required document,
  • having a criminal record within the last 5 years,
  • a serious illness that is dangerous to others,
  • there are reasons to believe that your stay in Georgia may threaten law and order or national security,
  • the presence of Abkhaz or South Ossetian border crossing marks in the passport;
  • deportation from Georgia.

If you receive a refusal, payment for document review services is not refundable. But you have the right to resubmit your documents - no earlier than a month after receiving the refusal. The entire procedure is repeated taking into account any mistakes made.

Video: how are Russians treated in Georgia?

Short-term trips to Georgia do not require a visa. And if you decide to stay in the country for a long time, then obtaining a residence permit will not cause difficulties. However, Georgian migration legislation has been changing rapidly recently. Therefore, to obtain up-to-date information, be sure to contact the Georgian representative offices.

Georgia is an amazing and incredibly beautiful country. If you are planning to travel by car to Georgia in 2019, then a very exciting journey and friendly people await you. However, do not forget to comply with the laws of this country. In this article we will tell you how to cross the border correctly, what documents are needed for this and how much on average you will have to spend on the trip.

Please note that you can legally cross the Russian-Georgian border by car through the Verkhniy Lars checkpoint. This checkpoint operates around the clock without interruption. The highway connecting Vladikavkaz and Tbilisi passes through this checkpoint. By the way, in many ratings this road is recognized as the most beautiful mountain road in the world.

The order of crossing the border is as follows:

  1. You pass the barrier and go through control by border guards, including an inspection of vehicles using mirrors.
  2. Then go through passport control.
  3. Next comes customs control. Customs officers may ask you to unload all the things that are in the car. They can even x-ray all luggage. True, a thorough examination and the use of x-rays are quite rare.

In general, the procedure for crossing the border between the Russian Federation and Georgia can take up to 2-3 hours. Passengers go through passport control separately. The driver, as a rule, does not need to get out of the vehicle; he may be asked to get out only in extreme cases. As tourists note, all these procedures at the Georgian border take place quite quickly, but at the Russian border the check takes at least 1-1.5 hours.

Please note that Georgian legislation prohibits travel to the country through Abkhazia (Gantiadi-Adler checkpoint), since according to Georgian laws Abkhazia is not recognized as a separate republic, but as a temporarily uncontrolled territory. It is also prohibited to enter through the Rock - Nizhny Zaramag checkpoint.

If you violate this rule, you may be fined 400 GEL. In case of repeated border crossing through prohibited checkpoints, the fine will be 800 GEL or even imprisonment from 3 to 5 years. be sure to take this fact into account before traveling to Georgia.

Required documents

If you are planning a trip to Georgia, then you must take the following documents with you:

  • Valid passports for all passengers.

  • Vehicle registration certificate.
  • Driver's license.

If the owner is not driving the car, then you must additionally take a power of attorney with you, and it must be notarized and translated into English. Translation into Georgian is not necessary. There is no need to pay any additional taxes on cars.

A visa is not placed in the passport, only a stamp indicating border crossing is affixed. Let us remind you that you do not need a visa to travel; since 2012, the visa regime between Georgia and the Russian Federation has been abolished and it is enough to present only your international passport at the border.

Do you need a green card?

From March 1, 2018, the owner of a foreign car entering the territory of Georgia is required to have a motor vehicle liability insurance policy. You can buy a policy directly on the territory of Georgia after crossing the border or in advance on the website
For lack of insurance, you face a fine of 100 to 200 Georgian lari.

Basic traffic rules

After crossing the border from Russia to Georgia, it is necessary to avoid high speed, as the road is very winding and dangerous. You won't find police officers with radar guns on highways, but speeding can be detected by special speed cameras. The maximum speed on the highway is 110 km, and in urban areas – up to 60 km.

If you come to Georgia by car with a child, then according to local rules you can put the child in the front seat only after he or she reaches 12 years of age. Children under 3 years old must be in a special chair or in the arms of an adult.

Naturally, you can’t drink and drive; you can be fined for having 0.03 ppm in your blood. It is possible to refuse an alcohol test, but in this case the driver will be found guilty. And the punishment for driving while drunk is serious - 200 lari, if the violation is committed for the first time, for the second such behavior the person faces deprivation of rights for up to six months.

You can also get a fine for tinted windows - 50 GEL; for a repeated violation, a 6-month deprivation of rights is already provided. True, the ban on tinting only applies to the windshield and front windows. Rear windows can be tinted without restrictions.

For driving a car without a driver's license you will have to pay 500 GEL. Punishment is inevitable if you put someone without a license behind the wheel. Deprivation of driving license is also threatened if the driver does not stop at the request of a police officer.

For driving without a seat belt, a fine of 40 GEL can be imposed, for talking on a mobile phone while driving - 10 GEL.

Despite such severe fines, local drivers are reckless and do not strictly adhere to traffic rules. The fact is that fines for minor violations are not issued so often. However, if it has already happened that you have been fined, then offering a bribe to the police is not recommended.

Each police officer has a chest camera, so it is almost impossible to hide the fact of receiving a bribe. But in general, patrol officers treat foreigners very kindly. If it happens that you get lost somewhere, then you can always safely contact law enforcement officials and ask them for directions to the right place.

The fine must be paid within a month after it is issued. If you do not invest within this period, an additional penalty will be charged. However, if you do not agree with the decision made, you can try to challenge the penalties in a local court.

For ignoring the deadlines for paying a fine, you may even be deprived of your rights, despite the fact that you are a citizen of the Russian Federation or another country. In practice, this happens at the border if border guards have information about a foreigner’s failure to pay a fine. They will be given back to the offender only after the debt has been repaid and payment has been made for the restoration of the VU. Therefore, it is best to avoid even minor traffic violations. And if it already happens that you have been held accountable, pay off the fines on time

Gas stations, gasoline and roads

Gasoline in the country is slightly more expensive than in Russia. But you cannot bring canisters of gasoline from the Russian Federation, you can only fill a full tank in Vladikavkaz. A liter of 95 costs about 2.20 lari or approximately 55 rubles. Let’s remember that after Upper Larsi there are no gas stations along the road for a long time; the first gas station can only be found in the Gudauri area. It is also advisable to change money in advance, since gas stations only accept local money; you won’t be able to pay in rubles.

The condition of roads in Georgia is noticeably improving every year, but there are still some areas of complete roadlessness. Most of these sections can be found on the Georgian military road, but the deplorable condition of the highway here is explained by the fact that mudflows regularly occur here. The section of the highway between Kobi and Gudauri is also in poor condition. There are no toll roads in the country; all highways are absolutely free.

What to see in Georgia

It's no secret that this state has a lot of attractions. The capital is of particular interest. The most interesting places in Tbilisi are the Bridge of Peace, Freedom Square, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Tbilisi Opera, Metekhi, Narikala Fortress, etc. It is also worth visiting the Old City, the Alnabar, Abunotubani quarters and Sh. Rustaveli Avenue.

After exploring the capital, it is easy to get to Mtskheta by car. From there you can plan a route to Ananuri and then to Telavi. You may prefer to travel in a different direction - from the capital go to Gori, Uplistsikhe and Kutaisi. The ending points of the route will be Mestia and Batumi.

Many tourists are interested in the famous resort of Borjomi, which is located 160 km from the capital. Here you can enjoy wonderful mineral water and visit the unique cave town of Vadzia, the Akhaltsikhe fortress and Khervisi.

In summer, resorts on the Black Sea are especially popular: Kobuleti, Gonio, Sarpi and Kvariati.

A trip by car to Georgia in 2019 is a unique opportunity to see all the beauty of the country in a couple of days. The main thing is to make sure that you have all the necessary documents and not to violate local traffic rules, then your vacation will be pleasant and unforgettable.

Georgia is a country in western Transcaucasia, where high mountain villages border Black Sea beaches. It borders with Azerbaijan, Turkey, Armenia and Russia, and is washed by the Black Sea in the west. The territory is mostly mountainous.

Georgia is good for its wine and culinary traditions, late Middle Ages architecture, spa resorts, mountain tours and legendary hospitable people. The tourist infrastructure in big cities is well developed, but if you choose to travel independently around the country “wherever you look,” you will find a lot of places where the concept of infrastructure is very conditional. Vacation prices are average.

Do Russians need a visa to Georgia?

  • A visa for Russians to visit Georgia is not required if the duration of the trip is no more than 1 year and the purpose of the trip is tourism or a private visit to relatives or friends.
  • If desired, the residence permit can be extended for another 360 days. To do this, you should visit the nearest Civil Registry Agency, pay the registration fee (100 GEL), fill out a form and attach two 3x4 color photos.

Rules for entry into Georgia

If your passport contains a note about visiting Abkhazia or South Ossetia, you will not be allowed into Georgian territory. Also, do not try to cross the Georgian border from the territory of one of these countries - troubles may follow, including arrest.

Required documents for crossing the border

  • A foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with two blank pages, valid until the end of the trip.
  • There is no official requirement for pre-issued insurance (medical policy) for the duration of the trip, but we recommend purchasing it. Since any medical services for foreign citizens in Georgia are paid.
  • If you are entering the country by car, you will need a registration document and a driver’s license, the details of which are written in Latin letters.
  • To enter someone else's car, you need a certified power of attorney for the right to travel abroad (“general” is not enough).

Crossing the border with children

  • The child crosses the border using his own foreign passport.
  • A child's birth certificate with a Russian citizenship stamp may be required.
  • If a child is traveling accompanied by third parties, a notarized parental consent is required to leave Russia.

Visa-free entry for citizens of other countries

There are almost a hundred such countries in total, including all the former Soviet republics. The period of stay in Georgia without visas is the same as for Russian citizens - 365 days. The full list of countries whose citizens can visit Georgia without a visa can be found on the website of the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For the information of citizens of countries who can enter Russia using an internal passport and intend to further travel to Georgia. You need to enter Russia with a foreign passport, and not with an internal one: Georgian border guards will require a border crossing stamp.

Contacts of official representatives

  • The function of the Georgian Embassy in the Russian Federation is performed by the Georgian Interests Section at the Swiss Embassy in Moscow.
  • The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Georgia presents
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