On the procedure for obtaining a pension for length of service for state civil servants. Certificate of the average monthly salary of a federal employee Filling out a certificate of the average monthly salary

) federal civil servants with at least 15 years of civil service experience are entitled to a long service pension, which is provided to citizens in order to compensate them for earnings (income) lost due to termination of public service upon reaching the length of service established by law upon retirement. due to old age (disability) or upon reaching the legal age.

The conditions determining the right of federal civil servants to a long-service pension also include holding a position in the federal civil service for at least 12 full months immediately before dismissal and dismissal from the federal civil service on one of the grounds:

- liquidation of the organization, reduction of the number or staff of the organization’s employees;

- inadequacy of the position being filled in the federal public service due to health status;

- dismissal on one’s own initiative due to retirement from the state pension;

- reaching the age limit for holding a federal government position.

During 2005, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare received from territorial departments 114 packages of documents for the registration of long-service pensions for state civil servants.

During the review of the received materials, shortcomings in their design were identified.

One of the most common is the incorrect execution of certificates about the average monthly earnings of a federal employee for the last 12 full months immediately before dismissal from public service (territorial departments of Rospotrebnadzor: for the Republic of Buryatia (A.G. Zurbanova, V.D. Dmitrieva), for the Republic of Dagestan (A.B. Gabilov, G.B. Kashkaev), for the Republic of Tyva (N.T. Timoshenko), for the Udmurt Republic (T.G. Korneva), for the Sverdlovsk region (L.M. Subbotina, N.A. Barsukova), in the Kostroma region (V.N. Shmykova, S.A. Dubrovina, T.I. Dolinina), in the Sakhalin region (G.I. Nedorez), etc.

In violation of paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", documents were submitted for civil servants who had not worked 12 full months in federal public service positions immediately before dismissal (from the Territorial Directorate of Rospotrebnadzor for the Astrakhan Region to L.N. Kalyagin and from the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Buryatia to T.I. Shurygina).

Documents for V.I. Nechaeva, a leading specialist, received from the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Perm Region, and for T.I. Dolinina, a state inspector from the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Kostroma Region, were subject to re-registration due to the fact that incorrect entries were made in dismissal orders and work books.

There was a sending of documents for registration of a pension for long service to a group of specialists (G.P. Zhuravleva, L.N. Yuzhanina, G.F. Terekhina, T.S. Karzova, E.B. Ivanova and L.P. Balashova) from Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Nizhny Novgorod Region directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, bypassing the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

In order to prepare a submission to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, N.F. Nakonechnikov, the head of the State Trade Inspectorate for the Astrakhan Region of Rospotrebnadzor, was not promptly provided with a certificate from the Pension Fund at the place of residence about the assigned old-age pension.

Territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Penza region in confirmation of the experience of civil service of the leading specialist - Popova T.A. provided a copy of the military ID after an additional request.

All of the above facts of incorrect execution of documents were the reason for the violation of the established deadlines for sending submissions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and dissatisfaction on the part of the specialists at which the documents were submitted.

To eliminate the identified shortcomings, explanatory work was carried out during correspondence with the heads of territorial departments of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, with employees of personnel services of territorial departments during personal conversations and seminars.

In order to prevent such situations from now on, we suggest that you follow the sample documents (Appendices NN 1-4).

Heads of territorial departments of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare need to pay attention to the importance of timely and correct execution of documents for establishing long-service pensions for state civil servants and ensure control over the work of the personnel services entrusted to them.


Appendix No. 1. Application

Appendix No. 1

Chairman of the Board
Pension Fund
Russian Federation

from Sokolova Anna Fedorovna,
who filled the position
Head of the Territorial Department
Federal Service Directorate
for supervision in the field of rights protection
consumers and human well-being
in Ivanovo region

Home address:
index, Ivanovo, Moskovskaya street,
5, apt. 188.
telephone _____________________


In accordance with the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”, I ask you to assign me, who held the position of head of the department of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Ivanovo Region, a long-service pension in addition to the old-age (disability) pension ).

When filling public positions in the civil service, I undertake to notify the body providing pensions within 5 days.

I ask you to transfer your long-service pension to

to my current account N






date of issue

Appendix No. 2. Statement

Appendix No. 2

Minister of Health and
social development
Russian Federation
M.Yu. Zurabova

from Sokolova Anna Fedorovna,
replacing the position of chief
Department of Territorial Administration
Federal Service for Supervision
in the field of consumer protection and
human well-being in the Ivanovo region,
living at the address: zip code,
Ivanovo, Moskovskaya st., 5, apt. 188.
telephone ______________


In accordance with paragraph 15 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2002 N 1413 “On approval of the list of positions, periods of service (work) in which are included in the length of civil service for the assignment of a pension for length of service of federal civil servants” and paragraph 8 of the appendix to the resolution Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated January 12, 2004 N 1/1n “On approval of the procedure for calculating and confirming the length of service in the civil service for assigning a pension for long service to federal civil servants and determining the suitability of positions, periods of service (work) in which they are included in the length of service in the civil service" (other periods of service (work) in certain positions, experience and knowledge for which were necessary to perform the duties of the position being filled), I ask for your petition to include in the experience of my civil service the periods of work from January 17, 1983 years to January 17, 1988 as head of the planning department of Trade No. 2 in Vladimir (total 5 years).

Working as the head of the planning department of Trade No. 2 in Vladimir, I provided methodological guidance on the organization of accounting in subordinate enterprises, conducted audits of the financial and economic activities of institutions, and took a direct part in the work of complex commissions.

Together with other services, she analyzed the indicators of the financial and economic activities of the institution.

The professional knowledge and experience acquired during this period of work was used by me later in fulfilling the position of the federal public service, head of the department of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare of the Population in the Ivanovo Region.

My total work experience is 32 years, my experience in the state civil service is 15 years.

Signature. Date of.

Appendix No. 3. Certificate of average monthly earnings of a federal civil servant

Appendix No. 3

Average monthly earnings of Anna Fedorovna Sokolova, who held the position of head of the department of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Ivanovo Region for the period of work

from March 1, 2004 to February 28, 2005 was:

in 12 months

(rubles, kopecks)


rubles, kopecks

I. Cash reward

II. Average earnings
1) official salary

2) bonuses to the official salary for: qualification rank (diplomatic, class rank);

length of service;

special conditions of public service

3) bonuses based on performance

III. Other income
4) an additional salary for work with information constituting a state secret;
5) other payments

IV. District coefficient size

VI. Maximum average monthly earnings (2.3 official salary), 0.8 monetary remuneration

VII. Average monthly earnings taken into account for the purpose of a long-service pension

Application. In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/06/98 N 265, Appendix 1, Section 1, the official salary is 2970-00 rubles. The number of days worked for the billing period is 214. The standard number of days for the billing period is 247.


Chief Accountant

date of issue

(day month Year)

Performer: (tel.)

Appendix No. 4. Rules for filling out a certificate of the average monthly salary of a federal civil servant when applying for a long-service pension

Appendix No. 4

The data in the left column is divided by the number of days worked during the billing period and multiplied by 21 (if the number of days worked during the billing period is equal to the standard number of days in the billing period, then the data in the left column is divided by 12), the resulting result is entered in the right column.

The district coefficient amount is not included in the final amount. Only the coefficient is given as a percentage.

The maximum average monthly earnings is obtained by multiplying the official salary (at the time of dismissal) by 2.3.

The average monthly earnings taken into account for assigning a long-service pension are obtained by multiplying the official salary (at the time of dismissal) by 2.3.

font size

DECISION of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 06/30/2003 44 (as amended on 02/19/2008) ON APPROVAL OF THE RULES FOR APPLYING FOR PENSIONS FOR SUCH YEARS OF SERVICE... Relevant in 2018


CERTIFICATE ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF AVERAGE MONTHLY EARNINGS OF A FEDERAL EMPLOYEE (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated February 19, 2008 N 76n) The average monthly earnings of ____________________________________, (last name, first name, patronymic) of the federal service position ________________________, (position name) for the period from __________________ to ____________________, was : (day, month, year) (day, month, year)

Behind _____
Per month
I. Average earnings:
1) official salary (monetary
2) bonuses to the official salary for:
qualification category
(diplomatic rank, class rank)
3) additional payments to
official salary:
a) for length of service
b) for special conditions of the state
c) for working with information,
constituting state secrets
d) bonuses for special performance
important and difficult tasks
e) monthly cash incentive
f) lump sum payment
provision of annual
vacations and financial assistance
II. Other payments made
at the expense of the wage fund
civil servants
III. District coefficient size
IV. Total -
V. Limit average monthly earnings
(2.3 official salary, 0.8 monetary
VI. Average monthly earnings
taken into account for assigning a pension for
length of service
- -

The certificate is accompanied by 1) a copy of the regulatory act of the federal body on maintaining the official salary; 2) an application by a federal employee to exclude periods of incapacity for work or periods when he was on regular leave, leave without saving his average monthly earnings. Head of the federal body (territorial body of the federal executive body) _________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Chief accountant _________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Place for printing Date of issue ___________________ (day, month, year)

<*>Official salaries established by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation

In accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for determining the average monthly earnings from which the amount of the long-service pension for federal civil servants is calculated.

2. This resolution comes into force on the date of its official publication and applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2009.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

V. Putin

Rules for determining the average monthly earnings from which the size of the long-service pension for federal civil servants is calculated

1. These Rules, developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", determine the procedure for calculating the average monthly earnings from which the amount of the long-service pension is calculated for persons holding positions in the federal public civil service, public positions in the federal public service and public positions of federal civil servants (hereinafter referred to as average monthly earnings, civil servants).

2. To determine the average monthly salary, the salary of civil servants is taken into account, consisting of the following payments:

a) the monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the position he fills in the federal state civil service (hereinafter referred to as the official salary);

b) the monthly salary of a civil servant in accordance with the class rank assigned to him in the federal state civil service;

c) a monthly bonus to the official salary for length of service in the federal public civil service;

d) monthly bonus to the official salary for special conditions of the federal state civil service;

e) a monthly percentage increase to the official salary for work with information constituting a state secret;

f) monthly cash incentive;

g) bonuses for completing particularly important and complex tasks;

h) a one-time payment when providing annual paid leave and financial assistance, paid from the funds of the civil servants’ wage fund.

3. In addition to the payments specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules, to determine the average monthly earnings, other payments provided for by the relevant federal laws and other regulatory legal acts are also taken into account.

4. To determine the average monthly earnings of civil servants, whose salary is established in the form of a single monetary remuneration in accordance with Part 3 of Article 50 of the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as monetary remuneration), the following payments are taken into account:

a) monetary reward;

b) monthly cash incentive;

c) bonuses for completing particularly important and complex tasks;

d) other payments provided for by relevant federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

5. During the period that a civil servant retains a salary in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the position he fills in the federal state civil service, the specified salary is taken into account to determine the average monthly salary.

6. The calculation of average monthly earnings is made at the choice of a civil servant based on the salary and other payments specified in paragraphs 2 - 4 of these Rules for the last 12 full months of the federal state civil service preceding the day of its termination or the day he reaches the age entitling him to old-age labor pension in accordance with the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the billing period).

7. When calculating average monthly earnings, the time a civil servant is on leave without pay, for pregnancy and childbirth, for caring for a child until he reaches the legal age, as well as the period of temporary disability are excluded from the calculation period. The amounts of corresponding benefits accrued during this time are not taken into account.

8. The amount of average monthly earnings in the absence of the period of time a civil servant is on appropriate leave and the period of temporary disability excluded from it in the calculation period in accordance with paragraph 7 of these Rules is determined by dividing the total amount of salary and other payments specified in paragraphs 2 - 4 of these Rules , accrued in the billing period, by 12.

If, in accordance with paragraph 7 of these Rules, the time spent by a civil servant on appropriate leave and the period of temporary disability are excluded from the calculation period, the amount of average monthly earnings is determined by dividing the specified amount by the number of days actually worked in the calculation period and multiplying by 21 (average monthly number of workers days a year). In this case, the payments specified in subparagraphs “g” and “h” of paragraph 2, paragraph 3 and subparagraphs “c” and “d” of paragraph 4 of these Rules are taken into account when determining the average monthly earnings in the amount of one twelfth of the payments actually accrued in this period.

9. If the billing period consists of the time the civil servant is on appropriate leave and the period of temporary disability specified in paragraph 7 of these Rules, and also if there are no days actually worked in the billing period, at the choice of the civil servant, the average monthly earnings are calculated:

a) taking into account the provisions of paragraph 8 of these Rules based on the amount of salary and other payments specified in paragraphs 2 - 4 of these Rules, accrued for the previous period equal to the calculation period;

b) using the provisions of the first paragraph of clause 8 of these Rules based on the actual monetary allowance established for him in the billing period.

10. When civil servants fill positions in the federal state civil service in various federal government bodies in the billing period, the calculation of average monthly earnings is made taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 6 - 8 of these Rules based on the summed up salary accrued in the billing period and other payments specified in paragraphs 2 - 4 of these Rules, in accordance with the positions being filled in the federal state civil service.

11. In case of a centralized increase (indexation) in the billing period, payments taken into account when calculating average monthly earnings, with the exception of those established in a fixed amount, are calculated taking into account the corresponding increase (indexation), including for the part of the billing period preceding the date increase (indexation).

12. For civil servants holding positions in the federal state civil service in a government body located outside the Russian Federation, the average monthly salary is determined based on the salary established in rubles in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. The amount of average monthly earnings, with the exception of cases of its calculation in accordance with paragraph 14 of these Rules, cannot exceed 2.8 of the official salary (0.8 of monetary remuneration) established for a civil servant in the billing period or saved in this period in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

14. The amount of average monthly earnings, including those retained by a civil servant in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, determined taking into account the salary (wages) established by him in accordance with the federal laws “On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” Federation" and "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", cannot exceed in the billing period 2.8 of the official salary for the corresponding position of the federal state civil service in accordance with the list of correspondence of the positions filled by these persons to the positions of the federal state civil service in relation to the official salaries for which they the amount of the long-service pension is calculated, approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

15. When a civil servant fills positions in the billing period for which different official salaries (monetary remuneration) are established, the amount of average monthly earnings cannot exceed 2.8 of the official salary (0.8 of monetary remuneration), determined by summing the amounts established for the civil servant in each month of the calculation period of official salaries (monetary remuneration) and dividing the amount received by 12.

16. When a civil servant works in the billing period on a part-time basis, the average monthly earnings cannot exceed 2.8 of the official salary actually received in the billing period (0.8 of monetary remuneration), including calculated in the manner prescribed by paragraph 15 of these Rules.

17. These Rules do not apply to civil servants, a special procedure for remuneration of which is established in accordance with Part 14 of Article 50 of the Federal Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” depending on indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of professional service activities.

LETTER dated March 6, 2006 N 0100/2438-06-32

In accordance with the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation" dated December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ (as amended by Federal Laws dated July 25, 2002 N 116-FZ, dated June 30, 2003 N 86-FZ, dated November 11, 2003 N 141-FZ, dated 05/08/2004 N 34-FZ, dated 08/22/2004 N 122-FZ) federal civil servants with at least 15 years of public service experience are entitled to a long-service pension, which is provided to citizens in order to compensate them for their earnings (income) lost due to termination of public service upon reaching the length of service established by law upon entering an old-age (disability) pension or upon reaching the legal age.

The conditions determining the right of federal civil servants to a long-service pension also include holding a position in the federal civil service for at least 12 full months immediately before dismissal and dismissal from the federal civil service on one of the grounds:

Liquidation of an organization, reduction of the number or staff of the organization's employees;

Inconsistency with the position being filled in the federal public service due to health status;

Dismissal on one's own initiative due to retirement from the state pension;

Reaching the age limit for holding a federal government position.

During 2005, the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare received from territorial departments 114 packages of documents for the registration of long-service pensions for state civil servants.

During the review of the received materials, shortcomings in their design were identified.

One of the most common is the incorrect execution of certificates about the average monthly earnings of a federal employee for the last 12 full months immediately before dismissal from public service (territorial departments of Rospotrebnadzor: for the Republic of Buryatia (A.G. Zurbanova, V.D. Dmitrieva), for the Republic of Dagestan (A.B. Gabilov, G.B. Kashkaev), for the Republic of Tyva (N.T. Timoshenko), for the Udmurt Republic (T.G. Korneva), for the Sverdlovsk region (L.M. Subbotina, N.A. Barsukova), in the Kostroma region (V.N. Shmykova, S.A. Dubrovina, T.I. Dolinina), in the Sakhalin region (G.I. Nedorez), etc.

In violation of paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Federal Law "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation", documents were submitted for civil servants who had not worked 12 full months in federal public service positions immediately before dismissal (from the Territorial Directorate of Rospotrebnadzor for the Astrakhan Region to L.N. . Kalyagin and from the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Republic of Buryatia to T.I.

The documents for V.I. were subject to re-registration. Nechaev - a leading specialist, received from the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Perm Region, and to T.I. Dolinin - a state inspector from the Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Kostroma Region due to the fact that incorrect entries were made in dismissal orders and in work books.

There was a sending of documents for registration of a long-service pension to a group of specialists (G.P. Zhuravleva, L.N. Yuzhanina, G.F. Terekhina, T.S. Karzova, E.B. Ivanova and L.P. Balashova) from Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor for the Nizhny Novgorod Region directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, bypassing the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

To prepare a submission to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on N.F. Nakonechnikov, head of the Department of the State Trade Inspectorate for the Astrakhan Region of Rospotrebnadzor, was not promptly provided with a certificate from the Pension Fund at the place of residence about the assigned old-age pension.

Territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Penza region in confirmation of the length of service in public service of the leading specialist Popova T.A. provided a copy of the military ID after an additional request.

All of the above facts of incorrect execution of documents were the reason for the violation of the established deadlines for sending submissions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and dissatisfaction on the part of the specialists at whom the documents were submitted.

To eliminate the identified shortcomings, explanatory work was carried out during correspondence with the heads of territorial departments of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, with employees of personnel services of territorial departments during personal conversations and seminars.

In order to prevent such situations from now on, we suggest that you be guided by sample documents (Appendices No. 1 - 4).

Heads of territorial departments of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare need to pay attention to the importance of timely and correct execution of documents for establishing long-service pensions for state civil servants and ensure control over the work of the personnel services entrusted to them.



Appendix No. 1


Chairman of the Board

Pension Fund

Russian Federation


From Anna Fedorovna Sokolova,

And human well-being in the Ivanovo region

Home address: zip code, Ivanovo,

St. Moskovskaya, 5, apt. 188.

Telephone __________________


In accordance with the Federal Law "On State

pension provision in the Russian Federation" please appoint

me, who filled the position of head of the Territorial Department

Department of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Rights Protection

consumers and human well-being in the Ivanovo region pension

for length of service to an old-age (disability) pension.

When filling government positions with government

service, I undertake to report this to the authority within 5 days,

providing pensions.

I ask you to transfer your long-service pension to


to my current account N _____________________________________________________

"__" _______________ 200_ _____________________



registered ___________ 200_ ________________ Full name

Head ________________________________________ Full name


registered ____________ 200_ _______________


Date of issue __________________

Appendix No. 2


To the Minister of Health

and social development

Russian Federation

M.Yu. Zurabova

from Sokolova Anna Fedorovna,

replacing the position of chief

Department of Territorial Administration

Federal Service for Supervision

in the field of consumer protection

and human well-being in the Ivanovo region,

living at the address: index, Ivanovo,

st. Moskovskaya, 5, apt. 188,

telephone ___________________


In accordance with paragraph 15 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2002 N 1413 “On approval of the list, positions, periods of service (work) in which are included in the length of civil service for the purpose of assigning a pension for long service to federal civil servants” and paragraph 8 of the Appendix to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of January 12, 2004 N 1/1н “On approval of the procedure for calculating and confirming the length of service in public service for assigning a pension for the length of service of federal civil servants and determining the conformity of positions, periods of service : (works) in which are included in the civil service record" (other periods of service (work) in certain positions, experience and knowledge for which were necessary to perform the duties of the position being filled), I ask for your petition to include periods of work in my civil service record from January 17, 1983 to January 17, 1988 as head of the planning department of Trade No. 2 in Vladimir (5 years in total).

Working as the head of the planning department of Trade No. 2 in Vladimir, I provided methodological guidance on the organization of accounting in subordinate enterprises, conducted audits of the financial and economic activities of institutions, and took a direct part in the work of complex commissions.

Together with other services, she analyzed the indicators of the financial and economic activities of the institution.

The professional knowledge and experience acquired during this period of work was used by me later in fulfilling the position of the federal public service, head of the department of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare of the Population in the Ivanovo Region.

My total work experience is 32 years, my experience in the state civil service is 15 years.

Signature. Date of.

Appendix No. 3





Average monthly earnings of Anna Fedorovna Sokolova, who held the position of head of the department of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being in the Ivanovo region for the period of work

from March 1, 2004 to February 28, 2005 was:

in 12 months

per month



I. Cash reward



II. Average earnings
1) official salary



2) allowances for official
salary for: qualification
rank (diplomatic,
class rank);

length of service:



special conditions of state



3) bonuses based on performance



III. Other income
4) bonus to an official
salary for working with information,
components of the state
5) other payments

IV. District size

V. Total:



VI. Limit average monthly
earnings (2.3 official
salary), 0.8 monetary


VII. Average monthly earnings
countable for purpose
long service pensions


Appendix: in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/06/98 N 265, Appendix 1, Section 1, official salary - 2970.00 rubles. The number of days worked for the billing period is 214. The standard number of days for the billing period is 247.

Head _________________________ Full name

Chief accountant ___________________ Full name


Date of issue ______________________

(day month Year)

Performer: _______________ (tel.)

Appendix No. 4





The data on the left is divided by the number of days worked during the billing period and multiplied by 21 (if the number of days worked during the billing period is equal to the standard number of days in the billing period, then the data in the left column is divided by 12), the result obtained is entered in the right column.

The district coefficient amount is not included in the final amount. Only the coefficient is given as a percentage.

The maximum average monthly earnings is obtained by multiplying the official salary (at the time of dismissal) by 2.3.

The average monthly earnings taken into account for assigning a long-service pension are obtained by multiplying the official salary (at the time of dismissal) by 2.3.

The association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: at competitive prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.

Applications for pensions for
length of service in federal government
employees, its appointments and payments,
approved by resolution of the Russian Ministry of Labor
dated June 30, 2003 N 44
(as amended February 19, 2008)

REFERENCE ABOUT THE AMOUNT OF AVERAGE MONTHLY EARNINGS FEDERAL EMPLOYEE The average monthly salary of _____________________________________________, (last name, first name, patronymic) of the federal service position ______________________________, (position name) for the period from ___________________ to _____________________, was: (day, month, year) (day, month, year)

For _______ months (rubles, kopecks)


rubles, kopecks

I. Average earnings:

1) official salary (monetary remuneration)

2) bonuses to the official salary for:

qualification rank (diplomatic rank, class rank)

3) additional payments to the official salary:

a) for length of service

b) for special conditions of public service

c) for working with information constituting a state secret

d) bonuses for completing particularly important and complex tasks

e) monthly cash incentive

f) one-time payment when providing annual leave and financial assistance

II. Other payments made from the civil servants' wage fund

III. District coefficient size

V. Limit average monthly earnings ( 2.3 official salary, 0.8 cash reward)

VI. Average monthly earnings taken into account for the purpose of a long-service pension

Attached to the certificate

1) a copy of the regulatory act of the federal body on the maintenance of official salary;

2) an application by a federal employee to exclude periods of incapacity for work or periods when he was on regular leave, leave without preservation of average monthly earnings

Head of the federal body (territorial body of the federal executive body) ________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Chief accountant ________________________________ (signature, initials, surname) Place for printing Date of issue ____________________________ (day, month, year)


* Official salaries established by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of April 9, 1997 N 310 “On the salary of federal civil servants”, dated March 6, 1998 N 265 “On the salary of federal civil servants of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities, representative offices of the Russian Federation and representative offices of federal executive authorities abroad, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, federal courts and prosecutors of the Russian Federation" and dated July 25, 2006 N 763 "On the salary of federal civil servants" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation , 2006, Art. 3459; 2007, Art. 1530; Art. 2390; Art. 4124; Art. 4712; Art. 6255; Art. 2008, Art. 1818;

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Stones for the zodiac sign Libra (September 24 - October 23) The zodiac sign Libra represents justice, the kingdom of Themis (second wife...