About the work of Mozart for children. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - biography, photos, works, personal life of the composer

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(full name - Johann Chrysostomos Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)- one of the greatest composers of all times. Mozart showed virtuosity in playing the harpsichord in early childhood, and by the age of 6 he played like no other adult of that time.

Brief biography

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born January 27, 1756 in Salzburg (Austria). His father is Leopold Mozart, violinist and composer in the court chapel of the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg, Count Sigismund von Strattenbach. His mother - Anna Maria Mozart (Pertl), daughter of the commissioner-trustee of the almshouse in St. Gilgen.

Of the seven children from the Mozart marriage, only two survived: a daughter Maria Anna, whom friends and relatives called Nannerl, and son Wolfgang Amadeus. His birth almost cost his mother her life. Only after some time was she able to get rid of the weakness that made her fear for her life.

Early childhood

Both children's musical abilities were evident at a very early age. At the age of seven, Nannerl began receiving harpsichord lessons from her father. These lessons had a huge impact on little Wolfgang, who was about three years old: he sat down at the instrument and could amuse himself for a long time with the selection of harmonies.

In addition, he memorized certain passages of musical pieces,
which I heard and could play them on the harpsichord.

At the age of 4, my father began learning small pieces and minuets on the harpsichord with Amadeus Mozart. Almost immediately Wolfgang learned to play them well. Soon he developed a desire for independent creativity: Already at the age of five he was composing small plays, which my father wrote down on paper.

Mozart's first successes

Wolfgang's very first compositions were "Andante in C major" And "Allegro in C major" for the clavier, which were composed between the end January and April 1761.

The father was the best teacher and educator for his son: he gave his children an excellent education at home. They had never gone to school in their lives. The boy was always so devoted to what he was forced to study that he forgot about everything, even music. For example, when I learned to count, the chairs, walls and even the floor were covered with numbers written in chalk.

Conquest of Europe

In 1762 Leopold Mozart decided to amaze Europe with his gifted children and went with them on an artistic journey: first to Munich and Vienna, then to other cities in Germany. Little Mozart, who was barely turned 6 years, stood on stage in a shiny doublet, sweating under a powdered wig.

When he sat down at the harpsichord, he was almost invisible. But how he played! The Germans, Austrians, French, Czechs and English, experienced in music, listened. They did not believe that a small child was capable of playing so masterfully, and even composing music.

In January, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote his first four sonatas for harpsichord and violin, which Leopold sent to print. He believed that the sonatas would create a great sensation: on the title page it was indicated that these were the works of a seven-year-old child.

Over the course of four years, while traveling around Europe, Wolfgang Amadeus turned from an ordinary child into ten-year-old composer, which shocked the Mozarts' friends and neighbors when they returned to their native Salzburg.

Life in Italy

Mozart spent 1770-1774 in Italy. In 1770 in Bologna he met an exceptionally popular composer in Italy at that time Josef Myslivecek. The influence of “The Divine Bohemian” turned out to be so great that later, due to the similarity of style, some of his works were attributed to Mozart, including the oratorio "Abraham and Isaac".

In 1771 in Milan, again with the opposition of theater impresarios, Mozart’s opera was nevertheless staged "Mithridates, King of Pontus" which was received by the public with great enthusiasm. His second opera was given the same success. "Lucius Sulla", written in 1772.

Moving to Vienna

Having already returned to his native Salzburg as an adult, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart could not get along with the oppressive archbishop, who saw him only as a servant and tried in every possible way to humiliate him.

In 1781, unable to withstand the oppression, Mozart went to Vienna, where he began giving concerts. He composed a lot during this period, wrote a comic opera "The Abduction from the Seraglio" on a Turkish theme, since in Vienna in the 18th century everything Turkish was in fashion, especially music.

This was the happiest period of Mozart's life: he fell in love with Constance Weber and was going to marry her, and his music was full of feelings of love.

"The Marriage of Figaro"

4 years later he created an opera "The Marriage of Figaro" based on the play by Beaumarchais, which was considered revolutionary and was banned in France for a long time. Emperor Joseph was convinced that all dangerous parts were removed from the production, and that Mozart’s music was very cheerful.

As contemporaries wrote, the theater was packed to capacity during the performance of The Marriage of Figaro. The success was extraordinary, the music captivated everyone. The audience greeted Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The next day, all of Vienna sang his melodies.

"Don Juan"

This success contributed to the composer being invited to Prague. There he presented his new opera - "Don Juan", which premiered in 1787. She was also highly appreciated and later admired Charles Gounod, Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Wagner.

Return to Vienna

After his triumph in Prague, Mozart returned to Vienna. But there they treated him without the same interest. “The Abduction from the Seraglio” was filmed a long time ago, and no other operas were staged. And by this time the composer wrote 15 more symphony concerts, composed three symphonies, which are considered the greatest today. His financial situation became more difficult day by day, and he had to give music lessons.

The lack of serious orders depressed Wolfgang Amadeus; he felt that his strength was at its limit. In recent years, he created another opera - an unusual fairy tale "The Magic Flute" which had religious overtones. It was later identified as Masonic. The opera was very well received by the public.

Last period of life

As soon as The Magic Flute was performed, Mozart enthusiastically began working on Requiem, which was ordered by a mysterious stranger in all black. This work occupied him so much that he even intended not to accept any more students until the Requiem was completed.

However December 6, 1791 At the age of 35, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died of illness. An accurate and reliable diagnosis is currently unknown. The controversy surrounding the circumstances of Mozart's death continues to this day, despite the fact that almost 225 years have passed since the composer's death.

Work on the unfinished "Requiem", stunning with its mournful lyricism and tragic expressiveness, was completed by his student Franz Xaver Süssmayer, who previously took some part in composing the opera "The Mercy of Titus".

When it comes to classical music, most people immediately think of Mozart. And this is no coincidence, because he achieved phenomenal success in all musical directions of his time.

Today, the works of this genius are extremely popular all over the world. Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies related to the positive influence of Mozart’s music on the human psyche.

With all this, if you ask anyone you meet if he can tell you at least one interesting fact from biographies of Mozart, - he is unlikely to give an affirmative answer. But this is a storehouse of human wisdom!

So, we bring to your attention the biography of Wolfgang Mozart ().

The most famous portrait of Mozart

Brief biography of Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in the Austrian city. His father Leopold was a composer and violinist in the court chapel of Count Sigismund von Strattenbach.

Mother Anna Maria was the daughter of the commissioner of the trustee of the almshouse in St. Gilgen. Anna Maria gave birth to 7 children, but only two of them managed to survive: Maria's daughter Anna, who was also called Nannerl, and Wolfgang.

During the birth of Mozart, his mother almost died. The doctors made every effort to ensure that she survived, and the future genius was not left an orphan.

Both children in the Mozart family showed excellent musical abilities, since their biographies from childhood were directly related to music.

When his father decided to teach little Maria Anna to play the harpsichord, Mozart was only 3 years old.

But in those moments when the boy heard the sounds of music coming, he often went to the harpsichord and tried to play something. Soon he was able to play some excerpts of musical works that he had heard earlier.

The father immediately noticed his son’s extraordinary talent and also began to teach him to play the harpsichord. The young genius grasped everything on the fly and was already composing plays at the age of five. A year later he mastered playing the violin.

None of the Mozart children attended school, since their father decided to teach them different things himself. The genius of little Wolfgang Amadeus was manifested not only in music.

He zealously studied any science. So, for example, when the study began, he was so carried away by the subject that he covered the entire floor with different numbers and examples.

Touring Europe

When Mozart was 6 years old, he played so well that he could speak in front of an audience without difficulty. This played a decisive role in his biography. The impeccable performance was complemented by the singing of Nannerl’s older sister, who had a magnificent voice.

Father Leopold was extremely happy with how capable and gifted his children turned out to be. Seeing their capabilities, he decides to go on tour with them to the largest cities in Europe.

Wolfgang Mozart as a child

The head of the family had high hopes that this trip would make his children famous and help improve the family’s financial situation.

And indeed, Leopold Mozart’s dreams were soon destined to come true.

The Mozarts managed to perform in the largest cities and capitals of European countries.

Wherever Wolfgang and Nannerl appeared, stunning success awaited them. The audience was amazed by the talented playing and singing of the children.

The first 4 sonatas of Wolfgang Mozart were published in 1764. While in, he met the son of the great Bach, Johann Christian, from whom he received a lot of useful advice.

The composer was shocked by the child's abilities. This meeting benefited young Wolfgang and made him an even more skilled master of his craft.

In general, it must be said that throughout his entire biography, Mozart constantly studied and improved, even when it seemed that he had reached the limits of his mastery.

In 1766, Leopold became seriously ill, so they decided to return home from the tour. Moreover, the constant travel was also extremely tiring for the children.

Creative biography of Mozart

As we have already said, Mozart’s creative biography began from his first tour at the age of 6 years.

When he was 14 years old, he went to Italy, where he again managed to amaze the public with the virtuoso playing of his own (and other) works.

In Bologna he participated in various musical competitions with professional musicians.

Mozart's performance impressed the Boden Academy so much that they decided to award him the title of academician. It is worth noting that such an honorary status was given to talented composers only after they were at least 20 years old.

Returning to his native Salzburg, Mozart continued to compose various sonatas, symphonies and operas. The older he became, the more profound and soulful his works were.

In 1772, he met Joseph Haydn, who in the future became not only his teacher, but also a reliable friend.

Family difficulties

Soon Wolfgang, like his father, began to play at the court of the archbishop. Thanks to his special talent, he always had a huge number of orders.

However, after the death of the old bishop and the arrival of the new one, the situation changed for the worse. A trip to Paris and some German cities in 1777 helped to distract me a little from the surging problems.

During this period of Mozart's biography, serious financial difficulties arose in their family. For this reason, only his mother was able to go with Wolfgang.

However, this trip was not successful. Mozart's works, which differed from the music of that time, no longer aroused much delight among the public. After all, Wolfgang was no longer that little “miracle boy” capable of delighting with his appearance alone.

The day's situation became even darker, as his mother fell ill and died in Paris, unable to endure the endless and unsuccessful trips.

All these circumstances prompted Mozart to return home again to seek happiness there.

Career blossoming

Judging by Mozart's biography, he almost always lived on the brink of poverty, and even destitution. However, he was offended by the behavior of the new bishop, who perceived Wolfgang as a simple servant.

Because of this, in 1781, he made a firm decision to leave for Vienna.

Mozart family. On the wall is a portrait of his mother, 1780.

There the composer met Baron Gottfried van Steven, who was then the patron of many musicians. He advised him to write several compositions in the style to diversify his repertoire.

At that moment, Mozart wanted to become a music teacher with the Princess of Württemberg, Elisabeth, but her father gave preference to Antonio Salieri, whom he depicted in the poem of the same name as the killer of the great Mozart.

The 1780s became the most rosy years in Mozart's biography. It was then that he wrote such masterpieces as “The Marriage of Figaro”, “The Magic Flute” and “Don Juan”.

Moreover, he gained national recognition and enjoyed enormous popularity in society. Naturally, he began to receive large fees, which he had only dreamed of before.

However, a dark streak soon came in Mozart's life. In 1787, his father died, and then his wife Constance Weber fell ill, for whose treatment a lot of money was spent.

After the death of Emperor Joseph 2, Leopold 2 was on the throne, who had a very cold attitude towards music. This also made matters worse for Mozart and his fellow composers.

Mozart's personal life

Mozart's only wife was Constance Weber, whom he met in the capital. However, the father did not want his son to marry this girl.

It seemed to him that Constance’s close relatives were simply trying to find an advantageous husband for her. However, Wolfgang made a firm decision, and in 1782 they got married.

Wolfgang Mozart and his wife Constance

Their family had 6 children, of whom only three survived.

Death of Mozart

In 1790, Mozart's wife needed expensive treatment, which is why he decided to give concerts in Frankfurt. It was well received by the public, but the proceeds from the concerts turned out to be very modest.

In 1791, in the last year of his life, he wrote the “Symphony 40”, known to almost everyone, as well as the unfinished “Requiem”.

At this time he became seriously ill: his arms and legs were very swollen and he felt constant weakness. At the same time, the composer was tormented by sudden bouts of vomiting.

“The Last Hours of Mozart’s Life”, painting by O’Neill, 1860

He was buried in a common grave, where there were several other coffins: the financial situation of the family was so difficult at that time. That is why the exact burial place of the great composer is still unknown.

The official cause of his death is considered to be rheumatic inflammatory fever, although biographers continue to debate this issue today.

There is a widespread belief that Mozart was poisoned by Antonio Salieri, who was also a composer. But there is no reliable evidence for this version.

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The article is devoted to a brief biography of Mozart, the famous composer and musician. Mozart was a representative of the Viennese classics. He made a huge contribution to the development of musical culture around the world. Mozart worked successfully in all genres, had an unsurpassed ear for music and the art of improvisation.

Mozart: first steps

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756 in Salzburg. From the age of 3, under the guidance of his father, he began to study music and immediately showed extraordinary talent in this area. Mozart plays several musical instruments, composes himself, and performs confidently in front of audiences. There is an amazing case when a young musician was allowed to perform in Holland under special conditions. Music was strictly prohibited during Lent, but for the sake of Mozart they made an exception, justifying this as a manifestation of the “divine will”, thanks to which a wonderful child was born.
In 1762, six-year-old Mozart, together with his father and older sister, made a concert tour of European cities, enjoying great success. The following year, the first musical works of the young composer were published.
The first half of the 70s. Mozart spent time in Italy, where he diligently studied the work of famous musicians. At the age of 17, he was already the author of four operas and 13 symphonies, as well as a large number of other musical works.
At the end of the 70s, Mozart became court organist in Salzburg, but he was not satisfied with his dependent position. An energetic creative nature draws Mozart to further search and develop his talent.

Brief biography of Mozart: Viennese period

In 1781, Mozart moved to Vienna, where he found a life partner and got married. His opera “Idomeneo” was staged in Vienna, which received approval and represented a new direction in dramatic art. Mozart becomes a widely known Viennese performer and composer. At this time, he created works that are considered examples of his creativity - “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Giovanni”. The opera "The Abduction from the Seraglio", commissioned by Emperor Joseph II, became very popular in Germany.
In 1787, Mozart became the imperial court musician. Brilliant success and fame, however, do not give a musician much income. To support his family, he is forced to work more and more, without giving up the most “menial” work: Mozart gives music lessons, composes small works, plays at aristocratic evenings. Mozart's performance is amazing. He writes his most complex works in an incredibly short time.
Contemporaries noted the extraordinary soulfulness of Mozart's musical works, their inexpressible beauty and lightness. Mozart was considered one of the best performers, his concerts were always a great success.
He received offers of highly paid work at other royal courts, but the musician remained loyal only to Vienna.
In 1790, Mozart's financial situation became so dire that he was forced to leave Vienna for a short time to avoid persecution by creditors and make a series of commercial performances.
Feeling enormous nervous and physical fatigue, Mozart continued to work on the commissioned Requiem mass for the funeral service. While working, he was haunted by a premonition that he was writing the mass for himself. The composer's premonitions were justified; he never managed to finish the work. The Mass was completed by his student.
Mozart died in 1791. The exact location of his burial is unknown. There is a common grave near Vienna for the poor, where Mozart was supposedly buried. There is a legend about the poisoning of a brilliant musician by his competitor, Salieri. A beautiful legend that has found many supporters is not confirmed by modern researchers of Mozart’s work. In 1997, an official court decision was made that Salieri was not guilty of Mozart's death.
Mozart's operas are among the most popular in the world in terms of productions and do not leave the leading stages. In total, Mozart's work includes over 600 musical works.

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian composer.

Born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg. The boy's first music teacher was his father, Leopold Mozart. From early childhood, Wolfgang Amadeus was a “miracle child”: already at the age of four he tried to write a harpsichord concerto, and from the age of six he brilliantly performed in concerts across Europe. Mozart had an extraordinary musical memory: he only needed to hear any piece of music once in order to write it down absolutely accurately.

Fame came to Mozart very early. In 1765, his first symphonies were published and performed in concerts. In total, the composer wrote 49 symphonies. In 1769 he received a position as accompanist at the court of the archbishop in Salzburg. Already in 1770, Mozart became a member of the Philharmonic Academy in Bologna (Italy), and Pope Clement XIV elevated him to the Knights of the Golden Spur. That same year, Mozart's first opera, Mithridates, Rex Pontus, was staged in Milan. In 1772, the second opera, “Lucius Sulla,” was staged there, and in 1775, the opera “The Imaginary Gardener” was staged in Munich. In 1777, the archbishop allowed the composer to go on a long trip to France and Germany, where Mozart gave concerts with constant success.

In 1779 he received the position of organist under the Archbishop of Salzburg, but in 1781 he refused it and moved to Vienna. Here Mozart completed the operas Idomeneo (1781) and The Abduction from the Seraglio (1782). In 1786-1787 two, perhaps, the composer’s most famous operas were written - “The Marriage of Figaro”, staged in Vienna, and “Don Giovanni”, which was first staged in Prague.

In 1790, the opera “This is what everyone does” was staged again in Vienna. And in 1791, two operas were written at once - “The Mercy of Titus” and “The Magic Flute”. Mozart's last work was the famous "Requiem", which the composer did not have time to complete.

The work was completed by F. K. Süssmayer, a student of Mozart and A. Salieri. Mozart's creative legacy, despite his short life, is enormous: according to the thematic catalog of L. von Köchel (an admirer of Mozart's work and the compiler of the most complete and generally accepted index of his works), the composer created 626 works, including 55 concertos, 22 keyboard sonatas, 32 string sonatas quartet.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) – great Austrian composer and conductor. Representative of the Vienna Classical School of Music, author of more than 600 musical works.

Early years
Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg into a musical family.

In Mozart's biography, musical talent was discovered in early childhood. His father taught him to play the organ, violin, and harpsichord. In 1762, the family travels to Vienna and Munich. Concerts by Mozart and his sister Maria Anna are given there. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, and Holland, Mozart’s music amazes listeners with its amazing beauty. For the first time, the composer's works are published in Paris.

For the next few years (1770-1774), Amadeus Mozart lived in Italy. His operas (“Mithridates – King of Pontus”, “Lucius Sulla”, “The Dream of Scipio”) were staged there for the first time, and received great public success.

Note that by the age of 17, the composer’s wide repertoire included more than 40 major works.

Creativity flourishes
From 1775 to 1780, the seminal work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart added a number of outstanding compositions to his cohort of works. After taking up the post of court organist in 1779, Mozart's symphonies and operas contained more and more new techniques.

In a short biography of Wolfgang Mozart, it is worth noting that his marriage to Constance Weber also affected his work. The opera “The Abduction from the Seraglio” is imbued with the romance of those times.

Some of Mozart's operas remained unfinished, since the difficult financial situation of the family forced the composer to devote a lot of time to various part-time jobs. Mozart's piano concerts were held in aristocratic circles; the musician himself was forced to write plays, waltzes to order, and teach.

Peak of Glory
Mozart's work in the following years amazes with its fruitfulness along with its skill. The famous operas “The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Giovanni” (both operas written together with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) by composer Mozart are staged in several cities.

In 1789, he received a very lucrative offer to head the court chapel in Berlin. However, the composer's refusal further aggravated the material shortage.

For Mozart, the works of that time were extremely successful. “The Magic Flute”, “La Clemenza di Tito” - these operas were written quickly, but very high quality, expressively, with beautiful shades. The famous mass "Requiem" was never completed by Mozart. The work was completed by the composer's student, Süssmayer.

Since November 1791, Mozart was sick a lot and did not get out of bed at all. The famous composer died on December 5, 1791 from an acute fever. Mozart was buried in St. Mark's Cemetery in Vienna.

Interesting facts
Of the seven children in the Mozart family, only two survived: Wolfgang and his sister Maria Anna.
The composer showed his talents in music while still a child. At the age of 4 he wrote a harpsichord concerto, at the age of 7 he wrote his first symphony, and at the age of 12 he wrote his first opera.
Mozart joined Freemasonry in 1784 and wrote music for their rituals. And later his father, Leopold, joined the same lodge.
On the advice of Mozart's friend, Baron van Swieten, the composer was not given an expensive funeral. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was buried according to the third category, as a poor man: his coffin was buried in a common grave.
Mozart created light, harmonious and beautiful works that have become classics for children and adults. It has been scientifically proven that his sonatas and concertos have a positive effect on a person’s mental activity, helping to become collected and think logically.
source all-biography.ru

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