About the use of holy water. What is holy water and how to use it correctly How to use holy water at home

Holy water is water that is ordinary in composition and original origin (well, spring, lake, river, tap), miraculously acquiring sanctifying (graceful) and healing properties after performing a special prayer service called water blessing.

All our lives there is a great shrine next to us - holy water (in Greek “agiasma” - “shrine”). We first plunge into it at Baptism, when, upon receiving this Sacrament, we are immersed three times in a font filled with holy water. Holy water in the SacramentBaptism washes away the sinful impurities of a person, renews and revives him into a new life in Christ.

Holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of churches and all objects used in worship, during the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, and any household item. We are sprinkled with holy water at religious processions and prayer services.

Blessing of water or blessing of water, there is a small one performed at any time at the water-blessing prayer service, and a great one. The Great Blessing of Water takes place twice a year - on the very day of Epiphany, and also on the eve, on the eve of Epiphany (Epiphany Eve). On Christmas Eve and on the very day of the feast of Epiphany (Baptism of the Lord), the same rite is performed during the blessing of water.

Epiphany water is a shrine that should be in the home of every Orthodox Christian. It is customary to drink holy Epiphany water on an empty stomach along with prosphora after the morning prayer rule with special reverence as a shrine.
“Consecrated water,” as St. Demetrius of Kherson wrote, “has the power to sanctify the souls and bodies of all who use it.” She, accepted with faith and prayer, heals our bodily illnesses. The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, after confession of the pilgrims, always gave them to drink from the cup of holy Epiphany water.

St. Seraphim Vyritsky always advised sprinkling foods and the food itself with Jordanian (baptismal) water, which, in his words, “itself sanctifies everything.” When someone was very sick, Rev. Seraphim blessed to take a tablespoon of consecrated water every hour. He said that there is no stronger medicine than holy water and blessed oil.

It is important to know that swimming in consecrated reservoirs is only a tradition; it does not bring any cleansing from sins and is not a substitute for the Sacrament of Repentance (Confession). On church holidays, Christians try to participate in divine services and the main Sacrament of the Church - Holy Communion.

There is no need to store large containers of holy water: when it runs out, it is enough to add ordinary clean water to it, which will be sanctified by the available Epiphany water.

The Great Hagiasma, according to church canons, is considered as a kind of lower degree of Holy Communion: in those cases when, due to sins committed, penance and a ban on approaching the Holy Body and Blood of Christ are imposed on a member of the Church, the usual clause according to the canons is made: “Let him drink the agiasma.”

The claims that holy water acquires its properties thanks to silver ions from a silver cross, which the priest immerses in water during the Rite of Blessing the Water, seem naive. There is even this joke about this:
“How many silver ions are contained in a liter of consecrated Epiphany water, if the consecration was carried out in an ice hole cut out in the ice of the Volga (as was usually the case before the revolution and is practiced today), in a place where the width of the river reaches a kilometer, the depth is ten meters, the speed of the current is 5 km/hour, and the cross with which the village priest blessed the water is wooden?”

The consecration of water in the Sacrament of Baptism is generally performed simply by the hand of the priest. And yet, this water has all the properties that holy water should have.

In the Orthodox Church, holy water has the widest use as a source of God's grace in the mysterious sanctification of everyone and everything. Thus, newborn babies (or unbaptized adults) through baptism in water are freed from original sin and united with Christ, becoming a new creation. A person dies, his remains and his final abode - the coffin - are sprinkled with holy water as a farewell to eternity, as is his resting place - the cemetery.

When someone goes on a journey, he is blessed by sprinkling with holy water. Before starting the teaching, the youths are sprinkled with holy water. Both the foundation of the house and the person’s dwelling itself are certainly sanctified with holy water. In the church, everything that has sacred use is necessarily sanctified through sprinkling with holy water, just like the temple itself at its foundation, at the completion of its construction, and constantly on special days and holidays of the year.

Thus, in the church, everything belonging to the altar and the altar servers is blessed with holy water - the throne, the altar, the antimension, service vessels, crosses, Gospels, altar clothes, clergy vestments, etc. All sacred objects are also blessed - icons, crosses, banners, reliquaries, bells, etc.

It is difficult to find something that would be so necessary for people in their earthly life and constitute such an urgent need as bread and water. Bread is the simplest and natural food for man, supporting and strengthening his strength. A person uses water to quench thirst and prepare food, and washes the body and things it uses with it.

These two essential substances for a person in his physical life turn out to be integral elements for him in his spiritual life. Bread, consisting of many grains, personifies the Church - One with the plurality of its members. Bread serves the greatest Sacrament - Holy Communion.

By consecrating water, the Church returns to the water element its primitive purity and holiness, and by the power of prayer and the Word of God brings down the blessing of the Lord onto the water. Blessed water is an image of God's grace: it cleanses believers from spiritual impurities, sanctifies and strengthens them for the feat of salvation in God, extinguishes the flames of passions, and drives away evil spirits.

Therefore, holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of temples and all objects used in worship, during the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, and any household item. Believers are sprinkled with holy water during religious processions and prayer services.


Lord my God, may Thy holy gift be: prosphora and Thy holy water for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities according to Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen.

ABC of Faith

There are many cases of relief from illnesses with the help of holy water. Medicine does not deny its healing properties. But how to use holy water in everyday life?

  • Holy water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed (but not from a common container).
  • In case of a very serious illness or if a person is in a state of intense spiritual struggle or despondency, it can be drunk in unlimited quantities, regardless of food intake.
  • After drinking, you need to pray for healing.
  • For pain or just a sore spot, you can apply a compress moistened with holy water.
  • It is customary to drink holy water with prayer:

“Lord, my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities according to Your infinite mercy through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen.»

  • Holy water has enormous healing powers. There are known cases when a few drops of such water, poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient, brought him to his senses and changed the course of the disease. But this does not mean that you do not need to see a doctor. A special property of holy water is that, added even in small quantities to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it.
  • Holy water should be stored near the icon or behind the icon. Just please label or label the bottle accordingly. Be careful that your loved ones do not accidentally pour out holy water or use it irreverently. You cannot store such water in the refrigerator. You should not keep it near food.
  • This water is not given to animals.
  • You can only sprinkle it on your home (while reading a prayer), a car, or some other thing, also clothes, and even pets.
  • If the water has spoiled, it must be poured into a river or other natural source. Holy water should not be poured into a sink or drain. Holy water do not splash out on the ground. It is poured into an “untrampled” place, that is, into a place where people do not walk (they do not trample underfoot) and dogs do not run. You can pour water into a river, into a flower pot, or into a clean place under a tree.

HOLY WATER SHOULD NOT ONLY BE STORED CAREFULLY, BUT ALSO BE USED REGULARLY. It is unacceptable to keep water “in reserve” forever if it was brought from the temple once for Epiphany according to the principle “so that it is in the house, because everyone has it.” This is a kind of imprisonment of the shrine. The grace of holy water does not decrease, no matter how long it is stored, but people who do not turn to the shrine are robbing themselves.

Once consecrated water is always consecrated. In the case when we have little holy water left, but need some significant amount, we can add holy water to ordinary water. All water will be sanctified.

Finally, the most important:

Holy water will not bring us any benefit if we spend our lives away from God. If we want to feel God in our lives, to feel His help, His participation in our affairs, we must become Christians not only in name, but in essence.
To be a Christian means:
Fulfill God's commandments, love God and neighbors;
Participate in church Sacraments and perform home prayer;
Work on correcting your soul.

May the Lord help us, no matter how far we are from the house of our Heavenly Father, to return to Him.

Ordinary water taken from a spring or well, water pipe or river can become holy after a special prayer service. We first experience the healing properties of the shrine during baptism. Agiasma (“shrine”) removes sinful thoughts, renews strength and revives faith. Epiphany water becomes a kind of amulet when it is used to consecrate churches, buildings and sprinkling people during prayer services and religious processions. The strength and power of water is recognized by everyone, from young to old.

The ritual of imparting holiness and strength to water is performed on January 18 on Epiphany Eve and on January 19 on Epiphany. The shrine is also called the Great Agiasma. Other smaller-scale consecrations are also carried out throughout the year, but in such water there is no power equal to Epiphany.

The first water prayer service takes place on the morning of January 18 in the church. On the feast of Epiphany itself, it is customary to bless the living water of springs and rivers. A special ice hole (Jordan) is made in the pond and decorated with candlesticks, angels and an improvised iconostasis made of ice. The festive procession takes place accompanied by the singing of troparions and censing.

Why is water holy?

The tradition of blessing water is quite ancient, but it has fully survived to this day.
There is an opinion that a silver cross immersed in it gives holiness to water, but this is not entirely true. She receives miraculous power thanks to the special blessing of God. Agiasma is the keeper of the heavenly gift and an inexhaustible reservoir of Divine power.
The reading of a prayer by the priest and the immersion of the cross fills ordinary water with God's grace. After which she herself becomes a shrine, with which people and objects are sprinkled.

How and when is water blessed in church?

The ritual of blessing water in churches is carried out throughout the year, so you can collect Epiphany water as needed.

The clergy adheres to three ranks:

  • Giving holiness during the sacrament of baptism;
  • Great consecrations on Vespers and the Feast of Epiphany;
  • The minor rite is carried out during temple holidays and when needed.

The power of Epiphany water is the same in all cases; it is considered a sin to compare its capabilities.

The main rite begins with a service behind the pulpit, after which the clergy and the parishioners head to the water while singing chants (stichera). The censing and general prayer for the endowment of water with the “blessing of the Jordan” and “healing of mental and physical infirmities” ends with the immersion of the cross in the ice hole and the sprinkling of the people with Saint Agiasma.

There is an opinion that immersion in the Jordan washes away sins, but it is not justified and is not considered mandatory. Only repentance and prayer can cleanse the human soul and thoughts.

Where to get holy water

You should not pour water into large canisters on Epiphany, making a supply for the whole year. At any time you can take it in the temple or add a few drops of Saint Agiasma to ordinary water. The power of water lies not in its structure and energy, but in prayer and blessing.
In addition to Baptism, water is blessed on other temple holidays and when necessary. For the ritual, take clean containers, preferably glass, as well as spring water.

Where to store holy water

No one will dispute that holy water is a real shrine, but it must be stored and used wisely.
A glass or ceramic vessel with liquid is kept next to icons and other consecrated objects. It is forbidden to place it in a refrigerator or cupboard with food and cereals, or keep it in the sun.
Mustiness and yellowness of water can be caused by a difficult situation in the home, frequent quarrels, fights and adultery. It is advisable to remove any label on a plastic or glass bottle.

The main thing to remember is that water should not stand idle; it is drunk after morning prayer.

How to use holy water

Blessed water is used for good and various needs: they sprinkle the home and its inhabitants for healing and expelling evil spirits.
After reading the morning prayer, a person must take a sip of the great Agiasma on an empty stomach, and on Epiphany they drink it throughout the day. To heal an illness, people drink water often, but not more than 0.5 glasses at a time, and even take medications with it. In times of grief and depression, they are also saved by water and prayer. They wash themselves with it and sprinkle it on their loved ones.

The shrine is treated with reverence. If a vessel is broken or water is spilled, collect it with a cloth and squeeze out the moisture into another container or into a flower pot. Water with glass fragments is poured into the river, but under no circumstances is it sent to the sewer.

How do you sprinkle holy water?

An aspergillus (aspergillus) for sprinkling water is usually made from basil sprigs, but in Russian churches they use an artificial device made of fibers with a handle. Such religious utensils are used to consecrate a home and drive out demons from a person during a “reprimand.”

Prayer before taking holy water

The grace of Epiphany water extends not only to man, but also to his home, animals, plants, car, etc. Any request must be accompanied by a prayer to holy water.

Why do they wash with holy water?

Many people believe that by washing with holy water they “remove damage,” but this is a common misconception. By performing such a ritual, a person’s face comes into contact with God’s grace.
When washing with the great Agiasma, you should not spray it over the sink. Remember that you have a shrine in your hands.

The power of holy water

Holy water heals by God's will and there is no magic in it. Without faith and prayer, its strength is lost. True faith in Christ, in his power, worship and righteous life - these qualities direct a person to the true path.
The powerful energy of Epiphany water is being studied by many scientists. Some are inclined to believe that water absorbs information, emotions of goodness and prayers, others are of the opinion that the disinfecting property of silver prevents it from disappearing and helps to heal, and still others are supporters of charging water from space, because it is on January 19 that the Earth goes through special irradiation.
There was a recorded case when a dying man was given Epiphany water to drink and he began to recover. Or another case with a woman who brought fortune telling cards in an Easter basket to the temple for sprinkling. In those places where drops of water fell, burnt spots formed on the cards.

Holy water from the evil eye

Jealousy and envy often become the cause of the evil eye. Negative energy affects another person and causes harm to him, bringing illness and anxiety. Holy water has long been considered and today is considered the most effective protection against any negativity.
Great and small Agiasma are suitable for removing the evil eye. Having sprinkled it on the patient, they allow the sufferer to take a few sips. If there is strong negativity, they do a ritual with a bath. To do this, fill the vessel halfway with warm water and pour in holy water crosswise. They sit in the bathroom and read “Our Father.” With this ritual, not only does the evil eye disappear, but also bruises and rashes disappear.

How to wash a child with holy water from the evil eye

Babies have a weak protective shell, so they are most susceptible to unclean things. Whims, unreasonable increases in temperature and restlessness of the child indicate a negative impact. In such cases, you should not immediately run to the fortune teller or seek help from doctors, but use prayer and holy water to remove the excess negativity yourself. There is no need to completely immerse the baby in water; just rub a small amount of water over the face, wet the head and say a prayer.

Do they drink holy water?

Drinking water consecrated in the temple is not only possible, but also necessary. Do this on an empty stomach in the morning along with prayer. In everyday life, the great Agiasma is sprinkled on the home and drunk for illnesses and the evil eye at any time.
The main thing is not to forget about its holiness and treat water accordingly.

How to consecrate an apartment with holy water

Sprinkling of things and homes is carried out to fill them with God's grace, as well as to drive out an unclean spirit. In such rooms, Christ is close to family members.
Before the ritual, the home is put in order. The windows are not covered with curtains, the vents are opened slightly so that the light penetrates into the rooms as much as possible. On Sunday they go to the temple for a blessing; you can perform the ritual without it. They wash their hands, pour water into a deep plate, read a prayer and walk around the room clockwise with the chips of their right hand. They finish and begin the consecration at the front door.
Sprinkling is carried out by saying the words:
At the end of the ceremony, a vessel with water is placed next to the icons.

Prayer before holy water and prosphora

The prayer for accepting water with prosphora and water alone is identical, only in the first case the word “prosphora” is added.

How long is holy water holy

As such, there is no shelf life for Epiphany water. The shrine is used for a long time, since it does not lose its pious qualities and does not deteriorate for a long time. Often they try to use Epiphany water before the next holiday.

Where and when can you get holy water?

Parishioners stock up on Epiphany water after the Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water, January 18 and 19. In large churches, holy water is distributed around the clock, during breaks between services. You can replenish your supply of Shrines throughout the year in churches on temple holidays of slightly smaller magnitude from Epiphany.

Old holy water what to do with it

The remaining supply of old water, which has been stored for several years, can be poured into a place where people do not go: into a river or stream. It will not be disrespectful to the shrine if you pour water on an indoor flower or tree.
Inappropriate inscriptions on vessels with water, for example, “Vodka,” can cause it to become musty and green.

It is forbidden to pour the sacred thing into the sink for sewage - this is a “crime” before the Almighty.

Holy water spell:

The importance of water is invaluable. It not only supports vitality, but is also capable of healing a person, making him unhappy or rich. Over time, people learned to perform various rituals with water.

for love

The conspiracy is carried out on the waxing moon. As it fills, the feeling of being chosen will grow. They read the plot in front of a glass of water, which is tied with a red ribbon, near a photo of their loved one. The words are pronounced three times, they cross themselves and place water near the icon. The woman first drinks the charmed water and then pours it on the man.

A prerequisite is that the chosen one must be in a good mood.

from drunkenness

The conspiracy against drunkenness is read over a jar with an airtight lid. At the beginning of the ritual, they remove it, place water in front of the icon and, bending low towards the jar, whisper the words of the conspiracy. They read the prayer three times, cross themselves and close the jar. The vessel is opened only to add the charmed water to the drunkard.

for trade

To increase trade turnover and attract buyers, the conspiracy is carried out in the workplace. Holy water is poured into a clean glass, a coin is placed in it and a prayer is read. Then they take the charmed water into their mouth and spray the workplace. The remainder is poured out near the counter, and the coin is sent to the left pocket to remove the negative.

Remember, holy water is powerless if a person lives without God in his soul. Follow his commandments, love God and your neighbors, participate in Christian sacraments in churches and perform prayers at home.

Holy water– 1) water of ordinary composition and original origin (well, spring, lake, river, tap), miraculously acquired, as a result of a prayer service called , the properties of sanctifying and healing (according to the faith of the people who piously use it); 2) (sometimes, in some understanding) water from a holy source.
All our lives there is a great shrine next to us - holy water (in Greek, ἁγίασμα - shrine).
We first plunge into it when, upon accepting this, we are immersed three times in a font filled with holy water. Holy water in the Sacrament of Baptism washes away the sinful impurities of a person, renews and revives him into a new life in.
Holy water is necessarily present during the consecration of temples and all objects used in the church, during the consecration of residential buildings, buildings, and any household item. We are sprinkled with holy water at religious processions and prayer services.

« Blessed water, – wrote Saint Demetrius of Kherson, – has the power to sanctify the souls and bodies of all who use it" She, accepted with faith and prayer, heals our bodily illnesses. After the confession of the pilgrims, the monk always gave them to drink from the cup of holy Epiphany water.

Is it possible to sprinkle holy water on unclean places?

There is the power of the cross as something protecting, like an exorcism. We can sanctify something in the sense of “filling with grace,” but we sprinkle something (say, a toilet) with baptismal holy water so that no evil is hidden there, and not for the consumption of holy things there.

Is it possible to drink holy water on an empty stomach?

According to tradition, holy water is taken on an empty stomach in the morning, which is understandable: first of all, a person eats the holy thing, and then proceeds to ordinary food. As for the remaining days, in the Typikon (Typikon, chapter 48 - month book, January 6, 1st “zri”). It is said that it is unwise to abstain from holy water because of eating food:
« Let it be known to everyone about holy water: those who separate themselves from holy water for the reason that they have already tasted food are not doing good, for the grace of God is given for the sanctification of the world and all creation. We also sprinkle it everywhere, in all unclean places, and even under our feet. And where is the intelligence of those who do not drink it because they eat food?».

For many Christians, holy water is considered one of the main shrines, and therefore they treat it with favor. But some people don't even know: how to use holy water?

Water is blessed in churches and reservoirs. The priest can bless the water at any time by reading the necessary prayers over it.

In contact with

What prayer rule is said before taking holy water?

As a rule, there is a certain prayer before taking water and it is found in all Orthodox prayer books.

In some cases, water is drunk separately, then the word “prosphora” is not used in prayer.

Before reading the prayer before taking holy water, you must cross yourself, concentrate on the prayer, and after it is read, you must cross yourself again and drink the water. Next you should thank the Lord.

Scientific explanation of the healing properties of holy water

There is a large number of opinions about why holy water is healing and does not spoil for a long period of time. Scientists who have conducted research in this area say that the main healing properties of water depend on the fact that it is treated with silver. During the blessing of water, a silver cross is immersed in the font.

Silver has long been known to kill pathogenic bacteria, and when it comes into contact with water, an antibacterial silver treatment occurs.

Despite their scientific research, scientists have a number of unexplained factors. For example, why the electromagnetic field of water differs from the field of plain water, and scientists also could not find an answer to the question of why holy water is stored for so long and does not spoil.

Holy water bathing procedure

Before washing with holy water, you should first wash with plain water and cleanse your skin with soap. According to church canons, holy water must come into contact with a clean body. Even a drop of holy water added to a vessel makes it illuminated.

Physicists have proven that thanks to the changing structure of water molecules, a drop can change the composition of ordinary water. As a rule, a sponge is used for ablution; it is dipped into a vessel and the face and neck are wiped, while the water flows in streams.

During this procedure, morning prayers are read. It is also worth moistening your eyes with holy water, as this procedure has a healing effect. If a person has various injuries or bruises on his body, then this part of the body is also included in the morning wash. After washing, dry your face with a clean cloth or towel.

How to properly use consecrated water?

Many priests advise drinking such water on an empty stomach, as it can sanctify the entire body. After the holy water has been drunk, you can eat the prosphora and pray at the same time. If a person has mental illness, then in this case water must be drunk around the clock.

The priests say that this water should be drunk from a teaspoon or from a glass on which the temple is depicted. You can even use an ordinary glass, if no alcoholic beverages were consumed from it.

Take into account: You cannot drink water from the vessel in which it is located, otherwise it will be a violation of the holy canons.

How to recycle old holy water?

Priests advise not to make huge reserves of holy water, but if this happens, then you should either water your indoor flowers or bring them to the temple. As a rule, the temple has a dry well into which ashes are poured out and water is poured out.

This procedure should only be done with the permission of a clergyman.

Is it worth boiling blessed water?

Some believers ask whether it is necessary to boil holy water, as priests claim, That is unnecessary, since during the year the water does not deteriorate at all, has antibacterial properties and destroys all microorganisms harmful to health.

Is it possible to drink holy water daily?

According to the canons of Orthodoxy, holy water can be consumed every day, but drink it little by little and on an empty stomach so that it can cleanse the body of negativity.

Is it permissible for women to drink consecrated water if they are menstruating?

In accordance with church rules, when a woman is unclean, she should not accept blessed water and consume prosphora, receive communion, and she should not touch shrines.

Is it allowed in Orthodoxy to give blessed water to animals?

Orthodox Christians who read the Holy Scriptures know that animals should not be allowed to touch sacred objects, and therefore they are not allowed to drink such water.

What to do if the blessed water disappears or has a foul odor?

If he is a Christian and sees that his baptismal or blessed water has disappeared, i.e. turns green or has a foul odor (this may be due to constant scandals in the house, as well as a person’s wrong attitude towards shrines), in these cases it is recommended to invite a priest to the house and illuminate it.

How to properly preserve holy water at home?

At home, blessed water is placed next to or behind icons. You can also put it in a certain cabinet where church supplies are located.

Some empty a special shelf and place an icon next to the water. Do not place water in the refrigerator or place it next to food.

Is it a violation to wash an unbaptized child with blessed water?

The canons of the Orthodox Church say that an unbaptized child can be washed with holy water, but on the condition that it is then poured into an untrodden place, but it cannot be poured into a sewer.

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