On the conditions of storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases. Generalization of judicial practice on resolving issues regarding material evidence Rule 449 storage of material evidence





In accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4.1 of part two and part three of Article 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the storage, accounting and transfer of real property.

2. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of the powers of bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases, prosecutorial bodies, courts for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence is carried out at the expense and within the limits of budgetary allocations provided for bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases , the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the federal budget for the corresponding year to fulfill existing expenditure obligations.

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government resolution

Russian Federation



1. These Rules determine the procedure and conditions for storing, recording and transferring material evidence in criminal cases to preliminary investigation bodies, prosecutors, and courts (hereinafter referred to as material evidence, authorized bodies, respectively).

The conditions for storage, recording and transfer of material evidence must exclude their substitution, damage, deterioration, deterioration or loss of their individual characteristics and properties, and also ensure their safety.

2. The return of material evidence in the form of money and valuables to their rightful owner is carried out on the basis of a decision of the prosecutor, investigator, inquirer or decision (ruling, decision, sentence) of the court (judge), about which an act of acceptance and transfer of material evidence is drawn up in the form according to Appendix N 1 (hereinafter referred to as the transfer and acceptance certificate).

Physical evidence in the form of money stored in accounts in a bank or other credit organization or in the financial division of the authorized body that made the decision to confiscate the specified material evidence is transferred in non-cash form or transferred in cash, taking into account the application of interested parties.

Physical evidence in the form of objects, including large quantities of goods, which, due to bulkiness or other reasons, in particular due to the need to ensure special conditions for their storage, cannot be stored in a criminal case or in the evidence storage room, are transferred for storage to state bodies that have the conditions for their storage and are vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them, and in the absence of such a possibility - to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur that has the conditions for their storage and is vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them , on the basis of a storage agreement concluded by an authorized body and a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, provided that the costs of providing special conditions for storing these material evidence are commensurate with their value.

3. Physical evidence in the form of civilian firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, firearms of limited destruction, gas weapons, edged weapons, including throwing weapons and ammunition, explosives, explosive devices, radioactive materials are transferred for storage to state bodies that have the conditions for their storage and entitled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to their storage, and in the absence of such a possibility - to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has the conditions for their storage and is vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them, on the basis of a storage agreement. Items that have historical, artistic, scientific or other cultural value, which are material evidence, in agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies are transferred for storage to subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

4. The evidence storage room is equipped with shelving, metal cabinets, security and fire alarms, supply and exhaust ventilation, fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers), as well as a metal or metal-lined door with locking devices. If there are any, bars are installed on the windows of the room.

If it is impossible to allocate such a room for storing material evidence, a special storage facility is equipped - a metal cabinet or safe of sufficient size, sealed by the responsible person, ensuring, in accordance with these Rules, the safety and proper conditions for storing material evidence (hereinafter referred to as the special storage facility).

5. The head (manager) of the authorized body appoints a person responsible for the storage of material evidence in the storage room for material evidence (special storage), the correctness of their accounting, the validity of their issuance and transfer (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person), from among the employees (workers), whose official duties do not include the implementation of operational investigative or procedural activities and prosecutorial supervision, and determines the procedure for his replacement in case of absence.

6. The door to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is sealed with the personal seal of the person in charge. The procedure for storing keys to the evidence storage room (special storage room) and their duplicates is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

Access to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is carried out only in the presence of the responsible person or a person replacing him.

If, in the absence of the responsible person or the person replacing him, there is a need to store or obtain material evidence, access of officials of the authorized body to the storage room for material evidence (special storage) is carried out only in the presence of a commission consisting of at least 3 people , the composition of which is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

In this case, the commission draws up a transfer and acceptance certificate, which lists the items seized or placed in storage and indicates the reasons for their seizure or movement. The transfer and acceptance certificate is handed over to the responsible person for making appropriate entries in the record book of material evidence accepted for storage, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the record book) and attaching it to the file (order).

7. When accepting material evidence for storage, the responsible person is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging (if any), the compliance of stamps and seals with the description in the accompanying documents (copies of the decision to recognize objects as material evidence and attach them to the criminal case, expert opinions or other procedural documents , which reflect information about the packaging).

The release of physical evidence from the storage room for physical evidence (special storage) is carried out at the request of the investigator (inquiry officer) conducting the preliminary investigation in a criminal case, or by decision (request) of the court (judge) considering the criminal case, as well as the prosecutor considering the criminal case, received with an indictment or indictment.

8. When accepting for storage (or returning) material evidence to the evidence storage room (special storage), the responsible person draws up and issues to the person who presented the material evidence a receipt (receipt) in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as the receipt (receipt).

Acceptance for storage of a large number of material evidence, their issuance and return are carried out according to the acceptance certificate.

The receipt (receipt) and the act of acceptance and transfer are drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other - to the case (attendance).

9. Physical evidence in each criminal case is stored separately.

10. The transfer of material evidence for storage to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement is carried out by an official of the authorized body in charge of the criminal case, and is documented by an acceptance certificate drawn up in 3 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other is transferred to a representative of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the third is transferred to the case (order).

If the storage of material evidence is carried out by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement and at the same time the body of the preliminary investigation changes in connection with the direction of the criminal case under jurisdiction, the body that accepted the criminal case for its proceedings is obliged to renew the agreement with the specified legal entity or individual entrepreneur an agreement for the storage of material evidence, or enter into an agreement with another legal entity or individual entrepreneur for the storage of material evidence, or determine another place for their storage by moving it.

11. If, when transferring a criminal case by an inquiry body to an investigator or from one inquiry agency to another or from one investigator to another, as well as when sending a criminal case to a prosecutor or to a court or from one court to another, there is material evidence that is not transferred and (or) not may be transferred along with the criminal case, then the covering letter on the transfer of the criminal case indicates the location of storage of the material evidence.

About the transfer of a criminal case, the transferring official sends a corresponding notification to the place where the material evidence is stored.

12. If the authorized body has received a criminal case with material evidence, upon receiving it, an employee (employee) of the authorized body checks the integrity of the packaging, the presence of stamps and seals.

13. The court (judge), prosecutor, investigator (inquiry officer) send to the authorized body that stores material evidence a certified copy of the court decision (ruling, resolution, sentence) that has entered into legal force, the resolution of the prosecutor, investigator (inquirer) on the issue of material evidence evidence.

Upon receipt of a certified copy of a court decision or resolution of a prosecutor, investigator (inquiry officer) that has entered into legal force, the responsible person takes measures to implement the said decision (ruling, decision, sentence) of the court, resolution of the prosecutor, investigator (inquirer) insofar as it relates to material evidence, and the relevant authorized body notifies about its execution.

14. The accounting of material evidence transferred for storage to the evidence storage room (special storage) is maintained by the responsible person in the accounting book.

The accounting book is bound, numbered and sealed with the stamp of the authorized body.

The number of sheets in the accounting book is certified on the last page by the signature of the head (manager) or responsible official of the division of the authorized body.

15. In addition to maintaining records of physical evidence by making appropriate entries in the ledger, records may also be maintained electronically.

16. Entries on the acceptance for storage, issuance, return or transfer of material evidence and other necessary information about their movement are made in the accounting book.

Physical evidence received for storage by the authorized body is registered in the accounting book on the day of its receipt.

Each item (document) in the accounting book is indicated separately in chronological order and is assigned a serial number.

17. After registering the material evidence, the number of the criminal case and the serial number of the material evidence reflected in the accounting book are affixed to its packaging or tag (if there is no packaging).

18. In the authorized bodies, the responsible person, along with the accounting book, keeps a file (order) in which certified copies of court decisions (sentences, rulings, resolutions), decisions of the investigator (inquiry officer), extracts from them, as well as other documents on the basis of which are stored reception, issuance, return and transfer of material evidence were carried out.

Appendix No. 1

to the Rules for storage and accounting

and transfer of real

evidence in criminal cases

ACT N of acceptance and transfer "__" _____________ 20 ______________________________________________________________________________ (place of drawing up) The act is drawn up that _____________________________________________ (position, special rank (class rank), initials, surname of the person) ___________________________________________________________________________ (in the case of the formation of a commission - positions, initials and surnames of the commission members) ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ transferred, and ______________________________________________________________________________ (position, special title (class rank), initials, surname of the person) ___________________________________________________________________________ (in case of formation of a commission - positions, initials and surnames of the commission members) ___________________________________________________________________________ (when transferred for storage to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur - name of the legal entity, ___________________________________________________________________________ initials, surname of his representative, initials, surname of the individual entrepreneur) accepted _____________________________________________________________________ (purpose of acceptance and transfer, name of the transferred material evidence, their quantity, weight, ___________________________________________________________________________ volume, packaging information, other information, criminal case number ) __________________________________________________________________________.

Appendix No. 2

to the Rules for storage and accounting

and transfer of real

evidence in criminal cases


material evidence accepted for storage

< * >If necessary, last name, first name, patronymic of the accused (suspect), qualification of the crime.

Appendix No. 3

to the Rules for storage and accounting

and transfer of real

evidence in criminal cases

RECEIPT (RECEIPT) N on the acceptance of material evidence into the storage chamber (special storage), the release of material evidence from the storage chamber (special storage) "__" _____________ 20 ___________________________________________________________________________ (place of compilation) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, special rank (class rank), surname, name, patronymic of the person ___________________________________________________________________________ who transferred the material evidence for storage in the storage chamber (special storage room), who released the material evidence from the storage chamber (special storage facility) ___________________________________________________________________________ (position, special rank (class rank), surname, name, patronymic of the person, ___________________________________________________________________________ who accepted material evidence for storage in a storage room (special storage room), who received material evidence from a storage room (special storage room) ___________________________________________________________________________ (date of transfer of material evidence to the storage room, from a storage room (special storage room) ___________________________________________________________________________ (name of transferred (issued) material evidence) ___________________________________________________________________________ (if necessary, indicate the quantity, weight, volume of material evidence, ___________________________________________________________________________, as well as information about their packaging) ___________________________________________________________________________ (number of the criminal case) ___________________________________________________________________________ (number of the book of records of material evidence accepted for storage or issued, serial number of the entry)

The accounting of material evidence transferred for storage to the evidence storage room (special storage) is maintained by the responsible person in the accounting book. The accounting book is bound, numbered and sealed with the stamp of the authorized body. The number of sheets in the accounting book is certified on the last page by the signature of the head (manager) or responsible official of the division of the authorized body. 15. In addition to maintaining records of physical evidence by making appropriate entries in the ledger, records may also be maintained electronically. 16. Entries on the acceptance for storage, issuance, return or transfer of material evidence and other necessary information about their movement are made in the accounting book. Physical evidence received for storage by the authorized body is registered in the accounting book on the day of its receipt.

An error occurred.

If the storage of material evidence is carried out by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement and at the same time the body of the preliminary investigation changes in connection with the direction of the criminal case under jurisdiction, the body that accepted the criminal case for its proceedings is obliged to renew the agreement with the specified legal entity or individual entrepreneur an agreement for the storage of material evidence, or enter into an agreement with another legal entity or individual entrepreneur for the storage of material evidence, or determine another place for their storage by moving it. eleven.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/08/2015 No. 449

The door to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is sealed with the personal seal of the person in charge. The procedure for storing keys to the evidence storage room (special storage room) and their duplicates is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.


Access to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is carried out only in the presence of the responsible person or a person replacing him. If, in the absence of the responsible person or the person replacing him, there is a need to store or obtain material evidence, access of officials of the authorized body to the storage room for material evidence (special storage) is carried out only in the presence of a commission consisting of at least 3 people , the composition of which is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

Appendix No. 2 to the Rules for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases (form) BOOK OF ACCOUNTING of material evidence accepted for storage No. Date of reception of property for storage Name of items, type of packaging deposited, and explanatory inscription on it (number of the criminal case in whose proceedings it is located) “*” Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who handed over the property for storage Signature of the person responsible for storage on the acceptance of the property Grounds and date of issue of the property Note on the integrity of the issued property Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who received the property Signature of the person who received the property Decision regarding material evidence and a note on its execution indicating the date Note 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 “*” If necessary, last name, first name, patronymic of the accused (suspect ), qualification of the crime.

Gg 449 from 05/08/2015

In this case, the commission draws up a transfer and acceptance certificate, which lists the items seized or placed in storage and indicates the reasons for their seizure or movement. The transfer and acceptance certificate is handed over to the responsible person for making appropriate entries in the record book of material evidence accepted for storage, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the record book) and attaching it to the file (order).
7. When accepting material evidence for storage, the responsible person is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging (if any), the compliance of stamps and seals with the description in the accompanying documents (copies of the decision to recognize objects as material evidence and attach them to the criminal case, expert opinions or other procedural documents , which reflect information about the packaging).
If it is impossible to allocate such a room for storing material evidence, a special storage facility is equipped - a metal cabinet or safe of sufficient size, sealed by the responsible person, ensuring, in accordance with these Rules, the safety and proper conditions for storing material evidence (hereinafter referred to as the special storage facility). 5. The head (manager) of the authorized body appoints a person responsible for the storage of material evidence in the storage room for material evidence (special storage), the correctness of their accounting, the validity of their issuance and transfer (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person), from among the employees (workers), whose official duties do not include the implementation of operational investigative or procedural activities and prosecutorial supervision, and determines the procedure for his replacement in case of absence.
of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides: 1. Approve the attached Rules for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases.
2. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of the powers of bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases, prosecutorial bodies, courts for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence is carried out at the expense and within the limits of budgetary allocations provided for bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases , the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the federal budget for the corresponding year to fulfill existing expenditure obligations.
The receipt (receipt) and the acceptance certificate are drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other - to the case (attendance). 9. Physical evidence in each criminal case is stored separately. 10. The transfer of material evidence for storage to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement is carried out by an official of the authorized body in charge of the criminal case, and is documented by an acceptance certificate drawn up in 3 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other is transferred to a representative of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the third is transferred to the case (order).

of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides: 1. Approve the attached Rules for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases.

2. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of the powers of bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases, prosecutorial bodies, courts for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence is carried out at the expense and within the limits of budgetary allocations provided for bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases , the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the federal budget for the corresponding year to fulfill existing expenditure obligations.

Items that have historical, artistic, scientific or other cultural value, which are material evidence, in agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies are transferred for storage to subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. 4. The evidence storage room is equipped with shelving, metal cabinets, security and fire alarms, supply and exhaust ventilation, fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers), as well as a metal or metal-lined door with locking devices.

If there are any, bars are installed on the windows of the room.

If it is impossible to allocate such a room for storing material evidence, a special storage facility is equipped - a metal cabinet or safe of sufficient size, sealed by the responsible person, ensuring, in accordance with these Rules, the safety and proper conditions for storing material evidence (hereinafter referred to as the special storage facility). 5. The head (manager) of the authorized body appoints a person responsible for the storage of material evidence in the storage room for material evidence (special storage), the correctness of their accounting, the validity of their issuance and transfer (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person), from among the employees (workers), whose official duties do not include the implementation of operational investigative or procedural activities and prosecutorial supervision, and determines the procedure for his replacement in case of absence.



On the conditions of storage, accounting and transfer of real property

In accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4_1 of part two and part three of Article 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation


1. Approve the attached Rules for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases.

2. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of the powers of bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases, prosecutorial bodies, courts for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence is carried out at the expense and within the limits of budgetary allocations provided for bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases , the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the federal budget for the corresponding year to fulfill existing expenditure obligations.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Rules for storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated May 8, 2015 N 449

1. These Rules determine the procedure and conditions for storing, recording and transferring material evidence in criminal cases to preliminary investigation bodies, prosecutors, and courts (hereinafter referred to as material evidence, authorized bodies, respectively).

The conditions for storage, recording and transfer of material evidence must exclude their substitution, damage, deterioration, deterioration or loss of their individual characteristics and properties, and also ensure their safety.

2. The return of material evidence in the form of money and valuables to their rightful owner is carried out on the basis of a decision of the prosecutor, investigator, inquirer or decision (ruling, decision, sentence) of the court (judge), about which an act of acceptance and transfer of material evidence is drawn up in the form according to Appendix N 1 (hereinafter referred to as the transfer and acceptance certificate).

Physical evidence in the form of money stored in accounts in a bank or other credit organization or in the financial division of the authorized body that made the decision to confiscate the specified material evidence is transferred in non-cash form or transferred in cash, taking into account the application of interested parties.

Physical evidence in the form of objects, including large quantities of goods, which, due to bulkiness or other reasons, in particular due to the need to ensure special conditions for their storage, cannot be stored in a criminal case or in the evidence storage room, are transferred for storage to state bodies that have the conditions for their storage and are vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them, and in the absence of such a possibility - to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur that has the conditions for their storage and is vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them , on the basis of a storage agreement concluded by an authorized body and a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, provided that the costs of providing special conditions for storing these material evidence are commensurate with their value.

3. Physical evidence in the form of civilian firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, firearms of limited destruction, gas weapons, edged weapons, including throwing weapons and ammunition, explosives, explosive devices, radioactive materials are transferred for storage to state bodies that have the conditions for their storage and entitled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to their storage, and in the absence of such a possibility - to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has the conditions for their storage and is vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them, on the basis of a storage agreement. Items that have historical, artistic, scientific or other cultural value, which are material evidence, in agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies are transferred for storage to subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

4. The evidence storage room is equipped with shelving, metal cabinets, security and fire alarms, supply and exhaust ventilation, fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers), as well as a metal or metal-lined door with locking devices. If there are any, bars are installed on the windows of the room.

If it is impossible to allocate such a room for storing material evidence, a special storage facility is equipped - a metal cabinet or safe of sufficient size, sealed by the responsible person, ensuring, in accordance with these Rules, the safety and proper conditions for storing material evidence (hereinafter referred to as the special storage facility).

5. The head (manager) of the authorized body appoints a person responsible for the storage of material evidence in the storage room for material evidence (special storage), the correctness of their accounting, the validity of their issuance and transfer (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person), from among the employees (workers), whose official duties do not include the implementation of operational investigative or procedural activities and prosecutorial supervision, and determines the procedure for his replacement in case of absence.

6. The door to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is sealed with the personal seal of the person in charge. The procedure for storing keys to the evidence storage room (special storage room) and their duplicates is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

Access to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is carried out only in the presence of the responsible person or a person replacing him.

If, in the absence of the responsible person or the person replacing him, there is a need to store or obtain material evidence, access of officials of the authorized body to the storage room for material evidence (special storage) is carried out only in the presence of a commission consisting of at least 3 people , the composition of which is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

In this case, the commission draws up a transfer and acceptance certificate, which lists the items seized or placed in storage and indicates the reasons for their seizure or movement. The transfer and acceptance certificate is handed over to the responsible person for making appropriate entries in the record book of material evidence accepted for storage, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the record book) and attaching it to the file (order).

7. When accepting material evidence for storage, the responsible person is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging (if any), the compliance of stamps and seals with the description in the accompanying documents (copies of the decision to recognize objects as material evidence and attach them to the criminal case, expert opinions or other procedural documents , which reflect information about the packaging).

The release of physical evidence from the storage room for physical evidence (special storage) is carried out at the request of the investigator (inquiry officer) conducting the preliminary investigation in a criminal case, or by decision (request) of the court (judge) considering the criminal case, as well as the prosecutor considering the criminal case, received with an indictment or indictment.

8. When accepting for storage (or returning) material evidence to the evidence storage room (special storage), the responsible person draws up and issues to the person who presented the material evidence a receipt (receipt) in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as the receipt (receipt).

Acceptance for storage of a large number of material evidence, their issuance and return are carried out according to the acceptance certificate.

The receipt (receipt) and the act of acceptance and transfer are drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other - to the case (attendance).

9. Physical evidence in each criminal case is stored separately.

10. The transfer of material evidence for storage to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement is carried out by an official of the authorized body in charge of the criminal case, and is documented by an acceptance certificate drawn up in 3 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other is transferred to a representative of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the third is transferred to the case (order).

If the storage of material evidence is carried out by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement and at the same time the body of the preliminary investigation changes in connection with the direction of the criminal case under jurisdiction, the body that accepted the criminal case for its proceedings is obliged to renew the agreement with the specified legal entity or individual entrepreneur an agreement for the storage of material evidence, or enter into an agreement with another legal entity or individual entrepreneur for the storage of material evidence, or determine another place for their storage by moving it.

11. If, when transferring a criminal case by an inquiry body to an investigator or from one inquiry agency to another or from one investigator to another, as well as when sending a criminal case to a prosecutor or to a court or from one court to another, there is material evidence that is not transferred and (or) not may be transferred along with the criminal case, then the covering letter on the transfer of the criminal case indicates the location of storage of the material evidence.

About the transfer of a criminal case, the transferring official sends a corresponding notification to the place where the material evidence is stored.

12. If the authorized body has received a criminal case with material evidence, upon receiving it, an employee (employee) of the authorized body checks the integrity of the packaging, the presence of stamps and seals.

13. The court (judge), prosecutor, investigator (inquiry officer) send to the authorized body that stores material evidence a certified copy of the court decision (ruling, resolution, sentence) that has entered into legal force, the resolution of the prosecutor, investigator (inquirer) on the issue of material evidence evidence.

Upon receipt of a certified copy of a court decision or resolution of a prosecutor, investigator (inquiry officer) that has entered into legal force, the responsible person takes measures to implement the said decision (ruling, decision, sentence) of the court, resolution of the prosecutor, investigator (inquirer) insofar as it relates to material evidence, and the relevant authorized body notifies about its execution.

14. The accounting of material evidence transferred for storage to the evidence storage room (special storage) is maintained by the responsible person in the accounting book.

The accounting book is bound, numbered and sealed with the stamp of the authorized body.

The number of sheets in the accounting book is certified on the last page by the signature of the head (manager) or responsible official of the division of the authorized body.

15. In addition to maintaining records of physical evidence by making appropriate entries in the ledger, records may also be maintained electronically.

16. Entries on the acceptance for storage, issuance, return or transfer of material evidence and other necessary information about their movement are made in the accounting book.

Physical evidence received for storage by the authorized body is registered in the accounting book on the day of its receipt.

Each item (document) in the accounting book is indicated separately in chronological order and is assigned a serial number.

17. After registering the material evidence, the number of the criminal case and the serial number of the material evidence reflected in the accounting book are affixed to its packaging or tag (if there is no packaging).

18. In the authorized bodies, the responsible person, along with the accounting book, keeps a file (order) in which certified copies of court decisions (sentences, rulings, resolutions), decisions of the investigator (inquiry officer), extracts from them, as well as other documents on the basis of which are stored reception, issuance, return and transfer of material evidence were carried out.

Appendix No. 1. Transfer and Acceptance Certificate

Appendix No. 1
to the Rules for storage and accounting
and transfer of real
evidence in criminal cases


reception and transmission

"_____" _____________ 20__

(place of compilation)

The act was drawn up stating that

passed it on, and

(position, special rank (class rank), initials, surname of the person)

(if a commission is formed - positions, initials and surnames of commission members)

(when transferred for storage to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur - the name of the legal entity,

initials, surname of his representative, initials, surname of an individual entrepreneur)

(the purpose of reception and transfer, the name of the transferred material evidence, their quantity, weight,

volume, packaging information, other information, criminal case number)

(signature, initials, surname of the person who handed over the material evidence)

(signature, initials, surname of the person who accepted the evidence)

"___" ______________ 20__

Appendix No. 2. Book of records of material evidence accepted for storage

Appendix No. 2
to the Rules for storage and accounting
and transfer of material evidence
in criminal cases


Date of acceptance of property for storage

item, type of packaging deposited, and explanatory note
inscription on it (number of the criminal case in whose proceedings

Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who deposited the property for storage

Face painting, responsible
official for storage, acceptance of property

Grounds and date of issue of property

Integrity mark
my property

Last name, first name, patronymic, position of the person who received
our property

Face painting, having received-
our property

Decision regarding substance
performance and a mark on its execution
date stamp



* If necessary, last name, first name, patronymic of the accused (suspect), qualification of the crime.

Appendix No. 3. Receipt (receipt) for the receipt of material evidence in the storage room (special storage room), the release of material evidence from the storage room (special storage room)

Appendix No. 3
to the Rules for storage and accounting
and transfer of real
evidence in criminal cases


on the reception of material evidence into a storage room (special storage room), the release of material evidence from a storage room (special storage room)


(place of compilation)

who transferred material evidence for storage in a storage room (special storage room), who released material evidence from a storage room (special storage room)

(position, special rank (class rank), last name, first name, patronymic of the person,

who accepted material evidence for storage in a storage room (special storage room), who received material evidence from a storage room (special storage room)

(date of transfer of material evidence to the storage room, from the storage room

(special storage)

(name of transferred (issued) material evidence)

(if necessary, indicate the number, weight, volume of material evidence,

as well as information about their packaging)

(criminal case number)

(number of the book of records of material evidence accepted for storage or issued, serial number of the entry)

(signature, initials, surname of the person who handed over (issued) the material evidence)

(signature, initials, surname of the person who accepted (received) the material evidence)

"____" ______________ 20___

"___" ______________ 20__

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
legal information
www.pravo.gov.ru, 05.14.2015,
N 0001201505140010

In accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 1, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 4 1 of part two and part three of Article 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases.

2. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of the powers of bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases, prosecutorial bodies, courts for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence is carried out at the expense and within the limits of budgetary allocations provided for bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases , the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the federal budget for the corresponding year to fulfill existing expenditure obligations.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation
D. Medvedev

Rules for storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases

1. These Rules determine the procedure and conditions for storing, recording and transferring material evidence in criminal cases to preliminary investigation bodies, prosecutors, and courts (hereinafter referred to as material evidence, authorized bodies, respectively).

The conditions for storage, recording and transfer of material evidence must exclude their substitution, damage, deterioration, deterioration or loss of their individual characteristics and properties, and also ensure their safety.

2. The return of material evidence in the form of money and valuables to their rightful owner is carried out on the basis of a decision of the prosecutor, investigator, inquirer or decision (ruling, decision, sentence) of the court (judge), about which an act of acceptance and transfer of material evidence is drawn up in the form according to Appendix N 1 (hereinafter referred to as the transfer and acceptance certificate).

Physical evidence in the form of money stored in accounts in a bank or other credit organization or in the financial division of the authorized body that made the decision to confiscate the specified material evidence is transferred in non-cash form or transferred in cash, taking into account the application of interested parties.

Physical evidence in the form of objects, including large quantities of goods, which, due to bulkiness or other reasons, in particular due to the need to ensure special conditions for their storage, cannot be stored in a criminal case or in the evidence storage room, are transferred for storage to state bodies that have the conditions for their storage and are vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them, and in the absence of such a possibility - to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur that has the conditions for their storage and is vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them , on the basis of a storage agreement concluded by an authorized body and a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, provided that the costs of providing special conditions for storing these material evidence are commensurate with their value.

3. Physical evidence in the form of civilian firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, firearms of limited destruction, gas weapons, edged weapons, including throwing weapons and ammunition, explosives, explosive devices, radioactive materials are transferred for storage to state bodies that have the conditions for their storage and entitled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to their storage, and in the absence of such a possibility - to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has the conditions for their storage and is vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them, on the basis of a storage agreement. Items that have historical, artistic, scientific or other cultural value, which are material evidence, in agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies are transferred for storage to subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

4. The evidence storage room is equipped with shelving, metal cabinets, security and fire alarms, supply and exhaust ventilation, fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers), as well as a metal or metal-lined door with locking devices. If there are any, bars are installed on the windows of the room.

If it is impossible to allocate such a room for storing material evidence, a special storage facility is equipped - a metal cabinet or safe of sufficient size, sealed by the responsible person, ensuring, in accordance with these Rules, the safety and proper conditions for storing material evidence (hereinafter referred to as the special storage facility).

5. The head (manager) of the authorized body appoints a person responsible for the storage of material evidence in the storage room for material evidence (special storage), the correctness of their accounting, the validity of their issuance and transfer (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person), from among the employees (workers), whose official duties do not include the implementation of operational investigative or procedural activities and prosecutorial supervision, and determines the procedure for his replacement in case of absence.

6. The door to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is sealed with the personal seal of the person in charge. The procedure for storing keys to the evidence storage room (special storage room) and their duplicates is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

Access to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is carried out only in the presence of the responsible person or a person replacing him.

If, in the absence of the responsible person or the person replacing him, there is a need to store or obtain material evidence, access of officials of the authorized body to the storage room for material evidence (special storage) is carried out only in the presence of a commission consisting of at least 3 people , the composition of which is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

In this case, the commission draws up a transfer and acceptance certificate, which lists the items seized or placed in storage and indicates the reasons for their seizure or movement. The transfer and acceptance certificate is handed over to the responsible person for making appropriate entries in the record book of material evidence accepted for storage, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the record book) and attaching it to the file (order).

7. When accepting material evidence for storage, the responsible person is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging (if any), the compliance of stamps and seals with the description in the accompanying documents (copies of the decision to recognize objects as material evidence and attach them to the criminal case, expert opinions or other procedural documents , which reflect information about the packaging).

The release of physical evidence from the storage room for physical evidence (special storage) is carried out at the request of the investigator (inquiry officer) conducting the preliminary investigation in a criminal case, or by decision (request) of the court (judge) considering the criminal case, as well as the prosecutor considering the criminal case, received with an indictment or indictment.

8. When accepting for storage (or returning) material evidence to the evidence storage room (special storage), the responsible person draws up and issues to the person who presented the material evidence a receipt (receipt) in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as the receipt (receipt).

Acceptance for storage of a large number of material evidence, their issuance and return are carried out according to the acceptance certificate.

The receipt (receipt) and the act of acceptance and transfer are drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other - to the case (attendance).

9. Physical evidence in each criminal case is stored separately.

10. The transfer of material evidence for storage to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement is carried out by an official of the authorized body in charge of the criminal case, and is documented by an acceptance certificate drawn up in 3 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other is transferred to a representative of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the third is transferred to the case (order).

If the storage of material evidence is carried out by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement and at the same time the body of the preliminary investigation changes in connection with the direction of the criminal case under jurisdiction, the body that accepted the criminal case for its proceedings is obliged to renew the agreement with the specified legal entity or individual entrepreneur an agreement for the storage of material evidence, or enter into an agreement with another legal entity or individual entrepreneur for the storage of material evidence, or determine another place for their storage by moving it.

11. If, when transferring a criminal case by an inquiry body to an investigator or from one inquiry agency to another or from one investigator to another, as well as when sending a criminal case to a prosecutor or to a court or from one court to another, there is material evidence that is not transferred and (or) not may be transferred along with the criminal case, then the covering letter on the transfer of the criminal case indicates the location of storage of the material evidence.

About the transfer of a criminal case, the transferring official sends a corresponding notification to the place where the material evidence is stored.

12. If the authorized body has received a criminal case with material evidence, upon receiving it, an employee (employee) of the authorized body checks the integrity of the packaging, the presence of stamps and seals.

13. The court (judge), prosecutor, investigator (inquiry officer) send to the authorized body that stores material evidence a certified copy of the court decision (ruling, resolution, sentence) that has entered into legal force, the resolution of the prosecutor, investigator (inquirer) on the issue of material evidence evidence.

Upon receipt of a certified copy of a court decision or resolution of a prosecutor, investigator (inquiry officer) that has entered into legal force, the responsible person takes measures to implement the said decision (ruling, decision, sentence) of the court, resolution of the prosecutor, investigator (inquirer) insofar as it relates to material evidence, and the relevant authorized body notifies about its execution.

14. The accounting of material evidence transferred for storage to the evidence storage room (special storage) is maintained by the responsible person in the accounting book.

The accounting book is bound, numbered and sealed with the stamp of the authorized body.

The number of sheets in the accounting book is certified on the last page by the signature of the head (manager) or responsible official of the division of the authorized body.

15. In addition to maintaining records of physical evidence by making appropriate entries in the ledger, records may also be maintained electronically.

16. Entries on the acceptance for storage, issuance, return or transfer of material evidence and other necessary information about their movement are made in the accounting book.

Physical evidence received for storage by the authorized body is registered in the accounting book on the day of its receipt.

Each item (document) in the accounting book is indicated separately in chronological order and is assigned a serial number.

17. After registering the material evidence, the number of the criminal case and the serial number of the material evidence reflected in the accounting book are affixed to its packaging or tag (if there is no packaging).

18. In the authorized bodies, the responsible person, along with the accounting book, keeps a file (order) in which certified copies of court decisions (sentences, rulings, resolutions), decisions of the investigator (inquiry officer), extracts from them, as well as other documents on the basis of which are stored reception, issuance, return and transfer of material evidence were carried out.

Storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases.

2. Financial support for expenses associated with the implementation of the powers of bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases, prosecutorial bodies, courts for the storage, recording and transfer of material evidence is carried out at the expense and within the limits of budgetary allocations provided for bodies carrying out preliminary investigations in criminal cases , the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the federal budget for the corresponding year to fulfill existing expenditure obligations.

storage, recording and transfer of material evidence in criminal cases
(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 8, 2015 N 449)

1. These Rules determine the procedure and conditions for storing, recording and transferring material evidence in criminal cases to preliminary investigation bodies, prosecutors, and courts (hereinafter referred to as material evidence, authorized bodies, respectively).

The conditions for storage, recording and transfer of material evidence must exclude their substitution, damage, deterioration, deterioration or loss of their individual characteristics and properties, and also ensure their safety.

2. The return of material evidence in the form of money and valuables to their rightful owner is carried out on the basis of a decision of the prosecutor, investigator, inquirer or decision (ruling, decision, sentence) of the court (judge), about which an act of acceptance and transfer of material evidence is drawn up in the form according to Appendix N 1 (hereinafter referred to as the transfer and acceptance certificate).

Physical evidence in the form of money stored in accounts in a bank or other credit organization or in the financial division of the authorized body that made the decision to confiscate the specified material evidence is transferred in non-cash form or transferred in cash, taking into account the application of interested parties.

Physical evidence in the form of objects, including large quantities of goods, which, due to bulkiness or other reasons, in particular due to the need to ensure special conditions for their storage, cannot be stored in a criminal case or in the evidence storage room, are transferred for storage to state bodies that have the conditions for their storage and are vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them, and in the absence of such a possibility - to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur that has the conditions for their storage and is vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them , on the basis of a storage agreement concluded by an authorized body and a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, provided that the costs of providing special conditions for storing these material evidence are commensurate with their value.

3. Physical evidence in the form of civilian firearms smooth-bore long-barreled weapons, firearms of limited destruction, gas weapons, edged weapons, including throwing weapons and ammunition, explosives, explosive devices, radioactive materials are transferred for storage to state bodies that have the conditions for their storage and entitled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to their storage, and in the absence of such a possibility - to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has the conditions for their storage and is vested with the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to store them, on the basis of a storage agreement. Items that have historical, artistic, scientific or other cultural value, which are material evidence, in agreement with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation or its territorial bodies are transferred for storage to subordinate institutions of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

4. The evidence storage room is equipped with shelving, metal cabinets, security and fire alarms, supply and exhaust ventilation, fire extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers), as well as a metal or metal-lined door with locking devices. If there are any, bars are installed on the windows of the room.

If it is impossible to allocate such a room for storing material evidence, a special storage facility is equipped - a metal cabinet or safe of sufficient size, sealed by the responsible person, ensuring, in accordance with these Rules, the safety and proper conditions for storing material evidence (hereinafter referred to as the special storage facility).

5. The head (manager) of the authorized body appoints a person responsible for the storage of material evidence in the storage room for material evidence (special storage), the correctness of their accounting, the validity of their issuance and transfer (hereinafter referred to as the responsible person), from among the employees (workers), whose official duties do not include the implementation of operational investigative or procedural activities and prosecutorial supervision, and determines the procedure for his replacement in case of absence.

6. The door to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is sealed with the personal seal of the person in charge. The procedure for storing keys to the evidence storage room (special storage room) and their duplicates is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

Access to the evidence storage room (special storage room) is carried out only in the presence of the responsible person or a person replacing him.

If, in the absence of the responsible person or the person replacing him, there is a need to store or obtain material evidence, access of officials of the authorized body to the storage room for material evidence (special storage) is carried out only in the presence of a commission consisting of at least 3 people , the composition of which is determined by the head (manager) of the authorized body.

In this case, the commission draws up a transfer and acceptance certificate, which lists the items seized or placed in storage and indicates the reasons for their seizure or movement. The transfer and acceptance certificate is handed over to the responsible person for making appropriate entries in the record book of material evidence accepted for storage, in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 (hereinafter referred to as the record book) and attaching it to the file (order).

7. When accepting material evidence for storage, the responsible person is obliged to check the integrity of the packaging (if any), the compliance of stamps and seals with the description in the accompanying documents (copies of the decision to recognize objects as material evidence and attach them to the criminal case, expert opinions or other procedural documents , which reflect information about the packaging).

The release of physical evidence from the storage room for physical evidence (special storage) is carried out at the request of the investigator (inquiry officer) conducting the preliminary investigation in a criminal case, or by decision (request) of the court (judge) considering the criminal case, as well as the prosecutor considering the criminal case, received with an indictment or indictment.

8. When accepting for storage (or returning) material evidence to the evidence storage room (special storage), the responsible person draws up and issues to the person who presented the material evidence a receipt (receipt) in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as the receipt (receipt).

Acceptance for storage of a large number of material evidence, their issuance and return are carried out according to the acceptance certificate.

The receipt (receipt) and the act of acceptance and transfer are drawn up in 2 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other - to the case (attendance).

9. Physical evidence in each criminal case is stored separately.

10. The transfer of material evidence for storage to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement is carried out by an official of the authorized body in charge of the criminal case, and is documented by an acceptance certificate drawn up in 3 copies, one of which is attached to the materials of the criminal case, the other is transferred to a representative of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, the third is transferred to the case (order).

If the storage of material evidence is carried out by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on the basis of a storage agreement and at the same time the body of the preliminary investigation changes in connection with the direction of the criminal case under jurisdiction, the body that accepted the criminal case for its proceedings is obliged to renew the agreement with the specified legal entity or individual entrepreneur an agreement for the storage of material evidence, or enter into an agreement with another legal entity or individual entrepreneur for the storage of material evidence, or determine another place for their storage by moving it.

11. If, when transferring a criminal case by an inquiry body to an investigator or from one inquiry agency to another or from one investigator to another, as well as when sending a criminal case to a prosecutor or to a court or from one court to another, there is material evidence that is not transferred and (or) not may be transferred along with the criminal case, then the covering letter on the transfer of the criminal case indicates the location of storage of the material evidence. About the transfer of a criminal case, the transferring official sends a corresponding notification to the place where the material evidence is stored.

12. If the authorized body has received a criminal case with material evidence, upon receiving it, an employee (employee) of the authorized body checks the integrity of the packaging, the presence of stamps and seals.

13. The court (judge), prosecutor, investigator (inquiry officer) send to the authorized body that stores material evidence a certified copy of the court decision (ruling, resolution, sentence) that has entered into legal force, the resolution of the prosecutor, investigator (inquirer) on the issue of material evidence evidence.

Upon receipt of a certified copy of a court decision or resolution of a prosecutor, investigator (inquiry officer) that has entered into legal force, the responsible person takes measures to implement the said decision (ruling, decision, sentence) of the court, resolution of the prosecutor, investigator (inquirer) insofar as it relates to material evidence, and the relevant authorized body notifies about its execution.

14. The accounting of material evidence transferred for storage to the evidence storage room (special storage) is maintained by the responsible person in the accounting book.

The accounting book is bound, numbered and sealed with the stamp of the authorized body.

The number of sheets in the accounting book is certified on the last page by the signature of the head (manager) or responsible official of the division of the authorized body.

15. In addition to maintaining records of physical evidence by making appropriate entries in the ledger, records may also be maintained electronically.

16. Entries on the acceptance for storage, issuance, return or transfer of material evidence and other necessary information about their movement are made in the accounting book.

Physical evidence received for storage by the authorized body is registered in the accounting book on the day of its receipt.

Each item (document) in the accounting book is indicated separately in chronological order and is assigned a serial number.

17. After registering the material evidence, the number of the criminal case and the serial number of the material evidence reflected in the accounting book are affixed to its packaging or tag (if there is no packaging).

18. In the authorized bodies, the responsible person, along with the accounting book, keeps a file (order) in which certified copies of court decisions (sentences, rulings, resolutions), decisions of the investigator (inquiry officer), extracts from them, as well as other documents on the basis of which are stored reception, issuance, return and transfer of material evidence were carried out.


* If necessary, last name, first name, patronymic of the accused (suspect), qualification of the crime.

Appendix No. 3
to the Rules for storage and accounting
and transfer of real
in criminal cases


RECEIPT (RECEIPT) N on the receipt of material evidence in the storage room (special storage), release of material evidence from a storage room (special storage)"___" _____________ 20 _________________________________________________________________________ (place of compilation) _________________________________________________________________________ (position, special rank (class rank), last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________________________________________ of the person who transferred the material evidence for storage in the storage room (special storage room), who released the material evidence from the storage room (special storage) __________________________________________________________________________ (position, special rank (class rank), last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________________________________________________ of the person who accepted the material evidence for storage in the storage room (special storage), who received the material evidence from the storage room (special storage) _________________________________________________________________________ (date of transfer material evidence to the storage chamber, from the storage chamber (special storage) _________________________________________________________________________ (name of the transferred (issued) material evidence) __________________________________________________________________________ (if necessary, indicate the quantity, weight, volume of material __________________________________________________________________________ evidence, as well as information about their packaging) _________________________________________________________________________ (criminal case number) __________________________________________________________________________ (number of the book of records of material evidence accepted for storage or issued, serial number of the entry) Transferred Received ___________________________________ _____________________________________ (signature, initials, surname of the person, (signature, initials, surname of the person who handed over (issued) accepted (received) material evidence) material evidence) "___" ______________ 20 "___" ________________ 20
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