On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of injuries at work and occupational diseases. We fill out the new statistical form N7 - injuries Reporting on form 7 t

For more than 5 years, enterprises have been submitting data to regional statistics bodies. a completed form about industrial accidents that have occurred. The document is provided once a year until January 25, and every three years it is supplemented with an annex indicating more detailed characteristics of the injury that occurred.

Reporting organizations

First of all, let's find out who should provide the information. The form is filled out by all enterprises, regardless of the type of ownership, that carry out economic activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, with the exception of:

  • micro-firms with no more than 15 employees;
  • organizations working in the educational field;
  • extraterritorial companies, that is, foreign firms operating in Russia;
  • social security organizations for citizens;
  • insurance or financial institutions;
  • government bodies;
  • military security enterprises.

It contains not only the document form, but also explanations for its design.

Reporting is filled out on the basis of acts of the past year, Form N-1, which record the facts of injuries sustained by the employee at work. This document was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 73 of October 24, 2002. Labor legislation, Articles 227-231, obliges organizations to follow a certain algorithm of actions in case of accidents, including filling out a form.

Cash costs aimed at labor protection in the company are incurred on based on accounting documents for the reporting period, that is, for the past year, while the numerical indicators are compared with the human resources department or the labor protection department of the company.

Step-by-step instructions for filling out

The statistics form “Information on injuries at work and occupational diseases” contains several sections:

  • title page;
  • main table to fill out;
  • reference part;
  • respondents' data.

Each part must be filled out, so let's look at them in more detail. We will also clarify some controversial issues that may arise when drawing up the document.

Using this page, the regional statistics body should find out which enterprise reports to it. For this purpose, we fill out following lines:

  • company name;
  • its location, that is, address;
  • code string.

Keep in mind that the full name of the company must be written, and the abbreviated name in brackets. It must correspond to the name indicated in the organization’s statutory documents. The mailing address must also match the official papers. In addition, the postal code and region of location of the enterprise must be written.

If the organization is a separate institution and does not have its own legal documents, then it is registered name of parent organization. At the same time, the postal address is indicated specifically for the branch.

The next line is statistical codes. The respondent records here only the OKPO of the enterprise. In this case, branches indicate the numbers of the parent organization. This code is also contained in the company's official documents. The remaining columns (3 and 4) remain blank. The statistics officer indicates his data there.

Main table

The second sheet contains thirteen lines that display information about the loss of ability of workers to work for the reporting year. The performer writes his numbers in column No. 4.

In lines No. 01-04 indicate number of affected citizens, including fatalities. Only numbers are recorded, and abbreviations in the form of the inscription “person.” cannot be used in a document. More about strings:

  • №01 display the total number of injured workers;
  • №02 the number of women only is indicated in line No. 01;
  • №03 – the number of affected persons who have not reached the age of majority;
  • №04 the share of foreign citizens is recorded.

Lines No. 05-08 show information on the number of workers who were fatally injured at work, namely:

  • №05 indicate the total number of injured citizens who died as a result of the accident;
  • №06 highlight the number of women from the number in line No. 05;
  • №07 – the proportion of people who are under 18;
  • №08 – number of citizens of other countries.

It should be noted here that people who suffered due to natural disasters or other emergency situations are not indicated in the statistical table, even if they were at the workplace at that moment. Form No. 7 collects information about citizens who were injured as a result of the production process.

IN №09 the enterprise informs the statistical authorities about the number of days that the employee was absent due to the injury. The compiler of the form takes this data from the sick leave certificates of the injured workers, which are available in the accounting department.

There is nuance: this statistical table takes into account only those days of the employee’s incapacity for work that were closed in the previous reporting year. For example, an employee was injured in December 2017. At the same time, a sick leave was opened, but it was closed in January. In such a situation, in form No. 7, these days of treatment will be taken into account next year.

Line No. 10 contains information about the number of those employees who, due to injury, were transferred to another position for medical reasons. From this number, we select women separately and write the data in the next line No. 11. If there were none, then put a dash or zero in these cells.

In No. 12 we record the number of people who were diagnosed with an occupational disease for the first time in the reporting period. This must also be recorded in medical papers in the prescribed form.

The last line No. 13 reflects amount of money, which the enterprise spends on labor protection of workers and improving its conditions. These activities are fixed in one of the annexes to the collective agreement or in the plan of the labor protection department in the corresponding year.

These documents clearly describe what costs the company plans to incur and for what period. The exact amount of expenses incurred will be found out in the accounting department.

Help part

In this part of the report it is noted only 3 lines, which indicate:

  1. №14 display the average number of employees, to which the number of external part-time workers is added. Persons who have entered into a civil contract with an enterprise are not taken into account here. Don't forget that this figure must match those reported in other statistical reports.
  2. №15 indicate the number of women who are included in the above number. It should be remembered that employees on maternity leave are not taken into account here.
  3. №16 you need to answer the question whether the enterprise has an organized medical center. You need to circle the appropriate inscription: “Yes” or “No”.

Respondents' contact details

Here the contractor must indicate his data so that the statistics officer can, if necessary, clarify some information. Here they indicate following:

  • position held;
  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • signature;
  • work phone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • date of execution of the report.

This form of statistics does not provide for a company seal, so there is no need to install it. Before submitting the document to the territorial statistics departments, it should be carefully checked.

Checking the correctness of numbers

Logic will help check the correctness of the supplied data. Eg:

  1. Line #01 represents the sums of the data in lines #02, 03 and 04. Therefore, the digits of the latter must be less than or equal to line #01. In addition, if lines No. 02, 03 and 04 are filled, then line No. 01 cannot be equal to 0.
  2. Line No. 05 is the sum of lines No. 06, 07 and 08. This means that the values ​​​​in these lines cannot exceed the figure in line No. 05. If lines No. 06, 07 and 08 contain numbers, then line No. 05 cannot be equal to 0.

If over the past year there have been no accidents at work and workers who have become ill with occupational diseases for the first time have not been identified, then statistical form No. 7 is still submitted to Rosstat.

In this case, the performer fills out the same sections, but with some nuances:

  1. The title page is filled out as usual.
  2. The main table is also filled in. Place dashes, zeros in the lines, or simply leave them blank if there were no injuries in the reporting period. But do not forget that the amount of labor protection costs paid by the organization must be indicated.
  3. The reference section indicates the number of employees and the presence of a first-aid post. Let us remind you once again that the number of employees must coincide with the data indicated in other statistical reports.
  4. The last part of the report should contain the contractor's contact information.

Responsibility of respondents

All information provided in the document must be truthful. Otherwise, the performer and the management of the organization will be accused of an administrative offense in accordance with Art. 13.19 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and will be fined in the amount up to 70,000 rubles. Apart from this, Form No. 7 must be submitted on time or the respondent may also be penalized.

The document is submitted in writing or electronically through special portals. In the first case, the form must not contain typos or corrections. In the second, statistical authorities must confirm the verification and acceptance of the form, so it makes sense to submit it before the specified deadline.

If difficulties arise with filling out form No. 7, the contractor has the right to seek advice from the local statistics office.

Only legal entities are required to submit injury reports to Rosstat. You can download the 7-injury form for 2017 and fill it out according to our sample.

Form 7-injury form for 2017

The form was approved by Rosstat order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017. In it you can also familiarize yourself with the basic rules for filling out the report and the procedure for submitting information to Rosstat authorities. Let's look at them in detail below.

You may find it easier to complete the report along with the completed sample. We have provided for this too!

Who submits form 7-injury

As mentioned above, information on the 7-injury form for 2017 is submitted by legal entities. However, there is a list of legal forms of companies that are exempt from this type of reporting. These are primarily micro-organizations and firms engaged in the following activities:

  • financial;
  • state management;
  • ensuring military security;
  • social insurance;
  • educational institutions;
  • households;
  • extraterritorial entities.

When is a “trauma” report submitted?

They submit a report once a year no later than January 25, disclosing information based on the results of the reporting period. Submit Form 7-injury for 2017 by January 25, 2018.

What should be included in the report

In the report, list all cases of occupational injuries with a breakdown of such incidents by category of injured persons. If a legal entity has its own separate divisions/branches, then reports are submitted for each branch separately and one for the company as a whole.

After filling out the main sections, all that remains is to fill out the background information. It outlines the measures the company is taking to reduce workplace injuries:

  • the amount of funds spent on labor protection;
  • availability of medical personnel.

Filling out sections of form 7-injuries for 2017

The main part of the 7-injury form is a table that is filled out from top to bottom. It’s easy to fill out, but to avoid common mistakes in the report, let’s look at the main points.

For convenience, they are presented in picture form with explanations. And are described in detail below.

This is information without which a report, even an empty one, will not be accepted:

  • reporting year number;
  • information about a legal entity or its branch. That is, this is the name/name of the company, both full and short, as well as legal and then actual addresses, OKPO code;
  • information about the person responsible for the report, his full name, position and other contact information;
  • Date of preparation.

In the first section, you need to fill in the following fields step by step.

In the first column of the main table of the report, 13 different indicators are mentioned. Their values ​​are entered in column No. 4 “For the reporting period.” And there are 3 more indicators that are given in the “For reference” section under the table.

Line No. 01 is filled in with the number of disabled victims who were unable to work for at least 1 day. Deceased employees are also included here. Afterwards, their number should be divided into lines:

  • No. 02 – female victims;
  • No. 03 – the number of victims who have not reached the age of majority;
  • No. 04 – the number of victims who do not have Russian citizenship.

If an employee dies during the reporting period from the consequences of an emergency that occurred in the previous year, he is not included in line No. 1. There is no need to include here those people who were injured before the reporting year and were cured.

Line No. 05 is filled in with the number of deceased employees during the reporting period. Regardless of when exactly the production incident occurred. Accordingly, lines 06 to 08 indicate the number of female victims, as well as persons who have not reached the age of majority, and foreigners.

Line No. 09 displays the number of injured employees and the days they were absent from work.

Line No. 10 should show the number of those victims who have lost the ability to work, but partially. Their employer can transfer them from their original job to another type of income, taking into account medical recommendations. Accordingly, line No. 11 indicates the number of women who have partially lost the ability to work in their previous position.

Line No. 12 should show the number of people at the enterprise who were diagnosed with an occupational disease for the first time over the past year. Taking into account the conclusions of medical specialists and the registration of such facts by the organization.

Line No. 13 should indicate the amount of costs incurred for labor protection in connection with injuries and occupational illnesses. At the same time, all possible ways of incurring such costs are taken into account. Both established in the collective agreement and the labor protection action plan. The exact amounts are taken from accounting and reporting data.

Filling out the “reference” fields of the form for 2017 correctly

It contains three indicators. So, in line No. 14, the responsible person will need to indicate the average number of employees. Let us remind you that the average headcount includes both full-time employees and all part-time employees. At the same time, specialists working under a GPC contract are not included in the number.

Line No. 15 shows the number of working women who were included in the average payroll. These can be women working under the main contract in the company, as well as part-time workers. Those who are on maternity leave and employees at the State Processing Station are not included.

Column No. 16 is responsible for information on the company’s health care. In other words, is there a medical center or doctor in the organization? You just need to mark the desired answer in the “YES/NO” column.

These explanations will help you fill out all the fields correctly and submit the report without additional adjustments.

No later than January 27, 2014, companies must report on the new form N 7-injuries. We'll show you how to fill it out.

New form of federal statistical observation "Information on injuries at work and occupational diseases for 20__." and Instructions for filling it out (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions) were approved by Rosstat order No. 216 dated June 19, 2013. The form must be submitted once every three years.

Who should submit form N 7-injury

Annual statistical form N 7-injuries must be submitted to companies of all forms of ownership, carrying out all types of economic activities, with the exception of certain types of activities named in paragraph 1 of the Guidelines.

A new report on Form N 7-injuries does not need to be submitted:

— companies that carry out financial activities;

— ensure military security;

— carry out activities in the field of social insurance;

— carry out activities in the field of education;

- do housekeeping;

— micro-enterprises;

- extraterritorial organizations.

Note. The deadline for submitting the form is no later than January 25. In 2014, it falls on a weekend, so it was moved to the next working day - January 27.

Extraterritorial organizations and micro-enterprises are...

Extraterritorial organizations include international companies and diplomatic missions of other countries. This follows from Appendix No. 2 to the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities (OKVED) into the statistical information system, approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia on May 7, 2002 N OR-01-23/2156.

In the OKVED classifier, extraterritorial organizations are mentioned in section Q and have an activity code of 99.

Micro-enterprises are companies with an average number of employees of up to 15 people (clause 2, part 1, article 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation”).

Where to send form N 7-injury

Form N 7-injury must be sent to the territorial office of Rosstat at your location.

If your company has separate divisions, fill out the form for the parent organization and for each separate division. Submit a report at the location of the separate division and at the location of the head office.

What data is reflected in form N 7-injury

In the new statistical form, it is necessary to reflect information about victims on the basis of reports of industrial accidents in form N-1 (clause 3 of the Instructions).

Let us remind you that the procedure for the actions of the company administration in the event of an accident is established in Articles 227-231 of the Labor Code. The forms of documents required for the investigation and recording of industrial accidents are approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 N 73.

How to fill out the address and code parts of the form

Form N 7-injury must be filled out completely. Enter the information in the units of measurement indicated in it.

Please note: the “For reference” section must be completed.

What information should I include in the address part?

In the address part of the form we indicate the full name of the company in accordance with the constituent documents, and then in brackets - the short name. For example, "Open Joint Stock Company "Exident" (OJSC "Exident")".

If the form is filled out for a separate division, indicate the name of the separate division and the parent organization.

Fill in the postal address

In the "Postal Address" line, fill in the name of the subject of the Russian Federation and the legal address with postal code. If the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, we also indicate the actual postal address.

For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, you need to enter a postal address with a postal code. The address of the parent company does not need to be specified.

What to put in the code part

In the code part of the form in column 2, the OKPO code should be filled in based on the notification of assignment of the OKPO code, which is sent (issued) to the company by the territorial branch of Rosstat.

There is no need to enter the remaining codes in columns 3 and 4. They will be determined and filled out by the Rosstat department. The specified codes will be used in subsequent automated processing of the information contained in the form.

If a separate division represents a new statistical form for a company, the following must be indicated in the code part of the form:

— for a branch — OKPO code;

- for a separate division that does not have the status of a branch - identification number.

Both the OKPO code and the identification number are established by the Rosstat branch at the location of the separate unit.

Filling out the form details

In form N 7-injury, you need to fill out 16 indicators.

Thirteen indicators are named in column 1 of the table; they fit into column 4 “For the reporting period”, and three indicators - into the “For reference” section.

What to put in lines 01-08

Line 01 shows the number of victims who lost their ability to work for one working day or more, including those who died (clause 5 of the Instructions).

— 02 — number of affected women;

— 03 — number of affected persons under the age of 18;

— 04 — number of affected foreign citizens.

Line 05 reflects the number of deaths in the reporting year, regardless of the time when the accident occurred. On lines 06-08 we indicate, respectively, the number of affected women, persons under 18 years of age and foreign citizens (clause 6 of the Instructions).

Who does not need to be shown on line 01. If the death of an employee occurred in the reporting year after an accident that occurred in the previous year, we do not include it in the indicator on line 01, since it is already taken into account on this line in the report for the previous year (paragraph 2 clause 6 of the Instructions).

Line 01 also does not need to show a victim who was injured in the year preceding the reporting year if his temporary disability ended in the reporting year (clause 7 of the Instructions).

Example 1. In 2013, the Exident company had four industrial accidents resulting in loss of ability to work for at least one working day. Three workers and one woman were injured.

In addition, in January 2013 the following ended:

— temporary disability of a worker injured at work in November 2012;

— death of an employee in an accident that occurred in December 2012 with a company employee - a foreign citizen.

How to fill out lines 01-08 in form N 7-injury?

Solution. In line 01 you need to indicate 4. These are three employees and one female employee who were injured in 2013. The female employee and foreign citizen who were injured in November and December 2012 are not included in this line.

In line 02 we indicate one person. This is the number of women affected in 2013. We put dashes in lines 03 and 04, since in 2013 the company did not harm persons under 18 years of age or foreign citizens.

On line 05 we show one person, this is an employee - a foreign citizen, whose death occurred in January 2013 as a result of an accident that occurred in December 2012. In lines 06 and 07 we put dashes, and in line 08 - 1 person.

Fill in line 09

Line 09 must reflect the number of working person-days of disability of victims who, as a result of an accident, lost their ability to work for at least one working day, whose temporary disability ended in the reporting year 2013.

The number of days of temporary incapacity for work is calculated in total for all certificates of incapacity for work issued by medical institutions.

If the victim was injured in the year preceding the reporting year, and his temporary disability ended in the reporting year, we will enter the total number of person-days of disability on line 09 in the report for the reporting year (clause 7 of the Instructions).

Example 2. Let's add the condition of example 1. In 2013, an accident occurred with four employees of the Exident company and they were temporarily disabled:

In addition, the following were disabled due to an industrial accident:

Let's calculate the number of person-days of disability that must be entered in line 09.

Solution. To calculate man-days, we add up all the days according to employee work schedules (except for weekends, holidays and other rest days) not worked by each employee due to temporary disability.

Due to an accident at work, employees did not work:

— P. P. Kontuzhin — 14 working days;

— M. M. Tromov — 28 working days;

- A. A. Bruz - 37 working days;

- L.L. Ilova - 13 working days;

- S.S. Khodeysky - 26 working days;

— N. Kresh — 22 working days.

On line 09 you need to indicate 140 person days. (14 working days + 28 working days + 37 working days + 13 working days + 26 working days + 22 working days).

How to enter the received data into the form is shown on p. 44.

What to include on lines 10, 11, 12 and 13

Lines 10 and 11 . Line 10 must show the number of victims who have partially lost their ability to work (without sick leave), whom the employer transferred from their main job to another for one working day or more in accordance with a medical report.

The number of women who have partially lost their ability to work is reflected in line 11.

If the victim was issued a certificate of incapacity for work, lines 10 and 11 are not filled in (clause 8 of the Instructions).

Line 12. This line shows the number of persons who were diagnosed with an occupational disease for the first time in the reporting year on the basis of a conclusion issued by a treatment and prevention organization and issued by an internal order of the enterprise (order, etc.). This procedure is established in paragraph 9 of the Directives.

Line 13. Here it is necessary to reflect the costs of labor protection measures, including improving conditions and labor protection at work, from all sources of financing in accordance with the collective agreement and the plan of labor protection measures (clause 10 of the Instructions).

Please note: a standard list of measures annually implemented by the employer to improve labor safety and reduce occupational risks is established in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 1, 2012 N 181n.

Information on the costs of labor protection measures must be shown according to accounting data (clause 4 of the Guidelines).

Fill out the "For reference" section

This section will contain three indicators:

— on line 14 — “The average number of employees (payroll employees and external part-time workers) for the reporting year _____________ people”;

— line 15 — “of which women _______ people”;

— line 16 — “The presence of a health center at the enterprise (doctor’s office, medical unit, etc.).”

The indicator “average headcount” includes the average number on payroll, as well as the average number of external part-time workers (clause 77 of the Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms, approved by Rosstat Order No. 428 of October 28, 2013).

Line 14. In this line you need to enter, based on labor reporting, the average number of employees, consisting of employees (clause 11 of the Instructions):

— payroll;

— external part-time workers.

At the same time, we do not include performers who entered into a civil contract with the company in line 14.

Line 15. In line 15 you need to indicate the average number of working women, consisting of payroll workers and external part-time workers.

In this case, line 15 does not need to include:

— women on maternity leave and additional child care leave (clause 12 of the Instructions);

- performers who have entered into a civil contract with the company (clause 12 of the Instructions).

Line 16. To fill out the line about the presence of a health center, you need to circle one of two options: “Yes” or “No”.

The presence of a doctor on the company’s staff who can provide primary emergency care is noted as the presence of a health center - you need to circle “Yes” (clause 13 of the Instructions). For an example of filling, see p. 44.

- positions;

— contact phone number;

- Email;

— date of document preparation.

Responsibility for violation of the order of submission of the form

If a company violates the procedure for presenting statistical information or provides unreliable statistical information, this entails liability for it, established by:

— in Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;

— Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 1992 N 2761-12 “On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting.”

Based on Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an administrative fine for a company official responsible for submitting statistical information necessary for conducting state statistical observations will range from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

If a company provides distorted data or violates the deadline for submitting reports, it will have to compensate the statistical authorities in accordance with the established procedure for damages incurred due to the need to correct the results of the consolidated reports (Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 13, 1992 N 2761-12).

Filling out the new statistical form N7 - injuries

All companies, with the exception of microenterprises, submit Form No. 7-injuries to the statistics office based on the results of 2017. This is information about injuries at work and occupational diseases. In 2018, the document is submitted on a new form, which can be downloaded in the article.

Who is exempt from reporting 7-injuries

7-injuries are not covered by micro-enterprises. As well as companies of all categories (both small and large) with the following areas of business:

  • financial and insurance activities;
  • public administration and military security;
  • social security;
  • education.

Households are also unaccountable:

  • as employers;
  • as producers of goods if the activities are undifferentiated.

Extraterritorial (international) organizations also fall under the exception.

In some years, small businesses may be included in the so-called sample. Then Rosstat will separately notify such a company of the need to submit a report. And in this case, it is necessary to fill out reports according to the general rules.

Microenterprise criteria

Let us remind you that microenterprises in 2019 are small companies with an average number of employees in 2017 of up to 15 people. And income according to tax accounting data is no more than 120 million rubles. There are also requirements for the composition of founders. The following entities may own no more than 25%:

  • to the state and constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • municipalities;
  • public and religious organizations (associations);
  • charitable and other foundations.

If there are foreign organizations and companies that are not small or medium-sized businesses, then their share should not exceed 49% (Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ). Calculate the population indicator in 2019 according to the order (Instructions) of Rosstat dated November 22, 2017 No. 772.

When should Form 7-Injury be submitted?

The deadline for submitting information on injuries and occupational diseases is indicated on the form itself and is January 25. Thus, Form No. 7-injury for 2018 must be submitted no later than January 25, 2019.

What happens if you do not submit the completed form for 2018?

Violation of the deadline for submitting Form 7-injuries is regarded as failure to provide primary statistical data. And is punished under paragraph 1 of Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The organization itself faces a fine of 20,000 to 70,000 rubles. Its official – from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Where to take it

The respondent companies submit the completed form 7-injury to the Rosstat office at their location. If the company does not operate at its location, it is necessary to report at the place where the business is actually carried out.

If there is an OP, in addition to reporting for the head office, forms are submitted for each division separately - at their location or also - at the place of their activities.

How to take it

The head of the organization must appoint an official authorized to provide statistical information, including Form 7-injuries, on behalf of the company.

If the form is submitted by a “isolation”, then in the code part of the form you need to indicate the identification number, which is assigned by Rosstat at the location of the OP. For branches, instead of such a number there should be an OKPO code.

As for the reporting method itself. A legal entity has the right to submit “unfortunate” information in electronic form (via TKS or Web collection) or on paper in person or by Russian post.

Where to get form 7-injury

Form No. 7-injury was introduced by Rosstat order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017 (form according to OKUD - 0609304).

The form is very concise. It is located on only two pages: the title page and the information itself, presented in tabular form.

How to fill out the form: general principles

Form - annual. In 2019, you submit a form in which you provide the required data for the past 2018.

The form contains instructions on the units of measurement (column 3 of the tabular section) in which certain information must be provided. This serves as a kind of hint and helps a lot in filling out the form.

How to fill out the cover page of form 7 injuries for 2017

First, in the field with the name of the report in the specially designated space, indicate the reporting year – 2017.

In the “Postal Address” line, enter the name of the subject of the Russian Federation and legal address with postal code. Attention: if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, indicate the actual location. That is, you need a real postal address.

The codes at the bottom of the page are needed for automatic processing of information by Rosstat. The respondent company puts its code in column 2. Do not touch columns 3 and 4. They are filled out by a Rosstat specialist.

Where to get data to fill out the main tabular part

Form 7-injury in its main part is filled out on the basis of reports of industrial accidents in form N-1 (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 24, 2002 No. 73). And be sure to focus on the provisions of “thematic” articles 227-231 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Information on the amounts spent on labor protection measures is provided according to accounting data.

Filling out the report by lines (columns) - and there are 16 of them - is described in detail in the Filling Out Procedure. We will not duplicate provisions.

How to check the correctness of filling out the form from Rosstat order No. 417 dated June 21, 2017

To ensure that injury information is filled out correctly, go through the logical check offered at the end of the order that approved the form. That is, this is nothing more than the so-called control ratios. By using the given formulas, you will check yourself for errors and thereby avoid possible problems.

In January, companies must submit Form 7-injuries for 2016. The form for this report can be found below. In this article we will tell you who needs to fill out form 7-injury and in what order.

Who and where should submit form 7-injury

Form 7-injury for 2016, the form of which is given below, must be submitted by all organizations, except micro-enterprises and companies engaged in activities such as:

  • financial;
  • public administration;
  • ensuring military security;
  • social insurance;
  • educational;
  • household activities;
  • activities of extraterritorial entities.

Form 7-injury must be sent to the territorial office of Rosstat at your location.

If the company has separate divisions, you must fill out a form for the parent organization and for each separate division. The report must also be submitted at the location of the separate division and at the location of the head office.

See also: Annual reporting for 2016: reporting deadlines

Where to get form 7-injury

Federal statistical observation form 7-injuries “Information on injuries at work and occupational diseases for 20__” and Instructions for filling it out were approved by Rosstat order No. 216 dated June 19, 2013.

You can download the form on the website of the electronic magazine “Salary” in the form section or from the link below.

When should you take the 7-trauma test?

The report must be submitted to statistics once every three years. The deadline for submitting the report is no later than January 25.

Accordingly, form 7-injury for 2016, the form of which you can download from the link above, must be submitted no later than January 25, 2017

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How to fill out form 7-injury

Form 7-injuryserves to reflect information about occupational injuries that occurred over the past year. Let's look at the rules for drawing up a report.

The report must be completed in full, including the “For reference” section. Enter the information in the units of measurement indicated in it.

In the address part of the form we indicate the full name of the company in accordance with the constituent documents, and then in brackets - the short name. For example, “Open Joint Stock Company “Exident” (OJSC “Exident”)”.

If the form is filled out for a separate division, indicate the name of the separate division and the parent organization.

In the “Postal Address” line, fill in the name of the subject of the Russian Federation and the legal address with postal code. If the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, we also indicate the actual postal address.

For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, you need to enter a postal address with a postal code. The address of the parent company does not need to be specified.

In the code part of the form in column 2, the OKPO code should be filled in based on the notification of assignment of the OKPO code, which is issued to the company by the territorial branch of Rosstat.

There is no need to enter the remaining codes in columns 3 and 4. They will be determined and filled out by the Rosstat department. The specified codes will be used in subsequent automated processing of the information contained in the form.

If the form for the company is submitted by a separate division, in the code part of the form you must indicate:

  • for a branch - OKPO code;
  • for a separate division that does not have the status of a branch - identification number.

Both the OKPO code and the identification number are established by the Rosstat branch at the location of the unit.

Thirteen indicators are named in column 1 of the table, they fit into column 4 “For the reporting period”, and three indicators - into the “For reference” section.

Line 01 shows the number of victims who lost their ability to work for one working day or more, including the deceased.

  • 02 - number of affected women;
  • 03 - number of affected persons under the age of 18;
  • 04 - number of foreign citizens affected.

If the death of an employee occurred in the reporting year after an accident that occurred in the previous year, we do not include it in the indicator on line 01, since it is already taken into account in the report for the previous year. There is no need to reflect those who were injured last year, but whose temporary disability ended in the reporting year.

Line 05 reflects the number of deaths in the reporting year, regardless of the time when the accident occurred.

On lines 06-08 we indicate, respectively, the number of affected women, persons under 18 years of age and foreign citizens.

Line 09 must reflect the number of working person-days of disability of victims who, as a result of an accident, lost their ability to work for at least one working day, whose temporary disability ended in the reporting year 2015.

The number of days of temporary incapacity for work is calculated in total for all certificates of incapacity for work. If the victim was injured last year, and his temporary disability ended in the reporting year, we will enter the total number of person-days of disability on line 09 in the report for the reporting year.

Line 10 must show the number of victims who have partially lost their ability to work (without sick leave), whom the employer transferred from their main job to another for one working day or more in accordance with a medical report.

Line 11 reflects the number of women who have partially lost their ability to work.

If the victim was issued a certificate of incapacity for work, lines 10 and 11 are not filled in.

For more information on how to determine the average number of employees, read the article on our website.

Line 12 shows the number of persons who were diagnosed with an occupational disease for the first time in the reporting year on the basis of a conclusion issued by a treatment and prevention organization and issued by an internal order of the enterprise (order, etc.). This procedure is established in paragraph 9 of the Directives.

On line 13, it is necessary to reflect the costs of labor protection measures, including improving conditions and labor protection at work, from all sources of financing in accordance with the collective agreement and the labor protection action plan. We show this information based on accounting data.

In the “For reference” section you need to fill in three indicators.

On line 14 you need to enter, based on labor reporting, the average number of employees, consisting of:

  • payroll employees;
  • external part-time workers.

At the same time, we do not include performers who entered into a civil contract with the company in line 14.

On line 15 you need to indicate the average number of working women, consisting of payroll workers and external part-time workers. This does not include:

  • women on maternity leave and additional child care leave;
  • performers who have entered into a civil contract with the company.

In line 16 about the presence of a health center, you need to circle one of two options: “Yes” or “No”.

If the company has a doctor on staff who can provide first aid, you should select “Yes.”

  • positions;
  • contact phone numbers;
  • Email;
  • date of document preparation.
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