Sample form p14001. New form P14001 download

If you need to correct information in the Unified state register legal entities, the enterprise applies to the registrar with an application ( commercial enterprises- to the tax service, public organizations– to the Ministry of Justice and its territorial departments). Its form was adopted on January 25, 2012. The order on this under the number ММВ-7-6/25@ was published signed by the head of the federal tax service. The form has been used since June 28, 2016. The deadline for submitting the application is no later than three working days from the date of the changes that occurred at the enterprise. Taking into account the fact that the period is very limited, instructions for filling out form p14001 in 2018 will allow you to accurately enter data into the application and not delay the submission of information to the registrar.

The application form (sample) for filling out p14001 can be downloaded from PDF format by (taken from Consultant Plus).

In this article we will cover in detail the main points for filling out an application on form p14001 in three cases:

  • When the director of the company changes;
  • When one or more members of the company leave its membership;
  • When a share in an enterprise is sold.

General requirements

The application can be filled out either on a computer or manually. The requirements for filling out form p14001 when choosing a machine preparation method are as follows:

  • Capital letters are used;
  • Letters and other symbols are printed at 18 pt height;
  • The font used on the computer is Courier New.

If the form is filled out manually, then a black pen will be required. Only capital letters must be entered into the fields on the application form.

If there are several adjustments, they can all be indicated in the same statement.

The p14001 form is printed using single-sided printing.

The document is quite voluminous - it includes 51 pages. But only the first page, sheet P, as well as the sections that reflect the updated information should be completed and sent to the registrar. The fourth page of the final sheet P must be filled out by the notary.

On page 001 information identical to that available in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is indicated:

  • OGRN of the enterprise;
  • His Taxpayer Identification Number;
  • Full name of the organization in Russian indicating the form of ownership.

Don't forget to put the number 1 in the square of item 2 on the first page (Fig. 1).

picture 1

Sheet P is filled out as follows:

In paragraph 5, page 4, the applicant personally fills out his full name (patronymic name - if only it is indicated in the passport) with a black pen. His handwritten signature on this page is certified by a notary.

The main sections are completed, we suggest moving on to the design of the pages depending on what adjustments are expected to be made in the record state registration.

When there is a change in the head of the organization, then, in addition to page 001 and sheet P, you need to fill out a two-page sheet K, the latter in two copies: for the old and new leader separately.

Figure 3

When drawing up Sheet K for the outgoing director, on the first page in Section 1 the reason for making the changes is indicated - termination of powers, number 2 is selected (Fig. 3).
In the second paragraph, you should indicate the full name and tax identification number of the resigning manager.

Figure 4
  • Job title;
  • Date and place of birth;
  • Identity document details;
  • Information about place of residence;
  • Contact phone number.

Similar data is reflected in sheet P, because will act as the applicant new director.

The next case when you need to fill out an application in form p14001 is when a participant leaves the company.

When distributing the share of a person who has left the ranks of the company’s participants (this is provided for month period) you will need to fill out page 001, Z and R, as well as the following sheets, taking into account which participant is leaving the enterprise:

  • Sheet B, when a legal entity leaves the ranks of participants;
  • Sheet D, if a foreign company;
  • Sheet D, if a private person;
  • Sheet E, if the government is at the federal, regional or municipal level.

Let us assume that an individual leaves the company. Then in the first section of sheet D, number 2 is selected and the full name and TIN of the participant are indicated (Fig. 5).

Figure 5
Figure 6

On the sheet under letter designation The reason for correcting the information is indicated:

  • Purchase of a share by an organization;
  • Distribution of the released share indicating the amount. The percentage is reflected in the next subsection (Fig. 7).

Figure 7

In the event that the share belonging to the retired participant is not distributed, you will have to submit an application to the tax office twice: with a message about the participant’s withdrawal (with completed page 001, sheets C, D, E or E, as well as Z. Then an application for the distribution of the vacated share is prepared.

When it is necessary to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in connection with the purchase and sale of a share, the following sections must be completed in the application form P14001:

  • Page 001;
  • Sheet B, D, D or E, depending on which founder terminates his participation in the company. This can be a legal entity, a private person, foreign company, government authority at any level.
  • Leaf R.

To begin with, information about the founder who is selling his share is entered into sheet B, D, D or E:

  • Full name of the company, if it is an enterprise;
  • Full last name, first name and patronymic, TIN if this is a private person.

Figure 8

In the first section you need to set the value 2. And information about the retiring founder is indicated in the second section (Fig. 8).

After this, we fill out similar sheets for the new participant. Here, already in the first section, you need to select the values ​​1 and fill out the third and fourth sections, that is, submit full information about society participants (Fig. 9).

Figure 9

From January 1, 2016, the purchase and sale of a share in an organization must be notarized. It does not matter which person is the second participant economic transaction. This may be one of the participants of the company (legal entity or citizen), or a third party (third-party enterprise).

The notary not only confirms the authenticity of the applicant's signature on Form P, but also certifies the prepared purchase and sale agreement, and also personally sends the package of documents to the registrar. Only in this case can you carry out the transaction without hindrance and deposit necessary changes in the record of a legal entity.

Thus, the tax authorities, with one order, brought under single standard registration of all changes that accompany the enterprise on its life path. If you have time and experience, you can understand the document, and samples for filling out form P14001 will allow you to quickly navigate the intricacies of preparing official documents.

Legal entities are required to notify tax authority, in which they are registered, about any changes in their work. Including changes that do not affect constituent documents. To notify the tax authority, there is form P14001. In 2018, it is filled out a little differently than before.

Filling rules

Only pages where changes occur are filled in. There is no need to submit all 51 pages to the tax authority. If some sheets remain empty, they are simply removed from the form.

Sample of filling out form P14001

Features of filling out form P14001

You can fill out the form by hand using block letters using black gel paste or by machine. Corrections, strikethroughs, capital letters. Any forms with errors are sent back to the applicant to be filled out again.

Download for viewing and printing:


The very first page (001) contains information that is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE).

In particular:

  • OGRN and TIN;
  • full name in Russian;
  • the reason for petition.

The latter is one thing: either making changes, or correcting errors existing in the registry (in addition, it is required to make a state registration number record on the basis of which the error was made).

Section "A" requires entering the full and abbreviated name of the organization in Russian.

Section "B" intended for entering information about the actual and legal location legal entity. Sections are filled out only if it is necessary to make changes to the register in relation to this information. If the name or address does not change, then the sheets are not filled out.

Section "B", consisting of four sheets, is intended for making changes to the participants of a legal entity. To be completed if a participant leaves the organization, joins it, or changes to the participant’s data are required. Changes in section “B” apply only Russian participants legal entity.

For foreign participants in the form intended section "G" on five sheets.

If an individual acts as a participant, then to make changes fill out section "D".

Sections "E" and "G" filled in special cases. If the participant is a subject of the Russian Federation, a municipal authority or Russian Federation, then seven sheets are filled in section "E". If the changes concern a mutual investment fund, then “F”.

If a company with limited liability decided to sell or buy a stake in authorized capital, filled in section "Z", consisting of one sheet.

Sheet "I" is filled in joint stock company, which changes or adds a shareholder to its register. The section consists of one sheet and can be filled out by a joint-stock company or a registration authority.

Section "K" created for individual, who can act on behalf of the company without a power of attorney in the event that it is necessary to add such a person, terminate his powers or make changes to the data of this person.

Sheet "L" created for management organization, to which powers are assigned or removed, as well as in the event that it is necessary to make changes to the data about this organization.

If the organization has changed its manager, fill out section "M" in the form P14001. The same section is filled out when it is necessary to make changes to information about the manager (for example, his last name or place of residence has changed).

All changes regarding OKVED codes are made to section "H". Here you can expand the scope of the organization’s activities, change it or reduce it.

If an organization has a branch or representative office, as well as in cases where they cease to exist, fill in section "About".

Changes in terms of authorized or share capital, share or authorized capital are filled in on sheet "P" indicating the type and size.

Important! Information about the applicant in section "P" subject to mandatory filling, regardless of the reason for the direction of the form. Without this part, the application will not be accepted for consideration.

When to use

The form is filled out if the changes concern the following information:

  1. director or manager;
  2. legal address;
  3. change of name of the director or manager;
  4. change of founder;
  5. adding or deleting OKVED codes ( all-Russian classifier types of economic activity);
  6. when buying or selling a share in a company or organization.
Attention! All these changes do not entail corrections in the main constituent documents, but they are important for the Federal Tax Service. Form P14001 is intended specifically for such amendments.

Who serves

The following can apply:

  1. manager or director;
  2. any authorized person who can act on behalf of the organization without issuing a power of attorney;
  3. any other person who, by virtue of his authority, can provide information (for example, a representative of municipal or state authorities).

In cases where changes concern the transfer of a share in management, the following persons may submit an application:

  1. a participant in the organization who receives a share in management;
  2. a participant in the organization who transfers a share in management;
  3. notary;
  4. the person who executes the will if the share is transferred by inheritance;
  5. founder.

Cases cannot be excluded when a merger of organizations occurs, where another company acts as the recipient of a share in management. In this case, the applicant may be:

  • the head of the company that receives the share;
  • an authorized person of this company who has the right to act on behalf of the company without issuing a power of attorney;
  • an individual acting on the basis of a power of attorney executed by a notary.

In fact, the applicant is obliged to fill out the form independently or with assistance, sign it and send it to the tax authority in one of the ways possible under the law.

Important! A person who acts on the basis of a power of attorney or has authority, established by law, is obliged to additionally provide the basis for the statement by the applicant. For example, a power of attorney, a will or a statement indicating legal norms.

Application methods

The form can be submitted to the tax authority at the location and registration of the legal entity in the following ways:

  • via "My Documents" ( Multifunctional centers provision of state and municipal services);
  • directly to the tax authority in person;
  • by registered mail.

Submitting the form to in electronic format not yet provided for 2017, even through Personal Area legal entity on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

Attention! The applicant must submit the application personally or his authorized person on the basis of a power of attorney. The form can be filled out either in advance or directly when contacting “My Documents” or the Federal Tax Service. Department employees are not required to independently fill out the form for the applicant.

When to submit the form

The completed form, which can be downloaded in advance in an easy-to-fill format, must be submitted immediately before changes in the organization itself.

If the application is completed correctly, then after five working days the applicant will receive a letter from the tax authority sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with new information. Only after this all changes in the organization are considered legal and legitimate.

Watch the video about P14001 for change legal address

There are enough articles on the Internet on this topic. Our task is to minimize your time for reading and filling out correctly.

Main questions:

  • About form p14001;
  • correction erroneous information about organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • in what situations is form P14001 submitted;
  • application form P14001;
  • filling out an application;
  • which pages in form P14001 must be filled out in 2018;
  • registration of changes.


Form P14001 is filled out and submitted for registration to the Federal Tax Service in the following situations:

  • When changing the director or head of the enterprise;
  • Change of passport data general director;
  • Changing the legal address of the organization in the same locality without changing the charter;
  • Removing or adding OKVED codes, without violating the contents of the charter;
  • The withdrawal of a participant from the society or the emergence of a new participant;
  • Change in the distribution of shares in the authorized capital;
  • Correction of errors entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the applicant or the tax office.

Registration form P14001 is intended for entering information about the organization, which is published in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, but does not require changes to the LLC Charter. If the legal address is in the text of the Charter, then you will need to not only correct the information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, but also in the Charter.

Requirements for filling out form p14001

In form P14001 from 2018 there are more than 50 pages; only those where changes are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are filled out. Must be affixed continuous numbering, from the title page, then only completed pages are numbered. Blank pages are not returned.

A sample application p14001 for filling out the form in 2018 can be found on the website of the Federal Tax Service:

Instructions on how to correctly fill out form p14001 when changing the legal address of an organization

  • Changing the address of a legal entity is sheet B of the form;
  • The form must be filled out either by hand - only a black pen, in printed letters or electronically. In the second case, in the Excel file, use the Courier New font, size 18. Only 1 character is entered into each cell;
  • Double-sided printing of the application is not accepted;
  • The numbering of sheets begins with the title page: 001, 002, 003, etc.;
  • Page 001 and sheet P are required to be filled out;
  • On the title page, indicate the INN, OGRN, and full name of the organization in large block letters. A complex company name must contain spaces; do not use hyphenation!
  • On page 002 in paragraph 2 before “reason for submitting the application” indicate 1;
  • On page 003, fully indicate the new legal address with all the details and do not be confused by the filling format;
  • On page 004 indicate the applicant code ( serial number). The applicant (person submitting P14001) may be:
    • director or owner of the enterprise;
    • notary;
    • a member of society, but for whom a notarized power of attorney can be issued.

    And so on, there are 16 possible applicants;

  • If the company is an affiliated structure, then information about the management organization is filled in. In other cases, the page is not filled;
  • Page 005 – information about the applicant and his identification document;
  • Page 006 – confirmation of the reliability of the information provided, indication of the person to whom documents confirming the fact of making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and information about the person testifying to the authenticity of the applicant’s signature should be transferred.

Form P14001 is submitted to the registration authority within 3 days after changes are made. In addition to the form, you must provide documents for the new legal address and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Carrying out your economic activity, business entities sometimes have to change some of their data. It is legally established that information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities must correspond to reality, so if any changes occur, adjustments must be made to them. This duty subject requires submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service in the prescribed form.

Changes in the data of a business entity may or may not affect the content of the constituent documents. When a company changes data that is not reflected in the company's charter, it must notify the Federal Tax Service about their change by filling out form p14001.

Examples of such events may include the following:

  • Election of another person to the position of head of the company.
  • Changing the ID data of company owners.
  • Changes to OKVED companies.
  • (when its change does not need to be carried out in the company’s charter).
  • Change of information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities upon the exit of the founder.
  • Making adjustments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities when the share of a company participant is sold.
  • When the information reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains errors.
  • When registration data changes when inheriting a share.

What application form is used in 2018

New form application R14001 was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service MMV-7-14/333@ dated May 25, 2016, which amended the previously adopted Order Federal Tax Service MMV-7-6/25@ dated January 25, 2012.

Currently, this version of the application for amendments, form p14001, is in effect. It cannot be filled out online on the tax office website, but you can download a computer program for this purpose.

The main difference between the new form and the current previous form is the use of OKVED classifier 2. From June 2016, in an application for changes to information on a legal entity, new codes from OKVED 2 must be used.

Procedure for making changes

Current standards establish the obligation of a business entity to notify the tax authority about changes in information about a legal entity within three days from the moment when this data was changed.

The owners of the company, its director or a notary can submit form p14001. The basis for filling out the application is the minutes of the meeting of the company’s founders, the purchase and sale agreement, etc.

When submitting an application using this form, you do not need to pay a state fee. It is paid only when the content of the charter is adjusted.

Attention! The completed application must be notarized before submitting it to the Federal Tax Service. The notary must make the appropriate marks on sheet P.

Form p14001 new free download 2018 in excel

Sample of filling out an application form P14001

Let's take a closer look at how to fill out an application on form P14001.

The application form contains a title page, as well as sheets from A to P. In this case, each of the letter sheets can consist of several pages. However, you don’t need to fill out everything completely - they contain fields for all cases, and only those sheets that are needed in specific situation.

Title page

A number is placed at the top - it will always be “001”.

Below you need to write down the TIN and OGRN codes of the company, as well as its full name.

The field in section “2” indicates the reason for which this application was issued:

  • “1” if there is a change in the available information;
  • “2” if errors contained in a previously sent application are corrected.

Sheet A

This sheet must be completed if the company name changes. In special fields you need to enter new full and abbreviated names in Russian.

Sheet B

This sheet must be filled out if the legal address of the company is changed. In the fields located at no, the components of the address are entered, starting from the postal code and ending with the office number.

Sheet B

This sheet is issued when information about a participant in a company or another company changes. If there are several such changes, then for each case a separate sheet B is filled out. It consists of several pages.

On page 1, it is first indicated why the data is being entered:

Pages 2-4 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Sheet G

This sheet is drawn up when information about a member of the company who is foreign company. If there are several such changes, then a separate sheet D is filled out for each case. It consists of several pages.

On pages 1-2, it is first indicated why the data is being entered:

  1. "1" if included new member;
  2. “2” if an existing participant leaves;
  3. “3” if there is a change in information.

Sections 2 and 3 contain columns indicating the data located in the Register and entered there. You also need to enter the share size below.

Sheet D

This sheet is issued when information about a company participant who is an individual changes. If there are several such changes, then a separate sheet D is filled out for each case. It consists of several pages.

Pages 3-5 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Pages 6-7 are filled in if a share is inherited.

Pages 8-9 are completed if an individual has transferred part of his share in trust management.

Sheet E

This sheet is drawn up when information about a company participant changes, which is directly the Russian Federation, its subject or municipality. If there are several such changes, then a separate sheet D is filled out for each case. It consists of several pages.

On page 1, it is first indicated for what reason the data is being entered - “1” if a new participant enters, “2” if an existing participant leaves and “3” if there is a change in information. Section 2 contains columns indicating the data located in the Register and entered there. You also need to enter the share size below.

On pages 2-4 it is indicated who acts on behalf of the owner of the share - an individual or a legal entity.

Pages 5-7 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Sheet J

This sheet is issued when information about a participant in the company, which is a mutual fund, changes. If there are several such changes, then for each case a separate sheet B is filled out. It consists of several pages.

On pages 1-2, it is first indicated for what reason the data is being entered - “1” if a new participant enters, “2” if an existing participant leaves and “3” if there is a change in information. Sections 2 and 3 contain columns indicating the data located in the Register and entered there. You also need to enter the share size below.

Pages 3-5 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Sheet Z

To be completed if any share in the authorized capital becomes owned directly by the company itself. For example, if a participant leaves the company, and his share is not distributed among the remaining owners.

On the sheet you need to indicate the share that belongs to the company, as well as what is supposed to be done with it.

Sheet I

This sheet must be filled out if the location of the register of shareholders of the JSC changes. This can be the society itself (code “1”), or the regulator (code “2”).

Sheet K

This sheet is filled out if the information about a person who can act without a power of attorney (director) changes.

Next, the information that is in the register and what needs to be entered there is recorded. The latter include information about the person, place of birth, residential address, details of an identity document, etc.

Sheet L

This sheet is filled out if the company is managed by a third party Management Company.

First, the reason for registering the changes is indicated: the beginning of authority (“1”), its termination (“2”) or a change in information (“3”).

Sheet M

This sheet is filled out if the company is managed by a third-party individual - a manager.

First, the reason for registering the changes is indicated: the beginning of authority (“1”), its termination (“2”) or a change in information (“3”).

Sheet N

This sheet is filled in if species codes are changed OKVED activities. Page 1 contains codes that need to be recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and page 2 contains which ones to remove from there.

Sheet O

This sheet is filled out in a situation where it is necessary to enter information about a representative office or branch into the register. First, it is indicated what is being considered - “1” branch, “2” representative office.

Next, the reason for issuing the sheet is indicated: “1” you need to enter all the data into the register, “2” you need to enter the name into the register, “3” you need to enter the address and “4” you need to inform about the closure of the branch or representative office.

Sheet P

This sheet is completed if a change is made authorized capital. In the fields you must enter the type of capital and its amount.

Sheet P

This sheet is filled out in any situation in which an application is drawn up and contains information about the person sending the document.

The applicant type must be selected from a list of 16 values: legal entity, individual, management company, etc.

Page 4 must be completed and signed in the presence of a notary. The latter makes a mark on it as confirmation of the information.

Features of filling out the form

When changing the director of an LLC

If there is a change of director, then in addition to sheets 001 and P, you need to fill out sheet K, and it is filled out twice:

  • The first time for the old director, information is entered in section 2;
  • The second time for a new director, information is entered in section 3.

The applicant signs a new director on sheet P.

Download .

When changing the passport details of company members

When the passport data of the founder-individual has changed, then to change them, in addition to sheets 001 and P, you need to fill out sheet D.

In practice, there is no need to do this, since the FMS informs the tax office about all changes.

When correcting errors in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

First, fill out the title page, where you need to enter the code “2” and the OGRN number assigned on the basis of an application with errors.

  • If the name is incorrect - sheet “A”;
  • If the address is incorrect - sheet “B”;
  • In case of errors in the data about the founders - Sheets “B-E”;
  • In case of errors in information about the director - sheet “K”;
  • If there is an error in the data on the authorized capital - sheet “P”.

(address correction).

To change OKVED

In addition to sheets 001 and P, sheet “N” is filled out, and:

  • If the code needs to be added, page “1” is filled in;
  • If the code needs to be removed - page “2”,
  • If you need to change your main activity, write down on page “1” the new kind, on page “2” – old.

Sample: , .

To change your legal address

The application is filled out if this data does not change in the company’s charter.

In this case, the application should fill out sheet 001, B and R.

Sheet B must contain information about the new location of the company's management body. The address must be filled out using the KLADR directory, in which generally accepted abbreviations are used.

To buy and sell shares in a company

In this case, you need to enter data in sheet 001 and sheet P, as well as in one of sheets B, D, D, E

Depending on the situation, sheet B (D, D, E) reflects data on the retiring founder. In section 1, code 2 is entered, and information is recorded in the second section.

For the new founder, fill out section 1, code 1, in sheet B (D, D, E), and also enter information in sections 3 and 4.

Important! It is legally stipulated that the sale of a participation interest in an enterprise must currently be registered with a notary. Therefore, the notary is required, in addition to certifying the contract, to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service in Form 14001.

For the exit of society participants

Withdrawal from the membership can be formalized in two ways, depending on whether its share is distributed or not:

  • When the share of the retired founder is distributed among other owners within 1 month, sheet 001 is filled out, depending on the circumstances, one of sheets B, D, E, as well as sheets Z, R. For the retired owner, data is entered only in sheet 001, for all others update in progress up-to-date information. Sheet 3 reflects information about the transfer of a share to the enterprise and its distribution among other participants.
  • If the distribution of the share has not been carried out, the application must be submitted twice. For the first time, sheets 001 are also filled out, depending on the circumstances, one of sheets B, D, D, E, and leaf Z, which notes the fact of transfer of the share to the organization. After this, another application for distribution is prepared.

When inheriting a share

If a share in a company is inherited, then sheet 001, D and R should be filled out in the application.

In this case, submit an application to the heir. In Sheet D you need to reflect information about the testator and heir, so there should be 2 of them.

When filling out the sheet for the testator, select code 2 in section 1, after which you need to enter the relevant information in section 2.

When reflecting data on the heir, code 1 is selected in section 1. Next, you should write down the information in sections 3 and 4.

Attention! The basis for making a change in inheritance is a certificate of inheritance, which is drawn up in notary office. The rules of law establish that you can enter into an inheritance within 6 months from the date of its opening.

Responsibility if changes are not made

The legislation establishes the liability of a business entity for violating the deadlines for informing registration authority about changes that have occurred in information about the legal entity.

Officials companies can be held accountable in the form of a warning or a fine of 5,000 rubles.

There is also a penalty for failure to provide or submission of inaccurate data to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In this case, the fine may be set at 5,000-10,000 rubles.

Form P14001 is an application that must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service in the event of a change in information about the executive body (director) contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). In the material on the site, we will analyze the main nuances of registration that you should pay attention to when filling out all the necessary documents, and we will give an example of filling out form P14001 when changing the director.

If the owners or shareholders of an organization decide to change the director, they cannot simply issue an order to dismiss the old director or hire a new one. After all, information about the executive bodies of legal entities is subject to mandatory state registration. From the provisions of subparagraph “l” of paragraph 1 and paragraph 5 of Article 5 Federal Law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs» it follows that in the event of a change in the executive body of a legal entity, it is necessary to notify the Federal Tax Service in order to make necessary changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This must be done no later than three days after the relevant changes approved by the owners or shareholders. The notification procedure in this case does not change in any way depending on the form and type of organization. It is the same for both limited liability companies and other business entities and organizations.

In order to report specified information, you need to submit an application for a change of general director to the tax office using form No. P14001 (approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/). You can download form P14001 and a sample for filling out 2019 when changing the director of a company at the end of the article.

An example of filling out form P14001 when changing the director

The re-election of the general director is formalized by a decision general meeting members of the business community, the board of directors or the decision of the sole founder.

Before submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service for a change of director (form P14001), it is necessary to draw up minutes of the meeting of owners or shareholders, which will record the decision to change the executive body of the legal entity. Without such a protocol, a statement drawn up tax office may not accept, although the requirement for it mandatory provision not enshrined in law. In addition, it is necessary to have a candidate for a new manager, because without him the Federal Tax Service will not register the change in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities; according to the law, this position cannot be vacant. As long as information about a person is contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, he is legally executive body company with all the ensuing consequences, rights and obligations.

  • protocol with the decision to change current leader;
  • passport details of the new director;
  • TIN of the new manager (if available);
  • TIN of the old manager (if available).

Filling out the form itself also has a number of nuances that must be taken into account:

  • The application form can be completed by the applicant either using software, or manually;
  • Printing of characters when filling out on a computer must be done in capital letters in Courier New font, 18 points high;
  • each indicator in the form corresponds to one field, consisting of a certain number of familiarities;
  • there should be no corrections or additions (additions) in the document;
  • blank sheets, as well as completely blank pages of multi-page sheets of a document, do not need to be included in the application submitted to the registration authority. The entire form contains 51 pages; when replacing a director, you only need to enter information on eight of them;
  • when changing the director, not all of them must be included and filled out in the application provided for by the form 14001 sheets, and only the title page (p. 001), K, R;
  • the page numbering in the “Page” field located at the top of the application must be continuous;
  • sample application 14001 when changing the director must be signed by an authorized person (applicant).

Change of director in an LLC: step-by-step instructions 2019 and sample form 14001

Step 1. Design of the title page (page 001)

Section 1 - “Information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” - is filled out in accordance with information from the register before changes are made. Here you should indicate the full name of the company, OGRN and TIN.

In section 2 - “Application submitted” - in the field consisting of one acquaintance, you need to enter the corresponding digital value. Since a change of director is always a change in information about a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, this field will always contain the code “1”.

Step 2. Design of sheet K (page 002)

Sheet K “Information about an individual who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney.” For each such individual, you must fill out a separate sheet K in one application form. Therefore, when filing an application separate sheets K must be filled out for the former and new managers.

In section 1 - “Reason for entering information” - in a field consisting of one acquaintance, you must indicate the corresponding digital value. For the new manager, code “1” is used, which indicates the assignment of authority.

In section 1 of the table on sheet K for the new director, enter the value 1 and fill in his personal data.

On page 2 of sheet K we indicate the full address of the place of residence.

The applicant will be new manager, we indicate his data in sheet R.

An important nuance: the application to change the general director to the tax office must be certified by a notary. It is signed by the new head of the organization, so it is he who must go to the notary, taking with him his passport and everything Required documents. By the way, the notary will need a protocol with the decision to change the manager in any case, because it is the main basis for certifying the corresponding application.

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