Sample of a simple application form for employment. Job applicant application form: important legal aspects

01.01.2018, 13:52

The application form that an applicant fills out when applying for a job is a document that contains all the information about the candidate. After reading it, it becomes more or less clear who is applying for the vacant position. In addition, the questionnaire serves as a source of information for compiling a personal file and an employee’s personal card (for more details, see “”) It is clear that it is more convenient for personnel officers to process their own questionnaire form than to search for information in the candidates’ varied resumes. Therefore, our specialists have developed a sample application form that personnel officers can use in their activities, and applicants can use to provide information about themselves. The sample application form can be used as a basis for writing a resume, because it contains all the necessary information.

Main sections of the questionnaire

A questionnaire is a clearly structured document containing information about the applicant. Let us list its main sections.

Information about the candidate and his photo

For the questionnaire, it is better to choose a good and high-quality photograph. It should be in the upper right corner. Then follows information about the candidate: full name, age, place of residence, citizenship, marital status, contact information of the applicant (telephone, email address).


A mandatory section of the application form is information about education. Here you should indicate the name of the school, college, university where the applicant studied. If the candidate received additional education, improving, for example, qualifications, then this information is also indicated in this section. When reporting knowledge of foreign languages, you need to not just list them, but inform about the degree of proficiency.

Work experience and professional skills

When reviewing the questionnaire, first of all, specialists pay attention to the work experience of the potential employee and his job responsibilities that he performed with previous employers. It is after reading this section that a decision is made on a deeper consideration of the candidacy or on moving to another candidate. Therefore, when filling out the questionnaire, special attention must be paid to this section, indicating places of work and job responsibilities in chronological order.

It is better to arrange this section in the form of a table. This solution will make it easier to work with the questionnaire and understand it.

If a candidate has the opportunity to compile a portfolio of his work or successful projects, then this will be a definite advantage when making a decision on employment. Such a portfolio will be a wonderful addition to the application form. When compiling it, you need to select your best works (articles, projects, etc.). If there are not many of them yet, then it makes sense to include them all in the portfolio.

The first impression the employer will make depends on what the applicant's application form is. Therefore, you need to try to make it purely positive. For everything to be exactly like this, you need to use a high-quality form. We present to your attention a sample application form prepared by our specialists.

In order for the employer to assess the qualifications of a potential employee, a questionnaire is filled out by applicants when applying for a job. They answer questions and go through an interview, helping the boss evaluate the person.

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What is it

A questionnaire is a questionnaire that a person fills out independently by hand according to the specified points. The answers will help the employer obtain the necessary information about the applicant and form an impression of the qualifications and character of the possible employee. If a citizen gets a job, the questionnaire is filed with his personal file.

Each document is drawn up according to the company form, so it is characterized by several points:

  • the questionnaires are semi-closed in nature, since the applicant fills out most of the fields independently, but sometimes the answer is selected from the options offered;
  • the distribution method is determined by the communication method, since a certain citizen receives a document to determine the skills and knowledge for the position;
  • The questionnaire is developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the workplace.

The employer does not have the right to publish or send out questionnaires en masse. Each enterprise can develop its own questionnaire. For example, some bosses are interested not only in qualifications, but also in the unique skills of the employee.

What is it for?

The questionnaire allows you to achieve several important goals:

  • provide the employer with information that will determine the feasibility of employment;
  • allow you to evaluate the qualifications and qualities of the candidate.

For citizens looking for work, the questionnaire is also important:

  • You can provide additional information that is not included in your resume;
  • gives you the opportunity to get to know your place of work better.

Is it obligatory

Article 65 of the Labor Code establishes that the application form is not a mandatory document for employment. The employer has the right to give the document to applicants and require completion before hiring.

Where can I download the form for free?

This will help the applicant prepare to fill out this questionnaire, and the employer will develop his own form based on the example.

How to compose correctly

There are 3 main questions that are asked in each questionnaire:

  1. General information.

Employers always ask for standard passport information, criminal records, current residential address, children, etc.

  1. Goals for the workplace.

In this section, the employer wants to hear about the applicant's motives. For example, what position is he applying for, is he planning career growth, can he work overtime or go on business trips, etc. In addition to the citizen's personality, many people ask about preferences, for example, advantages in a particular position, and hobbies.

A citizen can establish that he is interested in a decent salary, good relationships in the team, training at the enterprise, proximity to the workplace, etc. The applicant must put his preferences in order of importance, for example, the work schedule should be in first place, and a high salary in second place.

  1. Education information

Employers do not always ask about education, but for some, documented skills are important. Here you can enter not only your main diploma, but also completed courses and lectures relevant to the desired position.

Basic data

Typical information employers request includes:

  • Full name, citizenship, residential address;
  • education;
  • work experience, professional skills;
  • previous place of work;
  • preferred salary level;
  • level of foreign language proficiency;
  • marital status;
  • whether there is a criminal record;
  • hobby.

Standard information may be the same as what is included in the resume, but additional information must be provided, such as lifestyle or habits. The better the employer gets a picture of a person, the better his chances.

For different specializations

Most questionnaires differ in the category where professional skills are required. They differ for different specialties. The information is entered in the “Information about work skills” column.

The employer wants to learn highly specialized skills. For example, a computer typing operator is asked about knowledge of certain programs and typing speed.

It is important for the driver to indicate the category and driving experience. A furniture specialist talks about past projects and furniture assembly experiences.

What questions should not be asked?

Article 86 of the Labor Code establishes that the employer does not have the right to demand information regarding certain personal data: religion, nationality, etc.

If it is necessary to obtain this information for work (for example, to obtain access to state secrets), then it is confidential and cannot be published.

How to fill

The form may be filled out using a blue or black pen on the form provided.

First, the accuracy of the information is checked, passport and diploma data are verified. At the end, you need to re-read the information about yourself for errors.

Sample filling:

What is better to remain silent about?

There are several nuances that are not recommended to be discussed:

  • It is undesirable to talk negatively about your previous place of work;
  • no need to talk about past mistakes;
  • there should be no doubt about qualifications or professionalism.

Application form for employment in the civil service

Government No. 667-r established the form for accepting documents for the civil service. It can be used when participating in an election campaign.

Form 4

The standard questionnaire contains the following columns:

  1. The word “Questionnaire” is placed in the middle.
  2. There is space for a photo in the upper right corner.
  3. The main part is a column with 2 columns.
  4. Below the table there is free space where you can indicate your study time and past work experience. It is required to indicate the years of entry and departure from the position. It is recommended to add the address and name of the organization.
  5. Below you need to write down information about military service, relatives, and travel abroad.
  6. At the end there is a personal signature and date. Just below there is space for the employer’s signature and the date of acceptance of the document by the HR department. The employee puts a stamp between the two dates.

How to fill out and sample

It is required to record in detail information about work activities and relatives, including their dates of birth, names, places of work and addresses.

There is a separate block 3 in the form where you need to enter:

  • trips abroad with dates;
  • presence of military rank or duty;
  • actual address of residence and as in the passport, if they differ;
  • basic data of a civil and foreign passport;
  • TIN and SNILS.

If there is space in the questionnaire, you can provide additional information. This column is the last, then the applicant confirms the accuracy of the data with a signature.

For sales consultant

Should include several important blocks. The first to fill out the section on personal information is to enter your passport details. Then the work experience is recorded with the start and end dates of the activity.

Information is briefly written about the previous employer, what responsibilities and achievements the person had. It is recommended to pay attention to the results of work, confirming them with numbers.

For example, a sales consultant can enter:

  • served more than 200 customers at the checkout daily, accepted non-cash and cash payments;
  • helped customers choose a product of a certain category, so sales increased by 25%;
  • daily displayed goods on designated shelves, won a competition for window dressing;
  • was involved in unpacking and arranging price tags for goods, which made it possible to serve customers faster;
  • Reported monthly to the employer regarding new products.

Then the key skills of the employee are filled in, it is necessary to clarify what affects the person’s professionalism. For example:

  • involved in the sale of cosmetics for 5 years;
  • has excellent knowledge of a range of specific products;
  • knows how to find contact with customers;
  • knows the cash register, understands the rules for issuing and accepting money;
  • understands the importance of customer-oriented service;
  • knows how to work in a team and achieve goals together;
  • knows the rules of trade and understands the law on protecting the rights of buyers.

The sections with achievements are filled in last. The citizen is asked to indicate professional differences. It is recommended to express yourself clearly and provide specific information. For example, a citizen can work in a high-traffic store and calmly serve many customers without rest.

What should an employer do with the application form?

If a citizen is refused to sign an agreement, the application is retained by the employer and the information remains confidential. If the applicant has received a position, the application form is filed in a personal file and stored at the enterprise.

Filling out the application form is one of the mandatory steps when looking for a job. Based on the information received, the employer will draw conclusions about the professional and personal qualities of the citizen, his work experience and expectations.

It is important not to forget that the document is official, so you need to fill out the fields compactly and with confirmation of the words spoken.

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When applying for any job, you are required to undergo an interview. On it, the future employer asks the applicant certain questions.

However, before this, as a rule, it is necessary to fill out a certain document - a questionnaire, after reading which the employer will decide whether it is worth spending time on the main part, that is. interview or not.

That is why it is so important to fill out this form correctly. But in reality, very often, there is no time to think, and the result is required immediately. An unpleasant situation, isn't it?

How to fill out a job application correctly?

Unfortunately, there is no specific standard for this document. It is compiled based on the needs of the employer. But is it really that scary? In fact, you don’t need to worry too much when filling out the form.

In other words, the questionnaire is the same resume, but only a more expanded version, using certain questions. It is also important that the answers to the questions contained in the questionnaire are as honest as possible.

Exactly how to correctly fill out an application form when applying for a job, a sample of filling out a document will help you understand this and avoid various unpleasant situations.

Key questions

As a rule, when filling out a questionnaire you are required to provide certain information:

  • Your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth;
  • Indicate your residential address and passport details;
  • Citizenship and Education;
  • Marital status and presence of minor children;
  • Work experience and professional skills;
  • Information about personal qualities, awards and achievements at previous places of work;
  • Desired salary;
  • Criminal record information.

It is important to understand that filling out this document is necessary; there is no need to react negatively to it. Therefore, when you are invited to an interview, you must have a passport and diplomas, certificates, and other documentation that will confirm your education or special skills and other merits.

Also, in some cases, the employer may ask to provide a personal photograph, letters of recommendation or the telephone number of the human resources department or superiors from previous places of work.

Don't be afraid of this, take everything adequately. It is very important to fill out the required information in neat, legible handwriting, following punctuation and grammar.

Try not to make mistakes. After all, filling out high-quality information about yourself can be the key to getting the desired position.

Desired vacancy or position

I think this point is worth explaining separately. The fact is that, strangely enough, the question about the desired vacancy or position, as a rule, appears in the application form. Sometimes it can be confusing.

It’s clear that when you come for an interview with an employer, you are counting on a certain place and position. But, in fact, if the application lists an additional 2-3 possible vacancies from the same field of activity, then this will only positively characterize the applicant. After all, this means that he is not afraid to comprehend something new.

Several recent jobs and reasons for leaving

If you are interested in how to correctly fill out a job application, a sample of filling out information about the applicant will also contain an equally important question about recent places of work and reasons for dismissal. This is perhaps one of the most slippery points in the document.

First, let's take a look at what information you will need to provide. I’ll say right away that in order for this item to be filled out correctly, you should take your work book with you to the interview. Information about your last place of work:

  • Hiring and firing dates;
  • Information about the position held;
  • The reason as a result of which the dismissal occurred (the employer, as a rule, pays special attention to this point).

When filling out this item, I want to understand whether it is necessary to indicate a place of work where there was no official registration. This information can be specified in the application form. Just remember to make a note that you worked unofficially.

One more thing, of course it is desirable that your experience is related to the desired position, but, alas, this does not always happen. It is also advisable to indicate no more than the last 3-5 places of work.

In fact, the fewer jobs you have changed, the better. So, let's move on to the most important part of this paragraph: the reasons for which the dismissal occurred. There are different situations:

  • You can quit in conflict with your superiors;
  • Due to dissatisfaction with wages;
  • Due to the creation of poor working conditions by the previous employer or increased workload and other reasons.

I can offer several phrases that may be useful to you, for example: “Remoteness of the place of work from the place of residence”, “Searching for more comfortable working conditions”, “Desire for career growth and personal development”, “Unstable situation in the organization” and others.

In fact, the phrases can be very different, but it is advisable to remain on good terms with your superiors when leaving. So that you can get good recommendations if necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

When you are faced with the question of how to correctly fill out a job application, a sample form also implies indicating your strengths and weaknesses. Here you need to try to indicate the most truthful information, but with a competent presentation.

How to understand this? The fact is that you should not write a huge number of your positive qualities in your merits, only the most important things that may be useful for the position for which you are applying. You can demonstrate the rest during the second part of the interview, during a personal interview.

Words that can be used to indicate positive qualities could be, for example:

  • Performance;
  • Self-development;
  • Determination;
  • Ability to learn;
  • Communication skills;
  • The ability to react quickly in a difficult situation and others.

The list of advantages should not be written as huge either. Now let's move on to the disadvantages. If you have them, then you should indicate them carefully and skillfully.

For example, that you are a lover of sweets or reading books, etc. If you have bad habits, then you shouldn’t be dark about it, because people will find out about them anyway.

Why does an employer need to know about the applicant’s hobbies and interests?

Quite a reasonable question, isn't it? If you are interested in how to correctly fill out an application form when applying for a job, the sample form will contain a paragraph about what hobby or hobby the applicant has. For what?

This will make it easier for the employer to understand how well you can get along with the team and your professional suitability as a whole, and even, on the contrary, push them away from making a positive decision regarding your candidacy. Therefore, when filling out this item, try to select each word as carefully as possible.

In addition, this paragraph should be informative, but briefly stated. For example, if you plan to work in the tourism industry, then it’s good if you study history or rock climbing and other hobbies related to tourism, sports, and travel.

In addition, playing sports that require endurance indicates such qualities as perseverance, perseverance and activity, which is important for those who want to be a successful sales manager. A hobby associated with creative activity indicates creative thinking and talent, which will be useful for designers or marketers in other professions.


When filling out this column, you should not try to guess what will suit the employer more. It’s better if you arrange everything, as it’s convenient for you.

Let's be honest, everyone works to make money. Therefore, salary can be safely put as a priority and the same should be done in relation to all other proposed options.

Tricky questions

Perhaps this point is unpleasant for many applicants, since it is impossible to give a single correct answer. When a question arises about how to correctly fill out a job application form, the sample form most often contains several tricky questions.

Why is this being done? In this case, you need to carefully evaluate the question or situation that is described in it and answer it as honestly as possible. It is with the help of such questions that a future employer can see your professional qualities, ability to react quickly in unusual situations and other cases.

Why provide health information?

In addition, the form may contain a column about the health of the applicant. It is added at the discretion of the employer. However, the employer’s attitude towards the employee in terms of providing benefits and other things depends on this column.

There is also no need to go dark here, especially if there are serious health problems or disabilities. Some time after employment, this will still become known.

It is very important that health problems do not affect the applicant’s ability to work. Also, do not forget that refusal to provide a workplace to people with disabilities for an employer may result in litigation.


I would like to give some useful tips that may help you:

  1. Before you start filling out the questionnaire, you should carefully read the list of questions specified in it and it is advisable to sketch out a mental plan of answers to each of them;
  2. Do not leave blanks, even if the question, in your opinion, has nothing to do with you, then simply indicate “not available” or something like that. It all depends on the wording of the question. Simply in this way you can show that all the points were read and received their answer;
  3. It is very important not to overestimate yourself. Often, applicants provide somewhat embellished information about themselves, and then, in reality, when it turns out that the candidate is not suitable for the position held, the employer is forced to fire him and begin the search again. Therefore, evaluate yourself and your capabilities as objectively as possible;
  4. If a question is unclear, do not be afraid to clarify its correct understanding with the interviewer. Just don't do this too often, it can also ruin the impression of you, especially if the questions are trivial;
  5. Before you indicate the desired level of remuneration, you should soberly assess your skills and knowledge.

How to fill out a job application correctly, summary

As you can see, when approaching the question of how to correctly fill out a job application, a sample form provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with possible questions that an applicant may encounter.

Also, if you observe some particularly important points, there is a good chance that the coveted place will go to you and not to someone else. I hope you found the article useful. I wish you success in achieving your cherished goals.

The questionnaire allows the employer to assess the compliance of the candidate applying for the position with the requirements put forward. The document allows you to structure and summarize information about a specialist. With its help, the employer facilitates the process of interviewing and making a decision on employing a new employee.

Document form

Legislative norms do not regulate the form of the document. A business entity has the right to independently develop a sample job application form, taking into account the level of information required to evaluate a person as an employee of the company.

The questionnaire allows the employer to objectively assess the qualities of the applicant

Often, enterprises approve several forms of questionnaires intended for different categories of potential employees.

For administrative personnel, a detailed form of the document is usually used, since for this category of workers it is important to timely identify the levels of:

  • attentiveness;
  • literacy;
  • speed of reaction;
  • emotional state;
  • interest in getting a job.

Sample application form for applicants for management positions

For the working and service categories of personnel, a concise form of questionnaire is provided, the purpose of which is to identify professional qualities and compliance with the current vacant position.

Sample questionnaire for potential blue-collar workers

The main purpose of the questionnaire is to disclose professional, psychological and personal information about the candidate applying for the position, so that the employer can select a competent employee.

What should be reflected in the document

After finding the desired position in employment services, the applicant usually has a question about how to fill out a job application form, a sample of which must be completed at the request of the employer.

To reliably assess a person’s characteristics from a professional point of view, the questionnaire should reflect the following data:

  • last name, first name, patronymic;
  • citizenship;
  • profession;
  • graduated from an educational institution;
  • professional status;
  • general work experience with a detailed description of the last place of employment;
  • registration address;
  • residential address;
  • military service;
  • having a criminal record.

The procedure for revealing the personal potential of an employee

Additionally, information about education can be entered:

  • completed advanced training courses;
  • attending seminars, master classes and conferences;
  • level of foreign language proficiency.

For working professions, sections on health status are relevant, implying:

  • disability;
  • restrictions on employment;
  • treatment of chronic diseases in a hospital setting.

Marital status and the presence of children or elderly relatives may be a reason for frequent issuance of sick leave, which is unacceptable for some professions. These factors also affect the ability to travel for work related matters.

The questionnaire may contain specific questions of a psychological nature that help identify behavioral factors

What sections should not be included in the application form?

At the legislative level, there are factors that cannot be the reason for refusal to hire. Therefore, you should not include sections in the questionnaire that may later give rise to legal proceedings:

  • race;
  • Political Views;
  • religious beliefs;
  • property status;
  • trade union membership.

Read also: Sick leave during unpaid leave

If possession of this information is important for the employer to make a decision about hiring a new employee, then it is advisable to reveal it orally.

Nuances that employers should consider

When drawing up a questionnaire, the employer must take into account that the questions in it should be asked tactfully with a minimum amount of personal information so as not to scare off a potential employee.

It should be noted that if false information is provided or false documents are used, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract.

When processing employment documents, the employer's representatives, reviewing the application form, gain access to the personal information of the future employee. Therefore, all personal information must be kept secret, and the potential employee must consent to the use of his identification data for office work purposes.

What to pay attention to

Before you start filling out the form, it is recommended that you read it completely, since it is completed by hand and it is important that the document contains no errors or omissions. It is necessary to pay attention to identical questions with the help of which the employer determines the honesty, frankness and correctness of the applicant.

Blank fields in the document can help create the impression that the employer is ignoring questions, which will classify the applicant in his eyes as a non-performing and conflict-ridden person.

When applying for a management position, a potential employee must fill out an extended questionnaire. To speed up the process, with the permission of the company's representative, you can refer to resume items in some sections.

How to fill out a document correctly

To get the desired position, you must first study a sample of filling out a job application form in order to be able to competently prepare the document in accordance with the requirements of your profession.

In this case, you should take into account every nuance of the questionnaire, which can tell a lot about its filler.

Level of culture and education

A quick glance at the completed questionnaire is enough to assess the cultural level and education of a person. When applying for leadership positions, it is important to be able to eliminate spelling errors from the text part of the document and place commas correctly. All phrases must be detailed, logical and understandable.

Applicants for working professions may not demonstrate their skills in calligraphy and knowledge of the rules of the Russian language, since these criteria are unlikely to be useful for the performance of their job duties.

Character traits

Character traits can be determined by looking at the questionnaire, even without reading it, using the features of a person’s handwriting, which may indicate the degree of categoricalness, criticality and confidence, which may be due to:

  • handwriting style;
  • pressing on the rod;
  • the size of the symbols used to indicate the choice of the correct answer.

Compliance with the vacant position

The nature of the execution of the questionnaire can tell the employer whether the person’s parameters match the vacant position.

The performer is characterized by:

  • accuracy of task completion;
  • number of questions left unanswered;
  • availability of detailed answers to open questions.

More than 80 percent of responses to the questionnaire indicate the diligence of a person who is suitable for the position of a subordinate.

The questionnaire refers to the first stage of acquaintance between the head of an institution and a potential employee. The second stage of acquaintance includes an interview. The answers displayed in the questionnaire will show an intelligent manager how to complete the interview and whether it is worth doing.

The heads of most institutions, when selecting an employee, often ask applicants for a vacancy to draw up a questionnaire before the interview. This form, drawn up when joining an institution, identifies in potential employees the qualities required to determine the direction of its activities. Having received the questionnaire, the manager will immediately be able to understand whether the candidate is suitable or not for the open vacancy and whether it is worth talking with him in the future.

As a rule, the employer does not inform you about the questionnaire in advance, therefore, in addition to your resume, it does not hurt to bring all the documents to the interview that can help you answer the questions on the form.

Firstly, you cannot refuse to fill it out! Some job applicants believe that it is not necessary to write a questionnaire because they have a resume. However, an application must be written and a resume must be attached to it. This will be an additional advantage for those applying for a job. If the questionnaire is not needed, the applicant will be warned about this. This document
must be filled out in legible handwriting, without making mistakes, because this document will create the first impression of the employee. If your handwriting is illegible, no one will read the application form; it will simply be thrown away, which is unlikely to help you find a job.

Tips for filling it out correctly:

The document is written manually. Before filling it out, you need to carefully read the questions to which you will have to answer. The form must be filled out without any blots or errors. Sometimes the questions asked at the beginning and at the end of the document are similar. This is done specifically to avoid distortion of information provided by a potential employee.

You need to answer all the questions asked.. You cannot leave blank fields. It is better to answer “no” or “not available” to questions that are not related to a potential employee, otherwise management may think that the candidate ignored the question, which may result in an opinion about the applicant’s “lack of performance” and “conflict.”

If you intend to work in a management staff, you need to check with your manager about the possibility of referring to a resume in some columns so as not to duplicate the displayed answers. In such cases, you can make a postscript “ see resume“.


The document usually consists of the following points:

  • Full name - full name.
  • Day, month and year of birth.
  • Registration address and actual place of residence (passport details).
  • Family composition, presence of children.
  • Citizenship.
  • Education.
  • The vacancy for which the future employee is applying.
  • Speciality.
  • Length of service and last place of work.
  • Desired salary amount.
  • Availability of skills and abilities (language proficiency, computer knowledge, do you have a driver’s license, etc.).
  • Assessing merits.

Having written down the application form, the applicant must prepare for a conversation with the manager, since the application form is only half of the guarantee of employment at the enterprise.

Any manager wants to hire a confident employee who knows how to work and interact with team members. The job applicant wants a positive outcome from the conversation and successful answers to questions.

The main rule for a positive interview when applying for a company is the applicant’s self-confidence. Another important point is the correct answers to questions when talking with a manager.

Let's first consider how to behave when talking with a manager:

  • Questions must be answered clearly.
  • Try to answer the question within 2 minutes, no more.
  • You cannot answer in a low voice.
  • If the applicant is not sure of the interpretation of any term, it is better to remain silent.
  • It is not advisable to use abstruse words when answering.
  • No need to ask again often.
  • It is not advisable to utter unflattering phrases when communicating.
  • You only need to look at your partner.
  • You cannot answer questions too briefly.
  • It is not advisable to interrupt your interlocutor.
  • When answering questions, it is advisable to express your personal opinion and remember to smile, which always has a positive impact.

Positive answers during a conversation with a manager, which are carried out confidently and kindly, are a guarantee of success.

How do you not need to answer?

  • First, you should never answer “yes” or “no.” The interlocutor may get the impression that the applicant is illiterate and does not know how to form his own thoughts.
  • Secondly, when asked about previous work, you need to answer the truth, as this can be verified. You can only embellish when talking about your merits and keep silent about your shortcomings. However, everything should be in moderation.
  • You cannot answer with doubt in your voice, as the manager may doubt the knowledge of the interlocutor and ask additional questions.
  • Questions must be answered truthfully, not bullshit. You must always remember that the best answers are confident and truthful answers.

To successfully complete a conversation, you need to prepare for it ahead of time.

What can you tell us about yourself?

This is the most frequently asked question. Therefore, you need to prepare your answer in advance. There is no need to express a biography from the date of birth here. It is necessary to emphasize your merits, speak clearly and in a business-like manner, without listing circumstances that are not related to the work. It is imperative to talk about education and work experience, about responsibilities at the previous enterprise, emphasizing those facts that will provide the applicant with the desired vacancy.

Where did you work before?

This question does not need to be answered in a negative manner. You cannot talk about conflict situations among the team and with management. In this case, the manager will think that the applicant for the vacancy is a conflict-ridden person who does not know how to get along with employees. There is no need to refer to a low salary, because there will be an opinion that the applicant is pursuing only material interests. It is better to cite the reason for leaving your previous job as the desire to increase your potential, or the inconvenient location of your home in relation to the company, inappropriate work schedule, etc. At the same time, the candidate must note that he was sorry to leave his previous job, since he worked there for a long time, but there were no prospects for career growth there.

What are your positive and negative qualities?

When noting positive qualities, it is advisable to indicate those that will be needed for the vacancy for which the applicant is applying. For example, “...By character I am sociable, responsible, decent, neat and friendly...».

An example of filling out a job application form

The application form for employment in an institution refers to a form that provides the manager with the opportunity to assess the applicant’s qualifications for the position. In addition to the questionnaire, to more fully assess the qualities of the applicant, an interview is performed.

The purpose of the questionnaire is not only to determine the qualities of the applicant, but also to collect information about him, which in the future will be needed to open a personal file on him. Each institution can independently develop questions that a potential employee must answer.

What are the main sections included in a job application form?

General information about the potential employee.

The following information is displayed here:

  • Distance of the applicant's housing from the institution. With a large distance from work, the applicant’s chances of obtaining a device are reduced.
  • Contact phone number for quick clarification of any questions that may arise.
  • Family composition, which can be used to determine the candidate’s level of responsibility and need for stable income.

This section displays the candidate’s education: main, additional and technical. Based on this information, the qualifications of the candidate can be determined. The more types of training, advanced training and other training courses an applicant has completed, the greater his chances of getting a job.

Thanks to this section, the special skills and abilities of a potential employee are assessed. This determines the level of qualifications of the applicant and the ability to perform the job duties assigned to him.

This part of the questionnaire analyzes the future employee’s work experience and his motivation, expressed in interest in salary growth, career development, etc.

Additional information about the future employee

This displays additional information about the applicant, what he plans to do at the institution and what, in his opinion, the company has advantages.

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Filling example
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