Sample issuance of a copy of the work book. Practical recommendations on how to issue a duplicate work book if it is lost

What is a duplicate work book

A duplicate of a book is essentially a 2nd copy, which has the same legal force.

A duplicate of the work book is issued in full accordance with the original. The exception is cases when data were previously entered into the labor:

  • erroneous, false or inaccurate;
  • not recoverable due to the lack of their documentary evidence.

The procedure for filling out and issuing a duplicate is regulated by the following documents:

  1. Rules for the maintenance and storage of work books, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On work books” dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules);
  2. Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction).

A duplicate of the book is issued and filled in at the last place of work of the person on the basis of an application. The administration is obliged to draw up and issue a document within 15 days from the date of receipt of the relevant application from the employee (clause 31 of the Rules).

Registration of a duplicate work book

A duplicate may be required in several cases:

  1. At the request of the employee himself:
  • When the original is lost. In this case, the person who has lost the document is obliged to immediately bring this information to the responsible person of the employer (clause 31 of the Rules).
  • If the book has lost its integrity (for example, it has torn, etc.), as a result of which it has become unusable (paragraph 3, clause 33 of the Rules). If this happened through the fault of its owner and it is not possible to restore some information (the pages are soiled, destroyed, torn, etc.), the employer has the right to request additional papers from him, indicating work experience in certain places. The citizen must submit and collect this information independently. Information from the pages preserved in the work book is transferred directly to the duplicate.
  • If the entry in the main document is declared invalid, the citizen has the right to demand a duplicate, while the specified entry will not be made in it (clauses 22, 33 of the Rules).

    In these situations, the person is required to submit an application for issuing a duplicate at the last place of work. If, from the moment of dismissal, a person has found a job at another enterprise, a corresponding request is submitted at a new place of work.

  • At the initiative of the administration:
    • when the original is stolen.
    • With the mass loss of documents. In this case, you should be guided by clause 34 of the Rules, according to which data can be restored only by creating a special commission consisting of representatives of executive authorities. The procedure for establishing the length of service is regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 24, 1994 No. 50.

    What documents are required

    Filling out a duplicate work book (a sample of which you will find below) must be carried out on the basis of available or provided information about employment.

    Previous employment relationships can be confirmed by:

    • certificates containing information about the reason for their issuance, that is, details of orders for admission and dismissal from the enterprise, as well as transfer from office;
    • orders (instructions), including in the form of extracts;
    • personal files and cards;
    • personal accounts of citizens;
    • accounting documentation on wages;
    • union card, etc.

    In addition, it is allowed to confirm the place of work with the help of an employment contract or other papers containing information regarding the time of work.

    It is necessary to take into account the fact that the administration is obliged to assist and assist the employee in every possible way in obtaining documentation confirming his experience from previous places of work (clause 7.2 of the Rules).

    Copies are made of these documents, and the originals, after proper certification, are transferred to the storage of the owner (part 7, clause 7.2 of the Instruction).

    How to make a duplicate work book: sample 2018 - 2019

    Issuing a duplicate involves the following steps:

    1. In the upper right corner of the 1st page of the new form, a mark is placed: "Duplicate". On the work book itself, an entry is made that a duplicate was issued instead of it, with its series and number affixed (clause 1.2 of the Instruction).
    2. The title page contains information that is relevant on the day the duplicate was issued. That is, if during the period of work the employee's surname, name or other data changed, there is no need to enter them in a duplicate according to the Rules (clause 2.1 of the Instruction). The last valid data is indicated.
    3. When completing the Job Information section:
    • the total work experience is indicated, which is calculated in total for the entire period of activity, without indicating periods of work at a particular enterprise (part 2, clause 7.2 of the Instruction);
    • in turn (with the assignment of a serial number in column 1), information about each place of work is recorded (the date of admission / dismissal is put in column 2), for example: “Accepted to the Machine Limited Liability Company (Machine LLC) as a salesperson” ( section 3);
    • section 4 contains data on certificates, copies of orders or other documents on the basis of which information is recorded, for example: “Certificate of LLC “Machine” dated 13.05.2013”.

    When making a duplicate of the labor, there is no need to certify all the entries made with the signatures of authorized persons.

    It should be noted that all other conditions for filling out a duplicate (writing dates, color of paste and ink, etc.) are similar to the procedure for filling out the original labor according to the Instructions.

    Entering subsequent data on employment with the current employer is carried out in accordance with the Rules in the general manner.

    Actions of the responsible person when issuing a duplicate

    After the duplicate is issued, information about its issuance must be entered in the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts to them. It should also reflect the fact of deregistration of the original labor.

    A duplicate of the work book is issued to the owner against receipt.

    Actions in the event that after the issuance of a duplicate the original is found, the rules of law are not regulated. This option is possible:

    • accept the found labor from the employee and continue its maintenance properly;
    • receive written explanations from the employee why he did not submit the document earlier and asked for a duplicate;
    • destroy the duplicate according to the rules for damaged forms on the basis of a commission act (clause 42 of the Rules).

    It is not allowed to issue a new form of the book without indicating information that it is a duplicate. In the future, there will be problems regarding its authenticity, since the date of issue of the form itself will be much later than the dates of the information entered into it. In this regard, it will be necessary to present additional certificates in order to confirm the experience.

    So, the answer to the question of how to issue a duplicate work book is given in the Rules (special rules for duplicates), as well as the Instructions (general requirements for maintaining labor records). The legal force of a duplicate is similar to the original document, and the information entered into it should, if possible, duplicate the original.

    In order for the organization to issue a duplicate of the employee's work book, the manager must issue an appropriate order.

    When is a duplicate made?

    The work book for each employee is the most important document. It will lean towards strict accounting forms, on its basis the length of service is subsequently calculated and pension payments are accrued, and therefore it needs special treatment.


    Most of the time, the work book is with the employer, and only in the period of absence of work - in the hands of its owner. However, it is in this short period of time that it can be lost or irreparably damaged. In this case, the owner will need to make a duplicate of it.

    Who makes a duplicate

    A duplicate can be issued and issued by the current employer, but if at the moment when it is needed, the person is not officially working anywhere, then he can apply for it at the last place of work. At the same time, it is impossible to refuse him, provided that the procedure for applying is observed in full.

    Procedure for obtaining a duplicate

    To obtain a duplicate labor, an employee of the enterprise must draw up an appropriate application. It can be written in any form, but it must necessarily contain a reference to the norms of labor legislation.

    After the application reaches the employer, he must consider it within a period not exceeding three days, and then decide on the issuance of the required duplicate. In order to start the process of its registration, it is necessary that the director or employee temporarily performing his functions issues an order about this.

    Document Format

    The order to issue a duplicate is written in free form, minus those situations where the order template is developed and approved by the company's management. At the same time, information about the form in which to make the form should be reflected in the legal documentation of the enterprise.

    How to place an order

    There are no requirements for the format of the order or for its execution. This means that you can do it on a regular sheet of paper or on a form with a company logo and details. It is also allowed to make it handwritten or printed, but in the second case, the document must be printed to put the necessary signatures in it.

    Who must sign the order

    Several people must sign their autographs. First of all, this is the director (since it is on his behalf that all orders are issued in the company), secondly, the employee who is entrusted with control over its execution, and, finally, thirdly: the persons whom he directly concerns (in other cases, their signatures can be collected in a special act of familiarization with the order).

    Rules for registration, accounting and storage

    Any order issued by an organization is subject to mandatory accounting and storage, and the one considered here is no exception. In order to record, a note is made in a separate journal about its creation (the number, date, short name are indicated), then the form is filed into a folder with other administrative documentation. In it, it is stored for a period indicated in the regulatory papers of the company or by-laws, after which it is transferred to the archive or destroyed.

    You needed to create an order for issuing a duplicate work book, but you have no idea how to do it? Use the example below and the comments to it - with their help, you can effortlessly write the order you need.

    1. At the beginning of the document, everything is quite standard: enter the name of the organization here, below the name of the document, number, place, date of its formation.
    2. Next, move on to the essence of the order.
    3. First of all, indicate here the reason for creating the order: it can be a link to an internal document of the enterprise - an official, memorandum, statement, etc., as well as a link to articles and clauses of the relevant law.
    4. Then mark the position and full name of the employee for whom a duplicate labor should be generated, enter the person responsible for the execution of the order.
    5. In conclusion, put all the necessary signatures.

    Duplicate work book- filling sample 2017 - the issue of the correct execution of this document continues to be relevant from year to year. After all, a duplicate is actually a new work book of a specialist, confirming his entire career path. Therefore, it is important for personnel accounting specialists of any company to clearly understand what rules should be followed when drawing up a sample duplicate of a work book.

    Cases of registration and issuance of a duplicate work book

    A duplicate of a work book is essentially the same work book of a specialist. It also confirms the length of service of a person when subsequently assigning a pension, such a document contains all the information about the employee's work path.

    The legislator allows several typical situations when a company must issue a duplicate book for an employee (clauses 31, 33, 34 of the Rules for maintaining work books, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225):

    • the original was irretrievably lost (including in the case when the employer lost the book due to emergencies);

    For more information on what to do for an employee who has lost his work book, see the article .

    • the book has fallen into disrepair (its pages are damaged, soiled, etc.);
    • if information about his dismissal or transfer to another place of work was entered in the specialist’s book, and such an entry was subsequently declared invalid.

    NOTE! In case of loss of a work book, the person who lost it (and this can be both an employee and an employee responsible for keeping it in the company) is obliged to contact the employer at the last place of work for a duplicate. If the pages of the book are dirty or there is an invalid entry in it, then a duplicate can also be issued, but the specialist has no obligation to apply for its issuance.

    How to make a copy of a work book

    In order to correctly issue a duplicate work book for an employee, the company needs to follow a few simple rules listed in the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction). In 2017, there were no changes in terms of filling out a sample of a duplicate work book, so you need to be guided by the previous procedure.

    Firstly, on the title page (first page) it is necessary to make an entry: “Duplicate” (clause 1.2 of the Instructions).

    NOTE! If the duplicate is intended to replace the work book that the employee actually has at his disposal (for example, if it is dirty, or if an invalid entry was made in it), then only he has legal force from the moment the duplicate is issued. Therefore, the original should be written: "Instead, a duplicate was issued." And specify the series with the number of the new document.

    Secondly, the title page of the duplicate must be filled in with information about the specialist that is relevant as of the date of issue of the duplicate.

    After that, it is necessary to restore the cumulative length of service of the employee in the "Job Details" section. To do this, you need to indicate in the first line of column 3 of the duplicate how much the total work experience of the specialist is, without specifying exactly where and for what time periods he worked there. Columns 1, 2, 4 remain empty.

    IMPORTANT! The total experience is indicated only on the basis of documents confirming it (clause 7.2 of the Instruction).

    Next, you should already restore the chronology of the work of a specialist with different employers. This is done as follows: in column 2 they put down the date of employment in a particular company, in column 3 indicate the details of such a company and the position of the specialist in which he worked in the past. In the 4th column, respectively, provide the details of the supporting document. The next line records information about the departure of a specialist from the company according to a similar algorithm.

    NOTE! If any information is missing/incomplete in the supporting documents of a specialist (for example, the basis for termination of employment), then only the information that is known is indicated in the duplicate (clause 7.2 of the Instructions).

    How to issue a duplicate work book - sample

    Based on the above rules, the company will be able to easily make a duplicate to replace the specialist's work book lost for any reason.

    At the same time, the organization must not forget to make copies of all documents confirming the specialist’s work biography, and then return them to the employee.


    An example of a completed sample of a duplicate work book should be available to the personnel department of each company in order to avoid possible errors in its execution. It is important for organizations to know that a duplicate needs to be filled out only on the basis of documents confirming the employee's past experience. In this case, you must not forget to make a mark “Duplicate” on the duplicate itself. And if it is issued in exchange for an unlost book, then write on the original “Instead, a duplicate was issued with such and such a series and number.”

    Issue a duplicate work book to an employee if:

    • his work book is lost;
    • his work book has fallen into disrepair (burned, torn, soiled, etc.);
    • an entry was made in his work book about dismissal or transfer, which was subsequently declared invalid.

    In the latter case, issue a duplicate to the employee, into which transfer all entries from the work book, except for the one that was declared invalid (clause 33 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225).

    What surname is indicated in the duplicate work book

    Often, when issuing a duplicate work book, the question arises: " What surname is written on the title page when making a duplicate work book: the one that stood at the time of the establishment of the work book, or the one that the employee has at the time of issuing a duplicate?

    Everything is simple and logical here. On the title page of the duplicate work book, it is necessary to write down here the surname under which the employee applied for a duplicate. That is, if during the period of time between filling out the original work book and its duplicate, the employee's last name has changed, then the last name that is recorded in the passport (or other identity card) is indicated in the duplicate work book.

    In accordance with clause 7.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 of October 10, 2003, title page of duplicate work book is drawn up in the same order as the title page of the work book. Information about the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee is entered in the work book (including a duplicate) on the basis of the employee's passport or other identification card (clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003, clause 2.1 Instructions approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 of October 10, 2003).

    If the document presented by the employee when filling out a duplicate of the work book already contains a new surname (for example, after it was changed due to marriage), then the employer has no reason to indicate on the title page of the duplicate the former surname of the applicant.

    QUESTION . A folder with documents, including a work book, was stolen from my husband. If you collect certificates confirming the experience from organizations who can restore records in a duplicate if he has not been working for the last 4 years, and is currently registered with the employment service. There is a photocopy of the labor, but not certified by anyone.

    Your husband can apply for a duplicate work book to his last employer, for whom he worked 4 years ago. A duplicate work book at the last place of work can be issued to an employee, regardless of the amount of time that has passed since the day of dismissal, since the fulfillment of this obligation by the employer is not limited by any time frame.

    A photocopy of a lost work book, independently made by an employee and not duly certified, cannot serve as a basis for issuing a duplicate. The following documents serve as the basis:

    • a written statement from the employee;
    • documents that confirm the periods of the employee’s labor activity (length of service) with this employer (a copy of the employment contract, orders, etc. must be kept at the last place of work), as well as with previous employers. Such documents include, for example, certificates from previous places of work, certificates from archival institutions confirming the work experience of an employee in a situation where the organization in which he worked earlier was liquidated, employment contracts concluded with previous employers (written copies), front accounts (for example, forms No. T-54, No. T-54a), payroll statements, a court decision on the establishment of seniority. In some cases (when there are no other supporting documents), individual (personalized) accounting documents (forms SZV-K, SZI-5, approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation No. 192p dated July 31, 2006) can be used, confirming the insurance period for pension goals.

    A duplicate of the work book will be issued at the last place of work, regardless of the limitation of dismissal

    According to paragraph 31 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, a person who has lost a work book is obliged to immediately notify the employer at the last place of work. The employer issues a duplicate of the work book to the employee no later than 15 days from the date the employee submitted the application.

    It is advisable to first obtain supporting documents from the citizen's previous jobs (with the exception of the last employer), and then apply to him for a duplicate. A duplicate of the work book must be issued no later than 15 days from the date the employee submits the relevant application (clause 31 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of April 16, 2003), and in such a short time it will be necessary to collect all supporting documents for filling it out difficult.

    The new employer does not have to restore the work book

    If, after dismissal, an employee has lost a work book or it has become unusable, he must apply for a duplicate of it from the employer at the last place of work. He is obliged to issue a duplicate no later than 15 days from the date of submission of the relevant application, clause 31 of the Rules, approved. Decree of the Government of April 16, 2003 No. 225.

    How to confirm work experience in an already liquidated organization

    If there is a need to confirm the fact and length of service in an already liquidated company, then it is necessary to send a request to the archival institution, which stores all documents of the liquidated organization, including personnel. If the information is available, you will be issued a relevant certificate. In the absence of the necessary information in the archive, you will have to apply to the court with an application to establish a fact of legal significance (Chapter 28 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation), namely the fact of working in a particular organization. To confirm your words, you will need to bring at least two witnesses who can confirm the fact of work, as well as submit documents that can at least indirectly prove your words.

    Before applying to the court or archive, it is necessary to find out whether the organization was really liquidated in the truest sense of the word, and did not cease to exist as a result of reorganization in the form of a merger, accession, division, etc. If there was a reorganization, then all issues must be resolved with the successor of the legal faces.

    If you cannot prove to the court the fact of work in the former organization, then this period is lost for you. But this was important only until 2002, now it is no longer a labor pension, but it is accrued from the amounts of deductions by the employer to the Pension Fund. Here, too, eyes and eyes are needed, because a "cunning" employer may not deduct insurance premiums, but you won't know and you won't receive a pension.

    Note : . Depending on our salary, the employer pays insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. What is their size, how to find out how much money has already accumulated in the personal account in the Pension Fund?

    Can a new employer issue a duplicate work book for a confused employee?

    If the labor is lost, then no grounds for refusing employment!!! At a new place of work, they have the right to issue a duplicate based on your application. The new employer will make all records of previous work based on the certificates you submitted, employment contracts, etc.

    So, the new employer has the right to issue to a person who has lost a work book before starting work, only a new work book, and not a duplicate of the lost one. In addition, the new employer assists the employee in restoring documents (and not a work book) confirming the employee's length of service, in particular by sending requests to the competent authorities and organizations (for example, to the archive).

    When issuing a new work book, it is allowed to use the procedure provided for issuing a duplicate. The work book contains information about the total and (or) continuous work experience of the employee before joining this employer, confirmed by the relevant documents. The total work experience is recorded in total, that is, the total number of years, months, days of work is indicated without specifying the employer, periods of work and positions of the employee.

    By itself, the total record of periods of work entered into the work book on the basis of documents will not be a confirmation of the length of service for a pension, if the book no specific entries about in which organization, at what time and in what positions the employee worked before joining the organization that issued the work book. In such a situation, it will be necessary to submit to the pension authority documents confirming the periods of work for specific employers before issuing a work book

    The employee submitted documents that do not contain information about his work experience

    If the documents on the basis of which entries were made in the work book do not contain complete information about work in the past, enter only the available information into the duplicate (clause 32 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, clause 7.2 of the Instruction , approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69). The length of service can be confirmed by extracts from orders, personal files, personal cards, pay slips, etc.

    What documents, besides the work book, can a citizen confirm the length of service for the appointment of a pension

    Not all places of his work are indicated in the duplicate work book. And the main document confirming the work experience of a person is a work book ().

    If an employee was issued a duplicate work book, not all information about the places and duration of the employee's work could be entered into it. For example, if at the time of issuing a duplicate, the employee did not submit any documents. Employers are not entitled to make retrospective entries in the employee's work book about his previous places of work. Therefore, the information in the duplicate work book may not be complete. This is stated in paragraph 32 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, and paragraph 7.2 of the Instruction, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 10, 2003 No. 69.

    If the information in the duplicate work book is incomplete, then in accordance with paragraph 11 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 2, 2014 No. 1015, the employee will be able to confirm the seniority for the appointment of a pension with the following documents:

    • written copies of employment contracts;
    • work books of collective farmers;
    • certificates issued by employers;
    • extracts from orders;
    • personal accounts;
    • pay slips.

    Is it necessary to draw up a duplicate work book if it contains many errors?

    For example, a company hires a new employee. He brings a work book, and there are many gross violations in it: the previous employer did not indicate the details of the order for employment, and also did not seal the record of dismissal. What should be done in this case? Should the personnel officer, on the basis of the collected certificates, issue a duplicate of the labor to the employee?

    No, it shouldn't. There are only three cases when an employer must make a duplicate work book for an employee only in cases where the work book:

    1. lost (clause 31 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, hereinafter - the Rules for maintaining and storing work books);
    2. fell into disrepair(burned, torn, soiled, etc.) (paragraph 3, clause 33 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books);
    3. an entry was made in his work book on dismissal or transfer, which was subsequently declared invalid (paragraph 1, clause 33 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books).

    If the work book contains other gross violations, the employer is not required to issue a duplicate of it. The error must be corrected by the organization guilty of this or by a new employer on the basis of an official document of the company that made the inaccuracy (clause 27 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books).

    In the case when the admission record does not contain the details of the order, the new employer can make an entry based on the relevant certificate from the employee's previous place of work. Corrections are made in the manner prescribed by Section III of the Rules for the Maintenance and Storage of Labor Books.

    If the record of dismissal from the previous place of work is not certified by a seal, then the current employer does not have the right to put his seal. It is better for such an employee to contact the personnel department of the organization that got him a work book, with a request to stamp it.


    1. The current version of the Labor Code of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation 2019 is given

    2. How to fill out, record and store work books. Fire recovery. Send a labor post. IP and workbook. Company name change. Found an old work book.

    3. How to fill out, record and store work books. Fire recovery. Send a labor post. IP and workbook. Company name change.

    What to do if the most important document confirming the length of service is lost or has become unusable? Learn how to recover valuable information while respecting employee rights and not breaking the law!

    In the article:

    Download a set of documents on the topic:

    What documents regulate the issuance of a duplicate work book?

    A duplicate is issued in case of loss or theft of the main document. In addition, a duplicate form will be needed if the work book has become unusable. For example, it is dirty, burned or torn, or contains a record of dismissal or transfer to another job, subsequently invalidated.

    The right of an employee to receive a duplicate is enshrined in Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the general procedure for registration and issuance is prescribed in the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 of 04/16/2003. Fill out the form according to the instructions approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 69 dated 10.10.2003.

    Who should restore the document - a new or former employer

    The employee lost his work book, but did not discover the loss immediately, but when it was time to get a new job. How to make a duplicate of a work book in case of loss and who should do this - a new or former employer?

    The first thing an employee should do in case of loss is to apply at the place of previous work with an application for a duplicate work book. You can fill out a sample form, on the basis of which the employer will be able to start the registration procedure.

    Attention! Since the current legislation does not contain any special requirements for the application form, it can be drawn up in free form or based on any convenient template. The main thing is to indicate the data of the applicant, the date and the specific reason for the appeal.

    Another way is document recovery

    If the loss is not detected immediately, at the stage of the next employment, you can choose another, quite legal way to restore the work book - apply for a new document at a new place of work. Previously, the employee did not have such an opportunity, but now it is provided for by Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employer does not have the right to refuse the employee and is obliged to get him a work book (not a duplicate!), Reflecting in it the documented work experience.

    After how many days a duplicate work book is issued, how to draw up a document without wasting time?

    The term for issuing a duplicate is 15 days. It is during this time that the employer must, on the basis of a written application and documents attached to it confirming the length of service, draw up a document and issue it to the owner against signature.

    The procedure itself is not complicated and does not take much time if the employee immediately provided all the necessary certificates and extracts. But if some of the documents are missing, the process may be delayed: you will have to send official requests to previous employers, their successors or archival institutions and wait for a response.

    Attention! In order to get a duplicate in hand as soon as possible, the employee must prepare certificates certified in accordance with all the rules, originals of employment contracts, copies of orders, pay slips and other documents for all periods of work in advance.

    How to issue a duplicate work book (sample + step-by-step instructions for a personnel officer)

    A duplicate is issued on a blank form purchased by the employer for issuance to employees. In the income and expense book, indicate when the form was used up, as well as its series, number and other required information.

    Since we are talking about forms of strict reporting, a careless attitude to accounting can become a problem for the personnel officer in the future. The expert has already answered 9 popular questions about the storage and accounting of work books. You have to read them!

    Then go directly to the design (you can get a ready-made sample of filling out a duplicate work book). Adhere to the procedure set forth in Section III of Rules No. 225 and Section 7 of Instruction No. 69.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Step 1.Write the word "duplicate" in the upper right corner of the title page, next to the series and number of the form. The inscription must be conspicuous and easy to read.

    Step 2.Complete the title page. Passport data, information about the education received and other mandatory data are entered in the general manner. Make sure that they are up-to-date: if during the time that has elapsed since the registration of the lost work book, the employee has managed to master a new profession, change his surname or improve the level of education, immediately enter the updated data. It is not necessary to reflect the entire history of changes in the document. This is how a duplicate work book is filled out (a sample title page):

    Attention! Be sure to certify the title with a signature with a transcript and a round seal of the organization or personnel department. The accuracy and relevance of the entered information is confirmed by the signature of the document owner.

    Step 3.Calculate the total work experience of an employee. Reflect it in column 3 in total, indicating the number of years, months and days worked, but without specifying the periods of work and positions held by the employee. Do not assign the serial number of the record, do not indicate the names of organizations at this stage.

    Step 4.List all periods of work with previous employers in chronological order based on available documents. Each period is signed separately:

    • column 2 indicates the date of employment;
    • in column 3 - the position of the employee, the structural unit and the name of the organization;
    • in column 4 - the name, date and details of the document on the basis of which the employee was admitted to the state.
    • in column 5 - a record of dismissal.

    Similarly, transfer from certificates and other documents data on other confirmed periods of work.

    Attention! If complete data on individual periods of work are not available, limit yourself to documented information. Do not write down anything from the words of the employee (paragraph 32 of Rule No. 225)!

    Step 5.Reflect the period of work in your organization. All the necessary documents for this are already at the disposal of the personnel service, you just need to transfer the information to the form. Close the block with a record of dismissal, certify with a signature with a transcript and a seal. Leave space below for the employee's signature.

    Sample of registration of records about the last place of work

    Step 6.Issue a duplicate to the employee. Record the date of issue, series and number of the document in book of accounting of work books and inserts. In the same book, the owner of the duplicate must sign for its receipt, otherwise it will not be easy to prove that the document was correctly executed and issued on time.

    Step 7.Keep the cost of the form. If the work book is lost or damaged due to the fault of the employee, discuss with him ways to reimburse the cost of purchasing the form. Choose the most convenient, for example, cash payment to the company's cash desk or transfer funds to a bank account.

    Is it possible to have two work books at the same time? What threatens an employee who has two work books at once?

    It is assumed that a working person has only one work book, which reflects all periods of employment, starting with the first employment in life and up to retirement. But in practice this is not always the case.

    Imagine the situation: an employee claims the loss of a work book, receives a duplicate, and after a while finds the original. This is a common problem, leading to the fact that the owner has two work books at once (the consequences are not so formidable as to destroy the second copy of the document). At the same time, according to the law, the original and the duplicate have equal force.

    Is it possible to work with two work books? Officially, no, but sometimes it happens. For example, when an external part-time worker is mistakenly given a work book at an additional place of work. There is no legislative norm according to which the second document would be automatically considered invalid. Moreover, it contains legally significant information about the actual length of service of the employee, which is taken into account when calculating sickness and maternity benefits.

    Is it possible to have 2 work books and present them when applying for a job? If this happens, the employer can accept both copies of the employee for storage, but only one work book (usually a newer one) will be filled out. But at the same time, the law does not provide for either administrative or disciplinary liability for the owner of two, three or more work books.

    Responsibility for the employee

    Despite the negative answer to the question “is it possible to have two work books”, the consequences are unlikely to be negative for the employee himself. At least until the moment of retirement, since the FIU accepts for consideration only one copy of the work. The periods of employment not reflected in it will have to be confirmed by certificates and other additional documents.

    Will add work and personnel officers. When an employee who has provided two labor contracts when hiring becomes ill, the duration of his insurance period will have to be determined from two documents at once. If some periods of work in both work books coincide, only one is taken into account when calculating the hospital allowance (see the rules for calculating and confirming the insurance period, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 91 dated February 6, 2007).

    A duplicate of the work book is issued within 15 days upon a written application from the employee who discovered that the original was lost, stolen or unusable. Follow the legally approved rules and instructions, and so that errors do not creep into the form, be guided by a typical sample of filling out a duplicate work book in case of loss. Determine the length of service only on the basis of certified extracts, certificates, contracts and other supporting documents.

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