Sample of filling out consent to the processing of a child’s personal data. How to fill out consent to the processing of personal data of a minor

When planning to apply for a visa to, do not forget to prepare a consent form for data processing. Since Visa Application Centers carry out automated collection and processing of applicants’ personal data, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data”, they must obtain appropriate consent. Without a signed consent form, the Visa Application Center has no right to process your documents.

The validity period of the Consent, as well as the procedure for destroying your personal data from the Operator’s database, is usually indicated in the text of the Consent itself. You can revoke it at any time by submitting a written request to the Operator who previously received this document from you.

The Consent form for the processing of personal data is provided free of charge. You can find and download it on the official website of the Visa Center where you plan to apply, and also receive, fill out and sign it at the Visa Center itself when submitting documents. They must provide you with the form. We recommend filling out the Consent in advance - this way you can save time.

Filling out the Consent is required only for submission at the Visa Application Center. If you plan to apply for a visa directly through a particular country, then you do not need to fill out and submit a Consent.

Consent to the collection and processing of personal data is filled out in Russian. You must provide Russian passport details. Only an adult citizen can give such consent. For minor applicants, both the details of the applicant himself (birth certificate or civil passport) - the SUBJECT, and the details of his legal representative (parent/guardian) - the REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SUBJECT are filled in. The consent for a minor child is signed by a legal representative.

Filling out the Consent for an adult applicant

Fill in only the top part of the Consent in the field “ Subject of personal data»:

  • Please provide your full name.
  • Indicate the details of your civil passport (number, date of issue, who issued it).

At the bottom of the form, please indicate your full name again and sign.

There is no need to fill out anything else.

Don't forget to attach a copy of your Russian passport (main page + registration page).

Filling out the Consent for a minor applicant
  • Please indicate the city where documents will be submitted.
  • Indicate the date of submission of documents.

At the top " Subject of personal data» the details of the minor applicant are indicated:

  • Please provide your full name.
  • Indicate the details of your birth certificate or civil passport, if available (number, date of issue, by whom).
  • Indicate your residential address (either registered or actual residential address).

In the next part " Represented by a representative of the subject of personal data» the details of the legal representative of the minor applicant (parent/guardian) are indicated.

  • Please provide your full name.
  • Indicate the details of your civil passport (number, date of issue, who issued it).
  • Indicate your residential address (either registered or actual residential address).
  • Please indicate on what basis you are representing the minor applicant. This may be a birth certificate, where you are indicated as a parent, or another official document confirming official guardianship.

Count " Name and address of the person processing personal data» No need to fill out.

At the bottom of the form, please indicate your full name again. parent/guardian. The form is signed by the legal representative ( parent/guardian).

Don't forget to attach a copy of the Russian passport of the parent/guardian (main page + registration page) + a copy of the birth certificate (or passport, if any) of the minor applicant.

Download: Consent to the processing of personal data form 2019 - to fill out:

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document, the definition of personal data and cases when the use of personal information without obtaining consent becomes possible are covered in this article .

The concept of personal data and its processing

Personal data is information about a person. These include the following information:

  • about documents confirming a person’s identity;
  • income and place of performance of professional duties;
  • registration and/or place where he actually lives;
  • the place where the person was born;
  • age and date of birth;
  • social status, etc.

The processing of personal data refers to the performance of certain actions in relation to personal information about an individual, which include:

All actions with personal data can be performed either using automation tools or manually. In Russia, personal data is regulated according to Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data”, adopted in July 2006. Any actions with personal information can only be carried out with the consent of the individual. Consent must be provided in writing or using an electronic signature.

Consent/disagreement to the processing of personal information is voluntary, but it is important to understand that in some cases refusal may interfere with the performance of functional duties or, for example, lead to the impossibility of providing social services.

Don't know your rights?

Consent to the processing of personal data of a minor

Processing information about persons under 18 years of age has its own characteristics. Consent to data processing is signed by the child’s legal representative (parent, guardian, etc.).

It may be required:

  • while receiving education at school, kindergarten, institute and any other educational institution;
  • during treatment or undergoing a medical examination;
  • during employment;
  • in the process of processing documents at the consulate to cross the Russian border;
  • at the military registration and enlistment office;
  • in the process of performing duties by guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

When filling out this document, certain nuances must be observed. For example, the following information is required:

  • details of the legal representative;
  • name of the operator (organization to which consent is given);
  • the reason (purpose) for processing personal information;
  • permitted methods of data processing;
  • the period of validity of the consent (for example, until the end of exams or until the child graduates from school);
  • involving other persons in the processing of personal data, if necessary (for example, organizers of a mathematical competition);
  • list of minor's data;
  • signature of the legal representative and its transcript.

The operator can carry out actions only with those personal data that will be indicated in the text of the document (and only in the ways indicated in it).

When is consent to the processing of personal data not required?

According to the provisions of Art. 6 of the Law “On Personal Data”, there is no need to obtain consent from individuals. persons if:

  1. Information is necessary for the return of people from abroad to their homeland (including the procedure for the return of foreign citizens who previously lived in the territory of the Russian Federation).
  2. The processing of personal data is carried out to fulfill contractual obligations (provided that the data subject is one of the parties or a beneficiary under the contract).
  3. The data is first anonymized and then used for research by statisticians or scientists.
  4. It is not possible to obtain consent from a person, but it is necessary to process them to preserve his life and/or health.
  5. The data needs to be processed in order for postal services to fulfill their direct responsibilities.
  6. Organizations that perform payments for the provision of communication services need to process personal information, or this is necessary for such organizations to consider claims received from users.
  7. Data is processed by journalists, scientists or creative persons in the course of their activities (the rights and freedoms of the person in respect of whom the information is processed must not be violated).
  8. Processing of personal data is carried out in relation to officials for the publication of information in accordance with the provisions and norms of the laws of the Russian Federation.

An operator who violates the procedure for processing personal data may be involved in accordance with Art. 90 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to the following types of liability:

  • criminal;
  • disciplinary;
  • administrative;
  • civil law;
  • material.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that when working with personal information of citizens, it is necessary to focus on the 14th chapter of the Labor Code, the federal law “On Personal Data”, the relevant articles of the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses, as well as other legal documents governing legal relations in the field of working with personal data.

Head of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar V.L. Evlanov


on the consent of the legal representative to the processing of personal

minor's data

I,_ Ivanova Elena Ivanovna ____________________________________________
Date of Birth __ 01.01.1981 ___________________________________________
Identity document passport 00 00 No. 999999 ______________

(name, series and number)

PVS ATC of the Kuban district of the mountains. Krasnodar, 01/01/2002 _____________

(issued by, date of issue)

Registration address _ 350000, Krasnodar, st. Krasnaya, 1, apt. 1 _________

I am the legal representative of a minor personal data subject

Ivanov Petr Ivanovich, born 03/03/2014 ____________________________

(Full name, date of birth of the minor subject)

IV-AG No. 777888, Civil Registry Office Department of the Prikubansky Intracity District of Krasnodar, Civil Registry Office of the Krasnodar Territory, dated 03/10/2014. _______,

(birth certificate, passport (series), number, by whom and when issued)

on the basis of Article 64 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, in order to participate in events provided for in accordance with the resolution of the administration of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar dated June 28, 2012 No. 5416 “On approval of the Procedure for including a young family in the municipal list young families - participants in the subprogram “Providing housing for young families” of the federal target program “Housing” for 2011 – 2015 and the issuance of a certificate for receiving social payments for the purchase (construction) of housing under this subprogram” (hereinafter referred to as the Subprogram), I express my consent to the implementation Administration of the municipality of the city of Krasnodar, location: 350000, Krasnodar, st. Krasnaya, 122, (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) processing of personal data of a minor(s) using the following main methods (but not limited to): receiving, storing, combining, transferring, as well as processing using various means of communication (mailing, electronic mail, telephone, fax, Internet) or any other processing of personal data of the minor(s) specified in the application for inclusion in the Subprogram participants, as well as in the submitted documents for receiving social benefits for the purchase of residential premises or the construction of an individual residential building, such as: information about last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth; information about family composition; information about the identity document; information about the place of registration, residence; home and mobile phones; copies of court decisions, notarial documents; information about the holders of property and other rights; information contained in civil registration books about birth, marriage, divorce, death, adoption, establishment of paternity, change of surname, name, patronymic; information about the presence (absence) of a young family of grounds provided for by law for recognizing it as in need of housing; information on state registration of ownership of residential premises acquired (built) using funds from a housing mortgage loan (loan); information contained in the credit agreement (loan agreement); information on the amount of the principal balance and the amount of debt to pay interest for using a mortgage housing loan (loan) and other data necessary for participation in the above activities.

I hereby agree and authorize the Operator and third parties to combine the personal data of the minor(s) into a personal data information system and process the personal data of the minor(s) using automation tools or without the use of automation tools, as well as using other software tools.

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that, if it is necessary to provide the personal data of the minor(s) to achieve the above goals to third parties, I agree and authorize the Operator to transfer the specified personal data of the minor(s) to the following third parties:

Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation;

Department for Financial and Stock Market of the Krasnodar Territory;

state government institution of the Krasnodar Territory “Kuban Center for State Support of the Population and Development of the Financial Market”;

credit institutions operating in the Krasnodar Territory and which have concluded a cooperation agreement with the department for the financial and stock market of the Krasnodar Territory in the framework of implementing measures to provide housing for young families of the “Housing” subprogram of the Krasnodar Territory program “Comprehensive and sustainable development of the Krasnodar Territory in the field of construction, architecture and road management",

as well as other third parties involved in the implementation of the above activities.

At the same time, the Operator guarantees the confidentiality and security of the personal data of the minor(s).

I am informed that the Operator will process the personal data of the minor(s) using both manual and automated (partially automated) processing methods.

The operator can verify the accuracy of the submitted personal data of the minor(s), including using the services of other operators.

I have been notified that my refusal to provide consent to the processing of the above personal data entails the impossibility of providing social benefits from the local budget (the budget of the municipal formation of the city of Krasnodar) for the purchase of residential premises or the construction of an individual residential building.

This consent to the processing of personal data is unlimited and can be revoked by sending a written statement to the Operator and/or the above-mentioned third parties to whom the personal data is transferred.

I hereby acknowledge and confirm that I am familiar with the rights and obligations in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data,” including the procedure for revoking consent to the processing of personal data.
____________________________ _________________________

(date) (signature) »

Every person has personal data. One of the principles of their existence is confidentiality. In the process of interaction with various bodies, structures, and services, a person gives their list to third parties. For the latter to process them, appropriate consent is required. If adult citizens draw up it on their own, then their official representatives according to the law do this for their children.

In what cases is data processed?

This may include the following data:

  • documentation that confirms the person’s identity;
  • financial receipts;
  • place of birth and date, current age;
  • social status;
  • family composition;
  • health information;
  • academic performance at an educational institution, etc.

Processing of personal data includes a whole range of actions regarding them: collection and storage, regular updating, blocking, liquidation, clarification, seizure, distribution and transfer, recording.

All PD activities are carried out through automation tools or in manual mode. In the Russian Federation, this aspect is regulated by Federal Law No. 152. Its articles state that any actions regarding personal data can be carried out only with the presence of written consent. Of course, this is voluntary, but in some cases refusal may cause difficulties for their owner himself.

Processing of personal data belonging to a minor is carried out in the following cases:

  • educating a child in a general education institution (this could be a school, preschool educational institution, university, secondary specialized institution, etc.);
  • admission to a higher education institution before the age of 18;
  • finding in a hospital or health care facility(undergoing treatment or ordering a medical examination);
  • getting a job (official employment);
  • registration of documents for a visa at the consulate;
  • going to the military registration and enlistment office;
  • in the course of fulfilling obligations on the part of guardianship and guardianship authorities;
  • taking part in activities that require personal identification and processing of personal data.

Despite the impressive list of situations in which consent is required, there are a number of cases when it can be dispensed with (when a citizen returns home from abroad, if it is impossible to obtain consent, if we are talking about the fulfillment of contractual obligations, etc.). In these cases personal information is processed without consent their rightful owner, since subsequent actions are implied in compliance with his interests.

Procedure for giving consent of a minor

Consent, as prescribed, must be specific, informed and informative. Solution must be provided arbitrarily and in the personal interests of the owner. This indicates the following points:

  • neither government services nor private individuals have the right to force anyone to provide permission;
  • in the absence of consent, processing activities are permissible only in certain situations established by law;
  • the expression of his will by a person is carried out independently, accordingly - it does not have the right to authorize processing Third party PD.

Some regulations indicate that in relation to minor children, by providing consent to the processing of personal data parents are engaged or other representatives by law, which include guardians and adoptive parents.

This provision only confirms the fact that the processing of personal data of a citizen who has not reached the age of majority is carried out only with written consent.

Some differences also affect the content of this document (in comparison with its classic version). So, in the process of drawing up the paper, along with the basic list of information, the following points are indicated:

  • full name of the representative;
  • address and information from the identity card;
  • details of the documentation on the basis of which the interests of the minor are represented.

If even before the age of 18 a citizen is 100% legally capable (married, has children), by signing this document he must study independently.

Who and how to fill out the form

Here is what data should be included in a document indicating consent to PD processing:

  • the full name of the subject along with the address and data from the passport (we are talking directly about the child’s representative);
  • the purpose for which the information material will be used;
  • a list of data that is allowed to be processed on the basis of the applicant’s consent;
  • period of operation of the document;
  • options for its revocation in case of special circumstances;
  • information about the document that regulates the fact of representation and allows the parent, adoptive parent or guardian to sign the form and make decisions instead of the child;
  • signature.

Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ states that a parent (mother or father), as well as adopter or a citizen who has assumed guardianship responsibility.

It states that parents are the legal representatives of their minor children, and therefore have the right to make important decisions in their place.

If the parents refuse to draw up and sign this document, there is a possibility that the minor will not be able to provide certain services. will be refused. To conduct an OPD, it is enough to obtain the consent of at least one parent. Based on Article 6 and Article 9 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, data relating not only to children, but also to representatives is entered. This will make it possible to establish the fact of the relationship between persons and simplify the processing procedure itself.

Sample document

Filling out the form in question is carried out in accordance with the sequence (algorithm).

  1. It is written from the very beginning “I, (full name, passport number, series, place and date of issue, registration address).”
  2. The fact is indicated that the originator is acting on behalf of the child “I am acting on behalf of my minor child (full name, identification documents, his data).”
  3. The basis for drawing up the consent “based on (details of the relevant documentation)” is displayed.
  4. It is noted that in accordance with Federal Law No. 152, the parent gives consent to the processing of the minor’s PD.
  5. The following points indicate list of materials subject to processing: full name, date and place of birth, address of the applicant, the same data for a minor, health information, place of study, academic performance.
  6. The next step is to indicate the purpose of processing. This could be undergoing treatment, implementing an educational program, entering the public service, etc.
  7. the next paragraph states that the compiler gives his consent to provide information to third parties, provided that it has some bearing on the situation under consideration and will help find a solution.
  8. This is followed by a note that the compiler confirms the fact of action of his own free will and in accordance with the personal interests of the minor. Upon completion, a date and signature are placed.

Thus, processing of personal data is an activity that requires prior consent (mandatory). For minor children, it is issued by official representatives, whose roles are parents, adoptive parents or guardians. The filling form remains almost the same, but there are several information that are added to the document as an addition.

For more information about the protection of personal data, see the video below.

It is undeniable that every action we take entails some kind of result. It is extremely important to be aware that by providing your personal data to any of the organizations you agree to any use of it. Having the necessary documents and certificates gives you the opportunity and right to use personal information about you. At this point, it is very important to draw up a sample that may be useful when applying for a job. Is it necessary for the applicant and the employee? Registration is limited only by the deadlines for submission.

Consent to the processing of personal data form when applying for a job

If we consider personal data from the point of view of the inviolability of every citizen living in the territory of the Russian Federation, then we can note the right to prohibit the dissemination of information about personal data. Each employee in a certain organization agrees to the terms of processing the applicant’s data, including passport data and date of birth, TIN. The decision is made by the company and directly by the management of the organization. The final number and list of documents are given to the employee. For foreign citizens, slightly different conditions apply when applying for a job.

Consent to the processing of personal data sample form for school

To register a child for school, you may need the following information: information about the health of the child entering education, as well as information about the presence of existing diseases, date of birth and full name, information about parents and place of work of the mother and father. To process the final given information, most often there is a special Marxist operator, which subsequently stores the information. Typically, a written agreement is provided for students and their parents in accordance with the state's form. The federal interstamp is publicly available. For schoolchildren and minors, there is a special form of assignment and completion in the presence of parents.

Consent to the processing of personal data sample for visa

When applying for a visa, the receiving party or person is required to fill out the appropriate form of application, in which you confirm your consent to the transfer of data. How to fill out and do I need a legal representative? At a travel agency or at a Finnish visa center, you will be given a biometric sample, which you must fill out in your own hand. Can be downloaded on the website. A standard agency document is required for Germany and Spain. In medical institutions and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, you can obtain a certificate of the candidate’s health status. Please check the address, st. Zagoryevsky building

Consent to the processing of personal data of a minor child -

This paper is necessary for registering a child in a secondary school, as well as for processing medical data in case a life-saving situation arises. At the request of the parents, such a card may contain information about the property status of the parents and the family as a whole. What it is, how to fill it out, in what cases it is not required and why it is required and whether I should give it and how to withdraw it, we will consider below.

The organization's ledger receives the right to use your information. Laws in the country may change every year, but there is no form to fill out yet, so it is enough to use the completed sample and write everything by hand yourself.

Statement of consent to the processing of personal data

For the bank

If you have a desire or need to open a bank account or deposit, you also need to sign an application for review of your information. This is primarily to ensure your safety. Document storage is protected by special passwords against hacking. The site navigator, where you can view the conditions for transferring your data, is located below.

Patient data processing

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