Sample application for monthly child benefit. Sample application for the appointment and provision of a one-time benefit at the birth of a child - rules for registration and examples of ready-made applications Sample application for social protection

Types of applications and features of their execution

The current law “On state benefits for citizens with children” dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ establishes the right of parents to receive 2 different benefits, payments for which occur monthly:

  1. Until the baby reaches 1.5 years of age.
  2. After 1.5 years.

The first payment is state, the procedure for its appointment is established by the above-mentioned law No. 81-FZ. You can receive this type of benefit at work (if one of the parents is on vacation, during which he is looking after the child) or at the social security agency (for unemployed parents).

An application for benefits for an employer is written in free form (unless the organization has approved a special template). The second benefit is paid in each region individually, while the conditions for its payment, the amount and procedure for transferring funds to parents are established by the regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In a number of regions, special acts also define a formalized application form. For example, in the Moscow region, such an act is the decree of the governor of the Moscow Region “On the organization of work...” dated April 10, 2000 No. 149-PG. Thus, to apply for such a benefit, parents need to obtain a form from the social security agency and fill it out according to the provided sample. Applications in free form will not be accepted.

It turns out that only a working parent who is planning to go on maternity leave will have to write an application for the organization’s administration on their own for a monthly allowance.

Drawing up and consideration of an application for monthly child benefit, sample document

In practice, registration of benefits is often combined with registration of maternity leave, so it is advisable to combine both documents in one. We present to your attention a sample of such a statement (if the option below is not suitable, it can be easily adjusted):

To the Director of Baltic Dawns LLC

Petrov M. A.

from a safety engineer

Don't know your rights?

Skvortsova I. G.


In connection with the birth of a child, Igor Petrovich Skvortsov, on February 1, 2017, I ask you to grant me parental leave from May 1, 2017 until July 30, 2018 (until the child reaches 1.5 years old).

I ask, in accordance with Article 13 of the Law “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ, to assign and pay a monthly child care allowance during the specified period.


  1. A copy of the birth document of Skvortsov I.P.
  2. A notification from Nordfish LLC issued to P. L. Skvortsov (father) that he had not taken leave due to the birth and need to look after the child and that the corresponding allowance was not assigned to him.

04/17/2017 /signature/ Skvortsova I. G.

The administration of the organization has 10 days to consider the issue. After this period (or earlier), the first payment must be made with the next salary.

Thus, applying for a monthly benefit can be combined with applying for maternity leave, which simplifies the process by reducing the number of steps required. It is quite simple to draw up an application using the sample provided above.

How to properly file an application for child benefit in 2017? Where should the application be submitted? Read further in our article...

The law is on the side of citizens with children, the state on the basis of Federal Law No. 81 of May 19, 1995. provides some financial support to families with difficult financial situations.

Only one parent in the case of a complete family has the right to apply for child benefit. In order to arrange a payment for a child in social services. The defense should be given a list of required documents and an application for benefits.

An application for benefits for children under 18 years of age is written in free form, since there is no general regulated form to fill out. It can be written either by hand or using a computer.

In order to correctly write an application for child benefit for a child under 16-18 years of age, you should consider the following points:

  • In the upper right corner we indicate to whom the appeal is addressed (name of organization).
  • Full name of the person in whose name the benefit will be issued.
  • Residence address and passport details.
  • The text of the document must contain a request to “Assign a monthly (quarterly) allowance for a child under 16-18 years of age,” indicating the child’s full name and date of birth.
  • The application should indicate a list of documents that are required for consideration.
  • Below we put the date of writing the application, signature and transcript.

Terms of consideration

The application with the attached documents is sent to the department of social protection of the population. 10 days are allotted for checking the documents to make a general decision. In some cases, additional verification of documents may be carried out, in which case the time frame for making a decision will increase to one month.

When is child benefit paid?

After social protection has made a positive result on the payment of child benefit for a child, enrollment is made until the 26th of the next month after the application is written.

Since January 2016, this payment can be made monthly or quarterly, the frequency of payments is established by the regional department.

If there are several children under 18 years of age in a family, benefits will be assigned to each child. Thus, the application must indicate all children and attach copies of the birth certificate for each.

Sample application for payment of child benefit for a child in 2017

State Institution Novosibirsk

Regional branch of the FSS of the Russian Federation Branch No. 1

From Asinova V.M.

Living at the address: Novosibirsk,

Leninsky district, m-on 12 kv.65

Passport details: 52-05 523124, Issued by the City Department of Internal Affairs

in the city of Novosibirsk from June 25, 2001.

Phone: 8-923-625-45-63


I ask you to assign me a monthly (quarterly) child benefit to Anna Evgenievna Asinova, born on November 20, 2016.


  • A copy of the birth certificate of the daughter – Anna Evgenievna Asinova;
  • A copy of the father’s passport - Evgeniy Sergeevich Asinov;
  • A copy of the mother’s passport – Valentina Mikhailovna Asinova;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Father's income certificate;
  • Certificate of mother's income;
  • Bank details for transfers.

After the birth of a child, one of the parents has every right to contact the human resources department or directly to the accountant of the enterprise where he officially works and ask for a one-time allowance. The payment is made once, at the birth of the first child or other children, for each minor family member.

We will tell you how to correctly fill out an application, because without it the parent will not be provided with help, and we will also determine what a sample document looks like and give examples of applications in different situations.

Rules for filling out an application for a one-time benefit at the birth of a child or children

If you decide to receive a cash payment from the state, you should write an application.

Pay attention to the following rules:

  1. The header of the document should be at the top, on the right side.
  2. In the introductory part, write down the name of the organization, the initials of the boss/supervisor/director, indicate your initials and the position you hold.
  3. The title of the document must be written in the middle of the line, with a capital letter, without quotes and a period at the end. In our case, you must write down “Application”.
  4. The following is the content of the document. It is worth indicating the purpose of your application, that you are asking to provide and assign a one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child or children. Be sure to include the initials of the child/children and date of birth/dates of birth.
  5. List the documents that confirm your right to receive payment. These can be copies of the birth certificates of the child or children, as well as a birth certificate (it can be issued by a doctor at the medical institution where the mother is registered), a certificate from the second parent stating that he did not receive this benefit.

Important: According to the law, only one parent can receive a lump sum payment. Payment is not made to two parents!

At the end of the document, please include the date you are submitting your application and your signature.

If you follow the rules, you can write an application in a matter of minutes.

Sample form and examples of applications for the provision of a one-time benefit upon the birth of a child or children

Sample application:

Examples of filling out applications:

After the birth of the baby, the young mother has the right to financial assistance in the form of a one-time benefit from the state. In order to receive these funds, she needs to write a corresponding application.


Who does the law apply to?

Any woman, regardless of her status, can receive a lump sum payment after the birth of a child.

The law applies equally to students, working and unemployed women.

Also, by agreement between the parents, benefits can be paid to the spouse (father of the child) - but only to one of the parents. If a father who is a military personnel wants to receive funds, he must fill out a special application form indicating the place of service or military unit to which he belongs.

If the child is under guardianship, the guardian receives financial assistance (upon confirmation of the fact of cohabitation with the newborn).

Where to apply

Working women must write an application at their place of work. The accounting department of the enterprise pays the required amount, and the Social Insurance Fund then compensates these funds in full.

If a young mother is not officially employed anywhere, the child’s father can write an application from his employer.

If the husband does not have a job, then the application should be written to the social support service or to the territorial representative office of the Social Insurance Fund.

How to supplement the form

The application must be accompanied by a number of additional documents:

  • document certifying the birth of the child;
  • a certificate from the spouse’s employer stating that he/she was not given benefits through the accounting department of his/her enterprise (if the mother is unmarried or the child does not have an officially identified father, such a certificate does not need to be brought);
  • Divorced women must provide a copy of the divorce certificate;
  • in the case when the application is submitted to government agencies, you may need a certificate from the labor exchange stating that the person is not officially listed as an employee anywhere, or an extract (copy) from the employment record certified by the last employer.

If two or more children were born

When several children are born at once, information about them can be included in one application or a separate form can be filled out for each child.

At the same time, the amount of one-time financial assistance increases depending on how many babies are born (two - the benefit will double, three - three, etc.).

When to expect money and how much it will be

There is no clearly established size of the one-time benefit, since it depends on a combination of several factors (territorial coefficients, inflation indicators, etc.) and changes almost every year.

After submitting an application to the employer, the benefit by law must be paid within 10 days, but if the application was submitted to government services, then before the 25th of each month.

When to apply

Each parent independently has the right to choose the date for submitting an application for payment of a lump sum benefit.

ATTENTION! The law limits the benefit payment period to six months.

In other words, after six months, it will be pointless to write an application for payment of a lump sum benefit.

Sample how to draw up an application for payment of a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child

If you need to write an application for payment of a lump sum benefit for the birth of a child, and you do not know how to do it correctly, read the information below and pay attention to the sample document.

Today, an application for the payment of a one-time benefit can be written in free form or, if the employer or public service offers a document template, in its form.

The application can be drawn up on a regular sheet of any convenient format (but it is better to choose A4 - this is the standard format for business documentation), by hand (with a ballpoint pen with dark ink) or typed on a computer. There is only one important condition here: the form must be certified by the “living” signature of the applicant.

It's best to write a statement in duplicate, one of which should be handed over to the employer or a specialist of a government agency, and the second, after the representative of the receiving party puts a mark of receipt on it, should be kept. In the future, such forethought will avoid possible disagreements about the deadline for filing an application.

The text of the document can be arbitrary.

In the header please indicate:

  • addressee (i.e. the name of the organization - the employer, the territorial branch of the Social Insurance Fund or the social service - depending on where exactly you are sending the application);
  • your last name, first name, patronymic (sometimes you need to include information from your passport on the form).
  • Full name of the newborn, date of birth;
  • a document certifying the birth of the baby;
  • a certificate from the employer of the second parent stating that he did not request and this benefit was not transferred to him (created according to the established rules);
  • an extract from the work book about your last place of work (if the application is submitted to the social security service);
  • if the application is accompanied by a copy of the certificate of separation of marital relations (it is needed if the baby’s parents are divorced) and some other documents (and it is better to check the full list where you plan to submit the application), all this must also be included in form.

Finally, sign the application and submit it to your destination.

A one-time benefit for the birth of a child is provided to one of the parents. The payment can be provided to both the mother and the father. If the parents are officially employed, then the application can be written at the place of work of any of them, and you will need to provide a certificate from the work of the other that he did not receive the payment. If one of them does not work, then a lump sum benefit is paid at the place of employment of the working parent. If both father and mother are not officially employed, the payment is made through the Social Insurance Fund.

To apply for assistance from the state, you will need to prepare an application for a lump sum payment at the birth of a child and you will need to provide additional documents with it:

  • ID card of father and mother;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate of birth of a child from the registry office, which is issued at the time of registration;
  • marriage certificate;
  • divorce certificate if parents are divorced;
  • certificate from the second parent’s place of work. If he is not officially employed, he needs to contact the social protection authorities and request such a certificate there.

How to fill

The paper is drawn up in writing, or in any form. A sample application for a lump sum benefit for the birth of a child can be downloaded below.

Step 1. In the “header” you must indicate the name of the organization if applying from an employer. If in the FSS, then the territorial office to which you are applying.

Step 2. Enter the full name of the manager in the genitive case and your details.

Step 3. State your request for one-time cash assistance. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the full name and date when the baby was born.

Step 4. Be sure to include in the sample application for payment of a lump sum birth benefit a list of all attached documents.

Step 5. Be sure to date and sign the lump sum payment application.

Sample application for child birth benefits

Who is entitled to payment

Almost all categories of citizens can count on financial assistance:

  • officially employed persons subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity clause 27 Pr. Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1012N;
  • persons without a permanent place of work, or students, on the basis of clause 29 of Pr. Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1012N;
  • foreign citizens who live on the territory of the Russian Federation and are subject to compulsory social insurance on the basis of Article 2 of Federal Law No. 255;
  • pizza, who adopted the baby in accordance with paragraph 25 of Pr. Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1012N.

When and how much will they pay?

The money is paid one time for each newborn. If twins or triplets were born, you can indicate all of them in the application at once.

The amount is indexed every year, from 02/01/18 its amount is 16,759.09 rubles.

If the appeal is written at the place of work, then the benefit by law must be paid within 10 days. But if through government services - until the 25th of the next month.

To get help, you need to provide documents no later than six months after the baby is born!

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