Sample application for maternity leave. Sample application for maternity leave

If a woman is officially employed, then at the 30th week of pregnancy she submits a resignation letter to her employer. maternity leave. This application is submitted together with a sick leave certificate previously received at the hospital (the specific day is prescribed by the doctor). If a pregnant woman does not work, she contacts the social protection department, where she provides the same documents. A sample application and the procedure for submitting it are described in detail in the article.

The form of the application itself is arbitrary - it is drawn up in handwritten or printed form on a regular A4 sheet (or on a form approved by the company). Usually the document is drawn up in the name general director or immediate supervisor employee. The application indicates the specific period of leave (to the date), and also writes down the details of the attached sick leave - its number and date of issue. Then the date, the employee’s signature and a description of the signature (last name, initials) are put.

When to apply: step-by-step instructions

The sequence of actions when applying for maternity leave is as follows:

  1. On the appointed day, the woman goes to the hospital and receives a sick leave certificate from the doctor.
  2. Then she draws up a statement and attaches this sheet to it.
  3. After this, she goes on vacation, and then, if necessary, extends it (complications during childbirth).
  4. At the end of the maternity leave, parental leave begins, which lasts until the child reaches 3 years old - you also need to write a separate application for it.

When submitting, it is enough to present the originals:

  • passports;
  • sick leave.

In form and essence, this sick leave is no different from the usual one. However, it is issued immediately for a long period and does not need to be extended (except in cases of deterioration due to complications during childbirth). The duration of the sick leave (i.e. the duration of the leave itself), as well as the timing of its registration are described in the table.

type of pregnancy duration of vacation, in days when to apply**
before birth after birth
regular * 70 70 Week 30
with complications during childbirth 70 86
birth of two or more children 84 110 Week 28
any pregnancy provided the woman lives in unfavorable areas *** 91 69 Week 27

* This refers to the birth of 1 child, without complications during childbirth

** This refers to what week of pregnancy

*** This refers to areas/regions with radiation contamination

After accepting the application, the manager marks the visa as “Agreed” or “I do not object.” Then published corresponding order about an employee going on vacation. She must familiarize herself with this document in person, putting her signature at the end of the text (along with the date). After that in due date a woman goes on vacation and returns to work exactly after her sick leave expires.

The benefit is assigned within 10 working days from the date of maternity leave. It translates to salary card employees in a single payment (i.e. for all days at once, as in the case of regular leave).

Both premature birth and its delay cannot be a reason for increasing leave. However, the employee has the right to issue additional leave or extend sick leave if the doctor agrees to do so for medical reasons.

How to calculate the amount of maternity benefit

As a general rule, vacation pay is calculated based on the average income for the last 2 calendar years(in the same company and in all other organizations where the woman worked during this period). The amount is defined as average earnings, divided by 730 or 731 (for leap years) day. This value is then multiplied by the number of days the employee will spend on maternity leave. In this case, the amount cannot be lower than the minimum wage, which in this moment is 11,163 rubles per month (just over 500 rubles per day).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation is one of social guarantees protection of motherhood and childhood, it is the employer’s obligation, upon receipt of a document such as an application for maternity leave, to provide the employee with rest time. This is a mandatory personnel document. Only a certificate of incapacity for work does not entail the obligation to provide leave.

Most people in Everyday life use the wording maternity leave and include sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, and. However this different periods rest time and they are formalized different orders. And they are initiated by different statements.

Example of an application for maternity leave

To the head of the branch

PJSC "LoftBusinessBank"

B.V. Gataullin

Voznesenskaya Veronica Pavlovna

Application for maternity leave

Please provide me in accordance with Art. 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, maternity leave from April 20, 2017 to September 6, 2017 and pay maternity benefits and a one-time benefit in connection with registration with a medical institution in the early stages. I am attaching a certificate of incapacity for work and a certificate of registration.


  1. Temporary disability certificate dated April 20, 2017, series ВЗ No. 56875446.
  2. Help from antenatal clinic No. 11 of April 20, 2017 No. 6874.

04/20/2017 Voznesenskaya V.P.

Rules for registration of maternity leave

As can be seen from the example above, in order to provide such rest time, you will need a sick leave - a certificate of incapacity for work, which is issued to all pregnant women at the antenatal clinic where they are registered. And maternity leave is provided exclusively to women in an employment relationship.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the duration of leave:

140 days – during pregnancy with one baby: 70 days before the expected date of birth and 70 days after;

194 days – for multiple pregnancies: 84 days before birth and 110 after;

156 days – if the birth was complicated: 70 days before birth and 86 after. In this case additional days rest are issued after childbirth on a special certificate of incapacity for work, the employee draws up on this basis.

Neither premature birth nor its delay are grounds for revising the leave period. Sick leave is issued in advance at the antenatal clinic and, together with an application for maternity leave, is presented to the employer. If a woman works, at her request, the consultation must issue the required number of certificates of incapacity for work.

It is the employee’s right to take leave. She may not use it, continuing to go to work and receive wages. And submit your application later.

Completing an application for maternity leave

Having received sick leave at the 30th week of pregnancy, the employee submits an application for maternity leave. Always in in writing V free form. It makes sense in the document to reflect the intention to receive maternity benefits. If a woman registers with a pregnancy consultation for up to 12 weeks, she has the right to receive an additional one-time benefit (583 rubles in 2016). Then the application is also accompanied by a certificate of this fact from consultation (ask your doctor).

In addition to those working on employment contract women can receive maternity benefits for women who are military service, registered as unemployed upon dismissal from previous place work to liquidate an organization or reduce the number of staff (positions), as well as students.

An application for maternity leave is submitted to the human resources department or the head of the organization, who issues a corresponding order and grants leave until the date specified on the certificate of incapacity for work.

The concept of “maternity leave” appeared in 1917. It was then, just established Soviet power The first regulatory act was adopted establishing maternity benefits for working women. This normative document was called “maternity leave,” and the leave that women began to be granted is still called “maternity leave.”

Currently, the provision of maternity leave is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the procedure for their provision has changed significantly since then. This article will tell you how to correctly write an application for maternity leave and what this leave represents.

Maternity leave - what is it?

Women in our country are provided various benefits and guarantees associated with motherhood. The legislation provides for two types of leave for women who have given birth to a child:

  • leave granted in connection with pregnancy and childbirth,
  • leave provided to care for a child.

It is also necessary to add that employees who have adopted a child are also granted adoption leave. If this employee is a woman, then in order to avoid publicity of the fact of adoption, the employee can take maternity leave.

Expert opinion

Maria Bogdanova

The obligation to provide leave to employees who have adopted a newborn child or several such children is considered in the articles Labor Code Russian Federation. In particular, Art. 257 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is devoted specifically to the provision of leave after adoption. Such leave to care for an adopted child is paid in the same way as leave to care for natural children. Namely, each month of care is paid in the amount of 40% of average earnings, but there are established standards minimum and maximum benefits. Adoptive parents have the right to receive maternity capital in the event that the adopted child is the second or subsequent in the family.

Duration of maternity leave and amount of payments in 2019

In order to correctly write an application for maternity leave, as well as to complete it correctly in general, you need to know how much leave a woman is entitled to apply for. The terms of maternity leave are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and may be established by some other laws.

The Labor Code establishes total term maternity leave at 140 calendar days. It consists of two parts: the first is the prenatal period, the second part is the postpartum period.

As a general rule, the duration of these periods is equal, and each of them takes 70 days. But depending on various kinds circumstances, these deadlines may be extended. So, in the case of a multiple pregnancy, a woman can be on leave until the birth of the child for 84 days. If the birth was complicated, the period after birth increases to 86 days. The birth of several children allows a woman to take a break from work for 110 days after giving birth.

Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that essential point in this situation is the very moment of childbirth. So medical workers It is not always possible to accurately determine the expected date of birth. The Code stipulates that leave is granted in total; its amount is not affected by the number of days the woman used before giving birth. This legal provision implies that if a woman gives birth earlier than expected, this increases the postpartum period of leave.

In addition to the Labor Code, cases of increasing the duration of maternity leave are provided for by the law on social protection citizens affected by the impact of the Chernobyl accident. Thus, Law No. 1244-1 provides that prenatal leave for women who live in contaminated areas is established in the amount of 90 days.

Expert opinion

Maria Bogdanova

More than 6 years of experience. Specialization: contract law, labor law, right social security, right intellectual property, civil process, protection of the rights of minors, legal psychology

Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies specific amounts payments. Thus, from January 1, 2019, taking into account indexation, the amount of the benefit for registration in the early stages of pregnancy is 628.47 rubles. Size lump sum benefit at the birth of a child - 16,759.09.

Application for maternity leave: what should be in the document

Taking leave is a woman's voluntary right. The state does not force her to mandatory take advantage of it. At the same time, there is no requirement for the employer to send the employee on leave. Therefore, in order to start the vacation registration procedure, an application from the employee is required. Only upon receipt of an application, an employee of the HR department begins processing documents for maternity leave.

The application form is not established by regulatory documents. Such a statement is drawn up by hand or on a computer at the woman’s discretion. The application must be signed by the employee herself. The content of the application is determined by the requirements of regulations regarding the provision of maternity leave and general rules paperwork.

Initially, the application indicates its addressee - the head of the employer organization or individual entrepreneur, who will consider the issue of the employee’s leave. Of course, it is impossible to refuse to grant a woman maternity leave, and therefore the manager’s resolution on the application is only a kind of organizational formality. The application may also be addressed to others officials organizations authorized to decide personnel issues, in accordance with the power of attorney or order. The addressee must indicate the surname and initials, position, as well as the name of the employer's organization. When indicating from whom the application was written, it is also necessary to indicate the surname and initials of the applicant and position.

After indicating the name of the document, the applicant expresses her desire to go on maternity leave. Indicates its duration. Lists attached documents. The vacation period is indicated in accordance with the certificate of incapacity for work issued medical institution. The application is signed by the employee. Attached to it are the originals of the provisions provided regulations documents.

Documents attached to the application

As a general rule, the applicant attaches the original certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave) to the application for maternity leave. This document must be issued by a medical institution that has the appropriate medical license. It confirms to the employer the fact that the employee is pregnant and the period for which maternity leave is required. Already on at this stage, for example, it may be established that the employee is expecting not one, but several children and, accordingly, she is entitled to extended leave.

But if the certificate of incapacity for work is necessary document, then the employee may not always attach a certificate from the antenatal clinic to the application. This is due to the fact that when a woman registers with medical organization in connection with pregnancy. The legislation provides that a woman who registers in the early stages of pregnancy has the right to receive a special benefit. This benefit is paid to the employee at the place where she receives maternity benefits. That is, for working women, at their place of work. In order to receive it, the applicant does not need to write separate statement, everything can be combined in one application for maternity leave.

Benefits received by a woman on maternity leave

While on maternity leave, a woman can claim several types of benefits received from the state:

  • maternity benefit,
  • child birth benefit,
  • benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy.

The benefit that is paid at the birth of a child today, from January 1, 2015, is 14,497 rubles 80 kopecks. This amount of benefit is established by the law on benefits for persons with children. In the case of the birth of two or more children, the benefit is paid for each child. For working citizens, applying for benefits must be done at their place of work.

As already mentioned, benefits for registration in the early stages of pregnancy are also paid at the place of work. Its size today, taking into account indexation, is 543 rubles 67 kopecks.

Maternity benefits are also paid by the employer, its amount is calculated in accordance with the average earnings of the employee.

How to apply for maternity leave

For an employee on maternity leave, it is necessary to continue filling out the timesheet used by the employer to record working hours. The days when the maternity leave is on vacation are filled in by the person responsible for recording the work and rest time of employees, with the letter “P” or numeric code“14” the basis for affixing these codes is the same certificate of incapacity for work

Every woman who plans to become a mother wonders whether she needs to write an application for maternity leave.

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We will determine which rules for granting maternity leave are valid in 2019, how to apply for it - what certificates to submit and how to make an application.

Any leave is granted, and benefits are paid only after appropriate registration. Maternity leave is no exception. To go there, a woman must write a statement.

And here the questions begin: is there an approved form that can be simply filled out, what information is important to include, and how to correctly specify the duration of the maternity leave. Let's consider the main nuances.

What you need to know

The peculiarity of maternity leave in the Russian Federation is that only a woman can take it. The father cannot arrange such leave. He is only entitled to parental leave.

After providing a number of certificates (including), the woman will receive benefits. Its payment is made for all days that fall during temporary disability.

The amount of the benefit is determined taking into account wages insured persons 2 years before registration.

But it is established minimum amount, which can be paid - this benefit cannot be less than the minimum wage.

The application is drawn up for the following purposes:

  • that maternity benefits be issued;
  • so that a woman can keep her workplace for the period of maternity leave.

Normative base

A woman’s right to maternity leave is stated in, which is valid after acceptance.

Helpful information contained in and other regulatory documents. The law states that this type of leave is provided not only for one’s own children, but also for adopted children under the age of three months.

A number of amendments have been made to the conditions for granting maternity leave.

Previously, employers had to renew contracts with employees during pregnancy before the baby was born. Now women can receive postpartum leave and, accordingly, the entire amount of the entitlement benefit.

Do I need to write an application for maternity leave?

The application is the main reason for the expectant mother to go on vacation. Its form can be free. The employer must register the document.

Not approved by law unified form statements. But there are some rules that are worth considering when drawing it up.

General drafting rules

There is some information that must be reflected in the document. You need to write:

The following is a request for maternity leave, as well as payment of maternity benefits, a one-time benefit (if the woman registers with the consultation at early pregnancy).

Details must be provided bank account, to which funds will be transferred. They write which method of receiving benefits is suitable.

At the end there is a signature, the woman’s full name and the date. The application can be written by hand or typed on a computer. The main thing is that the woman puts her signature on it.

As you can see, you only need to write one application - both for maternity leave and for benefits paid for temporary disability.

Employers do not have the right to refuse women access. This means that the management’s resolution on the statement is only an organizational formality.

You can indicate the manager as the addressee of the application legal entity, or another that resolves personnel issues.

But in in this case such a person must have or have drawn up an order granting certain powers.

When expressing her desire to use maternity leave, a woman must indicate its duration. Such terms are specified in the sick leave certificate. At the bottom of the application, the documents that are attached are listed.

IN general cases To the application, the woman must attach the original certificate of incapacity for work, which is issued by a licensed medical institution.

Such a document will confirm that the woman is indeed pregnant. The document will indicate the period for which expectant mother must go on maternity leave.

It is determined taking into account the number of babies being carried. If a woman is expecting twins, the vacation is extended. A certificate of incapacity for work is a mandatory document.

Select category 1. Business law(230) 1.1. Instructions for starting a business (26) 1.2. Opening an individual entrepreneur (26) 1.3. Changes in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (4) 1.4. Closing an individual entrepreneur (5) 1.5. LLC (39) 1.5.1. Opening an LLC (27) 1.5.2. Changes in LLC (6) 1.5.3. Liquidation of LLC (5) 1.6. OKVED (31) 1.7. Licensing entrepreneurial activity (12) 1.8. Cash discipline and accounting (69) 1.8.1. Payroll calculation (3) 1.8.2. Maternity payments(7) 1.8.3. Temporary disability benefit (11) 1.8.4. General issues accounting (8) 1.8.5. Inventory (13) 1.8.6. Cash discipline (13) 1.9. Business checks (14) 10. Online cash registers (9) 2. Entrepreneurship and taxes (398) 2.1. General tax issues (25) 2.10. Tax on professional income (6) 2.2. USN (44) 2.3. UTII (46) 2.3.1. Coefficient K2 (2) 2.4. BASIC (34) 2.4.1. VAT (17) 2.4.2. Personal income tax (6) 2.5. Patent system (24) 2.6. Trading Fees (8) 2.7. Insurance premiums (58) 2.7.1. Off-budget funds(9) 2.8. Reporting (82) 2.9. Tax benefits (71) 3. Useful programs and services (40) 3.1. Taxpayer legal entity (9) 3.2. Services Tax Ru (12) 3.3. Services pension reporting(4) 3.4. Business Pack (1) 3.5. Online calculators (3) 3.6. Online inspection (1) 4. Governmental support small business (6) 5. PERSONNEL (100) 5.1. Vacation (7) 5.10 Salary (5) 5.2. Maternity benefits (1) 5.3. Sick leave(7) 5.4. Dismissal (11) 5.5. General (21) 5.6. Local acts And personnel documents(8) 5.7. Occupational safety (8) 5.8. Hiring (3) 5.9. Foreign personnel (1) 6. Contractual relationship(34) 6.1. Bank of contracts (15) 6.2. Conclusion of an agreement (9) 6.3. Additional agreements to the agreement (2) 6.4. Termination of the contract (5) 6.5. Claims (3) 7. The legislative framework(37) 7.1. Explanations of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia (15) 7.1.1. Types of activities on UTII (1) 7.2. Laws and regulations(12) 7.3. GOSTs and technical regulations (10) 8. Forms of documents (81) 8.1. Source documents(35) 8.2. Declarations (25) 8.3. Powers of attorney (5) 8.4. Application forms (11) 8.5. Decisions and protocols (2) 8.6. LLC charters (3) 9. Miscellaneous (24) 9.1. NEWS (4) 9.2. CRIMEA (5) 9.3. Lending (2) 9.4. Legal disputes (4)
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