Social science.

Where to go to study? Become a social educator or choose a humanitarian profession? How can you decide if the possibilities are enormous, but understanding what is what is quite difficult? Questions, questions, questions... And they worry many young people, and not only them. We will try to answer them and give the main indicators of how the humanities differ from the social sciences.

Definition of humanities and social sciences

Humanities - if we describe them in simple language, they study man from the point of view of his spiritual, cultural, moral, social and mental sphere. There is also some overlap with the social sciences, while at the same time being opposed to the hard or natural sciences. If in mathematics, physics or chemistry specificity and accuracy are needed, then in literature, psychology, ethics, etc. there are clear definitions, but at the same time the subject is given in all possible versatility and interpretation. So that every person can find something of their own in this. Among the humanities we can highlight: literature, law, history, pedagogy, aesthetics and many others.
Social sciences - there are certain similarities and intersections with such subjects as history, pedagogy, psychology, but the subject of study is presented from a slightly different position. In this group of academic disciplines, it is important to study aspects of human existence in relation to his social activities. That is, it’s not just that such and such events happened in such and such a year, but how exactly what happened influenced a person’s life, and the person influenced the events. What happened in the worldview, what were the shifts, conclusions and subsequent actions.
Social sciences are a subjective understanding of an issue for each person, despite the existence of clear definitions. And like the humanities cycle, they are very different from the exact disciplines with their specificity and objectivity.

Comparison of humanities and social sciences

First of all, it is worth noting the undoubted similarity between the social and the humanitarian. You can even say that social sciences are a kind of subsection of the humanities with their own specific features.
Social sciences are focused on society and specific people. The existence of man and how it relates to society is studied. At the same time, the humanitarian cycle involves the study of disciplines that are not necessarily related to specific people in relation to social activities. Here it is more important to consider the issue so that each person can find something of his own.
Sociology is not only theory, but also practice - various studies, surveys, testing of human personal qualities. Humanities subjects are more theoretical, and where practice is required, there is no clear orientation towards society, and abstract concepts are often considered. determined that the difference between the humanities and social sciences is as follows:

Social sciences are focused on humans in terms of their social activities, while the humanities often pursue abstract goals and consider abstract concepts.
The social sciences have practical tools that are focused on the study of society and people, but the humanities often do not need this.

1. Natural And social sciences and humanities

Natural And social and humanitarian Sciences study man. Its biological nature is being studied natural science, and the social qualities of man - public.
The natural and social sciences are markedly different from each other.
Natural study nature that existed and can exist independently of humans. Public Sciences cannot study society without studying the activities of the people living in it, their thoughts and aspirations. If in natural in the sciences, object and subject are different, then in public- object and subject coincide => public Sciences cannot be objective.
Like other areas of scientific research, social sciences have the goal of comprehending the truth, discovering the objective laws of the functioning of society, and trends in its development.

2. Classification of social sciences and humanities

  • Historical Sciences(domestic history, general history, archeology, ethnography, etc.)
  • Economic Sciences(economic theory, accounting, statistics, etc.)
  • Philosophical Sciences(history of philosophy, logic, ethics, aesthetics, etc.)
  • Philological sciences(linguistics, literary criticism, journalism, etc.)
  • Legal sciences(history of legal doctrines, constitutional law, etc.)
  • Pedagogical Sciences(general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, etc.)
  • Psychological Sciences(general psychology, personality psychology, etc.)
  • Sociological sciences(theory, methodology and history of sociology, demography, etc.)
  • Political science(theory of politics, political technologies, etc.)
  • Cultural studies(theory and history of culture, museology, etc.)
3. Sociology, political science, social psychology

Sociology- the science of general and specific social laws and patterns of development and functioning of historically defined social systems, of the mechanisms of action and forms of manifestation of these laws in the activities of people, social groups, classes, peoples.

In other words, sociology is the science of society as an integral system, of the laws of its formation, functioning and development.

Political science (in the narrow sense) - one of the sciences that studies politics, namely the general theory of politics, which studies the specific patterns of relations between social actors regarding power and influence, a special type of interaction between those in power and the ruled, those in control and the controlled.

Political science (in a broad sense) includes all political knowledge and is a complex of disciplines that study politics: the history of political thought, political philosophy, political sociology, political psychology, etc.

In other words, in this interpretation, political science acts as a single, integral science that comprehensively studies politics. It is based on applied research that uses various methods, including those existing in sociology and other social sciences.

Social Psychology - studies the patterns of behavior and activities of people determined by the factor of inclusion in social groups, as well as the psychological characteristics of these same groups.

4. Specificity of philosophical knowledge

Eternal problems of philosophy - questions that human thought posed long ago retain their significance.

Philosophy always turns to history. The new philosophical systems created do not cancel previously put forward concepts and principles, but continue to coexist with them in a single cultural and cognitive space, therefore philosophy always pluralistic, is diverse in its schools and directions.

Philosophizing- This is a type of speculative activity. Philosophy is different from science. Philosophical knowledge is multi-layered. Within philosophy, relatively independent areas of knowledge have been formed quite a long time ago: the doctrine of being - ontology; the doctrine of knowledge - epistemology; the science of morality - ethics; a science that studies beauty in reality, the laws of the development of art - aesthetics.

Philosophical knowledge includes such important areas for understanding society and man as philosophical anthropology- the doctrine of the essence and nature of man, about the specifically human way of being, as well as social philosophy.

Social philosophy makes its full contribution to the development of a wide range of problems: society as an integrity; patterns of social development; the structure of society as a system; meaning, direction and resources of social development; the relationship between the spiritual and material aspects of social life; man as a subject of social action; features of social cognition.


  1. The very term “social and humanitarian knowledge” indicates that social science includes two types of knowledge: Social sciencies oriented towards the study of structures, general connections and patterns and humanitarian knowledge with its focus on a specifically individual description of the phenomena and events of social life, human interactions and personalities.
  2. For the social sciences, people are elements of the objective picture that these sciences determined, then for humanitarian knowledge On the contrary, the forms of scientific activity clarify their meaning as patterns included in the joint and individual lives of people.
  3. Social and humanitarian scientific disciplines have one thing in common and at the same time the main link is man. A certain number of people make up a society (this is studied by social sciences), in which each person plays his own role (this is studied by humanities).

Social Sciences

Philosophy. Philosophy studies society from the point of view of its essence: structure, ideological foundations, the relationship between spiritual and material factors in it. Since it is society that generates, develops and transmits meanings, philosophy that studies meanings pays central attention to society and its problems. Any philosophical study necessarily touches on the topic of society, since human thought always unfolds in a social context that predetermines its structure.

Story. History examines the progressive development of societies, giving a description of the phases of their development, structure, structure, features and characteristics. Different schools of historical knowledge place emphasis on different aspects of history. The focus of the classical historical school is religion, culture, worldview, the social and political structure of society, a description of the periods of its development and the most important events and characters in social history.

Anthropology. Anthropology – literally, “the science of man” – typically studies archaic societies, in which it seeks to find the key to understanding more developed cultures. According to evolutionist theory, history is a single linear and unidirectional flow of development of society, etc. “primitive peoples” or “savages” live to this day in the same social conditions as all of humanity in ancient times. Therefore, by studying “primitive societies”, one can obtain “reliable” information about the initial stages of the formation of societies that went through other, later and “developed” stages in their development.

Sociology. Sociology is a discipline whose main object is society itself, studied as an integral phenomenon.

Political science. Political science studies society in its political dimension, exploring the development and change of power systems and institutions of society, the transformation of the political system of states, and the change of political ideologies.

Culturology. Culturology views society as a cultural phenomenon. In this perspective, social content manifests itself through culture generated and developed by society. Society in cultural studies acts as a subject of culture and at the same time as the field on which cultural creativity unfolds and in which cultural phenomena are interpreted. Culture, understood in a broad sense, covers the entire set of social values ​​that create a collective portrait of the identity of each specific society.

Jurisprudence. Jurisprudence primarily examines social relations in the legal aspect, which they acquire when fixed in legislative acts. Legal systems and institutions reflect the prevailing trends in social development and combine ideological, political, historical, cultural and value attitudes of society.

Economy. Economics studies the economic structure of various societies, examines the impact of economic activity on social institutions, structures and relationships. The Marxist method of political economy makes economic analysis the main tool in the study of society, reducing social research to clarifying its economic background.

Social Science. Social science summarizes the approaches of all social disciplines. The discipline “Social Science” contains elements of all the above-described scientific disciplines that help to understand and correctly interpret basic social meanings, processes and institutions.

Articles are accepted for the new (first in the world) strictly scientific journal of exact human sciences:

Social sciences are the sciences of society about society, the main part of the goblin sciences, non-normative sciences.

The leading part of the doctrine of the Trinity, in which society corresponds to the Father (see doctrine of the Trinity).

Social scientists are apologists for the social sciences.

Social sciences are a monument, an example of Eastern mentality.

Characteristic feature of social sciences

The proposition that any person must be a member of some society, and being such a member, he is not interesting as a separate being. Social sciences love to talk about human rights and freedoms, but specific proposals in the form of legal norms are disgusting to them, since all human sciences are non-normative. Again, by an individual person, social sciences always and everywhere mean a certain ideal model of a member of society.

Distinctive features of the social sciences

  • extra-legal, authoritarian approaches. The study of current legislation and the introduction of specific proposals to it are minimal and random. The total predominance of references to authoritative judgments,
  • they study not all people, but some aggregates or models of people (individual, randomly taken, and most importantly, each and every person is not included in the scope of these sciences),
  • the main “object” of research is relationships. Therefore, they study not so much people as what they must learn or have learned.

Differences from normative sciences that study people as a collection of impersonal units

Differences from exact sciences

Anthropology, biology, medicine, etc. They also study not all people, but some populations or models of people. The main difference between these and social sciences is that the task of the former is an extremely accurate description of the object under study, while the task of the latter does not include an accurate description.

Differences from legal sciences

To paraphrase the words of the outstanding memoid M.M. Bakhtin, we can say that

The unification of social and legal (legal) sciences into one whole “is called mechanical,
if its individual elements are connected only in space and time by an external connection, and not
imbued with an internal unity of meaning. The parts of such a whole, although they lie nearby and
touch each other, but in themselves they are alien to each other.

Legal sciences also study not so much people as what people must learn or have learned, namely laws and norms.

A text on legal science is written on the basis of direct research into legislation with the aim of improving it. The text of the social sciences is usually written without any regard to the current legislation in order to give a parallel interpretation of the words, terms, and concepts adopted in the legislation. This feature is very remarkable in cultural studies, because every author of a textbook or lecture tries to come up with his own interpretation of the concept of “culture.”

The main difference between legal and social sciences is that the task of the former is the logical systematization of norms in the form of laws, codes and constitutions, and the task of the latter is illogical dogma based on the distortion of words and confusion of concepts.

List of social sciences

Social sciences should include all sciences that contain political, sociological, cultural teachings, teachings about personality, etc. The list of social sciences thus includes the following sciences:

  • History (in the part in which it contains cultural studies, political science, etc.)
  • Pedagogy
  • Psychology (in the part in which it contains the doctrine of personality, etc.)
  • Regional studies (in the part in which it contains cultural studies, etc.)

    Social Sciences- sciences that study society and human relations. Social sciences include psychology, economics, political science, sociology, and geography. Appointment O.n. implies the use of the same principles that apply... ... Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

    This article or section needs revision. Please improve the article in accordance with the rules for writing articles... Wikipedia

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    Scientific interdisciplinary journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 1976 (originally published under the title “Social Sciences”, since 1991 modern name), Moscow. Founder (1998) Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 6 issues per year... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - “Social Sciences”, quarterly scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences in English, since 1970, Moscow. Prints a selection of original articles prepared by scientists from 30 institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Also published and distributed in the USA... encyclopedic Dictionary

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