General, official and special duties of military personnel. A serviceman is obliged. What are the main duties of a serviceman?

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CHARTER OF THE INTERNAL SERVICE OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 12/14/93) (as amended on 12/18/2006) (2019) Relevant in 2018

General duties of military personnel

13. A serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in his official activities is guided by the requirements of laws, military regulations and should not be associated with the activities of public or other organizations and associations pursuing political goals.

The serviceman is obliged:

to be faithful to the Military Oath, to selflessly serve one’s people, courageously, skillfully, not sparing one’s blood and life itself, to defend the Russian Federation, to fulfill one’s military duty, to steadfastly endure the difficulties of military service;

strictly observe the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, fulfill the requirements of military regulations;

Constantly acquire military professional knowledge, improve your training and military skills;

be honest, disciplined, brave, and show reasonable initiative when performing military duty;

unquestioningly obey commanders (superiors) and protect them in battle, protect the Battle Banner of the military unit;

to value military camaraderie, not sparing one’s life, to rescue comrades from danger, to help them in word and deed, to respect the honor and dignity of everyone, to avoid rudeness and bullying towards oneself and other military personnel, to restrain them from unworthy acts;

Observe the rules of military politeness, behavior and performance of military greetings, always be in uniform, clean and neatly dressed;

be vigilant, strictly maintain military and state secrets.

14. A serviceman must with dignity bear the high title of defender of the Russian Federation, value the honor and military glory of the Armed Forces, his military unit and the honor of his military rank.

15. A serviceman is obliged to show patriotism, value the international friendship of peoples, and contribute to the strengthening of brotherhood between nations and nationalities. When training and educating military personnel, respect for their national feelings, customs and traditions must be shown. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use Russian as the state language. Military personnel with poor command of the Russian language are provided with teaching aids, time is allocated, and other conditions are created for learning the language.

16. Military personnel are obliged to show respect to each other, to assist commanders (superiors) and elders in maintaining order and discipline. He is obliged to report everything that happened to a serviceman that affects the performance of his duties, and any comments made to him to his immediate superior. In case of violation of the rules of relations between military personnel defined by military regulations, he must immediately take measures to restore order and also report to his immediate superior.

17. A serviceman must comply with the safety requirements of military service, measures to prevent diseases, injuries and defeats, daily increase physical training and fitness, and refrain from bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol).

18. For official matters, a serviceman must contact his immediate superior and, with his permission, the next superior in command. For personal questions, a serviceman must also contact his immediate superior, and in case of special need, a senior superior. When making a proposal, application or filing a complaint, a serviceman is guided by the provisions of the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

19. A serviceman is obliged to know and strictly observe the international rules for the conduct of military operations, the treatment of the wounded, sick, shipwrecked, and the civilian population in the area of ​​combat operations, as well as prisoners of war.

20. During combat operations, a serviceman, even being separated from his military unit (unit) and completely surrounded, is obliged to provide decisive resistance to the enemy, avoiding capture. He is obliged to fully fulfill his military duty in battle. If a serviceman, finding himself separated from his troops and having exhausted all means and methods of resistance, or being in a helpless state due to a serious wound or shell shock, is captured by the enemy, he must seek and use every opportunity to free himself and his comrades from captivity and return to their troops. During interrogation, a serviceman captured by the enemy has the right to provide only his last name, first name, patronymic, military rank, date of birth and personal number. He is obliged to maintain the dignity of a warrior, sacredly keep military and state secrets, show steadfastness and courage, help other military personnel who are in captivity, keep them from collaborating with the enemy, and reject the enemy’s attempts to use the military man to cause damage to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and Russia. Military personnel captured as prisoners of war, as well as those interned in neutral countries, retain the status of military personnel. The military command and other authorized government bodies are obliged to take measures in accordance with international law to protect the rights of these military personnel and return them to their homeland.

The primary responsibilities of military personnel are numerous. After all, these people are representatives of state power. And, accordingly, they have plenty of responsibilities. And military people bear a great responsibility. However, in addition to all this, they also have rights. However, first things first.

General position

To begin with, I would like to list the main responsibilities of military personnel. Firstly, each of them must keep faith in the oath and, accordingly, in the Fatherland. Serve the people, defend the Russian Federation, fulfill military duty and bravely endure difficulties.

Secondly, each of them is obliged to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the Constitution. Thirdly, constantly acquire new professional knowledge, improve skills and improve existing skills.

Also, the main responsibilities of military personnel include knowledge and maintenance in constant combat readiness of the equipment and weapons that were entrusted to them. They must also take care of everything listed, keep it intact and safe. And make sure that unauthorized persons cannot get close to the weapon.

Moral component

Every soldier must remain honest, brave and disciplined. The exercise of reasonable initiative in the performance of duty is encouraged. But unquestioning obedience to superiors and commanders is mandatory. Also, all military personnel must protect the Battle Banner. And, of course, value your comrades, respect each of them and observe all the rules of military politeness and honor - keep state and other secrets.

Service nuances

The main responsibilities of military personnel were listed above. But this is just a small list of them.

In addition, every military man should know that if any official questions arise, then you only need to contact your superior, directly. If necessary, to resolve the situation, he will be sent to higher-ups.

The same goes for personal issues. If you have any proposals, complaints, or want to make a statement or appeal, then, first of all, you need to be guided by the provisions of the Constitution and the Charter. After all, the basic rights and responsibilities of military personnel are determined by these documents.

Everyone is also obliged to comply with and know the norms of international humanitarian law. A military man must be able to communicate with the wounded, sick, and other victims, as well as with prisoners, clergy and medical personnel.

In battle

Talking about what the main duties of a military man are the most important, one cannot fail to note those that he must perform during combat operations.

Even if he is separated from his unit, he must resist with all his might so as not to be captured. Military duty must be performed with honor. And, even in the case of absolute helplessness and serious injury, he must try to find an opportunity to save his life and his comrades if they were also captured.

During interrogation, a military man can provide his rank, full name, personal number and date of birth. The main task is to preserve dignity, honor, and state secrets. Any attempts by an opponent to use military personnel to cause damage to Russia and the RF Armed Forces must be nipped in the bud. All that remains is to wait for liberation, which commanders and superiors will certainly facilitate.


Absolutely every military man carries it, regardless of position and rank. Everyone is equal before the law.

The military man is obliged to bear disciplinary responsibility. If he committed an offense, violated the Charter, honor or morals, he must be punished.

Military personnel bear administrative responsibility on a general basis. But penalties such as fines and correctional labor cannot be applied to them.

They bear civil liability for failure to fulfill their duty. Or for damage caused to the state. Also, the military may bear financial liability. And criminal. But, usually, they are brought to only one type of responsibility for offenses. As punishment, military personnel are subject to disciplinary action. If material damage has been caused, the perpetrator shall compensate for it. A military man is not exempt from criminal liability, regardless of his position and rank.

About rights

As mentioned at the very beginning, the military does not only have responsibilities and duties. They also have rights.

Each of them is under the protection of their state. The basic rights and responsibilities of military personnel are determined by constitutional and federal laws. And no one has the right to restrict them in the freedoms that are guaranteed to them by the authorities. Also, no one is allowed to interfere with the official activities of the military. Except, of course, for authorized persons.

But otherwise, the state guarantees its defenders not only legal, but also social protection. Their lives and health are protected by the authorities. Chiefs and commanders who neglect the rights of military personnel and do not fulfill their duties towards subordinates are subject to appropriate punishment.


Talking about what the main responsibilities of a military personnel are, as well as about his rights, one cannot help but touch upon the topic of weapons. People who defend the state have the right to keep, carry, use and use it. Moreover, both during the performance of duties and outside of duty. Only in this case the owner of the weapon must ensure its safety.

In special cases it can be applied. A military man has the right to resort to weapons to repel an armed or group attack on military and government facilities, military units, subunits, echelons, guards, etc. And also - if someone forcibly tries to take possession of equipment and weapons.

You can also protect civilians and military personnel with weapons. But in the event that another method is not possible. And if someone takes illegal actions, resists and refuses to stop them, then it is also allowed to detain him using a weapon.

Soldiers and sailors

Most of the people in the RF Armed Forces are privates. In our country, every guy must undergo military service. Which is what most of them do. And at first they are all privates (lowest rank). Some manage to earn the rank of corporal or junior sergeant within a year. But according to statistics, ordinary people are still the majority. And it is also necessary to talk about their responsibilities, since this is the largest category in the RF Armed Forces.

All privates (soldiers and sailors) report to the squad commander. They are obliged to preserve the integrity of the property that was issued to them. When a soldier is entrusted with a weapon, he must return it in good condition.

Everything that commanders teach privates, they are obliged to remember. Naturally, the main, general responsibilities of military personnel (private soldiers) include daily hardening and self-training. Every soldier must know the full names of all direct superiors, their positions and ranks, and also show them due respect.

A private must always be dressed in uniform. Its condition must be carefully monitored, just like your shoes. Weapons must always be in good working order, cleaned and ready for battle. Safety requirements, of course, must also be observed. And, if there is a need to leave, the soldier must approach the squad commander to ask permission. Afterwards, report your arrival.

Features of urgent service

The above is not all that a soldier will have to do. In addition to physical, combat, fire, theoretical and service training, he is also expected to be on duty, patrol and watch. In a word – outfits. Every private goes through them.

Being on duty in a company involves performing a lot of duties. Firstly, the person appointed to this position monitors the exact daily routine, the safety of boxes of ammunition, weapons, and the correct performance of duty by the orderlies. When the alarm is announced, the duty officer raises the personnel. He does the same at the set time (6:00). If any incident occurs, it takes measures to eliminate it. This is the most important thing. The list of responsibilities amounts to dozens of items.

Any soldier can be assigned an objective, daily and garrison outfit. Sometimes - out of turn, but this is a misdemeanor.


You should also know what people who control entire units, companies, platoons, battalions must do. Often, by the way, this topic is even discussed in schools - for general education it would not hurt to know the basic responsibilities of military personnel. Life safety is the name of the subject within which schoolchildren receive this knowledge. Typically, such topics are raised in the last grade, so that future defenders of the Motherland know what they will need to deal with.

So, students are often given the following question: “List the main responsibilities of military personnel and the commander.” It can be answered quite easily.

The main task of the commander is to train his subordinates (soldiers). It strengthens their love for the Motherland, instills respect for service, military equipment and weapons, develops drill bearing and improves physical endurance. Also controls the execution of combat missions by subordinates. And not only in peacetime, but also in wartime. But every commander is also obliged to take care of the soldiers, understand their needs and provide them with everything they need. Seeing a worthy example before them, the rank and file will fulfill their basic duties as military personnel with a sense of duty.

Life safety, 11th grade education on this topic can also arouse interest in the army in future soldiers. So the basics of life safety are a rather useful subject.

About service

And finally, a few words about in what cases a military person is considered to be in service.

He is such if he participates in hostilities or performs tasks in conditions of an emergency or armed conflict. A person also serves while performing official duties, combat duty (attack, guard), an order or instruction given by the commander.

If a military man goes on a business trip, is hospitalized, undergoes training, or is captured, he is still in service. Moreover, even if it goes missing (unknown absence), it is formally considered so. In general, if we draw a conclusion, a military man who has taken the oath is always in service.

The serviceman is obliged:

To be faithful to the Military Oath, selflessly serve your people, courageously, skillfully, not sparing your blood and life itself, defend the Russian Federation, fulfill military duty, steadfastly endure the difficulties of military service;

Strictly comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, fulfill the requirements of military regulations;

Constantly acquire military professional knowledge, improve your training and military skills;

Be honest, disciplined, brave, and show reasonable initiative when performing military duty;

Unquestioningly obey commanders (superiors) and protect them in battle, protect the Battle Banner of the military unit;

To value military camaraderie, not sparing one’s life, to rescue comrades from danger, to help them in word and deed, to respect the honor and dignity of everyone, to avoid rudeness and bullying towards oneself and other military personnel, to restrain them from unworthy acts;

Observe the rules of military politeness, behavior and performance of military greetings, always be in uniform, clean and neatly dressed;

Be vigilant and strictly maintain military and state secrets.

7. Official and special duties of military personnel

Each serviceman has job responsibilities that determine the scope and limits of the practical implementation of the functions and tasks assigned to him according to his position. Job responsibilities are used only in the interests of the service.

These responsibilities are determined by military regulations, as well as relevant manuals, manuals, regulations, instructions or written orders of direct superiors in relation to the requirements of this Charter.

Military personnel on combat duty (combat service), in daily and garrison duty, as well as those involved in eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and in other emergency circumstances, perform special duties. These duties and the procedure for their implementation are established by legislative acts, general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other legal acts developed on their basis, and are, as a rule, temporary in nature.

To perform special duties, military personnel may be granted additional rights, which are determined by legislative acts and general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

8. Responsibility of military personnel (list types of responsibility)

All military personnel, regardless of military rank and position, are equal before the law and bear the responsibility established for citizens of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of their legal status.

Disciplinary responsibility military personnel are liable for offenses related to violation of military discipline, moral standards and military honor, on the basis and in the manner established by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Administrative responsibility military personnel are liable on a general basis in accordance with the legislation on administrative offenses. At the same time, administrative penalties in the form of a fine, correctional labor, administrative arrest and other administrative penalties established by the legislation of the Russian Federation cannot be applied to them.

Civil liability military personnel are liable for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations provided for by civil law, for damage caused to the state, legal entities, citizens, and in other cases provided for by law.

Material liability military personnel bear responsibility for material damage caused to the state during the performance of military service duties, in accordance with the Regulations on the material liability of military personnel.

Criminal liability military personnel are held accountable for crimes committed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For crimes against the established procedure for military service, they are held accountable under the law “On Criminal Liability for Military Crimes.”

For offenses committed, military personnel are, as a rule, brought to one type of responsibility.

Military personnel subjected to disciplinary action in connection with the commission of an offense are not exempt from criminal liability for this offense.

In the event of an offense involving the infliction of material damage, military personnel shall compensate for the damage regardless of the imposition of other types of liability or the use of public sanctions.

Social sanctions may be applied to military personnel for offenses related to their violation of military discipline and public order.

When bringing to justice, it is unacceptable to infringe on the honor and dignity of military personnel.

Military personnel, when performing military service duties, are representatives of state power and are under the protection of the state. Their life, health, honor and dignity are protected by law. The military personnel are guaranteed personal integrity. Insulting a serviceman, any illegal violent actions by citizens against military personnel performing military service duties, as well as violation and infringement of their rights are considered as actions directed against a representative of state power and entail liability for the perpetrators in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Rights of military personnel. Military personnel enjoy all the rights and freedoms established by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and current legislation. At the same time, in the interests of national security, the Constitution allows for restrictions on individual rights and freedoms, and therefore the law defines some restrictions for military personnel.

The state guarantees social and legal protection of military personnel, takes measures to create a sufficient and decent standard of living for them, improve conditions of service and living conditions; compensates for some restrictions on the rights and freedoms of military personnel by providing them with additional rights and benefits and strengthening their social protection. The fundamentals of state policy for the social protection of military personnel are defined in the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Status of Military Personnel.”

Ensuring and protecting the rights of military personnel is the responsibility of government and administrative bodies, including law enforcement agencies, military command and control bodies and commanders.

Before taking the Military Oath, a serviceman cannot be appointed to military positions or involved in combat missions; weapons and military equipment should not be assigned to him, and disciplinary sanctions in the form of arrest cannot be imposed on him.

When performing military service duties, military personnel have the right to carry and use weapons. The rules for storing weapons and the procedure for their use of weapons are determined by the Charter of the Internal Service in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Military personnel who are part of the guard have the right to use weapons in cases and in the manner determined by the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Republic of Belarus.

A serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus in his official activities is guided by the requirements of laws, military regulations and should not be bound by decisions of political parties, mass social movements, cannot engage in public political work and any type of entrepreneurial activity, provide services using his official position and receive remuneration for this.

Duties of military personnel. A serviceman must with dignity bear the high title of defender of the Republic of Belarus, value the honor and military glory of the Armed Forces, his military unit and the honor of his military rank.

The serviceman is obliged:

  • unquestioningly fulfill your military duty, be faithful to the Military Oath, selflessly serve your people, courageously, skillfully, not sparing your strength and life itself, defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Belarus;
  • strictly observe the Constitution and other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus, fulfill the requirements of military regulations;
  • carry out the orders of commanders (superiors) unquestioningly, accurately and on time;
  • to endure the hardships of military service;
  • constantly acquire military professional knowledge, improve your training and military skills;
  • know and maintain in constant readiness for use the weapons and military equipment entrusted to him, take care of military property;
  • be honest, disciplined, brave, and show reasonable initiative when performing military duty;
  • unquestioningly obey commanders (superiors) and protect them in battle, protect the Battle Banner of the military unit;
  • value military camaraderie, not sparing your life to rescue comrades from danger, help them in word and deed, respect the honor and dignity of everyone, do not allow rudeness and bullying towards yourself and other military personnel, restrain them from unworthy actions;
  • observe the rules of military politeness, behavior and performance of military greetings, always be in uniform, clean and neatly dressed;
  • be vigilant and strictly maintain state and official secrets.

He is obliged to report everything that happened to a serviceman that affects the performance of his duties, and any comments made to him to his immediate superior.

A serviceman must comply with the safety requirements of military service, measures to prevent diseases, injuries and defeats, and daily increase physical training and fitness.

A serviceman is obliged to know and strictly observe the international rules of warfare, treatment of the wounded, sick and civilians in the area of ​​combat operations, as well as prisoners of war.

During combat operations, a soldier must provide decisive resistance to the enemy, avoiding capture. He is obliged to fully fulfill his military duty in battle. If a serviceman, finding himself separated from his troops and having exhausted all means and methods of resistance, or being in a helpless state due to a serious wound or shell shock, is captured by the enemy, he must seek and use every opportunity to free himself and his comrades from captivity and return to their troops. During interrogation, a serviceman captured by the enemy has the right to provide only his last name, first name, patronymic, military rank, date of birth and personal number. Military personnel captured and interned in neutral countries retain the status of military personnel.

The job responsibilities of military personnel are determined by military regulations, as well as relevant manuals, regulations, instructions and written orders of direct superiors. When serving on combat duty, in daily and guard duty, as well as during the liquidation of natural disasters and other emergency circumstances, military personnel perform special duties.

Responsibility of military personnel. All military personnel, regardless of military rank and position, are equal before the law and bear the responsibility established for citizens of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the specifics of military service.

For violations of military discipline or rules of behavior in public places, military personnel bear disciplinary responsibility. Bringing to disciplinary liability consists in the application by the commander (chief) to a subordinate who has committed an offense of disciplinary action provided for by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces. The commander (chief) can and is obliged to apply penalties within the limits of the powers granted to him by the Charter, without contacting any authorities.

Military personnel bear administrative responsibility in accordance with the legislation on administrative offenses. At the same time, administrative penalties in the form of correctional labor and administrative arrest cannot be applied to them, and no fines can be applied to conscripts.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations stipulated by civil law, for damage caused to the state, legal entities and citizens, military personnel bear civil liability in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The financial liability of military personnel is determined by rules that differ from the rules provided for by civil or labor legislation. The procedure and extent of their financial liability for material damage caused to the state during the performance of military service duties are regulated by the Regulations on the financial liability of military personnel.

For committing crimes provided for by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, military personnel bear criminal liability. In addition to responsibility for ordinary crimes, they are responsible for committing military crimes, including such as evasion of military service or mobilization, violation of the rules for performing special services, disclosure of official secrets, crimes against the chain of command and others.

In addition, for offenses related to violation of military discipline and public order, as well as for immoral offenses, measures of public sanctions may be applied to military personnel. Enlisted military personnel can be exposed to public influence at meetings of unit personnel, sergeants - at meetings of unit sergeants, warrant officers - at meetings of warrant officers, officers - at officer meetings. Misdemeanors of officers and warrant officers can also be considered by comradely courts of honor.

  1. What are the rights of military personnel?
  2. What are the restrictions on the rights and freedoms of military personnel and how are these restrictions compensated by the state?
  3. What are the main responsibilities of military personnel?
  4. What types of legal liability do you know? Describe these species.

Official duties are performed only in the interests of military service, based on regulations and other acts of a military nature. Military personnel are assigned special responsibilities when performing special operations and conducting combat operations. To perform special duties, military personnel may be granted additional rights to use weapons, special means, and physical force, which are determined by federal laws, general military regulations and other regulatory legal acts.

4) Rights and responsibilities of military personnel.

All military personnel are equal before the law and may be involved to disciplinary, administrative, material, civil and criminal liability.

Disciplinary liability - disciplinary offenses that do not entail criminal or administrative liability. Military personnel bear disciplinary liability for administrative offenses. At the same time, administrative punishments in the form of administrative arrest, correctional labor, etc. cannot be applied to military personnel. Military personnel are held liable for material damage caused through their fault to the state while performing military service duties, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Military personnel are held civilly liable for losses and moral damage. Military personnel are brought to criminal liability for committing a crime provided for by the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. When bringing military personnel to justice, infringement of their honor and dignity is unacceptable.

5) Single presence, commanders and subordinates, seniors and juniors.

Unity of command- one of the basic principles of the construction of the RF Armed Forces. This is the vesting of the commander (chief) with power in relation to subordinates and the assignment of responsibility to the state for all aspects of the life and activities of a military unit, unit and each military personnel. Unity of command is the right of the commander (chief) to make decisions alone, give orders in strict accordance with laws and regulations and ensure their implementation. Discussion of the order is unacceptable, disobedience is a crime.
According to their official position and military rank, some military personnel in relation to others can be superiors or subordinates. Boss has the right to give orders to a subordinate and demand their execution. The boss is an example of tact and restraint. The boss is responsible for humiliating actions. Subordinate obliged to unquestioningly carry out the orders of the superior. He can appeal the order legally. The superiors to whom military personnel are subordinate in service are direct superiors. The direct superior closest to the subordinate is called the immediate superior.
Example - sergeants and foremen are superiors for soldiers and sailors of one military unit.

Military personnel who, by their official position and military rank, are not their superiors or subordinates in relation to other military personnel, may be senior or junior. Seniority is determined by military ranks of military personnel. Senior military ranks, if juniors violate military discipline, public order, rules of conduct, wearing military uniforms and performing military salutes, must demand that they eliminate these violations. Juniors in rank are obliged to unquestioningly fulfill these demands of their elders.

In equal positions, the senior in military rank is the chief.

6) The procedure for applying incentives.

Commanders (chiefs) can apply incentives both to an individual serviceman and to the entire personnel of a military unit (unit). For one distinction, a serviceman can be promoted only once.

When determining the type of incentive, the nature of the merits, diligence and distinction of the serviceman, as well as his previous attitude towards military service are taken into account.

A serviceman who has a disciplinary sanction can be rewarded only by removing the previously applied sanction. The right to lift a disciplinary sanction belongs to the commander (chief) by whom the sanction was applied, as well as to his direct superiors, who have no less disciplinary power than him. Only one disciplinary sanction can be removed from a serviceman at a time. The commander (chief) has the right to lift a disciplinary sanction only after it has played its educational role and the serviceman has corrected his behavior by exemplary performance of military duty.

The removal of a disciplinary sanction - disciplinary arrest - is carried out by the commander of a military unit, if the serviceman does not commit a new disciplinary offense: for soldiers and sailors - no earlier than three months after the execution of the decision of the judge of the garrison military court to impose a disciplinary arrest; from sergeants and foremen - no earlier than six months; from warrant officers and midshipmen - no earlier than a year later.

Removal of a disciplinary sanction - reduction in military rank (position) - from soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen is carried out no earlier than six months from the date of its application.

Soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen are restored to their previous military rank only when they are appointed to the appropriate military position.

Removal of a disciplinary sanction - reduction in military rank - from warrant officers, midshipmen and officers is carried out no earlier than one year from the date of its application.

A disciplinary sanction - reduction in military position - can be removed from a serviceman without simultaneously reinstating him to his previous position.

The removal of a disciplinary sanction - a warning about incomplete official compliance - is carried out no earlier than one year from the date of its application.

Encouragement - declaration of gratitude- applies both to an individual serviceman and to the entire personnel of a military unit (unit).

Encouragement - a message to the homeland (at the place of residence of the serviceman’s parents or persons in whose care he was) or to the place of the serviceman’s previous work (study) about the exemplary performance of his military duty and about the incentives received - applies to military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription . In this case, a letter of commendation is sent to the serviceman’s homeland (at the place of residence of the serviceman’s parents or persons in whose care he was raised) or to the place of his previous work (study) with a message about his exemplary performance of military duty and about the incentives received.

Encouragement - rewarding with a certificate, valuable gift or money- applies to all military personnel, while the diploma is awarded to both individual military personnel and the entire personnel of a military unit (unit), as a rule, at the end of the training period (academic year), upon dismissal from military service, as well as when summing up the results of the competition (competitions).

Encouragement - awarding a personal photograph of a serviceman taken with the military unit's Battle Banner unfurled - applies to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen. The serviceman in respect of whom this incentive is applied is awarded two photographs (soldiers are photographed in full dress uniform, with weapons) with text on the back: to whom it was awarded and for what.

Incentives - awarding the military rank of corporal, senior sailor; assignment of the next military rank ahead of schedule, but not higher than the military rank provided by the state for the occupied military position; assignment of a military rank one step higher than the military rank provided for by the state for the military position held, but not higher than the military rank of major, captain 3rd rank, and to a military personnel with an academic degree and (or) academic rank holding a military position as a faculty member in the military educational organization, not higher than the military rank of colonel, captain 1st rank - are applied to military personnel for special personal merit.

Encouragement - awarding an excellent student with a badge- is declared by order of the commander of a military unit and is applied to soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who were excellent students during one period of training, as well as to cadets of military educational organizations who were excellent students during the academic year.

Encouragement - entering the names of distinguished military personnel into the Book of Honor of a military unit (ship)- is declared by order of the commander of a military unit and is applied to: soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen of the last period of training, undergoing military service upon conscription, who have achieved excellent performance in combat training, who have shown impeccable discipline and high conscientiousness when performing service - before dismissal from the military service (cadets and students of military educational organizations - upon completion of training); military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, for impeccable service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as all military personnel who particularly distinguished themselves in the performance of their military duty - during the entire period of their military service.

When an order is announced to be included in the Book of Honor of a military unit (ship), the serviceman is presented with a certificate of commendation signed by the commander of the military unit (ship). The entry in the Book of Honor of a military unit (ship) of the name of a serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription is, in addition, reported to his homeland (at the place of residence of the serviceman’s parents or persons under whose care he was) or to the place of the serviceman’s previous work (study).

Encouragement - rewarding with registered cold steel and firearms- is an honorary award for distinguished officers for special personal services to the state and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Awarding with registered weapons is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Incentives are announced before the formation, at meetings or conferences of military personnel, in orders or in person. The announcement of orders to encourage or reward distinguished military personnel is usually carried out in a solemn atmosphere. Simultaneously with the announcement of the order of encouragement, military personnel, as a rule, are presented with certificates, valuable gifts or money, personal photographs of military personnel taken with the combat flag of the military unit unfurled, merit badges, and the text of the message to their homeland is read out (at the place of residence of the serviceman’s parents or persons , under whose care he was) or at the place of the serviceman’s previous work (study) about the exemplary performance of his military duty.

A serviceman is considered to have no disciplinary sanctions after they are lifted by the relevant commander (superior) or after one year has passed from the date of the last penalty, unless another disciplinary sanction was applied to him during this period.

7) Imposition of disciplinary sanctions.

A disciplinary sanction is a measure of responsibility established by the state for a disciplinary offense committed by a military personnel, and is applied to prevent the commission of disciplinary offenses.

The following types of disciplinary sanctions may be applied to a military personnel: reprimand, severe reprimand, deprivation of the next dismissal from a military unit or from ship to shore, deprivation of an excellent merit badge, warning of incomplete service compliance, reduction in military position, reduction in military rank by one step , reduction in military rank by one step with a reduction in military position, early dismissal from military service due to failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, expulsion from a military educational organization, expulsion from military training, disciplinary arrest.

A serviceman who has committed a disciplinary offense may be subject to only those disciplinary sanctions that are determined by this Charter, correspond to the military rank of the serviceman and the disciplinary authority of the commander (chief) who decides to bring the offender to disciplinary liability.
When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the nature of the disciplinary offense, the circumstances and consequences of its commission, the form of guilt, the personality of the serviceman who committed the disciplinary offense, and circumstances mitigating and aggravating disciplinary liability are taken into account.

The severity of the disciplinary sanction increases if the disciplinary offense was committed while on combat duty (combat service) or while performing other official or special duties, while intoxicated, or if its consequence was a significant violation of internal order.

The application of a disciplinary sanction to a serviceman who has committed a disciplinary offense is carried out within 10 days from the day when the commander (superior) became aware of the disciplinary offense committed (not counting the time for conducting proceedings, proceedings in a criminal case or in a case of an administrative offense, time illness of a serviceman, his presence on a business trip or leave, as well as the time he performed a combat mission), but before the expiration of the statute of limitations for bringing the serviceman to disciplinary liability.

A serviceman who considers himself innocent has the right to file a complaint within 10 days from the date of application of the disciplinary sanction.

The application of a disciplinary sanction to a serviceman who is part of a daily detachment (on combat duty) for a disciplinary offense committed by him during service is carried out after a change from the detachment (combat duty) or after replacing him with another military personnel.

The application of a disciplinary sanction to a serviceman who is in a state of intoxication, as well as obtaining any explanations from him, is carried out after he has sobered up. In this case, detention may be applied to the serviceman, after which a decision is made to bring him to disciplinary liability.

It is prohibited to apply several disciplinary sanctions for the same disciplinary offense, or to combine one punishment with another, or to apply a punishment to the entire personnel of the unit instead of punishing the direct culprits.

If the commander (chief), due to the gravity of the disciplinary offense committed by a subordinate, considers the disciplinary power granted to him to be insufficient, he initiates a petition to apply a disciplinary sanction to the perpetrator by the authority of a superior commander (chief).

The petition is drawn up in the form of a report and submitted to a higher commander (chief) within 10 days from the day it became known about the disciplinary offense committed.

A commander (chief) who has exceeded the disciplinary authority granted to him bears responsibility for this.

A superior commander (chief) does not have the right to cancel or reduce a disciplinary sanction applied by a subordinate commander (chief) due to the severity of the penalty, unless the latter exceeded the authority granted to him.

A superior commander (chief) has the right to cancel a disciplinary sanction applied by a subordinate commander (chief) if he considers that this sanction does not correspond to the gravity of the disciplinary offense committed, and to apply a more severe disciplinary sanction.

A serviceman to whom a disciplinary sanction has been applied for an offense committed is not exempt from criminal and financial liability.

8) Military rank.

Rank and file: NCO: Private Corporal Junior Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Major

Warrant Officers: Junior Officers:

Ensign Senior Ensign Junior Lieutenant Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain

Senior Officers:

Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel

Senior Officers: Major General, Lieutenant General, Colonel General, Army General, Marshal of the Russian Federation

9) Military discipline and how it is achieved.

Military discipline there is strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs).

High military discipline is achieved:

Instilling in military personnel high moral, psychological and combat qualities and conscious obedience to commanders (superiors);

The personal responsibility of each serviceman for the fulfillment of his duties and the requirements of military regulations;

Maintaining internal order in the military unit (unit), strict adherence to the daily routine by all military personnel;

Clear organization of combat training and full coverage of personnel;

The daily demands of commanders (superiors) on subordinates and monitoring their performance, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant care for them, the skillful combination and correct use of measures of persuasion, coercion and social influence of the team;

Creation of the necessary material and living conditions in the military unit (unit).

10) Military salute.

The military salute is the embodiment of the comradely cohesion of military personnel, evidence of mutual respect and a manifestation of common culture.
All military personnel are obliged to greet each other when meeting (overtaking), strictly observing the rules established by the drill regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
Subordinates and juniors in military rank greet first, and in case of equal position, the one who considers himself more polite and well-mannered greets first.

Military personnel are also obliged to greet:
- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier;
- mass graves of soldiers who died in battles for the freedom and independence of the Fatherland;
- The Battle Banner of the military unit, as well as the Naval flag upon arrival on a warship and upon departure from it;
- funeral processions accompanied by military units.

11) The order, the procedure for issuing it and the implementation of disciplinary sanctions to soldiers and sergeants.

12) The order, the procedure for issuing it and the implementation of incentives to soldiers and sergeants.

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