Responsibilities and actions of drivers after an accident. What should you not do in case of an accident? Preservation of accident traces

Every driver should know what to do in case of an accident, since the possibility of getting into an accident always exists. How to act in normal situation when there are no casualties? How to act if there are victims?

In a stressful state that occurs during an accident, the driver cannot always act adequately. There are cases when car owners in such situations forget their personal data, not to mention traffic rules.

To avoid mistakes when drawing up documentation, it is worth understanding the first actions after an accident. Step-by-step instructions will help with this.

New rules for the order of steps in case of an accident from July 1, 2018

Simplified since the beginning of July 2018. Now drivers have the opportunity to figure it out without the participation of the traffic police. Participants in the incident can, even if they have disagreements.

But not everyone can take advantage of this opportunity. Certain conditions must be met:

  • two participants in the accident;
  • both drivers have an MTPL insurance policy;
  • size damage caused does not exceed 50 thousand rubles;
  • no one was injured in the accident.

Thanks to the innovations, the number of traffic jams will decrease. In addition, drivers save their time since they do not have to wait for a representative authorized body, who will deal with road registration traffic accident.

Let's take a closer look at how you can now file an accident in certain situations.

No casualties

What is the sequence of actions of a driver in an accident in a standard situation without injuries?

Follow these rules:

  1. In the event of a collision, the vehicle must be stopped. Turn off the engine. It is mandatory to turn on the alarm system (or display the appropriate sign).
  2. If the second participant persuades you to remove the car from the scene, do not agree.
  3. If the accident occurred around tram tracks, you shouldn't drive away.
  4. In the case where there are two participants in the accident, you can start drawing up a European protocol. In other cases, it is worth calling a traffic police officer.
  5. Ensure the safety of all parts that are related to the accident - fragments of the car, debris from surrounding objects. Display any items that can help with this - fence off such items with buckets, bags, bags or any other things that you have.
  6. Be sure to write down the details of witnesses (full name, contact details). If there are no such vehicles, write down the license plates of passing cars - the drivers of such vehicles will be able to tell the court about the location of the cars after the accident. Write down the numbers of passing buses - their drivers can also be called to court as witnesses later.
  7. Call insurance organization, in which you issued MTPL. Contact information is on the document issued to you (top left).
  8. Next, the European protocol itself is filled out, which must be attached to the insurance policy. The signatures of both participants are affixed.
  9. Write down the details of the second driver (his full name, registration, telephone number, information about his insurance company). If he drives the car by proxy or is a hired driver, record the details of the owner of the vehicle.
  10. It is necessary to photograph the position of the car, damage, location of fragments while the car is not moving. In this case, you should follow these recommendations:
    • It’s worth taking a photo so that you can see the brake mark;
    • The cars of both participants are photographed so that the license plates can be seen;
    • The captured elements must reflect the nature of the damage.
  11. Save the DVR recording so you can protect yourself if an incident occurs. controversial situation with SK.
  12. If you called a traffic police representative, tell us everything you know. Make sure that the inspector does not forget to write anything down in the protocol. Find out the full name of the employee of the authorized body and his title.
  13. It is necessary to make sure that the road accident diagram is drawn up correctly, which should reflect:
    • vehicle location;
    • accident location;
    • the direction in which each driver was moving;
    • distance to the building, road markings, presence of potholes or other defects on the road;
    • weather.
  14. With the victims

    The driver's actions in case of accidents are prescribed in paragraphs.

    Here are instructions for what a driver should do in case of an accident. The participant in the incident must:

    1. Stay.
    2. Turn on alarm.
    3. Make sure that all parts, fragments, debris remain in place.
    4. Provide first medical care injured person (if possible), call an ambulance or arrange for the victim to be transported by passing transport in hospital. If this is not possible, the participant in the accident independently takes the person to a medical facility, leaving his data to the second participant, and later returning to the scene of the accident.
    5. Remove the car from the roadway if its location interferes with normal traffic Vehicle. If the motorist needs to leave the scene of the accident and take the injured to the hospital, the location of the vehicle and objects that are related to the accident should be recorded in front of witnesses.
    6. Call the traffic police officer, find out the information of witnesses.

    In the absence of serious consequences of the incident, the police officer:

  • draw up a diagram of the accident;
  • describe the damage to the vehicle;
  • will collect information from eyewitnesses of the accident and drivers.

You will need to be given a photocopy of the protocol.

At severe consequences(for example), the following documentation will be compiled:

  • protocol on the inspection and verification of the technical condition of the machine;
  • accident diagram;
  • a document from a medical institution stating that the driver did not take drugs or alcohol;
  • explanations from each participant.

If you do not agree with something, you should not sign it, or at least indicate what exactly was written in error. Do not sign on a blank form.

Depending on the consequences of the accident, you will face administrative or criminal liability. The procedure for considering cases is specified in,.

The driver has the right to familiarize himself with the case, give explanatory notes, present evidence of innocence, and file a complaint with the authorized body.


If a company employee does not want to voluntarily pay the required amount, you can go to court. But it is worth remembering that funds can be recovered from the driver only if he is at fault (Article 1064 of the Civil Code). The employee's responsibilities are specified in.

If you do get into an accident, do not panic and do not listen to the persuasion of the second participant. Act according to established rules, and then you will have a chance to defend your innocence.

Video: Driver's actions at the scene of an accident.

According to statistics, the number of cars in Russia is increasing every day. In connection with this and number of accidents is also growing. Today, no one can be sure of safety on the road, and even the most responsible citizens can become involved in an accident. In this situation, the main thing is not to get confused and know exactly what to do in case of an accident.

Undoubtedly, an accident is always stressful. Many drivers in a state of shock make unforgivable mistakes, as a result of which it can be very difficult to prove their innocence later.

Where to contact in case of an accident:

  • If there are victims, then first of all you need to call ambulance;
  • Next, you should contact the traffic police;
  • it is important to notify insurance agent about the incident, which will tell you what needs to be done in the event of an accident;
  • It is advisable to call relatives, since stressful situation a person cannot always evaluate it adequately.

Is it possible to do without calling a traffic police inspector?

What to do if you get into an accident, is it necessary to call the traffic police? If the accident resulted in no injuries and one of the participants fully admits his guilt, you can do without calling the traffic police.

If the issue is resolved amicably, compensation for damage is carried out immediately on the spot. This decision is made mainly for minor damage.

In order to resolve the problem without involving road inspection Three rules must be observed, namely:

  1. There were no injuries in the accident.
  2. The participants in the accident have no disagreement about the circumstances of the accident and who is at fault.
  3. None of the participants wants to draw up a protocol.

The agreement must indicate the following information:

  • Information about the participants in the accident.
  • Date, time and location of the accident.
  • The amount of compensation.
  • Signatures of both participants and their transcript.

The agreement is drawn up in two copies, one for each participant.

Important! When transferring money, you need to draw up an agreement so as not to end up in an unpleasant situation later.

What to do if the culprit or victim does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy or is expired?

The absence of an insurance policy for a car owner involved in an accident can occur in one of four ways:

  • the participant in the accident forgot the insurance policy at home;
  • the insurance has expired;
  • the citizen is not included in the insurance;
  • The driver has no insurance at all.

According to statistics, every fifth driver in Russia leaves without an insurance document. But what to do if you get into an accident without insurance?

It all depends on the reason why there is no insurance document. If he actually exists, but remains at home, in the office, with friends, the situation is not terrible. You just need your relatives or friends to bring insurance to the scene of the collision. Also, the availability of the policy can be checked by a traffic police officer in the database.

If the at-fault party's insurance document is expired, the victim must file claims for damages with his or her insurer. In this case, the damage will be paid and then recovered from the person responsible for the collision. The penalty for late insurance documents will be 500 rubles.

I got into an accident without insurance, it was my fault. If the culprit does not have an insurance document, according to the law, the damages are paid by the initiator of the accident. If the culprit agrees to compensate for the damage, the accident may not be reported. You draw up an agreement, receive compensation and go about your business.

If the culprit refuses to pay for the damage or does not have the required amount, it is better to file an accident in accordance with the law.

What to do in case of an accident, various situations, instructions

What to do in case of an accident? First, according to the rules, you need to call traffic police officers. Do not give in to resolving the issue amicably; if you do not agree with the guilt, do not listen to threats addressed to you.

The best thing you can do is install emergency signs, take a photo of the collision scene, roll the car to the side of the road and wait for the traffic police inspectors.

What to do in case of an accident?subsequence:

  • Drivers of colliding cars must stop driving, turn off the ignition and turn on the emergency lights.
  • On established by law Warning signs must be placed at a distance. In the city this distance is 15 m, in rural areas 30 m. One sign must be installed for each vehicle.
  • If there are victims in a collision, what to do in the event of an accident is obvious - you need to call emergency help.
  • Next, we call the traffic police or draw up a protocol ourselves in accordance with European standards.
  • What else should you do in case of an accident? Be sure to call and notify your insurance agent about the accident.

Important! Before arrival traffic inspectors You need to make sure that all evidence of the collision is in its place.

Traffic police officers who arrived at the scene of the collision must draw up a report, collect testimony from witnesses, and record them.

What to do if you get into an accident, make sure that the following data is reflected in the protocol:

  • accident address;
  • vehicle location;
  • braking length;
  • direction of movement of each vehicle;
  • third party factors that could have influenced the collision.

Before signing the protocol, read it carefully.

If you have any disagreements, write an explanatory note about this. An explanatory note must be attached to the case. If an insurance officer goes to the scene of a car accident, he will take a photograph of the scene of the collision and describe the damage to the car.

What to do in case of an accident if there is no insurance officer? If your insurer does not send an employee to the collision, you must photograph all the details of the collision and the damage to the vehicle.

Attention! Starting this year, drivers themselves must record the location of their cars with a camera, after which the vehicles must be rolled to the side of the road.

Remember that you need to take not one, but several photos from different angles, with car license plates, and close-ups of the damage. All these photos will be useful to you later in the insurance company.

Actions in case of an accident under OSAGO 2017 must be carried out in accordance with changes in legislation, namely, it is possible to register a traffic accident without calling the police, in cases where material damage inflicted only on those involved in the accident, the terms of its compensation did not cause any disagreement, and there were no casualties.

Actions of drivers if there are no casualties in an accident

If no one was injured as a result of the collision, the issue can be resolved without involving traffic police.

However, this sometimes backfires unpleasant situations. For example, you pleaded guilty and paid damages immediately at the scene of the incident.

Without suspecting anything, you went about your business, and the second participant in the events returned to the scene of the accident and called the traffic police.

It will be extremely difficult to prove to the police that you have already paid compensation. In this case, the police may charge you with fleeing the scene of a collision. To avoid this hassle, always have a written agreement.

Another situation. You don't want to call the traffic police, but you want to draw up a report. It is possible to do this yourself.

The Europrotocol can be drawn up subject to the following rules:

  • Both parties involved in the accident are owners valid document about insurance.
  • The damage to each participant is no more than 49,000 rubles.
  • No more than 2 cars were damaged in the accident.
  • There were no injuries or deaths in the accident.
  • Those involved in the accident have no disagreement about guilt.

The protocol is drawn up in two copies. It is accompanied by photographs, video footage and other evidence of the accident.

Actions of drivers if there are victims in an accident

If there are people injured in a car accident, the first priority is to help them primary care, then you need to call an ambulance.

If urgent hospitalization is needed, the victim must be transported to the nearest hospital. After this, you should return to the scene of the accident.

If the accident occurred at night or in a place where there are no passing cars, you can take the victim to the hospital in your vehicle, after which you should return to the scene of the accident. By that time, most often, traffic police inspectors are already at the scene of the attack. Next, the registration procedure takes place according to the established procedure.

Important! At fatal outcome you need to call an ambulance to establish the fact of death and the traffic police.

The procedure for registering an accident without traffic police officers

It is important to know how to draw up a European standard protocol without traffic police officers, so that there are no problems with the insurance company later.

The protocol form is attached to the MTPL policy. Please note that both sides of the document must be completed.

Follow the procedure for completing the protocol:

  1. Check out the sample to fill out.
  2. Select field A or B.
  3. Describe Features of an accident, enter your information, vehicle details and the amount of damage.
  4. Enter witness information.
  5. List the damage to the vehicle.
  6. Fill in all fields.
  7. Sign the protocol.

The document is drawn up in two copies. Signatures of both parties, date and place of incident are required.

Attention! The document must be filled out ballpoint pen legible handwriting.

Actions if the culprit of an accident fled the scene of the accident

If the culprit of the accident fled the scene of the accident, it is important for the victim to immediately find eyewitnesses who can confirm the circumstances of the accident.

In order for the culprit to be found, it is advisable to tell the police the make and number of his car and describe his appearance.

Attention! For leaving the scene of an accident, a citizen of the Russian Federation faces deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for up to three years, administrative punishment and compensation for losses to the insurer. Failure to provide primary health care is subject to criminal penalties.

Actions after an accident

After all formalities have been completed, the scene of the collision has been photographed, the details of the incident are described in great detail and the amount of loss has been established, you need to go to the insurer. But before that, it is better to hire experts.

An independent examination after an accident is a guarantee of receiving an insurance payment. Most often, insurers do not want to pay full amount damage, and having expert opinions it is possible to judicial procedure achieve full payment.

By contacting insurance company, you will have to fill out an application, wait technical expertise and sign the deed.

However, not all so simple. In fact, it can take weeks or even months to achieve payment. By law, the money must be transferred to your current account within 20 days from the date of submission of the application. For this reason, just in case, take a dated photo of any paperwork you fill out with your insurance company.

Attention! If you are not satisfied with the amount of insurance, having a conclusion in hand independent expert, you can sue and recover the missing funds from the insurance company.

“Nothing will happen to me” - with this thought, 99% of motorists leave the garage or parking lot. However, according to statistics, 30% of drivers have already been in an accident. An accident on the road is an event from which you cannot insure yourself. Even with compliance with traffic rules and be careful, another car may crash into you. So a competent driver should know what to do in the event of an accident, where to go and what actions to take.

Let's consider a step-by-step algorithm of actions

  1. Press the brakes and turn on the hazard lights on your car. Get out the sign emergency stop and display it taking into account the requirements of traffic regulations.
  2. Let everything related to the accident remain in place. In a situation where certain objects interfere with the movement of vehicles (people), record the position in front of witnesses, after which the road is allowed to be cleared. As already mentioned, to reconstruct an event, every detail matters.
  3. Look around. If there are victims, call an ambulance. If you have the appropriate skills, provide assistance yourself or take the victims to the nearest hospital. After this, it is worth returning to the scene.
  4. Record the details of witnesses (names and addresses). As practice shows, eyewitness testimony has the greatest value. As for the participants in the accident, their stories are listened to less, because they can “embellish” events in the desired direction.
  5. Call the police and insurance company, reporting the accident and the location of the events.

What should you not do in case of an accident?

Rules to follow at the scene of an accident:

  • do not be nervous. This recommendation difficult to do, but worth the effort;
  • forget about aggressiveness towards other participants in the accident. A fight with the person responsible for the accident will lead to only one thing - a statement to the police and new problems;
  • don't act on a quick fix. Think before you move or put anything away. During the trial, every little detail matters;
  • don't get lost. The ability to prove innocence or reduce the level of punishment (if there is still guilt) depends on literacy and clarity of actions.

Above we are general outline We looked at what to do in case of an accident. Now let's take a closer look at each of the points:

1. Stopping the car

Despite the simplicity of the recommendation (which is easier than stopping), there are nuances. After arriving at the scene of the incident, traffic police officers measure the distances between the vehicle and other objects. This means that you need to stop immediately, and not after 70-100 meters on the side of the road.

Turning on the emergency lights does not cause any problems, but many do not remember the distance at which the sign must be placed. If the accident occurred in locality, then the distance from the car to the sign is 15 meters or more. If the trouble occurred outside the city, then from 30 meters.

Installation of the sign is required. This is done not only for the inspector, but also for own safety. Other road users must see that there is danger ahead and that they need to slow down. One of the main problems is the exact location of the sign. So, at an intersection it is not clear which side he should stand on. Make your decision after analyzing and choosing a potentially dangerous direction.

2. Important items

People who are faced with problems face to face for the first time and do not know what to do in case of an accident do not pay attention to the little things. This is mistake. When analyzing the situation, even the smallest nuances are taken into account - elements of the car that lie at the scene of the accident, the length of the braking distance, objects flying out of the luggage compartment, and so on. No less important are road conditions- presence of ice, puddles, holes, visibility on this area, installation of signs and so on. Make sure that the points described are reflected in the inspector’s report.

3. Call an ambulance

If knowledge to provide personal assistance If it’s not enough, then it’s not worth the risk - you should entrust the work to doctors. By being overzealous, you risk making things worse.

4. Witnesses

Ask an experienced car enthusiast what to do if you get into an accident. He will definitely answer - “record the testimony of eyewitnesses.” In the event of an accident, it is witnesses who help restore an accurate picture of events and help inspectors understand the accident.

5. Calling the traffic police

By law, every accident must be recorded. It is possible to resolve the issue without involving traffic police officers if minor damage transport, consent of the parties and absence of victims. But there are three points to consider here:

  • without registration it is difficult to count on compensation from the insurer;
  • the process of covering damage becomes more complicated;
  • the law is broken. If you leave the scene of the incident, there is a “chance” of getting up to 15 days of arrest or being left without a license for 1-1.5 years.


When deciding what to do after an accident, it is worth paying attention to documents, because the bureaucratic component plays a major role in accident investigations. The more accurate the information and the more of it, the higher the chance of reaching the correct conclusion. Here the action plan is as follows:

  • the place where the cars “met” each other is determined;
  • are carried out required measurements and vehicle damage is recorded.

It is important here that the characteristics have maximum detail. Thus, the appearance of a crack on the windshield or bumper, a scratch on the fender or roof, a dent on the hood or trunk - this is indicated in the papers;

  • A diagram of the accident is drawn. At this stage, information about the participants in the incident and eyewitnesses is recorded. Often the inspector does not rack his brains to reflect the road accident diagram and confines himself to drawing it by hand;
  • drivers hand over their driving documents to the inspector, after which they are asked to go to the traffic police department to register the accident;
  • held finalization accident diagrams with subsequent issuance of certificates and descriptions of vehicle damage. When it is determined that someone is at fault in the incident, the traffic police inspector draws up a protocol and gives a copy to the party considered to be the violator.

If during an incident on the road people were injured or damage done property, then we're talking about no longer about administrative, but about criminal sphere. In this case, the punishment is more serious.

Let's summarize. The following documents are drawn up:

  • protocol with recording of data at the accident site;
  • diagram of the incident (should be drawn on graph paper);
  • vehicle inspection report;
  • medical examination certificate;
  • testimonies of people;
  • explanatory notes from participants;
  • notification of an accident.
Consequences of violation

When driving on the road, every motorist should know what traffic violations lead to:

  • When causing harm to human health, the following options are possible - up to 2 years in prison, up to 2 years of forced labor, arrest for up to 6 months, and so on. In addition, the violator may lose the right to hold a position for 3 years or more. If an accident leads to the death of a person, then you can actually get up to 5 years in prison or forced labor up to 4 years. For the death of 2 or more persons - up to 7 years in prison;
  • when causing harm to health and being drunk - up to 4 years in prison, up to 3 years correctional labor and deprivation of the opportunity to work certain position(also up to 3 years). If an accident leads to the death of a person, they can be imprisoned for up to 7 years. In case of death of 2 persons or more - up to 9 years in prison.

When driving out on the road, you should know what to do in the event of an accident, what nuances to pay attention to and how to act correctly. Not only the size of the fine or punishment depends on the level of composure, but also the quality future life. History knows many cases when a person went to prison because he could not prove his innocence, but his opponent and the prosecutor turned out to be much quicker and more experienced.

We recommend that you always have this leaflet in your glove compartment, because in case of an accident a person is usually in a state of shock and cannot always act adequately. Meanwhile, incorrect testimony of participants in road accidents, failure to fill out necessary documents and so on. nuances can greatly influence consequences of an accident. New rules registration of road accidents came into force in 2015.

So, according to clause 2.5 Traffic rules driver in the event of an accident, he must stop, provide assistance to the victims, then report the accident to the traffic police, write down the names of eyewitnesses, indicate the position of the vehicle on the road and wait for the arrival of the traffic police vehicle.

2.5. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to immediately stop (not move) the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and display an emergency stop sign in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the Rules, and not move objects related to the incident.

Further actions of drivers involved in an accident are prescribed in paragraphs 2.6.1 and 2.6 of the traffic rules. In order not to be unfounded, we will quote the points of the law, and below we will analyze them in more detail.

2.6.1 If, as a result of a traffic accident, damage is caused only to property, the driver involved in it is obliged to release roadway, if an obstacle is created to the movement of other vehicles, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and objects road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles.

If the circumstances of harm in connection with damage to property as a result of a road traffic accident or the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles cause disagreements among the participants in the road traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and report the incident to the police for receiving instructions from a police officer about the location of the registration of a traffic accident. If you receive instructions from a police officer to prepare documents regarding a traffic accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest post highway patrol service or in a police unit, drivers leave the scene of a traffic accident, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles.

If the circumstances of harm in connection with damage to property as a result of a traffic accident, the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles do not cause disagreement between the participants in the traffic accident, the drivers involved in it are not required to report the incident to the police. In this case, they can leave the scene of the traffic accident and:

  • draw up documents about a road traffic accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest road patrol post or police unit, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure objects, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles;
  • draw up documents about a traffic accident without the participation of authorized police officers by filling out a notification form about a traffic accident in accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance - if 2 vehicles (including vehicles with trailers) are involved in the traffic accident , the civil liability of whose owners is insured in accordance with the legislation on compulsory insurance civil liability owners of vehicles, damage was caused only to these vehicles and the circumstances of harm in connection with damage to these vehicles as a result of a road traffic accident do not cause disagreement among the participants in the road traffic accident;
  • not to draw up documents about a road traffic accident - if in a road traffic accident only the vehicles or other property of the participants in the road traffic accident are damaged and each of these participants does not need to complete the specified documents.

So, paragraph 2.6.1 prescribes actions to register an accident if there are no injured persons. If any person is physically harmed, such an accident should be registered in accordance with clause 2.6 of the Traffic Rules (below).

Registration of accidents without injuries according to the new rules of 2017

Unlike before current rules, now the first thing you should do is capture it with a camera or camera mobile phone position of the vehicles and objects involved in the incident from all possible angles, and clear the roadway. Thus, now there should be no situations where two slightly touching cars create a multi-kilometer traffic jam because they block the passage. You can keep cars off the road only if they do not create any interference with the movement of other vehicles. IN otherwise the arriving traffic police squad will fine both drivers for failure to comply with traffic rules.

Next, drivers should find out whether their views agree on the circumstances of the accident and the damage to their vehicles. If they agree with each other, they record eyewitnesses of the incident and either go to the traffic police to register the accident, or issue notices for the insurance company (if the requirements for the accident are met, for which it is allowed to register the so-called without a certificate from the traffic police), or agree on compensation for damage " on the spot”, without the traffic police. As you can see, there is now no obligation to report an accident to the traffic police. Previously, drivers were afraid to leave the scene of even a minor accident without calling the traffic police, because Leaving the scene of an accident was subject to deprivation of rights. Now it is possible to reach an agreement in accordance with clause 2.6.1. Traffic rules and leave, everything will be legal. If the culprit transfers money to the victim for repairs, this must be recorded with a receipt.

If drivers do not agree on the circumstances of the accident or the damage to their vehicles, they should contact the nearest police station, where they will receive instructions on where they should go to report the accident. The traffic accident investigation team of the traffic police will determine the culprit and the damage.

Registration of road accidents with victims according to the new rules of 2017

Registration of road accidents with victims is carried out in accordance with clause 2.6 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation.

2.6. If people are killed or injured as a result of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to:

  • take measures to provide first aid to victims, call emergency medical services and the police;
  • V in case of emergency send the victims on a passing route, and if this is not possible, deliver them in your vehicle to the nearest medical organization, state your last name, register sign vehicle (with presentation of an identity document, or driver's license And registration document onto the vehicle) and return to the scene of the incident;
  • clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to eliminate them preservation and organization of a detour to the scene of the incident;
  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the police to arrive.

As you can see, the procedure for registering an accident with injured people is different: first of all, we provide assistance to the victims, or even hitch a ride with them to the hospital, or even take them in our own car. Further: vehicles can be removed from the roadway only if the detour of those participating in Car accidents impossible without forgetting to record the position of the car and all related objects in photos and videos. If there is a free lane or shoulder for traffic, we leave the cars motionless until the traffic police arrive.

Sometimes it is not possible to call and wait for employees at the scene of an accident (remoteness of the accident site, lack of available traffic police crews). Let's consider the option self-registration Road accident without injuries.

If you decide to draw up an accident report without the participation of the traffic police

Record details of witnesses to the incident

Discuss the circumstances of the accident with other participants. All opinions must be the same.

Compose and sign road accident diagram

How to draw up an accident diagram yourself

There's probably no need to explain. that the traffic police’s decision on the guilt of a particular participant will depend on the correctness and clarity of the road accident diagram. That's why:

  • We draw a diagram that is understandable and clear.
  • It is mandatory to link the position of the vehicle to objects on the ground (intersections, kilometer posts, etc.)
  • Indicate the braking distance length
  • It is mandatory to indicate the date and time of the accident
  • If there is only one participant in the accident (type of accident - hitting an obstacle, etc.), it is necessary to indicate two witnesses to the accident, they must sign the diagram.

The following must be noted on the diagram:

  • width of the roadway, number of lanes for each direction, availability road markings and road signs, the effect of which extends to the section of the road where the accident occurred, as well as technical means regulation traffic; barriers, traffic islands, stops public transport, sidewalks, lawns, green spaces, buildings (if any);
  • positions of vehicles after an accident, traces of braking and dragging, location of damaged parts and fragments of vehicles, cargo, debris from cars and other objects related to the accident, with their connection to stationary road facilities, sidewalks, roadsides, ditches and other road elements;
  • direction of movement of the participants in the accident before its occurrence

If an accident is registered by traffic police officers, they record the following information:

The traffic police officer must prepare:

  • Information about the drivers and vehicles involved in the accident;
  • explanations of participants and witnesses of the accident;
  • list of damage to vehicles during road accidents;
  • a report indicating additional information, which may be important to clarify circumstances of the accident and making a decision on the case;
  • all participants in an accident must be issued a certificate of participation in an accident, regardless of guilt;
  • if an administrative offense has taken place, proceedings are initiated in the case of administrative offense(a determination is made or a protocol is drawn up);
  • in some cases, a decision on an administrative violation may be immediately issued.

The case materials must be accompanied by waybill and/or a car rental agreement, a power of attorney - if the car was not driven by the owner.

Let us add that the crew usually arrives at accident scene and draws up a diagram of the accident, then the participants are sent to the departmental department of the traffic police, where their explanations are recorded in a calm atmosphere, a little later (sometimes the next day) a certificate of the accident is issued.

It would be a good idea to independently record the data of witnesses to the incident, even if the second participant in the accident admits his guilt. Also write down all possible information about participants in road accidents: Full name, addresses and telephone numbers, MTPL numbers and names of insurance companies.

In order not to miss compensation for damages under OSAGO

Drawing up an accident notification form

According to the OSAGO Rules, in order to receive compensation under the OSAGO, an accident notification form must be filled out. Such forms are issued when concluding MTPL agreements. The form is filled out either alone if there are two participants in the accident, or each participant fills out their own copy of the form.

These forms must be sent within five working days by registered mail to the insurer. The victim simultaneously submits an application for insurance payment along with this form. The application must be accompanied by a certificate of an accident issued by the police, a copy of the protocol and a resolution on an administrative offense, if any, in the actions of the person responsible for the accident.

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