Are traffic police officers required to wear seat belts? Traffic cops will be brought up with a belt

If you forgot your seat belt, this is not nonsense at all. Firstly, you are exposed to danger on the road, and secondly, you become a criminal. Such actions form an administrative violation for which you will have to pay. We’ll talk further about what fine is imposed in this case, who has to pay it, whether rear passengers and children need to wear seat belts, and what other punishment the violator may incur.

Fine for not wearing a seat belt 2019

In May 2016, changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation came into force, which changed the size of the fine for a child not wearing a seat belt.

More precisely, for citizens it remained the same - 3000 rubles, it’s just that clause 3 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses was supplemented with fines for:

  • officials - 25,000 rubles.
  • legal entities – 100,000 rub.

Previously, the sanction of this article was focused only on individuals. This year, the legislator decided to toughen the punishment for those responsible for organizing the transportation of children.

Its provisions refer to violations of the requirements for transporting children specified in the traffic rules, and not specifically about unfastened seat belts. But since paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules talks about the need to fasten the baby or seat him in specially designed structures, then ignoring this requirement is already the basis for the application of article 12.23.

For other cases, the seat belt fine remained unchanged in 2019:

  • for drivers – 1000 rubles;
  • for passengers – 500 rub.

How to seat belt your children without getting fined

You will have to pay the most for unbelted children in the car, so you need to figure out how and with what to secure them in the seat, and also up to what age.

The traffic rules do not put forward strict restrictions on fastening methods, but only offer options:

  • special child seat;
  • child adapters for adult belts;
  • children's belts.

Typically, children under 3 years of age are transported in child seats, while older children are transported using belt adapters. Although there are special chairs that are designed for a child aged 12 years, for some reason they are almost never used.

It is interesting that clause 22.9 of the traffic rules puts forward such requirements only for those situations when there is a child under 12 years old in the car. Apparently, older children are treated like adults, although from a legal point of view, persons become adults at the age of 16. But based on the Traffic Rules, we come to the conclusion that a fine of 3,000 rubles is imposed only for children under 12 years of age who are not properly restrained, and teenagers from 12 to 16 are “considered” adults, and therefore for them its size is limited to 1000 rubles.

Unbelted driver, passenger, child: who pays for what?

This information is also important to know:

  1. Note, If the child is not wearing a seat belt, the driver pays, not parents. Parents will only have to pay if one of them drives the car.
  2. The fine for unbelted passengers does not depend on their number. It doesn’t matter how many of them violated traffic rules, the driver will still have to pay 1000 rubles and no more.
  3. Traffic police officers can fine you for this offense several times a day., but of course for a repeated violation, and not for the same thing.
  4. Many people believe that only those sitting in the first seat need to buckle up. However, the basis for imposing a fine will be Unfastened seat belt, including in the back seat.
  5. The passenger may be given a warning instead of a fine. This benefit does not apply to drivers.

Who won't pay a fine for not wearing a seat belt?

  • instructor, during the driving training process;
  • disabled person;
  • drivers and passengers of operational vehicles (for example, ambulances), if they have identification marks.

The law does not exempt public transport passengers from liability. However, the practice among traffic police officers has developed in such a way that fines are not imposed on them, since at the moment in our country public vehicles are not equipped with belts.

Other types of responsibility other than administrative

Under certain conditions, a person may be subject to civil and even criminal liability for this violation.

The basis for this is an accident that occurred due to the fault of a driver who violated traffic rules. Not wearing a seat belt is already a violation, although not as “shameful” as alcohol intoxication, but it is also taken into account when investigating an accident.

Therefore, a driver who did not buckle up himself or did not follow his passengers in doing so, if he gets into an accident, may be subject to criminal liability as:

  • restrictions for up to 3 years or imprisonment for up to 2 years, forced labor for up to 2 years, arrest for up to 6 months - if serious harm to health was caused to the victim due to negligence;
  • forced labor for up to 4 years, imprisonment for up to 5 years - in the event of the death of the victim;
  • forced labor for up to 5 years, imprisonment for up to 7 years - if the death of 2 or more people occurs.

Any of the penalties will be applied only if the driver’s guilt is confirmed by a court decision.

A civil claim can be brought by any passenger who was injured as a result of the accident. Everything will depend on the passenger, so being brought to this type of liability is much less common.

3. Work at height includes work in which:
a) there are risks associated with a possible fall of an employee from a height of 1.8 m or more
, including:
when an employee climbs to a height of more than 5 m, or descends from a height of more than 5 m on a ladder, the angle of inclination of which to a horizontal surface is more than 75°;
when carrying out work on sites at a distance closer than 2 m from unfenced differences in height of more than 1.8 m, and also if the height of the protective fence of these sites is less than 1.1 m;
b) there are risks associated with a possible fall of a worker from a height of less than 1.8 m if work is carried out on machines or mechanisms, the surface of a liquid or bulk fine materials, or protruding objects.
3.1. Depending on the production conditions, all work at height is divided into:
A) working at height using scaffolding (for example, scaffolding, scaffolding, towers, cradles, ladders and other means of scaffolding), as well as work performed on sites with protective fences 1.1 m high or more;
b) work without the use of scaffolding, performed at a height of 5 m or more, as well as work performed at a distance of less than 2 m from unfenced differences in height of more than 5 m on sites in the absence of protective fences or with a height of protective fences of less than 1, 1m.

20. To ensure the safety of work carried out at height, the employer must organize:a) correct selection and use of protective equipment;
b) compliance with the instructions on the marking of protective equipment;
c) maintenance and periodic inspections of protective equipment specified in the manufacturer’s operational documentation.

30. The responsible work manager (if appointed) or work performer is obliged to:
e) upon arrival at the work site, organize, ensure and control, through personal inspection, the implementation of technical measures to prepare the workplace for the start of work, completeness of personal protective equipment issued in accordance with the permit and (or) PPR at height against falling from a height, including an emergency kit of rescue and evacuation equipment, completeness of first aid equipment, correct placement of safety signs, protective fences and fencing of work sites;
38. It is not allowed to change the set of measures provided for by the permit and work permit at height, ensuring the safety of work at height.

That. The selection of safety equipment when working at height should begin during the preparation of the project, and then be strictly followed.

The worker says that you don’t need to wear a seat belt on the scaffolding.

Each member of the team must follow the instructions of the responsible performer of the work, as well as the requirements of labor protection instructions for the profession and for the types of work to which he is authorized.
Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 28, 2014 N 155n (as amended on June 17, 2015) “On approval of the Labor Safety Rules when working at height” (ConsultantPlus)

So the employer must take care of drawing up the correct production instructions, instructions on health and safety, familiarize employees with them and demand compliance.

happened on one of the roads of our vast Motherland. A driver, an ordinary road user, is pursuing traffic police officers... Already an interesting start, isn’t it? The police officers, in turn, are trying in the most natural way to hide from him. What's happening?

As will become clear to you from the video, in this way the driver is trying to restore justice, call on government employees to comply with the letter of the law and make their service safer. The fact is that the employees who were being chased by the motorist were not wearing seat belts and the person repeatedly demanded that they draw up a report on themselves...

Hmmm, what can I say, the situation is extraordinary and one could assume that another viral video had appeared on YouTube, if not for the tense tone of the car enthusiast and the confusion of the law enforcement officers themselves, who clearly did not know that this could also happen. Let’s also add to this that an hour earlier, these officers probably issued a report to this car owner for something similar (Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). We can imagine the wave of indignation of the driver when he saw that law enforcement officers were committing such a traffic violation.

The video on video hosting is gaining views and, probably, sooner or later the heads of traffic police officers who find themselves in an unpleasant situation will become familiar with the situation.

By the way, is it the duty of law enforcement officers monitoring road safety to wear seat belts? After all, it seems that this category, as well as the instructors teaching driving, might not wear a seat belt while driving. This was once the case, but for seven years now this “privilege” has been abolished by government decree, paragraph 2.1.2 has changed, which no longer distinguishes drivers and passengers into those on duty or ordinary civilians:

2.1.2. When driving a vehicle equipped with seat belts, be fastened and do not carry passengers who are not wearing seat belts. When driving a motorcycle, wear a fastened motorcycle helmet and do not carry passengers without a fastened motorcycle helmet.

(as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/21/2000 N 370, dated 12/14/2005 N 767, dated 05/10/2010 N 316)

Such interesting things. It is not clear how the story ended, but I think everyone drew the right conclusions from this incident.

According to the decree of the Russian government in the field of road safety, all police officers will be required to wear seat belts from November 2010.

“Currently, only two categories of drivers have the right not to wear seat belts - instructors teaching driving, as well as drivers and passengers of emergency services vehicles that have a special color scheme,” Viktor Kiryanov, head of the Russian State Traffic Inspectorate, told reporters on Sunday.

“In six months there will be no exceptions,” he emphasized. At the same time, Kiryanov did not specify the mechanism for bringing violators in uniform to justice.

According to the chief traffic inspector of Russia, the new order is provided for by a government decree signed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation last Friday.

“I previously instructed all traffic police officers to wear seat belts without fail,” Kiryanov said. According to the data he cited, “the use of seat belts is an extremely effective preventive measure and reduces the severity of consequences in road accidents by almost 50 percent.”

The head of the Russian State Traffic Inspectorate also commented on the amendment to the Traffic Rules regarding the obligation of drivers to drive at any time of the day with their headlights on.

“A car that drives with low beam headlights on is more noticeable to pedestrians and other drivers. This will allow them to better navigate, for example, in adverse weather conditions - heavy fog, heavy rain,” Kiryanov explained.

He noted that drivers in many countries around the world drive with low beams and, “as practice shows, this brings a positive effect.”

Kiryanov recalled that for the past 5 years, motorists have been required to turn on their low beams only when driving outside populated areas. “In just six months, this norm will extend to populated areas,” said the head of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.

As reported, on Friday, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a decree amending a number of traffic rules. The document was published on the website of the Russian government.

In particular, drivers will be required to slow down or stop before crossing to allow pedestrians to pass. According to the changes, during daylight hours all moving vehicles must have low-beam headlights or daytime running lights on to indicate them.

To warn of overtaking, instead of a sound signal or together with it, a light signal may be given, which is a short-term switching of the headlights from low to high beam.

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