Is registration required at the place of stay? Why do you need permanent and temporary registration? Violation of temporary registration deadlines

Every year Russia demonstrates to the world progressive economic growth in all areas of human activity. The standard of living of Russians is growing, and registration in Russia is becoming a goal for many foreigners. In 2019, living in the Russian Federation is prestigious, and this is beginning to be recognized even in those countries whose leaders until recently did not take the state into account, considering it poor and unpromising.

People from the CIS come to the Russian Federation to live and work. It is no secret that salaries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and other cities are significantly higher than, say, in Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Moldova. This makes employment in Russia promising and provides an opportunity to increase the level of material well-being. As a result, many, after working for several years, decide to take their families and register in Russia.

When deciding whether I should register in a new place, people do not fully understand what is meant by this concept. IN Soviet times this meant that you would register at a specific address, which could be read on your passport and other documents. You could change your place of residence only with the permission of the state.

Today, when migration has reached unprecedented proportions, instead of registration, another term has been adopted - registration. However, when talking about it, we continue to use the word registration, although the fundamental meaning of the phenomenon has changed. Now, if you change your place of residence, by law you only need to notify government authorities about it.

Registration provides the following options:

In the general understanding, registration does not tie a person to a place; you can move freely throughout the country and abroad. Regardless nationality, persons located in Russia must register. Today, the old types of registrations (permanent and temporary) have been replaced by registration at the place of residence or stay.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, guests of the state and newborns who have just been born must register.

Is it possible to live without registration in the Russian Federation?

Is it possible to live without registration in Russia? The answer to this question will be negative. This is a violation of immigration laws, which entails fines and deportation for foreigners.

If you have a lot of real estate in the country, you can register only in one of the properties. There is no such thing as double registration in Russia.

Russian registration for foreigners

Every foreigner who arrives in the country must wonder how to register in Russia. For those who intend to work, this is a matter of obtaining temporary registration; for those who are going to go through the path to obtaining citizenship, they need to obtain a residence permit in Russia, which can only be done after receiving a temporary residence permit.

Recently foreign citizens in Russia they accepted it for 90 days. After this period, people crossed the border in both directions and continued to live and work in the Russian Federation legally.

In 2014, the situation changed; starting from January 1, new rules came into force: 90 days remained, but this is the permitted period of stay for 180 days. That is, after 3 months, a foreigner, if he does not have documents allowing him to stay, must leave the country for three months.

In order not to leave, you need to obtain a temporary registration for more than long term. In 2019, citizens of Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and Kazakhstan are registering in Russia so as not to violate the law and thereby not deprive themselves of the right to stay in the country.

How to enter the country without breaking the law

Foreigners can enter Russia with or without a visa. A Ukrainian won’t need it, a Belarusian or a Moldovan won’t ask for it. Citizens of the CIS are allowed visa-free entry. Those who have already received a temporary residence permit or residence permit do not need it.

The main document with which each guest’s stay in the country begins (except for those who have a residence permit) is; half of it remains at customs, and the second half serves as the basis for staying in the country and obtaining other permitting documents.

All foreigners arriving in the country must register with the migration authorities within 3 days. Registration and registration at a specific address are required both for those who will stay in the country for 90 days and for those who intend to stay for a longer period. A person who fails to register will be punished with a fine of 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

During the Ukrainian crisis, it was established for citizens of Ukraine in Russia special status. A citizen of Ukraine can extend his stay in the Russian Federation without hindrance by presenting only his passport to the migration services. A note about the new period is made on the migration card, and the Ukrainian’s registration is extended accordingly.

Slightly different rules apply to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Residents of Kazakhstan in Russia can stay without registration for 30 days, which was reached by agreement between the countries on 06/07/2012. Citizens of Kazakhstan wishing to stay longer provided for by the agreement deadline, you need to register within a week.

Receiving notification of temporary registration

Your legal stay on the territory of Russia will become possible only when you register. Temporary registration is registration in a certain region at a certain address. Binding to the address is required.

Citizens are registered at the regional department of the FMS. Before obtaining temporary registration, you need to decide on the place where the person will be registered. In most cases, the registration is undertaken by the receiving party, that is, the one with whom the foreigner will live. In this capacity it can act as Russian citizen, and a foreigner who permanently resides in the Russian Federation.

If it is important for you to know whether a foreign citizen can independently apply to the FMS, then the answer is affirmative: he can. Such a step requires justified good reasons. A guest of the Russian Federation can personally contact the FMS or writing, or send necessary papers via Russian Post. In any case, the receiving party must give its consent.

Naturally, the question will be asked, how much does registration cost? IN in this case no state fees are charged. When sending by post, you must pay the established tariffs of the enterprise.

At the post office or at the FMS, the applicant is given a notification, which is the fact that the person has been registered and received a residence permit.

In what area can I register?

It's pretty difficult path to first register on permanent basis, and eventually become a citizen Russian Federation, it takes several years. Nevertheless, many go for it, especially since the first step, temporary residence permit, gives a foreigner almost the same rights as citizens of the state.

To determine the terminology, you should refer to the law. In accordance with Article 2 of the mentioned law, the place of stay is considered to be the premises in which the citizen resides temporarily. This is, for example, a hotel, sanatorium, camping, medical institution or place of deprivation of liberty, etc.

The place of residence of a citizen is: a residential building, an apartment, including a room in a dormitory - any residential premises where the citizen resides permanently as the owner, under a commercial or social hiring or on other grounds provided for in regulations Russian Federation.

New rules for registering citizens

The charming requirement of the law on registration at the place of residence has remained unchanged. According to Article 19.15.1 Code of Administrative Offenses accommodation in residential premises without appropriate registration above established by law 90 days will be punishable by fines. For citizens administrative penalty will be from 2 to 3 thousand rubles, for owners or tenants of residential premises - from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. If the owner or tenant is entity, the fine increases by an amount from 250 to 750 thousand rubles.

But now you don’t have to register at your place of residence if it is located in the same subject of the Russian Federation as your place of residence. Those. your movements within the region (region, region, republic), provided that you are permanently registered at your place of residence in one of settlements on its territory may not be accompanied mandatory registration at the place of stay.

For city residents federal significance– Moscow and St. Petersburg, having permanent registration at the place of residence in these cities, now there is no need to register at the place of stay in Moscow and Leningrad regions. And vice versa - residents of these regions do not need to register at their place of residence in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Are exempt from administrative responsibility for accommodation without registration at the place of stay for citizens temporarily living with close relatives throughout Russia. The law includes spouses, parents (including adopted ones) and children (including adopted ones), grandparents and grandchildren as such. Please note that spouses living in civil marriage, do not fall under the category of close relatives. In any other cases, registration at the place of residence and place of stay is mandatory.

Place of residence is housing in which a person lives as an owner, under a lease (sublease), under a lease agreement for specialized residential premises, or on some other basis permanently (primarily). The place of stay is, accordingly, the housing that a person occupies on the same basis, but temporarily.

A change of place of residence must be reported to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs within seven days. Registration at the place of stay must be completed only if you plan to live in a new place for more than 90 days.

Registration, both at the place of residence and at the place of stay, is carried out within three to eight days, depending on the method of submitting documents.

2. Is the consent of other residents required to obtain temporary registration?

If you are the owner of the property (or a share thereof) in which you want to register, you do not need to obtain anyone's consent. If not, you will have to obtain permission from all owners of the premises.

If the housing is in public or municipal fund and you are its only user, you also do not need anyone’s consent for temporary registration. But if other people are already registered at the premises, you will need the permission of those who have reached the age of majority.

If you want to obtain temporary registration in housing that is located in the state or municipal property, but you are not his employer, you will have to conclude. This agreement will serve as the basis for temporary registration.

When registering at your place of stay in communal apartment The consent of all owners and tenants living in the apartment is required.

The consent of the owners or users of the housing provided to you is expressed on personal reception in writing to the registration authorities. If it is not possible to be present in person, the consent can be notarized.

3. What documents are needed?

To register at your place of stay you will need:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificate - for those under 14 years of age;
  • international passport - for persons permanently residing outside the Russian Federation.
">identity document;
  • application for registration at the place of stay (form No. 1, filled out at a personal appointment);
  • When registering at their place of residence or place of stay, citizens have the right not to present a social tenancy agreement, a rental agreement for state or municipal residential premises housing stock and certificate of state registration rights to residential premises, limiting themselves to only indicating their details in the application. In this case registration authority independently requests information about them from government and municipal authorities. However, this may increase the period for providing public services to eight days.">document, which is the basis for temporary residence specified address(this may be a rental agreement, social lease, sublease of housing; a certificate of ownership of the living space, if you are its owner (co-owner); a statement from the person providing the housing, or another document).
  • If there are several owners, each of them must submit a package of documents.

    ">Owner or The package of documents must also be submitted by all adult members of his family.">to the user housing (if you are not the owner or are not indicated in the rental agreement), in turn, you will need to have with you:
    • identification document;
    • a document confirming the right to own (use) this housing.

    4. Where to apply?

    You can submit documents for registration at your place of residence:

    • online, through the portal of government services of the Russian Federation;
    • in “My Documents” of the area where the housing is located;
    • in your home if she provides passport office services.

    For residents The service is available to residents apartment buildings located on the territory of Novomoskovsky administrative district, in respect of which there is no concluded agreement between the MFC and management companies for maintaining registration accounting.

    ">Novomoskovsk administrative district is not available pre-entry to the public services center of the Moskovsky settlement and the public services center for working with large developers and government agencies on registration issues.

    If you submit documents in person, you will have to come twice: first to submit documents, then to receive them. On your first visit, to submit documents, both you and

    ">those who provide housing (if you are not the owner). The second time, to receive a registration certificate, only you can come.

    If you submit an application through the Russian government services portal, you will receive an invitation to receive a certificate of registration at your place of residence within three days. Both you and All owners of housing located in private property, or all adult users of housing that is state or municipal property.

    ">those who provide you with living space. You need to have with you:
    • identification documents;
    • a document confirming the right to own (use) this housing;
    • a document that serves as the basis for your temporary residence at the specified address.

    5. How to register for a child?

    The place of residence or stay of minors under 14 years of age, or citizens under guardianship, is recognized as the place of residence or stay of their legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents or guardians.

    To register children under 14 years of age, and incompetent citizens at the place of residence of legal representatives - parents (one of the parents), adoptive parents or guardians, the consent of the homeowners is not required. Accordingly, their presence during the submission of documents is not necessary. Registration is carried out upon application legal representative. Registration of children over 14 years old is carried out at general principles.

    A registration mark for children under 14 years of age is not placed on their identity document. Instead, a certificate of registration at the place of residence or stay is issued.

    6. For how long can temporary registration be issued?

    Registration at the place of residence can be issued for any period, but it must be agreed upon with the owners of the residential premises.

    Users of state or municipal housing stock can temporarily register citizens in their residential premises for a period not exceeding the term of the social tenancy agreement. If the citizen who needs to be registered at the specified address occupies living space not under a sublease agreement, but is a temporary tenant; registration can only be issued for a period not exceeding six months.

    Users of housing under rental agreements and free use cannot sublet housing. Accordingly, they can register only temporary residents in the residential premises they occupy.

    7. How to register as a student and military personnel?

    Military personnel register:

    • at the place of residence - on a general basis (with the exception of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen passing military service on call);
    • at the place of stay - if available vacation ticket or travel certificate(if the duration of vacation or business trip exceeds 90 days).

    Military personnel who entered military service under a contract, as well as officers undergoing military service by conscription, and members of their families, before receiving residential premises, are registered by the registration authorities at the place of deployment of military units.

    Full-time students receiving secondary vocational and higher education and residents of dormitories, to register at their place of stay must contact the authorized official educational institution. This must be done within three days from the date of provision of a place in the hostel.

    8. What documents can be issued in one package when changing place of residence at public service centers?

    From August 1, 2017 in You can complete documents and receive services in one package at public service centers in the districts of Tverskaya, Ramenki, Kurkino, Khoroshevsky, Yaroslavsky, Novokosino, Kapotnya, Biryulevo Vostochnoe, Severnoe Butovo, Kryukovo, Arbat, Vnukovo, Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo, Airport, Begovoy, Alekseevsky, Altufevsky, Babushkinsky, Bogorodskoye and Metrogorodok, Veshnyaki, Ryazansky, Vykhino-Zhulebino, Chertanovo Yuzhnoye, Biryulyovo Western, Gagarinsky, Teply Stan, Savelki.

    ">in a number of public service centers “My Documents” you can complete documents in one package and receive services necessary when changing your place of residence, for example:
    • registration (temporary or permanent);
    • making changes to documents military registration(for those liable for military service);
    • provision of measures social support for payment of housing, utilities and communication services (for those who belong to the corresponding category of beneficiaries);
    • calculation or recalculation of payments for housing and communal services;
    • accepting applications to request a payment (pension) file (for pension recipients);
    • accepting applications for pension delivery (for pension recipients);
    • accepting applications for the provision of land and transport taxes from individuals(for those who belong to the corresponding category of beneficiaries).

    To obtain Russian passport, a foreigner or stateless person must fulfill a number of conditions to prove the seriousness of his intention to become a responsible citizen of the Russian Federation. One of the requirements is permanent registration at the place of residence in Russia. What is it and is registration required to obtain Russian citizenship? Let’s look into this material.

    The path to a Russian passport

    The process of obtaining Russian citizenship can follow a general and simplified procedure. The second option is possible, for example, for those who have relatives in Russia, are native speakers of Russian, or are highly qualified workers.

    An important condition is the refusal previous passport. Only Tajiks can avoid doing this - according to international treaty O dual citizenship. Wherein Russian side does not directly prohibit being a citizen of two states. When submitting an application to migration service it is enough for the applicant to prove his intention to renounce his previous citizenship (application sent to the “former” consulate).

    Conditions for applicants for Russian citizenship

    Registration is just one of the requirements that foreigners and stateless persons who wish to become part of the people of Russia must fulfill.

    In addition to obtaining residence registration, you must:

    • permanently reside in the country for at least 5 years (based on a residence permit);
    • know the Russian language and Russian legislation;
    • have legal sources of income;
    • renounce previous citizenship.

    And although the simplified procedure gives certain concessions to certain categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons, registration remains an unchanged requirement.

    Registration: concept and algorithm for obtaining

    Before deciding what kind of registration is needed to obtain Russian citizenship, it is worth understanding the content of the concept.

    Registration is a form of registration of citizens.

    It should immediately be clarified that the word “registration” itself is used today more out of habit, in official documents The term "registration" is used.

    With freedom of movement, guaranteed by law, foreigners must register for migration within a week after entering the country by registering according to specific place residence. An exception to the rule are Tajiks and Kazakhs: for them these periods are 15 and 30 days, respectively.

    Registration functions

    The main purpose of the registration process is to register foreigners on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    A separate certificate (temporary registration) or a stamp in the passport (permanent registration) certifies the fact that the citizen is at a specific address.

    For homeowners in the Russian Federation, it is not always profitable to “permanently” register those arriving, although this is precisely the type that gives more freedom to the guest of the state himself, including when applying for an internal Russian passport.

    Registration functions:

    • registration (informing the state about the location of a foreign citizen). This is necessary mainly to prevent violations of migration laws by foreigners, as well as to conduct investigations and charge fair fees for utility bills;
    • law enforcement (monitoring a citizen’s compliance with his duties to society, such as paying taxes).

    In this case, refusal to implement is considered illegal. social rights(on medical care and others) due to lack of registration.

    Permanent registration: how to apply

    For foreigners who are unaware of whether permanent registration is needed when obtaining Russian citizenship, it is important to know how to obtain it.

    They deal with registration issues migration authorities, in particular regional bodies Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

    If for temporary registration it is enough to fill out an application and submit your passport and migration card, to obtain permanent registration, you must also attach documents confirming the right to move in and live in the apartment (house).

    Such reasons may be:

    • title deed;
    • lease contract;
    • statement from the owner;
    • court decision (in cases specified by law).

    Those who move to another place of residence within Russia need to remember the need to take a departure certificate from previous place registration.

    Types of registration and is it possible to have two at once?

    IN migration legislation There are two types of registration mode:

    • permanent registration (at place of residence),
    • temporary registration (at the place of stay).

    Temporary registration looks like a certificate and has limited period actions and is formalized if a person is out of place permanent residence more than 3 months. Permanent registration does not have an expiration date and is issued as a stamp in a passport.

    Interestingly, it is legally allowed to have both types of registration at the same time. This is determined life situations. For example, a foreigner can permanently reside in Voronezh, but go to work or study in Moscow. In this case, temporary registration is issued in the capital.

    And if there is nowhere to register

    It is especially important for citizens who do not have their own housing in the Russian Federation to know whether it is possible to obtain Russian citizenship without registration; unfortunately, the answer is negative.

    It is understood that if a foreigner plans to live in Russia, then at least he has friends or relatives with whom he can register.

    Another condition for potential Russians - the availability of sources of income - predetermines the ability to legally rent an apartment and register at its address on the basis of a rental agreement.

    There is another possibility - to register at a specific address for money. There are nuances here, which we will discuss in more detail.

    “Paid registration”: what you need to remember so as not to be deceived

    Particularly popular at the moment payable service registration, which involves registration at the place of stay or residence for a fee to the owner of the property. This is done by special offices or individuals. Main disadvantage This option of registration at a specific address means there is a high probability of becoming a victim of scammers who will take money but never provide the service.

    To protect yourself from unscrupulous businessmen, you need to check:

    • certificate of ownership of housing;
    • presence of registration with the entrepreneurs themselves providing this service;
    • authenticity of all documents and stamps.

    In addition, it is advisable to visit the migration authorities with the owner of the property when submitting an application and receiving a certificate or passport with a registration stamp. This will provide more guarantees that the registration is genuine.

    It is worth remembering, however, that the provision of such a service, as well as its use, is already a violation of the law.

    Sanctions for lack of registration

    A foreigner has 7 days to register at the place of stay (residence) after entering the territory of Russia.

    Temporary registration is called that because it presupposes an end date for validity. If a foreign citizen came to the Russian Federation with a visa, then his registration will be valid during the validity period of this document, if from a country with visa-free regime, the registration period is 90 days with the right to extend.

    WITH registration of temporary residence permit registration is valid as long as the permit is valid; if a foreigner has already received a residence permit, he needs to obtain permanent registration; its absence within 3 years will cause the residence permit to be cancelled.

    This general rules regarding the validity period of registration. Violation of them entails sanctions prescribed by law.

    For lack of registration or fictitious registration representatives government agencies the violator may be fined (from 3,000 to 7,000 rubles) or even deported (for up to 5 years).

    Permanent registration and citizenship

    On the issue of registration of foreign citizens Russian state fundamentally. Citizenship of a country cannot be obtained if there is no reliable roof over your head. Permanent registration How required condition for applicants for a Russian passport can be replaced with a temporary one only for certain categories of foreigners who go through a simplified procedure. This is relevant, for example, for participants in the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots. The time frame for obtaining citizenship is being shortened, so there may be options for registration. Information about this should be clarified with the relevant authorities.

    How to obtain Russian Citizenship. Conditions for obtaining Russian citizenship: Video

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