Is school uniform compulsory? Putin signed the law on school uniforms initiated by the Onf

Older people remember what school uniform was in Soviet times. Girls wore dresses and aprons, and boys wore suits. None of the students stood out in terms of their clothes, and perhaps that was right. In our legislation last year appeared new normal, which gives schools the right to introduce school uniforms. This is provided for by the Federal Law of June 4, 2014 No. 148-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation».

What does the education law say about school uniforms?

In the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” the establishment of requirements for the clothing of school students falls within the competence of general education institutions, unless other requirements are established. legislative level. The above changes require that the subject of the Russian Federation approve the requirements for the uniform of school students that will operate in the territory of a specific Russian region. The Ministry of Education even on this occasion sent an instruction letter to all cities dated March 28, 2013 No. DL-65/08 “On establishing requirements for students’ clothing.”

In many Russian regions The issue with the form has long been resolved. For example, in Orenburg, Rostov, Saratov, Yaroslavl region, as well as in the Republic of Tatarstan and Karelia and many other regions, children go to school in appropriate uniforms. And those regions in which this issue has not yet been resolved need to adopt the appropriate normative legal act.

What should a school uniform be according to the law?

The decision to introduce a school uniform and what it should be is made at a meeting of all participants educational process. The parents of each student must be present at the meeting and can speak on this matter. It should be taken into account material costs to purchase uniforms for large and low-income children. Schools can have 3 types of school uniforms:
  1. casual. Children will wear this uniform to school every day, except holidays;
  2. sports. Students wear sportswear during physical education classes. Each school may have its own distinctive signs in the form of stripes, ties, badges, emblems, and the like;
  3. festive. The dress uniform is intended for festive events in an educational institution and school events dedicated to holidays. It differs from everyday school clothes in that boys will have a light shirt and girls will have a light blouse and various holiday accessories for all children.
The introduction of school uniforms does not mean that students in all schools in the country will look the same. Each educational institution on general meeting choose the color, style and appearance these clothes specifically for their students. But in any case, students’ clothing must comply with all necessary hygienic and sanitary rules and standards, weather and temperature of the room in which children study. Children should feel comfortable in school clothes. The style of clothing is business, generally accepted. Clothing and accessories with informal symbols and traumatic accessories are unacceptable.

Money for the purchase of uniforms is allocated if it is provided for regional budget. Part 3 Art. 38 of the Law “On Education” provides for compensation to parents for the purchased uniform. In any case, low-income and large families will receive money from the budget to purchase school clothes. If a mother knows how to sew, she can sew a uniform for her child herself. The most important thing is that the tailored uniform meets the requirements and standards set by the school.

Civil Code Part 3 of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 3) contains all the information that relates to the hereditary issue. In principle, it is the Constitution of the Russian Federation...

Due to the increasing number of complaints regarding school uniforms, we are publishing clarifications on this issue.

"Education Law" on school uniforms.

On September 1, 2013, the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation” came into force. Among his innovations is the right educational organization establish requirements for students’ clothing.

Thus, school uniforms are being introduced again at the legislative level in the country. Its appearance is determined by the need to erase property, social and religious differences between students, strengthen the image of educational institutions, and provide schoolchildren with aesthetic and comfortable clothing. Therefore, according to the text of the federal law, this rule is valid unless otherwise established by the legislation of the subject of the federation. For those regions in which the issue of school uniforms

has not yet been resolved, it is necessary to adopt the appropriate regulatory act. The requirements for the new uniform for schoolchildren are contained in a sample law sent by the Ministry of Education and Science to the regions.

What should be the uniform school uniform?

The introduction of a uniform does not mean, however, that all students will be dressed the same. For each educational institution the color, style, appearance of clothing and the obligation to wear it will be determined individually. Schools are advised to adopt a special local regulatory an act regulating uniform issues for students, taking into account the opinions of parents.

General education organizations can establish three types of school clothing: formal, casual and sports. The dress uniform is intended for festive events and school functions. The dress uniform differs from the everyday uniform by the presence of a light shirt or a festive accessory for boys and young men, a blouse or a festive accessory for girls and young women.

Sportswear is used for physical education. The uniform of each school may have its own distinctive signs in the form of emblems, stripes, badges, ties, and so on.

Dress style is generally accepted business style. Uniforms for schoolchildren must be secular in nature. Clothes, shoes and accessories with traumatic fittings, informal symbols, promoting illegal behavior and substance use.

The requirements for the form must be accepted by all participants in the educational process and take into account financial situation large and low-income families.

The other day, the child again tearfully complained that the teacher didn’t like her trousers and urgently needed others. What is this, I thought. They scold me again. Recently I changed my jeans (regular blue ones) to black trousers and again I missed them. The teacher says that the trousers are stretchy, but they should be wider... The trousers are like trousers, I wouldn’t say they are tight. And how many pieces can you buy? And then I looked at the diary...

And then the topic of school uniforms suddenly became all over the news. And the “blue girl” flashed and a wave went on the radio. And today I dug into this topic in some detail.

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”
Article 28. Competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of an educational organization:
3. The competence of an educational organization in the established field of activity includes:
...16) creating conditions for students to study physical culture and sports;
17) acquisition or production of forms of documents on education and (or) qualifications;
18) establishing requirements for students’ clothing, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law or the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

This is ALL, absolutely everything that is written in this law on school uniforms! Say no more.

P.S. I understand that teachers are just always extreme hostages of the situation, I am not against the school uniform, I am against the form in which it is presented to us.

And it also seems to me that the development of the theme of school uniforms from one line in the law to real discrimination the rights of children and parents, perfectly characterizes how everyone, not just school officials, understand their place in our lives. They were just given competence (this is not even a right), they were appointed responsible for certain possible actions, and they immediately turned the school uniform into a tool of manipulation and unshakable power over children and parents.
Further multi-books, for those who are interested in the topic.
- - - - - - - - Let me clarify: the introduction of uniforms is not a right, and certainly not an obligation of the school, but the scope of its competence and nothing more. In fact, Rybnadzor or SAH will not set requirements for children’s clothing.

Slightly clarifies the topic: Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. DL-65/08 dated March 28, 2013 “On establishing requirements for students’ clothing”
Which just cautiously RECOMMENDS the introduction of wearing a uniform and explains why.
1. Uniform requirements for clothing for students educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education (hereinafter referred to as student clothing) are introduced for the purpose of:
- providing students with comfortable and aesthetic clothing in everyday life school life; (ordinary blue, gray or black jeans without wild rhinestones and holes - comfortable and aesthetic clothing in Everyday life, or I'm wrong?)
- eliminating signs of social, property and religious differences between students; (they’ve already rejected two of our pants, I’m going broke on these demands)
- preventing students from experiencing psychological discomfort in front of their peers; (constant comments to children, nagging in the corridors, some are not even allowed into school - there have been cases - doesn’t this cause psychological discomfort in children, or am I mistaken?)
- strengthening the general image of the educational organization, forming school identity. (I won't comment)
2. Requirements for students’ clothing and the obligation to wear it are established by the local regulatory act of the educational organization.
3. The general appearance of students’ clothing, its color, and style are determined by the state public administration body of the educational organization (school council, parent committee, class, school-wide parent meeting, board of trustees, and others).
4. General educational organizations have the right to establish the following types student clothes:
1) casual wear;
2) formal clothes;
3) sportswear.
Formal clothing is used by students on holidays and ceremonial occasions.
For boys and young men, formal school clothes consist of casual school clothes, complemented by a light shirt or a festive accessory.
For girls and young women, formal school clothes consist of casual school clothes, complemented by a light blouse or a festive accessory.
Sportswear is used by students in physical education and sports classes.
Students' clothing may have distinctive signs of an educational organization (class, parallel class): emblems, stripes, badges, ties, and so on.
5. Students’ clothing must comply with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “ Hygienic requirements to clothing for children, teenagers and adults, children's products and materials for products (products) in contact with human skin. SanPiN 2.4.7/1.1.1286-03", approved by resolution Chief State sanitary doctor Russian Federation dated April 17, 2003 No. 51 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 5, 2003, registration No. 4499).
6. Students’ clothing must be appropriate for the weather and location. training sessions, temperature conditions in room.
7. The appearance and clothing of students in state and municipal educational organizations must comply generally accepted norms in society business style and be secular in nature.
8. For students Not recommended wearing in educational institutions clothes, shoes and accessories with traumatic accessories, symbols of asocial informal youth associations, as well as those promoting psychoactive substances and illegal behavior.
9. The decision to introduce clothing requirements for students in general education institutions should accepted by all participants in the educational process(Article 26 of the Law), take into account the material costs of low-income and large families.
- And now my comments. Before requiring children to be in uniform, the school must accept and approve “Local act on establishing uniform requirements for students’ clothing,” where this very casual and formal uniform is described in detail. Otherwise, how to correspond to something that no one knows? Moreover, the competence to adopt this act must be spelled out in the school charter.
The decision on the introduction of a uniform (or its non-introduction), on styles, colors, permission or prohibition of jeans, specific requirements, etc. - accepted by ALL participants in the educational process (parents and children first of all). If this document does not exist, or if it exists, but you did not sign or accept it, you were not familiarized with it, or there are vague formulations about business style and the blablabla secular nature of clothing - all demands for the prohibition of this or that normal, clean, decent clothing including jeans, sweatshirts, sweaters, colored shirts are ILLEGAL!!!

Parents. I urge you to look at things sensibly. :))) Do not succumb to the strict voices of teachers and the principal, there is no law on school uniforms, no obligation!!! If your children are being oppressed, demand approved documents. And these documents must comply with the law, the school Charter and common sense. Don’t take my word for it, you yourself have the right to decide whether there will be a uniform at school or not, and if so, what kind. By the way, half the world wears jeans to work; they have long been part of the generally accepted business style.

Russian President, leader of the ONF Vladimir Putin signed the law on the introduction of school uniforms, initiated by the Popular Front. The document was published on official portal legal information. “This law has been discussed for more than a year by all participants in the educational process; enterprises that sew uniforms and designers who develop clothing models were involved. We were waiting for the document,”- stated ONF .RU representative of the Central Headquarters of the Popular Front, head of the educational holding “Naslednik” Lyubov Dukhanina.

Let us recall that in March 2013 in Rostov-on-Don at the first conference of the ONF “Construction social justice“Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the proposal of Popular Front activists to introduce a dress code for schoolchildren. The corresponding amendments to the law “On Education” were introduced by State Duma deputies - co-chairman of the Central Headquarters of the Popular Front Olga Timofeeva and member of the Central Staff of the ONF Mikhail Starshinov- in April.

The amended law defines federal level the right of an educational institution to establish a dress code, that is, schools will have the right to themselves introduce requirements for students’ clothing, including their general appearance, color, style, insignia and wearing rules. All this will happen based on discussion with students and their parents. At the same time, state and municipal educational institutions will have to establish requirements for schoolchildren’s clothing in accordance with standard requirements approved at the regional level.

If training is carried out according to army, law enforcement, customs, naval and aviation programs, then the form will be determined by the relevant structures under which the schools are subordinate. The law also states that providing students with clothing in cases and in the manner established by the authorities state power subjects of Russia, can be carried out through allocations from regional budgets.

“Many schools have already independently introduced uniform, and someone is at the stage when they have decided which form to choose,- Dukhanina reported.- I would like to note that regions are creating mechanisms to support children from socially vulnerable families. This is very important, because this is how the very idea of ​​a school uniform can be realized. Regions are actively working in this direction, and in many of them such mechanisms have already been created. In addition, there is a choice. This is not a uniform form for the entire country. The school, parents and children can choose the color and style themselves, and this is always important in teenage and high school.”

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