Regular visa. What is a multiple visa and how does it differ from a regular visa? National visa category "D"

Travel abroad can be made by various reasons– for vacation or study, on a business trip, to visit relatives. To travel to almost any country, a person needs to have with him not only a document, but also a document that gives the right to cross the border.

In most cases, people limit themselves to receiving regular visa, but for those who often visit trips abroad, it is much more convenient to use a multiple entry visa. What kind of document is this? And how is it different from a regular visa pass?

What is a multiple entry visa?

A multiple visa is a document that allows you to visit one or more countries multiple times over a period of time. certain period time. Having issued it once, you do not need to worry about how to re-enter a specific country.

During deadline You can visit the country whose consulate has granted permission more than once. As a rule, a multiple visa is opened for a period of six months to 5 years, but is limited by the permitted time of stay.

For example, if a document is issued for 1 year, and the allowed time of stay in the state is 180 days, this means that during the year you can cross the border as much as you like, but you are allowed to stay in this country for no more than 180 days.

What is a Schengen multiple entry visa?

The Schengen multiple visa gives the right to visit any countries located within the Schengen zone, but is opened with reference to a specific state.

For example, if you want to visit France with a visit to Germany and Austria along the way, the document is best prepared at the French consulate.

Many travelers believe that with a multiple visa it is necessary to first visit the state that provided the document, and only then visit other countries. In fact, there is no such condition in the rules of first entry, but tourists are recommended to obtain a multiple visa at the consulate of the country where they plan to stay the longest.

How to get a multiple visa?

Not everyone can receive a document. To become the proud owner of a multiple pass, you must meet a number of certain conditions.

Firstly, at the consulate you should justify your intention to frequently travel to a particular country. For example, marital status or due to study or work.

Secondly, you need to prove your solvency.

Thirdly, it is advisable to have marks in your international passport indicating that you have previously received regular visas. WITH most likely multiple visas are issued to those who, during previous trips, strictly complied with the visa code - did not violate customs regulations and left the country in accordance with the time of permitted stay.

Why do you need a multiple entry visa?

The main advantage of a multiple visa is the ability to visit the country unlimitedly. It eliminates the need to contact the consulate every time and receive new visa. Since the document is provided for a long period of time, it is very suitable for those who often travel to foreign business trips or just likes to travel a lot.

Another advantage of a multiple visa is access to other states that have signed the Schengen Agreement. This option is ideal for travelers who want to take a bus or car tour of the European Union and visit a large number of countries

How is a multiple visa different from a regular visa?

The main difference between a multivisa and a regular visa is the number of entries allowed. A regular visa can be single or double entry, that is, it allows you to visit specific country once or twice.

If, let’s say, you receive a visa at the French consulate, you can only use it to visit France. A multiple visa provides access to multiple visits to the Schengen zone and does not restrict entry into other EU states.

Another difference is that a regular visa is much easier to obtain than a multiple entry visa. In particular, to apply for it, it is not necessary to have notes on previous trips in your passport.

It is not entirely correct to talk about the difference between a Schengen visa and a multivisa: these are interpenetrating concepts. If we draw parallels, it’s the same as comparing just fish and, for example, herring. Everyone understands that the herring has all the characteristics of a fish, because it is one. But any fish does not necessarily have the characteristics of a herring, since it is not one with 100% probability. That is, every herring is a fish, but not every fish is a herring. Before we get completely confused, let’s summarize the philosophical arguments: every Schengen multiple visa is a visa, but not every visa is a multiple visa.

What is the difference between a Schengen multiple entry visa and a single entry visa?

To visit the Schengen countries for any purpose that does not involve making a profit on their territory, a visa is usually issued. single visa EU (type C). In this case, the total period of stay in the territory of the countries of the Agreement should not exceed 90 days per six months. This provision is relevant both for “short” permits and for “long” visas, the validity of which can be equal to five years.

In addition, a Schengen visa type C can be:

  • one-time (for one trip);
  • double (respectively for two trips);
  • multiple (for an unlimited number of trips).

Thus, a multiple visa is a Schengen visa that allows its holder to travel to the countries of the Agreement an unlimited number of times, without forgetting, however, the maximum permitted number of days of stay for Schengen visas. With both a single-entry and multiple-entry single EU visa, you can not only visit the country that issued the permit, but also travel almost throughout Europe.

How does a Schengen visa differ from a multivisa in appearance?

Schengen visa stickers for all Agreement states are almost identical. They have several degrees of protection and are printed only by printing. Visa stamp has 11 headings: 9 of them contain information about the permit document and its owner, pasted into one field color photography tourist, and another zone is intended for automatic data reading.

The difference between a visa and a multivisa when applying for them

Actually, the procedure for obtaining visas of any frequency is almost identical, and consular fee The standard fee is 35 euros. The form is filled out in the same way, only when requesting a multiple visa, a mark is placed in the appropriate field. Accompanying documents similar ones are also required, but they are subject to even more high requirements. Particular attention is paid to documents confirming the purpose of the trip: if a multiple visa is requested, then a “reinforced concrete” justification for the need to be in Europe constantly must be presented. And the applicant’s biography must be impeccable.

Multiple entry visa

A multiple-entry Schengen visa is issued to tourists who previously had a Schengen visa (and who returned safely to Europe without violations).

In a simplified way, the procedure can be described as follows: first you are given a single-entry Schengen visa, then a multiple-entry visa for half a year, then a multiple-entry visa for several years.

Unfortunately, the validity period of the visa cannot be longer than the deadline validity of a foreign passport; if you want a visa for several years, take care of a new passport in advance. However, some consulates make exceptions - and issue visas for a period longer than the validity period of the passport. In this case, after your passport expires, you can enter without additional visa, presenting two passports at once: the old one with a visa, and the new one/

Advantage of multiple entry visa

A multiple visa allows you to travel to any Schengen country. In this case, the rule of first entry must be observed only on the first visit, and then you can freely travel to any country.

Schengen multi-visas for several years for Russians

Multiple visa for 1 year if you have any Schengen visas

Consulates of Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia issue annual visas if you have any previously issued Schengen visa.

Multiple visa for 2 years

The Consulate of Italy and Poland issues a multiple visa for 2 years if you have two Schengen visas in the last 2 years.

Multiple visa for 5 years

Multiple visas valid for 5 years are usually issued by consulates if you have previously received an annual visa from this consulate.

Restrictions on length of stay for multiple visas

1. Any multiple visa has a limitation period on the total number of days of stay. For example, a visa can be issued for half a year, but the number of days is limited to 90. This means that during half a year you can stay in the Schenge zone for no more than 90 days.

2. For the Schengen area, the “90/180” rule applies. It means that within 180 days you can stay in the Schengen area for no more than 90 days.

Moreover, the days are counted from the last stay back, and not for a separate 180 days.

For example, you were in the Schengen zone for 30 days in January, 30 days in March, 30 days in May. This means that now you can enter in July: they will take into account 30 days in May, 30 days in March, and about 30 days in January (so that total days ago, your stay in Schengen did not exceed 90).

Or translating this example into the ordinal days of the year: you were in Schengen from the 1st to the 30th day of the year, from the 60th to the 90th day, and from the 120th to the 150th day. This means that now you will be able to move in no earlier than the 181st day of the year.

Many travelers are interested in the question of how a visa differs from a Schengen visa. National visa D provides the opportunity for a long stay in a European country (more than 90 days). It is issued for study, work, other long-term purposes and serves as the first step towards obtaining a residence permit.

Any adult knows what a national visa is. This official permission for entry into the country, which is issued only if the applicant has provided a certain package of documents and paid Visa fees. Having received a stamp in your passport with mark D, you can stay in the country for the entire duration of the visa corridor.

This type is often called long-term, since it is issued not for three months in a half-year, but for 180 days. Thanks to this stamp, you will be able to cross the border an unlimited number of times.

What you need to get a visa:

  • have a foreign passport;
  • create a package of documents at the request of the embassy of the country where you are going to travel;
  • purchase an insurance policy and pay the fee;
  • undergo a personal interview.

Many people are interested in whether they will give a visa if they have debts. If you are on the lists border service as a person prohibited from leaving the country, then no. IN similar lists You can get in if you owe more than 10 thousand rubles.

Even if you are given permission to leave, you will still not be allowed to board the flight, so you need to pay off all fines and other debts at least a month before the trip so that the border guards’ database can be updated.

Necessary documents for registration

To obtain a passport with mark D, you will need to create a package of certificates, copies, photographs and other documents. The list of required papers depends on the type of permit: study, work, for treatment, in connection with the reunification of relatives, business emigration. Basically, D is issued by those who expect to live in a European country not during the holiday period, but long time taking into account the possibility of extending the stamp without leaving Europe.

Documents for a national visa:

  • questionnaire;
  • international passport;
  • certificate from work or account statement;
  • insurance;
  • rental agreement, purchase of housing in an EU country;
  • certificate of no problems with the law;
  • medical certificate of the established form;
  • work permit and labor contract(if work D is issued);
  • certificate, confirmation of admission to a European university and payment for the first semester (if student D is required);
  • confirmation of regular receipts to the account in the amount of at least 700 euros (for financially independent persons who plan to live on their remote income);
  • agreement with the clinic, certificate of diagnosis, confirmation of payment (for treatment D);
  • confirmation of family ties with an EU citizen or with a residence permit (if family reunification);
  • all business documents ( constituent papers, business plan, confirmation of financial investments - if a business visa is issued).

The application form for obtaining a national visa contains information about the address, passport number, purpose of the visit, marital status, citizenship, financial guarantees. You must sign this document in person, even if you filled out the form on a computer.

D implies a completely different approach to assessing the solvency of the applicant. Unlike holders of short-term entry permits, they must have documented confirmed income(rent, pension, profit from business in Russia) or an already signed employment contract with European company or plans to open a business in the country.

Many EU countries put forward their own requirements for the amount of initial capital for a business and the level of wages for a European employer. On average, entrepreneurs need to stock up on at least 5-20 thousand euros, and those who get a job need to show in the contract an income amount of at least 500-1200 euros per month.

National visa type D and its corridor: Video

What is a Schengen visa

If you do not know what a Schengen visa means, then the answer can be found in Visa Code EU. Unlike national D, it is shorter and is issued mainly for tourism and guest visits. You have the right to order a single, double, or multiple stamp, which will allow you to freely cross the border in both directions.

Why the Schengen visa is called that way, we think, is easy to guess: it opens access to everything that includes 26 European countries. Having received Schengen, for example, in France, you can stay in any European country for the period allotted to you. It is desirable that the first entry be through the French border, but this requirement is not strict.

  • Pass an interview and draw up an employment contract.
  • Apply for a work permit (done by the employer).
  • Rent a house for a year.
  • Apply for a visa.
  • Get a stamp in your passport.

At the interview, you may be asked about your knowledge of the language, and if you provide additional certificates of knowledge at a certain level, this will be an advantage. The expected income in the country also matters. It must not be below the minimum level wages.

To whom is it issued?

D is issued mainly to those individuals who can confirm good remote income - from business, freelancing, rent, or to those who have received a work permit abroad or are going to study. It is almost impossible for an unemployed person in Russia to get D. To do this, it is necessary that the purpose of obtaining a permit is to reunite with your family and that the working foreigner or the holder of a residence permit takes you on bail (i.e., as a dependent in his family).

Priority is always given to those who have family ties in the EU, sustainable financial flow not below the level minimum wage in the country where you are applying for an entry permit, as well as those who purchase real estate and other assets abroad.

Reasons for refusal of a national visa

Refusals during registration D occur quite often. The reason is the lack of the required document package, which in this case is significant. Even if you forgot to attach at least one certificate from the list, you have every right refuse.

  • if there have already been refusals or cases of deportation;
  • if the package of documents is not fully formed;
  • if there were convictions and other problems with the law;
  • in the event that there are not enough funds to live in the EU.

In case of refusal, the stamp is simply not placed in the passport, and the document is returned to you with written explanation causes. In this situation, there are two solutions to the problem: wait 2-3 months for quarantine and submit the package again or start the appeal procedure. The main thing is not to give up trying to obtain an entry permit, since a refusal will spoil your passport, and you may receive a similar decision, for example, if you decide to apply for a Schengen visa for a vacation.

The concepts of “visa” and “Schengen” are often considered in a general context. But each of them has its own interpretation. What are they most often expressed in?

What is meant by visa?

Concept visas most often correlates with a permit document, the presence of which gives a citizen of one state the opportunity to cross the border of another country - if between both subjects international relations installed visa regime. The document about which we're talking about, is not needed if countries have agreed to establish, in turn, a visa-free regime.

The visa is most often affixed to the traveler's passport. She may be:

  1. short-term (valid for several days or months);
  2. long-term (last several years);
  3. tourist (intended only for entry for recreational purposes and does not give the right to work);
  4. business (intended for a person visiting another state for business purposes);
  5. work (intended for a person’s entry into the country for the purpose of working);
  6. immigration (implying the subsequent registration of a residence permit or citizenship by the entering person).

There are, of course, a large number of other types of visas, but the ones listed above are the main ones.

It may be noted that there is such a document as transit visa. It gives the traveler the right to be only in the international zone of an airport or other transport terminal located in another state, but does not allow him to cross the border of the country (or it allows him, but for a very short time - usually for a few hours).

It is worth noting that the presence of a visa for a traveler does not guarantee his passage across the border of the state to which he is traveling. The border guard has the right to question him in detail about the purpose of the visit, and if the answers do not suit him, refuse the person entry into the country. Of course, such cases are rare, but a refusal to a traveler with valid visa at the entrance to the territory of the state - a procedure that is provided for migration rules many countries.

Visas are also classified:

  1. for those that are issued upon the traveler’s arrival in the state;
  2. for those for which you must first notify the authorities of another state;
  3. for those whose receipt requires pre-filing documents for consideration by the migration authorities of another country, as well as their consent to issue a visa;
  4. those that require a successful interview with the migration authorities of the host country;
  5. to paid ones;
  6. for free.

In general, the majority of visas issued modern states, meets at least one of the above criteria.

In world practice, the so-called exit visas. They were introduced, for example, in the USSR. Citizen Soviet Union In order to travel outside the state, it was necessary to obtain appropriate permission from the migration departments.

Russians can leave their state freely. However, citizens of the Russian Federation may need to obtain a Schengen visa - or, in a simpler version, a “Schengen” visa - to enter Europe. Let us consider the specifics of this permit in more detail.

What is Schengen?

Under " Schengen“It is customary to understand a visa that gives a citizen of the Russian Federation the right to enter the territory of any of the states that have signed the Schengen Agreement - as a rule, regardless of which specific state issued the visa. But it is, of course, recommended to cross the border of the Schengen zone through the country that has issued the appropriate permit. Or - as soon as possible head to this country and spend significant time there.

"Schengen" refers to visas that are classified as:

  • paid (when drawing up the corresponding document, the main fee is paid - about 35 euros, sometimes a service fee is added to it - about 21 euros);
  • issued subject to the preliminary submission of documents for consideration by the migration structures of the country of visit, as well as obtaining their consent to issue a visa.

Having a valid Schengen visa allows a citizen of the Russian Federation to visit some European countries, not included in the Schengen zone - Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus.


One or another difference between a visa and a “Schengen” should be sought if the first concept is considered to be a permit document that does not coincide in its main features with the second - that is, it is free or does not require prior submission of documents to the consulate.

For example, free visas for citizens of the Russian Federation are issued by Vietnam (lasting from 1 month, you can enter for up to 15 days without a visa), Lebanon, and Malaysia. The same states, as well as many others (such as Myanmar, Nepal, Zambia, Cape Verde), do not require prior submission of documents to the consulate to obtain a visa.

The peculiarity of the Schengen visa is the ability of its holder to freely cross the borders of any states included in the Schengen zone. In turn, national visas, as a rule, allow you to visit only the country that issues the relevant documents.

Having determined what the difference is between a visa and a Schengen, we will reflect the conclusions in the table.


Visa « Schengen»
What do they have in common?
“Schengen” is a paid visa, which is issued with the consent of the consulate of the host country, subject to the preliminary submission of documents there by the traveler
What is the difference between them?
Visas of many countries do not have the same characteristics as the Schengen visa - they are not paid, do not require prior submission of documents to the consulateA visa issued by a Schengen country requires payment and prior submission of documents to the consulate and therefore does not coincide with the corresponding permits issued by dozens of countries around the world free of charge and without prior submission of documents
IN general case allows entry into the territory of only the issuing stateAllows you to enter most European countries - more than 20 included in the Schengen zone, as well as Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus
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