Review of the electronic trading platform “RTS-tender. Review of the electronic trading platform “RTS-Tender” Securing applications for the ETP RTS-Tender

RTS tender– an electronic platform for procurement in accordance with federal laws No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ, property auctions, auctions for commercial purchases and purchases for major repairs of common property in apartment buildings in accordance with 615-PP of the Russian Federation.

As of October 2017, during the operation of the platform, about 1.9 million trades were conducted, the volume of which amounted to 5.8 trillion rubles, the average savings for customers was 8%. The RTS tender platform occupies a leading position in the Russian procurement market. The company's clients include more than 650 thousand organizations.

The site has a wide network of 5 branches and 28 representative offices in the regions of the Russian Federation. Since October 2016, RTS-tender has been part of the Fintender group of companies.


Monitoring the implementation of government contracts in real time

The federal electronic platform “RTS-tender” presented in June 2017 a service for monitoring all stages of contract execution within the framework of 44-FZ. The presentation of the new functionality took place at a meeting led by the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Maxim Sokolov and the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Sergei Menyailo.

According to representatives of the electronic platform, the innovative service makes it possible to monitor the execution of a contract and optimize the mechanism of interaction between all participants in this process: the customer, supplier, subcontractors, controllers, representatives of financial authorities and persons responsible for conducting the examination.

The work is performed through the service’s personal account, in which participants in the process record the stages of fulfillment of obligations. The service sends notifications to the parties about the occurrence of planned events, conducts a final check of the parties’ fulfillment of all obligations before closing the contract, and also automatically calculates the amount of possible fines.

The final stage of monitoring the execution of the contract is the provision of analytical reporting to the regulatory agencies. The use of new functionality makes it possible to implement an innovative automated system for monitoring the execution of government contracts that has no analogues on the market. Thanks to it, it is possible to reduce approval times and create a unified database of contract execution documents.

“When using our service, built on the principle of project management, all participants in procurement activities have the opportunity to track all stages of fulfillment of obligations, which makes the process of accepting contracts more transparent,” emphasized Vladimir Lishenkov, General Director of RTS-Tender. - In addition to final control, service participants have access to monitoring of all key events not specified in the contract. All work of the service is carried out using an electronic signature, which guarantees 100% legal validity.”

System of unified accreditation of procurement participants based on blockchain

At the beginning of the year, it became known that the system of unified accreditation of procurement participants was tested on all electronic platforms admitted to trading under 44-FZ and 223-FZ. The prototype is implemented on the basis of open source software MultiChain. The system is built on the principle of a single distributed registry based on blockchain technology, which allows for multiple verification of data and the exclusion of unauthorized changes. All electronic platforms under 44-FZ and 223-FZ can be connected to the platform created by the information technology directorate of the federal electronic platform “RTS-Tender” without restrictions and free of charge. It is expected that the system of unified accreditation at all sites will significantly expand the ability of suppliers to participate in government and corporate procurement.

“The proposed solution allows us to collectively approach the response to a set of challenges facing the procurement institution, in particular, to significantly simplify the access of SMEs to procurement, provide the ability to create and automatically enrich a single supplier profile, optimize the operating costs of large certification centers, thereby radically increasing efficiency , information transparency and industry security,” said Vladimir Grigorenko, head of the IT service, deputy general director for state procurement of the RTS-tender electronic platform. “We hope that market participants and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation will support our initiative.”

As noted, the development of blockchain-based information technologies is an important part of the investment program of the RTS-tender platform. One of the areas of work is the introduction of a system for intelligent analysis of the procurement market, which allows changing traditional approaches to identifying and analyzing the reliability of suppliers, making decisions on the implementation of a set of related financial products and services that simplify participation in procurement. According to representatives of RTS-Tender, blockchain technologies make it possible to reliably link heterogeneous data sources used in analysis into a single information array.

As part of the development of this concept, at the end of 2016, the functionality of the supplier’s personal account was expanded on the RTS-tender platform, which includes a set of financial, information and analytical solutions that simplify participation in procurement and increases the efficiency of the process. In particular, on the basis of a unified information platform of the site, services have been implemented: issuing bank guarantees and tender lending under 44-FZ and 223-FZ, financing the execution of a contract, the STAR system of tender analytical solutions, a transport delivery service, a counterparty verification module and many others.

2015: RTS Tender launches a closed part of the site

On March 11, 2015, the RTS-tender company announced the launch of a closed part of the site, created using innovative solutions and advanced technologies in the IT field.

At the end of 2014, the company presented the open part of the site and announced the upcoming renovation of the closed part, the start date of which was March 2015. The work was completed within the specified time frame.

The introduction of the new IT platform of the RTS-tender site was preceded by lengthy and large-scale preparations. During its development, all modern trends in the field of web design were taken into account, various surveys were conducted among users, opinions of customers, suppliers, regulatory authorities were collected, beta versions were tested in focus groups. All this helped the developers take into account and implement the wishes expressed by participants in the field of state and municipal procurement.

Users of the site can customize according to their preferences and government procurement will become more convenient and efficient.

Viktor Stepanov, General Director of RTS-Tender LLC, noted: “The renovation of the closed part will allow us to meet the needs of customers, taking into account growing requirements, as well as the constant development of the government order system.”

A number of processes, for example, calculating the final contract price for auctions with preferences or working with protocols, are automated. As part of the update, special attention was paid to additional services. State and municipal customers working on the RTS-tender site will have access to a multifunctional interactive calendar, a special application for working on mobile devices, a multi-level analytical system, etc.

The RTS-tender platform passed certification tests for compliance with the provisions and requirements for confidential information and personal data in the field of information protection, as a result of which Certificates of Compliance with the requirements for the protection of confidential information of class 1G and personal data were obtained.

The IT platform of the RTS tender site is planned to be officially presented to the public for the first time on March 11, 2015 in

– the second most popular federal electronic trading platform for government, corporate and commercial procurement. It conducts auctions in accordance with Federal Laws No. 44-FZ, No. 223-FZ, major repairs, as well as property auctions and small-volume purchases (in the RTS Market section).

The Internet is filled with offers of paid assistance in registering for the RTS tender and similar electronic platforms, but do not rush to spend money - everything is not as difficult as it might seem. In this article we will look in detail at how to register for an RTS tender and not be rejected.

The article will be useful to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who want to increase sales through tenders, start selling to the state and large corporations, but are not yet registered on any trading platform.

Step 1. Prepare the documents

To be included in the register of bidders, you need to tell the organizers a little about yourself. Collect the following documents:

1. for legal entities:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities no older than 6 months;
  • all pages of constituent documents (statutory documents and amendments to them). Do not attach the order as a constituent document;
  • documents confirming the authority of the manager (protocol/decision/order on the appointment or extension of authority);
  • documents confirming the authority of the person carrying out accreditation (if the electronic signature is issued to the manager, then we scan the decision on his appointment, if to another person, then the power of attorney to carry out actions on the trading platform);
  • a document confirming the right to carry out transactions on behalf of the participant (the same thing: either a decision on appointment or a power of attorney);
  • a decision on the approval of transactions indicating information about the maximum transaction amount (depending on the organizational and legal form, this decision is made: in an LLC by the general meeting of participants; in OJSC and CJSC by the general meeting of shareholders or the board of directors; in a municipal unitary enterprise, state unitary enterprise with the consent of the property owner; in autonomous and budgetary institutions with the consent of the founder; in other forms by the head);

2. for individual entrepreneurs:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs no older than 6 months;
  • identity document (ALL pages of the passport, including the cover);
  • document confirming authority.

Make sure that:

  • All documents are stamped;
  • statements are not overdue;
  • All documents are either originals or notarized copies.

Scan the collected documents in high resolution (from 75 dpi), adjust the scanning contrast. Be careful, the most common reason for refusal of accreditation for an RTS tender is unreadability of documents. But don’t overdo it, the weight of each file should not exceed 5 MB. Save scanned documents to your computer or to a cloud service in one of the formats: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .zip, .rar, .xls, .xlsx, .xps, .jpeg, .jpg , .gif, .png.

Step 2. Get an electronic digital signature

An electronic signature (ES) makes online transactions essential, making online trading possible in principle. Without it, it is impossible to obtain accreditation for the RTS tender, however, you can register on the RTS market and even submit proposals for purchases, but with restrictions:

  • participate only in those auctions whose organizer has authorized participation without an electronic signature;
  • without signing an agreement in electronic form (only off-site in paper form);
  • without withdrawing funds from a virtual account.

To register on other RTS tender sites, you need to obtain an electronic signature and install it on the computer from which applications will be submitted. To do this, we go to the nearest accredited certification center. Their list is on the website of the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. We serve:

  • constituent documents;
  • a document confirming the fact of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • tax registration certificate.

We receive the certificate and digital signature keys on an electronic card or flash drive. Installing an electronic signature on a computer is described in detail in the RTS-tender knowledge base.

Step 3. Register on the website

To work on the electronic platform you will need:

  • Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera browser latest version;
  • Windows younger than 7 and the NET Framework package (if not, you can download the update from the Microsoft website);
  • ActiveX component – ​​ (if the message “This node may require the following ActiveX controls: “” from “ICL KME CS”” appears at the top of the screen while working with the platform, right-click on this message and enable component installation);
  • Crypto provider (RTS tender prefers CryptoPro).

Go to and click on the “Login” icon in the upper right corner of the screen:

Fig.1 Main page of ETP RTS-tender

We choose which section of the auction we are going to participate in, and in whose capacity, click on the “accreditation” button.

Fig.2 Selecting a bidding section

Fig.3 Primary accreditation page

Some of the fields in it will be filled in automatically after you add the electronic signature certificate. Please check that this information is correct and complete the form. You will need to indicate the actual and legal addresses, bank details, the maximum possible amount of the contract, information about the authorized person, come up with a login, password and code word to enter the site. Please note that the address in the “E-mail indicated in the register of organizations” field will be visible to all users of the site. In order not to drown in a heap of spam, it is better to indicate there an address different from that specified in the “Main e-mail for notifications” field.

Attach scanned documents to the “Applicant’s Documents” section: a corresponding scan in each tab marked with a red frame. After attaching the document, the selection disappears.

Fig. 4 Section “Applicant’s Documents”

At any stage of filling out the form, you can click “Save draft”, interrupt and continue later. When all the information has been entered and the documents are attached, click “Submit an application for accreditation.” A window will appear to confirm your data with a certificate. The system will then send you an email to the specified email address. You need to open it and follow the link to confirm.

Notification of whether your application has been approved or rejected will be sent to the same email. The decision is made by RTS-tender operators within 5 working days. Accreditation is given for 3 years, but 3 months before this period you will receive a notification that you are unable to take part in the auction. This time is given to renew accreditation.

We wish you quick registration without refusals and large tenders! If you have questions about accreditation and work on the site, ask them to RTS-tender technical support, write to them in the VKontakte group or consult with our specialists.

RTS tender - a trading platform for state and municipal procurement in electronic form in accordance with Federal Law No. 94“On the contract system in the field of works, services to meet state and municipal needs” and Federal Law No. 223 “On the procurement of goods, robots, services by certain types of legal entities.” The first auction took place in October 2010. Over more than five years of history, the site has constantly developed: functionality has been expanded, the software environment has been updated, and the interface and usability have changed for the better. Currently, about 30% of the volume of all state and municipal trade procedures occurs in RTS tender site. Technical support will be able to quickly answer organizational and procedural questions and help with searching for auctions of interest. On the technical side, the updated site engine has proven itself very well - access to the portal pages online can now be done from any IT device with an Internet connection. And for Windows there is also a client application, which has even more functions than the browser version.

Possibilities of the electronic platform RTS tender

For site users in the role of a supplier of goods and services, the opportunity is provided to expand their potential sales channel. If 6-7 years ago the participation of small businesses and individual entrepreneurs in government procurement seemed to be a very serious achievement, now the winner of a state or municipal procurement can be any legal entity or individual entrepreneur who can offer the best conditions and low price. The wide geography of order participants from Russia and Belarus creates a favorable business climate. The customer can be either a government agency or companies with state participation of more than 50 percent, falling under the regulations of 44 and 223 Federal Laws.

Latest tenders

The actions of customers on the trading platform are strictly regulated by the federal legislation of the Russian Federation. Every day, within the prescribed period, notices are published about the conduct of the auction, about changes to the auction documentation, about the results of competitive trading procedures. You can search for the desired auctions by keywords, by territory, by category, by the date of publication of the notice of the start of filing an application. It is also convenient to use the mailing service to always be aware of new interesting tenders and always keep your finger on the pulse.

RTS tender is a procurement participant

Among the types of trading procedures, the electronic auction procedure should be highlighted. The regulations for this type of procurement were approved by Federal Law No. 44; trading platforms do not have the authority to interfere with the electronic auction procedure at any stage of its conduct. The composition of the application and all necessary documents are reviewed for correctness and compliance by the customer; the RTS software package serves only as an intermediary in the process of transferring electronic document management. The RTS tender specialists are responsible for the implementation, support and safe use of software.

Modern service

On the RTS tender trading platform, modern algorithms for managing trading processes and processing applications in real time have been introduced, and the software is constantly updated. Trading platform operators provide technical support in a wide range of issues. By seeking advice, both a beginner and an experienced market participant can solve the problem that has arisen.

Advantages of the electronic trading platform RTS tender:

    Standardized trading procedures

    Wide geography of thematic tenders

    Transparent bidding system

    Fresh and updated database of government orders

    After-sales service for participants of any skill level

    State supervision over the implementation of trade procedures


    To participate in electronic auctions you must obtain an electronic signature () of your organization

    In most cases, you will have to pay to secure the execution of the application.

    When submitting an application to participate in an electronic auction, there is no technical possibility to install an automatic robot for the price offer you need

To get started, you need to obtain an electronic digital signature in the name of your supplier organization at any Certification Center, then register on the website

Then, following the instructions issued by the Certification Center, download the existing one to your work computer and link it to the RTS tender system. After funds have been credited, in the amount of the application security for the tender we are interested in, to a virtual settlement account in the RTS system, you can submit an application to participate in the auction.

For a more detailed description of submitting an application and maintaining document flow with the RTS Tender trading platform, you should carefully study the tender documentation.


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