Car appraiser after an accident. Independent examination of a car after an accident

(hereinafter - road accident). It is not always possible to predict the actions of another traffic participant. Accidents happen due to: inexperience or inattention of the driver, driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, basic ignorance of the rules (traffic rules) or a stupid misunderstanding...

About traffic accidents

In one case or another, an accident causes major losses. We are talking not only about broken cars or motorcycles, but also about something more important - about health. Whatever one may say, it is possible to restore a car after an accident, you can buy a new one, which cannot be said about a living organism.

Humanity does not stand still; with the advent of the first road accidents, engineers began to think about ways to prevent them, and in cases where the latter is impossible, to mitigate the consequences. It was then that cars began to be produced taking into account active and passive safety. This, in fact, includes belts that hold the driver and passengers in place in the event of a car impact, a more or less soft interior of the car, head restraints, airbags and much more.

If an accident happens, there is always someone at fault. The latter compensates for all losses caused by a traffic accident. In some cases, the damage is so colossal that it is simply impossible for the person guilty of the crime to compensate for it. In these and other cases, it is worth contacting your insurance company for help.

How does damage analysis work?

The assessment of damage to a car after an accident begins from the moment the traffic police inspector draws up a report. It is worth paying attention to ensure that the employee describes as accurately as possible all the damage to the vehicle received in this incident. It is on this fact that an expert’s assessment of the car may depend.

If the vehicle is insured by any insurance company, then the damage assessment is carried out by an expert of this company in accordance with the established procedure. The damage caused is calculated using a special formula. To determine material costs in this way, you need to sum up all costs for repair and restoration work on damaged equipment. Damage = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5, where:

  1. Car repair and painting.
  2. Cost of parts to be replaced.
  3. Price of painting materials.
  4. Physical wear and tear of the car.
  5. Marketability loss coefficient.

Learn more about the analysis process

An examination of a car after an accident must be carried out by an expert who has access to such events. Its task is to fully establish the degree of damage caused to the car as a result of a traffic accident. In fact, this is a very delicate process that requires skills and experience.

The assessment of damage to a car after an accident must be carried out in exact accordance with the damage caused by this particular incident, which is actually not possible. In simple words, the expert must establish an amount that will be more or less enough to compensate for the damage. As practice shows, such persons often downplay the degree of damage.

It is clear that the insurance company puts its costs first, and it is in its interests to pay less compensation. That is why you need to cooperate with trusted companies providing insurance services.

About independent examination

When choosing an insurance representative, you should think one step ahead. An independent assessment of the car after an accident can help ensure that you receive compensation that will be sufficient to repair your car. Representatives of these organizations are not interested in “depriving” the client of money by paying compensation for certain goods and services necessary for repairs.

Today there is quite a big demand for independent experts. In order for the examination of a car after an accident to be carried out by uninterested persons, it is necessary to clarify this point with an employee of the company that provides insurance services. Before concluding a contract with a particular organization, the issue of independent expertise must be considered. Otherwise, the insurance company has every right not to take into account the calculations of a disinterested expert, but to send its own employee to the site, who will carry out the assessment somewhat differently.

What is needed to assess damage

In any case, the appraiser is also a person. Everyone can set the level of damage differently. Accordingly, the amount of compensation based on the results of verification by different experts may differ slightly.

In order to assess the damage to a car after an accident, the applicant should provide a whole list of documents necessary for the procedure:

  1. A document confirming ownership of the car.
  2. Sales and purchase agreement, power of attorney, general power of attorney.
  3. Policy (Casco), if the car is insured.
  4. A certificate of an accident, which clearly indicates all the damage to the car.
  5. Vehicle technical passport.
  6. Other documents that the insurance agency may require.

In this case, it is very important to provide all the documents necessary for the analysis. Precisely because a full-fledged determination of the level of damage to a car depends on the availability of supporting facts transferred to paper. Especially in cases where, in the customer’s opinion, the assessment of damage does not correspond to reality, and the amount of payment does not suit him in any way - having evidence in writing will help to prove that he is right.

Damage inspection deadlines

Activities such as car analysis, assessment of car damage after an accident or examination are carried out within five working days. Typically, these processes are completed in one to two days. After all, for some, a car is not only a means of transportation, but also a direct way to earn income, without which further work is impossible.

That is why insurance companies have set a certain period within which all necessary procedures are carried out in order to analyze the case of an accident and pay funds to the client.

The duration of this period may vary. Each company sets its own rules that will be most suitable for it. The state has set a period of six months for carrying out a transaction with a specific object from the moment the damage to the car was assessed. The same rule applies to independent examination.

Cost of analysis

The assessment of damage to a vehicle directly depends on its characteristics:

  • Vehicle damage level.
  • Car make.
  • Year of issue.
  • Car body.
  • Vehicle class.
  • Car price.

As for the car brand, everything is quite simple. This factor is directly related to the price, body and class of the car. Thus, if it is an expensive car from a well-known manufacturer, for example, a new sedan, the cost of the examination will be considerable. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to carry out an analysis, given modern equipment, electronics and the “brains” of the machine, the authenticity of which needs to be verified.

Particular problems arise when the assessment of a car after an accident occurs with non-common or non-serial vehicles. Finding and understanding its original technical data is quite difficult, let alone purchasing new spare parts. The situation is much simpler with domestic and Soviet cars, which lack complex mechanisms and elements of electronic control and monitoring. Finding and buying spare parts for such a unit will not be difficult.


The assessment of damage to a car after an accident begins from the moment a traffic police inspector draws up a report. The owner of the technical equipment should pay attention to the correctness of filling out the document.

Next, experts and insurance company employees get down to business. The monetary compensation necessary to repair the car is paid within six months, in accordance with the rules established by the Russian state. In fact, this process happens faster.

It is more profitable for the client if an independent assessment of the car is carried out after an accident. Then cases of deception are practically excluded.

This type of examination is performed not by insurers, but by appraisers - representatives of specialized organizations. The goal is to assess the damage and convert it into a price equivalent.

The difference between an independent auto examination and an insurance one:

  1. The first examination is carried out by the company chosen by the customer. He also pays for her services in full. Auto insurance inspection is carried out by a company selected by the insurance company. In most cases, this is a partner company that aims to increase its own profits. Therefore, there is no need to talk about objectivity in this case.
  2. The cost of an independent auto examination, as a rule, exceeds the insurance price. But the same principle applies to calculations of insurance payments (in the first case they will be larger).
  3. The insurance company may refuse to conduct the examination. Contacting independent experts depends on the will of the customer.
  4. The duration of the first examinations is usually shorter than the second.

Often, an independent examination is a necessary step to resolve a conflict with the insurance company. The latter may deliberately reduce the amount of compensation payment, or may even refuse it. In this case, you need to connect a third-party expert (the service is not free, but useful).

Cost of auto examination after an accident

The average cost of technical expertise in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 3500 rubles. The amount of this amount varies depending on the nature and amount of damage, customer requirements, and the timing of the assessment (expedited examination is completed in 1 day).

Type of services provided

Service price


Vehicle damage assessment minor damage 1-5 damaged parts.

from 5000 RUR

Vehicle damage assessment average damage 5-20 damaged parts.

from 5000 RUR

Vehicle damage assessment: significant damage (structural destruction of the vehicle) Over 25 damaged parts.

from 7000 RUR

Calculation of the amount of useful balances (GO) of a vehicle

from 3000 RUR

Calculation of the pre-accident market value of the vehicle

from 1500 RUR

Calculation of the total vehicle vehicle “turnkey”, assessment of vehicle restoration repairs, assessment of the usable remains of the vehicle, assessment of the pre-accident value of the vehicle

from 6500 RUR

Vehicle damage assessment based on customer documents

from 3000 RUR

Review of a third party report

from 5000 – 7000 RUR

Damage assessment of special equipment and special equipment. mechanisms
The price varies depending on the degree of damage and the property being assessed.

from 5000 – 10000 RUR

Is it worth spending money and time on conducting an independent auto examination?

  • there is serious damage to the car;
  • the client had a disagreement with the insurance company regarding the amount of insurance compensation payments.

Most often, victims of road accidents, not the perpetrators, turn to this assessment.

Why do you need an assessment after an accident?

The desire to conduct one more (or several) studies appears if:

  • the victim believes that the amount of compensation is not enough to cover the damage, and the insurance company was unable to resolve the issue;
  • the person at fault for the accident does not agree with the provided compensation invoice or the amount of LTS (compensation for loss of commodity value) to the victim (believes that the figures are unjustifiably inflated);
  • the car was damaged by natural phenomena or accidents, then after contacting the insurance service it is recommended to conduct an independent examination (the likelihood of receiving a larger payment increases).
Speeches from our appraisers:

The most fair and complete insurance is paid under the CASCO policy. If the victim only has a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, the insurer, in 9 out of 10 cases, will try to save on damage compensation.

According to the updated version of the law dated 03.28.2017 No. 49-FZ “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners” after 04.28.17, Cash compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance for individuals is now unavailable. From now on, payments go directly to the workshops. The CASCO policy does not fall under this clarification.

Car valuation calculator after an accident

1. Receiving an application

You contact our appraisers

2. Clarification of all details

Our specialists will find out all the necessary information

3. Arrival at the place

Our expert will come to you to document the damage caused.

4. Damage calculation

Typically, the appraiser prepares a damage estimate at average market prices within 1-3 days (the maximum period for preparing the estimate is 5 days).

5. Report preparation

You receive a report assessing the market value of damage after an accident, on the basis of which you can demand compensation from the culprit.

6. What to do if they don’t pay

If you cannot agree on compensation for material damage on your own, you must go to court. You can do this yourself or use the help of our lawyers

Calculation of service cost

Select damaged car parts

Where are you


0 rub.

Order an assessment

Advantages of contacting specialized appraisal organizations:

  • Full damage assessment vehicle.
  • Calculation of the cost of car repairs.
  • Short terms (1-5 days, depending on the degree of damage).
  • Calculation of the cost of TCB.
  • Full expert consultation on all issues of interest.
  • Assistance in preparing all necessary documents.

The main thing to remember is, don’t be afraid to conduct an independent assessment of the damage, seek damages through the courts, the law is always on your side! You can always get your money back!

A forensic examination of a car after an accident is carried out if there is no other option to determine who is at fault in the traffic accident. Dates- on average about 3-5 working days. In particularly problematic cases, the proceedings can drag on for up to a month.

  • An insurance assessment of damage and calculation of the insurance payment are carried out.
  • If the amount of compensation and the results of the assessment are not satisfactory, actions are stopped. All that remains is to wait for payments and you can send the car for repairs.
  • If the results provided by the insurance company do not satisfy the client, he has the right to contact an objective expert. You should definitely notify the insurance company about this.
  • Submitting an application for the required examination to another company.
  • Conducting an independent examination and obtaining documents.
  • Sending the results of the auto examination and the amount of damages paid to the insurance company.
  • If the insurance company accepts the results of the re-examination, then it pays the client the amount specified in the document.
  • If insurers do not seek to pay compensation, legal action will follow. A third examination will be carried out - a judicial examination - based on the results of which it will become clear whether the insurance company should compensate for damage from the accident or not.
  • All reports of our company are compiled according to all assessment standards and are legally binding in court. We employ only experienced appraisers. You will always receive accurate and profitable reports.

    22.05.2017 | 12:00 Updated: 06/26/2018 1698

    When and how an independent auto examination is carried out, damage assessment after an accident: instructions for independently organizing an auto technical examination + questions

    Hello everyone, Ilya Kulik is here. The consequence of almost every road accident is damage to property, primarily vehicles. To receive compensation for damage, it is important to correctly assess its size. This is why an independent auto examination is carried out after an accident.

    Its execution must be carried out strictly in accordance with the established rules, otherwise the victim will not receive compensation for the losses incurred. But if you need to assess the damage, do not rush to look for an appraiser. The insurance company must order the examination. Why this is so - you will find out from the article.

    The rules for appointing and conducting a car examination after an accident for obtaining are established by Art. 12 and 12.1 of the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, as well as the Rules of Compulsory Insurance. There may be differences depending on the specific insurance company, but the principles are the same.

    When property is damaged in an accident, to determine the circumstances of the damage and establish the amount of damage, provide your car for inspection and/or technical auto examination within 5 days. If the car moves under its own power, the inspection is usually carried out immediately when the victim arrives to submit documents.

    If the property cannot be delivered to the insurer, for example, because the vehicle has received serious damage due to which it cannot move or real estate has been damaged, then this must be indicated when writing an application for payment. In this case, the expert is obliged to go to the location of the property and conduct an examination there. The period is the same - 5 days.

    If the damaged property is located in remote, hard-to-reach places, then the insurance contract may establish additional periods for inspection, usually no more than 10 days.

    Inspection of the culprit's car

    If the inspection of the victim’s property did not allow one to reliably determine the fact of the incident, then the insurer may, within 10 days after the victim submits an application for payment, demand the culprit’s car for inspection.

    The result of the study

    After the examination, the insurer is obliged to allow the victim, upon his written application, to familiarize himself with the results. The document on the results of the study is signed by the insurer, the victim, and the expert. The customer always pays for the examination, except in cases where there are separate agreements on this matter between the victim and the Investigative Committee.

    Delay in examination by the victim

    If within the specified period the injured party has not provided its property for assessment, the deadline can be postponed by agreement between the insurance company and the victim. But at the same time, the insurer has the right to extend the period for making a decision on compensation for a time not exceeding the period of delay due to the fault of the victim. The maximum delay period is 20 days. The insurer must inform the victim about this in writing.

    If the victim “prolongs” the second appointed date, then the insurer has the right, even without consideration, to return the application for payment along with the documents. If the victim then resubmits the documents, then all deadlines (submission for inspection, payments, etc.) will be counted anew.

    Moreover, the victim does not have the right to independently order a car examination if he does not provide his property to the insurer. But even if he conducts “his own” examination, its results will not be accepted for insurance payment.

    From here we can draw an important conclusion: contact the insurance company and do not forget about your obligation to provide the damaged property for inspection. If you cannot fulfill it right away, negotiate with the insurer. Here he will be obliged to meet you halfway.

    Why you can’t repair your car before the inspection

    If the damaged property is repaired or disposed of before inspection (expertise), and this prevents the determination of the amount of damage and the fact of the occurrence of an insured event, then payment of compensation may be partially, and sometimes completely, refused. Remember that if the repair does not interfere with assessing the damage and establishing the occurrence of an insured event, then the insurance company has no right to refuse compensation.

    For example, if the victim independently replaced the headlight before the inspection, the insurance company cannot refuse to repair the broken bumper and dented wing, because replacing the headlight does not affect other damaged parts. But, most likely, a dispute will arise with the insurer about this, so it is better not to repair anything.

    When and why an examination is carried out and who should organize it

    Very often, an “examination from the insurance company” is an examination that is carried out by an employee of the insurance company, who is not necessarily qualified as an expert. Naturally, the result of such an assessment does not always correspond to reality. But this is not a car examination!

    The study can be carried out either by a private expert technician or by a specialized expert organization. The person conducting the examination must have an advisory certification, which is confirmed by the fact that he is included in the state register of expert technicians.

    Expert technicians are responsible for the correctness of the results, and are obliged to compensate for losses caused due to their incorrect conclusion. Therefore, a specialist, even conducting research commissioned by the Investigative Committee, has a serious incentive to provide only factual information.

    Note. When the victim in a dispute with the insurance company comes to court, a forensic auto examination takes place, but according to the same rules as the usual one.

    Types of research

    Automotive technical examinations are very diverse. They are usually divided into:

    • examination of the circumstances incidents;
    • technical condition examination motor vehicles;
    • road conditions survey th;
    • traceological;
    • auto merchandising.

    To make a decision on compulsory motor liability insurance, as a rule, an auto merchandising survey is carried out, which determines the amount of damage. Occasionally, trace evidence is added to it - the circumstances of the incident are clarified based on the traces. Other types of examinations are usually used during investigations or in court.

    Primary, repeated and additional examinations - what is the difference?

    First, a primary examination is carried out. If one of the parties does not agree with its result, a repeat auto examination is scheduled. It is necessarily carried out by another organization (by another expert), but the goals of the study are the same.

    But if additional questions arise, then additional research is prescribed. It can be carried out both after the initial and after the re-examination.

    When re-examination, the second party must be warned in advance in writing by the organizer about its conduct. And the expert must be provided with information about the previous study.

    If the initiator of a new study agrees with the content of the existing inspection report (but does not agree with the conclusions), then a live inspection of the vehicle is not necessary; the study can be performed on the basis of available documents, but this must be indicated in the report. This allows an examination to be carried out even when the car has already been repaired.

    Why is expertise needed?

    An expert assessment in case of an accident is carried out to determine:

    • circumstances causing damage to the vehicle;
    • vehicle damage and the reasons for their occurrence;
    • technologies and repair methods;
    • cost vehicle restoration.

    Objects of research

    The objects of independent technical expertise are, first of all, the vehicle of the victim (its remains) and other participants in the incident, as well as any objects related to the accident and necessary to determine the circumstances and causes of the damage.

    Reasons for carrying out

    When conducting an examination, the following documents are required:

    • registration documents on the vehicle;
    • accident papers, transferred to the insurer by the victims, including;
    • referral for examination(if there is an agreement between the person conducting the research and the insurer, for example, Ingosstrakh has a network of partner experts who not only conduct an assessment, but can also accept an application for payment);
    • other documents related to the incident.

    An agreement must always be drawn up between the person ordering the examination and its performer.

    Rights and responsibilities of an expert

    The person conducting the expert investigation has the right to request and, accordingly, receive additional information from the Investigative Committee and the victim, as well as to involve other experts in the investigation.

    At the same time, he is obliged to inform in advance the parties interested in conducting the research about the impossibility of his participation in it if appropriate circumstances arise, to preserve documents and objects under study, and not to disclose confidential information, as well as the results of the research.

    Who has the right to be an expert - a register of independent experts based on the results of an accident

    Each expert technician, in order for his research to have legal force, must be certified by the Interdepartmental Certification Commission (IAC), which tests his knowledge and skills.

    Upon successful completion of the test, the relevant documents are issued, and the expert himself is entered into the State Register of Expert Technicians. You can download the official list of expert technicians included in the register on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

    RSA conducts its own additional voluntary accreditation of experts; you can see the lists of those who have passed it at this link.

    The presence of an expert in the State Register means his right to carry out professional activities, and RSA accreditation shows that the RSA Commission guarantees that a particular specialist has sufficient skills and knowledge to conduct an independent examination for payment.

    It is very important to check whether an expert has a valid certification, because without it, his conclusion will simply be declared invalid by the Investigative Committee, the court, and other official organizations.

    Who cannot conduct an assessment examination

    An expert organization or a private expert technician does not have the right to conduct an examination if they are the founder, owner, founder, client or employee of the insurer, or when the insurer is the same in relation to the company performing the examination.

    And also, research is impossible if even at least one of the organization’s experts, not to mention the direct executor of the investigation procedure, is a close relative of the victim.

    What is the price

    The cost of auto examination generally depends on the region and the organization conducting it. Already in each company the cost, as a rule, will change along with:

    • type of examination;
    • urgency carrying out;
    • size of damage;
    • scope of research;
    • design option;
    • ordering additional payments;
    • vehicle type(truck/car/special equipment);
    • place of inspection.

    On average, you will have to spend from 3 to 10 thousand rubles on an expert study to assess damage.

    Research result

    The result of the examination is always a written expert opinion. It should contain:

    • full information about the artist, as a legal person or individual entrepreneur;
    • conclusion number and date his writing;
    • details and title of the document, which is the basis for the examination;
    • information about the victim;
    • list and description of surveyed objects, information about the vehicle is especially fully indicated, sources of information are indicated (documents, personal inspection);
    • date of accident;
    • information about documents related to the accident and the study, first of all, information about the insurance policy and information about the insurer;
    • questions posed to the expert;
    • list of means and instruments, used for the study;
    • description of the actions taken;
    • limitation of use the results obtained;
    • direct conclusions on the questions asked and for research in general;
    • conclusions made during the study, obtaining which was not the purpose of the examination(always written at the end).

    Each question posed to the expert must be given an unambiguous, understandable answer. If such an answer cannot be given, the reasons for this are indicated. The answers are written in the same sequence as the questions.

    Preparation of an expert opinion

    The conclusion is signed by the expert technician who directly carried out the research work, and when the conclusion is drawn up on behalf of the organization, then so is its director. In the latter case, the company seal is also affixed.

    The conclusion is stapled (and the number of sheets must be indicated) and handed over to the customer of the examination in person or sent by mail. Documentation of the examination is kept about the person who conducted it for three years.

    How to organize an examination yourself

    If the victim does not agree with the result of an expert study conducted by order of the Investigative Committee, he can organize the study independently. Sometimes a car inspection is required to determine the amount of recovery. Now I will tell you how to do it correctly.

    Step one - choose a performer

    It is very important to entrust the examination to a qualified specialist. First of all, of course, you need to pay attention to the fact that the expert who will conduct the research is in the State Register, preferably accredited by the RSA.

    It's a good idea to look at reviews of the appraiser. The easiest way to find them is on the Internet on various specialized sites and thematic forums. Do not chase too low a price, or a promise of maximum damage. The main thing is that the examination is carried out exactly in accordance with regulations.

    But there’s no point in overpaying either. Expert companies usually post information about prices on their websites; study them. Some companies even allow you to calculate the cost of research online.

    Check that the expert (expert company) is not subject to restrictions related to the possibility of interest, that is, he is not an employee of the insurance company, etc.

    Step two - we conclude an agreement

    A service agreement must be concluded between the customer and the expert (organization). After this, payment takes place. Companies usually provide the opportunity to pay in various ways. Payment documents must be retained.

    The parties agree on the place and time of the meeting. We must try to ensure that the inspection is carried out in a service center where there is the necessary equipment, sufficient lighting, etc.

    Step three - notify the opponent

    If the examination is repeated, then its customer must notify the insurer (the victim, if he organizes an insurance company) about the place and time of its conduct. This is usually done by telegram or registered letter with notification.

    Step four - passing the examination

    The victim is required to provide the damaged property. The car must be clean, the less foreign objects there are in it, the better. If there is a possibility of additional damage or destruction of traces of an accident (for example, paint remaining from a second car) as a result of washing, it is better to refrain from it.

    For the examination, all documents related to the accident are needed, as well as papers for the car; the investigation begins with studying them. Next comes the actual inspection. The VIN number and license plate must be recorded. signs, mileage is recorded.

    First, visible damage is examined. If necessary, partial disassembly is carried out, parts are removed to provide access to hidden damage. The study is usually accompanied by photographic recording.

    Helpful advice. If, during the inspection, external damage is discovered that is not indicated in the documents about the accident, find the traffic inspector who recorded the accident and ask to add these damages. Otherwise, it will not be easy to prove that they were received in the accident under investigation.

    Calculations are now usually carried out using appropriate software. That is, the expert enters the initial data, the program produces the result, including wear, cost of repairs, technical support, etc.

    Step five - we get the result

    Based on the results of the study, an expert opinion is drawn up and presented to the customer. Without it, the study cannot be called an independent auto examination, but is an inspection, an assessment, anything but an examination. Pay attention to this, because in some expert organizations you need to pay extra to receive a report in the form of a conclusion.

    This conclusion can already be used as a justification for demanding a particular amount of compensation: from the insurance company, from the tortfeasor, both in pre-trial proceedings and in court.

    • do not repair the car before an inspection;
    • require the insurer to refer you for an examination if you disagree with the result of the inspection;
    • choose an expert included in the State Register, and even better, has passed voluntary accreditation by the RSA;
    • check the legality carried out as prescribed by the IC research, remember about situations when the expert does not have the right to conduct an inspection;
    • don't forget to notify the insurance company about re-examination.


    The main conclusion to be drawn is that the inspection conducted by the insurer is not an examination. But if the victim does not agree with the outcome of the inspection, then the insurer is obliged to order an independent examination, which is carried out only by a qualified expert technician. The victim does not always need to organize an expert examination on his own.

    Isn’t everything clear from the article? Ask in the comments. There you can also talk about your experience in passing auto examinations.

    Now I suggest you watch a video on this topic. Independent examination after an accident. Passage secrets!

    Note. Corrections to the video:

    • Now the insurance company has 20 days to make a decision on payment (when the client independently organizes repairs - 30 days);
    • The victim cannot choose which insurance company to apply to at will.

    Insurance payments after an accident can be received by both the victim and the culprit of the accident (if you have CASCO car insurance). But in order to determine the amount of damage, the parties must conduct an inspection of the car or an independent examination, the results of which will determine the amount to be paid.

    Car assessment after an accident

    After an accident has occurred, when the victim submits an application for insurance payment to the insurance company, the latter, in turn, must evaluate the car after the accident within 5 days after filing the application.

    The insurer must agree with the victim on the location of the inspection, taking into account the work schedule of the expert organization and the insurance company, and the victim, in turn, must provide a car for inspection at the specified time.

    If the condition of the car excludes the possibility of its delivery for examination to an insurance company or another place, the assessment is carried out at the location of the vehicle.

    If, based on the results of the inspection, the parties agreed on the amount of damage, then the insurance company pays exactly this amount. If a compromise is not found, an independent examination is appointed.

    If within 5 days after filing the application the insurer does not make an assessment or examination of the victim’s property, then the applicant himself can apply for an independent examination and demand from the insurer the amount of damage indicated in the conclusion.

    If the inspection of the vehicle or the examination does not allow us to clarify the causes of the accident and the amount of damage caused, the expert may ask to present for examination the car that belongs to the person responsible for the accident.

    The results of the examination are formalized in a conclusion and signed by a representative of the expert organization, the insurer and the owner of the car.
    It should be noted that when conducting an assessment, it is worth indicating the degree of wear of parts that need to be repaired or replaced.

    In some cases, in their conclusions, experts indicate only the cost of parts, basing their data on the prices of new spare parts. This approach is wrong. Of course, an increase in the cost of repairs benefits the victim. But the insurance company doesn’t want to overpay, so it goes to court.

    Insurance payments after an accident

    Despite the fact that compulsory motor liability insurance has been in effect for a long time, many motorists still do not understand the basic meaning of this type of insurance.

    The point is that compulsory motor liability insurance insures the car owner’s liability to a third party for damage caused by him. That is, the money will be paid not to you, as the culprit of the accident, but to the person who suffered from your actions. But! You can find a “loophole” in this provision: if the fault of both parties in an accident is proven, then payment under compulsory motor liability insurance will be made in proportion to the damage.

    Insurance payments are made in the amount for which the car is insured. If we are talking about compulsory motor liability insurance, then within 120 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the rest of the damage must be recovered from the culprit of the accident. In this case, the person responsible for the accident must be present during the examination so that he does not have doubts about the authenticity of the conclusion.

    After an accident, you must immediately begin to act, because insurers will not simply bring you a payment based on just one call. No!

    1. The first thing you do is inspect the accident scene and look for witnesses. Get their contact information before they leave. It would be a good idea to take a photograph of the accident scene, at least with a mobile phone camera.
    2. Next, call the police (112 on your mobile phone).
    3. After this, inspect the car again for damage. The fact is that the insurance company takes as a basis the information specified in the accident certificate, so if the police officer misses some detail, no one will rewrite the certificate!
    4. While you wait for the police, call your insurers and report the accident.
    5. Fill out an accident report together with the other driver.

    After the police have inspected the accident scene, you will be given a certificate of the accident.

    No later than 15 days after the accident, the victim must come to the insurance company with the following documents:

    • statement;
    • certificate of accident;
    • notification of an accident;
    • administrative violation protocol;
    • passport of the car owner;
    • rights;
    • inspection certificate;
    • details where the payment should be transferred.

    Even if some documents are missing, bring them later; The main thing is to have time to write an application within 15 days. Otherwise, the insurer will refuse to pay the insurance compensation.

    In practice, there are cases when the company that insured the car went bankrupt. Don’t be upset: in this case, the payment will be made by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

    Car repair after an accident

    Car owners have an alternative: they can receive payment for damage caused from the insurance company, or they can send the car for repairs.

    But repairs at the expense of the insurance company have their disadvantages:

    • you will not be able to choose a repair station yourself;
    • it will also be impossible to control the repair process;
    • it is difficult to find “extreme” ones in case of poor-quality repairs: the insurance company “blames” everything on the car service, and the car service throws up its hands and says: “For the pennies that they gave us, we did everything we could!”;
    • you will not be able to see the parts that are being replaced for you and verify their quality.

    But if you choose repair, you will have one undeniable advantage: your car will be repaired, and you will not have to look for a repair station and wait until it’s your turn.

    In addition, payments under compulsory motor liability insurance are often delayed; repairs are faster: in most cases, the car is completed in no more than 7 days; The exception is situations where replacement of an original part that is out of stock is required.

    But if you have chosen to pay under compulsory motor insurance, do not start making repairs until the payment is made. This is due to the fact that many insurance companies do not pay money on time; In order to recover money, you can go to court. But the judge may order an independent examination. And conducting an examination will be impossible if the car has already been repaired.

    Moreover, judicial practice is in favor of the victim in an accident. Courts collect penalties from insurers as provided for by the consumer protection law. In particular, we are talking about a fine for late payment of the amount due.

    In most cases, the court finds “problematic” areas in the conclusion of an independent examination conducted by the insurer and orders a new examination. In some conclusions, the amount of payments is much higher than that of insurers.

    So, if you become an injured party in an accident, you have the right to choose: you can provide a package of documents to receive insurance payments, or you can take a referral for repairs and take the car to a car service center. What you choose is up to you!

    The only thing you can pay attention to is if your car is under warranty - take the payment. This is due to the fact that only original parts can be replaced under warranty; in a car service they can replace any other parts for you, but you will not be able to make a claim: such subtleties were not specified by anyone; therefore, in this case, it is better to have the car repaired by an authorized dealer.

    It is rare that a professional driver, or just a driver with extensive driving experience, has not had an accident, and almost everyone has. The popular saying: “If it’s not for you, then it’s for you,” works here 100%. There was an accident, well, you think you have insurance, it will cover everything, but that’s not the case………..

    I will not reveal a terrible secret to you if I say that the task of any insurance agent is to deceive you. Even if the insurance company is serious and values ​​​​its reputation and pays quickly (does not delay insurance payments), there are still pitfalls. And the biggest pitfall is the assessment of the car after an accident. Insurers want to underestimate the payment and pay you not the full amount, but 60 percent of it. So how can you avoid this type of deception? How to avoid getting into trouble with this payment? I'll give you some advice.

    1) Insurers will deliberately harass you, so to speak, bring this, bring that. We carry out everything boldly and steadfastly. We bring everything they ask for. My advice to you is to try to collect all the documents quickly, otherwise your case will be shelved. And insurance documents can strangely get lost.

    2) If you have passed the first point, then we are preparing for even more interesting things. In principle, to the car assessment itself! Here, insurers have two approaches to deceive you. And almost all insurance companies, whether small or large, use these techniques. So point a) The company has its own appraisers. Here it seems to me that everything is clear, an insurance agent working for an insurance company will underestimate the payment calculation by at least 30%. His bonus depends on how much he can save. Point b) Now many companies use the services of supposedly independent experts, but these are only “supposedly independent”, in the end, the company still has a written or oral agreement that the “supposedly independent” experts will underestimate your cost by the same 30 - 50% . And the excuse is simple: we sent you to an independent company. Now my advice is to start by appraising the car from your insurance company or from “supposedly independent experts” from your company. We receive an assessment sheet, or in other words, a vehicle inspection report, we must do this! This act should include the valuation amount of your car. We receive it in your hands with the seals and signatures of your insurance company! PLEASE REMEMBER THIS! Why you ask? Read below!

    3) Next, I advise you to go to a truly independent insurance company, that is, one that you found yourself or was suggested to you by friends or acquaintances. There are hundreds of them in the big city, believe me! And they sound more or less good! We come, write an application for an independent assessment and hire a car lawyer from them, of course, all this for a little money, but we are not afraid that the court will reimburse us for all this. Your independent insurance company (which you found), in about three to five days, will evaluate your car, already normally and not as the insurance company calculated for you. This is where your assessment sheet (vehicle inspection report) comes in handy. It’s all just that the insurance company in court, in order not to pay excess, can agree with an independent assessment, and if you do not have an assessment sheet on hand, then you will pay all the costs of the independent assessment and the court yourself!!! That is, in simple words: - When you come to a truly independent one and your car is appraised, you hire an auto lawyer with something like this - " The insurance company valued my car at n - amount, and your company at n + 40%, so I want to sue and get arrears". An auto lawyer will ask, do you have an assessment sheet (vehicle inspection report), certified by the signatures and seals of the insurance company? You will answer of course - yes! And here the insurance company can’t get away with it and they will pay the legal costs. The court will look at the insurance assessment sheet and the independent assessment and, of course, will consider your appeal to be legitimate and will award you the missing money, plus all costs will be paid by the insurance company.

    Wow, that's it! I hope I explained it clearly. Remember, always ask for an insurance assessment sheet (vehicle inspection report), certified by seals and signatures, which states the amount that will be paid to you. Otherwise, everything may not end in your favor, which we don’t want!

    Another useful one - ?

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