Queue for payment of ESV to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. One-time social payments to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is honorable, because only half of all those who wish can get here, and the second half is eliminated during a strict selection of employees based on physical, medical and moral indicators. Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is associated with risks to health and life, and therefore employees are worthy not only of respect, but also of all kinds of preferences, among which are benefits for treatment, free stay in sanatorium-resort institutions, a free ticket to the place of treatment, free provision of uniforms and , finally, the provision of living space - a one-time social payment to the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is awarded for its purchase. Let's look at what payments will be made in 2019 and how to get them.

What benefits are provided to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

Due to the fact that service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations involves risks to life and health, service employees are entitled to many preferences in various areas:

  1. Free medical care, including emergency. Treatment of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is carried out in subordinate medical centers, but if help is needed urgently (for example, an employee has been seriously injured), you can also go to regular local clinics.
  2. Free medications. The Ministry of Emergency Situations covers the costs of issuing medications.
  3. Free stay in sanatoriums and resorts, and travel to the place of treatment or recovery is also paid. Specialized resort centers have been organized for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, where they can relax with the whole family.
  4. Child benefits up to the age of 18, maternity benefits.
  5. Pensioners, former employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with special merits, are entitled to a pension supplement.
  6. Free stay for a child of an Emergency Ministry employee in a children's camp or other recreational facilities.
  7. Rest twice a year with payment for travel and hotel stay when staying in the Far North, Far East and Siberia.

Under what conditions is a one-time social payment awarded to medical personnel?

A bill on the provision of social assistance for the purchase of apartments and improvement of living conditions for the families of Emergency Situations Ministry employees was submitted for consideration back in 2013, but the law was adopted and came into force only last year. According to its provisions, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are entitled to a one-time social payment, which can be spent exclusively on purchasing an apartment or improving existing housing.

For this purpose, a commission was appointed at the Ministry of Emergency Situations, authorized to maintain a database and make decisions regarding the payment of benefits or refusal to accrue funds on legal grounds. You can expect payment:

  • employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • customs officers;
  • employees of other government agencies.

When transferring to another public service or position, it is impossible to apply for a secondary purpose of payment of social benefits.

In addition, family members of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees living with them can also apply for benefits (not if someone has already applied for the payment - it can be accrued only once):

  • dependents of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • children with a disability group under the age of 23;
  • children who are full-time students at a university, under the age of 23;
  • minor children of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • widows and widowers of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who were officially married to the employee at the time of his death;
  • husbands and wives who are officially married to an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

To be eligible to receive one-time social assistance, none of the family members of an Emergency Situations Ministry employee must have their own housing, and the family’s existing residential premises must be rented or recognized as not meeting the sanitary or technical living conditions.

Another condition for receiving the payment is having at least 10 years of work experience. The funds received may be spent only for the purposes specified in the law. The main task of making one-time payments is to provide living quarters suitable for comfortable living in them for the families of Emergency Situations Ministry employees. One-time benefit funds may be directed to:

  • buying an apartment or house;
  • repayment of a mortgage loan for the purchase of housing (but not for the payment of fines and penalties on debt);
  • conducting necessary communications;
  • renovation of the premises.

How is the living area of ​​a room calculated?

It so happened that, despite the merits of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees, the living conditions of their families leave much to be desired. They either do not have their own apartments and live in rented apartments, dormitories, communal apartments and non-isolated rooms, or they live in dilapidated living quarters, sometimes without communications. Many apartments and houses are in disrepair, and each family member lacks several square meters of space.

According to established standards, the minimum number of square meters of housing area per person is 33 sq.m. If two people live in an apartment, the indicator increases to 42 sq.m. If there are more than two people in a family, each family member should have 18 sq.m.

What is the amount of one-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

The amount of the lump sum payment is calculated individually, since not all employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have the same living conditions - the amount of the benefit varies depending on the region of residence, the cost of housing, the number of family members, work experience, merit, raising disabled children, and the presence of dependent family members , employee title.

For example, if an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations worked for more than 20 years in his position, the payment amount will be increased by an additional factor. In general, the amount of one-time assistance can reach 70% of the total cost of the residential premises or repair costs.

How a one-time social payment is made to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

A one-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is paid from the federal budget; local budgets do not participate in financing, and therefore the queue for receiving payments is the same throughout the country.

Unfortunately, at the moment the queue of people wishing to receive one-time assistance is quite large, so they have to wait more than a year for payments. At the place of service, lists are formed and a special commission is created to decide whose application to satisfy and who to refuse. Applications are accepted from the employees themselves and from members of their families in the event that an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has died or died (you must apply for payment within 12 months after his death). The amount will be divided among all household members eligible to receive benefits.

If the property was purchased or taken out on a mortgage before submitting the application, you can bring supporting documents to the commission within 30 days after signing the relevant agreement. The application is written to the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the region. Documents are reviewed within 90 days.

What documents are needed to receive a lump sum payment?

To apply for a one-time payment to an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, you must take care in advance to obtain the following documents:


Where to get it

Photocopies of Russian passports of all family members over 14 years old

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Birth certificates for all children under 14 years of age

Civil registry offices

Certificate of compulsory pension insurance

Pension Fund
Certificate of marriage, divorce

Civil registry offices

Work book with employment records or certificates indicating the presence of the declared work experience

At duty station
Certificates of financial support for dependents (if available)


Conclusion of medical and social examination (for family members with disabilities)

ITU Bureau
An extract from the house register indicating the area of ​​living space

Housing department, settlement administration

Certificate of family composition

Housing department, passport office
Certificate of absence of other residential premises


A photocopy of the apartment rental or purchase and sale agreement

From the seller or landlord of the property
Certificates of income of all family members in form 2-NDFL

Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: An employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations bought an apartment on credit and applied for one-time social assistance six months after signing the mortgage agreement.

Is a one-time social payment (USB) entitled to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Currently, in Russia there is a fairly large list of legally established programs aimed at paying various types of social benefits in the form of government subsidies allocated to certain categories of citizens.

Is a one-time social payment entitled to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

Who is guaranteed ERU in the Ministry of Emergency Situations? It is worth keeping in mind that not any employee can apply for payment, but only those who are in dire need of improving their living conditions and who have worked in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for more than 10 years if they have the following circumstances:

  1. There is no socially rented or owned living space, not only for the employee himself, but also for his parents, children, and wife.
  2. The employee lives in a communal apartment, dormitory or emergency housing.
  3. The owners, who are not related to him, live in a one-room apartment with the service employee.
  4. A relative with a serious chronic illness lives with the employee.
  5. There is a discrepancy in the amount of square meters per living space for each family member. In this case, the following standards exist: 1 person must have at least 33 m² of living space, for a full family - at least 42 m², and if there are children - at least 18 m² separately for each person.

Calculation of the size of a one-time social benefit in the Ministry of Emergency Situations?

How is the unified social payment calculated in the Ministry of Emergency Situations? The size of the unified social contribution depends on the place of service (region), and also to a large extent on the employee’s length of service in this structure, since the law establishes a so-called correction factor, the maximum value of which is 1.25 with a total work experience in the department of at least 20 years. This coefficient can be increased to 1.5 if the length of service is at least 30 years.

The amount of a one-time social subsidy for service employees is calculated based on the average market price for 1 m², valid in a particular region and enshrined in the Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, established quarterly. Thus, the size of the URU is calculated as the product of the living space standards discussed above, the correction factor and the average market price for 1 m².

At the same time, the ERU in the Ministry of Emergency Situations should not cover more than 70% of the cost of housing for which it was allocated to a specific employee.

What documents do I need to provide?

To receive a one-time social payment, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (applicant) must first collect the following documents:

A one-time social payment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations is allocated from the federal budget in the form of a housing certificate to pay for a certain part of the housing purchased by the employee, no more than once during the entire period of his service. If the spouse works in this department or in another structure that is also entitled to ESV, then the husband and wife must determine who will apply for this subsidy, since only 1 employee will be able to receive it. Unified social contributions are subject to distribution through special commissions that are created in each regional center.

Such a commission compiles a list of employees, i.e. An electronic queue is formed, the waiting period in which can take several years. In order to register, the above set of documents must be submitted to this commission by the employee or his immediate relatives (with the exception of the employee’s parents), and all that remains is to wait.

Large families have a priority right to issue unified social tax without registration in a queue.

If the applicant’s living conditions have improved while he is in the queue, he is automatically removed from the queue.

A one-time social payment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations as a means of stimulating workers was legislated only in 2016, so today there are still quite a lot of ambiguities on the part of service workers regarding receiving the payment. So, if the commission refuses to register an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations as someone in dire need of improved housing conditions, and the employee is sure that he is entitled to a one-time social payment from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and was denied it unlawfully, then you can turn to professional lawyers and even to court.

Russian legislation provides for a one-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is more than the standard financial allowance received by department employees. This payment represents material support for Emergency Situations Ministry workers. This assistance is targeted.

This type of payment is assigned to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with one main goal - the purchase of their own home. To receive payment, the employee must prove his status as needing new housing. If the employee does not provide the necessary documents, the state refuses to provide him with funds.

The funds received by the department employee can be used by him to improve his existing living space. But at the same time, an important condition must be met: if the employee’s housing does not meet the established requirements and standards.

A one-time social payment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations is paid using funds from the all-Russian budget. Regional budgets are not involved in providing this type of compensation. For this reason, the country has a single priority for receiving such a payment.

The issue of appointment or refusal of payments is decided by collegial commissions specially created on the basis of the department.

Work of commissions

On November 15, 2013, Directive No. 43–4927 was issued, on the basis of which commissions were created to calculate one-time payments to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Their responsibilities include receiving documentation from department employees. The commissions also register and place in the queue all employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who have submitted documents to receive compensation.

There are several types of these commissions:

  • departments operating on the basis of the main department and accepting documents from employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the city of Moscow;
  • operating on the basis of regional centers;
  • working in the main departments of the country's regions;
  • accepting documents on the basis of educational institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • operating under central control.

Employees of the regional centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, subordinate to the main department of the department, have the opportunity to submit documents to the collegial commission, which was created on the basis of the regional center.

All commissions function continuously. Their work will continue as long as there is a one-time social payment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Special requirements are imposed on commission members. They include persons whose activities do not create conflicts. The formation of collegial commissions occurs on an open basis. This reduces the likelihood of conflict situations between applicants and commission employees.

The single social allowance for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is targeted financial assistance aimed at purchasing or building new housing. To accept documents from employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, register them and resolve the issue of assigning payments, collegial commissions are created on the basis of the regional centers of the department.

Other powers of commissions

The operating principle and main powers of the commissions for processing social payments are contained in the procedure developed on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 6 of January 14, 2015.

The full range of powers of the commissions includes:

  • making a positive or negative decision on the application of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations applying for payment;
  • checking the employee for compliance with all conditions for the accrual of funds;
  • resolving the issue of deregistering employees;
  • consideration of all received applications and documents attached to them;
  • registration of statements in special journals;
  • issuing certificates of acceptance of documentation from employees;
  • keeping records of all applicants;
  • holding meetings;
  • keeping minutes on them;
  • entering information about employees into the database “Housing of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia”;
  • sending extracts from the minutes of commission meetings to employees;
  • sending extracts from orders for the transfer of payments to employees within a month;
  • annual clarification of information about all employees applying for social benefits (no later than February 1).

The commission uses the voting principle to make decisions. Under him, everyone is guided by the principle of majority vote. Meetings of the commissions are convened at least once every 3 months. At least 4 meetings must be held per year.

Conditions under which URU is obtained

This type of financial assistance is targeted and for this reason implies a number of conditions. The main thing is that the Emergencies Ministry employee has 10 years of work experience. This experience includes:

  • holiday periods;
  • periods of incapacity due to illness;
  • vacations during which the employee cared for a child.

It is important that the employee works all the time in units subordinate to the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. If he worked in other departments and at least once received any type of compensation or payment, then he loses the right to a one-time social payment through the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Not only current employees of the department, but also those who have retired due to length of service can count on this type of monetary compensation. The same rules apply to them, and payment is made on the same grounds and conditions.

In addition to length of service, another condition is provided - that the employee needs housing. Not everyone can be identified as needing it. These include the following categories:

  • living in dormitories;
  • do not have personal living space;
  • living with a sick family member suffering from a serious illness;
  • living in a communal apartment;
  • living in a 1-room apartment together with its owners who are not family members;
  • those living in an apartment not under a social tenancy agreement;
  • living in a non-isolated room along with its owners who are not family members;
  • those living in their own apartment or renting housing under a social tenancy agreement, the area of ​​which for each family member is less than 15 m2;
  • living in emergency housing.

Not only the department’s employees themselves, but also their families should need housing. Moreover, the list of relatives includes the following persons:

  • wives, husbands with whom an official marriage has been formalized;
  • disabled dependents;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • disabled children under 23 years of age;
  • widowers, widows who were married to him before the death of the employee;
  • employee's parents.

Often, a one-time social payment is refused to an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations due to the availability of housing with his parents. This decision of the commission may be challenged in court.

To receive the unified social allowance, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations must meet two main conditions: have 10 years of work experience in the department and objectively need living space.

Required documentation for registration

  • passport along with its copy;
  • copy of SNILS;
  • excerpts from house books, employee financial accounts for a 5-year period;
  • a copy of the social loan agreement, if the employee and his family rent housing under it;
  • application form;
  • an extract from the Unified Real Estate Register for the applying employee and his family;
  • a copy of the supporting document confirming the applicant’s right to increased living space;
  • copies of passports of the applicant’s family members or their birth certificates;
  • employee's marriage certificate or divorce document;
  • certificates from schools, colleges, universities for children from 18 to 23 years old living with the applicant in the same home;
  • copies of certificates indicating the location or registration of the applicant and his family;
  • the employee’s track record from his place of work in the form of a certified copy;
  • employee's work record;
  • information about the insurance certificate;
  • medical certificates if there are people with disabilities in the family of an EMERCOM employee;
  • documents confirming that the employee has dependents.

The commissions strictly approach the issue of document submission. Employees are recommended to submit documentation as a single package. The commission may request additional documentation, and the employee must complete the missing documents.

Copies of documents must be notarized. All certified documentation is provided by the employee independently.

Not in all cases, the employee has the opportunity to present the commission with certain requested documents. In such a situation, the employee must replace them with certificates confirming the impossibility of providing basic documents indicating the reasons.

To process a one-time social payment, an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations sends to the commission certified copies of documents, a list of which is contained in the department’s methodological recommendations. Documentation that the employee cannot provide to the commission is replaced with other supporting documents.

Some features of payment processing

A one-time social payment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations has some design and purpose features. Among these features are:

  • the one-time nature of such compensation;
  • registration of only one employee if there are several department employees in the family;
  • receiving payments in order of priority;
  • the presence of a priority opportunity for calculating payments under one condition.

This type of social payment is accrued to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations once. There are cases when both members of a family work in the department. But they can only issue a payment to one person.

Departmental employees registered by decision of the commission are included in the general database. Each employee waits his turn to receive the unified social tax. But there is one exception to this rule. An employee can receive social benefits out of turn. To do this, he must be a father or mother of many children. If his family has three or more children, then he receives a priority right over his colleagues to receive funds for the purchase or construction of housing. In other cases, social benefits are accrued only in order of priority.

Departmental employees have the right to challenge the decisions of commissions to prohibit the transfer of this payment to them. Often the commission refuses employees due to the availability of living space from their parents and adult children.

Employees have the right to go to court in this dispute. The commission's decision will always be declared illegal if the employee proves that his parents and adult children live separately from him. This is due to the fact that housing legislation clearly defines the circle of family members. They are citizens living together with the applicant. The applicant himself and members of his family living with him apply for a one-time social payment.

A one-time social payment is awarded to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on a one-time basis, they receive it in order of priority and is paid only to one family member working in the department. Only departmental employees with many children can count on receiving compensation out of turn.

Amount and timing of social payments

The structure of this social payment includes:

  • living space standard;
  • the price of 1 m 2 of housing on the market in a particular region;
  • correction factor.

The price of 1 m2 of housing when assigning a lump sum payment is taken based on official data for the region. They often differ from actual housing market conditions. For this reason, social benefits are not always able to cover all the expenses of an Emergencies Ministry employee for the purchase of housing. To reduce costs when calculating the amount of compensation, correction factors are used. But they are not always able to cover all the costs of a citizen when buying a home.

Housing standards used when calculating cash benefits have remained unchanged since the beginning of its introduction for department employees. The size of the housing area entitled to the applicant depends on the number of members of his family.

When determining the amount of payment due to an employee, his current residence is taken into account. Those who live in houses in unsatisfactory condition can count on certain monetary privileges.

Supplements to the basic payment are given to employees who have extensive work experience in the department. They can count on the use of an adjustment factor when calculating social benefits, which allows them to compensate about 70% of all costs of purchasing housing. Privileges are also granted to employees with high official ranks.

A one-time social payment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations is paid in total within 4 months from the moment the employee applied to the commission with an application and a package of documents. The commission is given three months to consider the issue of granting or refusing social benefits. It takes another month to transfer funds. The deadlines begin to be calculated from the date the commission receives the full package of documents from the employee.

A one-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is paid taking into account the living space standard, the price of 1 m 2, and the correction factor. The decision to pay it is made within 3 months, and the payment itself is made within a month from the moment a positive decision is made.

Registration procedure

An employee of the department who meets all the conditions for receiving funds intended for the purchase or construction of housing issues a social payment as follows:

  1. Prepares the necessary documentation and writes an application to the commission.
  2. Submits a package of documents to the commission.
  3. Expects a decision within one quarter.
  4. Requests an extract from the quarterly meeting of the commission to decide on the assignment of social benefits to him.
  5. Receives funds within 30 days from the date the commission made a positive decision on his application.

A similar procedure applies to departmental employees whose family has 3 or more children. At the same time, they can receive a one-time social payment from the Ministry of Emergency Situations in a shorter period of time, since an extraordinary procedure for its accrual is provided for them.

The problem is that the commission can remove any employee from the register to receive payment under a number of circumstances. One of them is the improvement of the employee’s living conditions, which occurred during the consideration of the issue of assigning him social benefits. In such a case, the employee will automatically lose the status of a person in need, and his candidacy will not be considered at subsequent meetings of the commission.

Difficulties in obtaining

This type of payment has a number of problems when applied in practice. Among the main difficulties associated with obtaining it are:

  • lack of funding;
  • slow progress of queues to receive it.

Both problems are interconnected. Social benefits are financed from the federal budget, but despite this, problems periodically arise with the allocation of funds.

The budget relating to the financing of the ministry was increased 4 times in 2017, but there is still a lack of funds for all employees applying for a one-time social payment. It is assumed that the period of promised payments for all employees will be at least 5 years. Some sources indicate full payment of money to all emergency workers in need no earlier than 2026.

The second problem is the long queues. As of 2017, at least 7 thousand people apply for this type of payment. The process of obtaining compensation is slowed down by the existence of the principle of its priority assignment to employees of the emergency department with many children.

In order to speed up the procedure for processing social benefits, workers with many children stand in a separate queue. But even in this case, it takes time to receive money.

Workers who urgently need to be relocated from emergency housing, but due to long queues to receive social benefits cannot do this, are temporarily housed with their families in departmental apartments. These apartments are often part of a housing stock formed from former fire stations.

Often commissions make controversial and illegal decisions to refuse payments to employees, which once again leads to delays in resolving the issue. At the same time, workers are forced to endure legal and time costs to restore their right to social benefits.


A one-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is designed to smooth out the housing problem they have. The advantage of social payments is their one-time nature. The employee immediately receives funds into his account, with the help of which he has the opportunity to cover 70% of his costs for purchasing a new living space.

This type of benefit has serious disadvantages. One of them is insufficient funding. There are not always sufficient funds in the federal budget, which is why the process of processing due payments is delayed for 5–10 years.

A significant disadvantage of this one-time benefit is the use of the next procedure for receiving it. For this reason, over 7 thousand employees of the department have been waiting for a long time to receive funds to improve their housing.

Collegial commissions According to the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 6, commissions are established for accepting documents from employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for registration and in line to receive payment. Commissions are created of the following type:

  • in the main directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Moscow) for employees of institutions in the city of Moscow and those subordinate to the main department territorially;
  • in regional centers;
  • in the main departments of the constituent entities of the Federation;
  • in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry;
  • in the central regional administration.

A citizen who is in the service of a department that is territorially subordinate to the region applies to a commission created in the regional center. You can find out more details directly at your place of service.

One-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia

If the applicant lives alone, is not married, has no children or dependents, then he is entitled to no more than 33 square meters of area. If the applicant’s family consists of two family members, including himself, then the standard increases to 42 square meters. If the family consists of three or more people - 18 square meters for each person.

The cost of one square meter in the region is taken into account only on the basis of approved data, which in fact may differ from real market conditions. Therefore, sometimes a one-time social payment does not cover all the costs of purchasing housing, even taking into account correction factors. The problem of receiving single payment Despite the fact that the right to receive a lump sum payment is secured at the federal level, in fact there is not enough funding to pay applicants on time.

Get compensation and benefits

  • lives in a communal apartment;
  • lives in a dormitory;
  • is the owner or tenant under a social lease agreement of a residential premises where each family member has an area of ​​less than 15 square meters;
  • lives in a residential premises that does not comply with the rules and regulations, regardless of the area of ​​this premises;
  • lives in a one-room apartment with owners who are not family members;
  • lives in a non-isolated room in an apartment with other owners who are not family members;
  • lives in an apartment or house with a seriously ill family member (should be understood as a chronic form of a serious illness), which makes living impossible.

Not only should an Emergencies Ministry employee not own an apartment or house, but also members of his family.

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Almost all allowances and bonuses are calculated as a percentage of the firefighter’s official salary. For example, an increase for length of service (work experience) is calculated as the following percentage of the official salary:

  • 25 years or more – 40%;
  • from 20 to 25 years – 30%;
  • from 15 to 20 years – 25%;
  • from 10 to 15 years – 20%;
  • from 5 to 10 years – 15%;
  • from 2 to 5 years – 10%.

The monthly increment to the official salary for a qualifying rank is calculated as follows:

  • Master – 30%;
  • 1st class specialist – 20%;
  • Specialist 2nd grade – 10%;
  • Specialist 3rd class.

What will happen to the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 2018

Table 2. Official salaries of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations since 2018 Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region Department commander 14560 Junior inspector 14560 Senior firefighter 14040 Firefighter 13520 Cadet of the educational institution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 6760 Centers of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and cities with a population of over 100 thousand people Squad commander 12480 Junior inspector 12480 Senior firefighter 11960 Firefighter 11440 Cadet of the educational institution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 6760 Other areas Squad commander 10400 Junior inspector 10400 Senior firefighter 9880 Firefighter 9360 Cadet of the educational institution of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 6760 Table 3.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations will allocate a record amount to provide housing for employees


Military personnel of rescue military units of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations will be allocated 290 million rubles in the form of a subsidy for the purchase or construction of residential premises, which is 3.3 times more than in 2016. It is planned to allocate a total of 717.5 million rubles to employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service to provide one-time social payments for the purchase of housing. This is almost five times more than in 2016,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations said.

The ministry emphasized that the head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, demanded that the heads of the Main Directorates of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation communicate all decisions on improving housing conditions to the personnel, and make this work open, transparent and understandable.

Increase in salaries for firefighters and emergency services workers in 2018

In 2018, Russia will see many changes in a variety of areas. Large-scale reorganization is also expected in state-controlled security agencies. In this regard, it is urgent to search for an answer to the question, what will happen to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, or the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief? Content

  • 1 Prerequisites for change
  • 2 Main supporting facts
  • 3rd 100th separate support regiment
  • 4 Changes in the context of the 2018 World Cup

Prerequisites for change The fact that the main paramilitary structures of the country will be subject to global reform became clear after the abolition of the Federal Drug Control Service, or the Federal Service for Drug Control, by presidential decree in 2016.

Another condition for receiving the payment is having at least 10 years of work experience. The funds received may be spent only for the purposes specified in the law. The main task of making one-time payments is to provide living quarters suitable for comfortable living in them for the families of Emergency Situations Ministry employees.
One-time benefit funds may be directed to:

  • buying an apartment or house;
  • repayment of a mortgage loan for the purchase of housing (but not for the payment of fines and penalties on debt);
  • conducting necessary communications;
  • renovation of the premises.

Read also the article ⇒ “Help for foreign currency mortgagers.” How is the living area of ​​a premises calculated? It so happens that, despite the merits of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees, the living conditions of their families leave much to be desired.

Housing for EMERCOM employees in 2018 latest news

What benefits are granted to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Due to the fact that service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations involves risks to life and health, employees of the service are entitled to many preferences in various areas:

  1. Free medical care, including emergency. Treatment of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is carried out in subordinate medical centers, but if help is needed urgently (for example, an employee has been seriously injured), you can also go to regular local clinics.
  2. Free medications. The Ministry of Emergency Situations covers the costs of issuing medications.
  3. Free stay in sanatoriums and resorts, and travel to the place of treatment or recovery is also paid.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and perhaps even the FSB. Basic supporting facts Among the latest news existing on this topic, citizens are recommended to rely only on 2 officially planned innovations. This:

  1. The establishment of the Ministry of State Security, whose closest “relative” will be the State Security Committee of the Soviet Union. It will be created on the basis of the FSB, which, in turn, will be subordinated to the FSO, which is responsible for protecting high-ranking government officials, and the SVR, which is designed to protect society and government from external threats.
  2. Publication by the President of the Russian Federation of Decree No. 386 of July 30, 2016 “On some issues of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief”, according to which the total number of people employed in the structure should be reduced to 288.5 thousand.


Important! Copies of documents to receive EMERCOM benefits must be certified by a notary. The process of receiving a one-time social payment for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations takes about 4 months. The commission makes a decision within 90 days. The funds will be transferred over the next month.


The countdown starts from the moment the authorized body receives the papers according to the list. What amount can you expect? The final payment is calculated based on:

  • housing standards for apartment sizes;
  • cost of 1 sq. m in the real estate market in the region;
  • correction factor.

Based on statistical data on the price per square meter, which is often underestimated, it is difficult to calculate the amount that covers the real cost of housing. Therefore, it is advisable to use a correction factor.

But even this measure does not always fit into the amount allocated from the budget.

This is targeted financial support. Payment is made only for the purpose of acquiring residential property. Moreover, in order to receive ERU, the employee must be identified as in need of housing. Otherwise, the state will refuse payment. The payment can be spent on improving housing conditions if they do not meet established standards.

Download and print for free Federal Law No. 283-FZ of December 30, 2012) “On monetary allowances for military personnel and the provision of individual payments to them” Who pays the Unified Social Security A one-time social payment to the Ministry of Emergency Situations is paid from the federal budget. Regional funds are not used in this case, therefore there is a single priority for receiving ERUs for the entire territory of the Russian Federation. All documents can be submitted to commissions specially created for this purpose.

A one-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is one of the main privileges for employees in the department. But besides this, there are other benefits. An employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations definitely needs to know what kind of government assistance and support he can count on.

One-time social payment

This type of government assistance is regulated by and. On its basis, in 2015, methodological recommendations were created, approved by Minister Artamonov.

One-time social benefits are provided. payment in the form of a subsidy from the Government to improve the quality of housing conditions. You can receive such government assistance only once.

The subsidy can be used by an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who:

  • does not use the residential premises as property or social tenancy (this requirement also applies to family members of the applicant);
  • lives in a dormitory;
  • uses, under a social tenancy agreement or on the right of ownership, housing, the total area of ​​which per one family member living together is less than 15 m2;
  • uses housing that does not meet accepted standards (the size of the room in this case does not matter);
  • lives in a communal apartment (its area does not matter);
  • lives together with a relative who has an incurable disease from the List (in this case, the applicant or members of his family should not own or have social tenancy rights to other premises suitable for living);
  • lives in an adjoining room or one-room apartment with another family, including parents and adult children in a documented marriage (the size of the room is not taken into account).

Only an employee who has served in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for more than 10 years can count on payment. The longer the period of work, the greater the amount of subsidy you can count on.

Payment amount

According to Law No. 283-FZ, the amount of payment depends on the number of family members living with the department employee. Relies:

  • for 1 person - 33 m2 of living space;
  • for 2 people - 42 m2 of living space;
  • for a family of 3 or more people - 18 m2 of living space for each person.

Depending on length of service and availability of rights to additional space, increasing coefficients are applied. For example, when working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for 15 to 20 years, the minimum footage will be increased by 1.25.

Also, municipal authorities have the right to independently adjust the minimum size of living space for their region.

The payment cannot exceed 70% of the cost of the purchased housing.

Procedure for obtaining and required documents

If an employee meets the requirements and wants to register to improve the quality of living conditions, then he must submit a written application to a special commission. In the document, he indicates information about all members of his family and notes whether he or his relatives were previously provided with social support to improve their living conditions.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations employee attaches the following documents and their copies to the application:

  • your SNILS;
  • documents proving the identity of the applicant and his family members;
  • your track record (certified by the HR department);
  • information about registration and place of residence (about yourself and your family members);
  • certificates of divorce or marriage (if available);
  • documents on assigning a group for disabled children under 18 years of age living with him (if available);
  • social rental agreements (if any);
  • documents confirming his rights to additional living space (for employees of the fire department and other structural units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with the rank of colonel and higher, as well as for employees with an academic degree or rank);
  • extracts from the Unified State Register for him and his family members;
  • certificates of completion of full-time studies for children aged 18 to 23 years living with him;
  • documents confirming living conditions - extracts from the house register, personal account data for the last 5 years, etc.

If it is impossible to provide information about housing conditions, documents are required to explain the reasons for non-provision.

Payment of the unified social contribution occurs in the order of priority. If more than 3 children live with the applicant, then he has a priority right to receive a subsidy.

Do not deliberately try to worsen your living conditions, for example, sell or donate your existing property. If this is detected, then an application for a subsidy can only be submitted after 5 years.

If several family members are eligible to receive a payment, then only one can submit documents. After this, others will no longer be able to count on the subsidy.

Other benefits for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

In Russia in 2018, there are various social guarantees for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They are regulated by Law No. 283-FZ. According to the regulations, employees of fire departments and other departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can count on the following support measures:

  • receiving salary bonuses - given for work with state secrets, length of service, qualification title and other achievements;
  • provision of office housing under a social rental agreement;
  • medical support - free treatment in specialized institutions, including dental prosthetics;
  • free special form;
  • sanatorium-resort treatment - provided to the employee himself and his dependent relatives, includes travel expenses.

After retirement, benefits for a former employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations remain, but to a lesser extent. For example, for a voucher you will need to pay from 25% to 50% of its cost (depending on length of service).

Benefits for families of victims

Families of employees who died while on duty are given the opportunity to compensate for part of the paid utilities, as well as expenses for purchasing fuel and repairing living quarters. In addition, families are entitled to:

  • reimbursement of travel expenses to places for health resorts and treatment;
  • monthly payments for child support;
  • one-time financial assistance for moving and transporting property;
  • annual holiday in a sanatorium.

The right to benefits remains even if the employee’s death occurred within a year after dismissal, but the cause of death was an injury or injury received in the course of service.


For employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, an early retirement date is provided.

Employees of the Department become pensioners under the following conditions:

  • total experience - more than 25 years;
  • age - from 45 years;
  • labor activity in the Department - more than 12.5 years.

Moreover, if an employee does not have special titles, then he can only receive a civil old-age pension.

The decision of deputies to increase the retirement age is currently being discussed, but no real changes are planned yet.

A one-time social payment is an excellent opportunity for an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to improve the quality of their living conditions. You shouldn’t give up other benefits as well. The use of state social support makes it possible to improve the standard of living and make treatment and recreation more accessible.

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