Official statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Ministry of Internal Affairs statistics

Basic methods for analyzing quantitative and qualitative characteristics of crime:
To study crime, it is advisable to isolate and analyze its quantitative and qualitative characteristics in a certain sequence. The quantitative characteristics of crime include the following indicators:
1) state of crime;
2) crime level;
3) crime dynamics;
4) consequences of crime.
The initial indicator from which the analysis of crime begins is its state.

The current state of crime in Russia

State of crime- the total number of crimes and the persons who committed them in a certain territory during a certain period of time. It is always expressed in absolute values ​​(i.e. by number): a) registered crimes; b) identified persons who committed them; c) convicts.
For example, in 2015, the state of crime is expressed by the number of crimes registered in statistics: 2,388,467 facts and identified persons who committed them, as well as 1,075,333 persons recorded by statistics. It is possible to analyze the total number of persons convicted by the court - 733,607 people. This is a rather narrow, scientific understanding of the term “state of crime”. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a broader understanding of this term, used by journalists, heads of law enforcement agencies and other persons in their speeches, for example in the media, to characterize the entire criminal situation in the country. In this case, this term acts as a collective concept, reflecting a comprehensive assessment of crime.
In addition, when analyzing the state of crime, one should take into account not only the crime indicators recorded by statistics, but also keep in mind a significant part of the crime that remains outside the scope of registration, many times greater than the official indicators, i.e., the so-called latent crime.
The state of crime, expressed in absolute values, although it serves as a primary indicator of the scale of crime, is nevertheless completely insufficient for understanding crime and assessing it. The fact is that in different regions of Russia almost the same number of registered crimes can be recorded, but the number of living population varies quite significantly. In addition, changes in crime rates may also depend on changes in population size. Therefore, a criminological assessment of crime requires correlating crime rates with the population size of the corresponding region. For this purpose, there is such a quantitative indicator as the crime rate. This indicator is absolutely necessary for any comparison, for example, comparison of crime in different countries, in one country in different historical periods of its development, differing, among other things, in population size, as well as comparison of modern crime rates in different regions of the same country, etc. Others In other words, calculating the crime rate makes it possible to objectively compare crime rates, eliminating differences in population size.
The crime rate is primarily an indicator of the intensity of crime. It is determined using the crime rate, which expresses the number of registered crimes (facts) per 100 thousand people of the living population, according to the formula:

Where KP(f) is the crime rate (based on facts);
P is the number of registered crimes during the year in a certain territory;

As noted above, the crime rate is usually calculated for every 100 thousand people, however, if the calculation of crime rates is carried out in small regions with a small population, such a rate can be calculated for 10 thousand or even 1 thousand population.
It should be noted that it is better to calculate the crime rate not for the entire population, but for that part of it that has reached the age of criminal responsibility, that is, for the population aged 14 years and older; this will make the crime rate cleaner.
In accordance with this formula, you can calculate the intensity of crime in the Russian Federation, for example, in 2015: to do this, multiply the total number of crimes registered in the country for this year (2,388,476) by 100,000 and divide by the number of persons living in the Russian Federation, those who have reached the age of criminal responsibility (122,455,357), we get a figure equal to approximately 1950; This means that currently there are 1,950 crimes for every 100 thousand Russians.
The crime rate can also be an indicator of the criminal activity of the population. In this case, the basis for calculating the crime coefficient is not the number of crimes, but the number of persons who committed them; otherwise, the calculation is carried out according to a similar formula:

where KP(l) is the crime rate by persons;
L - the total number of persons who committed crimes during the year in a certain territory;
N is the average annual number of people living in this territory.
Thus, the criminal activity of the population of the Russian Federation in 2015 was:

It is natural to assume that the intensity of crime and criminal activity of different populations differ quite significantly. These differences are also determined using coefficients called special coefficients. They are calculated using a similar formula, but the number of crimes committed by any contingent of persons (or the number of criminals of a given contingent) is correlated with the number of persons of the corresponding contingent in the population living in the corresponding region. For example, evidence of higher criminal activity of minors compared to adults will be the calculation of the juvenile crime rate in the Russian Federation:

Most often, special crime coefficients are used to compare the criminal activity of minors and adults, men and women, students of different educational organizations, representatives of different social groups, etc.
In the process of analyzing crime, a very natural question may arise: is it possible to calculate crime rates for the entire population? The answer is definitely yes. The choice of appropriate methodology depends primarily on the objectives of the study. For example, A.I. Dolgova believes that calculating crime rates for the entire population will be an indicator of how “the population suffers from crime.” In some cases, crime rates can only be calculated for the entire population: when comparing, for example, different countries, according to whose legislation criminal liability begins at different ages.
A comparison of crime rates in Russia with other countries confirms the previously made conclusion that the intensity of crime in our country is lower than in most economically developed countries, which may indicate a more favorable criminal situation in our country. At the same time, the unambiguousness of such a conclusion is to a certain extent hampered by the increased latentization of Russian crime, which is now noted by the absolute majority of domestic criminologists. Moreover, according to statistical data, the crime rate (for the entire population) in the Russian Federation is 1676, which is three times lower than in the USA, five times lower than in Germany, four times lower than in France, and six times lower than in the UK.
Along with the state and level of crime, it is necessary to study crime as a dynamic phenomenon, subject to various changes. Consequently, its quantitative characteristics include the dynamics of crime - changes in crime over time (most often over the years), reflecting its trends. Analysis of crime dynamics involves constructing time series of indicators demonstrating an increase or decrease in the number of registered crimes (Table 1). Indicators can be absolute - in the case of simply subtracting a smaller one from a larger indicator. In this case, it is recorded, for example, that in 2015, 197,908 more crimes were registered in our country than in 2014. However, in science and practice, to reflect the dynamics of crime, mainly relative indicators are used, demonstrating by what percentage the increase or the number of crimes or the persons who committed them has decreased.

Table 1 Crime dynamics in Russia (current data)

Depending on the objectives of studying the dynamics of crime, two main methods for calculating it are used:
I) the basic method allows us to conclude by what percentage crime has increased or decreased over the entire analyzed period. In this case, crime rates for each year are compared as a percentage with a single indicator of the first, so-called base year, from which the study begins. As an example, you can use the table proposed for illustration and determine that over the past 15 years (from 2000 to 2015) the number of registered crimes has decreased by 19.1%;
2) the chain method is used when the purpose of the analysis is to determine the dynamics of crime by year; and in this case, each subsequent year is compared with the previous one. In contrast to the basic method, which shows the growth (decrease) of crime over the entire analyzed period, the chain method allows you to judge how it changed: in which years there was an increase or, conversely, a decrease in crime, to estimate the rate of increase or decrease. In this case, the calculation is also made as a percentage. For example, in 2014, compared to 2013, the number of registered crimes decreased by 0.7%, and in 2015, compared to 2014, on the contrary, it increased by 10.3%, which may indicate a change in crime trends .
Analysis of the dynamics of crime is a particularly important indicator, since almost any characteristics (i.e., not only the state, but also the level and consequences of crime, and its qualitative characteristics) should be considered in dynamics.
It is very advisable to accompany the analysis of crime dynamics by constructing various graphs or diagrams that more clearly reflect crime trends, as shown, for example, in the figure below.

The downward trend in the number of registered crimes, observed in the Russian Federation over the past eight years, reversed in 2015, which is mainly due to two factors.
The first factor is the strengthening of prosecutorial supervision over compliance with accounting and registration discipline, as a result of which 6.9% (161,835) of all crimes registered in 2015 were crimes that were previously hidden from registration.
The second factor is related to the economic, social and political events that occurred in 2015, which had a noticeable negative impact on the state of law and order in the Russian Federation. Among them are primarily geopolitical factors: extension of the policy of economic sanctions, falling energy prices, and devaluation of the ruble. This, in turn, influenced the decline in the standard of living of the population and other indicators of the country’s socio-economic development.
The consequences of crime are also a quantitative indicator that allows us to determine the nature of the harm caused by crimes. In general terms, it is expressed in absolute terms: a) the total number of persons affected by crimes, including those killed; b) persons whose health has been seriously harmed; c) the amount of material damage caused by economic crimes.
Assessing the consequences of crime is very important for determining overall crime control policies. In this regard, of course, a progressive shift in the crime recording system was the development of a special form of statistical reporting dedicated to the characteristics of victims, although it cannot reflect all the data of interest to a criminologist, therefore statistical information must be supplemented with the results of special criminological studies.
Similarly, with indicators of the crime level, you can determine the indicator of the level of victimization of the population, using the formula for calculating coefficients, by comparing the number of victims with the number of people living in the corresponding territory, similar to how crime coefficients are calculated.
The total number of victims was 2,062,037 people in 2010, 1,895,970 in 2012, 1,819,811 in 2014 and 1,949,050 in 2015. Thus, there was a decrease in the number of victims (until 2014), but the rate of decrease was constantly decreasing. In 2010, the number of crimes for which victims were identified decreased by 10.4%, in 2011 - by 7.8, in 2012 - by 5.4,
Table 2 Dynamics of the rate of deaths and serious harm to health as a result of crimes in cities and rural areas in the Russian Federation (per 100 thousand people)

in 2013 - by 5.3, in 2014 - by 3.3%. It follows that the change in the number of victims corresponds to the trend of crime itself, evidence of which is the increase in the number of victims in 2015 (by 7.1%), corresponding to the increase in crime. An interesting fact is that since 2012, the number of crimes in which the victims are not Russian citizens, but visitors, including migrants and refugees, has been growing.
The consequences of crime are especially acutely expressed by the death rate indicator (Table 2): in 2014 in the Russian Federation it amounted to 24.4 people per 100 thousand population (in 2013 - 25.6). However, in 42 subjects of the Federation it was higher, and in three it exceeded the all-Russian indicators by more than twice.
As can be seen from the data presented in the table, the death rate in Russia in rural areas is significantly higher than in urban areas.
The number of victims of crimes related to violent acts amounted to 371,307 people. Of these, 44.4% are women (164,993 people), 12.5% ​​are minors (46,366 people). The number of juvenile victims of crimes involving violent acts, especially of a sexual nature, is constantly growing: in 2010 their number was 802 people, in 2012 - 1570, in 2013 -2210, in 2014 - 2584 people. Thus, from 2010 to 2014 their number increased by 3.2 times.

Every year it calculates the state of crime by crime categories and the state of affairs in each region. The latest data shows that in 2016, 2,160,063 crimes were registered in Russia - this is 228,413 crimes less than the year before.

A decrease in crime was recorded in 77 regions of Russia. For example, in Sevastopol, one third fewer crimes were registered compared to 2015 data, and in the Oryol region - by almost 21%.

In the country, despite the economic crisis, the number of particularly serious crimes, such as murders, robberies and robberies, decreased by 15.9%.

Thefts were registered 871,084 (-14.5%), robberies - 61,524 (-15.4%), and robberies - 11,416 (-16.3%).

Despite the general decrease in the level of criminalization in Russia in 2016, experts from the Prosecutor General’s Office identified the top three regions in terms of crime growth. These are the Republic of Tyva, where the growth was 8.7%, as well as the Sakhalin region and North Ossetia - 4.5%.

The Moscow region became the leader in the number of murders and attempted murders in 2016. Specialists from the Prosecutor General's Office recorded the least number of murders in Chukotka. Bribes were given more often than in other Russian regions in Moscow, and least often in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Meanwhile, as noted in the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, in 2016, compared to 2015, the number of detected economic crimes in the country decreased by 3.3%. The number of registered cases of bribes decreased by 17.7%.

Infographic: L!FE

In 2016, compared to 2015, the number of detected economic crimes in the country decreased by 3.3%. The number of registered cases of bribes decreased by 17.7%.

However, according to the capital department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the average amount of a bribe in Moscow in 2016 compared to 2015 increased by more than 2.5 times and exceeded 2 million rubles.

The Prosecutor General's Office claims that the number of frauds also decreased in 2016.

Experts note that more than half of the crimes in Russia in 2016 - 674,935 - were committed by repeat offenders. In addition, every third crime in 2016 (37%) was committed while intoxicated.

The Prosecutor General's Office has not forgotten about foreigners. They committed 43,933 crimes last year, which is 8.9% less than in 2015. Moreover, 38,501 of these crimes were committed by CIS citizens.

2011: Deaths from crimes 40.1 thousand.

1. In 2011, internal affairs bodies reviewed 24.61 million statements, reports and other information about incidents, which is 3.1% more than in the twelve months of 2010. For almost every twelfth report (8.1%), a decision was made to initiate criminal proceedings. A total of 1,982.4 thousand criminal cases were initiated, which is 9.2% less than the same period in 2010.

2. In 2011, 2404.8 thousand crimes were registered, or 8.5% less than during the same period in 2010. An increase in registered crimes was noted in 7 subjects of the Russian Federation, a decrease – in 76 subjects.

3. 92.1% of all registered crimes are detected by internal affairs bodies, and 5.0% of them are at the stage of preparation and attempt. A total of 109.6 thousand crimes (2.8%) were detected at these stages.

4. 41.0% of crimes are registered in republican, regional and regional centers - a total of 986.51 thousand, a fifth (21.0%) - in rural areas, where 506.1 thousand crimes are registered, which is 5.7 % less than in 2010.

5. As a result of criminal attacks, 40.1 thousand people died (4.5%), and 49.4 thousand people suffered serious harm (2.8%). Rural areas account for 41.0% of the dead (16.4 thousand people), cities and towns that are not centers of federal subjects account for 35.8% of people whose health was seriously harmed (17.7 thousand people). ).

6. Damage from crimes (for completed and suspended criminal cases) amounted to 250.73 billion rubles, which is 4.4% less than the same figure last year. Moreover, two thirds of the damage (64.9%) is due to crimes registered in the centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

7. The share of grave and especially grave crimes among those registered decreased from 26.0% in January - December 2010 to 25.3%.

8. Almost half of all registered crimes (49.3%) are theft of other people’s property, committed by:

  • thefts – 1038.6 thousand (6.3%),
  • robbery - 127.8 thousand (22.3%),
  • robbery - 20.1 thousand (18.2%).

Almost every third theft (30.3%), every twenty-second robbery (4.6%), and every fourteenth robbery (7.2%) involved illegal entry into a home, premises or other storage facility.

Every twenty-second (4.6%) registered crime is burglary. In January - December 2011, their number decreased by 17.6% compared to the same period in 2010.

9. The number of identified crimes related to illegal trafficking of weapons, compared to January - December 2010, decreased by 7.5% and amounted to 28.1 thousand, and the number of identified facts of theft and extortion of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices increased by 3.3% (1.5 thousand facts).

In January - December 2011, 6.8 thousand crimes (9.1%) were committed using weapons. The largest number of registered crimes of this category is observed in the Republic of Dagestan (593), Sverdlovsk region (528), St. Petersburg (377), Moscow (280), Stavropol Territory (222).

10. In 2011, 29.15 thousand environmental crimes were registered, which is 25.5% less than for the same period in 2010.

11. Compared to 2010, the number of economic crimes detected by law enforcement agencies decreased by 26.8%. In total, 202.5 thousand crimes of this category were identified, the share of these crimes in the total number of registered ones was 8.4%.

Material damage from these crimes (in completed criminal cases) amounted to 160.71 billion rubles.

Grave and especially grave crimes in the total number of identified economic crimes amounted to 53.8%.

The divisions of the internal affairs bodies identified 190.8 thousand crimes of an economic nature, their share in the total array of crimes of an economic nature was 94.2%.

12. In 2011, 215.2 thousand crimes related to drug trafficking were detected, which is 3.3% less than in the same period in 2010. At the same time, employees of drug control authorities identified 82 thousand crimes (2.2%), employees of internal affairs bodies - 129.7 thousand crimes (4.4%). Compared to January - December 2010, the number of detected crimes committed for the purpose of selling narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues decreased by 8.5%, and their share among crimes related to drug trafficking decreased from 51.0 % in January - December 2010 to 48.3%.

13. In 2011, 622 crimes of a terrorist nature (+7.1%) and 622 crimes of an extremist nature (5.2%) were registered.

14. 635 thousand crimes were registered in public places (+2.3%). 412.4 thousand (+3.7%) crimes were registered on streets, squares, parks and public gardens, including: 64.9 thousand (18.5%) robberies, 174.2 thousand (+14, 4%) thefts, 7.5 thousand (12.5%) assaults. On roads and highways outside populated areas, 155 armed attacks (29.9%), 373 robberies (+0.5%) were committed, 75 facts of illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices (35.9%).

15. In 2011, 1311.8 thousand crimes were solved (8.3%), including 650.7 thousand for which an investigation is mandatory (9.2%) and 661.1 thousand for which an investigation is optional ( 7.4%). Employees of the internal affairs bodies preliminarily investigated 1033 thousand crimes (10.0%), which is 78.7% of the total array of preliminarily investigated crimes, employees of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - 125.9 thousand crimes (5.6%), which is 9.6% of the entire array, employees of drug control authorities are, respectively, 51.7 thousand (9.2%), bailiff services - 64.2 thousand (+14.9%).

16. 1080.1 thousand crimes were not solved, which is 9.5% less than the same figure for 2010. Of this amount, grave and especially grave crimes account for 24.7% (in January - December 2010 - 25.7%). 2.1 thousand murders and attempted murders (0.0%), 6 thousand facts of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm (2.9%), 654.9 thousand thefts (7.7%), 68, remained unsolved. 4 thousand robberies (28.4%), 7.2 thousand assaults (18.6%).

1053.8 thousand crimes (9.4%) remained unsolved due to failure to identify the person to be charged as an accused.

17. 58.8 thousand crimes of past years were solved in 2011, which is 3.5% less than in the same period last year.

Half (46.4%) of the solved crimes of past years were thefts (27.3 thousand) and the thirteenth part (7.8%) were frauds (4.6 thousand).

18. 1041.3 thousand persons were identified who committed crimes (6.3%), the proportion of persons without a permanent source of income increased from 65.7% in January - December 2010 to 66.3%, and the proportion of previously convicted persons – from 26.5% to 28.7%.

19. Almost every third (40.7%) investigated crime was committed by persons who had previously committed crimes, almost every fifth (20.1%) was committed while intoxicated, every eighteenth (5.5%) was committed by minors or with their complicity.

Organized groups or criminal communities committed 16.9 thousand grave and especially grave crimes (20.3%), and their share in the total number of investigated crimes of these categories decreased from 5.9% in 2010 to 5.2%.

20. Foreign citizens and stateless persons committed 45 thousand crimes on the territory of the Russian Federation, which is 8.2% less than in January - December 2010, including 40.5 thousand crimes by citizens of the CIS member states ( 9.2%), their share was 90.1%.



Method of analysis and brief conclusions

Methodology. In developing this section, data from the following sources was used:

  • Federal Penitentiary Service;
  • Rosstat;
  • International Center for Prison Research (ICPR);
  • Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;
  • (IPSO, 2015);
  • (IPSO, 2015).

Tables with a large amount of data are included in applications.

Brief conclusions.

Despite all the statements about the desire to humanize the penal system and use the experience of foreign countries, Russia is increasingly moving away from the world average for the number of prisoners per 100 thousand population. No other country in the world, except the United States, has such a number of people in prison.

The number of convicts in Russia is declining much more slowly than in neighboring countries. One of the reasons is the virtual elimination of the institution of parole. Due to the general decline in crime in the country, the number of “new” convicts is decreasing, while persons convicted in previous years cannot be released early. If ten years ago every second convict was released on parole, now every fifth one is released.

The majority of convicts in correctional institutions are serving sentences for murder. Moreover, this is the only category of crimes for which the number of people serving sentences has increased over the past decade, despite a more than two-fold decrease in the number of convictions. For those convicted of this category of crimes, the possibility of early release has been reduced to a minimum in recent years.

The number of people serving sentences for drug-related crimes has risen sharply in recent years.

The rate of recidivism among previously convicted persons continues to rise. Today, about 45% of all convictions are made against previously convicted persons. The reason is primarily the low level of efficiency of the penal system. The impact of the imperfection of the judicial system is somewhat less, but it is also visible. It is still very difficult for convicts to appeal against the actions of correctional institutions in the courts.

Repeated denial of parole to prisoners seeking to lead a law-abiding lifestyle undermines their trust in the fairness of the judicial system and provokes a return to a criminal lifestyle. There is a high correlation between the reduction of opportunities for early release from prison and the rate of recidivism.

Among Russian regions, the most unfavorable situation with recidivism has developed in the Irkutsk region and Perm region. At the same time, in the Perm Territory the proportion of those repeatedly convicted has decreased over two years, while in the Irkutsk Region, on the contrary, it has increased.

Number of prisoners in Russia

In Russia, there are about 650 thousand people in prison; according to this indicator, our country ranks second in the world after the United States. With a population of 2.4% of the global population, the Russian Federation contains about 7.5% of the total number of prisoners worldwide.

There are over 460 prisoners per 100 thousand population in Russia. This is second place among countries with a fairly high level of economic development.

Rice. 1. Number of prisoners per 100 thousand population in Russia and countries with high and medium levels of economic development
(countries with a population of more than 10 million people and a GDP per capita of more than 10 thousand dollars per year)

To a certain extent, such a significant number of prisoners is explained by the fact that crime in the Russian Federation still remains quite high. However, if we compare it with other countries of the former USSR, our crime rate is comparable, but the number of convicts per 100 thousand population in Russia is twice as high.

Table 1. Changes in the crime rate and the number of prisoners in Russia in 2005-2015.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 in %
by 2005
Crimes registered, thousand 3 555 3 855 3 583 3 210 2 995 2 629 2 405 2 302 2 206 2 191 -38%
Kept in places of deprivation of liberty, thousand people. 823 872 883 888 864 819 756 702 677 672 -18%

The crime rate in Russia has decreased by 1.6 times (by 38%) over 10 years. At the same time, the number of prisoners decreased by only 1.2 times (by 18%).

Moreover, the number of serious and especially serious crimes of a violent nature has decreased even more significantly. From 2005 to 2014, the number of people convicted of murder decreased by 2.2 times, for rape by 2.3 times, and for robbery by 2.5 times.

The fact that the number of prisoners does not decrease in proportion to the decrease in crime indicates clear imbalances in the work of the judicial and prison systems.

Table 2. Number of persons held in prisons in Russia in 2005-2015.
(thousands of people)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Correctional colonies for adults 644,7 696,9 716,4 734,3 724,1 694,5 639,6 585,1 559,9 551,1 525,1
Educational colonies for minors 14,5 12,8 10,8 8,6 6,0 4,1 2,8 2,3 2,0 1,8 1,7
Detention centers and prisons 164,1 162,0 156,3 144,9 134,1 120,8 113,2 114,5 115,4 119,0 119,6
Total number of people held in prison 823,4 871,6 883,4 887,8 864,2 819,3 755,7 701,9 677,3 671,9 646,3

Rice. 2. Number of persons held in places of deprivation of liberty in 2003-2015.

According to the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, as of March 1, 2016, 650,613 people were held in institutions of the penal system.

526,343 people served their sentences in correctional colonies, incl. in colony settlements - 32,079 people.

120,841 people were kept in pre-trial detention centers and premises functioning as a pre-trial detention center.

Thus, out of the total number of prisoners, about 530 thousand people are serving sentences based on a court verdict. Of these, 99% are held in adult correctional facilities.

Table 3. Number of persons in correctional colonies for adults, by terms of sentence in 2005-2015.
(thousands of people)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
up to 3 years 146,2 173,6 178,1 182,8 176,7 157,0 143,5 128,0 128,3 131,3 128,0
3-5 years 157,7 172,1 180,4 182,7 178,2 168,7 151,2 133,4 125,7 124,0 123,0
5-10 years 243,0 249,3 254,7 261,3 263,9 260,1 242,1 224,9 210,5 201,5 193,2
over 10 years 97,8 101,8 103,2 107,5 105,3 108,8 102,8 98,8 95,4 94,4 94,2

Rice. 3. Structure of the number of persons in correctional colonies for adults, depending on the term of punishment in 2003-2015.

Despite the fact that at the state level for many years in a row the need to abolish the punishment of imprisonment for persons who have committed minor crimes has been declared, the share of those serving sentences with a term of less than 3 years has remained stable over the past ten years and averaged 22-24% of the total number of convicts serving sentences. At the same time, the proportion of people sentenced to more than 10 years is gradually increasing.

Against the background of a general decrease in crime, one could consider the situation of an increase in the proportion of those sentenced to a term of 5 to 10 years, that is, mainly for crimes of medium gravity, to be considered normal. However, this is not happening: in 2015, in correctional colonies for adults, convicts with such a term accounted for 36% of the population, while in 2011 this figure was 38%, and in 2003 – 43%.

Rice. 4. Structure of the number of persons in correctional colonies for adults, depending on the category of crime in 2003-2015.

Since 2011, the main share in the structure of the number of prisoners in correctional colonies belongs to persons serving sentences for murder. By 2015, it reached its maximum values ​​– 28% and continues to grow. At the same time, the share of sentences handed down by courts for murder in 2015 accounted for only 1.28% of the total number of convictions (in 2005 - 2.31%).

This is due to the fact that increasingly longer sentences are being imposed for murders and fewer and fewer persons who have committed crimes in this category are being released on parole.

On the one hand, Russian society is becoming less and less tolerant of violent crimes, especially compared to the 90s. On the other hand, the legislative framework under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder) has not changed in recent years, therefore, from the point of view of the law, tightening sanctions is unjustified. Moreover, the requirements of the law have even softened in relation to criminals cooperating with the investigation. Depriving those convicted of murder of the right to parole can even be considered a refusal of the judicial community to recognize the possibility of sincere repentance and correction for such convicts.

The change in the position of the judicial community is especially striking when compared with other categories of crimes. Murder is the only crime category for which the conviction rate has fallen over the past decade, while the number of people serving sentences has increased.

Rice. 5. Comparison of the dynamics of the number of people convicted by courts and the number of prisoners serving sentences by main categories of crimes in 2005-2014.
(thousands of people)

In other categories, the number of crimes and the number of convicts is decreasing. The only category in which the number of convictions and the number of convicts serving sentences is increasing is drug-related crimes.

Recidivism among previously convicted persons

The issue of recidivism among previously convicted persons is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of a general decrease in crime and measures taken by the state to ensure law and order.

Table 4. Number of first and second time convicted persons held in places of deprivation of liberty in Russia in 2005-2015.
(thousands of people)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
first 335,2 367,3 385,5 391,0 377,8 336,0 302,9 263,7 245,5 201,1 194,3
second time 176,7 185,6 186,3 191,0 190,1 169,7 147,7 140,0 129,0 142,2 131,3
3 or more times 132,9 144,0 144,6 152,3 156,1 188,8 189,0 181,4 185,4 207,9 199,5

Despite all the efforts of the state, the level of recidivism among previously convicted persons continues to rise. By 2013-2014 The share of previously convicted persons in the total number of those convicted by court verdicts reached 44-45% - this is an absolute record in the history of modern Russia. Among convicts in prison, the proportion of persons who had previously served a sentence by 2014-2015. reached 63-64%, although until 2012 it did not exceed 50-53%.

Rice. 6. Proportion of people with previous convictions among those convicted of crimes and serving sentences in prisons

At the same time, quite a lot of attention is paid to improving the prison system at the federal level. Since 2003, budget expenditures on the penitentiary system have increased 6 times. In 2010, the “Concept for the development of the penal system of the Russian Federation until 2020” was adopted, one of the main goals of which was “to reduce the recidivism of crimes committed by persons who have served a sentence of imprisonment by increasing the efficiency of social and psychological work in places of deprivation of liberty, holding events in places of deprivation of liberty in order to adapt released convicts to society, including with the participation of civil society.” The document was signed by then Chairman of the Government V.V. Putin.

However, the quality of the system is only getting worse. Since 2009, the system has changed its leadership twice: in 2009, A.A.’s team came to the department. Reimer, whose three-year activities revealed high-profile corruption crimes; Since 2012, the department has been led by the team of G.A. Kornienko, whose activities also cannot be considered successful, taking into account the fact that it was after 2012 that the level of recidivism began to grow at the fastest pace.

The new leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service actually refused to implement the provisions of the “Concept” (which is still a valid document), citing a lack of funding. At the same time, the volume of budget funding for the department is still increasing - in 2015, in the structure of the budget of the Russian Federation, the share of the Federal Penitentiary Service accounted for 2.2%, this is the 6th line among all ministries and departments.

Despite huge financial injections from the state and increased funding, the level of recidivism continues to rise. This allows us to conclude that the problem is not a lack of funding, but that in its current form the penal system has finally ceased to fulfill its main function of correcting criminals and ensuring their preparation for further normal life in society.

Effective mechanisms for monitoring the activities of the prison system have also not emerged. It is extremely difficult for an ordinary convict to appeal against the actions of the prison department - the system is closed from public control, and the prosecutor's office for supervision of correctional institutions often does not respond to prisoners' appeals.

The judicial system, which could correct shortcomings in the work of the Federal Penitentiary Service, has actually withdrawn from resolving these issues, most often taking the side of the administration of the institution rather than the convicted person, including issues of early release from prison.

Table 5. Number of convicts released from correctional colonies in Russia in 2005-2015.
(thousands of people)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Convicts released 223,3 233,7 255,9 261,7 273,7 272,0 270,8 249,9 230,7 222,2 230,3
Incl. on parole or in connection with the replacement of deprivation with a more lenient punishment 123,4 121,4 125,9 117,1 117,3 113,4 103,5 88,4 68,9 57,8 51,0
Share of those released early in the total number of convicts released 55% 52% 49% 45% 43% 42% 38% 35% 30% 26% 22%

The number of people released on parole or due to the replacement of deprivation with a more lenient punishment (Article 79 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is decreasing every year. If before 2006 more than half of those released were released early, by 2015 this figure was only one in five.

The issue of early release of a convicted person depends entirely on the decision of the court. This decision is very significantly influenced by the position of the administration of the correctional institution, but the judge still makes the final verdict according to his inner conviction. Therefore, the current situation with the satisfaction of the petitions of convicted persons can safely be considered the result of the work of the judicial system.

Rice. 7. The influence of the possibility of early release of convicts on recidivism

The analysis revealed a close relationship between the level of recidivism and the early release of convicts from prison. A reduction in the proportion of convicts released early leads to an increase in the proportion of convicts repeatedly serving their sentences. The correlation between these two parameters is 86%; this value is recognized by science as a high level of close relationship between indicators.

The existence of such a dependence is explained by the fact that persons who have been repeatedly denied such an act of humanity (and often justice) as parole are more prone to re-commit crimes. For many prisoners, especially those who have already served a long sentence, the very process of considering their application for parole becomes a difficult moral test - it takes up a fairly large amount of time, which the convicted person spends in a state of uncertainty regarding his future fate.

For many prisoners, being denied parole becomes a severe psychological blow, which not everyone can cope with. This is especially true for persons convicted for the first time who sincerely strive to prove their law-abiding behavior. Denial of parole is often perceived by such convicts as an act of injustice, negating all the efforts they have made to prove their readiness for a normal life in society. Repeated refusal of parole can even lead to a breakdown in the psyche, after which a person becomes indifferent to his future and the opinion is consolidated that a criminal lifestyle is the only possible way of existence for him.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that a large number of research organizations work within the structure of the Federal Penitentiary Service, there are no scientific publications on the problems outlined above (at least in the public domain).

Scientific support and objective statistics that show recidivism rates among previously convicted individuals based on the length of sentence they have served, the category of crime committed, and other factors (such as family status) could help judges make probation decisions. - early release of convicts.

Recidivism among previously convicted persons by region

Judicial statistics data on the indicator “The share of persons previously convicted of committing crimes in the total number of persons convicted on the basis of convictions that have entered into legal force” for all regions of Russia are given in the appendix.

This section provides information on the most “outstanding” regions.

Table 6. Five regions with the highest percentage of previously convicted prisoners (based on court verdicts) in 2014

2012 2013 2014 deviation, 2014 to 2012
Murmansk region 53,7 52,1 50,3 -3,4 1,05
Arhangelsk region 41,8 44,3 45,0 3,2 1,33
The Republic of Khakassia 47,5 47,5 44,8 -2,8 0,96
Kaliningrad region 37,3 37,9 43,6 6,2 0,75
Perm region 45,7 45,3 43,2 -2,5 4,10

The top five regions with the highest percentage of previously convicted persons convicted by court sentences include the Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad regions, the Republic of Khakassia and the Perm Territory. Of these, in the Perm Territory the most sentences are passed against previously convicted persons - more than 4% of the total in Russia, while in 2014 the level of recidivism in the region decreased. In other regions, the number of sentences against previously convicted persons is relatively small - on average 1% of the Russian one.

Table 7. Five regions with the most unfavorable dynamics in terms of the share of previously convicted prisoners (based on court verdicts)
Note: previously convicted convicts are persons convicted on the basis of convictions that have entered into legal force, having an outstanding and unexpunged criminal record

Regions Share of previously convicted persons in the total number of persons convicted by court sentences For reference: share of the region in Russia by the number of previously convicted prisoners (2013)
2012 2013 2014 deviation, 2014 to 2012
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 20,4 23,6 30,0 9,6 0,51
Transbaikal region 28,8 28,5 38,2 9,3 0,02
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 29,0 35,6 35,5 6,4 0,07
Kaliningrad region 37,3 37,9 43,6 6,2 0,75
Irkutsk region 37,4 39,2 42,9 5,5 3,01

For the period from 2012 to 2014. The level of recidivism increased the most in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Trans-Baikal Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Kaliningrad and Irkutsk regions. In terms of the number of convictions against previously convicted persons, almost all of these regions are small - each of them accounts for less than 1% of the total number of previously convicted persons in the country as a whole. The only exception is the Irkutsk region, where this figure exceeds 3%.

Table 8. Characteristics of regions with the maximum number of previously convicted prisoners (according to court verdicts)

Note: previously convicted convicts are persons convicted on the basis of convictions that have entered into legal force, having an outstanding and unexpunged criminal record

Regions (with a share of more than 3% of the total number of previously convicted persons) Share of previously convicted persons in the total number of persons convicted by court sentences For reference: share of the region in Russia by the number of previously convicted prisoners (2013)
2012 2013 2014 deviation, 2014 to 2012
1. Kemerovo region 45,5 45,1 35,3 -10,2 4,68
2. Perm region 45,7 45,3 43,2 -2,5 4,10
3. Krasnoyarsk region 40,2 39,3 39,0 -1,2 3,61
4. Republic of Bashkortostan 33,3 33,6 34,7 1,4 3,56
5. Samara region 43,7 42,9 40,1 -3,6 3,46
6. Altai region 45,0 44,1 42,8 -2,2 3,36
7. Krasnodar region 25,6 24,7 25,7 0,1 3,18
8. Irkutsk region 37,4 39,2 42,9 5,5 3,01

In total, there are 8 regions in Russia in which more than 3% of the total Russian number of previously convicted persons were convicted by court verdicts. These are the Kemerovo, Samara and Irkutsk regions, Perm, Krasnoyarsk territories, Krasnodar and Altai regions, as well as the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Of these, from 2012 to 2014. recidivism has increased noticeably in the Republic of Bashkortostan, and the Irkutsk region demonstrated very serious growth rates.

Appendix 1. Statistics on the number of prisoners in different countries (by country groups)

Table 9. Number of prisoners in countries with high and medium levels of economic development
(countries with a population of more than 10 million people and a GDP per capita of more than 10 thousand dollars)

Places of detention
people number of institutions average capacity, persons
USA 2 217 000 698 25,2% 4 575 485 52,4
Russia 667 546 463 7,6% 996 670 14,7
Brazil 607 730 301 6,9% 1 482 410 11,2
Kazakhstan 47 939 275 0,5% 93 515 13,7
Taiwan 63 108 269 0,7% 49 1288 20,7
Chile 42 829 240 0,5% 103 416 15,7
Mexico 256 941 214 2,9% 387 664 10,3
Türkiye 165 033 212 1,9% 355 465 11,0
Poland 76 145 198 0,9% 215 354 13,8
Czech 20 071 191 0,2% 35 573 19,5
Venezuela 51 256 166 0,6% 32 1602 12,2
Malaysia 49 200 161 0,6% 47 1047 10,5
Saudi Arabia 47 000 161 0,5% 116 405 26,0
Argentina 64288 154 0,7% 228 282 14,8
Australia 35 804 151 0,4% 112 320 65,6
Great Britain 85 743 148 1,0% 122 703 42,4
Spain 65 581 141 0,7% 82 800 28,9
Portugal 14 214 137 0,2% 49 290 21,4
Greece 13 147 120 0,1% 33 398 21,7
Canada 37864 106 0,4% 234 162 52,3
Belgium 11 769 105 0,1% 33 357 47,3
The Republic of Korea 49676 101 0,6% 51 974 26,5
France 66 761 100 0,8% 190 351 42,3
Italy 53 283 85 0,6% 215 248 35,2
Germany 61 872 76 0,7% 185 334 45,1
Netherlands 12 638 75 0,1% 77 164 50,9
Japan 61 794 49 0,7% 188 329 38,5
Total 4 946 232 288 56,2% 10284 481
without the USA and Russia 2 061 686 165 23,4% 4713 437

Table 10. Number of prisoners in BRICS countries

He is in prison (data as of mid-2015) Places of detention GDP per capita, thousand dollars (UN data, 2013)
people per 100 thousand people. population share in the world by number of prisoners number of institutions average capacity, persons
Russia 667 546 463 7,6% 996 670 14,7
Brazil 607 730 301 6,9% 1 482 410 11,2
South Africa 159 241 292 1,8% 231 689 7,0
China 1 657 812 119 18,8% 700 2368 6,6
India 411 992 33 4,7% 1391 296 1,5
Total 3 504 321 115 39,8% 4 800 730
without RF 2 836 775 98 32,2% 3 804 746

Table 11. Number of prisoners in the countries of the former USSR

He is in prison (data as of mid-2015) Places of detention GDP per capita, thousand dollars (UN data, 2013)
people per 100 thousand people. population share in the world by number of prisoners number of institutions average capacity, persons
Russia 667 546 463 7,6% 996 670 14,7
Turkmenistan 26 500 522 0,3% 22 1205 8,0
Belarus 31700 335 0,4% 34 932 7,7
Lithuania 9 261 315 0,1% 15 617 15,4
Georgia 10 493 281 0,1% 14 750 3,7
Kazakhstan 47 939 275 0,5% 93 515 13,7
Latvia 5 280 264 0,1% 12 440 15,1
Azerbaijan 20 669 218 0,2% 53 390 7,8
Estonia 2 853 218 0,0% 4 713 19,3
Moldova 7 548 212 0,1% 17 444 2,3
Ukraine 71 220 195 0,8% 148 481 4,0
Kyrgyzstan 10 060 182 0,1% 17 592 1,3
Uzbekistan 46 200 160 0,5% 58 797 2,0
Armenia 3 923 132 0,0% 13 302 3,5
Tajikistan 9 317 121 0,1% 22 424 1,0
Total 970 509 332 11,0% 1518 639
without RF 302 963 207 3,4% 522 580
without the Russian Federation and the Baltic states 285 569 204 3,2% 491 582

Table 12. Number of prisoners in correctional colonies for adults, depending on the category of crime in 2005-2015.
(thousands of people)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
murder art. 105 116,2 121,2 122,4 122,9 121,3 146,5 165,6 156,3 155,2 150,7 144,4
intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm - Article 111 96,2 101,7 103,0 103,8 103,0 71,6 35,6 31,8 27,9 27,5 28,3
rape, sexual assault - Article 131 21,7 22,9 24,8 26,9 26,4 25,9 16,0 14,4 13,2 12,1 11,1
theft - Article 158 159,7 168,4 165,2 162,7 148,2 131,4 115,0 97,4 91,8 88,1 75,2
robbery - art. 161 61,5 68,4 71,2 70,9 67,3 61,8 53,5 45,1 40,9 37,6 33,1
robbery - art. 162 80,4 82,3 80,4 77,8 75,1 69,5 62,3 55,1 49,7 45,8 41,6
hooliganism art. 213 7,4 6,1 4,9 4,2 2,5 1,8 1,4 1,6 0,8 0,5 0,4
extortion art. 163 5,8 6,3 6,5 6,9 5,8 4,8 4,0 3,4 3,2 3,0 2,9
drug-related crimes - Art. 228-234 49,8 65,4 81,2 98,4 114,5 124,2 125,1 125,0 123,2 127,2 134,2
other crimes 46,0 54,1 56,8 59,8 60,1 57,1 61,2 55,2 54,1 58,6 53,7

Table 13. The number of people convicted by court sentences that have entered into legal force, for certain types of crimes in 2005-2014.

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Number of convicts – total 878,9 909,9 929 925,2 892,2 845,1 782,3 739,3 735,6 719,3
of which for crimes:
murder 20,3 18,2 16,4 14,7 13,4 12,4 10,8 9,5 9,3 9,2
intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm 43 40,5 38 36,5 36 33,8 32,4 30,9 30,2 28,8
rape 6,6 6,9 6,4 5,3 4,5 4 3,5 3,1 2,9 2,9
robbery 28 27,8 25,8 21,4 19,4 17,5 15,4 13 12 11,3
robbery 82,4 86,1 81,6 73,9 69 61,6 52,4 45,5 40,5 35,8
theft 315,5 296,8 295,7 298,7 263,7 253,3 237,6 224,3 213,9 198,9
drug crimes 61,2 77,1 90,4 99,7 105,4 105,1 103,6 106,1 108,6 114,1
traffic violations resulting in the death of a person 6,2 6,1 6,6 6,9 5,4 5,6 5,7 6,4 6,6 6,7
other 315,7 350,4 368,1 368,1 375,4 351,8 320,9 300,5 311,6 311,6

Appendix 3. Recidivism in the regions

Table 14. The share of previously convicted prisoners (based on court verdicts) in the regions of Russia in 2012-2014.
Note: previously convicted convicts are persons convicted on the basis of convictions that have entered into legal force, having an outstanding and unexpunged criminal record

Federal districts/regions Share of previously convicted persons in the total number of persons convicted by court sentences For reference: share of the region in Russia by the number of previously convicted prisoners (2013)
2012 2013 2014 deviation, 2014 to 2012
Central Federal District 31,0 31,0 31,0 0,0 15,54
Belgorod region 30,9 31,5 30,6 -0,3 0,92
Bryansk region 32,2 31,4 32,9 0,7 0,00
Vladimir region 43,5 43,7 42,6 -0,9 1,34
Voronezh region 36,3 38,7 36,3 0,0 1,42
Ivanovo region 40,4 39,3 39,9 -0,5 0,92
Kaluga region 32,8 33,3 32,9 0,1 0,66
Kostroma region 39,3 40,1 40,3 1,0 0,61
Kursk region 39,4 34,3 35,2 -4,2 1,03
Lipetsk region 39,6 41,0 38,3 -1,4 0,39
Moscow region 25,8 28,6 29,1 3,3 0,00
Oryol Region 34,4 35,4 35,0 0,7 0,67
Ryazan Oblast 36,1 38,3 36,2 0,1 0,65
Smolensk region 32,9 34,9 36,2 3,3 0,77
Tambov Region 37,2 38,3 39,0 1,8 0,38
Tver region 33,1 31,4 32,6 -0,5 1,01
Tula region 33,1 34,7 33,3 0,3 1,03
Yaroslavl region 40,4 41,1 42,5 2,0 1,03
Moscow 20,7 18,2 18,5 -2,2 2,69
Northwestern Federal District 40,6 40,2 39,6 -1,0 11,60
Republic of Karelia 43,0 42,6 40,7 -2,4 0,71
Komi Republic 44,7 46,4 43,1 -1,6 1,71
Arhangelsk region 41,8 44,3 45,0 3,2 1,33
Vologda Region 37,1 38,5 41,0 4,0 1,22
Kaliningrad region 37,3 37,9 43,6 6,2 0,75
Leningrad region 39,0 41,2 38,1 -0,9 1,25
Murmansk region 53,7 52,1 50,3 -3,4 1,05
Novgorod region 38,7 36,3 38,9 0,2 0,79
Pskov region 40,3 37,4 39,1 -1,2 0,25
Saint Petersburg 37,4 34,5 32,3 -5,2 2,51
Nenets Autonomous Okrug 32,4 31,0 27,7 -4,7 0,03
Southern Federal District 28,7 28,9 29,3 0,6 8,83
Republic of Adygea 21,8 23,4 25,1 3,3 0,17
Republic of Kalmykia 24,7 20,9 27,4 2,7 0,16
Krasnodar region 25,6 24,7 25,7 0,1 3,18
Astrakhan region 29,1 31,8 30,5 1,4 1,16
Volgograd region 33,3 34,6 34,1 0,8 2,43
Rostov region 30,8 30,7 31,0 0,3 1,72
North Caucasus Federal District 35,2 22,4 23,6 -11,6 99,91
The Republic of Dagestan 13,8 15,8 15,5 1,7 0,43
The Republic of Ingushetia 5,8 7,3 9,7 3,9 0,02
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 26,8 25,6 28,8 2,1 0,31
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 21,8 24,0 23,4 1,6 0,18
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 19,7 21,1 23,3 3,6 0,06
Chechen Republic 8,3 6,7 8,4 0,1 0,06
Stavropol region 28,9 27,4 29,3 0,4 0,69
Volga Federal District 35,9 35,9 35,6 -0,4 25,66
Republic of Bashkortostan 33,3 33,6 34,7 1,4 3,56
Mari El Republic 33,2 35,2 38,1 4,9 0,48
The Republic of Mordovia 31,7 31,5 34,2 2,5 0,54
Republic of Tatarstan 31,2 30,6 30,3 -0,9 2,41
Udmurt republic 41,3 40,4 42,2 0,8 1,12
Chuvash Republic 25,2 27,8 28,3 3,1 0,97
Kirov region 36,9 37,9 38,2 1,3 1,67
Nizhny Novgorod Region 38,1 37,9 34,8 -3,2 2,40
Orenburg region 30,3 29,4 29,7 -0,5 0,73
Penza region 29,1 31,3 31,3 2,2 1,12
Perm region 45,7 45,3 43,2 -2,5 4,10
Samara Region 43,7 42,9 40,1 -3,6 3,46
Saratov region 32,4 33,5 32,5 0,2 1,95
Ulyanovsk region 35,4 34,6 35,0 -0,4 1,15
Siberian Federal District 40,1 39,9 38,9 -1,2 20,51
Altai Republic 36,0 40,3 39,6 3,6 0,15
The Republic of Buryatia 35,3 35,5 36,3 1,0 0,36
Tyva Republic 32,0 33,0 35,3 3,3 0,08
The Republic of Khakassia 47,5 47,5 44,8 -2,8 0,96
Altai region 45,0 44,1 42,8 -2,2 3,36
Transbaikal region 28,8 28,5 38,2 9,3 0,02
Krasnoyarsk region 40,2 39,3 39,0 -1,2 3,61
Irkutsk region 37,4 39,2 42,9 5,5 3,01
Kemerovo region 45,5 45,1 35,3 -10,2 4,68
Novosibirsk region 38,3 36,3 39,6 1,2 2,93
Omsk region 40,0 40,0 42,9 2,9 0,83
Tomsk region 45,3 46,4 29,9 -15,4 0,53
Ural federal district 38,5 36,7 35,8 -2,7 8,62
Kurgan region 38,7 34,6 35,2 -3,5 1,15
Sverdlovsk region 38,5 37,9 36,7 -1,9 2,83
Tyumen region 32,1 33,9 33,4 1,4 1,57
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra 36,9 31,1 30,2 -6,7 1,13
Chelyabinsk region 43,8 41,2 40,2 -3,6 1,43
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 28,1 27,5 26,8 -1,3 0,50
Far Eastern Federal District 35,4 36,5 36,8 1,4 7,41
Amur region 36,9 38,8 39,7 2,8 1,30
Jewish Autonomous Region 36,0 40,0 38,8 2,7 0,06
Kamchatka Krai 36,3 31,8 31,5 -4,7 0,30
Magadan Region 39,7 38,3 35,1 -4,7 0,25
Primorsky Krai 40,7 40,2 40,5 -0,2 2,67
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 20,4 23,6 30,0 9,6 0,51
Sakhalin region 26,3 25,3 26,8 0,5 0,45
Khabarovsk region 37,9 40,2 37,7 -0,3 1,79
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 29,0 35,6 35,5 6,4 0,07
Crimean Federal District 16,1 0,00
Republic of Crimea 16,6 0,00
Sevastopol 3,2 0,00
Military courts 4,6 4,3 3,5 -1,1 0,09
RUSSIA 34,9 34,7 34,3 -0,6 100,00

In every single region of the country.

Characteristics of crime

Statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs show a decrease in crime in 56 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 2016, the number of serious offenses decreased by 21%.

The total is 2.05 million cases of offenses for 11 months of 2017, which is 4.7% less than in 2016. According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, 92% of all offenses committed during this period were disclosed.

Most of the offenses occur in the republican regional and regional centers. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs website, rural areas account for 21.6%. Every second crime is committed by citizens who have already been brought to justice. Often offenses are committed by persons suffering. Statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs show that every third criminal was intoxicated.

According to the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in 2017 (January-November), the amount of damage from illegal actions of citizens amounted to 408.5 billion rubles, which is 27.4% less than in 2016. Moreover, 57.2% of the damage accounted for offenses recorded on the territory of regional centers of the country.

In 2016, 139 people died in the line of duty. The number of injured employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was 93, military personnel of the internal troops - 46.

Criminal activity in the Russian Federation

In 2017, there was an increase in the number of environmental crimes. 22 thousand cases were registered, which is 3.6% more than in 2016.

The number of economic offenses decreased by 3.3%. The total figure was 102 thousand. Crime statistics show that almost 86% were detected by the relevant authorities.

The number of computer crimes in January-November 2017 was about 82.4 thousand.

Over the nine months of 2017, 146.4 thousand cases were recorded. The official statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on defrauded shareholders includes 241 cases.

OCGs committed 12.3 thousand grave and especially grave crimes, which is 7.3% more than in 2016. Crime statistics published on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs show that in 2016 the number of unclosed cases amounted to 983.4 thousand. This includes 932 murders (-22.5%).

About 962.2 thousand cases were not solved due to the unknown identity of the criminal. At the same time, 51.2 thousand crimes of previous years were solved.

Crime statistics from the GIAC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs total 1,948 cases related to drug trafficking, which is 4.3% more than in 2016. In the 1st quarter of 2017, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two pre-trial cooperation agreements were concluded.

Administrative offenses

The number of customs crimes for 9 months of 2017 amounted to 1,747 cases. The largest number of offenses occurs in the North-Western Federal District - 452. There is also an increase in the number of administrative offenses (AP). In the 1st quarter of 2017 there were about 23 thousand, which is 23% more than in 2016.

The police are primarily responsible for tracking administrative offenses. During the 1st quarter of 2017, more than 2 thousand people were brought to administrative responsibility for being in prohibited places.

In Russia there is a decrease in the number of registered crimes committed by minors. Statistics by year:

As statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs show, the proportion of crimes committed by minors is 5%. About 83.5% of offenses were committed against property. Almost 1/3 of crimes are committed with the participation of adults. The official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs presents statistics on crimes committed by minors with the largest share by region:

Homicide statistics

The number of murders in Russia has decreased significantly. Over 5 years (2011–2016), the figure decreased by 27% - from 14.3 thousand to 10.4 thousand per year.

Statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs recorded about 9 thousand murders over 11 months of 2017. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the number of murders and attempts is 288 and 171 cases.

Statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs show that 545 murders and attempts remained unsolved, which is 21.5% less than in 2016. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of contract killings decreased by 33.3%. In 2017, 7.4 thousand cases were sent to court.

In recent years, there has been an increase in serial murders in Russia. Before 1998, about 20–27 criminal cases were opened annually. In 2002, the figure reached 205. In 2003, 350 criminal cases were opened for serial murders. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs later restricted access to statistics.

Road traffic accidents

The number in Russia (2006–2016) increased from 35.89 million to 57.11 million. According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of road accidents decreased by 54%, deaths by 47%, and injuries by 56%.

Statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs note that the number of accidents involving men is 6 times higher than those caused by women. with a fatal outcome 10 times more. Data from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (statistics of road accidents in the Russian Federation by month):

According to official data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, every ninth road accident occurs due to driving into oncoming traffic. On average, 29.1% of deaths are recorded due to this offense.

Shows that 18.9% of drivers are under the influence of alcohol. The number of accidents in 11 months of 2017 was about 1.5 thousand. Compared to 2016, the number of deaths due to road accidents decreased by 192.2%, and the number of injured decreased by 18.3%.

Statistics on road traffic crimes according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs show an increase in the accident rate by 28.1%. This is especially noticeable in places where driving into the oncoming lane is prohibited. Statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs show that the number of dead was 296, the number of wounded was 1.5 thousand.

Corruption offenses

The share of corruption in the damage caused to the country is 10%. Over 3.5 years, 45 thousand people were convicted in Russia because of this.

In 2016, approximately 10.6 thousand citizens received a sentence under Chapter 31 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (crimes against justice). According to the Prosecutor General, the amount of material damage over 2.5 years amounted to 130 billion rubles.

Statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation count almost 32 thousand cases of corruption that were committed in 2016. according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

The 2016 ranking of countries by level of corruption showed that illegal actions are least likely to be committed in Denmark. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Pakistan occupy 126th place. Russia is in 136th position. Ukraine ranks 142.

Terrorist actions

Statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of a terrorist nature include about 1.7 thousand crimes for 11 months of 2017, which is 14.4% less than in 2016. Indicators of extremist crime increased by 4.9%. About 1.4 thousand crimes were recorded.

Moscow has seen an increase in terrorist incidents since 2014. In 2016 alone, the increase was 86%.

Property theft

According to the website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 52.4% of crimes are thefts, robberies and fraud. In 2017, crime statistics recorded 738.4 thousand. Of these, 433.6 thousand offenses are committed on streets, squares, parks or squares. Whereas in 2016, statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs recorded 871 thousand crimes. The burglary rate has been declining since 2011.

Crime statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation show that 419.1 thousand (-15.7%) cases remained unsolved.

From 2010 to 2015, the number of cases of theft of petroleum products in the Moscow region increased 10 times. In 2016, the most crimes occurred in the Leningrad region - 68. Next comes the Moscow region - 58 cases.

In Moscow, people are reporting crimes to the police less often. The number of applications in 2017 decreased by 8.2%. Moreover, this trend has been observed since 2003.

Information about the detection rate of serious and especially serious crimes provided by the representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin contradicts the data published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Statistics from the Investigative Committee turned out to be more optimistic

​​​TFR data

More than 90% of all serious and especially serious crimes in Russia are successfully solved, official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin cited statistics on the air of the Vesti FM radio station. “The crime detection rate in 2006 was about 47.6%. Now the overall detection rate is about 54%, and for serious and especially serious crimes, such as murder, our detection rate is more than 91%,” said Markin (quoted by RIA Novosti).

He clarified that in the United States the detection rate for murders is about 74%, in Germany it is more than 90%, in Canada it is about 80%. “In this regard, we are quite competitive with Western investigations,” concluded the department representative.

The Investigative Committee did not promptly respond to RBC’s request on what data Markin’s conclusions were based on.

Ministry of Internal Affairs data

Markin’s statistics do not coincide with the data provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry publishes monthly reports “The State of Crime in Russia.” The latest report was released on December 15 and covers the period from January to November 2015. It follows from the document that a total of 2,196,646 crimes were registered in Russia, of which 1,148,037 crimes (52.2%) were solved. However, this is the only figure that approximately coincides with Markin’s data.

117,459 particularly serious crimes were registered, and 366,574 serious crimes. According to Article 15 of the Criminal Code, “grave crimes are intentional acts for which the maximum punishment provided for by this Code does not exceed ten years of imprisonment.” For especially serious crimes, punishment is more than ten years. years.

In 2015, 50,759 particularly serious and 190,869 serious crimes were solved in Russia, according to data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, the detection rate for especially serious crimes was 43.2%, and for serious crimes - 52%. The report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs separately calculates the total detection rate of grave and especially grave violations of the law - 49.9%.

The detection rate statistics do not coincide with Markin’s data for certain categories of offenses. 10,603 murders and attempted murders were registered, and 8,781 were solved, that is, 82.8%. Intentional inflictions of grievous bodily harm - 27,737, 24,459 (88.2%) were disclosed. Kidnappings - 356, 240 cases (67.4%) were solved. In connection with the illegal circulation of weapons, 25,391 crimes were identified, 18,074 (71.1%) were solved.

Separately, the Ministry of Internal Affairs statistics highlight crimes related to drug trafficking. Among them, 163,775 grave and especially grave crimes were identified, 126,446 were solved, that is, 77.2%. Also, 70,283 grave and especially grave economic crimes were registered, 35,015 (49.8%) were solved.

Terrorism, rape and threats

1,560 crimes of a terrorist nature were identified (this is 54.6% more than in the same period in 2014), 501 were solved (that is, 32.1%). The increase in the number of detected crimes in this area may be associated with the intensified fight against militants of the Islamic State banned in Russia, experts previously spoke with RBC.

Only in two categories did the detection rate exceed 90%: 3,655 rapes and attempted rapes were registered, 3,440 (94.1%) were solved; 74,832 threats to kill or cause serious harm to health were identified, and 71,663 (95.7%) were solved.

The head of the Moscow police union, Mikhail Pashkin, in a conversation with RBC, suggested that Markin either simply made a mistake with the numbers, or the department decided to show how good everything is with crime detection in order to demonstrate its effectiveness.

Who reveals

The role of the Investigative Committee in the fight against crime is insignificant from a statistical point of view. Thus, the Investigative Committee identified 5,259 particularly serious and 4,182 serious crimes. For comparison, internal affairs bodies identified 72,109 and 322,798 crimes, respectively. In second place in the number of registered crimes are drug control authorities: they identified 36,811 and 23,363 crimes, respectively.

In terms of detection rates, the TFR’s indicators are slightly better: the department solved 24,637 particularly serious and 38,496 serious crimes (this is 13% of all such crimes). But in this case, the Investigative Committee is ahead of other departments only in particularly serious crimes: internal affairs and drug control agencies solved 11,999 and 13,091 particularly serious crimes, respectively. For serious crimes, the situation is different: for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs solved 135,568 crimes.

Geography of crimes

The report of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also reflects the distribution of grave and especially grave crimes by region. The most populous Central Federal District ranks first in the number of such crimes: 129,323 crimes were registered there (42.8% solved). In second place is the Volga Federal District, where 80,991 crimes were detected (53.8% solved), and in third place is the Siberian Federal District with 80,802 crimes (53.1% solved). In other districts, the detection rate does not exceed 55.9%.

Crime indicators for all categories of crime severity increased most significantly in three regions. In the Murmansk region, the number of registered offenses increased by 46.5% compared to the same period in 2014, in the Yaroslavl region - by 40.4%, in Bashkiria - by 31.8%. These same regions also lead in the growth of unsolved crimes: in the Murmansk region the growth was 84.2%, in Bashkiria - 65.5%, in the Yaroslavl region - 37.5%.

It is noteworthy that statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs make it possible to determine in which region drunk people break the law the most. The Kirov region is in the lead: every second crime there was committed while intoxicated. Next come Chukotka, Udmurtia, Tyva, Yakutia, Altai, Kurgan region, Mari El, Komi and Bashkiria; in these regions, the number of crimes committed while intoxicated ranges from 45.3% to 48.5%.

A few hours after the publication of the material, the RBC editorial office received a response from the representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin. It is what the department considered the detection rate based on the number of crimes investigated. Markin called the journalists’ approach “amateurish” and pointed to an attempt to “discredit law enforcement agencies.”

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