Registration of a traffic accident by traffic police inspectors. New rules for registering an accident: If you get into an accident, the driver must remove the car from the road yourself. Register an accident without the traffic police, sample

You can file a minor traffic accident in a simplified manner - Europrotocol (European protocol) is the preparation of documents about an accident without the participation of authorized police officers. In other words, this is an opportunity to independently record the fact of a road traffic accident (RTA) in order to subsequently contact the insurance company for compensation, and promptly leave without creating congestion on the road.

">according to the European protocol, if the conditions are met:
  • there are no victims in the accident;
  • only two vehicles are involved in an accident;
  • Only the cars involved in the accident were damaged;
  • both you and the second driver are included in the current OSAGO or international insurance policies An analogue of OSAGO, valid in 48 countries of the world.">"Green Card" issued for vehicles involved in accidents;
  • according to a preliminary assessment, the damage caused to the vehicle does not exceed the maximum amount of insurance payment;
  • you and the second driver agree to file an accident without calling the traffic police and sign a European protocol;
  • at least one of the participants in the accident has the technical ability to record the accident on a photo or video camera.

If you are not sure about the circumstances of the accident, the assessment of the damage caused, or the constructive attitude of the second party to the accident, then file the accident in the usual manner.

2. What will the insurance company reimburse if an accident is registered under the European protocol?

In case of registration of an accident according to the European protocol, the insurance company compensates for damage in the amount of:

  • up to 100 thousand rubles - this is the standard maximum limit of payments when registering an accident under the European protocol;
  • up to 400 thousand rubles is the maximum limit of payments when registering an accident under the European protocol, if the accident occurred in the territory of Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region and the participants in the accident have no disagreements about the circumstances of the incident.

The limits and conditions of insurance compensation established by law apply both under MTPL and comprehensive insurance agreements.

Losses are compensated regardless of the number of accidents during the validity period of the insurance policy.

3. How to register an accident according to the European protocol?

1. Be sure to follow the traffic rules immediately after a collision - turn on the emergency lights and put up an emergency stop sign to warn other road users about the danger. The sign is installed at a distance of at least 15 meters from road accidents in populated areas and at least 30 meters outside them. Failure to comply with these requirements entails administrative punishment: a warning or a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles (Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). If an accident occurs outside the city, in the dark or in conditions of limited visibility, you need to be on the roadway or side of the road wearing a jacket, vest or cape vest with stripes of reflective material.

2. Talk to the second participant in the accident and show him your compulsory insurance policy, check the validity of his compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

3. Together with the other participant in the accident, take a photo or video You need to take a photo or video camera:

  • general plan of the accident scene;
  • the relative position of the cars or motorcycles involved in the accident. The road and all nearby non-movable objects (trees, stops, poles, etc.) must be visible;
  • accident details: brake marks, broken parts, road markings, etc.;
  • state registration plates of vehicles involved in the accident (if there are no signs, you need to photograph or video the VIN identification numbers);
  • both vehicles from all directions;
  • damaged vehicle parts.
">the place of the accident. Please note! If the victim expects damages in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles, but you and the second participant in the accident have disagreements about the circumstances of the accident, or if the accident occurred in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg or the Leningrad region and the victim expects insurance compensation of up to 400 thousand rubles, filming must be done within 60 minutes after the collision using a device that allows saving Many modern digital devices use satellite navigation systems. They are used to operate navigators, maps and other applications that require determining your location. By allowing the camera to use geolocation, you will receive those same photos or videos linked to geotags.

Nowadays, GPS and GLONASS systems are mainly used to determine geoposition. On some devices they work separately, on others they work together.

To receive insurance compensation, you need to take pictures using a device equipped with GLONASS or GLONASS in conjunction with other satellite navigation systems.

">binding to geotags

4. If vehicles involved in an accident create obstacles to the movement of other vehicles, clear the roadway. Otherwise, you and the second participant in the accident face administrative punishment for violating traffic rules (clause 2.6 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations) - a fine of 1000 rubles (Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

5. Regardless of whether you are the culprit of the accident or the victim, inform your insurer about the insured event. Make sure that the other party involved in the accident reports the accident to their insurance company.

6. Together with the second participant in the accident, fill out the road accident notification form (European protocol).

4. How to fill out the European protocol?

Rules for filling out the European protocol (road accident notification form):

  • In the event of an accident involving two vehicles, one accident notification form is issued. Who it will belong to - you or the second driver - does not matter;
  • The accident notification form consists of two sheets, each of which must be filled out
  • Filling example
">on both sides. The front side is self-copying. Data (circumstances of the incident, information about the vehicle, insurance companies, road accident diagram, etc.) must be entered into it together with the second participant in the accident;
  • It is necessary to fill in all the columns and fields on the front side. After filling out the sheets, you need to separate them and put down signatures confirming, among other things, that there are no disagreements between the drivers.
  • The reverse side of the accident notice is filled out by each driver independently. The original and the self-copy have the same legal force;
  • Use a ballpoint pen to fill out the accident notice with enough pressure to ensure a good copy quality. Notes made with a gel pen or pencil may become smeared or erased;
  • If you do not have enough space for entries on the accident notification form, you can additionally fill out the application using a blank sheet of paper. On the accident notification form, make a note “With attachment”, on an additional sheet - mark “Attachment”, indicate what this attachment is for and who made it. Applications must be signed by both drivers. The application is prepared in two copies;
  • if the accident notification form is torn, damaged or difficult to read, you need to fill out a new form;
  • Please note that if, after signing and separating the road accident notification forms, it is necessary to make adjustments or additions to the document, they must be certified by the signatures of both participants in the road accident;
  • Insurers are required to issue accident notification forms. If for some reason you don't have them, you can contact your insurance company for them. You can also download the form from the page of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development (but in this case, the second sheet will not be self-copying, it will have to be filled out separately);
  • The new forms for notifications of road accidents have a field in which you need to mark the presence or absence of disagreements regarding the circumstances of the accident. If you have an older form, add this information in the notes box.
  • According to the law, there is a certain procedure for registering accidents on the roads. This is because the victim may receive a cash payment as compensation from the insurance. This requires a whole package of documents. Previously, everything was formalized with the participation of traffic police officers. Currently, if certain conditions are met, participants can file an accident without calling inspectors.

    Registration of an accident without the traffic police - when possible

    Road accidents without traffic police officers are carried out independently, through the Europrotocol, with the help of emergency commissioners. Each type has its own characteristics.

    On July 1, 2015, changes to the procedure for reporting road accidents came into force. According to them, drivers have the right to draw up a report at the scene of an accident on their own if:

    • no injuries (this applies not only to drivers, but also to passengers, as well as pedestrians);
    • participants in the accident are exclusively 2 vehicles (no more and no less);
    • both drivers have valid MTPL insurance;
    • the damage caused does not exceed 50 thousand rubles.

    Failure to comply with at least one of the points is grounds for the insurance company to refuse compensation. Thus, the injured party will not receive money if:

    • the participant in the accident used alcohol, drugs or special medications that prevent him from driving;
    • the amount of damage exceeds 50 thousand rubles;
    • the participants did not reach a consensus regarding the circumstances of the accident;
    • some of them did not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy;
    • the accident occurred with one car (for example, crashing into a pole) or more than two vehicles;
    • there are casualties.

    Such registration of an accident must be treated very carefully, both by the guilty party and the victim.

    Traffic police protocol. Draw up a protocol? Protocol disagreement. What to do if you don’t agree with the protocol?

    Registration of an accident without the traffic police - Europrotocol

    The form is issued by the insurance company when purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. It consists of 3 sheets:

    • direct notifications;
    • copy sheet;
    • compilation instructions.

    It consists of 23 points located in the middle. Both the notice and the copied form are absolutely identical in legal significance. The insurance company is required to accept either the notice or a copy of it.

    It is better to always keep this paper in your car. If neither one nor the other participant in the accident has the form, then you can stop any car and ask the driver for the paper.

    Registration of an accident by an accident commissioner

    An emergency commissioner can help you understand the incident on the road. This is a specialist who has undergone appropriate training and received permission to carry out this activity. In most cases, these are representatives of insurers who appeared on a call from one of the participants in the accident. You can also call a private specialist who carries out his activities independently of any of the parties.

    The commissioner can not only help with paperwork, but also provide psychological assistance, call an ambulance, and more. The main functions it performs include the following:

    • inspection of the accident site;
    • interviewing eyewitnesses and participants;
    • damage assessment;
    • other.

    If necessary, he will take photographs of the accident site and also draw up a diagram (which is usually done by the inspector).

    On one's own

    It is recommended to agree to file an incident yourself only when the driver really understands this issue. Otherwise, the victim may find himself without assistance. For example, if after an accident the driver discovers deformations on the car that were previously invisible, then.

    But participants can fill out the documents themselves if one of them is not the owner of the car. But it must be included in the insurance for this vehicle.

    The legislative framework

    The ability to file an accident without calling traffic police officers is regulated by the following legal norms:

    1. Traffic regulations – clause 2, article 2.6.1;
    2. Federal Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance – Art. 11.1.

    Registration without the involvement of traffic police officers is possible when there are no contradictions between the participants regarding who is the culprit of the accident and who is the injured party. Otherwise, even if the damage is minor, you should contact the Traffic Inspectorate so that representatives of the law can sort out the situation and make a determination on the case.

    Procedure if there are no casualties in an accident

    When an agreement is reached between the participants in the accident and the decision is made to act without traffic inspectors, the process begins with an inspection of the damage to the vehicles. You need to understand that if the damage caused is estimated at an amount not exceeding 50 thousand rubles. If it turns out that the amount should be higher, the insurance company will pay the amount of compensation established by law.

    The following details must be present on the filmed material:

    • cars involved in an accident where their license plates are visible;
    • accident scene;
    • all damage caused;
    • the location of the vehicles immediately after the collision.

    This stage must be carried out in the most careful manner so that it can be used as evidence in the future.

    After this, cars can be removed from the road so as not to interfere with traffic. It is strictly forbidden to drive away before filming.

    The next step is to check the papers. Both drivers must have MTPL policies with them that have not expired. They provide each other with information about the insurance and the company where it was purchased.

    Filling out a notification by road accident participants

    Notification is a document that must be drawn up when calling a traffic police inspector or completing it yourself. In the latter case, it is filled out directly by the participants in the accident.

    The form contains the following information:

    • personal information about drivers;
    • about their cars;
    • about insurance companies;
    • significant circumstances of the accident;
    • draw a diagram;
    • provide other data.

    Along with taking photos and videos, you should be very careful when filling out this document. If mistakes are made, there is a high probability that the insurer will refuse to compensate for the damage.

    The procedure for filling out the document is as follows.

    1. There are no problems in writing the eight initial paragraphs. There you should write about the place and date of the incident, the number of cars involved in the accident, the victims, etc.
    2. To fill out points 9 to 12, you will need documents, since you need to indicate the model and make of the car, license plates, registration certificate, information about the insurer and the participant in the accident.
    3. In point 13 you need to draw an arrow at the point of impact.
    4. Point 14 is very important. All damages should be mentioned here. The amount of future payment depends on correct completion.
    5. Next, fill out paragraph 16, where the boxes are ticked, and those points that are not indicated there are entered in paragraph 15.
    6. In the next paragraph, draw a diagram with the writing of streets, directions of traffic lanes, traffic lights, signs and other important information in the opinion of the DPT participant.
    7. At point 18, participants sign.

    The front side is written as a carbon copy. After this, the document is torn and the reverse side is filled out separately. It is recommended to write this part in a calm home environment. If there is not enough space, you can take an additional sheet.

    • write with a ballpoint pen, checking that all information is printed well on the 2nd copy;
    • It is better to use block letters so that the handwriting is legible;
    • information about vehicle registration is written by each driver separately;
    • if there is an empty space, it needs to be emphasized;
    • changes and additions are possible, but only with additional signatures of both drivers;
    • If there are errors or corrections, it is better to rewrite the data on a new form.

    What to do next

    The driver has the right to register an incident without an inspector, but in the future contact this agency. Next, the party recognized as the injured party turns to the insurer to receive the due compensation. Moreover, it is allowed to write a statement both to the company that caused the accident, and to your own, where the policy was purchased.

    The application is accompanied by a notice, as well as photo and video materials. Documents are sent within 5 days after the accident. You cannot repair the car yourself within the first 15 days. If for some reason it needs to be done earlier, then before carrying out repairs the insurance company inspects the vehicle. As a result, the employee issues written consent to the driver for repair work.

    Based on the submitted documents, the company makes an appropriate decision. If the participants in the accident did everything correctly, then the injured party is paid the required amount.

    If stopped by the traffic police

    A traffic police officer, having seen the damage, has the right to stop the car to ensure that the accident is properly documented. If by that time the notice along with other papers has been submitted to receive compensation, then the driver does not have documentary evidence of the accident. To avoid getting into this situation, when submitting papers you need to take a copy of the notice with the signature of the employee and the seal of the insurance company.

    Registration of an accident without the traffic police under compulsory motor liability insurance

    In cases provided for by current legislation, subject to certain conditions, it is possible registration of an accident without the traffic police.

    Circumstances that allow this to be done:

    • no more than 2 vehicles were involved in the accident;
    • motor vehicle liability of the participants in the accident is insured under compulsory motor liability insurance;
    • the damage was caused exclusively to property;
    • the participants in the accident came to a consensus regarding the circumstances of the incident and reflected this in the notification of the accident;
    • the victim agrees that payments under compulsory motor liability insurance in this case will amount to no more than 50,000 rubles;
    • within 15 days, the parties must each contact their insurance company.

    So, the fact of the accident is obvious. What should you do first?

    1. Turn on the hazard warning sign and display the warning triangle.
    2. Write down the contact information of eyewitnesses to the accident. Next, call the insurance company and notify about the accident.
    3. Fill out the notification of an accident (for more details, see How to fill out a notification of an accident: sample filling, diagram, download the form?). Every driver should have it (issued when taking out insurance). Just pay attention that the notice is of a new type (must consist of 23 points). Make sure that the other party to the accident signs in all the required places.
    4. Do not pay anything at the scene of the accident. This will be done by the insurance company, where you will bring all the documents and write a corresponding application.
    5. Exchange information about your insurance companies and MTPL policy numbers with the other participant in the accident.

    Within 15 days from the date of the accident, you must contact the insurance company with the following documents:

    . notification of an accident;
    . driver license;
    . PTS;
    . vehicle registration certificate.

    If the assessment results satisfy both parties, then the amount of payments is negotiated, the victim gives his bank details for transferring money and waits.

    If the parties do not agree on the amount of payments based on the assessment results, an independent examination is appointed.

    Don't know your rights?

    How to draw up a European protocol in case of an accident?

    The Europrotocol is a special form of notification of an accident, which is filled out by the participants in the accident and confirms the right of the victim to receive payments under compulsory motor liability insurance.

    But the term “Euro protocol” also has another meaning - it is a way of documenting the consequences of an accident without the participation of the police.

    The Europrotocol came into force in Russia in 2009. In 2013, changes were made regarding payments. Today, the amount that a victim can receive when registering an accident without the traffic police is 50,000 rubles.

    Let's look at the pitfalls of the European protocol.

    1. No more than 2 vehicles must be involved in the accident. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that we are not talking about 2 drivers, but about transport. That is, if an accident involves a passenger car with a trailer (which is registered under a separate number) and another car, then you can’t do without the traffic police.
    2. Also, the European protocol is not applicable when there is no direct contact between cars. For example, one of the drivers tried to avoid a collision and turned straight into a pole. There’s no way without the traffic police!
    3. If we are talking about payments under OSAGO, then there are no questions, but if one of the parties relies on money under CASCO, then problems will arise. The fact is that insurance companies, in order to provide payments under CASCO, require a certificate from the scene of the accident, which can only be prepared by the traffic police.
    4. After an accident, carefully review each other's insurance policies; if the second driver’s policy is expired and you are the victim, then you will not receive payments.
    5. The most important document for receiving payments under the European protocol is a notification of an accident. The main thing you need to pay attention to is that the guilt of the participant in the accident must be written directly, without reservations. For example, the phrase “I admit partial guilt” will not help when contacting the insurance company, and you may not receive payment. The notification of an accident must not contain any corrections or erasures, otherwise it may not be accepted.
    6. As a rule, insurance companies are quite wary of registering an accident using the European protocol. This is due to the increasing incidence of fraud among drivers. Therefore, when considering the submitted documents, the insurance company may require an inspection of not only the victim’s car, but also the person responsible for the accident. Now imagine a situation where the culprit lives in another region and simply cannot come to the place where the car is inspected, and the insurer refuses to pay without fulfilling this condition...
    7. In case of an accident, you should carefully inspect everything and make sure that, firstly, the car really suffered minor damage, and secondly, there was no damage to your health.

    And the most important; even the European protocol can be challenged! To do this, you need to go to court and indicate the reason why your signature on the protocol is invalid (for example, you were in a state of strong excitement, or your health was harmed, which became clear some time after the accident).

    How to file an accident without the traffic police under CASCO?

    We have already decided how to do without the participation of traffic police officers in registering an accident in order to receive payments under compulsory motor liability insurance. But what if the car is insured under CASCO?

    The Rules on Voluntary Car Insurance state that in order to receive payment, the car owner is required to provide the insurance company with a certificate of an accident issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

    But is such a restriction legal? Indeed, in this case, a situation arises where registration of an accident without the participation of the traffic police is impossible.

    You must read the CASCO agreement carefully. In some cases, insurers list options in which it is possible to register an accident under the European protocol. As a rule, such damage is minor. For example, these may include: damage to the paintwork, antenna, mirrors or lighting fixtures.

    Sometimes the contract may stipulate that the insured person does not have to contact the traffic police if the amount of damage does not exceed the amount specified in the contract. The amount of damage in this case should be determined by the driver “by eye”. What if a small scratch on a car's bumper may require replacing the entire bumper, and the repair will not meet the agreed upon amount?

    Therefore, in the case of CASCO, in order not to risk payment, carefully read the contract or contact the insurance company for a detailed explanation.

    Laws have a habit of changing, and this is not always to the liking of executors of state requirements and law-abiding citizens. Thus, for car owners, on July 1, 2018, new rules regarding the procedure for registering road traffic accidents came into force.

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    Moreover, the new laws take into account certain current circumstances and provide precise regulations on how to act when more than two drivers are involved in an accident, if there was only one driver who collided with a pole or fence, or, for example, what procedure should be followed if it is necessary to call a traffic police officer to the scene of the incident.

    What changes have occurred

    First of all, we note that changes have occurred in the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF) themselves, or rather in their paragraphs.

    Innovations were introduced with the help of the Decree issued by the Government of the Russian Federation, which is called “On Amendments to the Traffic Rules approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers and the Government of the Russian Federation on October 23, 1993 No. 1090.”

    It’s safe to say that today the registration of an accident since July 1, 2018 with one participant, two or more has become much easier.

    Simplification consists in filling out fewer papers and some actions of the driver, to which his Rules oblige him.

    So, if previously the driver had to follow one behavior algorithm in case of an accident, now these actions have changed somewhat.

    You can consider these changes in the consolidated table, where you can clearly see how it was before and how it is now in relation to the registration of road accidents in Russia.

    Conditions for registering an accident, the actions of the driver, prevailing circumstances or other details of the procedure in case of an accident that occurs on the road, as well as traffic rules Previous traffic regulations Traffic regulations today
    In case of death or injury of people. The actions and procedure for registration remain unchanged.
    Clause 2.5 of traffic rules The driver is obliged:
    1) stop the vehicle, do not move it;
    2) provide first aid to victims and, if necessary, can even take a person in critical condition to the hospital;
    3) clear the roadway, including tram tracks, if after an accident the through movement of other vehicles on the road is impeded;
    4) be sure to call the police, record the data of witnesses and wait for the traffic police officer to arrive.
    If there are no injuries, the driver must:
    1) stop and do not move the vehicle from the scene of the collision;
    2) turn on the hazard warning lights;
    3) put a sign on the road surface warning of an emergency stop (clause 7.2 of the traffic rules);
    3) do not touch or move objects scattered around the scene related to the accident.
    Clause 2.6 of traffic rules If there are no casualties, then the participants in the accident need to independently draw up a diagram of the accident and arrive at the nearest traffic police department (road patrol service) or police department. If there are no victims, then there is no need to go to the traffic police. It is enough to solve all the questions about filling out the notice yourself. Calling a traffic police inspector will be required only when there are controversial issues between the participants in the accident.
    If victims are found, then all the general duties of the driver prescribed in clause 2.5 must be fulfilled by him immediately.
    With the participation of eyewitnesses, the driver needs to draw up a diagram of all the parts from the cars scattered around the place. The participation of eyewitnesses is not necessary; it is enough to photograph or film the scene of the accident.
    Clause 2.6.1 Traffic regulations The preparation of all necessary forms and protocols had to occur with the obligatory presence of a traffic police officer. Now drivers do not have to call an authorized traffic police representative. They just need to fill out the notification form themselves, where a diagram should also be drawn in one of the points of the form, and then independently contact the insurer for compensation for damage.

    In what case can you do without the traffic police?

    In the case when the participants in an accident on the road do not have any claims against each other, and there are no injuries or harm to the physical body of any of the parties involved in the accident, then calling the traffic police is not necessary.

    In this case, drivers can act as follows:

    1. Pull away from the scene of the accident to the side of the road or to another nearest safe place.
    2. File an accident report yourself.
    3. If for some reason they cannot fill out the notification forms themselves or do not have them with them, then drivers can come to the nearest traffic service department and there, with the help of patrol officers, fill out all the necessary documents.
    4. If you have driven far from the collision site, then you will have to draw the diagram from memory. Although by law it is necessary to carefully record everything with a camera or video camera before leaving the roadway.
    5. Do not draw up any documents at all if the damage to the cars was insignificant and the parties were able to agree to cover the costs of minor repairs on their own.

    If there is significant damage to the cars and there are disagreements and disputes between the parties involved in the accident, then you can only call the traffic police officer authorized in such proceedings.

    Also, if there are any disagreements and there is no traffic on the road, then the car does not need to be removed from the roadway. Vehicles are removed only when absolutely necessary - when the roadway is heavily loaded with vehicles, and when there are no disagreements and the incident can be resolved peacefully.

    The procedure for registering an accident

    Insurance of motor third party liability (MTPL), as well as in the event of an accident, theft, theft and destruction of motor vehicles (CASCO), may not always be accompanied by documentation from traffic police officers.

    Only some situations when insurance risks arise that the insurer is obliged to cover to the policy holder, according to the Insurance Rules, require the presence of protocols drawn up by traffic police inspectors or other road service employees.

    This includes some accident situations, but not all. The transition to the use of this has significantly simplified the registration of an accident; CASCO or OSAGO is available to one or another driver involved in an accident.

    You just need to fill out a notice if the parties have no claims against each other and there are no injured people.

    Let's consider a memo for the case when there are no disagreements between the drivers, there were only two participants in the road accident and both of them have OSAGO (compulsory motor third party liability insurance) policies, which, in fact, is provided by law as the obligation of all drivers registered in Russia.

    A step-by-step reminder might look like this:

    1. Immediately take a photo:
      • collision location – view from the car (optional) and from the outside (required), getting out of the car;
      • license plates of both cars;
      • close-up of individual areas of damage;
      • wheel marks on the asphalt when braking;
      • fragments of parts lying nearby;
      • the location of some areas on the ground - traffic lights, intersections, pedestrians, curbs, barriers, road markings, etc.
    2. Involve witnesses, pedestrians passing by or drivers passing nearby at the time of the car collision. It is best to write down the contacts of witnesses in case you need to resolve issues through the court. The most ideal option would be to quickly draw up written testimony of eyewitnesses with their signatures.
    3. Draw a diagram of the accident yourself on a separate piece of paper, so that you can then transfer it in a more accurate form onto the notification form. This is just advice. Indeed, in practice, it has been observed that drivers in a state of shock or high nervousness cannot immediately draw a diagram quickly, and draw it in a hurry.
    4. Having agreed on all the details according to the scheme, transfer it to the notification form.
    5. On the same form, indicate the places from impacts on the schematic representation of the machines.
    6. Describe in detail the nature of the damage to the vehicles
    7. Indicate in the notice which party is at fault and which is not.
    8. The notice should be signed only when everything has been checked, corrected and no further changes are required to the document.
    9. After both parties sign the document, the notice is divided into an original and a copy. One of the copies, no matter which one, remains with the person responsible for the accident, and the second - with the victim. This is how two notification forms are filled out - one and the other driver.
    10. Next, each driver describes in detail what happened on the back of his copy of the notice, fills in the empty fields if necessary (presence of a DVR, etc.) and signs.
    11. Both drivers submit their completed notices to their insurer within 5 business days. But the victim may also notify the insurer of the guilty party, because they will pay for the damage caused by the guilty party to the victim’s car.

    Vehicles that have been involved in an accident may be removed from the roadway only after the notification of the accident has been completed.

    While you are filling out this document, it is advisable to immediately call your insurer to inform him about what happened.

    This way, they are more likely to register a case in their database, and for you this saves time; the insurance company employees will delay you less when you submit an application for insurance payments.

    With the involvement of traffic police officers

    Traffic police officers must be involved in the consideration of an accident case and the preparation of appropriate protocols in the following situations:

    • when there are wounded, with moderate and severe injuries;
    • in cases with critical conditions of victims, as well as dead people;
    • if the parties cannot resolve their disputes regarding the incident peacefully;
    • in case you need documents from a traffic police officer to prove the guilt of the person who caused the accident;
    • in a situation where one of the participants left the scene of the accident immediately after the collision, without waiting for any formalities and without coordinating anything with the other party to the accident;
    • if a road accident occurred involving several cars - more than two;
    • when vehicles were moved unreasonably, thereby disrupting the scheme;
    • if drivers do not have MTPL insurance policies or they have expired, they are expired;
    • when the cost of car repairs approximately exceeds 25,000 rubles.

    In these cases, a slightly different procedure for registering an accident applies:

    1. Drivers either call a traffic police officer by phone, or go to the nearest traffic police department themselves.
    2. Already with an authorized traffic inspector, a diagram of the accident that occurred is drawn up.
    3. Before the traffic police officer appears, you need to record the results of the car collision using a camera or video camera.
    4. After the road accident diagram has been drawn up, then you can remove the vehicles from the road, if you do not register everything at the traffic police or traffic police department.
    5. If possible, you can write down the names, addresses and telephone numbers of eyewitnesses. But this is only if there is such a need and opportunity.

    After all the actions taken, the traffic police officer must issue a copy of the completed protocol. Especially if the parties involved in the accident ask for it and even insist.

    Such a document will serve as the basis and conclusion for determining the guilty party, and therefore is most often useful when submitting a package of documents for insurance payment under the policy, or during legal proceedings.

    Drivers' responsibilities

    Law-abiding drivers are all well informed and know what actions are expected of them according to the rules of the road in the event of an accident on the road where they find themselves involved.

    It cannot be said that the entire list of obligations on the part of the driver is always universal for all occasions. Especially if we take into account the changes that were made by the Government to the traffic rules from 07/01/2015.

    If there are casualties

    So, if there are victims after an accident, no matter who they are - pedestrians, passengers or the drivers themselves, then the driver who was least injured and can think clearly is assigned the following responsibilities:

    1. Provide first aid to the wounded - pull them out of the car away from the probable explosion site, take all necessary actions to restore breathing, apply a tourniquet, etc., which is prescribed in the General Life Safety Rules.
    2. If it is not possible to hitch a ride to the nearest medical facility, then the driver must bring him to the hospital, clinic or the nearest medical center himself.
    3. Call the traffic police and wait for their arrival without leaving the scene of the accident unless absolutely necessary.

    In case of an accident without casualties

    Facilitated registration of an accident does not imply a fine if the driver left the scene of the accident without good reason.

    If he is caught or somehow reveals himself, then his driver’s license is simply taken away for a period of a year or a year and a half.

    General rules for all drivers who are involved in an accident without injuries prescribe the following actions:

    1. Do not leave the scene of the incident unless absolutely necessary until the notice is filled out by both parties.
    2. If there are no disagreements between the participants in the accident, and they were able to solve everything themselves, then the involvement of the traffic police is not required.
    3. Participants in the accident can now fill out notifications about road accidents themselves.

    Sample circuit

    Among the many real diagrams that reflect reality with all its details, which are usually drawn in notices, there is also a separate document - “Diagram of the accident scene.”

    We can give a couple of classic examples, which are schematically depicted as follows.

    Accident on corners:

    Oncoming traffic accident:

    How to make a diagram

    When a diagram is drawn, a certain sequence and chronology of actions must always be observed. So, if information is entered regarding car “A”, then they are written under it, in its column.

    If you are going to use some conventions, then you should definitely give them a transcript, writing them at the bottom of the document.

    • direction of movement on the streets or road of the vehicle;
    • markings - everything that actually exists at the scene of an accident, and its location;
    • street names, if this happened within the city or any other populated area;
    • reflect the presence of road signs in the drawing;
    • depict a pedestrian sidewalk, public transport stop and other objects belonging to the road infrastructure;
    • draw a traffic light, if any, and its indicators at the time of the collision;
    • draw traces of braking;
    • indicate where and what fragments are scattered along the road, if any;
    • The date, time, full or incomplete address of the scene of the incident must be indicated;
    • All necessary information about the vehicles and their owners is also indicated.

    When a diagram is drawn in a notice, you cannot use a simple pencil or, even worse, lipstick or a cosmetic pencil (this has happened) - only a ballpoint pen, which should write normally.

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