Registration of salary by the adoptive parent. Foster family Benefits for adopted children per year

In Russia, there are several forms of family placement for orphans: adoption, guardianship (trusteeship), foster family, patronage. The size of their benefits and monetary rewards will depend on what form of family arrangement the adoptive parents choose.

Benefits for adoptive parents

In the case of adoption, remuneration for adoptive parents is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, since adoption implies the complete transfer of parental rights to the child. Candidates for foster parents must be warned by representatives of the guardianship authorities that they are entitled only to a one-time benefit when placing a child into a family. The size of the one-time benefit to adoptive parents is 13,087 rubles. 61 kopecks Only one parent can receive this benefit.

Working foster parents are granted parental leave:

For the period from the date of adoption of the child until the expiration of 70 calendar days from the date of birth of the child, and in case of simultaneous adoption of two or more children - 110 calendar days from the date of their birth;
until the child reaches the age of 3 years.

Leaves are granted to one of the spouses at their discretion.

Benefits and rewards for adoptive parents when placing a child in a foster family

Foster family is a form of placement of orphans and children left without parental care on the basis of an agreement between the guardianship and trusteeship authority and the adoptive parents on the transfer of the child (children) to be raised in a family for the period specified in this agreement (Article 152 of the Family Code RF).

The conditions under which it is possible to take a child into a foster family are more lenient than during adoption, so for many this form of family placement can be a good option. In addition, the work of foster parents is paid by the state. Both spouses and single citizens who wish to adopt a child can become adoptive parents. Persons who are not married to each other cannot be adoptive parents of the same child.

The selection, registration and training of citizens who have expressed a desire to become guardians or trustees, as well as adoptive parents, is carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship”, as well as Article 146 of this Code.

The foster family agreement must contain information about the child or children being placed in a foster family (name, age, state of health, physical and mental development), the validity period of such an agreement, the conditions of maintenance, upbringing and education of the child or children, rights and obligations adoptive parents, the rights and obligations of the guardianship and trusteeship authority in relation to adoptive parents, as well as the grounds and consequences of termination of such an agreement.

There are the following types of remuneration for adoptive parents who organize a foster family on a contractual basis:

One-time benefit when placing children in a foster family (13,087 rubles 61 kopecks);
child support allowance – 40% of the adoptive parent’s salary in the reporting period;
monetary compensation for expenses for an adopted child incurred during the reporting period;
salary of the adoptive parent (its amount depends on the region of residence of the adoptive family).

In addition to the salary, the foster child’s teacher, according to the contract, is accrued seniority.

To assign and pay a one-time benefit when placing a child in foster care, you must provide:

Application for granting benefits;
a copy of the court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force, or an extract from the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship) over the child, including under a foster family agreement.

To assign and pay a one-time benefit when placing a child in foster care, in addition to the documents specified above, you must provide copies of any of the following documents confirming the absence of biological parents:

A certificate confirming that the parents are in custody or serving a sentence of imprisonment, issued by the relevant institution in which the parents are or are serving their sentence;
a court decision to establish the fact of the absence of parental care over the child (including in connection with the illness of the parents) or to exclude information about the parent or parents from the child’s birth certificate;
a certificate from the internal affairs authorities stating that the whereabouts of the wanted parents have not been established;
an act of abandonment of a child by a mother who did not present a document proving her identity in the medical organization where the birth took place or to which the mother contacted after childbirth.

Depending on the subject of the Russian Federation, adoptive parents who have entered into an agreement on a foster family may be assigned additional benefits and payments from the regional budget - such as a regional allowance, a discount on utility bills, free travel for an adopted child on public transport, etc.

Benefits and rewards for foster parents-guardians (trustees) and foster carers

If the adoptive parent formalizes guardianship of the child, then such legal relations are not fixed by agreement and are not established by the court, but begin after the relevant decision is made by the guardianship authorities, and terminate after the ward reaches 18 years of age. Guardians are not paid.

Monetary benefits to guardians or trustees (foster parents who have taken care of guardianship) imply a one-time benefit when transferring a child to a family, as well as a monthly child support allowance in the amount of 40% of the guardian’s salary in the reporting period. Also, guardians (and trustees) are entitled to compensation for the costs of the child during the reporting period.

Foster carers usually become those who do not have the right to obtain guardianship or adopt a child for one reason or another (usually such reasons are age, financial situation, living conditions). Foster carers are entitled to a one-time allowance when placing a child into a family, as well as a monthly allowance in the amount of 40% of the foster carer’s salary in the reporting period. In addition, foster carers are entitled to compensation for the costs of the child, as well as remuneration for each subsequent child taken into care - about 3,000 rubles for the second, third and subsequent children.

The Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow, within the established competence, considered your request with a request to comment on cases of refusal by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the city of Moscow to provide Muscovites with paid guardianship of orphans from other regions in connection with the adoption of the resolution of the Moscow Government of December 23, 2015. No. 932-PP “On the inclusion in the legal acts of the city of Moscow and the recognition as invalid of legal acts (certain provisions of the legal act) of the city of Moscow” and reports the following.

Question: Is it true that, according to this resolution, Muscovites are prohibited from registering foster families (guardianship on a paid basis) with children from the regions?

Answer: The procedure for creating foster families in Moscow is determined by Decree of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2007 No. 376-PP “On measures to implement the Moscow City Law of November 30, 2005 No. 61 “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care, in the city of Moscow" and the resolution of the Moscow Government of March 29, 2011 No. 93-PP "On approval of the procedure for paying monthly remuneration to the foster parent (adoptive parents), foster carer in the city of Moscow."

The specified regulatory legal acts (as amended by the Moscow Government Resolution No. 932-PP) establish that an agreement on a foster family is concluded by the guardianship and trusteeship authority with persons who have a place of residence in the city of Moscow, if orphans and children left behind are transferred to a foster family. without parental care, also having a place of residence in Moscow. In cases where an orphan and (or) a citizen does not have a place of residence in the city of Moscow, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities do not have the right to enter into an agreement on a foster family.

Question: What are the reasons for adopting such a document? What is their goal?

Answer: The issue of family placement for orphans is a priority for all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including Moscow. In 2013–2015 alone, the number of children registered in the regional data bank for children without parental care in the city of Moscow decreased by more than 36%.

At the same time, at the same time, a trend towards a significant increase in the number of orphans whose place of residence is other constituent entities of the Russian Federation has clearly emerged in the capital. During this period, the number of such children increased by 35%. In particular, their number today is almost 30% of all children raised in foster families in Moscow.

The Moscow government is implementing a set of measures to support orphans identified and living in Moscow, and the citizens who are raising them. Payments established in the city for the maintenance of orphans are among the highest in Russia. At the same time, in the capital, since 2009, a procedure has been established according to which persons who have adopted orphans from the city of Moscow are sent funds for the adoption of a child at the place of their joint residence, including in another subject of the Russian Federation. The amount of payments ranges from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles, depending on the age and number of children raised in the family, and whether they have disabilities.

The powers to determine the procedure for creating foster families are within the competence of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the subjects of the Russian Federation do not have the right, in the act of appointing a citizen as a guardian or trustee on paid terms, to indicate to another region that an agreement on a foster family must be concluded with the citizen. This decision is solely the responsibility of the region that creates the foster family and pays remuneration to the foster parents from its budget. This follows from the norms of current legislation (Articles 121, 145, 153.1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship”).

Taking into account the above circumstances, by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 3, 2015 No. 932-PP “On amendments to legal acts of the city of Moscow and invalidation of legal acts (certain provisions of a legal act) of the city of Moscow” amendments were made to the regulatory legal acts governing the procedure creation and financing of foster families in Moscow (Procedure for payment in the city of Moscow of funds for the maintenance of children in a foster family, in foster care, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of May 15, 2007 No. 376-PP, and Procedure for payment in the city of Moscow monthly remuneration to the adoptive parent (adoptive parents), foster carer, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of March 29, 2011 No. 93-PP).

These changes are aimed at stimulating Moscow residents to accept into their families children who are pupils of organizations for orphans and children left without parental care in the city of Moscow. In addition, the norms contained in these documents regarding the place of residence of recipients of monthly remuneration for adoptive parents and funds for the maintenance of children in a foster family are brought into compliance with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Right of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Freedom movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation.”

Question: Until December 2015, recipients of funds for the maintenance of children in foster care were persons from among the adoptive parents, foster carers, “permanently residing in the city of Moscow” and who had concluded a foster family agreement, foster care agreement education with the authorized body in the field of organization and activities of guardianship, trusteeship and patronage. The main requirement was the existence of permanent registration in Moscow with adoptive parents (but not adopted children) and the conclusion of an agreement on the foster family with the Moscow guardianship and guardianship authorities, while the act of appointment as a guardian could be issued by the foster care organization at the child’s place of origin, for example, in another region. What has changed since the resolution was adopted?

Answer: From January 1, 2016, a foster family agreement is concluded only with persons whose place of residence is the city of Moscow, in respect of whom the guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the city of Moscow issued an act on the appointment of a guardian or trustee performing their duties for a fee, and only if Orphans who have a place of residence in the city of Moscow or are pupils of organizations for orphans in the city of Moscow are transferred to a foster family.

To confirm the place of residence, a citizen must provide a copy of a passport or other identification document containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow.

Question: Is it possible to talk about some results of how the resolution has been in effect for about two months?

Answer: The department is currently monitoring the implementation of the Moscow Government Resolution No. 932-PP dated December 23, 2-15 “On the inclusion in the legal acts of the city of Moscow and the recognition as invalid of legal acts (certain provisions of the legal act) of the city of Moscow.”

To consider controversial situations related to the creation of foster families and providing them with social support measures, the department has created a special commission, which will make decisions for each specific family. For subsequent consideration of the issue by the specified commission, citizens must send appeals to the departments of social protection of the population of Moscow districts at their place of residence.

Prepared by the press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

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  • rahim

    My wife and I have been a foster family since 2008, five adopted children, three have permanent registration in Moscow, two are temporary (no permanent registration at all) but were identified on the territory of the city of Moscow and transferred until December 23, 2015, my wife and I have permanent registration in the Moscow region, temporary in Moscow, now the guardianship authorities have warned us that if the whole family does not have temporary registration based on the fact of residence, then the foster family agreement with us will be terminated, the owner of the apartment we are renting refused to do temporary registration, somehow they didn’t save up for their three rubles! Accordingly, the remuneration will stop and there will be nothing to pay for the apartment; we will have to move to the Moscow region, but even there we will not be needed with Moscow children, CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!? Like going to a lawyer or going to court to pay off a bunch of money that is not an option is not an option, and when did the court make a decision against the authorities!?

  • Marina Fetisova

    I have a question regarding this topic. If I live in Moscow, and my nephew was left without parental care in Kemerovo, I cannot obtain guardianship over him? I understand correctly?

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Adoption is a rather sensitive topic for many families. Some decide to take a serious step, not being able to have children of their own and experiencing serious health problems. Others understand that they have the power to help children who do not have the opportunity to spend a normal childhood. Still others go to extreme measures because their loved ones, relatives, and friends die, whose children may end up in orphanages.

At the same time, payments are given for adopted children, and the state is able to support the family with benefits and allowances. Let's consider how much they pay for an adopted child, whether the funds justify the expenses incurred, and how long the payment can be expected.

The state supports and encourages adoption, offering support, benefits, benefits that encourage adoption. The issue of payments is very relevant for many citizens. Regular changes in this area make the issue difficult to consider. The latest updated information according to the law is current. The IQReview team will help you understand all this.

This year, adoptive parents will receive additional payments that are due to the biological parents of children. There are additional benefits intended to be paid to caregivers. The policy of the Russian Federation is purposefully moving towards improving the conditions for adoption. Innovations help minimize the number of children in orphanages waiting to be placed in a new foster family.

The legislation is aimed at strengthening family ties and making the desire to go to an orphanage more justified. If the adoption concerns brothers, sisters, or two or three children belong to one family at the same time, the appropriate funds are paid.

Children dreaming of a family

The current year shows a decreasing trend in the return of adopted children to social institutions. At the same time, you can count on the help of psychologists, teachers during the preparation of this issue.


According to the law, a child transferred to a new family receives all the pensions and benefits that he is entitled to. The law has taken measures to minimize the likelihood of child care funds being used for the benefit of adoptive parents. If the baby is returned back to the orphanage, all funds that were received for him will also be returned to the state, regardless of how much the family is paid for the adoption.


To receive benefits, an application is created to local authorities, and the necessary documents are prepared. The maximum period for paperwork is 6 months after the expiration of the court order regarding adoption. Documents not submitted within this period will not be considered. An exception is a valid reason for delay. Additionally, the entire package of papers must be resubmitted to the court.

To adopt a child, all documents are prepared and sent to court.

When all the papers and documents are prepared in the required quantity, then within 10 days from the date of submission of documents, funds for the child are transferred to the account of the new parents. There are cases of refusal to pay funds. Then the lawsuit is re-created. With a high degree of probability, a positive decision is made in favor of the parents.

Required documents

Receiving funds on the basis of adoption or adoption involves collecting a number of documents, which include:

  1. Application of new parents to receive benefits;
  2. An extract from the work book or a copy thereof;
  3. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  4. Certificate of adoption of a disabled child, if such prerequisites exist;
  5. Establishing both a brother and a sister requires a document confirming this fact;
  6. A copy of the court's approval of the adoption, as well as a statement from the adoptive parents.

If the court ruling contains information about the child’s disability, documents additionally confirming his developmental deviation are not required. The list of documentation may vary depending on the region in which the family lives.

How much do they pay to adopt a child in 2018?

The family that has adopted a child will receive special benefits and allowances. Their list is quite long. Let's take a closer look at it.

  1. For each adopted child, a payment of money in the amount of 3 minimum wages is expected.
  2. All benefits available to guardians apply to the child.
  3. The time during which a child brought into a family is raised will be included in the parents’ work experience.
  4. All benefits and payments that the child is entitled to by law remain with him even after being placed in a foster family.
  5. As soon as the adopted child reaches the age of majority, he or she can apply for an apartment.
  6. There are special discounted prices for babies in food chains.
  7. The right of ownership for the use of housing or for housing as such is issued.

A family that adopts a child will receive special benefits and allowances

The issue is currently being considered, thanks to which it will be possible to receive a one-time payment in the amount of 100,000 rubles at the time of adoption.

Disabled person

A one-time allowance to a family taking such a baby under their care is more than 110,000 rubles. This benefit is issued for each disabled child who is adopted. The fixed amount has been valid since 2013. If we are talking about the adoption into a family of several children at the same time, who are brothers and sisters, whose age is from 7 to 18 years, the guardians are paid the above amount.

Payment amount

Families who adopted children and received additional payments will always keep records of control over the receipt and expenditure of funds, and provide reports for them in writing.

Large families will receive all benefits available to them

Large families with three or more children adopted from an orphanage will receive all the benefits that apply to an ordinary large family.

For pregnancy and childbirth

Such payments are due to every resident of the country who has adopted a child under 3 years of age. Women and men can count on the payment. An important aspect is creating a request for additional payment. No more than 70 days should pass from the birth of the child to the submission deadline. If there are two, three, or four children in a family, this period increases. The minimum payment in this direction is 28,500 rubles.

One time

The benefit is issued based on Federal Law No. 81. It is directly affected by the age of the adopted child who finds himself in a new family. Currently, the legal amount of the benefit paid at a time is 16,350 rubles. Every year you can count on the growth of this indicator and the implementation of indexation.

When accepting an orphan child into your family, you can count on a one-time payment

When accepting an orphan child into your family, you can count on a one-time payment of 24,000 rubles. Payment is possible for children who were under guardianship or were in foster care. Orphans who graduated from school and found a job after that receive compensation in the amount of almost 80,000 rubles. If studies continue in another institution, then each adopted child receives an amount of almost 21,000 rubles.

Per month

Until the age of one and a half years, his new parents receive monthly payments, in the same way as ordinary families. The payment amount is 40% of the last year. If the parent has not been officially employed for the last 12 months, a fixed benefit payment amount is applied. The minimum amount of this payment is currently 2576 rubles. For one, the base rate is 1,500 rubles.

If you adopt at least two children, the amount of the benefit will increase to 5,153 rubles. The base rate is 3000 rubles. Payments are made monthly on fixed dates. From the age of one and a half to three years, every month parents will receive approximately 50 rubles per child, taking into account the regional coefficient.

Families raising at least 2 adopted children have the right to count on maternity capital. Today its amount is fixed at 453,000 rubles. To receive the specified money, you need to go through a whole procedure, which is similar in its steps to the procedure that ordinary parents perform. An application for receiving capital is submitted to the Pension Fund.

The following documents must be prepared:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. Adoption document.
  3. A document confirming marriage.
  4. Parents' birth certificate.
  5. SNILS policy for parents and children.

Those families raising two adopted children or more have the right to count on maternity capital

Within 5 days, the Pension Fund must give a reasoned response to the application. If it is positive, then you can obtain a certificate for the issuance of maternity capital from the Pension Fund, where the preliminary request was created.

In the regions

Please note that payments for adoption in each region may vary. Here, their own rules are dictated - payment of payments, charges, depending on local authorities. Considering the capital's rate, we note that on average the regional capital per adoptive parent will be based on the amount of 100,000 rubles.

If a child is adopted by people living in Moscow, you can additionally expect the following payments:

  1. A one-time payment, the amount of which is 30,000 rubles. The address for transferring benefits is determined individually. The account of the adoptive parents is used, possibly the account of the adopted child.

10,000 rubles in the form of monthly assistance to parents for raising a child. By the way, the payment of 10,000 rubles is relevant for families who fully fulfill all the responsibilities of adoptive parents - they are involved in raising children, and can provide an annual report on the living conditions in which the adopted child lives.

Video on the topic: How much do they pay for an adopted child?

1. Federal cash payments.

  • 16 759,08 rub.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of residence of the adoptive parent for each child adopted for upbringing
    • citizen's statement
    • a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to raise the child in a family,
    • documents confirming the absence of parents or their inability to raise children.

2. Payment from the regional budget for an adopted child

  • 4 556 rub. - for the first child,
  • 6 074 rub. - for the second child,
  • 7 593 rub. - for the third and subsequent children.

Required documents:

    • citizen's statement

3. Payment from the regional budget when a disabled child is placed in a family.

  • 100 000 rub.

Required documents:

  • to the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent:
    • citizen's statement;
    • identification document of the applicant;
    • a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation and the applicant’s permanent or primary residence in the Yaroslavl region;
    • a document confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation for a disabled child under the age of 14;
    • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation held by a disabled child who has reached the age of 14 years;
    • documents confirming the permanent or primary residence of a disabled child in the Yaroslavl region;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • a document confirming that the child has a disability;
    • court decision establishing adoption.

Monthly cash payments

1. Payment to foster parents per child.

  • 7 200 rub. — for a child under 12 years of age,
  • 8 000 rub. — for a child over 12 years of age.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent for each child accepted for upbringing
    • citizen's statement
    • a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to a foster family.

2. Payment to foster parents for a child under 3 years of age, or for a disabled child, or for a child with chronic diseases.

Size: increases by 3 000

Required documents:

    • citizen's statement;
    • a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to a foster family;
    • medical documents confirming the child’s illness.

3. Payment to foster parents for raising every third and subsequent child accepted into a foster family.

Size: increases by 3 000 rub. for every child adopted into the family.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent for each child adopted for upbringing
    • citizen's statement
    • a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to a foster family.

3. Payments for the maintenance of a child left without parental care.

  • 7 037 rub. — for a child up to 7 years old,
  • 8 403 rub. — for a child 7-12 years old,
  • 9 250 rub. — for a child 12-18 years old.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent for each child adopted for upbringing
    • citizen's statement
    • a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to a foster family.

Social support measures for foster families

1. Benefits for foster families.

  • 30% discount on utility bills (if there are 1 or 2 adopted children in the family).
  • free travel in city passenger transport (except for taxis and minibuses) for adopted children.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent for each child adopted for upbringing
    • citizen's statement
    • a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child to a foster family.

2. Benefits for large foster families raising 3 or more children (including natural and adopted children).

  • 30% discount on utility bills,
  • free medicine for children under 6 years of age,
  • free travel for children in city passenger transport (except for taxis and minibuses), including relatives and those adopted into the family.

Required documents:

  • To the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the place of residence of the adoptive parent for each child accepted for upbringing:
    • passport,
    • certificate of a large family.

3. Survivor's pension:

Required documents:

  • To the pension fund branch at the child’s place of residence
    • passport.

A foster family is a paid form of guardianship (trusteeship) for children left without parental care. The total number of children in a foster family, including natural and adopted children, should not exceed, as a rule, 8 people. Adoptive parents have the rights and responsibilities of a guardian in relation to their adopted child.

Adoptive parents, as guardians, are responsible for spending the funds received by the child for his maintenance and all alimony, pensions, social benefits and guarantees due to him. All housing rights of the child are preserved.

The child has the right to maintain contacts with blood parents and relatives, if this does not contradict the interests of the child and does not harm his normal development and upbringing.

The amount of remuneration for foster parents and the benefits provided to a foster family depending on the number of children taken into care are established by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The legal relationship between the child and the adoptive parent terminates upon expiration of the agreement on the transfer of the child to a foster family.

You may also be interested in:

This brochure contains explanations of social support measures for families with children provided for by federal and regional regulations. It was published for future and present parents. This brochure has been published to help families better understand current regulations. It is built into sections for individual categories of families, so that each family can find the information they need. The brochure was prepared by the Department for Family Policy and Children of the Department for Social and Demographic Policy of the Government of the Yaroslavl Region.

Send your suggestions and comments to the Department for Social and Demographic Policy of the Government of the Yaroslavl Region. Phone number of the department for family policy and children 40-15-97, E-mail:

AND adoptive parents, guardians, and foster parents can issue:

Only for adoptive parents The following types of payments apply:

  • in Moscow after January 1, 2009, an orphan or a child left without parental care.

Guardians (trustees) and adoptive parents are entitled to the following types of financial support:

  • (guardianship) or transferred to a foster family;
  • and for using a telephone in the residential premises in which the ward or children transferred to a foster family or foster care actually live.

Only adoptive parents can issue:

  • , foster carers.

Orphans themselves and children left without parental care, whether they have reached adulthood or not, can count on.

2. How to apply for a one-time benefit when placing a child in a family?

A one-time benefit when placing a child in a family is assigned and paid to one of the adoptive parents, guardians (trustees), foster parents, provided that he/she filed an application with the social security authorities within 6 months from the date the court decision on adoption entered into legal force ( making a decision by the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship (trusteeship).

To apply for the benefit you will need:

  • on the assignment of benefits;
  • passport(s) of the adoptive parent(s) (guardian(s), trustee(s), adoptive parent(s);
  • documents confirming the family relationships of children (for persons who have adopted brothers and (or) sisters)*;
  • documents confirming that the adopted child has a disability (if adopting a disabled child)*;
  • a copy of the court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force - for adoptive parents;
  • a copy of the agreement on the transfer of the child (children) to a foster family - for foster parents;
  • a copy (extract) of the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority to establish guardianship (trusteeship) over the child - for guardians (trustees).
">a document confirming the transfer of a child to a family for upbringing;
  • copies
  • death certificate(s) of parent(s);
  • a court decision on depriving parents of parental rights (on restriction of parental rights), declaring parents incompetent (partially capable), missing or deceased;
  • a document confirming the discovery of a found (abandoned) child, issued by the internal affairs body or the guardianship and trusteeship body;
  • parents' statement of consent to the adoption of a child, drawn up in the prescribed manner;
  • a certificate confirming that the parents are in custody or serving a sentence of imprisonment, issued by the relevant institution in which the parents are or are serving their sentence;
  • a court decision to establish the fact of the absence of parental care over the child (including in connection with the illness of the parents) or to exclude information about the parent(s) from the child’s birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the internal affairs authorities stating that the location of the wanted parents has not been established;
  • an act of abandonment of a child by a mother who did not provide an identification document at the medical organization where the birth took place or to which the mother contacted after childbirth;
  • birth certificate, in the lines “mother” and “father” there are dashes.
  • ">documents, confirming the absence of parents (the only parent) or the impossibility of raising children - for guardians (trustees) and adoptive parents.

    At the place of residence of the adoptive parent, guardian or trustee. The benefit is assigned and paid no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of the application with all the necessary documents.

    Adoptive parents may not submit these documents if information about the disability of the child (children) or the relationship between the adopted children is contained in the court decision on adoption.

    3. How to apply for compensation for expenses related to adoption?

    Compensation for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the adoption of an orphan or a child left without parental care is assigned to one of the adoptive parents upon application within 12 months from the date of adoption of the child.

    • passport, residence permit or other document identifying the applicant, confirming place of residence and citizenship;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • a court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force;
    • adoption certificate;
    • a certificate from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities stating that the child, before adoption, was one of the orphans and children left without parental care;
    • a document indicating the name and details of the credit institution and the account number to which the benefit will be transferred.

    The payment is due to Russian citizens, foreign citizens and stateless persons who have permanent registration in Russia, but who adopted a child in Moscow.

    Adoptive parents living in Moscow must submit an application and documents for payment processing to the social welfare department at their place of residence. For adoptive parents who have a place of residence outside of Moscow - in.

    The application must be considered no later than 10 days from the date of its receipt with all necessary documents.

    4. How to arrange a monthly payment for those who have adopted a child?

    The adoptive parent can issue a monthly compensation payment if an orphan or a child left without parental care is adopted in Moscow after January 1, 2009. The adoptive parent himself does not have to be a Muscovite; registration at his place of residence in Russia is sufficient.

    You must apply for payment within 12 months from the date of adoption of the child. If the adoptive parent applies for payment after this period, it will be awarded not from the month of adoption, but only for the 12 months preceding the application. Paid until the child reaches 18 years of age, unless circumstances arise in which the payment Payment of the monthly compensation payment is terminated early, before the child reaches the age of 18, in the following cases:

    • departure of the adoptive parent and (or) child for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation;
    • expiration of a residence permit in the Russian Federation for a foreign citizen or stateless person;
    • death of the adoptive parent, recognition of him in court as deceased or missing;
    • recognition of the adoptive parent as incompetent;
    • the entry into force of a court verdict by which the adoptive parent is sentenced to imprisonment or sent for compulsory treatment to a specialized institution;
    • the entry into force of a court verdict by which the adopted child is sentenced to imprisonment or sent for compulsory treatment to a specialized institution;
    • cancellation of adoption;
    • placement of an adopted child in an organization with full state support;
    • recognition of a child as fully capable before reaching 18 years of age;
    • death of an adopted child, recognition of him in court as dead or missing;
    • establishing monthly payments to the adoptive parent or the adoptive parent's spouse for a given child in connection with adoption in accordance with the legislation of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • transferring a child under guardianship (trusteeship) or to a foster family and assigning funds for his maintenance to a guardian (trustee) or adoptive parent.

    The adoptive parent is obliged to report these circumstances to the social protection department no later than 10 calendar days from the date of their occurrence.


    To process the payment you will need:

    • passport or other identification document;
    • spouse's passport (if a child is adopted by both spouses);
    • child's birth certificate;
    • a court decision on adoption that has entered into legal force (with a note on entry);
    • child adoption certificate;
    • a single housing document or a certificate from housing authorities or local authorities confirming the child’s place of residence with the adoptive parent;
    • a document indicating the name and details of the credit institution and the account number to which the benefit will be transferred;
    • a document confirming the date of termination of the child’s full state support or the date of termination of payment of funds for the maintenance of this child to the guardian (trustee), adoptive parent;
    • a certificate from the Moscow social protection department at the spouse’s place of residence confirming that he has not received this payment (if a child is adopted by both spouses);
    • a certificate from the guardianship and trusteeship authority of another constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the termination of monthly payments in connection with adoption.

    Adoptive parents living in Moscow must submit an application and documents for payment processing to the social welfare department at their place of residence. For those who live outside the city, go to the social protection department at the place where the child was adopted.

    The application must be considered no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of all documents.

    After the payment is assigned, every year, no later than December 1, the adoptive parent must submit to the social protection department that pays the funds a document confirming cohabitation with the child. At the request of adoptive parents who permanently reside in Moscow, social protection authorities can request a single housing document independently.

    5. How to obtain funds for the maintenance of a child under guardianship (trusteeship) or placed in a foster family?

    For orphans and children left without parental care from Moscow institutions, guardians (trustees) and foster parents (foster carers) residing in Moscow are paid monthly money for food, clothing, shoes, personal hygiene items, toys books and so on.

    Funds are paid until the ward reaches the age of 18, including the month of their birth. If the ward child continues to study at school after reaching the age of 18, the payment of funds is extended until the end of his studies at a general education institution, including the period until September 1 of the year of graduation.

    To receive the payment, guardians (trustees) need to write an application and provide:

    • identity document of the guardian (trustee, foster parent, foster carer);
    • child's birth certificate;
    • order of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship) / copy of the agreement on foster family, foster care;
    • order of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the assignment of funds;
    • a certificate from the child’s place of residence confirming cohabitation with a guardian (trustee) or a copy thereof certified by the guardianship and trusteeship authority. When registering a guardian and a child at different addresses - a certificate from the guardianship and trusteeship authority about joint residence;
    • for a child who has reached the age of 18 and continues to study at school - an order from the guardianship and trusteeship authority to extend the payment of funds for the maintenance of the child (if there is a corresponding application from the former guardian (adoptive parent) and a certificate from the school about the continuation of education and the date of completion of education);
    • a copy of the agreement on opening a nominal account for the transfer of funds for the maintenance of a child under guardianship;
    • information about the nominal account number and details of the credit institution in which the nominal account is opened for the transfer of funds for the maintenance of the child under his care;
    • a copy of the medical and social examination certificate recognizing the child as disabled (in the case of placing a disabled child in foster care).

    To receive payment to foster parents (foster carers) who have entered into a foster family agreement, you need to write an application and provide:

    • a copy of the agreement on opening a nominal account, information about the number of the nominal account and details of the credit institution in which the nominal account is opened for the transfer of funds for the maintenance of a ward child;
    • Additional documents for assigning payment:
      • a copy of a passport or other identification document of the adoptive parent (each adoptive parent), foster carer, containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow, and in the absence of such information in the specified document, in addition to the identification document of the adoptive parent (each adoptive parent), foster carer, a copy of another document containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow;
      • a copy of the foster family agreement, foster care agreement;
      • a copy of the birth certificate of the child (children) transferred to foster care or foster care.
      ">additional documents
      (if they are not at the disposal of the social protection authority).

    An application and documents for processing the payment must be submitted to the department of social protection of the population at the place of residence of the guardian (trustee) or foster parent (foster carer).

    6. How to apply for monthly compensation for utilities?

    The following have the right to monthly compensation for utilities and telephone:

    • a guardian or trustee, provided that the ward lives in the guardian’s residential area in Moscow;
    • a foster family living in Moscow, raising three or more children (with the exception of international and long-distance connections).

    To apply for reimbursement, you will need the following documents:

    • documents confirming the fact of residence of adoptive parents and adopted children (guardian and ward) in this residential area;
    • a single payment document, invoice (receipt) and the like with payment marks - to confirm the expenses incurred for paying for living quarters, utilities and telephone.

    The guardian (trustee) must additionally submit:

    • identity document of the guardian (trustee);
    • a copy of the ward's birth certificate;
    • order of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the establishment of guardianship (trusteeship);
    • a document confirming the fact that the guardian (trustee) lives together with the ward in their living space (a document issued by housing organizations, authorized bodies in the field of organization and activities of guardianship, trusteeship and patronage in the city of Moscow, an inspection report at the place of residence of the guardian (trustee) carried out in accordance with the established procedure by social protection organizations of the city of Moscow);
    • a certificate of education of a child over 16 years of age in an educational organization that implements basic educational programs of primary general education, basic general education, and secondary general education.

    You need to submit documents for compensation to the department of social protection of the population. The payment is assigned from the month in which guardianship was established over the child. If the child began living together with a guardian, trustee or adoptive parent later - from the month in which the joint residence began. If more than six months have passed since that moment and you apply for payment, you will be compensated only for the previous 6 months. Paid until the ward reaches adulthood.

  • abandoned in a maternity hospital (ward) or other medical organization (in accordance with the certificate of abandonment of the child issued by the medical organization).
  • It does not matter what form of guardianship is established over the child. The main thing is that children Children who have a place of residence in Moscow also mean children who do not have a place of residence in Moscow, but are identified on its territory.

    "> lived in Moscow. The payment is assigned to children until they reach the age of 18. Children who are assigned a monthly compensation payment retain the right to receive it even if they are adopted.

    The payment is assigned on the basis of an application submitted by the child’s legal representative. A child who has reached the age of 14 years and has received a passport has the right, with the consent of the legal representative, to apply for a monthly compensation payment independently.

    To process the payment you will need the following documents:

    • , filed by the legal representative of the minor;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • a document confirming the child’s loss of parental care (statement from the parents (single parent) of consent to the adoption of the child;
    • a document confirming the discovery of a child, issued by the internal affairs body or the guardianship and trusteeship authority; certificate of abandonment of the child issued by a medical organization);
    • a document containing information about the child’s place of residence (stay);
    • a document on the child’s non-receipt of alimony, issued by an authorized body in the field of guardianship, trusteeship and patronage or an organization for orphans and children without parental care;
    • a document about the child’s non-receipt of a pension, issued by the body providing pensions at the child’s place of residence (stay);
    • an identification document of the child’s legal representative and a document confirming his authority;
    • agreement on opening a nominal account, information about the nominal account number and details of the credit institution in which the nominal account is opened;
    • if the parents (sole parent) of the child were subsequently deprived of parental rights - a court decision to deprive the parents (sole parent) of the child of parental rights; if the court has entrusted the parents (the only parent) with the obligation to pay alimony - a document confirming the impossibility of executing a court decision to collect alimony (a court decision to suspend enforcement proceedings or a decree of a bailiff).

    Documents must be submitted to the social welfare department at the child’s place of residence. The application is considered no later than 10 working days from the date of receipt of all necessary documents.

    To apply for a reward you will need:

    • a copy of the agreement on foster family, foster care;
    • a copy of a passport or other identity document of the adoptive parent (parents), foster carer;
    • a copy of the birth certificate of the child (children) transferred to a foster family (foster care);
    • information about the details of the account opened by the adoptive parent (each), foster carer, to which the monthly remuneration will be transferred;
    • a copy of a certificate from a state medical and social examination institution recognizing the child as disabled (if the child has a disability);
    • a copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance for each adoptive parent, foster carer;
    • certificate (notification from the tax authority) about the assignment of a TIN.

    Documents must be submitted to the social welfare department at the place of residence of the adoptive parent(s) or foster carer.

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