Okfs limited liability company. OKFS of an individual entrepreneur as one of the classifier codes

Enterprises operating in Russia are assigned many special codes, each of which carries an individual meaning. Similar codes include OKFS, which denotes the form of ownership of the subject. What information does this specifier carry, why is it needed, and how to decipher the code assigned to the organization? It's time to get acquainted with OKFS.

What's happened OKFS is the All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership, which is part of the United State System Coding. The classifier first appeared and was published in 1999.

Unlike other specifiers, OKFS does not determine the economic nature of the organization, therefore it was created and controlled in accordance with the standards civil law RF.

It is in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation that it is deciphered abbreviation OKFS with the definition of the concept. The classifier takes everything into account property forms, including state, foreign, property peasant farms or religious enterprises, with the assignment of unique codes by type of organization.

OKFS also contains 3 additional reference books:

  1. Decoding of code positions with explanations.
  2. List of specifiers in alphabetical order.
  3. Codes arranged in ascending numbers.

When an organization is registered by statistical authorities, the entrepreneur is given a code classifier, complete with a written transcript. Every year, the owner of the company is required to provide information about the work of his company, and for this he needs OKFS.

If necessary, the code can be obtained again in in writing, but they will no longer provide it for free.


The task of the property form classifier is the same as that of other systems, whose codes carry technical and economic information - to collect statistical data that is subsequently used in economics and sociology. The collected data is analyzed, based on which further recommendations for development are drawn up certain forms property.

Thus, one or two companies can conduct agricultural activities in the same direction, while one of them will belong to a private individual, and the second will be a state agricultural holding. That is, may belong to the same field of activity various shapes property.

Collecting statistical data on companies by type of ownership will allow us to draw a conclusion about the solvency, competitiveness and other characteristics of the organization within its OKFS category.

How to find out the code

Few people attach due importance to the specifier, yet it is necessary when filling out reporting forms. How to find out the code of ownership according to OKFS?
Get up-to-date information about OKFS can be found on the federal website where data is published state statistics. It is based on this data that the codes are updated annually.

Notifications about changes in specifiers can also be found in periodicals, dedicated accounting or economics.

The necessary data from the classifier can be obtained at on paper upon a direct request sent to the state statistics authorities.


According to the system used in the Russian Federation, the OKFS code consists of two digits. The first indicates that the enterprise belongs to the state. For the Russian Federation this is one.
The next digit is the serial number within the group indicated by the first digit.

Eg, decoding OKFS 16, assigned to a certain enterprise, will report the following:

  1. This organization refers to enterprises registered and operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. The company belongs to the “private property” category.

The classifier also contains collection algorithms that include some categories within others. For example, the algorithm for collecting the first group of OKFS, denoting Russian state property, includes codes 12 and 13, denoting federal property and property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Algorithms are used for more detailed disclosure of informative data that is implied in one or another property form.

So, let's look at the OKFS codes with decoding.

First group

The first group of the classification system is designated by the number “ 1 " It is used to designate companies that have registered and operate in the Russian Federation.

  • State, specifier 11. Designates those firms that are managed using government agencies. OKFS 12 is also distinguished; the decoding denotes companies owned by federal government agencies.
  • denote the category of ownership at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This code indicates that the property belongs to autonomous region, region or republic.
  • Decoding OKFS 14 gives an idea that the enterprise designated by it belongs to a municipal entity.
  • At number 15 organizations whose form of ownership is religious or public are taken into account.
  • Code 16 has already been decrypted in the example. It denotes private property, but this does not mean that it is assigned only to individual entrepreneurs. OKFS 16 can be used for legal entities, and also for non-profit organizations or partnerships. In addition, they designate agriculture, farms, family business.
  • 17 – intended for enterprises whose property management is carried out in a mixed form.
  • 18 - a specifier, the essence of which is slightly different from code 16. This code is applicable for private property in any form, but the owners of the company reside outside the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • 19 – consumer cooperatives.

An addition sign is used to indicate the code collection algorithm, for example, 42+43.

Second group

The second group includes companies engaged in commercial activities outside the Russian Federation. In other words, foreign enterprises. IN Russian classifier slightly fewer positions are allocated for this group, including state property, property of legal entities and individuals, as well as stateless persons, mixed ownership. This group includes those firms that are international.

Number 20 in this group is assigned foreign founders , whose companies operate in Russia.

Third group

This category includes those enterprises that are both Russian and foreign. Decoding the code OKFS 34 denotes private property, say, an LLC, the founders of which include a Russian and a person with another citizenship in equal shares. Code 31 denotes organizations that belong equally to both a constituent entity of Russia and a foreign state (mixed foreign and federal property).

Fourth group

Group number four identifies those enterprises whose owners in varying proportions are Russian faces and the Russian state.
Also included in this group are companies whose form of ownership does not fall into any of the above categories (number 49).

How is OKFS determined for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs?

How is the OKFS code assigned for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs? In the case of individual entrepreneurs, everything is very clear - the specifier is determined taking into account the citizenship of the owner of the enterprise and the state in which the company was registered.

In order to master the principle of assigning OKFS to a legal entity, it is necessary to clearly understand the differences between the concepts of “founder” and “participant”.

Who are the founders of the LLC? They are usually called only those persons who take part in the creation of an enterprise from scratch, and in fact, are its owners at the time of registration. And after registration, anyone can become participants in an LLC, but these new persons will no longer become founders.

So, LLC members change if necessary, the founders are always the same. It is this feature that is paid attention to when determining a suitable form of ownership specifier for a company.

If the founders of the company include citizens of any state other than Russia, then the codes of the second group, denoting foreign companies, are applied to the enterprise.

If the enterprise is absolutely right belongs to a Russian owner - code 16 is used. Or 18 if the founder permanently lives in another country.

If the company's founders included: Russian citizens, then the company is recognized joint property two states (on the basis of private property, since the founders are legal entities), and receives OKFS code 34.


Among the classifiers that assign a code with technical and economic content, along with OKFS, there is OKOPF. Its structure resembles a specifier of forms of ownership, as does its scope. OKOPF assigns a code of organizational and legal form and, as OKFS, is part of the Unified Coding System.

  • The structure of OKOPF consists of two digits, denoting the form group and serial number within the group. The structure also contains a collection algorithm.
  • The classifier includes an application with decoding and an index of codes in alphabetical order.
  • OKOPF is used to obtain and systematize data for the purpose of subsequent analysis and use in sociology and economics.

Unlike OKFS, the objects of OKOPF are entrepreneurs, who are individuals and legal entities.

  • Responsible for classifier support: Rosstat
  • Reason: Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated March 30, 1999 No. 97 01/01/2000
  • Approved: 10/23/2009
  • Came into effect: 01/01/2010
Code Name
30 Joint Russian and foreign ownership
10 Russian property
20 Foreign ownership

What is OKFS

OKFS is the abbreviated name of the All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership. The classifier is included in Unified system coding and classification of social and technical and economic information of the Russian Federation. Designed by All-Russian classifier forms of ownership in accordance with federal laws and the Civil Code of Russia. Also, when compiling the OKFS, it was taken into account practical use Classifier of forms of ownership, which was approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

The objects of classification are the forms of ownership that are established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code and Federal Laws:

  • "About foreign investment in the RSFSR" dated July 4, 1991,
  • "On consumer cooperation in the Russian Federation" dated June 19, 1992,
  • "About public associations" dated May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ,
  • "ABOUT charitable activities And charitable organizations" dated August 11, 1995 N 135-FZ,
  • “On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity” dated January 12, 1996 N 10-FZ,
  • "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Consumer Cooperation in the Russian Federation" dated July 11, 1997 N 97-FZ,
  • "On freedom of conscience and religious associations" dated September 26, 1997 N 125-FZ,
  • "On amendments and additions to the Federal Law "On Public Associations" dated July 19, 1998 N 112-FZ.

Are understood as forms of ownership regulated by law property relations, which characterize the assignment of property to a certain owner by right of ownership.

Property owners may be individuals and legal entities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and Russian Federation. In Russia, state, private, municipal and other forms of ownership are recognized. In the All-Russian Classifier, forms of ownership, taking into account the above, are classified depending on the type of owner.

What is OKFS used for?

The All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership is intended for:

  • Solving analytical problems in the field of statistics, the taxation system and other areas of the economy that are related to the disposal and management of property;
  • Formation of registers, information resources, registers, cadastres, which contain information about subjects related to civil law;
  • Forecasting and analysis of social economic processes;
  • Ensuring compatibility of information systems;
  • Development of recommendations for regulating the economy;
  • Carrying out automated processing of social and technical and economic information.

What is the code structure in OKFS

In the All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership, each position contains: a collection algorithm, the name of the form of ownership and a two-digit digital code. In OKFS the same code designations forms of ownership that were previously used in FSC. This was done in order to maintain continuity with the FSC codes, which at one time was widely used in the economic sphere and was canceled after the adoption of the All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership. Appendix A in OKFS provides the corresponding explanations for the codes. In addition, for ease of use for practical purposes, OKFS codes in Appendix B are presented in alphabetical order, OKFS codes in Appendix B are presented in ascending order.

OKFS indicates the form of ownership of the person or organization to which this code is issued. Used in the field of taxation, accounting and statistics, compilation and operation information bases, automation of data processing on business entities. Using the classifier code, processes in the economy are analyzed and proposals are developed regarding the regulation of economic processes. This code was developed and put into effect in 1993 in accordance with the standards Civil Code, Federal laws.

The first group of codes determines the property that actually belongs to Russia and has the appropriate form of ownership. This form can be state (code 11), federal (code 12) and private (code 16). The last group also includes the form of ownership owned by individual entrepreneurs as business entities. The second group indicates ownership foreign countries who carry out their commercial activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, and, consequently, taxes from such activities go to state treasury. Code 21 identifies property owned by international companies, while code 24 identifies property owned by foreign nationals and stateless persons. The third group of codes denotes property that simultaneously belongs to both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners: code 31 - federal and foreign property equally, code 34 - property owned by private individuals and foreign companies. The fourth group usually includes property that is jointly owned government agencies and private companies or citizens: code 41 - property of private individuals and federal bodies, and code 49 is another form of ownership of a mixed nature.

OKFS individual entrepreneur is one of the classifier codes. The classifier itself has three main positions: explanation of OKFS forms, codes compiled in alphabetical order and codes arranged in ascending order of numbers. OKFS is used in those areas of the economy where certain property management is used. In order to find out the exact OKFS, an entrepreneur just needs to visit the Federal Tax Service website. Periodical specialized publications also post on their pages information regarding current regulations. this moment classifier codes.

OKFS is used to define and designate private and state forms property. In order for a businessman to receive the code, it is necessary to go through several stages. To start, individual must be registered as an individual entrepreneur. Anyone who has reached the age of majority or has acquired legal capacity due to emancipation (from the age of 14) can do this. In the explanations to all positions of the specified OKFS classifier individual entrepreneur is number 16 “Private property”.

This code can be assigned to the property of individuals and legal entities. Their rights are protected by Russian laws. This code is also equally assigned to some non-profit structures, companies operating in the field of charity, economic organizations, the founders of which act as a legal entity. Citizens and organizations can receive property that falls under the concept of private property through the privatization process. In this case, the rights to the property are transferred to the owner, and he receives the appropriate legal form. Code number 16 can also be assigned to limited partnerships. These include business entities that do not pool capital when conducting business.

The OKFS of an individual entrepreneur has number 16 only if the individual entrepreneur is a citizen of the Russian Federation and permanently resides on its territory. If a Russian citizen has permanent place residence in a foreign state, in the reporting he enters OKFS under number 18. Property owned by a foreign citizen falls under the definition of codes of the second or third group of the classifier.

One of the components of the classifier of economic and public information RF is the All-Russian Classifier of Forms of Ownership (OKFS). When implementing it, we took into account practical experience application of a similar classifier approved in 1993 by the State Statistics Committee.

The objects of classification include all forms of ownership (FS) approved by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, laws and the Constitution. According to the listed regulations In Russia there are state, private, municipal and other types of property.

The OKFS retains the code abbreviations for forms of ownership that were previously used. Thanks to this, continuity with previous codes is maintained.

The classifier has applications:

Central concepts

OKFS was developed to simplify the collection of statistical analytical data on organizations with various areas of activity.


The classifier is developed based on federal laws and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which lists all forms of ownership of economic entities.

The main role of OKFS is as follows:

  • formation of lists, inventories, registers, sources of information containing data on citizens, legal entities and the state;
  • ensuring interaction between information systems;
  • automated processing of public and technical and economic information;
  • elimination of analytical problems regarding taxes, statistics, and other areas of the economy related to the disposal of assets;
  • analysis and forecasting of socio-economic processes;
  • development of instructions on economic regulation.

The classifier is combined with other information systems used to process statistical data of technical, economic and social nature. The presence of this code in reporting contributes to the formation of genuine and up-to-date data about the taxpayer, giving an idea of economic situation in the country.

Main provisions

OKFS refers to mandatory generally accepted codes necessary to identify a taxpayer by a certain criterion.

With it you can:

  • establish property and financial changes subjects for the purposes of statistics, taxation and other areas;
  • provide automated processing received data;
  • make decisions aimed at changes in various areas.

The code is used by enterprises of all forms of ownership, as well as by authorities. It is most often used by legal entities.

The OKFS code is a two-digit number. It is assigned specific form property. For example, for all private type organizations it has the value “16”.

The document provides an interpretation of each type of property and type of owner. Thus, the assets of the Russian Federation are considered federal and are designated by the number “12”.

Legal individuals and individual entrepreneurs after registration this code assigned by Rosstat. The corresponding notification is sent by mail. It can be found on the website of this structure or during a direct visit.

You can get the code yourself if you have and.

The forms of ownership given in the OKFS are approved by the list of laws:

  • on foreign investments dated 07/04/91;
  • on consumer cooperation in the Russian Federation dated June 19, 1992;
  • from 08/11/95;
  • from 12.01.96;
  • from 07/11/97;
  • from 09.26.97;
  • on amendments to the law on public associations No. 112-FZ of July 19, 1998;
  • from 12.01.96.

FS are property ties regulated by law that assign assets to the owner. Property owners include citizens, legal entities of the Russian Federation, constituent entities, settlements, and other municipalities.

FS are sorted by type of owner. For example, the property of the Russian Federation is federal, municipal body- municipal, etc.

OKFS does not contain established by law FS, for example, is mixed foreign. They are required for statistical data processing.

How to find out your OKFS code

The website of the State Statistics Service gks.ru answers the question of how to find out your OKFS.

To do this you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the Rosstat portal.
  2. Select your region, and a link to the corresponding site will appear.
  3. On the regional service, click the “Notification about codes” button (tab name in different subjects RF may vary slightly).
  4. In the window for generating a notification, fill in its type, by INN, OKPO or OGRN, and enter the captcha.
  5. As a result, the OKPO code will be displayed.
  6. To the right, click the “OK TEI Codes” button.
  7. The site will generate a file with detailed information about everyone statistical codes organizations (IP).

Important content details

Since September 2014, Law No. 99-FZ of 05/05/14 came into force. He made amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regarding the name and content of some FS. OJSC and CJSC were excluded - open and closed societies shareholders.

The new name implies freedom of circulation valuable papers organizations, but has some differences. Their information policy should be more open: meetings are convened more often, checks are carried out, decisions are made. This applies to the introduced Art. 66 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation to the forms of NAO and PJSC (non-public and public companies shareholders).

To maintain a list of shares, you need to hire a specialist registrar. Meetings of shareholders must be certified by an auditor, and the requirements for conducting audits have been increased.

Changes to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation affected many large organizations RF. For example, in 2015, the updated Charter of the Rostelecom organization was registered. With a new organizational and legal form “PJSC”.

Detailed review

In the classifier, asset types are divided into numbered groups. There is also their internal numbering. So, the classification includes two numbers: group number and intragroup number.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation distinguishes four groups of FS:

FS according to OKFS are given in the table:

FS Cipher
Russian 10
State. It is managed through authorized government agencies 11
Federal 12
Subjects of the Russian Federation 13
Municipal. Managed by settlements and other municipalities 14
Private. Provides the right to own, operate, and dispose of an object. Risks lie with the owners: legal entities or citizens. 16
Citizens of the Russian Federation living abroad 18
Consumer cooperation 19
Social and religious structures 15
Charitable societies 50
Political associations 51
Trade Union 52
Social associations 53
Religious 54
Mixed RF. Objects belong to a legal entity. They combine several types of FS 17
Mixed Russian Federation with the state part 40
Joint Russian Federation with the federal one. The property belongs to a legal entity of the Russian Federation. Contains different types FS 41
Joint Russian Federation with some constituent entities 42
Joint Russian Federation with parts of the federal and constituent entities 43
Other mixed RF 49
Foreign. The objects are located in the Russian Federation, and the owner lives abroad 20
International companies 21
Other countries 22
Foreign legal entities 23
Foreigners and stateless persons 24
Mixed foreign. Assets of a citizen of the Russian Federation is formed by the merger of several objects of the FS of a foreign entity 27
Joint Russian Federation with foreign 30
Joint federal and foreign: property of the Russian Federation and foreign individuals and companies 31
subjects of the Russian Federation jointly with foreign 32
Municipal, along with foreign 33
Private, along with foreign. Assumes common use property of organizations, individuals of the Russian Federation and foreign 34
Joint social and religious structures and foreign 35
State corporations 61

General transcript

Each codifier position contains the following components:

  • collection algorithm;
  • name of the FS;
  • digital cipher

Algorithms include some categories within others. For example, the algorithm of group 1, denoting state property of the Russian Federation, contains codes 12 and 13. They denote federal and constituent assets. Algorithms are designed to provide detailed disclosure of data implied in any proprietary form.

The classifier deciphers all positions listed in the code names (Appendix A). First, a breakdown of the categories included in the definition is given. Russian property”, then - state, municipal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, private, foreign, mixed and joint.

In 2017, the OKFS code is assigned based on the OK 027-99 codifier, adopted by the Resolution State Standard No. 97 dated March 30, 1999.

Explanations for positions

Russian Property owned by citizens and legal entities. persons of Russia, the Russian Federation, constituent entities, other municipalities in the Russian Federation and abroad.
Federal Property of the Russian Federation.
Subjects of the Russian Federation Property of territories, regions, republics, cities, autonomous administrative units.
Municipal Property of settlements, municipalities.
Private Property of citizens and legal entities, except individual assets that cannot belong to them.
Citizens of the Russian Federation permanently living abroad Their property, except for some that cannot belong to them.
Consumer cooperation in the form of societies and unions Their property, formed from shares, income, and other legal sources.
Organizations of public and religious spheres Their property, confirmed by title.
Charitable structures Assets they own.
Mixed RF Property of Russian legal entities formed from assets different forms property of the Russian Federation.
Mixed Russian Federation and state Property of Russian legal entities persons formed from the assets of different Federal Laws of the Russian Federation with a state share.
Mixed Russian Federation with Federal Property of Russian legal entities persons formed from the assets of different Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with a part of the federal, but without part of the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Mixed Russian Federation with the property of the subjects Assets of Russian legal entities persons formed from the property of different Federal Federal Laws of the Russian Federation with some constituent entities, but without the federal one.
Mixed Russian Federation with parts of constituent entities and federal Assets of Russian legal entities persons formed from property of different forms of ownership of the Russian Federation with a share of federal and constituent entities.
Other mixed Assets of Russian legal entities persons formed from the property of different Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation without the participation of the state.
Foreign on the territory of the Russian Federation Assets of international companies, foreign states, legal entities and citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing abroad.
Property of international companies Their own assets.
Property of other countries, their legal entities. persons, foreigners and stateless persons Their property.
Mixed foreign Assets of Russian legal entities entities created by the merger of property of foreign owners of different forms of ownership.
Joint Russian-foreign Legal property entities of the Russian Federation, created from the merger of assets of foreign and Russian owners.
Joint federal and foreign property Property of the Russian Federation, foreign legal entities. persons and citizens.
Mixed subjects of the Russian Federation with foreign ones Assets that are mutually owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, foreign persons and companies.
Joint municipal and foreign Property that is equal rights owned by municipalities, foreign legal entities. individuals and companies.
Joint private and foreign (citizens and legal entities) Private property owned by them in common.
Joint public and religious companies and foreign Property located in common property social and religious organizations Russian Federation and foreign companies and citizens.

Forms of ownership

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation helps to understand what a FS is.

He highlights the following state-owned forms (group 1):

Private (code 16) Assumes the right to own, manage, and use property (real estate) with the owner bearing the risk. Legal a person manages property through a company. Private property individuals are controlled by citizens of the state. Code 16 includes, for example, cooperatives, LLCs, farm agricultural enterprises, joint stock companies and others.
Municipal (code 14) Property (property and joint funds) is managed by settlements and other municipal structures.
State (value 11) The property is managed by authorized government agencies.
Mixed Russian (code 17) Property owned by a legal entity. face, its objects are formed by combining several FS.

The second group includes property foreign countries working in the Russian Federation.

This includes property:

  • international companies (code 21);
  • other countries (number 22);
  • foreigners and stateless persons (value 24);
  • mixed (code 27), the object belongs to the property of a citizen of the Russian Federation, formed by merging objects of different FS of a foreign owner.

The third group is mixed assets, owned by organizations different countries, including Russia:

The fourth group includes property owned in varying proportions by private individuals and the state. Joint: Russian Federation with a federal part (code 41) - property of the Russian Federation organization. It consists of objects of different FS, including state and federal. Other mixed assets of the Russian Federation have code 49.

The above classification is incomplete; it reflects the main groups of pharmaceutical substances. More detailed information about the types of property can be found in the OKFS codifier.

Update frequency

Phys. individuals and organizations need to check for changes at the beginning and fifteenth of the month.

There are cases when citizens urgently need codes, but information on them is missing. To resolve the issue, you need to contact the statistics department at your place of registration. The department staff will provide reliable information.

An error when entering the number will result in the document being considered incorrectly filled out. Knowing the current code will help you avoid unpleasant consequences and additional waste of time.

So, the OKFS code is assigned to a registered organization by Rosstat. You can find out the code on the website of the responsible authority, from current classifier, at personal visit to the statistics department OKFS is included in almost all reporting and registration documents, where the field of the same name is provided.

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