LLC Commercial Bank Novopokrovsky. Payments to depositors of the bank "Novopokrovsky Novopokrovsky Bank deposits of individuals

The bank was established in October 1990 in the village of Novopokrovskaya, Krasnodar Territory, on the basis of the state agro-industrial CB Novopokrovsky. Initially, local entrepreneurs created a credit organization to provide loans to farmers in the Novopokrovsky and Tikhoretsky districts of Krasnodar. At the height of the 2008 crisis, the small village design bureau “Novopokrovsky” was acquired by Muscovite Alexey Demyanov and Samara businessmen Vitaly and Vladimir Knaus. At the time of acquisition, the bank's capital was only 4 million rubles, the balance sheet was 50 million rubles, profit was 150-200 thousand rubles, and the number of loans issued barely exceeded two dozen. The emergence of new owners provided the credit institution with financial support and a customer base. In May 2011, the bank's head office moved to Krasnodar. It is worth noting that the Knaus brothers have dual citizenship (Russian Federation and Germany). Vladimir Knaus is also a former co-owner of the Ost-West trading company, and currently a co-owner and member of the board of directors of the Samara JSC StroyEngineeringGroup (repair of gas pipelines in the Moscow-Samara direction). The board of the bank was headed by the former head of the cash settlement center of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Andrey Kolomyts. In June 2017, the authorized capital was increased to 1 billion rubles.

Currently, the main owners of the bank are Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexey Demyanov and member of the board of directors of the bank, citizen of the Russian Federation and Germany Vitaly Knaus, who respectively control 93.315% and 6.685% of shares in the bank’s capital.

In addition to the head office in Krasnodar, the credit institution has three branches (Saratov, Moscow and St. Petersburg), one additional and two operational offices (Kostroma, the “native” village of Novopokrovskaya and Volgograd). The company's own network of ATMs and points of sale includes 17 devices. Bank clients also have the opportunity to use the services of the partner ATM network of PJSC JSCB Rossiysky Capital on preferential terms. The average annual number of personnel, according to IFRS reporting as of June 30, 2017, was 257 employees.

The main activity of the bank's management is servicing small and medium-sized businesses. Key clients are trading, construction, manufacturing, and financial companies. According to the credit institution itself, the key corporate clients are StroyEngineeringGroup OJSC, Trest Mosstroy-17 LLC, MITs Group of Companies, Moscow Vacuum Electric Furnace Plant LLC, the Holding Company of Andrei Sergeevich Mikhalkov and Yulia Aleksandrovna Vysotskaya, Nauka CJSC -Service", LLC "Stroytransgaz-M", JSC Promelektromontazh - STN", Autocenter "OVOD", LLC "ChemPartners", JSC Bell Integrator, LLC "National Information Center", LLC "Orbi Company", All-Russian public organization "Russian Authors' Society (RAO), LLC Piteiny Dom, JSC Construction Company Flan-M, LLC Saratov Poultry Plant Kurnikov, LLC NPF Kostromskaya Medtekhnika, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Main Directorate for Construction of Roads and Airfields, LLC Freshcafe. The most active clients are the Amethyst group of companies: LLC “Otkormochny-Amethyst”, LLC “Kolkhoz Rodina”, OJSC “Niva”; clients with 23 years of work experience, namely individual entrepreneur head of peasant farm Korosko V.I., individual entrepreneur head of peasant farm Machnev V.N., individual entrepreneur head of peasant farm Vasilenko N.N., PSK "Klyuch", peasant farm "Radikal", peasant farm "Debut" ", LLC "Agroelectro", LLC "Central Pharmacy No. 186", Novopokrovsky District Consumer Union, LLC "Novopokrovsky Heating Networks".

The net assets of the credit institution as of August 1, 2017 amounted to 11.4 billion rubles, having added 658.7 million rubles (+6.2%) since the beginning of this year. The growth in the passive part of the balance sheet is due to the influx in the accounts of individuals (+872.2 million rubles), as well as an increase in equity capital (+514.2 million rubles). At the same time, the volume of attractions on the interbank lending market decreased by 400 million rubles, and the bank also partially repaid obligations on its own bills issued (-143.2 million rubles) and reduced the resource base of legal entities (-59.5 million rubles). In the active part of the balance sheet, the bank increased the volume of the loan portfolio (+1.7 billion rubles), other assets (+54.9 million rubles), investments in securities (+40.3 million rubles) and fixed assets (+11 million rubles) . At the same time, the financial institution reduced the volume of interbank loans issued (-1.2 billion rubles), and also, to a lesser extent, reduced the volume of highly liquid funds (-14.7 million rubles).

A significant share in the structure of the bank's liabilities is formed by household deposits (68.8%), the volume of which has increased by 12.6% since the beginning of this year - to 7.8 billion rubles at the beginning of August. Of the deposits of individuals, 95.4% were attracted for periods from one to three years. Funds in current accounts (mainly) and deposits of legal entities form 7.7% of net liabilities. The share of borrowings, mainly from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, is 2.6% of net liabilities, the bank's own bills issued denominated in rubles and US dollars are 2%. The client base is large for a regional bank. The payment dynamics of clients is stable; turnover on client accounts within a month amounts to 7-13 billion rubles monthly. However, since the beginning of 2017, there has been a decrease in turnover on customer accounts by 30.8%. Dependence on funds from individuals is assessed as extremely high. As of June 30, 2017, the bank did not have large clients with balances exceeding 10% of capital under IFRS.

Own funds (capital) have increased since the beginning of this year by 39.9%, amounting to 1.8 billion rubles at the beginning of August, or 15.9% of net liabilities. It is worth noting the increase in the bank’s equity adequacy ratio (N1.0), calculated according to the methodology of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, from 10.02% to 12.75% (with a minimum value of 8%). The capital includes a subordinated deposit attracted from KapitalPromTorg LLC in the amount of 100 million rubles with a maturity date of November 28, 2023.

The main part of assets is formed by the loan portfolio (66.8%). Another 18.1% are investments in the securities portfolio, highly liquid assets - 7%, placement of liquidity in banks - 3.5% (14.5% as of January 1, 2017), fixed assets and intangible assets - 2.9%, other assets - 1.8%.

The loan portfolio - 7.6 billion rubles, or 66.8% of net assets, has increased by 29.3% since the beginning of 2017, due to lending to legal entities and individuals (+911.4 million rubles and +805.7 million rubles, respectively ). 84.6% of the portfolio is represented by the corporate segment. The level of overdue debt and provisions for the entire portfolio are low - 0.9% and 6.9%, respectively. Loans are secured by property collateral of only 42.5%. According to interim reporting for the first half of 2017, 80.6% of loans issued were represented by loans of quality category II. In the structure of the corporate loan portfolio, 77.9% of loans were provided to small businesses. The sectoral structure of the portfolio is dominated by such sectors of the economy as trade (46.5%), construction (13.7%), industry (12.8%). The loan portfolio demonstrates a moderately high concentration on the largest borrowers: 12 of them account for 35.6% of the total loan portfolio (as of December 31, 2016 - 16 borrowers, or 49.3%). Loans issued for a period of up to one year make up 74.1% of the portfolio.

The securities portfolio as of August 1, 2017 amounted to 2 billion rubles, showing an increase of 2% since the beginning of this year. 41.3% of the portfolio is represented by corporate bonds, including foreign issuers. Another 33.9% is made up of investments in OFZs, 14.7% was pledged for repo transactions with the Bank of Russia, and 10.1% was invested in bonds of credit institutions. The portfolio circulates within a month, which indirectly allows us to judge the presence of a significant share of liquid securities in its composition.

The bank is quite active in the interbank loan market, both placing excess liquidity and attracting funds. The bank works mainly with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​interbank lending. The Forex market is active, turnover on relevant accounts is in the range of 1-21 billion rubles monthly.

At the end of 2016, the bank earned a profit of 36.6 million rubles according to RAS (the same figure for 2015 was 90.7 million rubles). For seven months of 2017, the bank demonstrated a positive financial result with a profit of 8.4 million rubles.

Board of Directors: Alexey Demyanov (chairman), Olga Speranskaya, Vladimir Yakunin.

Governing body: Andrey Tarasov (acting chairman), Alexander Kanaev, Zhanna Kurilova, Alexey Selivanov.

Information for depositors of Novopokrovsky Bank, here you will find out where and how you can withdraw your deposit, which bank pays compensation for deposits of individuals, how to receive payment to individual entrepreneurs. In addition, the page provides a complete list of agent bank branches with addresses, telephone numbers and operating hours.

The Department of Public Relations of the state corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency” (DIA) reports the December 4, 2017 insured event in relation to the credit organization Limited Liability Company Commercial Bank "Novopokrovsky" LLC CB "Novopokrovsky" (Krasnodar).

Which bank will make payments?

PJSC ROSBANK became the winner of the competition for the selection of agent banks to pay insurance compensation to depositors, including individual entrepreneurs, of the credit organization LLC CB Novopokrovsky (Krasnodar).

In order to promptly receive applications from depositors, CB Novopokrovsky LLC and pay them refunds on deposits as quickly as possible, the DIA decided to additionally engage as an agent bank JSC Rosselkhozbank.

Wherein JSC Rosselkhozbank will pay insurance compensation to depositors of LLC CB Novopokrovsky living in village Novopokrovskaya Novopokrovsky district of the Krasnodar region.

When will compensation be paid?

Acceptance of applications for payment of compensation for deposits and for inclusion of the bank’s obligations in the register of creditors’ claims (hereinafter referred to as applications for payment of compensation) and other necessary documents, as well as payment of compensation will be carried out from December 14, 2017 to December 14, 2018 through PJSC ROSBANK and JSC Rosselkhozbank acting on behalf of the Agency and at its expense as agent banks. From December 15, 2018, acceptance of applications for payment of compensation, other necessary documents and payment of compensation will be carried out either through agent banks or by the Agency itself, which will be announced additionally.

The list of divisions of PJSC ROSBANK and JSC Rosselkhozbank, their operating modes are posted on the Agency’s official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network (hereinafter referred to as the Internet) (, section “Deposit Insurance/Insured Events” "). In addition, depositors of CB Novopokrovsky LLC can obtain information about the list of divisions of agent banks that pay compensation and their operating hours by calling the following hotline numbers: PJSC ROSBANK- 8-800-200-54-34, JSC Rosselkhozbank - 8-800-200-02-90, Agency- 8-800-200-08-05 (calls to all hotline numbers in Russia are free).

In accordance with the Federal Law, payment of compensation is carried out until the day of completion of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) in relation to the bank. If the depositor (his heir) misses the deadline for applying for payment of compensation, the deadline at the request of the depositor (his heir) may be restored in the presence of the circumstances specified
in part 2 of article 10 of the Federal Law.

Attention to depositors: each of the agent banks is authorized to pay compensation only to a certain group of depositors of Novopokrovsky CB LLC. Groups of depositors are formed depending on the place of residence of the depositor. The distribution of depositors of LLC CB Novopokrovsky was carried out on the basis of information about the address of residence, submitted by them to the bank when opening a deposit (account).

To determine his agent bank, the depositor can use the table below.

Distribution of depositors of CB Novopokrovsky LLC by agent banks

Depositors of LLC CB Novopokrovsky, living outside the populated areas where the branches of agent banks are located, paying compensation, They can also send an application for payment of compensation by mail to the Agency at the address: 109240, Moscow, st. Vysotskogo, 4. In this case, payment of compensation will be carried out by bank transfer by transfer to an account in a bank - a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system, specified by the depositor in the application for payment of compensation, or in cash by postal transfer at the place of residence of the depositor (except compensation for deposits (accounts) opened for business activities). Signature on the application sent by mail (if the compensation amount is more than
3,000 rubles), must be notarized. If there is no notary in the locality, the authenticity of the depositor’s signature on the application can be certified by the head of the local administration or a specially authorized official of the local government body. When sent by mail, the application must also be accompanied by a copy of the investor’s identity document.

INtreasurerAndfor whom, after payment of compensation, part of the bank’s obligations remains outstanding by bankdeposits (accounts) , can receive it during bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) in relation to the bank, subject to the presentation of their claims to LLC CB Novopokrovsky. To do this, the depositor must fill out the appropriate section in the application for payment of compensation when contacting the department of agent banks for payment of compensation. The registration of such claims is carried out by the divisions of agent banks that pay compensation starting from December 14, 2017.

Whenemergencedisagreements related to the amount of compensation to be paid, or the absence of information about the depositor in the register of obligations of CB Novopokrovsky LLC to depositors, the depositor can submit a statement of disagreement and submit it to the agent bank for transmission to the Agency, or independently send such a statement by mail to the Agency, attaching additional documents confirming the validity of the requirements depositor: bank deposit agreement (account), cash receipt order, etc.

Additional information on the procedure for paying compensation can be obtained by calling the Agency’s hotline (8-800-200-08-05) (calls within Russia are free), as well as on the Agency’s official website on the Internet ( , section “Deposit Insurance/Insured Events”).

List of divisions of the Agent Bank of PJSC "ROSBANK" for the payment of compensation for deposits to depositors of the credit institution LLC CB "Novopokrovsky"



Address, telephone

Operating mode

1 Kuntsevo 121471, Moscow, Mozhaiskoe highway, no. 19, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
2 Rublevskoe highway 121609, Moscow, Osenny Boulevard, 9, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
3 Skhodnensky 123459, Moscow, Yana Rainis Blvd., 4, building 1, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
4 TO Western 123242, Moscow, st. Krasnaya Presnya, 12, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
5 University 119607, Moscow, Michurinsky prospect, 9, building 1, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
6 Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard 113628, Moscow, Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, 2, building 1, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
7 Earthworks 105064, Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy Val, 23, building 1, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
8 Malaya Dmitrovka 127006, Moscow, st. M. Dmitrovka, 24/2, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
9 Mendeleevsky 127006, Moscow, st. Dolgorukovskaya, 40, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
10 TO Severny 103009, Moscow, st. Tverskaya, 15, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
11 Nakhimovsky Prospekt 117638, Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, 11, building 1, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat-Sun: closed
12 Southern 117861, Moscow, st. Obrucheva, 30/1, building 1, 8 800 200 54 34 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat-Sun: closed
Total: Moscow 12
13 TO Volgogradsky 400005, Volgograd region, Volgograd, prospect. IN AND. Lenina, 46 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
14 Seven winds 400137, Volgograd region, Volgograd, boulevard named after. 30th anniversary of Victory, 16 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat-Sun: closed
Total: Volgograd 2
15 Kostroma 156000, Kostroma region, Kostroma, Smolenskaya street, 32 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat-Sun: closed
Total: Kostroma 1
16 Starokubansky 350058, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Starokubanskaya street, 114 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
17 Ekaterininsky 350063, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Mira street, 35 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat-Sun: closed
18 TO Krasnodar 350049, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, Olimpiyskaya/Turgenev street, 8/135/1 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
Total: Krasnodar 3
19 Novocherkassk 195196, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Novocherkassky Avenue, 43/17, lit. A, apt. 6-N Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
20 TO St. Petersburg 191186, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Griboyedov Canal embankment, 13 Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-17:00
Sun: closed
Total: St. Petersburg 2
21 Rainbow 410039, Saratov region, Saratov, Entuziastov Avenue, 57 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat-Sun: closed
22 1 Dacha 410009, Saratov region, Saratov, 50 Let Oktyabrya Avenue, 70 Mon-Fri: 10:00-19:00
Sat-Sun: closed
Total: Saratov 2

List of divisions of the Agent Bank JSC Rosselkhozbank for paying compensation on deposits to depositors of the credit institution LLC CB Novopokrovsky

reference Information

Due to the fact that the specified bank is a participant in the compulsory deposit insurance system (No. 100 according to the register, respectively), each of their depositors, including individual entrepreneurs (IP), has the right to receive insurance compensation within the established time frame, provided for by Federal Law dated 23 December 2003 No. 177-F3 “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation.”

Insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of all his accounts (deposits) with the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total. The amount not compensated by insurance will be repaid during the liquidation of the bank as part of the claims of creditors of the first priority (for individual entrepreneur accounts opened for business activities - as part of the third priority). For a bank deposit (account) in foreign currency, insurance compensation is calculated in rubles at the Bank of Russia exchange rate as of December 4, 2017.

Bank license revoked
The license was revoked by order of the Bank of Russia No. OD-3388 dated December 4, 2017

Information about LLC KB "Novopokrovsky"

Bank reliability

LLC Commercial Bank "Novopokrovsky" is a successfully developing regional financial institution focused on servicing medium and small businesses. The bank was founded back in 1990 in the Krasnodar region on the basis of the state agro-industrial commercial bank Novopokrovsky. At first, local entrepreneurs created a bank to provide loans to farmers in the Tikhoretsky and Novopokrovsky districts of Krasnodar. But at the height of the crisis, the bank was acquired by Moscow and Samara businessmen. The emergence of new owners provided the bank with a client base and financial support. In 2011, the head office was moved to Krasnodar. And the main activities of the bank became servicing medium and small businesses. And about a thousand legal entities have already become clients of the bank.

The bank was established in October 1990 in the village of Novopokrovskaya, Krasnodar Territory, on the basis of the state agro-industrial CB Novopokrovsky. Initially, local entrepreneurs created a credit organization to provide loans to farmers in the Novopokrovsky and Tikhoretsky districts of Krasnodar. At the height of the 2008 crisis, the small village design bureau “Novopokrovsky” was acquired by Muscovite Alexey Demyanov and Samara businessmen Vitaly and Vladimir Knaus. At the time of acquisition, the bank's capital was only 4 million rubles, the balance sheet was 50 million rubles, profit was 150-200 thousand rubles, and the number of loans issued barely exceeded two dozen. The emergence of new owners provided the credit institution with financial support and a customer base. In May 2011, the bank's head office moved to Krasnodar. It is worth noting that the Knaus brothers have dual citizenship (Russian Federation and Germany). Vladimir Knaus is also a former co-owner of the Ost-West trading company, and currently a co-owner and member of the board of directors of the Samara JSC StroyEngineeringGroup (repair of gas pipelines in the Moscow-Samara direction). The board of the bank was headed by the former head of the cash settlement center of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Andrey Kolomyts. In June 2017, the authorized capital was increased to 1 billion rubles.

Currently, the main owners of the bank are Chairman of the Board of Directors Alexey Demyanov and member of the board of directors of the bank, citizen of the Russian Federation and Germany Vitaly Knaus, who respectively control 93.315% and 6.685% of shares in the bank’s capital.

In addition to the head office in Krasnodar, the credit institution has three branches (Saratov, Moscow and St. Petersburg), one additional and two operational offices (Kostroma, the “native” village of Novopokrovskaya and Volgograd). The company's own network of ATMs and points of sale includes 17 devices. Bank clients also have the opportunity to use the services of the partner ATM network of PJSC JSCB Rossiysky Capital on preferential terms. The average annual number of personnel, according to IFRS reporting as of June 30, 2017, was 257 employees.

The main activity of the bank's management is servicing small and medium-sized businesses. Key clients are trading, construction, manufacturing, and financial companies. According to the credit institution itself, the key corporate clients are StroyEngineeringGroup OJSC, Trest Mosstroy-17 LLC, MITs Group of Companies, Moscow Vacuum Electric Furnace Plant LLC, the Holding Company of Andrei Sergeevich Mikhalkov and Yulia Aleksandrovna Vysotskaya, Nauka CJSC -Service", LLC "Stroytransgaz-M", JSC Promelektromontazh - STN", Autocenter "OVOD", LLC "ChemPartners", JSC Bell Integrator, LLC "National Information Center", LLC "Orbi Company", All-Russian public organization "Russian Authors' Society (RAO), LLC Piteiny Dom, JSC Construction Company Flan-M, LLC Saratov Poultry Plant Kurnikov, LLC NPF Kostromskaya Medtekhnika, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Main Directorate for Construction of Roads and Airfields, LLC Freshcafe. The most active clients are the Amethyst group of companies: LLC “Otkormochny-Amethyst”, LLC “Kolkhoz Rodina”, OJSC “Niva”; clients with 23 years of work experience, namely individual entrepreneur head of peasant farm Korosko V.I., individual entrepreneur head of peasant farm Machnev V.N., individual entrepreneur head of peasant farm Vasilenko N.N., PSK "Klyuch", peasant farm "Radikal", peasant farm "Debut" ", LLC "Agroelectro", LLC "Central Pharmacy No. 186", Novopokrovsky District Consumer Union, LLC "Novopokrovsky Heating Networks".

The net assets of the credit institution as of August 1, 2017 amounted to 11.4 billion rubles, having added 658.7 million rubles (+6.2%) since the beginning of this year. The growth in the passive part of the balance sheet is due to the influx in the accounts of individuals (+872.2 million rubles), as well as an increase in equity capital (+514.2 million rubles). At the same time, the volume of attractions on the interbank lending market decreased by 400 million rubles, and the bank also partially repaid obligations on its own bills issued (-143.2 million rubles) and reduced the resource base of legal entities (-59.5 million rubles). In the active part of the balance sheet, the bank increased the volume of the loan portfolio (+1.7 billion rubles), other assets (+54.9 million rubles), investments in securities (+40.3 million rubles) and fixed assets (+11 million rubles) . At the same time, the financial institution reduced the volume of interbank loans issued (-1.2 billion rubles), and also, to a lesser extent, reduced the volume of highly liquid funds (-14.7 million rubles).

A significant share in the structure of the bank's liabilities is formed by household deposits (68.8%), the volume of which has increased by 12.6% since the beginning of this year - to 7.8 billion rubles at the beginning of August. Of the deposits of individuals, 95.4% were attracted for periods from one to three years. Funds in current accounts (mainly) and deposits of legal entities form 7.7% of net liabilities. The share of borrowings, mainly from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, is 2.6% of net liabilities, the bank's own bills issued denominated in rubles and US dollars are 2%. The client base is large for a regional bank. The payment dynamics of clients is stable; turnover on client accounts within a month amounts to 7-13 billion rubles monthly. However, since the beginning of 2017, there has been a decrease in turnover on customer accounts by 30.8%. Dependence on funds from individuals is assessed as extremely high. As of June 30, 2017, the bank did not have large clients with balances exceeding 10% of capital under IFRS.

Own funds (capital) have increased since the beginning of this year by 39.9%, amounting to 1.8 billion rubles at the beginning of August, or 15.9% of net liabilities. It is worth noting the increase in the bank’s equity adequacy ratio (N1.0), calculated according to the methodology of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, from 10.02% to 12.75% (with a minimum value of 8%). The capital includes a subordinated deposit attracted from KapitalPromTorg LLC in the amount of 100 million rubles with a maturity date of November 28, 2023.

The main part of assets is formed by the loan portfolio (66.8%). Another 18.1% are investments in the securities portfolio, highly liquid assets - 7%, placement of liquidity in banks - 3.5% (14.5% as of January 1, 2017), fixed assets and intangible assets - 2.9%, other assets - 1.8%.

The loan portfolio - 7.6 billion rubles, or 66.8% of net assets, has increased by 29.3% since the beginning of 2017, due to lending to legal entities and individuals (+911.4 million rubles and +805.7 million rubles, respectively ). 84.6% of the portfolio is represented by the corporate segment. The level of overdue debt and provisions for the entire portfolio are low - 0.9% and 6.9%, respectively. Loans are secured by property collateral of only 42.5%. According to interim reporting for the first half of 2017, 80.6% of loans issued were represented by loans of quality category II. In the structure of the corporate loan portfolio, 77.9% of loans were provided to small businesses. The sectoral structure of the portfolio is dominated by such sectors of the economy as trade (46.5%), construction (13.7%), industry (12.8%). The loan portfolio demonstrates a moderately high concentration on the largest borrowers: 12 of them account for 35.6% of the total loan portfolio (as of December 31, 2016 - 16 borrowers, or 49.3%). Loans issued for a period of up to one year make up 74.1% of the portfolio.

The securities portfolio as of August 1, 2017 amounted to 2 billion rubles, showing an increase of 2% since the beginning of this year. 41.3% of the portfolio is represented by corporate bonds, including foreign issuers. Another 33.9% is made up of investments in OFZs, 14.7% was pledged for repo transactions with the Bank of Russia, and 10.1% was invested in bonds of credit institutions. The portfolio circulates within a month, which indirectly allows us to judge the presence of a significant share of liquid securities in its composition.

The bank is quite active in the interbank loan market, both placing excess liquidity and attracting funds. The bank works mainly with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​interbank lending. The Forex market is active, turnover on relevant accounts is in the range of 1-21 billion rubles monthly.

At the end of 2016, the bank earned a profit of 36.6 million rubles according to RAS (the same figure for 2015 was 90.7 million rubles). For seven months of 2017, the bank demonstrated a positive financial result with a profit of 8.4 million rubles.

Board of Directors: Alexey Demyanov (chairman), Olga Speranskaya, Vladimir Yakunin.

Governing body: Andrey Tarasov (acting chairman), Alexander Kanaev, Zhanna Kurilova, Alexey Selivanov.

As of December 4, 2017, the license to carry out banking operations was revoked from the credit organization Limited Liability Company Commercial Bank "Novopokrovsky" LLC CB "Novopokrovsky" (reg. No. 467, Krasnodar). According to reporting data, in terms of assets as of November 1, 2017, the credit institution ranked 208th in the banking system of the Russian Federation.

LLC CB Novopokrovsky did not comply with the requirements of legislation and regulations of the Bank of Russia in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in terms of timely submission of information and the reliability of information sent to the authorized body, including on transactions subject to mandatory control. The business model of the credit institution was focused on aggressively attracting funds from the population and placing them in assets of unsatisfactory quality.

The activities of LLC CB Novopokrovsky showed signs of dishonest behavior by management and owners, expressed in the implementation of “scheme” operations in order to evade the requirements of the supervisory authority to form reserves for possible losses adequate to the risks assumed.

The Bank of Russia has repeatedly applied supervisory measures against the bank, including the introduction of restrictions on attracting deposits from the public.

In the current circumstances, the Bank of Russia decided to withdraw Novopokrovsky CB LLC from the banking services market.

The decision of the Bank of Russia was made in connection with the credit organization’s failure to comply with federal laws regulating banking activities and regulations of the Bank of Russia, repeated violations within one year of the requirements provided for in Article 7 (except for paragraph 3 of Article 7) of the Federal Law “On Combating Legalization (Money Laundering) ) proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism,” as well as the requirements of regulations of the Bank of Russia issued in accordance with the said Federal Law, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) "

In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia dated December 4, 2017 No. OD-3389, a temporary administration was appointed to LLC CB Novopokrovsky for a period until the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)” or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 of the Federal Law Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” of the liquidator. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit organization have been suspended in accordance with federal laws.

LLC CB Novopokrovsky is a participant in the deposit insurance system. Revocation of a license to carry out banking operations is an insured event provided for by Federal Law No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” in relation to the bank’s obligations on household deposits determined in the manner prescribed by law. The said Federal Law provides for the payment of insurance compensation to bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs, in the amount of 100% of the balance of funds, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total per depositor.

Editor's Choice
Have you tried baking a meat pie in the oven? The smell of homemade baking always brings back memories of childhood, guests, grandmother and...

Pike is a freshwater predator with a long flattened head, a large mouth and an elongated body. It contains a whole treasure trove of vitamins...

Why do you dream of worms Miller's Dream Book Seeing worms in a dream means that you will be depressed by the base intrigues of dishonest people. If a young woman...

Chicken, corn and Korean carrot salad has already become a part of our lives. The recipe can be changed in any way, creating new variations from...
Binge drinking is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. Delay is fraught with negative consequences...
1. THYROID GLAND - (Liz Burbo) Physical blockage The thyroid gland is shaped like a shield and is located at the base of the neck. Hormones...
The city of military glory is how most people perceive Sevastopol. 30 battery is one of the components of its appearance. It is important that even now...
Naturally, both sides were preparing for the summer campaign of 1944. The German command, led by Hitler, considered that their opponents...
“Liberals,” as people of “Western” thinking, that is, with a priority of benefit rather than justice, will say: “If you don’t like it, don’t...