Investigative officer Police Internal Security Department: activities, tasks, structure

OBEP (the correct abbreviation is OEBiPK - department of economic security and anti-corruption) is usually deciphered as the department for combating economic security.

Department employees perform a variety of functions, most of which are aimed at combating economic crimes.

Structural subordination

The department is located under the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Provides the functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the implementation and development of state policy, as well as legal and regulatory regulation in the field of economic security of the entire state. Performs various other functions in accordance with the Regulations on the Department, as well as in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

OBEP is under the jurisdiction of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (stands for the Main Directorate of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). This is an independent unit that is part of the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Serves as the main operational unit for combating tax and economic crimes.

Department functions

The main functions performed by the department and its employees:

  • identifying threats to the economic security of the country within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • development of measures to neutralize threats;
  • participation in the development of federal-level programs to combat crimes;
  • organizing activities to identify, suppress, prevent, and also disclose the most dangerous international, interregional economic or tax crimes in preferred sectors of the economy;
  • the fight against crimes against state power, the interests of the civil service, and local governments;
  • prevention, suppression and identification of the most resonant tax and economic crimes;
  • carrying out preventive measures aimed at protecting any form of property from criminal activity in order to ensure favorable conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and investment;
  • conducting documentary checks, as well as audits, the main purpose of which is to suppress, identify, disclose tax and economic crimes that are international in nature, as well as regional in nature;
  • within the scope of competence, organizing the fight against the laundering of financial funds or other property obtained by criminal means;
  • within the scope of competence, participation in organizing the fight against the financing of extremism, terrorism, and other illegal activities.

Department employees

The employees of this unit are intelligence officers. Most often they can be seen dressed out of shape. They come to the company, justifying their visit with a complaint from a client. A massive inspection initiated by authorities from above can occur in any company.

The basis for verification may be one of 4 points:

  • suspicion of a criminal offense committed by the company or an employee of the company;
  • carrying out preventive measures to avoid committing an offense of an economic nature;
  • checking the activities of the state tax inspectorate using the example of a specific company;
  • "attack" of competitors.

The last point means that these employees are not official detectives, therefore the goal of the fake inspectors will be to obtain information about the company’s activities, its clients, sales data, profits, as well as other confidential information. In the event of such a visit, it is necessary to immediately inform the higher authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To understand whether the actions of an employee who “visited” a company for the purpose of conducting an inspection are within the scope of the law, you need to know what an OBEP detective does.

His responsibilities include:

  • implementation of a set of preventive measures to identify and register persons who have previously been convicted of various crimes, as well as persons prone to criminal crimes and various violations of an economic nature;
  • planning work, maintaining log books, card files, photo albums of previously convicted persons and other persons suspected or of interest to the investigation and operational actions, living or working (appearing) in the territory under surveillance;
  • have agent connections;
  • organize control and surveillance of those people who are registered or who are under supervision;
  • participate in the consideration of applications from citizens about crimes;
  • take, within the scope of their competence, measures related to the disclosure of crimes committed in the current year or earlier;
  • control people prone to committing crimes, as well as places where criminals gather;
  • participate in the collection of material evidence;
  • carry out activities to solve crimes of past years;
  • together with other employees, participate in identifying persons who have committed a crime, review materials and evidence (for example, a counterfeit banknote in change);
  • take into account and analyze committed illegal acts (crimes);
  • make proposals to prevent crimes or eliminate the reasons for their commission.

The job responsibilities of an OBEP detective are very similar to the responsibilities of an MVD detective. However, economic specificity can be traced throughout the work. The main problems that operas face are the sale of counterfeit money, counterfeiting banknotes, documents, giving bribes in various amounts, forgery, identifying facts of illegal business and many others related to the economic sphere of action.

In addition to the duties listed above, OBEP employees are engaged in:

  • checking applications received from citizens;
  • work on the selection and recruitment of candidates for the agent network;
  • interaction with various correctional authorities;
  • conducting trips and conversations on the topic of economic security;
  • increasing your professional level;
  • participation in operational meetings, boards, summing up, planned main operational activities;
  • preparation of reports.

When does OBEP come?

Most often, employees of the given service come to conduct an inspection of the company after a complaint has been received indicating illegal activities. Such a complaint can be filed either by a customer dissatisfied with the service or by a competitor who wants to stay on top.

In this situation, the OBEP detective may come out of uniform, dressed in civilian clothes. After spending some time among ordinary buyers, he will make a purchase of goods and services, and after the fact he will show his ID and ask to present certain documents.

What should companies do if the inspectors do come? Don't panic. If a company is confident that it operates honestly and is not involved in shady schemes, then it will be difficult for an audit to identify facts of violations.

In this situation, it is necessary to clearly and politely fulfill all the requirements of the inspectors. People working in such a structure do not tolerate objections, happily cling to any word and look for a catch in every phrase. However, you also need to know your rights.

If an OBEP detective fills out any documents in writing, you need to politely but persistently ask to be allowed to read them. An incorrect name of the company, type of property, activity, incorrect date - any mistake can cost the business its future, and the owners - their freedom. To avoid troubles in the future, such mistakes must be corrected right there, on the spot, politely insisting on your own.

The OBEP detective must perform duties only within the framework of the law. For example, if a company is asked to disclose a trade secret, justifying the request with words and without supporting it with documents, then management has every right to refuse this request. Trade secrets can only be disclosed upon receipt of an appropriate order from the prosecutor. Such letters are rarely issued; to obtain permission there must be very serious reasons - large shady schemes, third-party evidence of illegal activities received from trusted persons.

It is important to know

This is complex, nuanced work. OBEP detectives are charged with identifying tax violations, but bringing a person to administrative or tax liability is not within the powers of this structure and its employees.

Accordingly, upon detection of a tax crime committed, the commission is obliged to transfer documents and relevant data to the tax authorities of the State Tax Inspectorate. And after that, the tax office is already authorized to bring persons to administrative and other liability on the basis of materials transferred by the Department of Economic Crimes.

The powers of the OBEP detective cannot go beyond the legislation of the Russian Federation. Upon detection of violations by an employee of his duties or abuse of authority, the injured person has the right to file a complaint with the court or a higher authority.

Tax Challenges

Depending on the assigned task, the OBEP detective performs his duties on time and in accordance with the requirements. For example, in the field of tax economic crimes, the objectives are:

  • identification, as well as prevention and suppression of various tax and various other economic crimes;
  • ensuring security for the activities of various departments of state tax inspectorates, their protection from illegal actions in the performance of official duties;
  • prevention, as well as identification and subsequent suppression of corruption in the bodies of the State Tax Inspectorate.

OBEP in transport

In addition to working with office employees, employees of this structure often have to check the transport industry for illegal transactions. An example would be unregistered transportation of goods, cargo, and unaccounted transshipment. Shadow schemes are quite common in this industry, but employees have to spend a significant amount of time identifying them.

The OBEP investigator for transport often investigates shortages. Goods that did not reach their destination could be either lost or sold by careless employees for profit. If an offense is detected, the senior detective of the Department for Economic Crimes forwards the results of the raids to higher authorities.


KUSP is a book of crime reports. Based on applications received from citizens, records of illegal acts are kept. The inspection of the KUSP by the OBEP detective is carried out on the basis of a previously conducted investigation. If the company has received a letter in which this abbreviation is indicated, then, in addition to 4 letters, the letter must contain the grounds on which the company is asked to provide various data. This check is pre-investigative and is carried out on the basis of Art. 144-145 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. The test results are recorded in this journal. Consequently, there is no test as such that bears this name, but the abbreviation has become widespread.

Working conditions and payment

The work schedule is formally considered classic - 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 to 17:00, with a lunch break. However, in reality, the OBEP detective is working irregularly. Salaries for this category of employees vary in different regions; the payment includes various allowances for overtime, length of service, and working conditions. Each federal subject may have its own salary levels.

Work details

Despite the large number of articles about the activities of this structure, information about what the OBEP detective does is rarely found. An article that can be found on information resources on the relevant topic may contain a list of responsibilities or basic behavior when meeting with OBEP employees.

Functional duties, rights, responsibilities of employees of the structure - such information is not disclosed. Legends are almost made up about the work of the Obepovites; their activities are surrounded by rumors. The employees themselves, for obvious reasons, do not talk about their work, so as not to attract unnecessary interest in the activities of the department.

The OBEP detective, while fulfilling his duties, does not report on the legality of his actions, while following the laws that regulate it. It is quite understandable that the activities of the structure, as well as the methods it uses, are surrounded by rumors.

In fact, every opera, being a patriot of his country, clearly fulfills his duties. There are people who commit an official crime, but responsibility for it will inevitably overtake the offender. An OBEP detective who is guided in his work only by legal motives will be a worthy employee. Standing up to protect the economic interests of the country, the employees of this unit perform a service of the same importance as police patrols.

The Moscow Regional Court handed down a verdict in the case of a group consisting primarily of metropolitan police officers. For a long time, its members “protected” various companies and also engaged in contract killings of businessmen. One of the gang leaders was an investigator of the Department of Internal Security (USB) of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, which is supposed to identify “werewolves in uniform.” He did not surrender alive - he died during detention by the FSB of the Russian Federation.

As the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation established, the group was created by a former officer of the Strogino Department of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Rudykh. His gang included Ivan Krasnov, detective officer of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate, former detective officer of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Igor Panteleev, who at the time of his arrest was working as the chief specialist of the Zonal Information Center of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Zohrab Guseinov, criminal investigation officer of the Sokolinaya Gora District Department of Internal Affairs, as well as a whole group of metropolitan police officers. , whose identities have not yet been established.

According to investigators, after resigning from the police in the early 2000s, Rudykh, together with his friends (active police officers), created the private security company Argument. Rudykh’s longtime friend, the twice-convicted “authority” Denis Petrov, also had a hand in organizing the private security company.

In fact, “Argument” was only a cover for operatives who began to very persistently offer their services to various companies. In exchange for monthly contributions, employees of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate promised businessmen their patronage and protection from other representatives of law enforcement agencies and criminal “authorities.” Those businessmen who did not agree to the services of the “roof” could face a very sad fate. Some of them disappeared under mysterious circumstances, others were found with weapons and ammunition. The operatives never had any problems with the arsenal - during searches in the group’s hiding places, a large number of pistols, grenades, explosives, cartridges, etc. were discovered.

While working off the money of businessmen, the opera went to the “arrows” with other police officers, “authorities” (in particular, from the Podolsk organized crime group), and competitors of the sponsored businessmen. With the latter, Rudykh and Co. always preferred to resolve issues extremely harshly. Later, members of the group will tell during interrogations that Rudykh has repeatedly stated: by killing competitors, they tie the “protected” businessmen with blood so that they will never get out of control.

The policemen from the gang were afraid to disobey their leaders (Rudykh, Krasnov and Petrov), calling them among themselves “frostbitten” and “real animals.” It has not yet been possible to accurately determine how many victims the killer operatives counted. The Moscow Regional Court considered only a few episodes from the violent activities of the Rudykh group.

As the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation found out, in the summer of 2002, one of the companies involved in the computer business had a conflict with competitors from Marseille-Trade LLC. The businessmen turned to their “roof” for help; on the orders of the Rudykhs, the head of the LLC, Stanislav Larin, was put under surveillance, and his phones were tapped. Having collected all the information about the entrepreneur, the police decided to eliminate him.

To create an alibi for themselves, in September 2002, Rudykh, Krasnov, Petrov and Panteleev went to St. Petersburg, where they handed over their mobile phones to an accomplice, asking him to constantly call from them, and also buy four tickets to theaters and museums, as if the Muscovites were continuing located in the city on the Neva. The attackers themselves drove to Moscow in cars. On September 25, Ivan Krasnov approached Larin on Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, presented his official identification and asked to drive through, allegedly for interrogation. The businessman began to resist, then the operative handcuffed him and pushed him into the car, in which Panteleev and Rudykh were inside. Larin was taken to a forest area near the city of Stupino, where by that time Denis Petrov had already dug a grave. The operatives strangled the businessman and buried him.

According to the case materials, at the beginning of 2003, Rudykh was approached by the heads of the National Water Resources holding company (NRW), which was engaged in the supply of equipment for industrial water treatment. Businessmen complained that their technologist Timur Gindullin went to work for competitors, and with him took away a significant part of Russian clients and foreign suppliers. Because of this, the holding suffers serious losses.

The technologist got involved in the development of killer operas. On April 22, 2003, on Ramenki Street, Krasnov and Panteleev showed Gindullin “red crusts”, after which they took him to the forest near the village of Vorobyi, Zhukovsky district, Kaluga region. According to the investigation, the unfortunate man was dealt with in a savage manner. Rudykh tied two F-1 grenades to Timur’s head, attached a wire to the pins and walked away to a small shelter. Despite Gindullin’s cries asking not to kill him, Rudykh pulled the wire: there was an explosion. The villains cut off the hands of the mutilated corpse so that the remains could not be identified.

It is noteworthy that the tactic chosen by the group leader to “bind” businessmen with blood brought success this time. In 2006, NRV came completely under the control of Rudykh, and his wife was appointed general director of the holding.

At the end of 2003, a conflict arose between the founders of Module B LLC, which owns a number of buildings in Moscow. Rudykh decided to support one of the parties to this conflict, and soon a new murder was committed. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation found out that on February 27, 2004, on 2nd Khutorskaya Street, four in camouflage with the inscription “police”, hats and masks and with Kalashnikov assault rifles in their hands (the identities of these policemen have not yet been established) tied up the founder of “Module B” Alexander Svirin. After this, the special forces handed the businessman over to Rudykh, Petrov and Krasnov, and they themselves left. The werewolves took their victim to the territory of the Podolsk water utility, where Krasnov shot Svirin seven times with a pistol. The attackers dumped the businessman's body into one of the wells.

The group members were well aware of the working methods of their colleagues, had extensive connections, and therefore remained invulnerable to law enforcement agencies for a long time. Ivan Krasnov, who worked in the Internal Security Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, had access to information about employees who were involved in the development of “special officers.” The gang members screwed up in the summer of 2005. Then a businessman he knew approached Zohrab Huseynov, the detective officer of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Sokolinaya Gora district, and complained that his wife was cheating on him with his business partner Nikolai Kolesnikov. The businessman asked to deal with the competitor, offering to pay $30 thousand for it.

Huseynov introduced a friend to Rudykh, who undertook to do the work. Having received an advance, the leader of the group of operative killers found Kolesnikov in the city of Novozybkov, Bryansk region. On June 9, Panteleev approached the businessman, presented his identification and demanded to go to Moscow to carry out some investigative actions. Kolesnikov began to resist, then the policeman forcibly handcuffed him and began to push him into the car. The screams of the unfortunate man were heard by a police squad passing by. Panteleev showed his ID to his colleagues and said that he was detaining Kolesnikov to take him to Moscow. He did not present any documents for detention; this situation aroused suspicion among operatives from the Bryansk region and they offered to go to the nearest police department. Panteleev and his accomplices chose to escape.

This story attracted the attention of employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District, who were on the trail of the criminal group. The FSB of the Russian Federation also joined the investigation launched by prosecutorial investigators. The first to be detained in 2005 was Igor Panteleev, who soon began testifying about the murders committed by operatives. By this time, most of the other gang members had already gone on the run. On November 23, 2006, counterintelligence officers tried to break into an apartment in Moscow where CSS officer Ivan Krasnov was hiding. He decided to hide along the balconies, fell from the fifth floor and died. Rudykh and Petrov were captured in August and September 2007.

The hearings against the killer operators were held with the participation of a jury, which found all the accused guilty. As Rosbalt was told in the Moscow Regional Court, Vladimir Rudykh was sentenced to life imprisonment, Denis Petrov will spend 23 years in a maximum security colony, Igor Panteleev received 10 years in prison. Zohrab Huseynov, who actively cooperated with the investigation, was sentenced to five years of suspended imprisonment.

If you are considering other options (besides employment as a detective), then do not limit yourself to this selection of advertisements; we have many other positions for different positions. There you can also use the search for offers from direct employers and agencies.

Current vacancies

Requirements for the applicant:

Fitness for service for health reasons, age up to 35 years (former employees up to 40 years), permanent or temporary registration in Moscow or the Moscow region, absence of incriminating information on the candidate and close relatives

Salary: from 50,000 to 65,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary specialized education, mandatory service in the RF Armed Forces

Salary: from 54,000 to 57,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

No work experience required. Men aged from 20 to 30 years old, fit for health reasons (group A in the military ID) and having an education of at least secondary vocational or secondary legal (police college), who have served in the Russian Armed Forces. Having a category B driver's license is welcome. Citizens who have graduated from higher educational institutions with a military department are also invited. !!! MANDATORY permanent registration (more than 2 years) or the presence of your own housing in Moscow, the nearest Moscow region!!! Absence of administrative penalties and criminal prosecution throughout life. In connection with passing a polygraph within the framework of a military medical commission, the use of narcotic substances throughout life is unacceptable!

Salary: from 55,000 to 60,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Men aged 20 to 30 years, permanently registered in Moscow and the immediate Moscow region, fit for health reasons and with an education of at least secondary vocational education, who have served in the Russian Armed Forces. Citizens who have graduated from higher educational institutions with a military department are also invited.

Salary: from 42,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizenship of the Russian Federation, service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, age from 18 to 35 years, education not lower than secondary, medical fitness, permanent residence in Moscow

Salary: from 43,000 to 55,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Education is not lower than secondary.

Salary: from 46,000 to 60,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Resistance to stress

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education, secondary vocational education (basic level). Having served in the RF Armed Forces, fit for service under category A. MANDATORY registration and availability of their own housing in Moscow. Absence of administrative penalties and criminal prosecution throughout life. In connection with passing a polygraph within the framework of a military medical commission, the use of narcotic substances throughout life is unacceptable!

Salary: negotiable.

Requirements for the applicant:

Education not lower than secondary vocational (legal); - desire to serve in internal affairs bodies; - desire to improve professional level and career growth; - desire to have a stable salary; Having a driver's license, confident use of a PC, and sports ranks are welcome!

Requirements for the applicant:

Age up to 30 years, for those wishing to be reinstated in officer service up to 40 years. Secondary or higher education (preferably military or legal), fitness for health, business, moral qualities to serve in the internal affairs bodies, absence of compromising points in the personal biography and the biography of immediate relatives (wife, mother, father, siblings ). Availability of Russian citizenship (strictly without dual citizenship), registration in Moscow and the Moscow region. Welcome: passion for sports, desire to learn.

Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher legal education, full-time study. Registration in Moscow and Moscow region. Military service is mandatory. Please do not disturb those unfit or partially fit for military service.

Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 50,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 35, registered in Moscow, Moscow region, who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Health-fit for service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation - No previous convictions - Admission to 1st health fitness group

Salary: from 45,000 to 55,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Salary: from 45,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education, secondary vocational education, no criminal record, registration in Moscow and Moscow Region or registration for at least 5 years, no work experience.

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education Registration in Moscow and the Moscow region, or registration for at least 5 years! (For young people who have not served in the Armed Forces (in a military ID or certificate, the fitness category is STRICTLY “A”))!

Salary: from 55,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Higher education. Registration throughout Russia, temporary registration in Moscow and the Moscow region. Military service is not required. No work experience.

Salary: from 45,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Men from 18 to 35 years old, higher education, good physical fitness, permanent or temporary (5 years) registration in Moscow and the Moscow region...

Salary: from 45,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

Only higher legal education, computer literacy, decency, honesty, communication skills.

Salary: from 40,000 rub. per month

Requirements for the applicant:

The Office of the Federal Service for Drug Control in the Moscow Region invites men aged 18 to 40 years to serve as operational officers who are fit for health reasons and have higher and secondary vocational education in the specialty "jurisprudence", "jurisdiction", "law enforcement" activities" or work experience in law enforcement agencies, the Armed Forces. ! Citizens who speak Moldavian, Tajik, Farsi and other eastern languages. salary from 50,000

In Moscow, a new arrest took place in a high-profile case of police officers who robbed collectors.

On the night of April 5-6, an accomplice of a gang of robbers was detained in the south of Moscow. 28-year-old Mikheil Rusiashvili was caught leaving the house where his relatives live. After operatives of the Presnensky District Department of Internal Affairs Alexander Zubkov and Alexander Trukhanov were detained, MUR officers carefully tracked down the remaining members of the gang.

At the end of February in Moscow, they managed to detain the leader of several gangs, one of which included Presnensky operatives. A native of Abkhazia named Gogi Kakubava, law enforcement agencies caught up in a 6-room apartment in an elite building. It is noteworthy that the bandit was hiding in a place where they would hardly have looked for him: in the house in the South-West of Moscow where he lived, there is an apartment of the First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mikhail Sukhodolsky.

The Russian Investigative Committee then confirmed the arrest of the bandit leader.

On February 15, 2010, a native of the Republic of Abkhazia, born in 1979, was detained in Moscow, the department told Life News. - According to the investigation, it was he who drove a Lexus car, which on January 19, 2010, hit a traffic police officer on 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street. After that, he and other unknown persons fled the scene. Firearms were found inside the car, including a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

In addition, according to the Investigative Committee, the involvement of a gang of operatives from the Presnensky Department of Internal Affairs in another robbery has been established. In December 2009, they attacked two commercial drivers carrying $1.5 million. When the victims' car stopped at a traffic light, the robbers attacked him and stole a bag with money.

Let us remind you that operatives of the Presnensky police department Alexander Trukhanov and Alexander Zubkov admitted their guilt in court and promised to talk about all the crimes in which they participated since 2003.

Our clients have about 20 such crimes,” one of the lawyers told Life News.

This is despite the fact that at first both police officers at the department told their colleagues that they did not know why they were taken and that they had not committed anything illegal.

During a special arrest operation, werewolves in uniform broke the arm of one of the MUR operatives.

The operative grabbed one of the detainees by the arm, and he jerked so hard that the bone flew out of the joint.

We also had to use force against the werewolves in uniform.

Let us remind you that on Wednesday, February 10, an attack on collectors was prevented in the center of Moscow. During the special operation, four bandits were detained. Two of them turned out to be employees of the criminal investigation department.

Operatives of the 18th Department of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department received information that an attack was being prepared on the Master Bank money carriers on Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street. The police arrived at the indicated location and detained the criminals, who were lying in ambush and waiting for the moment of attack.

During the operation, the police had to open fire.

After the robbers were detained, it turned out that two of them were active police officers.

Both serve in the Presnensky police department,” a law enforcement source confirmed to Life News. - They even call both of them the same - Alexandra.

According to Life News, the police provided cover for the “operation” of the robbers. Investigators are now finding out whether the detainees are involved in such attacks: over the past year and the end of 2008, dozens of robberies of collectors were committed in the capital. The detained operatives had high ranks: Alexander Trukhanov - captain, his colleague Alexander Zubkov - major. Both of them, along with two natives of Georgia, were taken to the Zamoskvorechye police station.

This group came to the attention of employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department and the Internal Security Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate at the end of 2009, said Viktor Biryukov, head of the Information Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. - During this period, operatives carried out a thorough investigation, identified connections and identified possible participants in the crimes. Today they went to commit another crime, and at 14.30 MUR officers made a decision to arrest them. Four people were detained. Employees of the MUR and the CSS learned that among the criminals were two detectives from the criminal investigation department of the Presnensky District Department of Internal Affairs - Zubkov and Trukhanov.

The head of the Office for Interaction with the Media of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Markin, said that a criminal case has been opened in connection with this fact.

One of the detectives is suspected of illegal arms trafficking, Vladimir Markin told Life News, as part of a criminal case initiated on January 19, 2010 regarding the use of violence against a government official in the Tverskoy district of Moscow.

The reform was a success!

What distinguished the re-certified Sverdlovsk police officers: murders, robberies, kidnappings, torture. 180 stories

Has police reform succeeded? In Moscow, they started talking about the possibility of counter-reform - up to the abolition of certification and the return of the previous name “militia”. the site collected all reports of crimes committed by Sverdlovsk police officers during the period from the beginning of the reform - from March 2011 (just shortly before this, Mikhail Borodin headed the Sverdlovsk police). You can just skim your eyes, you can read these sometimes scary, sometimes funny, sometimes tragic, sometimes absurd lines - and decide for yourself whether anything has changed in the police in recent years.

In this collection, we used only official reports from the Sverdlovsk Department of the Investigative Committee. Sometimes they refer to “former police officers” - in most cases this simply means that immediately after the crime became known, people were fired from the force.

Of course, there are also good police officers. There are also feats. There are real heroes too. Glory to them! But anyway, read this list. And the next time, hearing a ceremonial report about the successes of our police, it will be difficult not to think: what if behind what was said lies one of these stories?

March 2011

A criminal case is being investigated against two Yekaterinburg police officers, a man and a woman: they fabricated a case of drug sales against innocent people. During the investigation, it turned out that the police officer also took a bribe of 300 thousand rubles for solving another crime.

In the village of Shalya, a drunken traffic police inspector ran over a local resident jogging in his BMW. The resident died in the hospital without regaining consciousness.

A Yekaterinburg police officer illegally used violence and special equipment (handcuffs) against a 23-year-old unemployed local resident.

A traffic police inspector is suspected of receiving a bribe of 14 thousand rubles from a drunken resident of Sukhoi Log, whom he caught while driving.

Sverdlovsk traffic police inspector Dmitry N. hit an 18-year-old student with his car. He did not help her and left the scene of the accident. The girl died.

Three traffic police inspectors are suspected of falsifying materials about road accidents to obtain insurance payments.

A former detective of the Yekaterinburg police was caught selling 18 grams of heroin for 16 thousand rubles.

Two Yekaterinburg police officers demanded 200 thousand rubles from the person who wrote a confession, promising not to bring him to criminal responsibility.

April 2011

Sergei Ts., traffic police officer of the Sverdlovsk region, while in Ivdel, extorted 3 thousand rubles from a driver caught without a license.

A 37-year-old major from Zarechny destroyed investigative materials for a bribe of 80 thousand rubles and illegally returned the confiscated driver’s license to a citizen caught drunk driving.

An operational officer on duty at one of the Yekaterinburg police departments is suspected of receiving a bribe of 15 thousand rubles from a funeral service. For money, he provided funeral workers with information about fresh corpses.

A traffic police officer who killed a 19-year-old student was sentenced to 150 hours of community service.

34-year-old employee of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Zheleznodorozhny District of Yekaterinburg Ilya M. was found guilty: for 10 thousand rubles he freed a citizen sentenced to administrative arrest for 10 days.

A Revda police officer illegally prosecuted a citizen for drinking alcohol in order to improve his performance.

A patrol officer in Severouralsk shot a deputy platoon commander in the chest in his office.

Two Yekaterinburg police officers who extorted a bribe of 200 thousand rubles were sentenced to fines of 250 and 270 thousand rubles.

The duty officer of the Yekaterinburg police department is suspected of intentionally causing grievous harm to the health of his colleague: after getting drunk, he broke a bottle on his head. The victim suffered a traumatic brain injury and a fracture of the bones of the vault of the skull.

May 2011

The investigation established that the traffic police inspector from Yekaterinburg had been receiving his late grandmother’s pension since 1994.

A 35-year-old traffic police inspector from Yekaterinburg is suspected of stealing seven cars that were arrested by court order.

A Krasnoufimsk policeman was found guilty of extortion. He got into a fight in a bar, and the next day he came to his offender, beat him up in response and extorted 5 thousand rubles from him for moral damages.

The head of the Asbest traffic police will stand trial for organizing a drug supply channel to the region. His accomplices were detained with 27 kilograms of hashish and 123 kilograms of marijuana.

A former detective of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region Central Internal Affairs Directorate was found guilty of raping a 7-year-old girl and a 22-year-old girl. Sentenced to 19 years.

In the Karpinsk area, a drunken 35-year-old police major had an accident, two passengers in his car died.

A 29-year-old police major was convicted of fabricating a criminal case. He managed to purchase the drug JWH in Novouralsk from a person who was actually in Yekaterinburg that day.

A policeman from Yekaterinburg violated traffic rules in his personal car and hit a scooter. The scooter driver broke his hip and suffered a traumatic brain injury.

Serov detective N. did not register the message that came to her from the hospital about the commission of a gang rape.

June 2011

A former high-ranking employee of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Sverdlovsk Region is accused of the following: he filed a claim for non-payment of taxes by the Bogdanovich Porcelain Factory against a non-working resident of Yekaterinburg, who had nothing to do with the activities of the enterprise. He agreed to admit guilt for a reward of 400 thousand rubles. As it turned out, the investigator acted in agreement with one of the leaders of the Uralmash OPS.

Two former Yekaterinburg police officers were found guilty of kidnapping. They kidnapped a businessman in the center of Yekaterinburg, held him in a private house in Staropyshminsk, forcing him to write a receipt for an alleged debt of 7.5 million rubles.

A former police officer of the sobering-up center of the Yekaterinburg Internal Affairs Directorate is accused of raping his 23-year-old friend, who asked for a ride home.

A regional traffic police officer bought a Toyota Camry in Chelyabinsk without documents and himself printed a fake vehicle registration coupon on a printer. He was caught.

The head of the traffic police department in Krasnoturinsk is suspected of exceeding his official authority: he allowed local businessmen to use cars without license plates, and ordered his employees not to bring violators to justice.

Ensign F., working in a training center at the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region, strangled his brother, after which he chopped off his head with an ax.

July 2011

A traffic police officer in Serov took a motorcycle from a teenager without drawing up any report. The motorcycle then disappeared somewhere.

Court decision: five police officers from Nizhny Tagil, investigating serial murders, resorted to torture. They put a plastic bag over her head, beat her on the neck and torso, did not feed her for four days, and threatened to rape her with a bat and a metal hook. As it turned out later, the woman had nothing to do with the murders.

Three former police officers from Yekaterinburg were found guilty of kidnapping a minor. They extorted 1 million rubles from the mother of the kidnapped person.

Two Yekaterinburg police officers were found guilty of torture: having kidnapped a merchant from Tagansky Ryad, they took him to the police station, where they beat him with their hands, feet and a rubber truncheon. The police were sentenced to fines.

A drunken major of the Yekaterinburg Internal Affairs Directorate shot and killed his neighbor in the stairwell with his service weapon.

The case of police officers from Yekaterinburg was brought to court: they stopped a car on the Yekaterinburg-Serov highway, took 99 thousand rubles and a mobile phone from the driver. Then they went to Nizhny Tagil to visit a friend of the first victim and took another 150 thousand rubles and a car from him. Another time, on the same highway, they took 500 thousand rubles from another Sverdlovsk resident. As it turned out, the police took money for not bringing people to justice for drug trafficking.

29-year-old policeman Konstantin V. was detained - he beat detainees at the police department on Chelyuskintsev Street in Yekaterinburg. The victims suffered a concussion, a broken cheekbone, and broken ribs. The policeman claimed that the victims themselves beat each other.

August 2011

Two employees of the Yekaterinburg police department are accused of receiving bribes from pedophiles: they tried to avoid responsibility for the rape of 10 boys.

During an inspection of the Verkhnepyshminsky Department of Internal Affairs, facts of retroactive publication of organizational and administrative documents were revealed.

40-year-old police lieutenant Tatyana A. received a bribe of 18 thousand rubles from a drunk driver.

The former head of the logistics service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region, who was involved in the construction of a departmental residential building, caused damage to the state in the amount of 26 million rubles. Friends of the suspect and other leaders of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region were involved in the construction of the house as intermediaries and contractors.

The 35-year-old deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Alapaevsk is suspected of receiving a bribe for the illegal release of an arrested person. The bribe amounted to one bottle of vodka.

33-year-old policeman from Yekaterinburg Evgeniy S. received a bribe of 15 thousand rubles for refusing to initiate a criminal case. The bribe giver beat up his friend and tried to pay him off.

Two Yekaterinburg police officers received 200 thousand rubles in bribes from a pedophile accused of 26 counts.

A Krasnoturinsky traffic police officer received a bribe from a drunk driver in the form of a promise to install an aluminum heating radiator in his house instead of a cast iron one. The radiator was indeed installed, but then the inspector was exposed.

The head of the police accounting department in Irbit stole 50 thousand rubles by entering false information into payroll records.

A police officer who beat those taken to a sobering-up center has been convicted. 3 years suspended imprisonment.

September 2011

The head of the Kushva Department of Economic Crimes stole 62 items of counterfeit clothing that he discovered during an inspection of the store. Sentenced to a fine of 20 thousand rubles.

A drunken police major had an accident on the Yekaterinburg-Serov highway. His passenger died.

October 2011

A 31-year-old investigator from Yekaterinburg is suspected of falsifying the materials of a criminal case: she composed a report on the inspection of the scene of a burglary, invented the identities of witnesses and even the testimony of witnesses.

An inspection of the police officers responsible for the situation in Sagra revealed massive violations. In particular, the gypsy Lebedev, who had been wanted since 1995, lived quietly in the village in front of the police.

November 2011

A 23-year-old traffic police officer from Yekaterinburg shot his partner in the groin with his service pistol. The partner miraculously survived.

A police officer from the Yekaterinburg Internal Affairs Directorate, having caught the JWH seller, demanded 150 thousand rubles from him, promising otherwise to put him in prison.

A 44-year-old district police officer fabricated four reports of pedestrians crossing the road incorrectly. He did this to improve his performance and please his superiors.

A Nizhny Tagil traffic police officer received a bribe of 18 thousand rubles from a drunk driver. While the CSS officers were chasing her, she threw money out the window.

The head of the public order department of the Zarechny police department raped a 13-year-old and 14-year-old girl. As it turned out later, he liked to regularly drink with schoolgirls.

An employee of the training center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region who killed his brother was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

A 26-year-old Yekaterinburg police officer arrived at the Tagansky Ryad market and took away a batch of tracksuits from one of the traders, without recording this in any way in the protocol.

Two police officers who arrived after pressing the “panic button” did not intervene in the fight in the cafe. One of the cafe visitors was beaten right in front of them. The employees are accused of negligence.

A Nizhny Tagil police lieutenant is accused of violent sexual assault against his twin stepdaughter and stepson.

A 25-year-old traffic police officer from Nevyansk drove into the oncoming lane in his Nissan and got into an accident. The passenger of the oncoming car died. The policeman refused to undergo a medical examination. It later turned out that he was already a defendant in another criminal case for causing bodily harm.

A 30-year-old major from Novouralsk, trying to improve his performance, falsified a drug case and got the suspect arrested. An innocent man spent 5.5 months in a pre-trial detention center.

A Revda policeman tried to stop the offender in a car by grabbing the passenger door. He was dragged several meters along the ground. Having caught the offender, the policeman began to demand 15 thousand rubles from him for not initiating a criminal case.

In the Kirovsky district of Yekaterinburg, police, without presenting identification, tried to detain a suspect in car theft. His father stood up for him, and they beat him.

December 2011

A 34-year-old police captain from Yekaterinburg received 10 thousand rubles from a Vietnamese woman in order not to prosecute her for violating immigration laws.

The Federal Migration Service department detained a wanted former Yekaterinburg police officer who was trying to deregister. He had previously falsified official documents to improve his statistics.

A 31-year-old police officer from Nizhny Tagil, forcing the driver to sign a report on driving while drunk, hit him with his head in the face and broke the motorist’s nose. Then he himself signed the protocol, on the basis of which the driver was deprived of his license for 1.5 years.

A traffic police officer in Yekaterinburg received a bribe of 30 thousand rubles from a driver who was driving while drunk.

Two Yekaterinburg police officers, under the guise of a “test purchase” operation, ate and drank for free in a cafe on Reshetnikova Street, and also damaged the equipment of a catering point.

January 2012

The case of 29-year-old police private Konstantin V., who is accused of beating detainees in a cell, has been sent to court. He claims that the detainees themselves banged their heads against the bars.

Armed people dressed in camouflage kidnapped a Nizhny Tagil businessman and demanded 10 million euros from him. He was able to give them only 80 thousand rubles in cash and property worth 484 thousand, after which he was released. The victim is sure that he was abducted by the police, the information is being verified.

A traffic police inspector in Irbit is accused of carrying out the contract killing of a local deputy using an F-1 grenade.

February 2012

A 40-year-old resident of Yekaterinburg accused police officers of beating her and kidnapping her 9-month-old child.

A 30-year-old man, robbed on the street of Yekaterinburg, turned to police department No. 6 of the Yekaterinburg Internal Affairs Directorate, where he was asked to write a statement that he himself had lost his cell phone and a gold chain. The police officer asked for this so that the statistical indicators would not deteriorate.

A 49-year-old former police officer from Krasnoufimsk is accused of beating citizens and extorting money for failure to initiate criminal cases. Arriving on call to a private house in the village of Aleksandrovskoye, he hit the owner of the house with his head against the wall.

March 2012

The former commander of the PPSM platoon in Yekaterinburg is accused of severely beating a detainee. The tipsy citizen was taken to the police station, where 39-year-old Andrei P. struck him several times in the stomach. As a result of ruptures of internal organs, the detainee died right in the lobby of the police station.

The 43-year-old lieutenant colonel was found guilty of trying to hide data about two thefts so as not to spoil the statistical indicators.

A 57-year-old man came to the Department of Economic Crimes with a statement of fraud. They refused to accept the application, and then the man lost consciousness and died. The official reason is heart disease.

In Sysert, a traffic police inspector is suspected of forging a diploma from the Forestry Technical University. He needed the fake document for promotion.

A 47-year-old man, who was suspected of stealing from his own mother, died at police department No. 11 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Yekaterinburg. The official cause of death was alcohol intoxication.

Police from police department No. 9, in order not to spoil the statistics, refused to register a report of the theft of an amplifier from a car.

April 2012

A 30-year-old senior police sergeant was detained in the Kirovsky supermarket in Yekaterinburg: he was trying to carry out goods (household chemicals, stationery, food) in the sleeves and pockets of his jacket.

A 31-year-old police major is suspected of extorting 14 million rubles from traders from Tagansky Ryad. For this money, he promised to return to them the 46 million rubles and 56 thousand dollars previously confiscated from them.

A 24-year-old police lieutenant from Yekaterinburg promised a person detained for possession of JWH to replace the certificate of examination of the seized substance for 150 thousand rubles.

A traffic police inspector from Zarechny demanded 10 thousand rubles from a motorist who crashed into a fire station building for not drawing up a report.

A policewoman punched an 11-year-old boy several times in the stomach after he had an argument with her daughter.

An investigation has been completed into the actions of a police major from Alapaevsk, who at least six times illegally released citizens sentenced to administrative arrest. For this he took bribes, including vodka.

Two police officers have been detained for beating a security guard from whom they were trying to extract a confession for robbing a jewelry store.

Traffic police officers on the Yekaterinburg-Polevskoy highway released the drunk driver of a Zhiguli. A few minutes later he crashed into the Ikarus and died.

May 2012

The case of two police officers has been brought to court. They grabbed a man at the Geologicheskaya metro station and threw him a bag of a drug-like substance. For failure to prosecute a citizen, they demanded 6 thousand rubles.

A 44-year-old lieutenant from Bogdanovich refused to initiate a criminal case regarding the theft of money from one of the visitors to a city cafe. In order not to spoil the statistics, he himself included in the case materials the woman’s testimony that she allegedly found the money.

A 47-year-old police warrant officer from Verkhoturye, after getting drunk, shot his son in the head with a gun. He died on the spot.

Certain individuals, presumably employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Yekaterinburg, extorted 40 thousand rubles from a market trader on Sanatornaya Street in Yekaterinburg.

A 35-year-old senior police lieutenant deceived a 58-year-old disabled man into giving him his one-room apartment. The lieutenant also took away the disabled person’s bank card, to which the pension was transferred - 7 thousand rubles a month. For three years he withdrew this money and spent it at his own discretion.

June 2012

An investigator from the Ministry of Internal Affairs from Novouralsk, while investigating the theft of a mobile phone, himself stole the found phone, and then destroyed documents about the criminal case.

A 21-year-old police lieutenant from Yekaterinburg is suspected of having hit him on the head several times in his office while convincing a 46-year-old citizen to act as a drug buyer.

A 27-year-old former traffic police officer from Novouralsk is accused of returning a confiscated driver’s license for 40 thousand rubles and deleting information about its seizure from the Sprut computer database.

A traffic police officer from Nizhny Tagil, at the personal request of one of the drivers, illegally ordered his subordinates not to bring him to administrative responsibility.

July 2012

A former traffic police officer will stand trial for releasing a drunk driver for a bribe of 3.5 thousand rubles.

Two traffic police officers from Alapaevsky are accused of releasing a drunk Volga driver for 8 thousand rubles.

Police officers from the Turin region are accused of hiding an act of sodomy with the use of violence, which occurred between detainees in front of their eyes in the premises of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Instead, the police filmed what was happening on video, and subsequently posted the recording on the Internet.

A police officer from Yekaterinburg, driving his personal car, crashed into a road sign support. The policeman himself was not injured, his passenger died.

August 2012

Two traffic cops from Rezh saw a Ford car passing by, driven by a man with whom they had had a verbal conflict the day before in a cafe. They began to chase him with sirens and flashing lights. When the car stopped, the driver was dragged to the ground and kicked. His ribs are broken.

A 42-year-old police lieutenant colonel, violating traffic rules, hit a 76-year-old man with his car. An elderly man has a fractured leg.

Four police officers from Kamensk-Uralsky were found guilty of torturing three citizens all night, suspecting them of theft. Another man was later convicted of the theft.

A traffic police inspector from Nizhny Tagil demanded a bribe of 5 thousand rubles from a motorist who did not have his license with him. Detained.

During the investigation of other crimes, it turned out that Yekaterinburg police officers patronized the work of intimate services salons, receiving for this a total of about 780 thousand rubles.

September 2012

A 26-year-old policeman from Krasnoufimsk forged documents on the purchase of a BMW, helping the car's former owner not to share money with his relatives.

In Talitsa, a traffic police officer is suspected of extorting 4 thousand rubles from a driver who drove into the oncoming lane.

The chief accountant of the police department in Kachkanar is accused of embezzling 65 thousand rubles, which were intended as a bonus for another employee.

A drunken investigator from Serov entered a car dealership at night and damaged three Nissan cars.

A 35-year-old lieutenant from Yekaterinburg illegally gave the man a Toyota Land Cruiser, which had previously been seized from another person on suspicion of changing the unit numbers.

Two police officers from Karpinsk are accused of beating a detained man, including using a stun gun.

October 2012

Two police officers from Yekaterinburg were found guilty of accepting bribes from a pedophile who raped ten boys.

A 46-year-old policeman from Severouralsk, having detained a drunk man, beat him: he broke a rib and damaged a lung.

A 25-year-old operative from the Yekaterinburg Department of Economic Crimes extorted 2.5 million rubles from an entrepreneur, threatening to conduct systematic inspections of his business.

Two police officers from Yekaterinburg are accused of extorting bribes from entrepreneurs, promising to stop checking their businesses after receiving the money. Authorities were detained while receiving money.

The case of a Yekaterinburg police officer who sold the JWH drug to military personnel of one of the military units in the city was sent to court.

A traffic police officer from Kamensk-Uralsky will stand trial for accepting bribes of 1 and 3 thousand rubles.

November 2012

A drunken traffic police officer in Serov climbed inside a Mazda-6 car, drove the owner of the car away from behind the wheel and drove off.

Two police officers from Irbit in an official car hit a motorcyclist, violating traffic rules. The motorcyclist suffered a hip fracture.

Two traffic police officers parked the car on the sidewalk. When a man passing by began filming this on his mobile phone, they took the phone from him and beat him.

The gang that kidnapped a 27-year-old Yekaterinburg resident has been detained. Among the attackers is a serving police officer. During the arrest, the suspects resisted and they had to use weapons.

December 2012

A police officer from Rezh, drinking in a cafe with his colleague, hit him on the head with a bottle and then beat him with a chair. The policeman died.

A police officer from Nizhnevartovsk, who was studying in the Sverdlovsk region, began shooting with a traumatic pistol at his colleague from Yekaterinburg. It was at night in the Zhemchuzhina cafe.

In Alapaevsk, two traffic police officers are suspected of releasing a drunk driver for 5 thousand rubles.

A policeman from Revda, in order not to initiate a criminal case for the theft of a laptop, falsified several statements from the victim that the laptop had been found.

An employee of the rear service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region took money from a Ukrainian citizen, promising to help her obtain Russian citizenship.

A police lieutenant colonel from Yekaterinburg beat up a Zarechny traffic police officer in the police department building.

An investigation is underway: according to media reports, traffic police officers in Yekaterinburg formed a “human shield” from the cars of strangers in pursuit of the violator

A logistics service specialist from the Nizhny Tagil police received monthly kickbacks of 5-7 thousand rubles from a local businesswoman who supplied food to the department.

A motorist driving a Chevrolet Lanos ran over the father-in-law of a traffic police inspector and broke his leg. The inspector demanded 100 thousand rubles to hush up the case.

January 2013

In Serov, a man detained died in a police UAZ. The official cause was a heart attack.

A 41-year-old OBEP employee from Yekaterinburg received 200 thousand rubles from an individual entrepreneur in order not to bring him to criminal responsibility for theft. There is information that the bribe was intended for the head of investigative department No. 10.

An investigation has been completed against two Sverdlovsk police officers who protected sex salons and extorted 14 million rubles from businessmen.

February 2013

Police officers from Sysert are suspected of negligence: having arrived on a signal about a fight in the emergency room of a regional hospital, they did not interfere with the actions of the attackers. As a result, some citizens were beaten, others fled.

Police officers from Verkhnyaya Pyshma were found guilty of negligence in connection with the events in the village of Sagra. The police knew about the brewing conflict, but did nothing. During the investigation, additional facts were revealed: for example, it turned out that the head of the Verkhnyaya Pyshma police department was driving a VW Passat, which was on the federal wanted list.

A detainee hanged himself in a police cell in Bogdanovich. Official version: he hanged himself with his own shoelaces.

A 34-year-old former traffic police inspector, drunk in his BMW, crashed first into a snowplow, and then into three more cars. People got hurt.

Lieutenant Colonel Igor I. from Nizhny Tagil rented out part of the premises of the internal affairs department to entrepreneurs, receiving from them a total of 140 thousand rubles.

A drunken investigator in Talitsa drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a Zhiguli car. Two people died. The policeman was not injured.

Traffic police officers from Kachkanar, in pursuit of statistics, falsified administrative protocols. As a result, the person who was guilty of violating the rules was a man who had already sold his car by that time; This is how the deception was revealed.

March 2013

A drunk man died in a police UAZ in Asbest. The preliminary cause of death is heart disease.

The district police officer in Rezha admitted to the murder of his colleague. 8 years of strict regime.

Police officers from Krasnoturinsk who beat and tortured a man with a shocker received a 3-year suspended sentence at trial.

A 32-year-old police major from Yekaterinburg stole a Ford Focus.

Three police officers were found guilty: they beat a passerby at night, handcuffed him, and placed him in a service car. Then they tortured me with a shocker and beat me again. After transporting the citizen in the car for about an hour, he was thrown back onto the street.

A 31-year-old police major from Novouralsk hit a 14-year-old teenager several times in the hospital emergency room.

The Yekaterinburg policeman turned out to be a participant in the so-called. "Fedorovich's gang." He bought handcuffs and branded uniforms for possible killers.

April 2013

The investigation suspects that a senior criminal investigation officer from Yekaterinburg took 50 thousand rubles for not initiating a criminal case on drug sales.

A former Zarechny police officer is suspected of illegal drug possession: he was detained in his own Mazda with 7 grams of JWH

A woman died at police department No. 5 in Yekaterinburg. Official version: she asked to go to the toilet and died in the stall.

The cases of employees of the Department of Economic Crimes of Yekaterinburg, who, having opened the “cash out” network, demanded 500 thousand rubles from its participants for stopping the inspection, were brought to court. They bargained for 200, and that’s what they took.

A 26-year-old lieutenant tried to get an Infinity car as a bribe, promising to “resolve the issue” with the criminal case of its owner (she was accused of fraud, the case was being processed by the same lieutenant).

On the Kirovgrad-Levikha highway, a Nevyansk police patrol officer committed suicide by shooting himself with a Makarov pistol.

May 2013

A report about the beating of a citizen by police officers in Pervouralsk is being verified

A drunk police trainee in Kamensk-Uralsky got into a fight with a kiosk operator who, in his opinion, sold alcohol to minors.

A traffic police officer from Yekaterinburg, looking at the vehicle database, forged an administrative protocol stating that a certain car owner allegedly did not allow a pedestrian to pass. Having received the notification, he contacted the police, and the deception was discovered.

June 2013

Two police officers from Yekaterinburg extorted 500 thousand rubles from a married couple from Aramil in exchange for not opening a criminal case for drug sales. According to investigators, they planted the drugs themselves.

Interior Ministry officers from Kachkanar will stand trial for torturing a woman they suspected of stealing.

A Zarechny traffic police officer, giving illegal instructions to his subordinates, helped two citizens avoid administrative liability.

A traffic police officer in Yekaterinburg extorted 15 thousand rubles from a female driver for not holding her accountable for leaving the scene of an accident.

The 32-year-old former police officer is accused of fabricating an administrative protocol, forging the text of an explanation and the signature of a citizen allegedly accused of hooliganism.

In Asbest, a local commissioner is suspected of receiving 45 thousand rubles from a representative of a construction company. For this money, the police officer promised not to report violations of labor laws.

To be continued

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