Determining the market value of the car at the time of the accident. Vehicle assessment for judicial and investigative authorities

Good day to everyone reading this. Ilya Kulik is with you. Inheriting a car, registering a comprehensive insurance policy, receiving a full insurance payment, profitable sale and purchase of a car, placing a vehicle on the balance sheet of an enterprise - all this cannot be done 100% effectively unless an expert assessment of the car is carried out. And this is an incomplete list of situations when it may be needed.

And to know what it is and how to properly conduct research on the cost of a car, this article was written. Ready to find out? Then let's go!

Appraisal is the determination of the real value of a property. It is necessary to know the actual price of a car when using it as a product, for reporting, including tax reporting, and when determining the insured amount. The assessment must be carried out in accordance with Law No. 135-FZ of 1998, dedicated to assessment activities.

In some cases, for example, when assessing damage after an accident, an examination of the vehicle is required, which is regulated by Federal Law No. 73-FZ of May 31, 2001. The requirements for the examination are more stringent, since it is intended to be used in court.

How to evaluate a car

The appraisal process may vary slightly depending on the purpose of the appraisal and the appraiser selected. But the main steps are the same.

Step one - choosing an appraiser

The choice of the expert or company to whom you entrust the inspection will depend mainly on the intended use of the results, which determine the type of document indicating the assessment.

For example, an insurance company requires an expert opinion, which only an expert technician has the right to draw up; when receiving a car as an inheritance, an officially issued assessment report, which is drawn up by a specialist qualified as an independent appraiser, is sufficient, and when selling, in general, an online calculation is often sufficient and a report on the condition of the car in any form. Read the next subheading on how to choose a good expert.

How to choose the right artist

The assessment can be carried out either by an expert organization or by a private specialist with the appropriate qualifications. The main thing is that the contractor has documents confirming his education and certification as an appraiser.

Membership of a specialist in professional associations, self-regulatory organizations (SROs), for example, the Russian Society of Appraisers (ROO), the Self-Regulatory Interregional Association of Appraisers (SMAO), included in the state register, is highly desirable. Official lists of SROs and their members are available for download on the Rosreestr website.


Of course, an important argument in favor of one or another specialist (company) is the real experience and opinion of people who have already used their services. It’s good if you have relatives or friends who have experience in assessing cars.

And if there is the Internet (and where isn’t it now?), finding reviews for more or less large organizations will not be difficult. You should look for them on Internet resources specifically designed for reviews, on thematic forums.

Step two – we enter into an agreement with the appraiser

In most cases, it is necessary to come to the company’s office and meet with a private expert. You will need to agree on the scope of services, the place and time of the inspection (if necessary), and provide documents.

An agreement is concluded and the client pays for the services. Documentation of payment must be retained, especially when the results are to be used officially.

Note. In some cases, such as post-accident assessments, it is necessary to notify the interested party of the inspection.

What documents will be needed

In most cases, copies of the following documents are provided:

  • required documents for cars: PTS, registration certificate;
  • identification customer of the research;
  • papers confirming the condition of the car: diagnostic card, service book;
  • certificate of accident(when the car is after an accident);
  • death certificate owner (upon inheritance);
  • balance sheet statement(for organizations).

In addition to the information specified in the documents, the customer provides the appraiser with his contact information, information about the mileage, condition of the car, vehicle defects, additional equipment, and operating conditions. It is advisable to support the data with papers, for example, work orders from the service that carried out the repairs. What exactly is needed in a particular situation will be determined by the expert you contact.

Step Three – Conduct an Assessment

If an inspection is required to calculate the cost, we provide the car to an expert as agreed. It is worth noting that many experts independently travel to the location of the car at the request of the client. Don’t forget to prepare your car so that a specialist can do the job quickly and efficiently.

When an inspection is not required, after delivering the documents, the expert simply needs to wait for the results. The period for drawing up the report is usually specified in the contract; it can be several hours, in simple cases, or several days.

How does assessment work?

Certified appraisers always use certified methods that comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Depending on the situation, the specialist chooses the most suitable order and method of work. There are three main approaches to car valuation:

  • profitable– the cost is calculated based on the estimated income from the operation of the vehicle, suitable for assessing the property of organizations, especially those with a large fleet;
  • comparative– the price is determined by comparison with similar offers on the market; it is often used when determining the cost of a car when selling or buying;
  • expensive– determining the cost by the amount of money that needs to be spent on a similar new item is most often used in evaluation, as it allows one to obtain results that most fully correspond to today’s reality.

In accordance with the chosen approach, the condition of the car, and the purpose of applying the research results, the expert selects specific techniques.

Valuation using the cost approach

When using the cost approach, the cost is calculated as follows:

  1. the cost is calculated a similar car in new condition;
  2. the depreciation wear coefficient is determined, various costs for cars;
  3. real price is calculated car at the time of assessment.

Usually, the cost of car systems and elements is calculated separately, that is, the price of the body, the price of the engine, the price of glazing, the price of brake system elements, etc. The calculation takes into account the make and class of the car, mileage and year of manufacture, and operating conditions.

If necessary, and if you have high-quality photographs of the car, it is possible to make an assessment based on the photo. But this possibility must be discussed with an expert in each specific case.

Step four - getting the result

All calculation results are displayed in a report or expert opinion in accordance with current legislation. When evaluating a car for sale, experts can give their opinion on the general condition of the car and the profitability of the purchase. The report also indicates the methods used. When assessing “for yourself”, it is also possible to write a report in any form.

The report must be numbered (the number of pages is fixed) and stapled. Copies of the examined documents and photographs are attached to the assessment results. The official document bears the seal of the organization, the signature of the specialist who carried out the research, and the head of the expert organization.

Many expert organizations offer a courier delivery service for reports. Therefore, often you don’t even have to go to the expert organization only once - to conclude an agreement and submit documents.

That's all, now you know the exact cost of the car you are interested in, the authenticity of which is confirmed by serious documents.

Note. Do not forget that the assessment is made based on the condition of the car at a specific point in time. After some time, which depends on the intensity of use of the car, the results will no longer be relevant. Therefore, order an assessment when you need to provide its final result.

How to prepare a car for inspection

To appraise a car, in most cases an expert will need to inspect it. To make the specialist’s work more convenient and to increase the efficiency of his actions, it is necessary to prepare the car. There is nothing complicated about it.

Clean and easy access

Firstly, the car must be clean. It's simply rude to force an expert to work on a dirty car. In addition, damage may not be visible under the dirt. Therefore, before inspection, be sure to visit a car wash or clean it yourself.

Note. Some expert organizations themselves provide a washing service before the inspection.

Secondly, there should be no foreign objects in the car, including in the trunk. After all, sometimes it is necessary to inspect the elements of the body from the inside, primarily in the rear part of the car, as it most often suffers in accidents, for which a specialist will need to remove the rugs, upholstery, and unnecessary objects will only get in the way.

Note. If you plan to go to the examination under your own power, the items required by traffic regulations: first aid kit, fire extinguisher, warning triangle, must be in the car. Just make sure you can quickly get them out of the car.

Thirdly, the hood and trunk lid should open easily. If this is not possible due to technical conditions, inform the expert in advance.

Fourthly, make sure that there is access to places with the VIN code and unit numbers. Clean them if necessary.

What else?

Although this does not entirely apply to a car, do not forget to take with you all the necessary documents. Following these simple recommendations will allow you to conduct your research as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Cost of assessment

Payment for the services of an expert appraiser will depend on the volume and complexity of the work, which, in turn, varies depending on the purposes for which the results of the study will be used. And also the price will change with the choice of the type of presentation of the assessment results. An inspection report is one thing, an expert opinion is quite another.

In some cases, the assessment takes place without inspecting the car; its cost, of course, is less than when conducting a technical examination of the vehicle.

Prices start from 1000-1500 rubles, for preparing a report for a notary when receiving an inheritance. No inspection is required. They will charge a little more for drawing up a report for the division of property or accounting, also without checking the car itself.

A standard examination with inspection costs around 3,000 rubles. Typically, expert companies provide extended capabilities, such as photography, travel to the inspection site, delivery of the report, for an additional fee.

When is peer review used?

Situations when you need to find out the real price of a vehicle are very diverse. One thing they have in common is the need to find out how much the property is really worth.

But the ultimate goal of obtaining and using this knowledge is different, so different requirements are placed on the process and presentation of the assessment results. I will now tell you about the most typical cases.

After an accident

An assessment of a damaged car is needed mainly to obtain insurance compensation or compensation from the person responsible for the accident. Typically, the study is limited to calculating the monetary costs of restoring a car, but in some cases, for example, if it is impossible to repair a vehicle due to total damage, the determination of the cost of the car itself (usable remains) is also used.

The assessment is carried out through an inspection by the insurer or. To calculate, when the policyholder is not satisfied with the assessment given as a result of an inspection of the vehicle by an insurance company employee, he has the right to demand that an auto examination be organized.

Independent organization of research

For an insurance company

At the time of buying

The buyer is interested in assessing the car to be purchased for two main reasons:

  • so as not to overpay;
  • so as not to buy a problem car(in poor technical condition, with, etc.).

So the second aspect is more important when purchasing, since the cost, with some experience, can be determined quite accurately on your own, namely the valuation of the car. Therefore, only machines are usually carried out.

But as a rule, when expert organizations analyze the technical condition, they also draw up a conclusion about the price of the vehicle, which will allow you to immediately find out whether the specimen in question is worth buying and whether you should pay money for it.

Other cases

There are many more situations when it is necessary to find out the real value of movable property, for example:

  • divorce;
  • car pledge;
  • writing off or placing a vehicle on the balance sheet organizations;
  • capital valuation enterprises.

If official documents are needed, and in most cases this is the case, expert assessment is indispensable. After all, it is necessary that the court, tax authorities and other authorities do not have doubts about the reliability of the value of the property.

Online assessment

It is not always possible to provide a car for inspection, but almost everyone has access to the Internet. Therefore, online car inspections have recently become widespread.

Expert assessment remotely

With the development of the popularity of various Internet services, expert organizations began to offer online vehicle assessment services. You should only contact an organization that has certified experts who conduct routine examinations.

To find out the cost of a car, you need to send as much information about the vehicle as possible through a special form on the website or by email, as with a regular examination. The specialist, using the data you provide, will carry out the necessary calculations and send you a report by email, and in some cases, paper documents by mail.

This is a good option if you want to accurately find out the real price of the car without much hassle. But it should be remembered that with this method you can miss some nuances that affect the cost, therefore, there is no 100% confidence in the reliability of the result, especially when it comes to the assessment after an accident.

Moreover, an online assessment is not suitable if a mandatory inspection of the car is required to obtain official documents confirming the assessment. When an inspection is not necessary, for example, to enter into an inheritance, this option is quite suitable. Just in case, check with the company when ordering an online examination what documents you will be able to receive and what validity they will have.

Online car cost calculator

Nowadays you can find many resources on the Internet that allow you to calculate the price of a car, many of them are free.

Most of them are designed as online calculators: you enter data about your car and get an approximate cost. Sometimes the result is sent to you by email or by phone. Here are some of them:

    Moreover, online calculation, as well as remote assessment in an expert company, does not allow obtaining official documents necessary for insurance companies, courts, etc.

    Therefore, an online calculation will not replace an expert assessment and will only be needed when you need the market price for a car when buying/selling, which is what these online services were created for.

    Let's sum it up

    • car valuation– a fairly inexpensive, but often necessary procedure;
    • machine inspection not required in some cases;
    • do the work must be a qualified appraiser or expert;
    • online assessment– a convenient modern service, but not suitable for everyone.


    As I hope you have seen, appraising a car is not difficult. For a low price and in a short time with minimal hassle, you will find out the real cost of your transport, confirmed by an official document.

    Video bonus: 10 unexpected collapses of residential buildings.

    P.S.: In the photo in the article Mitsubishi Eclipse. The originals are here:

After an accident, the driver will have to contact the insurance company to receive compensation or a referral for car repairs. The procedure is not complicated, but it is labor-intensive and time-consuming.

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It's fast and FOR FREE!

And before contacting the insurer, you need to study the rules for restoring a car after a traffic accident.

What does the cost depend on?

The cost of repairs depends on the damage sustained as a result of the accident. To determine the amount of damage, an assessment is carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. On one's own. The driver can visually assess the damage without calling the traffic police. For this purpose, a Europrotocol is drawn up, according to which maximum compensation can be received from the insurance company in 50,000 rubles. It is important to take into account that errors should not be made in the documents, which could lead to refusal of payment.
  2. Experts. According to the latest changes in, damage assessment must be carried out by an expert appointed by the insurer. In case of litigation, an independent examination is carried out in third-party organizations.

Drivers rarely use the European protocol due to the complexity of paperwork. The slightest mistakes will lead to the insurer refusing to issue a referral for car repairs.

You will have to prove your right in court, but this method has significant disadvantages:

  • lengthy proceedings, including drawing up a statement of claim, collecting evidence, conducting an examination, etc. Litigation can last several months;
  • it is necessary to pay the costs of filing a claim and conducting an examination;
  • the proceedings do not always end in favor of the plaintiff or the insurer is obliged to pay an amount less than the actual damage to the car.

Considering the shortcomings of the European Protocol, drivers prefer the classic option, which consists of registering the scene of the incident by traffic police.

In this case, the damage assessment is carried out by professional experts working with the insurance company.

And to find out the cost of repairs, you will need to submit an application within 5 days from the date of the accident and provide the necessary documents. They include an inspection report of the car at the scene of the accident.

This document contains important information:

  • information about the inspection of the damaged vehicle and information about the owner;
  • grounds for conducting an independent examination (road accident in the form of a collision of two or more cars);
  • a detailed description of the scene of the incident;
  • information about the damage received, which is visualized at the time of inspection (this includes dents, chips, scratches);
  • information about possible hidden damage to the vehicle (it must be indicated in which part of the vehicle internal damage may occur);
  • data on external factors that made it possible to determine the cause of the accident and the guilty party;
  • signatures of the parties agreeing with the specified information and the full name of the employee who prepared the document.

The inspection report must be accompanied by photographs from the scene of the incident, which visualize:

  • license plates of the vehicles involved in the accident;
  • general damage plan;
  • Close-up of each damage.

Taking into account the specifics of the work of insurance companies and the rules for obtaining insurance, the cost of repairs is influenced by the following factors:

  • the number and type of damage received;
  • no errors in documents;
  • completeness of information in the inspection report;
  • quality of information from the scene of an accident.

Much depends on the integrity of the insurer. Reluctance to make payments leads to lengthy litigation and a reduction in the amount of compensation.

The insurer may charge fees for bank transfers, payment processing and other imaginary services.

The policyholder should know that according to the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance, the insurance company is obliged to fully reimburse all costs associated with restoring the car after an accident. You don't need to pay anything out of pocket!

Who assesses the cost of car repairs after an accident?

The cost of car repairs is calculated after assessing the damage.

As mentioned earlier, this is done in three ways:

  • on one's own;
  • insurance company experts;
  • independent experts.

Self-assessment of damage is possible for minor damage totaling up to 50,000 thousand.

In this case, the basis for receiving compensation or referral for repairs from the insurance company is.

The second way to assess damage is to contact experts collaborating with the insurance company. As a rule, the service is free, but has an increased risk of receiving incorrect calculations.

It is not profitable for insurers to pay for expensive repairs, so the amount of damage is often greatly underestimated. The opposite can only be proven in court.

But it is worth writing a statement of claim only if the policyholder is confident that the calculations were made incorrectly, so as not to incur the costs of pursuing a lawsuit.

It can be difficult for drivers to prove that their car has hidden damage. Appraisers miss this point by indicating only visible scratches and dents in the report.

The policyholder needs to personally monitor this process, relying on the vehicle inspection document drawn up after the accident.

If the driver does not agree with the assigned amount, he will need to go to court, which will order an additional examination.

It is more profitable for the driver to contact an independent expert and pay for his services. This will provide up-to-date information about the cost of repairs. But this opportunity is not always provided.

According to the rules of OSAGO, the examination can only be carried out upon the direction of the insurer.

And if the insurance company gives permission to contact a third-party organization, then the driver can send his car to a professional expert.

Prices for appraiser services

The cost of appraiser services depends on several factors:

  • type of vehicle;
  • the amount of damage caused;
  • region of location;
  • availability of additional services.

The cost of paying for the appraiser's services is borne by the driver. But if the examination is carried out at the request of the court due to the insurer underestimating the amount of compensation, then the money spent will be reimbursed by the insurance company.

If an independent examination produces a similar result, the insurer is not obliged to compensate the costs.

Let's consider the approximate cost of the services of an appraisal company, depending on the type of vehicle:

Vehicle type Light damage (up to 60 thousand rubles) Average damage (up to 150 thousand rubles) Heavy damage (more than 150 thousand rubles)
A car 3,000 rub. 4,500 rub. 5,500 rub.
Freight car 5,000 rub. 7,000 rub. 12,000 rub.
SUVs 5,000 rub. 6,000 rub. 11,000 rub.
Minibuses 4,000 rub. 5,500 rub. 10,000 rub.

The indicated cost is approximate. The exact price for services is calculated individually after contacting the appraisal company.

To do this, you will need to present the car for a preliminary inspection in order to visually assess the upcoming work and announce the cost of the service.

It is worth considering that appraisers are responsible before the law for the accuracy of the information provided. For this reason, they do not take bribes to inflate the amount of damage.

If a violation of this type is revealed during the trial, the driver and the appraisal company will have to bear criminal liability.

The insurance company has the right to go to court if the indicated amount of damage seems too high. To determine the actual amount of losses, another examination will be carried out, on the basis of which conclusions will be drawn.

When to start

Many car owners try to repair their car as quickly as possible after an accident.

But this cannot be done: first, the damage is assessed and the amount of damage is calculated. This is the only way to receive payment from the insurance company.

Often, car owners carry out repairs first and then present the bill to the insurance company. Such actions are beneficial only in terms of time: the car gets on the road faster.

But the insurance company has the right to refuse compensation to the insured for the money spent, since it is impossible to adequately assess the amount of damage caused in the accident.

Repairing a car after an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance is carried out after performing a number of actions:

  1. Preparation of required documents.
  2. Contacting the insurance company.
  3. Damage assessment.

All of the above actions take several weeks, and sometimes even months. But in order to receive compensation in full, you will have to spend the specified time period.

Restoration of the car begins after agreeing on the indicated amount of compensation and the cost of repair work.

If the policyholder agrees with the terms of the insurer, he is given a referral to a service station or compensation is paid.

In cases where the car owner is not satisfied with the announced amount, he can go to court to appeal the decision.

If the policyholder has made a choice in favor of receiving monetary compensation, then he will also need to wait for the examination.

The process of issuing money itself consists of several stages:

  1. Notifying the insurance company about the occurrence of an insured event. This must be done immediately, after calling the traffic police and providing medical assistance to the injured people.
  2. Contacting the insurance company. The deadline is 5 days. If the policyholder, for good reason, cannot visit the insurer’s office, one of the relatives can do so, subject to the provision of a medical certificate.
  3. Appointment of examination. The car owner and the person responsible for the accident must be present. After the examination, the amount of damage and repairs is announced. If the policyholder agrees with the amount of compensation, all necessary documents are signed.
  4. Receipt of funds within 20 days from the date of issue of the decision. Compensation is transferred to a bank card or account using the specified details.

What is better after an accident, money or repairs?

When choosing between receiving monetary compensation and agreeing to repairs, you should take into account the insurance rules. Many insurers do not provide a choice by issuing a referral to a service station after an assessment.

If it is possible to give preference to one of the two options, you should consider the features of both methods of car restoration.

Car repairs sent by an insurance company have some nuances:

  1. The policyholder does not have the opportunity to choose a service station. The car will have to be sent to a workshop with which the insurer cooperates. And this is not always convenient in terms of the organization’s distance from home, its reputation and other parameters that the driver usually pays attention to when choosing a service station.
  2. The policyholder will have to leave the car at the station without controlling the process of restoring the car. And this threatens with poor-quality repairs and missing hidden damage.
  3. After poor-quality repairs, there is no one to make a claim to correct the defects. The insurance company says to contact a service station. The workshop claims that they did everything for the amount that was transferred from the insurance company.
  4. Repairs are paid for, taking into account wear and tear of parts; you will have to pay extra at your own expense.
  5. It takes a lot of time to issue a referral to a workshop and repair a car. The policyholder sometimes has to wait several months. In the best case, the car is running and you can move around on it.

And if the car was badly damaged in an accident and cannot be used without repair, you will have to make do with other means of transportation for several weeks.

Having received the money in hand, the car owner can independently choose a workshop and decide on the need for repairs. In some cases, restoring a car is pointless; it is faster and more profitable to purchase a new vehicle.

Choosing an auto repair shop yourself allows you to save money by choosing an organization where services are provided at low prices.

And in case of poor-quality repairs, there is someone to demand compensation for damage or re-carrying out the work.

But receiving monetary compensation is not always relevant. In some cases, there is not enough money to restore the car, and you have to pay extra from personal funds.

The insurance company is obliged to fully cover all costs associated with repairing the car after an accident.

But the policyholder must decide for himself: to take advantage of the insurance company’s offer or take compensation for further repairs of the car.

It should be borne in mind that insurers are reluctant to agree to pay out money, so you will have to wait a long time for the funds to arrive in your account.

How to protect yourself from deception

Restoring a car after an accident is a long and labor-intensive process that requires utmost attention.

You cannot completely trust the insurance company and the service station where the referral for compulsory motor liability insurance was received. Often repairs are carried out poorly and new damage may appear.

To avoid this, you should follow several rules:

  • if there is a choice of auto repair shops, you should choose an organization with good reviews and reputation;
  • when handing over the car, a vehicle acceptance certificate must be drawn up, which indicates all existing damage;
  • An agreement is drawn up with the auto repair shop, which specifies a list of planned work with the cost of the service;
  • After completing the repair, be sure to check the quality of the work and check the contract.

If the policyholder is dissatisfied with the quality of the work performed, he can write a complaint and not sign the car acceptance certificate.

Issues regarding the repairs made should be resolved on the spot; in the future, defects will have to be corrected at your own expense.

What is an insurance appraisal?

This refers to the insured value of the car. The insured value of a new or used car is determined when insuring it under CASCO, which is fixed in the insurance policy (contract) and is defined as the actual value of the car at the time of concluding the insurance contract; in fact, the insurance valuation is an assessment of the market value of the car.

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Car valuation - estimating the value of a car, what are the types of value?

A car appraisal is an expert’s documented conclusions about the value in the process of determining it.

1. The market value of a car is its most probable estimate at which it can be sold in an open market and competition, when the seller and buyer act reasonably, having all the necessary information about the object of sale and expressed in monetary form. The market valuation of a car is fundamental in the entire range of valuations, as it is intended for most needs in human life.

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Why is the market value of a car assessed?

The market value of a car (as an object of valuation) is the most probable price at which a given car can be alienated (sold) on the open market in a competitive environment, when the parties to the transaction act reasonably, having all the necessary information, and no changes are reflected in the value of the transaction. or emergency circumstances.

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How to estimate the salvage value of a car?

The liquidation value in the assessment is the cost of a vehicle (car) sold in the process of liquidation of the enterprise on the balance sheet of which it was located. The upper limit of the liquidation value is the market value of the vehicle (car), the lower limit is the salvage value. In accounting, liquidation value is the residual value of vehicles that have expired and are being written off, or proceeds from the sale of liquidated vehicles that are not suitable for further use, as well as vehicles that cannot be restored after damage received as a result of an accident, natural disasters or other objective reasons. .

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Is it possible to evaluate inherited property (car) without presenting it?

An assessment of inherited property (in particular a car) carried out for submission to a notary's office necessarily involves an inspection, drawing up an inspection report and photographing the property being assessed.

This is done to identify it and record damage (operation defects) with the attachment of inspection results and photo tables in the assessment report.

Car valuation without an inspection can be carried out only if there is a written ruling from the court, the prosecutor's office and the investigative bodies.

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What is an estimate of the residual value of a car?

When assessing the residual value of a car, the starting point is the price of a new car, which is determined on the basis of prevailing prices for new cars in a given region, provided by organizations that sell them or obtained from periodicals. If a given car model is discontinued, then the price of a new analogue car must be adjusted by the reduction coefficient, i.e. the price of a new analogue car is reduced by 5-20%.

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How is the salvage and disposal value of a car calculated?

The calculation of a particular cost of a car is determined by the goals and objectives of the assessment in accordance with the agreement between the appraiser and the customer.

In general, any value of a car is created and maintained according to the economic principle of supply and demand. The concept of cost in general reflects the most likely (estimated) price of the car, which will be paid by mutual agreement of the parties (seller and buyer) at a given time.

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How is an independent assessment of car damage caused by hooliganism carried out?

Damage to a car can occur not only in the event of a road traffic accident (accident), natural disasters (hail, hurricane, fallen trees, etc.), acts of negligence, but unfortunately also in cases of illegal (hooligan) actions of third parties .

Currently, the number of such cases is growing exponentially.

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How are additional and attachments assessed?

When conducting assessments and auto examinations, recently, auto experts are increasingly faced with deviations in the vehicle’s configuration compared to a new, similar one, that is, having additional equipment. In this case, the cost of the car during the assessment is adjusted (minus the percentage of depreciation) taking into account the cost of the installed additional (attached) equipment (equipment). For each year of operation of installed additional equipment (equipment), 8% of its cost is withdrawn. The price and service life of the equipment must be documented (price list, receipt, passport, etc.). When conducting an auto examination and in the event of damage to installed additional equipment within the framework of compulsory motor liability insurance, the damage caused to it is also included in the calculation of the total cost of restoration repairs. As part of CASCO insurance, the installed additional equipment must be described and included in the insurance contract. If they are not included in the equipment list, damage to additional equipment is not included in the repair calculation.

Assessment of material damage after truck accidents?

Auto examination(damage assessment after an accident) trucks, motorcycles and buses, is carried out in the same way as cars.

The labor intensity standards for restoration of trucks (motorcycles, buses) are determined by the manufacturing plants of a certain brand (model) of the vehicle, and the cost of a standard hour is approved by the management of the service station of the official dealer of this brand or the market average prevailing in this particular region is taken.

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Car assessment. What are usable balances and how are they calculated?

The usable remains of a car that has suffered a traffic accident are serviceable (undamaged) its units (assemblies, parts), which have their own price (i.e. residual value), are suitable for further use and which can be dismantled from the damaged car and sold ( sell).

Thus, the cost of usable remains is their real (probable) price at which they can be realized (sold), taking into account the costs of their dismantling, storage and sale. In other words, the salvage value is the cost of functional parts on the used parts market minus the cost of removing them from the damaged vehicle and trade costs.

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What are operating defects when evaluating cars?

Vehicle assessment(car) is, as is known, based on the results of assessment by two approaches (cost and market).

The income approach is applied only if there is a special purpose in operating the car that generates income. On car valuation using the cost method (i.e. when determining its residual value), as well as when conducting auto examination on the subject damage assessment and determining the value loss of market value(UTS), a significant influence on the assessment results ( auto examination), have operating defects that are caused by abnormal storage (operation) conditions of the vehicle, as well as improper care of it.

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What reduction factors exist when valuing a car?

Car valuation- these are the expert's conclusions ( appraiser) about its value and the actual process of determining it. Usually appraiser determines the market value of the vehicle, since it is what is needed for various purposes and tasks.

As you know, the market value of a car is determined by two components: assessment. This is the residual value, calculated using the cost method, and the market value, determined using the comparative (comparable) sales method.

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How and when is the income method used in valuation?

Appraiser in his work he is obliged to use cost, comparative (market) and income methods (approaches) to assessment.

Appraiser has the right to independently determine the specific methods used. Refusal to use any method, appraiser must justify it in his report.

The income method (approach) is used when appraiser has reliable information that allows one to predict future income from the use of the subject of assessment in certain cases, as well as associated expenses. Those. in the case of applying the income approach, the appraiser determines the amount of future income and expenses and the time (moment) of their receipt.

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How is the average annual mileage of a car determined?

When assessing and auto-examination of a car, to determine its physical wear and tear, which is necessary when calculating the market value of the vehicle (in the appraisal) and determining material damage (in the auto examination), the appraiser (auto expert) relies on the value of the actual mileage of the car, determined by the odometer (speedometer) reading. or accounting documents. Moreover, the appraiser (auto expert) places a photograph of this testimony in the photo tables of his assessment report (expert opinion). In doubtful cases (replacement of the instrument panel, violation of its sealing, obvious underestimation (twisting) of readings or absence of a speedometer at all), the specialist decides to determine the car’s mileage based on the average annual value. It should be noted that the total mileage of a vehicle in this case is determined by its actual age to one decimal place (i.e., the month of start of operation), the date of which can be found out from the registration documents for the car (vehicle passport). The end date of the vehicle's service life is the date of assessment (vehicle examination).

Read more about the car assessments material damage, appraiser ( auto expert) calculates the depreciation of the vehicle as an object of assessment. Depreciation is the loss of value of a car due to the intensity of its use, period of use (storage), as well as due to the development of scientific and technological progress, which has led to the production of more advanced vehicles.

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Justification for the economic depreciation of a car? At car assessment auto examination(, as well as during the damage assessment

), various types of wear are used. These are physical, natural (normal), emergency physical, functional (moral), as well as economic (external) obsolescence (wear and tear). Economic wear and tear of the car

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- this is the loss of its value as an object of assessment, due to the influence of external economic factors. First of all, this is a change (loss) in consumer demand caused by general economic changes or intra-industry factors that lead to a catastrophic drop in demand for certain brands (models) of cars.

Calculation of depreciation for car insurance?

When insuring a car under a CASCO policy, the physical wear and tear necessary to determine its market value is calculated. can be determined by various methods, the results of which do not differ much from each other and have a big influence on the determination market value of the car when insuring it, they do not. If an insured event occurs, the physical wear and tear of the insured vehicle necessary for auto examination (damage assessment), will change (increase) over time, because its value is directly dependent on the age and mileage of the car.

What is refurbishment?

Refurbishment- this is a set of works that must be performed to restore the technical characteristics and consumer properties that the car had immediately before the damage.

In general refurbishment involves the following works: dismantling/installation; checking and adjusting units and components; replacement or repair of individual units, components and parts; painting of individual elements or the car body as a whole.

The need to assess the value of a car (or other vehicle) for the court most often arises during legal proceedings for compensation for damage after an accident or during the division of property. Moreover, if the examination can be both judicial, i.e. be appointed by determination of the court or investigative authorities, and pre-trial - where the customer is one of the parties.

When compensating for damage from a traffic accident, determining the market value of the car is required if the cost of repairs (damage) exceeds its market value. In this case, restoring the vehicle is impractical and you cannot demand from the culprit (or the victim demand from you) the full cost of repairs. You cannot end up receiving more than your car is worth, otherwise it could be considered illegal enrichment. In addition, do not forget that if you are reimbursed for the full cost of your car, you can also sell your damaged car and, accordingly, receive additional benefits. This is also illegal, and therefore the tortfeasor may demand that you hand over your wrecked car to him, or pay you the difference between the cost of the vehicle and the cost of what is left of it.

RESULT: If the cost of repairs exceeds the average market value of the vehicle, you can demand one of two things from the culprit:

  1. Reimburse the cost of your car minus the cost in disrepair (the cost of the remaining parts suitable for sale). At the same time, the cost of the vehicle in pre-accident and in emergency condition is assessed.
  2. Reimburse the cost of your car and hand over your damaged car to the culprit. At the same time, the value of the vehicle in pre-accident condition is assessed.

The cost of a vehicle can be determined using available documents - STS, PTS, Vehicle Inspection Certificate. When determining the value of a car in disrepair (remains suitable for sale), an inspection report from an independent expert or insurance company is required, or, in extreme cases, a work order or cost estimate for vehicle repairs.

According to some methods, restoration is considered inappropriate even when the eighty percent threshold of its value is exceeded.

When dividing property, Ideally, it is possible to provide the car for inspection. In this case, the actual condition of the car will be taken into account - all its defects, chips, cracks, non-working equipment, additional equipment, etc. In this case, you will be given a full Vehicle Assessment Report with a description of the car and photographs.

In general, the assessment procedure is as follows:
  1. You order an expert to come for an inspection by phone or come to our office;
  2. Our expert concludes an agreement, inspects the vehicle, takes photographs and draws up an inspection report;
  3. You receive ready-made documents. The report production time ranges from 1 to 24 hours. Delivery of final documents by courier is possible. You can download a receipt for payment for courier services;

When, if it is not possible to provide the car for inspection, the assessment procedure is simplified and we offer you two options for providing vehicle assessment services.

First. Remote, practically not taking up your time.

  1. You send us scans or photographs of documents by email;
  2. In response, we send you a receipt for payment for services. You pay it at the savings bank or;
  3. You come to pick up ready-made documents or receive them by courier. You can download a receipt for payment for courier services;

Second. Suitable for you if you have free time.

  1. You come to our office (for your convenience, coordinate the time of your visit);
  2. Pay the cost of services in the office;
  3. Pick up the finished documents (delivery by courier is also possible);

At the same time, you receive a Vehicle Valuation Report or a Conclusion on the value of the vehicle that fully complies with federal valuation standards and legislative acts.

Documents required for assessment:
  1. Documents for the vehicle (vehicle passport, vehicle registration certificate, or traffic police registration card);
  2. Personal documents of the customer (passport);
  3. You may also need a vehicle inspection report, calculation of repair costs, etc.

Cost of car valuation services for court:

The cost of services is valid for production cars of domestic and foreign production. The cost of evaluating exclusive and rare cars is negotiated separately!!!

Services Price Deadlines
Valuation of domestic brands of cars (without vehicle inspection, based on documents) 1500 rub. 1 hour.
Valuation of imported cars (without vehicle inspection, based on documents) 2000 rub. 1 hour.
Estimation of the value of domestic brands of cars in disrepair, the value of the remaining parts suitable for sale (without vehicle inspection, according to documents) 1500 rub. 1 hour.
Estimation of the value of imported cars in disrepair, the value of the remaining parts suitable for sale (without vehicle inspection, according to documents) 2000 rub. 1 hour.
Estimation of the value of cars of domestic brands (taking into account the technical condition, including drawing up an inspection report, 1 sheet of photographs) 3200 rub.* from 1 to 48 hours.
Estimation of the value of imported cars (taking into account the technical condition, including drawing up an inspection report, 1 sheet of photographs) RUB 3,700* from 1 to 48 hours.
Estimation of the cost of domestic brands of cars in disrepair, the cost of the remaining parts suitable for sale (taking into account the technical condition, including drawing up an inspection report, 1 sheet of photographs) 3200 rub.* from 1 to 48 hours.
Estimation of the cost of imported cars in disrepair, the cost of the remaining parts suitable for sale (taking into account the technical condition, including drawing up an inspection report, 1 sheet of photographs) RUB 3,700* from 1 to 48 hours.
Additional services
Drawing up an inspection report 1500 rub. -
Departure for inspection of the vehicle 700 rub. -
Making photographs** 200 rub.** -

* The cost depends on the number of sheets of photographs.
** The price is for 1 sheet. On 1 sheet - up to 8 photos.

In cases where the car has been seriously damaged as a result of an accident and its repair does not make sense, its market value is calculated. A car that cannot be restored is called "tatalom". In this case, the difference between the price before the accident and after will be the amount of damage caused. In this case, it is necessary to carry out several assessments: calculate the cost of repairing the car, calculate its market value before the accident, and calculate the value of the remains after the accident.

Calculation of market value after an accident.

A thorough inspection of the damaged vehicle is carried out to draw up a vehicle inspection report. All damaged parts are described and what repairs they require are specified. Pictures are taken of the damaged parts and the vehicle as a whole. Based on the information received, repairs are calculated taking into account the wear and tear of the vehicle. If the amount of repairs exceeds the cost of the car, the market value of the car is calculated in accordance with currently existing prices. The cost of serviceable parts of the damaged vehicle is also calculated.

Why evaluate the market value after an accident.

When contacting an insurance company for compensation for damage, it is often difficult to obtain an insurance payment. This is due to the fact that the insurance company deliberately inflates the real cost of repairs (damage) in order to recognize your car as not economically feasible for restoration (total). In this case, the insurance company pays the difference between the cost before and after the accident, and the car remains with the owner. The difference between these amounts may not be significant. It is not possible to sell the car for the amount that the insurance company has estimated, as well as to make repairs with this money. In order to fairly assess the actual damage caused to your car, an Independent Expertise is required. Calculate the cost of restoring the vehicle, and if the cost of repairs actually exceeds the market value of the car, assess the usable remains (parts suitable for further use). In some cases, if your car is insured under the CASCO system, the insurance company takes your car and pays the cost of the car, taking into account wear and tear during the period of use of the policy, and sells the car itself to a consignment store, without asking whether the victim can buy a similar car with this money .

In case of going to court against the culprit, to recover an amount that exceeded the civil liability limit under the policy. The victim is obliged to provide a reasonable Independent Expertise and damage assessment. But if the required amount exceeds the cost of the car, it is necessary to prepare in advance an assessment of the market value of the car before and after the accident. Since the difference between them will be the amount of damage caused.

What documents are needed to assess the market value after an accident?

  • Civil passport of the customer.
  • Vehicle passport (PTS) (if the customer is the owner)
  • Vehicle registration certificate. (if the customer is the owner)
  • Certificates from the traffic police
  • Service book (if the car is under warranty)
  • Inspection report, calculation (if the car is sold)
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