Sinking in prison. A very sad story about prison (warning, unpleasant physiological details)

The “lowered” in prison are the lowest hierarchy of prisoners.

And as soon as they are not called: “roosters”, “combs”, “pinches”, “offended”, “outcasts”, etc. Whatever you call them, the fate and life of these convicts is simply terrible.

How to lower it in the zone will be discussed later in the article.

According to one version, the omitted became a separate prison caste after the 1961 reform, during which the camps were divided according to the severity of the detention regime. As a result, the pioneers began to live in the zone separately from seasoned prisoners and repeat offenders.

The pioneers are mostly young people who are unfamiliar with the principles of prison, but strive to win the competition by showing aggression and bullying physically weaker prisoners. And if more experienced prisoners did not explain to them the rules of life in prison in time, then over time their stay there becomes more and more wild.

Any prisoner can fall into the caste of the lowered. But some categories fall here automatically or with high probability.

Information: in addition to the “roosters” in the community of prisoners there is a caste of “devils”. What these castes have in common is that both are untouchables, but devils are not used for sexual pleasure.

Why are the lowered ones called roosters? Most likely, the name came from the word “cock”, which referred to the process of rape.

They become roosters completely various reasons . Most often, those convicted under Art. 131 of the Criminal Code (rape). This also includes libertines, molesters and homosexuals, regardless of what crime they committed.

But according to statistics for 2019, prisoners increasingly began to fall into the excluded category because of “shoals” they committed that were unworthy of the title of prisoner. So, for example, a “decent” prisoner is not supposed to do work related to plumbing; This type of activity is exclusively for roosters.

By the way, contrary to the stereotypical opinion, the proportion of homosexuals among those who are rejected is low. Most convicts become criminals for actions unrelated to the sexual sphere.

Usually omitted for various disorders rules prison life, such as:

They can also be released by order of the prison administration in order to eliminate undesirable convicts from prison life. To do this, most often the victim is locked in a cockerel all night. After this, the prisoner automatically becomes a rooster.

True, the attitude of the prison community towards such offended people is more or less loyal.

After the 2000s, there has been a move away from going down through rape. This is due to the fact that attention has become more attention to protect the rights of prisoners, as a result of which control over internal regulations and the way of life in correctional institutions.

Life for those in prison is hard and sometimes terrible.. They live separately in prison, in the so-called cockerel, where the same offended people sit, pinches, pokers). This is the most despised (and by all) category of prisoners. What are they doing in prison?

Those in prison are engaged in the dirtiest work: sweeping the parade ground, local areas; wash baths and toilets; clean the sewerage system, perform work on the lockout; remove and load garbage. Among those who are neglected, there are also those who earn money by selling themselves; they are called “disgruntled workers.”

Ordinary prisoners should not take food that roosters eat. The lowered ones are washed from separate washbasins. They are required to give way to other prisoners.

Representatives of other castes hardly speak to them. Communication with a rooster can result in a loss of authority for a prisoner.

Those omitted must communicate their status to all new recruits. Concealment similar information is punishable by severe physical injury. To make roosters easier to identify, special tattoos are applied to their bodies.

They can be placed near the toilet, under the bed (“under the bunk”), and only in large camps are separate barracks allocated for them, which are called cockerels.

Offended people use certain household items. Holes are usually made in their dishes so that no one accidentally confuses “grinded” spoons and plates with normal ones. In the smoking room, you can give the rooster a half-smoked cigarette, but under no circumstances should you take the bull from your hands once it’s been put down.

In the camp church they are given separate benches and benches, and in the bathhouse - basins. If an ordinary prisoner accidentally sits at the wrong table or takes the wrong spoon, he automatically falls into the rooster caste. Even if he did not eat or drink from the utensils, he will still be considered omitted.

As soon as an ordinary prisoner finds himself among the caste of roosters, he goes to any lengths to be transferred from the offended to the category of “normal” prisoners.

Note: the number of restrictions and prohibitions for those excluded depends on the type of penitentiary institution. In the colonies strict regime the attitude towards them is more loyal, but in the colonies for minors the wildest rules reign.

Previously, even before the 2000s, the main duty of the convicts was the sexual satisfaction of prisoners, but now this is rarely practiced and then only on a voluntary basis.

According to current prison rules, you cannot “use” an offended person for free without giving him a gift, so many roosters engage in voluntary prostitution for financial reasons.

Beating the lowered is practiced only if they violate the rules by which their caste is obliged to live. You can’t beat a rooster with your hands, you can only kick it, which is especially humiliating.

The ritual of “transferring” an ordinary prisoner to the category of roosters has now changed. Previously, a leper prisoner was simply raped or forced to perform oral sex with one of the thieves. However, after several accidents involving biting off “other people’s dignity,” the process began to take place differently: the rooster is slapped on the forehead or lips with the penis.

Sometimes thieves simply declare some prisoner a rooster; rumors about this quickly spread throughout the zone, after which the prisoner could no longer wash off the stigma.

Beginners entering the zone for the first time should clearly know some rules. The key one is to never agree to a “rooster” job, not to pick up a mop or rag.

In the dining room you need to sit down with your friends and not rush to take a free table. In some colonies, things and objects related to those omitted are marked with red paint.

If the prisoner is not homosexual and has not been convicted under “cock” articles, then he can only be released for serious offenses.

Thus, in order to avoid the fate of the convicts, the prisoner must live according to the rules of prison life, namely:

Even in prison it is worth remaining human, they value it there. Such a phenomenon as “thrown in prison” is savagery, a relic of the country’s difficult past.

However, despite the easing of regulations in correctional institutions, this category prisoners still exist, and we have to come to terms with this fact.

In the “fifth building” at the beginning of 1994, the “roosters” were moved to the so-called. "cock house" ("cock house") - cell No. 133.
IN Soviet time There were no toilets in the cells; prisoners used "bowl buckets", and twice a day - in the morning and in the evening they were taken to the toilet ("north"), which had two rooms and was located opposite the execution chamber. The guards also used it. When in the last period Soviet power(at the end of 1989 or the beginning of 1990) water was supplied to the cells and separate toilets were installed there, the door of one of the “severs” was closed, and the second was used exclusively by the guards.
When the “fifth building” was already overloaded with suicide bombers at the end of 1993, the inactive “north” was converted into a cell within a month, which was given number 133. Unlike all others, it has a much larger size (3.1x3.25 m). They left one “point” in the toilet, broke the concrete washbasin, slightly repaired the walls, and installed “splits”. Initially, the bunks in it were located in the letter “G” along two walls, then another double, single-tier bunk was added along the third wall (in the letter “P”). What remained of the toilet was a large barred window without blinds - the envy of other cells, the inhabitants of which suffered from a lack of fresh air and didn't see sunlight. “Sometimes, when both our and their “feeders” were opened at the same time, I saw this miracle - Sunbeam! And every time I could not hide the feeling of envy,” recalls a former prisoner of cell No. 125 located opposite. “Now, in Gobustan, I have a window in my cell without a muzzle, and on sunny days a stream of light floods the cell for 1-2 hours a day .
During these hours I move around the chamber behind the beam, stand or sit under it, rejoicing like a child!”
A long table and bench were placed in the cell, concreted into the floor. The result was a non-standard 4-seater camera. Later, a second tier was welded to the bunks, and up to 8 people could be accommodated there. In fact, the number of “tenants” at times reached 14 people. All the “spoiled” were sent there, with the exception of the mentioned “Elmira Khanim”, whom his “husband” asked to leave in her cell. The controllers looked at such “love” simply and did not interfere with “family” homosexual relationships, which were integral part
It was interesting that the “roosters” were assigned to the “unported” E., who ended up in the “fifth building” in the summer of 1994. E. was very concerned about this and asked to be removed from the “roosters”. And the “roosters” themselves also asked to remove him from the cell. However, the administration did not agree to anything, and then the prisoners figured out how to be E., so as not to be defiled. He had to not allow anyone to the “feeding trough”, he himself had to receive food for everyone in his own dishes and pour it into everyone’s bowl. And in the future, no, no, they imprisoned the “unported” ones.
But this was just the beginning. After the escape, like all cells (with the exception of “Armenian” No. 126), this one also became a place of abuse. The chamber was opened at last resort, and this scene was the end of the morning cycle of torture. During “Operation Press,” the prisoners held there were also beaten, but before the beating they had to run on all fours and bark along the corridor like dogs, barking and biting each other. Others were forced to dance and sing as they ran down the corridor. Others were “mated,” forced to perform homosexual acts with each other. This gave indescribable pleasure to the laughing torturers. After about an hour of such “entertainment”, the prisoners were thrown into a cell in a half-dead state.
Later, when the number of prisoners in the cell increased to 14 people, the administration began to indulge them, and an “unported” prisoner was specially placed in their company, who in some way did not please the administration. Naturally, soon “lawlessness” began against him, similar to what the “roosters” themselves experienced in ordinary cells. The “infinitely degraded” took revenge on the “infinitely degraded” who was placed with them, and the prisoner ultimately found himself “degraded” and then killed or died from disease. It was a “press hut” worse than Fedina’s.
According to the death witness, “those kept in this cell suffered from gastrointestinal diseases and a severe form of tuberculosis. The cell was a real morgue. There was a time when 1-2 corpses were taken out of the cell every week. The groans and screams coming from this cell impossible to describe." The deaths, as usual, were attributed to the prisoners themselves.
I note that in this cell the above-described Rasul was also distinguished by his atrocities, who thus took revenge for his humiliation and, on the other hand, satisfied his homosexual mania.
Another famous inhabitant of this chamber, they say, was a certain G. with the characteristic nickname “King Kong” (or “Manguka”) - the only old-timer of the chamber who was able to survive its entire 4-year history. Perhaps this was helped by the fact that he was mentally ill from birth and did not take the bullying to which he was subjected to heart. He himself was a harmless, unauthoritative convict, not a “rooster”, one of those who are called “poor guy” and “dzhindyr” (a rag, a ragamuffin).
And he earned his nickname because during the press, when he lost all his front teeth, his fangs protruded from his mouth, looking especially scary against the background of his swollen and blackened face from beatings and dirt. He himself could not pronounce his “drive”, calling himself “Kinko”, although he hardly understood what this nickname meant. “King Kong” was distinguished by the fact that, ignoring all punishments, he leaned into the “feeding trough” as soon as it was opened and began, shedding tears, to beg, begging for a cigarette, a piece of sugar or a piece of newspaper for rolling a cigarette. The "feeding trough" in cell 133 was also a toilet, big size , To have full review
(or maybe for transmitting a “bucket”), and did not have the usual lock that snaps when closing. Therefore, a latch was nailed onto it and at times, apparently, a padlock was hung on it for commissions. As soon as the latch on the “feeder” clicked, “King Kong” immediately stuck his arm, shoulder and head out of the feeder. Some “jokers” supervisors, knowing this habit of his, prepared a bucket or jar in advance before opening the “feeder” cold water
. When “King Kong” stuck his head out into the open “feeding trough” and turned his toothless, fanged mouth upward, he was doused with water amid mocking laughter. Some guards did this several times per shift, but they could not stop the poor guy from sticking his head out. More often than not, he snatched at least something for himself. The “poor fellows” of cell 133 lived one day at a time, and such an existence sometimes took on completely ugly forms. For example, for them, a real holiday was the days when someone died in their or a nearby cell. At this moment, "King Kong", trained by his cellmates, became inspired and began to shout, demanding tea, sugar, tobacco, etc. threatening to tell the investigator about the circumstances of the deceased’s death.
Later, when various commissions began to visit the corps, he also used this simple blackmail. He didn’t calm down until he received a grain of sugar, a couple of tea leaves, a pack or two of some cheap unfiltered cigarettes. The camera was walking!
But only until the next morning, when during the technical inspection they intensively “pressed” it.
As the prisoners put it on this occasion, yesterday’s pleasure “flowed out through the nose”...

Subsequently, the 133rd “hut” from a “cock house” became a “wool hut”.
The “blue” inhabitants of the 133rd “hut” were diluted with other “colors”.
In prison jargon, “wool” is usually the name given to “crumpled” thieves.
There is an opinion that if “wool” rules, then this is one of the varieties of “red color”, since “bitches” are specially cultivated by the administration and create chaos in relation to the “correct” prisoners.
It is interesting that in Soviet times, mistakenly believing that isolating the “gay” prisoners from the “black” ones would improve the situation, they once put the “offended” ones in a separate colony as an experiment. And what? After some time, a copy of the thieves' hierarchy appeared in the "rooster zone" - with its own "boss", "men", "understanders" and even its own "roosters". So the 133rd cell was a copy of the “lawlessness” of the entire building.

It remains to add that after the transfer of the last death row prisoners to Gobustan, in one period, venereal patients were collected from the entire Bailov prison in cell 133
Now that the “fifth building” has become a regular investigative building, prisoners with sexually transmitted diseases are kept in this cell.
According to the standards of the Soviet-era pre-trial detention center, the norm is for 4 people. See also chapter "Mayhem" Now they are no longer there either.
Those who are omitted use individual household items.
Life for those in prison is very difficult. Roosters do the dirtiest types of work. There are several theories about the origin of this caste. According to the most common version, those released were separated into a separate prison stratum after the 1961 reform. She divided the camps according to the severity of the detention regime: seasoned prisoners, repeat offenders began to live separately from the original prisoners. The pioneers are, as a rule, young people striving for competition in all spheres of life; they did not know the principles of prison and, in the absence of supervision by more experienced prisoners, their life became more and more wild over time.
Any prisoner can become omitted. But some categories of people are assigned to this caste automatically or with a high probability. This includes: People who practiced homosexual relations in the wild. Prisoners sent to prison for rape minor children. People whose relatives work in law enforcement agencies.
Below is what people are put in prison for. Usually these are different serious violations rules of prison life: Non-payment of gambling debt. Unrepaid debts in prison have to be paid in blood, and the only alternative to save life is the provision of sex services. Body contact with another rooster outside of sexual intercourse. After such incidents, this rooster is punished very cruelly (even to the point of being killed), but the person with whom he came into contact never ceases to be degraded.
Weakness of character, inability to stand up for oneself. For some things (for example, for sending to ...) you must definitely ask for an answer. If the offended party does not do this, then it may lose all its authority and move into the category of the offended. Snitching. Stealing property from other prisoners. Putting another person down without a good reason. Cute appearance, high voice, affectation - these factors increase the likelihood of getting a residence permit in the cock corner.
Responsibilities and prohibitions of the offended The duties of the omitted include performing the dirtiest work, such as washing toilets, taking out buckets, cleaning sewers, and cleaning workshops. Other prisoners cannot take the food that the roosters eat. Those who are lowered are washed from separate washbasins. They must give way to other prisoners. Conversations with members of other castes should be limited.
If the prisoner is not a homosexual and is not imprisoned under “rooster” charges, then the rooster is released in prison only for malicious offenses. Therefore, in order to avoid the fate of the offended, he must follow the rules of prison life. Briefly about how to avoid becoming a rooster in prison: Watch your words. Do not reveal unnecessary details of your sexual and personal life, do not offend anyone without reason. Have pride. Be able to stand up for yourself and demand a response from the offender. Minimize contact with roosters. This includes refraining from participating in their beatings and rapes. Even in prison you need to remain human, and humanity is valued there. Do not steal from your own people, do not snitch, do not cooperate with the administration.
Conclusion Now you know how gays live in prison. Such a phenomenon as the presence of a lowered caste in prison is a wild phenomenon, a relic of the country’s difficult past. But, despite the fact that over time internal orders correctional institutions soften, this layer still exists, and we have to put up with this sad fact.

Rapists in the Zone fall into the lowest caste, on a par with “roosters”, they are also “offended”, “low-down”, “faggots” and so on. This is a caste of outcasts, untouchables, outcasts, among them there are also passive homosexuals.

They say it's better to die than to become a "rooster". They treat them very cruelly: they force them to live in trees, eat mice, put light bulbs in their asses - whoever cares. But this, again, depends on the regime. The wildest things with them on general mode create, not to mention a youngster. It’s easier for them on strict. Every prisoner there knows his place. Usually on strict regime, and indeed in any correct zone the rooster is simply a rejected person. Everything is separate to him, and he doesn’t dare touch anyone. But if he was offended, if he was treated unfairly, he can complain to the authorities, and they will protect him, because experienced people understand: those who are muzzled by their own people will go to seek protection from strangers. That is, he will work for the administration, knock.

The roosters have separate places, separate dishes, separate work - a parade ground for revenge, washing toilets. You can't take anything from them. But you can give it, throw it so as not to accidentally touch it. Although there are exceptions here. When they are “used”, this is not considered defiling contact. In a punishment cell, sometimes you can only convey something through a rooster - if between the punishment cell and the residential area there is a “ban,” a forbidden zone. Only the one who levels it can be on it, that is, the roosters - this is their job. It is through them that the heat is transmitted. It is believed that in such a situation, neither the things that passed through the hands of the rooster, nor the one who received them, are “grinded”, that is, they are not desecrated.

On prison regime, in a special and strict regime colony, there are usually few roosters - from one to five percent. In the intensive and general regime, their share can reach 10-12%, and in the minors - up to 20. The softer the regime, the more there are. In some zones there are entire barracks of them - “monkey houses”, “offenders”. But in normal zones they simply sleep at the entrance to the barracks and do not go further. Roosters usually have their own “godfather” - the chief rooster. This is an influential figure. After all, he can order some rooster to kiss, say, someone in front of everyone. The rooster, of course, can be killed for this, but the one he kisses automatically becomes a rooster himself. The chief petukh is at the same time an intermediary between the untouchable caste and the entire camp community. All claims of those who have been omitted, all their proposals are conveyed to the authorities (gangway) through this leader. Through him, this group of outcasts and formally removed from normal life people are controlled by authority figures. The head rooster is an optional figure; sometimes there are two leaders (“folder” and “mother”) or even more. It should be noted that the leaders of the roosters are very informed about inner life zone people. They know many intrigues, they can know who the real “overseer” is (often the prisoner who appears to be the “overseer” is a dummy figure, and the real leader of the zone is not revealed), and much more.

Roosters become roosters for life. If a rooster comes to a zone where no one knows him - when he is transferred there, or from outside if he is imprisoned a second time - he is obliged to inform the lads about his status. There is no use in hiding this; sooner or later the rooster's past becomes known, and then the exposed roosters are punished, beaten, and often killed. After all, it is believed that such a rooster “grinded” all those who considered him an equal...

This is the fate that awaits Sergei Melnikov, convicted of rape, which never happened. But this can happen to any of us...

Maybe such stories don’t need to be told, but it seems to me that they should be told, just to be aware that prison is not only our cheerful, smiling, inflexible political prisoners playing chess and monopoly with their fellow inmates. There is another, terrible thing, no one is safe from it.

Here's the story: some parents ask us why our son is sitting in pre-trial detention center in a cell with “lowered” ones, and what will happen to him in the zone after that? Take action.

And we come to the interrogation room, and we sit there, and this guy is brought to us in a line of other prisoners. I, my permanent partner Lidia Borisovna Dubikova, an officer accompanying us. The guy doesn't look so great, he's very frail, he looks gloomy, his eyes are dull, he speaks incoherently and contently. He is over twenty years old. Student, in his last year. Ended up in a pre-trial detention center. I'll tell you why later. I'm still trying to understand the problem.

In general, at first everything was fine in the cell. There was a Russian watching, it was possible to live. Then the measure of restraint was changed for the Russian, and an Armenian became the person watching the cell. It got worse. And there was another Georgian... they showed, in general, an unhealthy interest. And once... once I was watching an erotic channel...

I say: calm down. I ask the officer: what else is there for the erotic channel in the pre-trial detention center? He: yes, there’s nothing like that, maybe there was an erotic program on a normal channel... Well, OK, I say, we’ll come back to the channel, but what was the unhealthy interest? Well,” the guy answers, “they forced us to be on duty for everyone, to clean the cell for everyone.” You can take turns cleaning, or everyone can do it together, in different ways, but they didn’t want to...

The officer explodes: why didn’t you tell the employees right away when it started? You came here to the pre-trial detention center, the operational officers talked to you, explained what was what, why didn’t you tell the longitudinal officer right away? Ugh!

The guy sits, drooping. Well, like complaining is somehow not good... Then he remembers: and I didn’t need them mobile phone, so I called a couple of times - they told me that I now owed them money, they forced me to call home and ask my parents for money. I did not want. They insisted. I told them all sorts of stories... made them up...

I say: what stories? Silent.

I say: okay. Let's move on to the erotic channel. What happened?

Well, that evening the erotic channel was turned on. Yes, I didn’t watch it at all, but they started teasing me, making all sorts of jokes... And, in general, they asked - but, for example, have you touched a woman’s genitals with your lips? I say: no, I don’t want to talk to you about this at all, but they ask again. They ask and ask. And they pestered me so much that I basically said - yes, just leave me alone. They say: really? And for how long? I say: well, five seconds... or ten.

They then first say: well, it won’t be long, it’s okay. And then...

I say: damn, but you knew you shouldn’t say that! Did you know?

The officer yells: but you knew you couldn’t say that! Did you know?

The guy says: well, I knew... I say: they beat you, so you said that? He says: no... just somehow with his jokes... well, I said... I thought they would leave me behind...

What happened then, he can’t say at all or doesn’t want to say. I'm asking: sexual violence was it applied to you? He says no. (Who knows what really happened there, I don’t even want to know). In general, they said that it was the custom in prison that if you did it with a woman, you can do it with a man, they beat him and broke him out of his cell. Like, that’s it, goodbye.

They transferred him to another cell. There was a normal person watching, they felt sorry for the guy, they said that it was completely lawless how they treated him, like sit still. He seemed to relax. But no, then they say: I’m sorry, but the person in charge of the pre-trial detention center sent you so that you won’t be allowed into more than one boy’s cell anymore. In short, they broke him out of this cell too.

Well, the administration transferred him to the cell where he is now. It's an unusual camera, there's no road going through it, it's a very low-profile camera. And bad fame will follow him to the colony. I say, Lydia Borisovna speaks, the officer says: watch your language! This is your main enemy! Haven’t you even told this whole story in this cell? He says: no, I won’t tell anyone anything else! Oh. OK Go. Hold on.

Leaves. I say: so what?

The officer says: we do what we can. There is special control over him. And during the assembly, if it goes somewhere, we make sure that with representatives criminal subculture didn't cross paths. And he sits in a glass in the car. We look after him as best we can. And they are unlikely to send news about him to the zone: who needs him anyway?..

Lydia Borisovna and I say: oh well... we’re adults, the news will fly...

Well, then, says the officer, there is only one option left. If they give him less than five years, and if there are no violations of the regime, and if there is a place, we will leave him in the economic detachment. It's safer that way. Well, if they give you more than five, then alas. But the court will decide that... Of course, I wouldn’t want to ruin the guy’s fate. Something like this... maybe it will work out.

Oh, and I promised to tell you why the student was put in a pre-trial detention center. For hashish. Not for heroin, not for crocodile - for hashish. He came out of the entrance one day with a dose, and then the cops came. They write distribution. It seems that his friend turned him on to this matter: after the injury, the guy had a severe headache from time to time, and hashish seemed to relieve this pain. Well, occasionally, not that often. And he admitted the spread. Talked to myself. I ask: why? He says: the investigator promised to let him go, he believed the investigator...

I have some special comments no to this story. Well, yes, hashish. Well, yes, the guy is not a fighter. Well, yes, he didn’t even have the moral strength to complain - his “comrades” explained to him that this was a waste. But to ruin a person’s life for this damn hashish... well, it happens.

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