Organizational and legal form of entrepreneurial activity, enterprises, organizations. Types of organizational and legal forms

Organizational and legal form is a form of organization of entrepreneurial activity, enshrined in a legal manner. It determines responsibility for obligations, the right to transactions on behalf of the enterprise, the management structure and other features of the economic activities of enterprises. The system of organizational and legal forms used in Russia is reflected in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as in the regulations arising from it (federal laws) .

Let us consider in more detail the organizational and legal forms of legal entities that are commercial organizations.

Entity - an organization that has separate property in ownership, economic management and operational management and is liable for its obligations with this property and can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

Commercial are organizations that pursue profit as the main goal of their activities. Non-profit organizations are created to achieve other goals (in the field of education, health, culture, etc.).

Economic partnership is an association of persons directly involved in the activities of the partnership, with the share capital divided into shares of the founders. The founders of a partnership can be participants in only one partnership.

Full A partnership is recognized, the participants of which (general partners) are engaged in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership. If there is insufficient property of the partnership to pay off its debts, creditors have the right to demand satisfaction of claims from the personal property of any of its participants. Therefore, the activities of the partnership are based on personal trust relationships of all participants, the loss of which entails the termination of the activities of the partnership. The profits and losses of the partnership are distributed among its participants in proportion to their shares in the share capital.

Partnership of Faith (limited partnership) is a type of general partnership, an intermediate form between a general partnership and a limited liability company. It consists of two categories of participants:

General partners carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and bear full and joint liability for obligations with all their property;

Investors make contributions to the property of the partnership and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the partnership to the extent of the amounts of contributions to the property.

Economical society Unlike a partnership, it is an association of capital. The founders are not required to directly participate in the affairs of the company; members of the company can simultaneously participate with property contributions in several companies.

Limited Liability Company (LLC) an organization created by agreement between legal entities and citizens by combining their contributions for the purpose of carrying out economic activities. Mandatory personal participation of members in the affairs of the LLC is not required. Participants in an LLC are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the LLC to the extent of the value of their contributions. The number of LLC participants should not be more than 50.

Additional liability company (ALC) a type of LLC, the peculiarity of which is that if the property of a given company is insufficient to satisfy the claims of its creditors, the participants of the company can be held property liable, and jointly and severally with each other.

Joint Stock Company (JSC) - a commercial organization whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares; the participants of the joint-stock company are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of the shares they own. Open Joint Stock Company (OJSC) - a company whose participants can alienate their shares without the consent of other members of the company. Such a company has the right to conduct an open subscription for shares issued by it in cases established by the Charter. Closed Joint Stock Company (CJSC) – a company whose shares are distributed only among its founders or other specified circle of persons. A closed joint stock company does not have the right to conduct an open subscription for its shares or otherwise offer them to an unlimited number of persons.

Production cooperative (artel) (PC) – a voluntary association of citizens for joint activities, based on their personal labor or other participation and the association of its members with property shares. The profit of the cooperative is distributed among its members in accordance with their labor participation, unless a different procedure is provided for by the charter of the PC.

Unitary enterprise - a commercial organization that is not vested with the right of ownership of the property assigned to it. Property is indivisible and cannot be distributed among deposits (shares, shares), including between employees of the enterprise. It is respectively in state or municipal ownership and is assigned to a unitary enterprise only on a limited property right (economic management or operational management).

Unitary enterprise on the right of economic management - an enterprise that is created by decision of a state body or local government. Property transferred to a unitary enterprise is credited to its balance sheet, and the owner does not have ownership and use rights in relation to this property.

Unitary enterprise with the right of operational management is a federal government enterprise that is created by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the basis of property that is federally owned. State-owned enterprises do not have the right to dispose of movable and immovable property without special permission from the owner. The Russian Federation is responsible for the obligations of a state-owned enterprise.

Entrepreneurship is carried out in certain organizational and legal forms. Which form to choose depends on many factors: the operating environment, the financial capabilities of business entities, the comparative advantages of one or another form. Each country has its own legislation on organizing business. At the same time, there are organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity that are typical for world practice. These include: general and limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships (companies), joint stock companies, state enterprises Kruglova N.Yu. Economic law: textbook. allowance 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: RDL Publishing House, 2001. - P. 15-18.

The organizational and legal form of legal entities is a concept that has recently entered into legislation and practice and is widely used to characterize organizations - independent subjects of economic activity, including business. It concentratedly embodies the essential organizational and legal features that are common to legal entities and business organizations of various types. These signs can be summarized into two groups.

The first reflects the organizational connection of any legal entity with law and legislation. Firstly, a legal entity can be created only in accordance with the procedure established by law. Violation of the established procedure deprives the activities of a legal entity of due legal consequences. Therefore, before entering into business contacts with a particular organization, you should make sure that the procedure for its establishment is followed. Secondly, any legal entity can be formed only in those organizational and legal forms established by law. An exhaustive list of types of organizational and legal forms of commercial organizations is given in Part One of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (business partnerships and societies, production cooperatives, unitary enterprises). Commercial organizations cannot be created in other organizational and legal forms. The organizational and legal forms of non-profit organizations, along with the Civil Code (Articles 116-123), can also be determined by other federal laws (for example, the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”). When entering into business relations with a legal entity, it is necessary to find out whether its organizational and legal form complies with those provided for by law.

Thirdly, a legal entity is authorized to act only within those limits (frameworks) that are outlined by law for the type of organizational and legal form to which this legal entity belongs. Fourthly, all legal entities, no matter what legal form they belong to, are subject to the requirement to comply with the legality of N.Yu. Kruglov in their activities. Economic law: textbook. allowance 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: RDL Publishing House, 2001. - P. 19.

The second group of characteristics of the organizational and legal form reflects the main thing in the characteristics of a legal entity as a participant in economic and entrepreneurial relations - its property status. Firstly, one or another type of organizational and legal form gives a clear answer to the question of the genesis, origin of the property on the basis of which this legal entity was created and operates, and, accordingly, the basis for its ownership of this property. For example, for the property of legal entities - commercial organizations in the form of state and municipal unitary enterprises, their founders retain ownership rights. The property of enterprises is under the right of economic management or operational management. Other commercial and non-profit organizations, in addition to institutions, are the owners of property, either contributed in kind as contributions by their founders, or acquired by these legal entities for other reasons.

Contributions to the property of a business partnership (full and limited) and a business company (limited, additional liability and joint stock) can be money, securities, other things or property rights or other rights that have a monetary value. Such a contribution cannot be an object of intellectual property (patent, copyright, including computer programs) or “know-how”. However, the right to use such an object, transferred to the company in accordance with a license agreement, can be recognized as a contribution. The constituent documents may contain provisions indicating that the founder did not transfer property in kind to the authorized capital, but only the rights to own and use it. In this case, the business company does not acquire ownership rights to this property.

Secondly, the organizational and legal form reveals the internal property relations of legal entities: the composition of the property, what relation the founders (members) of the legal entity have to it, how the property is disposed of. Some legal entities have an authorized capital (limited and additional liability companies, joint stock companies), others have an authorized capital (state and municipal unitary enterprises), others have share capital (general partnerships and limited partnerships), and others have share contributions (industrial and limited partnerships). consumer cooperatives) Kruglova N.Yu. Economic law: textbook. allowance 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: RDL Publishing House, 2001. - P. 23. The authorized capital of limited and additional liability companies is divided into shares, the size of which is established by the constituent documents, and the authorized capital of joint-stock companies is divided into a certain number of shares. Property owned by production cooperatives is divided into shares of its members in accordance with the charter of the cooperative. The property of state and municipal unitary enterprises is indivisible and cannot be distributed among deposits (shares, shares), including among employees of the enterprise.

Management of the activities of general partnerships and limited partnerships, including the disposal of property, is carried out, as a rule, by the general consent of all participants (general partners). The procedure for disposing of the property of business entities and production cooperatives is determined by their constituent documents - charters and (or) constituent agreements. The corresponding powers are vested in general meetings of participants (members) of companies, executive bodies (collegial and (or) individual), and other management bodies.

Thirdly, the organizational and legal form clearly determines with what property the legal entity is liable for its obligations. A general rule has been established that legal entities, except for owner-financed institutions, are liable for obligations with all the property they own. Participants (general partners) of business partnerships, in addition, are liable for the obligations of the partnership with their own property.

In relation to business companies and unitary enterprises, the legislation especially emphasizes the role of the authorized capital (fund), which determines the minimum amount of property that guarantees the interests of their creditors. The lower limit of the authorized capital is established by law. In accordance with the Federal Law on Joint Stock Companies, the minimum authorized capital of an open joint-stock company must be at least 1000 times, and for a closed company - at least 100 times the minimum wage. If at the end of the second and each subsequent financial year the value of the company's net assets is less than the authorized capital, the company is obliged to declare and register in the prescribed manner a decrease in its authorized capital. If the value of these assets becomes less than the minimum amount of authorized capital determined by law, the company is subject to liquidation. For limited and additional liability companies, the authorized capital cannot be less than 100 minimum wages. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 1994 No. 1482 “On streamlining the state registration of enterprises and entrepreneurs on the territory of the Russian Federation” determined that the size of the authorized capital of a state or municipal enterprise should not be less than an amount equal to 1000 times, and for entrepreneurial organizations of other organizational legal forms - 100 times the minimum wage per month See: Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 11, Art. 1194..

Knowledge of the organizational and legal features that determine the form of legal entities allows you to competently navigate the entire diversity of participants in economic and business relations. With the help of these characteristics, it is possible, regardless of the specific economic activities of legal entities, to clearly determine the features of their legal capabilities, duties and legal liability, to compare different legal entities with each other based on their inherent general parameters and, based on all this, to draw reasonable practical conclusions. For example, citizens, themselves participants in economic and business relations, can thus, depending on the goals pursued, choose more reliable business partners, and state authorities and local governments can more effectively monitor compliance with legislation by legal entities of various organizational and legal forms, interact more effectively with them. If the organizational and legal form ceases to satisfy the interests of a legal entity, this does not entail the need to liquidate such entity and form a new one.

The organizational and legal form chosen during the creation of a legal entity can subsequently be changed through its reorganization.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for various organizations. With the exception of peasant (farm) farms, they have the status of organizational and legal forms or their varieties.

These organizations differ from each other in a number of parameters, the most significant of which relate to the area of ​​their management (features of making management decisions, the procedure for forming management bodies, the level of responsibility, etc.).

“The organizational and legal form of entrepreneurial activity is a set of specific features of property and organizational isolation, methods of forming the property base, features of interaction between owners, founders, participants, the entrepreneur himself, in some cases - his structural divisions, the workforce, their responsibility to each other, consumers, competitors, government and society."

First of all, two main forms should be distinguished: individual entrepreneurship and legal entity.

Individual entrepreneurship is the simplest and most ancient type of entrepreneurship. In this case, all funds are owned by one owner. He independently decides what, for whom and how to produce; solely disposes of the proceeds received and bears unlimited financial liability for the results of its activities. In the event of debt formation, for example, the entrepreneur pays off with his property. This prospect is quite real, because, as statistics show, no less individual entrepreneurs go bankrupt every year than new ones are registered. An individual entrepreneur has the right to hire additional workers, concluding an agreement with each of them. An individual entrepreneur cannot be an expert in all matters of production, supply, marketing, management, finance, and this often leads to making erroneous decisions and, consequently, to economic losses. However, this type of entrepreneurship also has certain advantages, such as minimal regulation of activities, mobility, material interest, etc. In world practice, this form of business is typical for small shops, service enterprises, farms, and the professional activities of lawyers, doctors and teachers.

All other forms of entrepreneurial activity are collective.

A legal entity is an organization created and registered in accordance with the procedure established by law, which may have separate property in ownership, economic management or operational management and is liable for its obligations with this property, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, be a plaintiff and defendant in court. Legal entities must have an independent balance sheet or estimate.

Depending on the goals of the activity:

  • - commercial;
  • - non-profit.

Commercial organizations are created by their founders for the purpose of making a profit. Russian legislation provides for several organizational and legal forms of these organizations. These are business partnerships and companies with authorized (share) capital divided into shares (contributions) of the founders.

These include:

1. Partnership

Partnership (partnership) is an organizational form of entrepreneurship, when both the organization of production activities and the formation of authorized capital are carried out by the joint efforts of two or more persons (individuals and legal entities). Each of them has certain rights and bears certain responsibilities depending on the share in the authorized capital and the place occupied in the management structure of such a partnership.

A partnership can be created:

  • - individuals;
  • - individuals and commercial organizations;
  • - commercial organizations.

I distinguish 2 main types of partnerships:

A general partnership is a type of business partnership, the participants of which (general partners), in accordance with the agreement concluded between them, are engaged in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for its obligations not only in the amount of contributions to the share capital, but with all the property belonging to them, that is "full", unlimited liability. Currently, this organizational and legal form is practically not used.

Limited partnership (limited partnership) is a commercial organization based on share capital, in which there are two categories of members: general partners and limited investors. General partners carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of the partnership with all their property. Limited depositors are responsible only for their contribution. Currently, this organizational and legal form is practically not used.

2. Economic company

A business company is a commercial organization, the authorized capital of which is formed by one or more individuals or legal entities by contributing their shares (or the full amount of the authorized capital, if one person acts as a founder). As shares, monetary or material assets, intellectual capital, securities or property rights with a monetary value can be considered. At the same time, an expert assessment of the value of intellectual capital and property rights in monetary form is carried out.

There are three forms of business entities:

  • - limited liability company (LLC);
  • - company with additional liability;
  • - Joint-Stock Company.

A limited liability company (LLC) is a commercial organization, the founder of which is one or more individuals or legal entities who bear responsibility for the obligations of the company and the risk of losses within the limits of their contributions only.

An additional liability company is a type of limited liability company. A company with additional liability is recognized as the establishment by one or more persons of an organization whose authorized capital is divided into shares of sizes determined by the constituent documents; Participants of such a company jointly and severally bear subsidiary liability for its obligations with their property in the same multiple of the value of their contributions, determined by the constituent documents of the company.

A joint stock company is a company whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares; Participants in a joint stock company (shareholders) are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the limits of the value of the shares they own. A joint stock company, from the point of view of an individual entrepreneur, is the optimal form of organizational and legal registration of entrepreneurial activity. It can be created by one person or consist of one person in the event that one shareholder acquires all the shares of the company.

Types of joint stock companies:

  • - open (JSC)
  • - closed (closed joint-stock company)

A closed joint stock company is a company whose shares are distributed only among its founders (among a predetermined circle of persons), when the form of open subscription for shares issued by the company is not used and they cannot be freely sold and bought on the stock market.

An open joint stock company is a joint stock company whose participants can freely sell and buy shares of the company without the consent of other shareholders. It can carry out an open subscription for shares it issues, which can be freely traded on the stock market. This implies complete openness of the society and careful control over its activities, therefore it is obliged to publish annually for public information:

  • - annual report;
  • - balance sheet;
  • - profit and loss account;

and annually engage a professional auditor to review and confirm the annual financial statements.

3. Corporations.

A corporation is a legal form of business that is distinct from and limited by the specific individuals who own it. Such a structure, having the status of a legal entity, has the right to acquire resources, own assets, produce and sell products, borrow, make loans, sue in court, and perform all the functions that are performed by any other type of business enterprise.

4. Production cooperatives

A production cooperative (artel) is a voluntary association of citizens (at least five) and legal entities based on membership, personal labor participation in production (economic) activities and share contributions. The profit received by the cooperative is distributed among its members in accordance with their labor participation in the activities of the cooperative.

5. State enterprises

A state-owned enterprise is a production unit characterized by two main features.

The first is that the property of such an enterprise and its management are fully or partially in the hands of the state and its bodies (associations, ministries, departments); they either own the capital of the enterprise and have undivided powers to manage it and make decisions, or they unite with private entrepreneurs, but influence and control them.

The second concerns the motives for the functioning of a state enterprise. In its activities, it is guided not only by the search for the greatest profit, but also by the desire to satisfy social needs, which can reduce economic efficiency or even lead in some cases to losses, which, however, are justified.

State institutions that pursue non-economic goals (hospitals, schools, public services) and do not participate in market exchange proper should be distinguished from state-owned enterprises.

State and municipal enterprises, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, operate in the form of unitary enterprises.

A unitary enterprise is a commercial organization that is not vested with ownership rights to the property assigned to it.

Unitary enterprises have a number of features that distinguish them from other commercial organizations:

  • - if the business form of a unitary organization contains the principle of unitarity (the owner of the property is the state, not the organization), then the business form of other commercial organizations includes the principle of corporatism;
  • - the property of a unitary enterprise is indivisible and under no circumstances can it be distributed among deposits, shares and shares, including between employees of the enterprise;
  • - management of a unitary enterprise is carried out by a manager appointed by the owner.

Depending on who owns the property, unitary enterprises can be state or municipal.

Such enterprises, depending on the rights granted by the founder, are divided into two categories:

  • - with the right of economic management;
  • - with the right of operational management.

The right of economic management is broader than the right of operational management, that is, an enterprise operating on the basis of the right of economic management has greater independence in management.

For non-profit organizations, making a profit is not the main goal. They have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity only to the extent that it is necessary to achieve their statutory goals, and the profit is completely used for self-development and is not distributed among the participants.

The advantage of this form of business organization is preferential taxation. But it must be emphasized once again that non-profit organizations are not created for the purpose of making a profit.

Organizational and legal forms of business entities that are legal entities-non-profit organizations

  • - consumer cooperatives;
  • - public associations (including religious associations);
  • - public organizations;
  • - social movements;
  • - public amateur bodies;
  • - political parties;
  • - funds (including public funds);
  • - institutions (including public institutions);
  • - state corporations;
  • - non-profit partnerships;
  • - autonomous non-profit organizations;
  • - communities of indigenous peoples;
  • - Cossack societies;
  • - associations of legal entities (associations and unions);
  • - associations of peasant (farmer) households;
  • - territorial public self-governments;
  • - homeowners' associations;
  • - horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit partnerships.

Organizational and legal form:

1) Individual entrepreneur. Founders: Citizen of the Russian Federation. Sources formation of authorized capital: Private property or property acquired from state or municipal enterprises. Responsibility for obligations: All property belonging to him, with the exception of property that cannot be foreclosed on in connection with civil procedural legislation. Founding documents: State registration as an individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity (IPBOYUL).

2) Full partnership. Founders: Individual entrepreneurs and (or) commercial organizations. Sources formation of the authorized capital: Contributions of participants (general partners*). Responsibility for obligations: Bear subsidiary liability** for all property belonging to the participants. Founding documents: Memorandum of Association***.

3) Partnership of Faith (limited) (from the French commandite - partnership of faith). Founders: General partners - individual entrepreneurs and (or) commercial organizations and one or more investors (commandists) - civil and legal entities not participating in business activities. Sources formation of the authorized capital: Contributions of participants. Responsibility for obligations: General partners are liable with all their property, commanders - within the limits of the contribution. Founding documents: Memorandum of Association.

4) Society with limited liability ( OOO). Founders Sources Responsibility according to obligations: All participants – within the limits of their contributions. They don't answer

obligations of the company with their own property. Founding documents: Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association****.

5) Society with additional responsibility ( ODO). Founders: One or more founders: citizens and legal entities. Sources formation of the authorized capital: Contributions of participants. The authorized capital is divided into shares determined by the constituent documents. Responsibility on obligations: Subsidiary liability of participants with all their property in the same amount for everyone, a multiple of the value of their contributions. Founding documents: Memorandum of association and charter.

6)Joint-Stock Company (JSC). Founders: private owners, shareholders: citizens and legal entities.

Sources formation of the authorized capital: The authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. Through the sale of shares in the form of an open subscription [(open joint-stock company (JSC)]. Through the distribution of shares only among distributors or other predetermined circle of persons [(closed joint-stock company (CJSC)). Responsibility according to obligations: All shareholders - within the limits of their contribution (block of shares). Founding documents: Charter.

7) Production cooperative (artel). Founders: Voluntary association of citizens and (or) legal entities based on membership (at least 5 people). Sources formation of the authorized capital: Contributions of participants: property shares, personal labor participation. Responsibility for obligations: Vicarious liability for all property owned by the cooperative in the amount and in the manner prescribed by the law on production cooperatives. Founding documents: Charter.

8) State and municipal unitary enterprise. Founders: State government bodies or local government bodies. Sources formation of authorized capital: Contributions of other unitary enterprises. Responsibility for obligations: Not responsible for the obligations of the property owner. Bears responsibility for its obligations. Founding documents: Charter approved by the owner of the property.

* Full comrades- participants in a partnership who manage it by common agreement and are unlimitedly liable with their own property for the obligations of the enterprise.

** Subsidiary(from Latin subsidiarius - reserve, auxiliary) responsibility– additional liability of a person for the obligations of the principal debtor.

*** Memorandum of association– an agreement between two or more parties, establishing the legal status of the entity being created, establishing the procedure for the distribution of income, and the responsibilities of the parties.

**** Charter– a set of norms and rules, including such sections as general provisions, goals and subject matter of activity, characterizing the material and technical base and means of the enterprise, management and control bodies, describing the production, financial and economic activities of the enterprise, providing for the conditions for the reorganization and termination of the activities of the created organization .

Every entrepreneur, starting his business, first of all faces issues related to the choice of the organizational and legal form of his business.

There are three main organizational forms of entrepreneurship:

Sole proprietorship is the ownership of one person or family who bears all the risk of the business, unlimited liability, and receives all the income from the business. Entrepreneurship in the form of sole ownership can be carried out in two types, having different legal statuses: individual entrepreneur (individual), unitary enterprise (legal entity).

Partnership (partnership) is an association of two or more persons who have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities. There are three main types of partnerships:

  • 1) Simple - carried out by persons who undertake to act together without creating a legal entity to achieve a specific goal that does not contradict the law.
  • 2) Full - participants (general partners), in accordance with the constituent agreement concluded between them, engage in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and bear joint and several subsidiary liability for its obligations with the property belonging to them.
  • 3) Limited partnership - two categories of members: general partners and limited investors. General partners carry out entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for the obligations of the partnership with all their property. Limited partners are responsible only for their contribution to the development of something (a business or a project).

Society (corporation) - an association of capital and property for joint management of a business for the purpose of making a profit or for other purposes. Based on the type of liability, there are different types of companies that can be created to carry out business:

  • - Limited liability company (LLC) - a corporation established by two or more persons and having an authorized capital (capital) divided into shares. The size of shares is determined by the statutory documents.
  • - An additional liability company (ALS) is a company established by one or more persons, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares determined by the constituent documents of the size. Participants bear subsidiary liability for its obligations with their property in the same multiple of the value of their contributions, determined by the constituent documents of the company.
  • - Joint-stock company (closed - CJSC, open - OJSC) - the authorized capital is divided into shares of equal par value. A joint stock company is closed if the circulation of its shares on the market is prohibited or limited by the charter. Shares of an open joint-stock company are freely bought and sold by their owners on the securities market without any restrictions.

In turn, all types of business activities can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • 1) by the form of capital formation (small business based on personal ownership of the means of production or lease; joint entrepreneurship based on equity capital; corporate entrepreneurship based on equity capital);
  • 2) by means of capital application (industrial entrepreneurship, commercial entrepreneurship, financial entrepreneurship, engineering, consulting entrepreneurship, investment entrepreneurship).

Entrepreneurial activities are very diverse.

Depending on the field of activity, the following types of entrepreneurship are distinguished:

a) Production - production of products, goods, works is carried out, services are provided. Production entrepreneurship includes innovative, scientific and technical activities, the direct production of goods and services, their industrial consumption, as well as information activities in these areas. The result of the entrepreneur's production activities is the sale of products or works, services to the buyer, consumer and revenue of a certain amount of money.

b) Commercial - characterized by operations and transactions for the purchase and sale of goods and services. Here you can get results faster. This area, which was largely limited earlier, thanks to the efforts of energetic, enterprising people, began to develop rapidly, mainly as private, individual entrepreneurship. The field of activity of commercial entrepreneurship is commodity exchanges and trade organizations.

c) Financial circulation, exchange of values. Financial activity penetrates into both production and commercial activities, but it can also be independent: banking, insurance, etc. The main field of activity of financial entrepreneurship is insurance companies, commercial banks and stock exchanges.

d) Advisory - activities are carried out by highly qualified specialists who solve the emerging problem of the enterprise development strategy. Beginning entrepreneurs can be provided with assistance in starting their own business, and subsequently with advice on various aspects of their activities. In foreign practice, commercial consultation on management issues is called consulting.

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