Organization of fire safety training. Fire technical minimum - training

Nowadays, when any office or apartment is oversaturated with all kinds of equipment, and all residential premises and non-residential buildings are penetrated by many communication arteries, increasingly higher demands are placed on the fire safety competence of employees of various organizations. Consequently, the service of training those responsible for fire safety provided by our company is becoming increasingly in demand. By contacting us, you can be sure that your employees will receive:

  • excellent knowledge of fire safety rules and prevention principles that help eliminate the possibility of a fire hazard;
  • persistent ability to use primary fire extinguishing means and act in a fire situation clearly, competently and in a timely manner.

Fire-technical minimum (FTM) training is carried out on-the-job and off-the-job.

Who needs fire safety training and how often?

The legislation of the Russian Federation requires training in fire safety measures for the following categories of citizens:

  • heads of enterprises;
  • heads of structural units;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • specialists performing work that involves advanced software;
  • those employees who are appointed responsible for industrial safety;
  • school teachers teaching life safety;
  • security guards at various facilities.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 69-FZ of December 21, 1994 “On Fire Safety” aims to ensure that the personnel of organizations are required to undergo training in the fire technical minimum (FTM).

The purpose of fire safety training and its types

As a rule, fire safety training (FBI) is carried out by the owner or administration of the organization according to special training programs on fire safety measures and in the manner determined by the owner.

The purpose of fire safety training is to inform all employees of the basic fire safety requirements, taking into account the following points:

  • fire hazard of production processes and equipment;
  • use of fire protection equipment;
  • actions of personnel in case of fire.

PPI, by its nature and time of its implementation, is usually divided into the following types:

  • introductory,
  • primary,
  • repeated,
  • unscheduled,
  • target.

Introductory PPI

Fire safety training begins with introductory training. It is carried out:

  • with everyone who is rehired, regardless of education, position and length of service;
  • with seasonal workers;
  • with specialists seconded to the organization;
  • with those arriving for industrial training;
  • with those undergoing internship, etc.

The program and duration of induction training must be approved by the supervisor. Such instruction is carried out by the managers themselves or by the persons responsible for industrial safety, who are appointed by order of the manager. Upon completion, all those instructed are tested on their knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment, as well as fire protection systems. In addition, they are provided with practical training in actions that are necessary in the event of a fire.

Primary PJI

Conducted directly at the workplace. It is mandatory for the following categories of citizens:

  • newly hired;
  • transferred from one unit to another;
  • those performing unfamiliar (new) work;
  • arrived at the organization on a travel order;
  • seasonal workers;
  • specialists performing construction and installation work on the territory of this organization;
  • students and interns.

Such instruction is carried out by those appointed by order of the manager to be responsible for fire safety standards and regulations in individual structural units. Instruction is carried out on the basis of individual lessons with employees. At the same time, in practice, the ability to confidently use primary fire extinguishing means and perform actions that are necessary in the event of a real fire is developed. In addition, the skills of providing assistance to victims of fire, smoke and other factors dangerous to humans are being improved.

Repeated PPI

Conducted by those responsible for fire safety, who are appointed by a special order according to a schedule approved by the manager. The frequency for all instructed employees is once a year. For personnel of organizations that have fire-hazardous production – once every six months.

Unscheduled PPI

Briefing can be either planned, that is, carried out according to a certain schedule, or unscheduled. The need for an unscheduled event arises for emergency or unforeseen reasons, including the following:

  • introduction of new rules and regulations of industrial safety;
  • change in technological process;
  • equipment modernization;
  • replacement of raw materials or materials, etc.;
  • violation by personnel of industrial safety requirements or ignorance of them;
  • accidents in similar industries.

Other atypical situations cannot be excluded in which it may be necessary to provide unscheduled instruction to one of the employees or conduct a group instruction.

Target PIP

It is necessary in the following cases:

  • performing welding or other work, the implementation of which is associated with a high fire or explosion hazard;
  • elimination of consequences of emergency situations (disasters, accidents, natural disasters);
  • conducting excursions for employees and students or other events related to the stay of more than fifty people.

Whichever of the above types of instruction is required in each specific case, it is advisable to entrust the training of those responsible for fire safety standards and regulations to professionals. Our employees are ready to take it upon themselves and make the learning process as effective as possible.

2. Responsibility for organizing and timely training in the field of fire safety and testing the knowledge of fire safety rules for employees of organizations lies with the administrations (owners) of these organizations, officials of organizations, entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, as well as employees who have entered into an employment contract with the employer in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Control over the organization of training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations is carried out by state fire supervision bodies.

4. The main types of training for employees of organizations in fire safety measures are fire safety briefing and learning the minimum fire-technical knowledge (hereinafter referred to as the fire-technical minimum).

II. Fire safety training

5. Fire safety briefing is carried out with the aim of communicating to employees of organizations the basic fire safety requirements, studying the fire hazard of technological processes of production and equipment, fire protection equipment, as well as their actions in the event of a fire.

6. Fire safety training is carried out by the administration (owner) of the organization according to special training programs on fire safety measures for employees of organizations (hereinafter referred to as special programs) and in the manner determined by the administration (owner) of the organization (hereinafter referred to as the head of the organization).

7. When conducting fire safety training, the specifics of the organization’s activities should be taken into account.

8. Conducting fire safety training includes familiarizing employees of organizations with:

fire safety requirements, based on the specific fire hazard of technological processes, production facilities and facilities;

measures to ensure fire safety during the operation of buildings (structures), equipment, and the performance of fire hazardous work;

rules for the use of open fire and hot work;

responsibilities and actions of workers in case of fire, rules for calling the fire department, rules for the use of fire extinguishing means and fire automatic installations.

9. Based on the nature and timing of the fire safety briefing, it is divided into: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted.

10. An entry is made in the fire safety briefing logbook about the conduct of introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted fire safety briefings with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing (Appendix 1).

11. Introductory fire safety training is carried out:

with all employees newly hired, regardless of their education, length of service in the profession (position);

with seasonal workers;

with students arriving for on-the-job training or internship;

12. Introductory fire safety briefing in an organization is carried out by the head of the organization or the person responsible for fire safety, appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization.

13. Introductory briefing is carried out in a specially equipped room using visual aids and educational materials.

14. Introductory briefing is carried out according to a program developed taking into account the requirements of standards, rules, regulations and instructions on fire safety. The induction training program is approved by order (instruction) of the head of the organization. The duration of the instruction is set in accordance with the approved program.

An approximate list of questions for introductory fire safety training is given in Appendix 2.

15. Introductory fire safety briefing ends with practical training of actions in the event of a fire and testing of knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection systems.

16. Primary fire safety training is carried out directly at the workplace:

with all newly hired employees;

with those transferred from one division of this organization to another;

with employees performing new work for them;

with employees seconded to the organization;

with seasonal workers;

with construction specialists performing construction, installation and other work on the territory of the organization;

with students arriving for on-the-job training or internship.

17. Conducting initial fire safety training for the specified categories of workers is carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in each structural unit, appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization.

18. Primary fire safety training is carried out according to a program developed taking into account the requirements of standards, rules, regulations and instructions on fire safety. The induction training program is approved by the head of the organization’s structural unit or the person responsible for fire safety of the structural unit.

An approximate list of questions for conducting initial fire safety briefing is given in Appendix 2.

19. Primary fire safety training is carried out with each employee individually, with practical demonstration and training of skills in using primary fire extinguishing equipment, actions in the event of a fire, evacuation rules, and assistance to victims.

20. All employees of an organization that has fire-hazardous production, as well as those working in buildings (structures) with large numbers of people (over 50 people) must practically demonstrate the ability to act in case of fire and use primary fire extinguishing means.

21. Primary fire safety briefing is possible with a group of people servicing the same type of equipment and within a common workplace.

22. Repeated fire safety briefing is carried out by the person responsible for fire safety, appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization with all employees, regardless of qualifications, education, experience, nature of the work performed, at least once a year, and with employees of organizations with a fire hazard production, at least once every six months.

23. Repeated fire safety training is carried out in accordance with the training schedule approved by the head of the organization.

24. Repeated fire safety briefing is carried out individually or with a group of workers servicing the same type of equipment within a common workplace according to the program of primary fire safety briefing at the workplace.

25. During the repeated fire safety briefing, knowledge of fire safety standards, rules, norms and instructions, the ability to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, knowledge of evacuation routes, fire warning systems and management of the evacuation process are tested.

26. Unscheduled fire safety training is carried out:

when introducing new or changing previously developed rules, regulations, fire safety instructions, and other documents containing fire safety requirements;

when changing the production process, replacing or upgrading equipment, tools, raw materials, materials, as well as changing other factors affecting the fire safety condition of the facility;

in case of violation by employees of the organization of fire safety requirements, which could lead or did lead to a fire;

for additional study of fire safety measures at the request of state fire supervision authorities when they identify insufficient knowledge among employees of the organization;

during breaks in work, more than 30 calendar days, and for other work - 60 calendar days (for work that is subject to additional fire safety requirements);

upon receipt of information materials about accidents and fires that occurred in similar industries;

when establishing facts of unsatisfactory knowledge of fire safety requirements by employees of organizations.

27. Unscheduled fire safety briefing is carried out by an employee responsible for ensuring fire safety in the organization, or directly by the work manager (foreman, engineer) who has the necessary training individually or with a group of workers of the same profession. The volume and content of unscheduled fire safety briefings are determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons and circumstances that necessitated the need for it.

28. Targeted fire safety training is carried out:

when performing one-time work associated with an increased fire danger (welding and other hot work);

when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes;

when performing work for which a permit is issued, when performing hot work in explosive industries;

when conducting excursions to organizations;

when organizing public events with students;

when preparing for the organization of events with a large number of people (collegium meetings, meetings, conferences, meetings, etc.), with the number of participants more than 50 people.

29. Targeted fire safety briefing is carried out by the person responsible for ensuring fire safety in the organization, or directly by the work manager (foreman, engineer) and in cases established by fire safety rules - in the work permit.

30. Targeted fire safety briefing ends with a test of the employee’s acquired knowledge and skills in using primary fire extinguishing equipment, actions in the event of a fire, knowledge of evacuation rules, assistance to victims, by the person conducting the instruction.

III. Fire technical minimum

31. Managers, specialists and employees of organizations responsible for fire safety are trained in the fire-technical minimum in the amount of knowledge of the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating fire safety, in terms of the fire regime, the fire hazard of the technological process and production of the organization, as well as techniques and actions when the occurrence of a fire in an organization, allowing one to develop practical skills in preventing fire, saving life, health and property in case of fire.

32. Fire-technical minimum training for managers, specialists and employees of organizations not related to fire and explosion hazardous production is carried out within a month after hiring and at subsequent intervals at least once every three years after the last training, and for managers, specialists and employees of organizations related to fire and explosion hazardous production, once a year.

33. Employees of organizations who have the qualification of a fire safety engineer (technician), as well as employees of the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety and its structural divisions, teachers of educational institutions teaching the discipline "fire safety", having continuous experience Work in the field of fire safety for at least five years; within a year after entering the job (service), they may not undergo training in the fire safety technical minimum.

34. Responsibilities for organizing fire safety training in the organization rest with its head.

35. Firefighting technical minimum training is organized both off- and on-the-job.

36. Training in fire-technical minimum according to special programs developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure, with a break from production, is carried out by:

managers and chief specialists of the organization or persons performing their duties;

employees responsible for fire safety of organizations and conducting fire safety training;

heads of primary organizations of voluntary fire protection;

heads of country health institutions for children and adolescents;

workers performing gas-electric welding and other hot work;

drivers of fire trucks and mechanics of motor pumps of children's health institutions;

37. Off-the-job training is carried out in educational institutions of the fire-technical profile, training centers of the federal fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, educational and methodological centers for civil defense and emergency situations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial divisions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, in organizations providing in accordance with the established procedure, services for training the population in fire safety measures.

38. Managers and specialists of organizations with explosion- and fire-hazardous production facilities are recommended to undergo training in specialized training centers where special training grounds are equipped that take into account the specifics of production.

39. According to special fire-technical minimum programs developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure, the following are trained directly in the organization:

heads of departments of the organization, managers and chief specialists of fire and explosion hazardous production departments;

employees responsible for ensuring fire safety in departments;

teaching staff of preschool educational institutions;

employees providing 24-hour security for the organization;

citizens participating in the activities of fire departments to prevent and (or) extinguish fires on a voluntary basis;

workers involved in performing explosion and fire hazardous work.

40. Training in special fire-technical minimum programs directly in the organization is carried out by the head of the organization or by a person appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization, responsible for fire safety, who has appropriate training.

IV. Testing knowledge of fire safety rules

41. Testing the knowledge of fire safety requirements of managers, specialists and employees of the organization is carried out upon completion of fire-technical minimum training outside of work and is carried out by a qualification commission appointed by order (instruction) of the head of the organization, consisting of at least three people.

42. The qualification commission includes managers and full-time teaching staff of training organizations and, by agreement, specialists from federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, and state fire inspection bodies.

43. To test the knowledge of fire safety requirements of workers who have been trained in the fire safety technical minimum in an organization on the job, by order (instruction) of the head of the organization, a qualification commission is created consisting of at least three people who have been trained and tested their knowledge of fire safety requirements in the prescribed manner ok.

44. The qualification commission for testing knowledge of fire safety requirements consists of a chairman, deputy (deputies) chairman and members of the commission, secretary.

45. Employees undergoing a knowledge test must be familiarized in advance with the program and schedule of the knowledge test.

46. ​​An extraordinary test of knowledge of fire safety requirements for employees of an organization, regardless of the date of the previous test, is carried out:

when approving new or amending regulatory legal acts containing fire safety requirements (in this case, knowledge of only these regulatory legal acts is tested);

when commissioning new equipment and changes in technological processes that require additional knowledge of fire safety rules for workers (in this case, knowledge of fire safety requirements associated with the corresponding changes is checked);

when assigning or transferring employees to another job, if new duties require additional knowledge on fire safety (before they begin to perform their job duties);

at the request of officials of the state fire supervision body, other departmental control bodies, as well as the head (or his authorized person) of the organization when establishing violations of fire safety requirements and insufficient knowledge of fire safety requirements;

after fires have occurred, as well as when identifying violations by employees of the organization of the requirements of regulatory legal acts on fire safety;

if there is a break in work in this position for more than one year;

when carrying out supervision activities by state fire supervision authorities.

47. The scope and procedure for an extraordinary test of knowledge of fire safety requirements are determined by the party initiating it.

48. A list of checklists for testing the knowledge of employees of organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive authorities is developed by the relevant federal executive authorities, taking into account the specifics of production activities and necessarily includes a practical part (actions in case of fire, use of primary fire extinguishing means).

49. For other organizations, a list of control questions is developed by the heads (owners) of organizations or employees responsible for fire safety.

50. Control over the timely testing of knowledge of fire safety requirements for employees is carried out by the head of the organization.

V. Special programs

51. Special programs are developed and approved by the administrations (owners) of organizations.

55. When preparing special programs, special attention is paid to the practical component of training: the ability to use primary fire extinguishing equipment, actions in the event of a fire, evacuation rules, and assistance to victims.


* In these Fire Safety Standards, the organization is understood as government bodies, local government bodies, institutions, organizations, peasant (farm) households, and other legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

Greetings, dear reader! I am glad to welcome you to the pages of my blog dedicated to security. Recently, my blog has gained so much popularity that I do not have time to write articles, as I am trying to answer all the questions that come through the feedback form and comments.

Unfortunately, I am unable to answer all questions on time. To answer any questions, I involve specialists - gas pumping engineers, low-current system designers, emergency response engineers and technicians. Naturally, this is not only a financial burden, but also a time frame. So don't be offended if I missed your question or didn't find an answer to it. It is impossible to know everything.

I would like to devote today’s article to one very interesting topic – training in fire safety measures for employees of an organization. And we will talk not so much about conducting briefings, but about the quality of the training that those responsible for fire safety receive.

You know, sometimes I receive such questions by email from people who have been appointed responsible for the security policy, and it takes several days to find an answer. But in essence, this is not a question for the person responsible for fire safety; this should be dealt with by specially trained people. But why is the person who writes to me doing this? It seems to me that this is either from a lack of knowledge, or, like Griboyedov, grief from the mind.

And if the latter is the choice of the person himself, then the former must be fought. Let's look at what types of training exist according to current legislation.

So, according to Art. 25 69-ФЗ training is carried out according to special approved programs. And clause 3 of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation states that training is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents on fire safety. Such a regulatory document is (Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645).

Order No. 645 states that if an organization is under the jurisdiction of a federal executive body, then training programs on fire safety measures are approved by the head of this body and agreed upon in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized to solve problems in the field of fire safety (EMERCOM of Russia) in compliance with clause 52 of the Norms approved by Order No. 645.

If the organization does not belong to the federal executive body, then special programs must be coordinated with the territorial supervisory authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in accordance with clause 53 of the Norms approved by Order No. 645.

Approximate special programs that require approval are given in Appendix No. 3 of Order No. 645. See what programs we must agree with you.

But there is no need to coordinate the programs of introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings. They are developed and approved within the organization. And briefings are provided to all employees.

Conducting fire safety training

Fire safety training programs are developed by the organization’s administration. The management of the organization also determines the procedure for conducting briefings.

In order to confirm to the inspectors that the briefings have been carried out, it is necessary to keep a special log. Clause 10 of the norms approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 645 indicates a mandatory requirement for keeping a log of safety briefings - the signature of the instructor and the instructee.

During briefings, the employee must be familiar with:

  • Rules for the maintenance of buildings and structures, as well as fire safety systems - automatic fire alarms, internal fire water supply, etc.
  • Fire safety requirements taking into account the specifics of production and fire danger when organizing production activities.
  • Measures to ensure safety during the operation of buildings and structures, equipment, etc.
  • Rules for the use of open fire and carrying out fire hazardous and hot work.
  • Actions of workers in case of fire, rules for calling fire and rescue crews, rules for using primary fire extinguishing agents, etc.

And current legislation requires you and me to conduct evacuation training twice a year. This applies to facilities with large numbers of people – more than 50 people at a time.

In principle, everything is clear with instructions and training, let’s move on to the fire-technical minimum.

Fire technical minimum

Finally, we have come to the most interesting part, training in PTM. I’ll now explain why this is the most interesting thing. The fact is that at one time PTM training was a bonanza for some organizations. You don’t need any training licenses, which means you can save on teachers and classes.

Honestly, I don’t know how commercial organizations teach, I studied at budget courses and this is how the training went: a group gathered and as soon as the teacher entered the class, the most experienced students began to ask to be allowed to go home early.

So classes were held in a shortened mode. And in principle, it all boiled down to the fact that it was necessary to study the regulations, the list of which was on 4-5 pages. Naturally, there can be no talk of any knowledge.

With this approach to training, the fire safety officer is unlikely to know his or her responsibilities.

There are other options. For example, colleagues approached me several times with a request to give them an identification card. That is, they wanted to get certificates and not study. This option is even worse - paying your money not for knowledge, but for some piece of paper. For which a license is also not required.

Now let's talk about who should learn PTM. The categories of those who are required to undergo PTM training are indicated in clause 31 of the Standards approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645.

At the same time, those who work at fire and explosion hazardous facilities undergo training once a year, and all others once every three years.

At the end of PTM training, knowledge is tested. Those who have completed PTM training must be familiar with the schedule and program for testing knowledge in the field of fire safety.

It’s just that knowledge testing at budget courses was not always carried out. Of course, when you urgently need to go to work, because no one will do anything for you in your absence, this training is always out of place. But there are many options, for example, distance learning.

You can simply sign up for distance learning courses and complete the training exactly when it is convenient for you. And distance learning materials presented in electronic form can always be kept for yourself. Isn't this a compromise? What do you think?

Another thing is that in this case the question of practical exercises remains open, but we can solve that too, right?

Therefore, friends, value yourself, your knowledge and the business you are doing. Get only quality training. It is high-quality training that I am currently undergoing.

That's all for me, see you again on the pages of my blog. By the way, don’t forget to subscribe to the blog news - I’ll tell you how my training is going. Share this article with your friends on social networks. Until we meet again, bye-bye.

Institute of additional professional education " ProfiClass» conducts fire safety training for managers and specialists, as well as ordinary employees of organizations. The training programs are developed in accordance with regulatory standards in the field of industrial safety and approved by the supervisory authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow.

Purpose of the course

PTM training is necessary for enterprise employees to acquire the necessary knowledge and practical skills to prevent fires at work or promptly eliminate fires and minimize the consequences of fires if they occur.

Categories of listeners

The following groups of people are trained in fire safety measures:

  • Individual entrepreneurs (IP), heads of structural divisions and organizations;
  • Specialists appointed responsible for fire safety by internal order of the head of the enterprise;
  • Employees responsible for conducting fire safety training;
  • Drivers of land vehicles;
  • Employees engaged in welding and other types of fire hazardous work;
  • Construction workers who carry out restoration, installation or construction of new facilities;
  • Other categories of employees whose activities require compliance with increased fire safety requirements.

Course program

Fire safety training in an organization involves consideration of the following issues:

  • Basic provisions of regulatory documents in the field of industrial safety;
  • Detailed information about the ignition of objects and flammability classes of materials used in production;
  • Rules for evacuation in case of fire;
  • Fire safety requirements for storing flammable items and rules for handling them. Features of performing fire hazardous types of work;
  • Fire safety rules when carrying out work indoors;
  • Rules for handling primary fire extinguishing agents;
  • First actions of personnel and rules for providing medical assistance in the event of a fire.

Training format

The ProfiClass Institute of Additional Professional Education provides training for fire safety specialists in three forms:

  1. Full-time. PTM training takes place in the building of the training center in Moscow. The classrooms are equipped with modern technical means to increase the efficiency of mastering theoretical material.
  2. Remote. Students independently undergo training in the fire-technical minimum using educational materials in electronic form. This allows enterprise employees to gain knowledge at a convenient time without interruption from production.
  3. Traveling. Classes are held at the customer’s site with an on-site teacher according to an agreed schedule.

Issued documents

Training and testing of fire safety knowledge ends with the issuance of a certificate with the seal and signature of the training center. The document is valid for workers for 1 year, for management – ​​for 3 years.

Upon expiration of the certificate, the holder is required to undergo advanced training courses under the PTM program in order to confirm the professional level. During the short-term training, the student will become familiar with changes in the regulatory framework and the rules for using new fire protection equipment.

To calculate the price of training and for more information, please contact the company " ProfiClass» by phone

A fire is an uncontrolled combustion. It would seem that this stereotyped, boring definition has been known to everyone for a long time. Therefore, every person should know how to prevent a fire in advance, safely and quickly localize it and eliminate it if it does occur. The second important question: how to save your life and the lives of people nearby in this emergency situation.

However, hundreds of thousands of fires are registered in Russia every year. The damage they cause amounts to tens of billions of rubles, and the number of people killed is in the thousands. The reasons that provoked more than half of the total number of fires are:

  1. Failure to comply with the rules for the design and use of electrical equipment and devices.
  2. Violation of technological production processes or operation of faulty production equipment.
  3. Careless handling of fire.
  4. Ignoring the rules and regulations of fire safety (FS) when carrying out fire and welding work.
  5. Cases of spontaneous combustion of raw materials, substances and materials used.

Our training center offers heads of organizations to take a fire technical minimum (FTM) course, as well as train their specialists responsible for fire safety or carrying out any types of fire hazardous work. During full-time training, the frequency of forming groups of students is carried out monthly. When choosing a distance learning format, the schedule is drawn up individually. The cost of training is 3500 rubles. The knowledge test ends with receiving PTM certificates.

Who needs this type of training?

Legislative acts regulating the need to master the course are the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 and departmental Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645 dated December 12, 2007. In accordance with them, the following categories of students must undergo training:

  1. Officials who form the management structure of the organization and its divisions.
  2. Leading engineering and technical workers (chief engineer, mechanic, technologist, etc.).
  3. Specialists responsible for compliance with the fire safety regime in the organization (conducting fire safety instructions).
  4. Personnel performing hot and fire-hazardous work (electric and gas welders, warehouse workers, etc.).
  5. Persons engaged in practical activities on a professional basis in education and training in educational institutions.
  6. Heads of children's health camps (country health camps, specialized sports and health camps, day camps and others).
  7. Members of territorial or facility units of the voluntary fire department.

Fire safety certificate.

Currently, correspondence training is the most common. It is carried out remotely (online). The student is given access to his personal account in the form of a login and password to the portal. An unlimited amount of time is given for independent study of lecture material and testing of knowledge in the form of testing.

Receiving a PB (PTM) certificate means successfully passing the test. As a rule, knowledge updating is required once every 3 years.

Why do you need fire safety training?

The primary goal pursued by the employer is to ensure the safety of the organization’s “most expensive resource” - the people in an employment relationship with him. Also, company owners are far from indifferent to the safety of the property assets of their business, which can be destroyed overnight by a fire. And of course, the opportunity to avoid the imposition of administrative fines (which, by the way, have doubled) is also a good incentive to train your subordinates in PTM courses.

The above goals can be achieved by a training program developed in accordance with all current regulatory requirements and providing students with the opportunity to:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the current regulatory legislative framework in the field of food security.
  2. Learn the rules for the effective use, maintenance and maintenance of primary fire extinguishing equipment.
  3. Master the plan of prescribed actions in conditions of the spread of uncontrolled combustion, rules for evacuating from a dangerous area, safe methods for localizing fires.
  4. Master the skills of providing first aid to victims.
  5. Study the principles of safe conduct and organization of fire-hazardous work (preparation of workplaces, targeted instruction of workers, preparation of relevant documents).

When should employees be sent for initial training in industrial safety standards?

The employer has a one-month period during which it is necessary to organize training for newly hired employees. We are talking about those categories of employees whose functional responsibilities will be in some way related to ensuring food safety in the organization.

Also, within thirty days, it is necessary to train employees transferred from one position to another (moving a specialist to a managerial position, transferring to another department, the specific features of production activities in which are significantly different from the previous place of work, etc.).

When should employees be sent for retraining?

Personnel of enterprises with explosion- and fire-hazardous production must undergo annual fire safety training (once a year).
This is due to the presence of:

  • flammable gases;
  • explosive steam-gas-air mixtures;
  • flammable liquids;
  • combustible dust or fibres.

Managers and specialists of non-fire hazardous industries must undergo training at least once every 3 years. At the exit they can get crusts according to PTM.

The training programs are compiled in full compliance with the regulatory requirements for their content and approved by specialists from the Department of Supervisory Activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Below is a list of the main sections included in all training courses, regardless of their duration and target audience:

  1. Legislative educational program in the field of industrial safety, which is an introduction to a selection of current legislative acts.
  2. Characteristics of types of fires depending on the conditions of their occurrence and development.
  3. Assessment of the enterprise's exposure to uncontrolled fires.
  4. Rules for the implementation of all required measures aimed at preventing fires:
    • establishing the necessary fire safety regime in the organization;
    • theoretical and practical training of personnel (fire safety instruction, plan for fire tactical exercises, etc.);
    • methods of safe organization and conduct of fire and fire-hazardous work;
    • placement and maintenance of primary fire extinguishing equipment;
    • rules for organizing the safe placement and storage of raw materials, materials and finished products;
    • inspection and testing of heating, heat supply and ventilation systems.
  5. Fire protection systems:
    • industrial safety requirements aimed at ensuring the possibility of prompt and unimpeded evacuation of personnel from a hazardous area;
    • ensuring safe conditions that protect personnel from the effects of hazardous factors of uncontrolled fires (automatic fire extinguishing systems, smoke protection, etc.).
  6. Graduation sequence of actions of the organization’s employees in the event of a fire:
    • the procedure and methods for notifying people about the occurrence of uncontrolled burning;
    • assessing the feasibility of taking measures to localize and eliminate the detected fire and save material assets;
    • rules for using manual fire extinguishing equipment;
    • management of evacuation of people;
    • necessary personal protective equipment for firefighting participants;
    • rules for interaction with arriving fire departments:
    • meeting of fire departments;
    • informing firefighters about choosing the shortest and most convenient approach to the fire;
    • providing information about the specifics and features of the enterprise (location of buildings, characteristics of the equipment in use, information about the properties and quantity of raw materials used, etc.).

What is the course like and how long does it last?

The scope of training programs is different for each specific category of students. The total number of training hours can vary from 7 to 32. Students choose the training format independently.
The standard program lasts 28 hours.

When choosing a full-time course, students will master the fire-technical minimum course directly at our training center. Classes will be conducted under the guidance of qualified teachers in premises equipped with all the necessary multimedia equipment.

If your company needs to train a large number of specialists, then in this case it is possible for teachers to travel to your territory. This option is very convenient because it allows the Customer to independently choose the date of training and minimize the time the trainees are separated from their work activities. The only thing that will be required from the Customer is the provision of premises that ensure the convenience of conducting classes.

Well, the last, most popular, format of study is correspondence (distance) training in PB. All that is required is to have a computer connected to the Internet at your workplace. After payment is made, everyone receives access to a special program containing all the necessary educational materials. You can master it at any convenient time with your own choice of the most comfortable intensity of information perception.

The choice of study format does not affect the content of the certificates. They are standardized. Full name, position and company name are indicated here.

Administrative measures for violation of requirements.

  1. Violation of the requirements entails a fine:
    • for civilians - from 2000 to 3000 rubles;
    • for responsible officials - from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles;
    • for individual entrepreneurs - from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles;
    • for enterprises - from 15,000 to 200,000 rubles.
  2. Violation of norms that provoked a fire, as a result of which someone else’s property was damaged or light or moderate harm was caused to human health, entails the imposition of a fine:
    • for civilians - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles;
    • for officials - from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles;
    • for enterprises from - 350,000 to 400,000 rubles;
  3. Neglect of established safety requirements resulting in a fire causing serious harm to human health or death is punishable by the following fines:
    • for organizations - from 600,000 to 1,000,000 rubles, or forced suspension of their activities for up to 3 months.
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