Organization of material incentives for employees. How to introduce a system of material incentives. Economic incentives for employees: pros and cons

Incentives have been used by people for a long time. In ancient Rome, "stimuli" were the poles used by the charioteers to control the horses harnessed to the chariots. At present, incentives are a means of motivation - this is a system of economic standards and benefits, the level wages and fair distribution of income, conditions and meaningfulness of work, relationships in the family, team, recognition from others and career considerations, creative impulse and interesting work, the desire to assert oneself and constant risk, tough external teams and internal culture, etc.

Stimulation of labor(as a method of personnel management) is focused on the values, interests of the employee and on a more complete realization of the existing labor potential.

Labor incentives are a way of rewarding employees for participating in production, based on a comparison of labor efficiency and technology requirements.

Employee remuneration is understood as all the expenses incurred by the employer on the basis of an employment agreement.

The main purpose of remuneration is to ensure the implementation of the organization's strategic goals by attracting, retaining and stimulating personnel.

The main value of remuneration is to stimulate the production behavior of company employees, directing it to achieve the strategic goals facing it, i.e. connect the material interests of employees with the strategic objectives of the organization. This key setting determines the following goals of the reward system.

Attracting staff to the organization. The remuneration system should be competitive in relation to the category of employees that the organization requires.

Keeping employees in the organization. To avoid the loss of employees, for the professional training and development of which the organization has spent certain funds, managers must: ensure the competitiveness of the remuneration system.

Stimulation of production behavior. Productivity, creativity, experience, dedication to the organization should be encouraged through a reward system.

Cost control for labor force . A well-thought-out compensation system allows an organization to control labor costs while ensuring that the right people are available. Unreasonably high wage costs have led to the bankruptcy of many organizations.

Efficiency and simplicity. The remuneration system should be well understood by each employee of the organization and not require significant material resources to ensure its functioning.

Legal Compliance. In all countries, the remuneration of employees is to some extent regulated by state legislation, ignoring which can lead to judicial and administrative sanctions against the organization, which is associated with significant material and moral costs.

All changes in the field of remuneration must be well thought out and properly prepared, as this is an extremely sensitive area, directly affecting the material interests of employees, in which the cost of a mistake is extremely high. In doing so, the following must be observed principle A: The reward should be enough to motivate, but not spoil, employees.

AT market economy The central place in the relations between the employee and the organization is occupied by the exchange of the results of the work of an employee for the totality of all types of remuneration. In accordance with current trends within the reward system there is a division into external and internal rewards.

External remuneration is controlled and distributed by the organization: these are cash payments, bonuses and social benefits that are used to stimulate the effective work of their employees, this is the socio-psychological atmosphere and management style that are present in the organizational culture, etc.

Internal employee satisfaction does not directly depend on the organization, it is a psychological state associated with the motivational structure of the individual, his psychological characteristics and attitudes. Only the conditions under which a working person can receive internal satisfaction from work depend on the organization.

The personnel remuneration system includes both tangible and intangible forms. So, for example, in the American corporation ZM, forms of incentives have been adopted (Fig. 14). The compensation package, or the system of remuneration that is used in the organization, consists of three elements - the basic remuneration, additional charges and social payments or benefits (benefits).

R1 - one or more main labor functions; R2 - in general, the results of labor correspond to the given ones; R3 - the employee performs his functions above the average; R4 - the employee significantly succeeds in work; S - is entered for exceptional cases.

Base salary - guaranteed compensation to an employee for his work in the organization, i.e. performance fee official duties at his workplace to the extent and with the quality stipulated by job descriptions or corporate standards. The base salary remains constant for a sufficiently long time and does not directly depend on the current performance of the employee.

Bonuses, or incentive payments (the variable part of the monetary remuneration is usually associated with remuneration for the performance of the employee. These include commission payments, bonuses for the implementation of the plan, participation in profits, etc. In other words, what constitutes the variable part of the monetary remuneration for labor and is used to take into account the performance of employees, linking the level of monetary remuneration with the overall performance of the company, division or the employee himself.

Benefits, or social benefits, are considered as remuneration not related to the quantity and quality of work, remuneration that employees receive for the fact of working in a given organization or at a given enterprise. Benefits include health insurance, vacation pay, free meals, travel allowances, and more. social payments defined by law or inherent only to this organization.

The development of a base salary (a permanent part of the monetary remuneration) includes several stages:

Description and analysis of jobs (positions);

Classification of jobs (positions) by intra-company value;

Tariffication of workplaces (positions) and determination of pay grades;

Establishment of base salaries, allowances and additional payments - the formation of a system of constant (base) wages, taking into account the results of the analysis of market value.

Domestic practice has developed seven general rules (principles) financial incentives personnel based on the unity of material and moral incentives with the dominance of material:

1. Systems financial incentives should be simple and understandable to every employee.

2. Systems must be flexible, allowing immediate rewards for every positive performance.

3. The size of the incentive must be economically and psychologically justified (more and less; more often, but less).

4. Encouragement of personnel is important to organize according to indicators that are perceived by everyone as correct.

5. Incentive systems should form among employees a sense of fairness of material rewards.

6. Rewards systems should help increase the interest of employees in improving not only individual performance, but also joint work with other employees.

7. Employees must see a clear relationship between the results of their work and the activities of the company (what employees' mistakes can lead to and what successes of each of them lead to).

Moral encouragement follows from the very process of work - satisfaction with the achieved result and a sense of the meaning of what is happening. In order to increase this incentive factor, management should strive to constantly improve working conditions.

There are a large number of non-material rewards, however, there is no generally accepted classification of such rewards, let's consider the most commonly used of them.:

Work Schedule Benefits. This includes: payment for non-working time of an employee (holidays, vacation, period of temporary incapacity for work, etc.), providing an employee with a flexible work schedule.

Material non-financial rewards: gifts from the company for birthdays, holidays on the occasion of the birth of a child, etc., as well as discounts on the purchase of company products, issuance of loans under a preferential program, repayment of medical insurance.

Company-wide events. Companies often organize company holidays, events that employees can invite their families to, and pay for lunches for their employees.

"Reward-appreciation". Encouragement is a powerful way to reward. Almost all people respond positively if they feel valued and respected. It is necessary to praise employees: use mentions of them in the media, post photos in prominent places, etc.

Remuneration related to a change in the status of an employee. These include: promotion and training of an employee at the expense of the company, inviting an employee as a speaker (for example, a lecturer, which indicates his high appreciation), an offer to participate in a more interesting or financially beneficial project.

Rewards associated with a job change. To this method can be taken away: the allocation of a separate office, hiring a secretary, providing additional office equipment, a company car.

Delegation of powers. Almost all companies use delegation of authority. In this case, the art of the manager lies in the ability to identify employees who can prove themselves without additional control. This method is an effective motivation of employees, which allows to increase their potential and realize their creative abilities.

Stimulation involves an external (moral, physical, material) impact on people with the aim of directly influencing the results of labor, enhancing the activities of employees (Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Dependence of labor efficiency on incentives:

1 - satisfaction of basic material needs: 2 - satisfaction of basic social needs: Z - satisfaction of material and social needs.

Stimulation at the level of satisfaction of basic material needs (in food, clothing and housing) creates a minimum labor efficiency. At this stage, moral incentives practically do not play any role.

Stimulation at the level of satisfaction of basic social needs solves the problem of increasing labor efficiency to the point determined by the physical capabilities of a person. Moral incentives play a secondary role only slightly increasing the efficiency of labor.

Stimulation at the level of satisfaction of material and social interests significantly changes the emotional state of the employee, creating a “second wind” - mobilization, i.e. the formation of new driving forces in the employee on the basis of patriotism, moral values ​​​​of a person and society to achieve their goals. The productivity of a person largely depends on his emotional state, mood. To manage this state is the main task of the technology of motivation and stimulation of labor.

Motivation is often equated with stimulation. These concepts are very close in content, but they should not be confused. Previously, scientists considered separately the theory of motivation and stimulation. In fact, motivation and stimulation are interrelated. Therefore, at present, the problem of the relationship between motivation and stimulation of labor is of theoretical and practical importance.

The art of a leader is especially evident in the ability to stimulate the participation of employees in making business decisions, which ultimately can increase the intellectual potential of the organization and satisfy the deep need of the individual for self-expression and recognition of the results of their work.

The system of material incentives should create conditions for meeting the requirements of employees. The main requirement for an employee is earnings that can provide the necessary level of well-being.

Stimulating the high quality of work at large state-owned enterprises requires differentiation of pay depending on all its components of the labor potential, organizational and technical conditions, quality and efficiency of labor. Moreover, this differentiation should be introduced in single system with moral encouragement.

Combining the material, interests of employees with the goals of the organization allows the latter to attract and retain qualified personnel, control and manage labor costs, using the labor of the optimal number of employees.

These goals are served by intra-company systems of remuneration, incentives and motivation of personnel, which should be developed in the organization. Currently, there is a trend of systematic use of non-financial and financial rewards.

An inefficient remuneration system can cause dissatisfaction among employees (both in terms of the size and methods of determining and distributing remuneration) and lead to painful consequences for the organization in the form of demotivation of employees, stagnation or decrease in labor productivity, high staff turnover, tension in relations between employees. Dissatisfied employees may come into open conflict with the leaders of the organization, stop work, go on strike or leave the organization.

An effective remuneration system increases the productivity of the staff, directs and orients them to those actions that are necessary for the organization.

There are fundamental differences in the construction of remuneration schemes in small and large firms. Most small firms have a limited set of benefits. Usually there is no additional pension insurance (besides the state one), and there are no clearly defined career paths within the firm. The stimulation is carried out mainly due to the “competitive”, i.e., a sufficiently high level of basic pay, including salary and bonuses. Workers are attracted by the very possibility of getting a job, a higher degree of independence, the opportunity to gain the experience required to get a job in reputable firms.

In building remuneration systems, flexible are large companies. for this purpose, they use thick packages of additional intercompany social insurance, benefits, and ownership interests that ensure that the interests of the staff are tied to the firm.

J. Whitmore emphasizes that we must fundamentally change our understanding of motivation. Only independent people can achieve high productivity and efficiency in their activities.

The development of a motivation system is one of the most demanded today consulting services. On the one hand, such a system should encourage employees to effective work on the other hand, to be economically justified. Consider general principles, on the basis of which financial directors can develop a new motivation system for their companies or make adjustments to already existing rules material remuneration of employees.

A motivation system exists in almost every enterprise. However, with its help, many companies fail to achieve the desired goals: to increase labor productivity, to interest ordinary employees in the results of the company's activities, etc. In most cases, the reason for such failures is that the motivation system does not take into account the characteristics of a particular enterprise: either it is done " according to textbooks”, either went to the enterprise from the Soviet past, or borrowed from competing companies that managed to achieve good results. Copying some fragments of the personnel incentive system, managers do not think that the motivation system of each enterprise should be developed taking into account its specifics and characteristics of the staff.

Personal experience

Oleg Vishnyakov, Consulting Director of the consulting company "Business Logic" (Moscow)

The motivation system always depends on the company's policy in the field of personnel management. Of course, you need to take into account the motivation systems implemented by competitors. On how your system of motivation is more effective than the system of competitors, in particular, staff turnover and labor productivity will depend.

Therefore, a careful elaboration of the incentive system is necessary, taking into account individual characteristics enterprises. You need to be prepared for the fact that this is a laborious process that will require considerable time (in large enterprises - several months).

Requirements for the motivation system

There are a number of requirements that should be guided by when creating an incentive system:

  • objectivity: the amount of an employee's remuneration should be determined on the basis of an objective assessment of the results of his work;
  • predictability: the employee must know what remuneration he will receive depending on the results of his work;
  • adequacy: remuneration should be adequate to the labor contribution of each employee to the result of the activities of the entire team, his experience and skill level;
  • timeliness: remuneration should follow the achievement of the result as quickly as possible (if not in the form of direct remuneration, then at least in the form of accounting for subsequent remuneration);
  • significance: the reward must be significant for the employee;
  • fairness: the rules for determining remuneration should be clear to every employee of the organization and be fair, including from his point of view.
  • Despite the simplicity and obviousness listed requirements, they should not be neglected. As practice shows, non-compliance with these requirements leads to instability in the team and has a strong demotivating effect. Based on work experience, we can say that this has a much stronger effect on the productivity of the company's personnel than the absence of any mechanisms for determining remuneration for the results of work.

    The main stages of creating a motivation system

    In order for the system of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise to bring a tangible positive effect, when creating it, it is recommended to consistently perform the following steps:

    1. Formation of the structure of the company's personnel (identification of homogeneous groups) and determination of the size of the permanent part of the salary.
    2. Decomposition of strategic goals at the level of departments and individual employees(identification of key performance indicators for calculating the variable part of wages).
    3. Development of incentive mechanisms (determination of the rules for calculating the variable part of the remuneration of employees).

    Consider what needs to be done at each of the above stages.

    Formation of the personnel structure and determination of permanent payments

    One of the most common remuneration options is the payment of a fixed part of the remuneration (monthly) and its variable part (according to the results of work). It is a mistake to believe that the company's staff can be effectively motivated only by paying a variable part of the remuneration. Although the permanent part of the remuneration does not allow employees to focus on more intensive work and solving certain tasks, it is designed to form their loyalty to the company (it is aimed at creating long-term incentives).

    Personal experience

    Ilya Mazin, and. about. General Director of the publishing house "Rosmen" (Moscow)

    Unfortunately, it is impossible in practice to completely abandon the permanent part of wages. The calculation of the amount of remuneration is seriously influenced by the situation on the labor market. In other words, if an accountant in most companies is offered a permanent salary, then you are unlikely to hire a good specialist by offering a remuneration that depends entirely on the results of his work. When determining the conditions of remuneration, you always have to take into account the requirements of the market, otherwise this will lead to high staff turnover.

    Another reason why the payment of a permanent part of the remuneration is necessary is the presence a large number positions, the result of which will be visible only later certain time. In other words, if the result of the work can be assessed only in a year, then no one will work this year for free, expecting a distant and illusory prospect. Future results have to be advanced and, to some extent, to take risks.

    The creation of a system of permanent (basic) payments implies an analysis of activities in the workplace, a description of job responsibilities, as well as an assessment of the value of jobs based on a specific list of job responsibilities.

    At the stage of analysis of activities in the workplace, it is necessary to determine what actions are the responsibility of the employee when existing system management and analyze their need. The authority to describe the duties performed by employees, as a rule, is transferred to the heads of departments. However, performance analysis requires vocational training for the regulation of activities. Ideally, department heads should complete a short training course.

    After the list of responsibilities is drawn up for each position, you need to make adjustments to the existing job descriptions and familiarize employees with them.

    Personal experience

    Lilia Pakhomova, Director for Economics and Finance, OAO DOK Krasny Oktyabr (Tyumen)

    Now we have in company goes description process functional duties for each management position. This does not mean that previously there were no job descriptions. As in many enterprises, we used standard job descriptions that had little to do with real situation things and not information carriers about the estimated indicators that can be taken as a basis for developing an adequate system of motivation.

    On the last step assessment of the value of jobs. On the large enterprise it is advisable to preliminarily break down all positions into groups (for example, "workers", "specialists" and "managers") and determine the value for each of the groups. Within these groups, subgroups can be distinguished (“line managers”, “middle managers”, “top management”, etc.). Then you need to define specific values salaries of each group of positions.

    Often in practice Russian enterprises a simpler method is used - setting salaries by company management based on personal experience and their own perceptions of the labor market. Another option is for positions to be ranked in order of importance by top managers of the company. Then the total payroll is determined, which is distributed among the positions in accordance with the assigned degree of importance. After the distribution of the payroll, salaries are adjusted.

    However, there are more sophisticated ways to evaluate positions, for example by assigning points to each position on several factors. Those factors are selected that are recognized by the members of the expert group as the most important (labor intensity, qualifications, responsibility, etc.). After that, the positions are ranked according to the points scored. Usually included in working group includes the first persons of the enterprise, heads of departments and sometimes external experts.


    In the United States, in the total remuneration of employees, on average, about 72.6% fall on permanent wages, 7.9% - on additional payments, statutory, 1.6% - for bonuses. The rest is distributed between health insurance, vacation pay and other benefits.

    Example 1

    In JSC "Afanasiy-pivo" the process of describing the functional responsibilities for each position (there are about 350 positions in total) lasted for three months. During this time, job descriptions have been developed that reflect the real functions of employees. In parallel, there was a process of evaluation of positions. Top managers of the company identified a number of criteria according to which the score: qualification, level of intelligence, responsibility, labor intensity, working conditions. Each of these criteria was broken down into smaller indicators. For example, the qualification of an employee included such indicators as additional training, the scope and level of decisions made, etc.

    For the selected criteria, weights were determined and scores were calculated by the expert method. As a result, a total score was calculated for each position, on the basis of which the positions were ranked.

    After that, the upper and lower limits fixed size wages of employees, as well as a "fork" in wages for various groups posts. As a result, a tariff scale was created at the enterprise.


    Don't Forget Indirect Incentives

    Indirect material incentives (social package) are payment for employees' meals, payment (or provision) of transport, additional services (medical insurance, subscription to sport Club etc.).

    The choice of one or another instrument of indirect material incentives for employees largely depends on the status or rank held by the employee in the job hierarchy: the higher the rank, the more expensive the social package can be provided to him. If for an ordinary employee it will be free lunches, then for managers it will be the provision of insurance and personal car. In addition, when designing the composition social package it is advisable to take into account the motivational orientation of employees: if one employee is best motivated by indirect material incentives that emphasize his status ( company car, telephone, etc.), then for another, incentives aimed at its development (for example, payment for education) will be more valuable.

    Many psychologists note that indirect financial incentives give the so-called "collective effect" - it contributes to team cohesion, reducing staff turnover. In addition, this type of motivation usually costs the company less than direct financial incentives.

    One of the most effective methods for assessing the value of jobs, which already contains the necessary factors and calculation mechanisms, is the method of Edward Hay 1 (Edward N. Hay). In a simplified form, the position is evaluated as follows:

    The total score of the position = Experience x Intellectual activity x Responsibility.

    In the proposed formula, the value of the “Experience” indicator is calculated taking into account three indicators: professional knowledge, complexity and variety of actions performed, interaction with other people. Edward Hay has developed special tables that can be used to evaluate all of the above indicators and calculate the total position score 2.

    The use of a particular method for assessing the cost of a position largely depends on the specifics of the enterprise. It is obvious that for a small enterprise it makes no sense to carry out an assessment according to the E. Hay method, but for a large and ambitious company this may be necessary.

    How to motivate employees to achieve company goals

    One of the main goals of creating a motivation system is to orient people to the maximum effective solution challenges facing the company. Accordingly, the incentive system must be linked to the strategic goals of the company. This can be done using a system of key performance indicators - KPI. (key performance indicators). After detailing the top-level KPIs and transferring them to the levels of departments and employees, you can “tie” staff remuneration to them. Using the system of key performance indicators, it is possible to form a variable part of the system of direct financial incentives. Thus, the main purpose of this part of the material reward is a reflection of the specific results of labor.

    Personal experience

    Lilia Pakhomova

    The remuneration system that is currently being created at our enterprise will be linked to the company's strategic goals through a system of key performance indicators. So far, key indicators have been defined only for the top level of the enterprise. In the future, we will break them down to the level of departments. Accordingly, the bonus fund of the unit should be tied to the key performance indicators defined for it, and within the unit the bonus fund will be distributed among employees depending on the rank (significance and labor intensity) and the success (the result obtained on time) of the functions they perform.

    Example 2

    In the distribution company, to motivate employees of the financial and economic service, among others, the following key performance indicators have been identified:

    Basic ("hard") indicators (the size of the bonus depends on the values ​​of the indicators of this group):

    • profitability of financial assets;
    • turnover Money;
    • liquidity ratio;
    • volume cash gaps(the amount of unfulfilled obligations, multiplied by the time of delay in their implementation).

    Limiting ("soft") indicators (the bonus will not be paid if the values ​​of these indicators go beyond some established limits):

    • the amount of penalties and fines on taxes;
    • deviation actual indicators execution of the expenditure part of the budget from the planned ones (taking into account operational budget adjustments), etc.

    Example provided by Oleg Vishnyakov based on real work experience existing company. The name of the company is not disclosed for confidentiality purposes.

    Mechanisms for calculating the variable part of remuneration to personnel

    So, it turns out that in order to coordinate the efforts of staff on specific tasks, it is necessary to create a variable part of the remuneration paid to employees, which will depend on the quality of their work. Variable financial incentives include the payment of interest, bonuses and allowances.


    Percent - this is cash reward, defined as part of significant indicator employee activities (for example, as a percentage of sales - for a sales manager, as a percentage of loans attracted - for a banking specialist). Percentages are usually applied when the KPI is the only indicator.

    Bonus cash payment according to the results of the work. The use of bonuses as a system of material incentives involves the creation of a bonus scale depending on any performance indicator. Characteristic difference percentage bonus is that the bonus is a fixed rate for a certain range of results. Moreover, there is always size limit bonus, while when using a percentage there is no such limit in most cases.

    As a basis for accruing bonuses or interest, they can act as objective indicators (the amount of funds received, performance production plans, the percentage of marriage), and subjective, for the assessment of which are most often used point systems estimates.

    Surcharge - additional fixed payment as a reward for quality work, qualification or experience.

    Personal experience

    Dmitry Gorkovets, CEO Evrazmet LLC (Moscow)

    In our company, the remuneration of purchasing / sales managers consists of a fixed and a variable part. The permanent part - the salary, as a rule, is minimal. The variable part is the bonus based on the results of the month, which in turn consists of three parts. First - fixed amount per ton of delivered products, depending on the volume of deliveries. For example, when delivering from 500 to 1000 tons - 10 rubles. per ton, for delivery from 1000 to 3000 tons - 20 rubles. per ton. The second part of the premium is a percentage of gross income brought by the manager to reporting month, depending on the profitability of sales. With a profitability of less than 7% - a premium of 6% of income, with a profitability of more than 10% - a premium of 12% of income. The third part is a bonus in the form of additional percentages of gross income, depending on its size. If the gross income per manager exceeds a certain level, then based on the total amount, a bonus is accrued. With an income of 200 thousand rubles. - 0.5% bonus, with 1 million rubles. - 2.5%. Thus, it is profitable for the manager to sell/buy more and with greater profitability.

    The salary of administrative and managerial personnel also consists of fixed and variable parts. The fixed part is the salary, when assigning and monitoring which we try to adhere to market prices. The variable part is the so-called "variable part of the salary", which is approximately 20-30% of the salary. At the end of the month, the work of each specialist is evaluated senior management according to the "satisfactory/not satisfactory" system. With a positive assessment, the variable part is paid in full, and in the opposite case, it is not paid at all.

    When determining the principles of bonuses, you need to decide whether it will be some kind of pre-established bonus fund distributed among employees, or the amount of remuneration will depend on some indicators (for example, company profits). As a rule, if we are talking on a predetermined scope of work famous result(production, design work), then the established (fixed) bonus fund is used. AT otherwise when specific results and volumes depend mainly on the efforts of the employee (for example, sales managers, insurance agents), a system is preferable in which the wage fund directly depends on the results of work and has no restrictions.

    The role of the financial director in the development of a motivation system

    When creating a personnel motivation system, it is necessary to cover all structural divisions of the company. In order for the interests of none of the departments to suffer, it is recommended to involve the heads of all departments in the development of an incentive system. structural divisions and key professionals.

    In practice, the development of the methodology and the submission of proposals for consideration by the management is carried out by the personnel manager. The financial director, in turn, must analyze the proposed approaches for their economic feasibility.

    Personal experience

    Lilia Pakhomova

    Financial incentives are part of the company's expenses that need to be managed. Planning and cost analysis are directly within the competence of the financial director. In addition, there should not be a situation where employees of a separate unit will receive a bonus when the company as a whole is unprofitable.

    If the principles for calculating remuneration can sometimes be attributed to the competence of the personnel manager, then the amount of remuneration must necessarily be agreed with the financial director.

    Personal experience

    Oleg Vishnyakov

    Assessing the financial implications of the system of staff motivation being developed is the responsibility of the financial director. He models further development companies, including sizes (and size ratio for different categories employees) remuneration paid. In the practice of working on projects, we came across situations when, as a result of the introduction of incentive systems, some employees began to receive disproportionately greater monetary rewards than the rest, although their contribution to the achievement of company results was comparable, or even less. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the corresponding line of activity at the time of the development of the motivation system was in its “rudimentary” state, therefore, in order to “promote” it, the system parameters were set to high level. In this case, just financial director either was not involved in the development of schemes, or did his job poorly. It is difficult to correct such mistakes and “distortions”, since it is necessary to revise the parameters (for example, bonuses) in the direction of their deterioration for the staff (for example, to reduce the bonus percentage), which has a strong demotivating effect.

    You need to be prepared for the fact that it will take time to test the system. To do this, in practice, the method of “hidden” implementation is used - “we think in a new way, we pay in the old way”, when employees continue to receive remuneration according to an already tested scheme, but at the same time managers calculate the bonus according to a “new” motivational scheme. In such cases, it is not recommended to inform employees about the implementation new system accrual of remuneration before it is finally developed and approved, otherwise it may negatively affect the quality of their work. The method of "hidden" implementation allows you to avoid many serious mistakes and even at the stage of developing a motivation system to see all its pluses and minuses.

    According to a study conducted by the American scientist Edwin Lock 3 , the creation of an effective motivation system at an enterprise makes it possible to increase labor productivity by an average of 30% (at the same time, 90% of all enterprises participating in the study achieved a 10% increase in labor productivity).

    1 Edward Hay (Edward Northrup Hay)- Founder and President of the consulting company Hay Group Inc, specializing in the field of personnel management. - Note. editions.
    2 Description of the methodology on English language, as well as calculation tables can be found on the Internet at: . - Note. editions.
    3 Edwin Locke (Edwin A. Locke)- psychologist, professor at the University of Maryland Business School, author of the target theory of motivation. - Note. editions.

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