Gun safe: requirements, types, installation. Should work records be stored in a fireproof sealed safe, or is a metal locked cabinet sufficient? Should there be bars on the windows and metal doors in the room where work records are stored?

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Remember where in your office you store papers, cash for household needs, stamps and other important things? If it's in your desk drawers or office closet shelves, chances are you haven't had any serious losses yet. However, luck cannot last forever. At the most inopportune moment required document or the seal may be lost, and trade secrets will become the property of competitors. If you want to avoid similar situations, you should definitely take care of the secure storage of documentation.

Office safes, as a rule, are very spacious and relatively lightweight structures. Indeed, unlike other safes, they are single-walled, which reduces the cost and makes them accessible to any organization.

Manufacturers, taking into account the nuances office work, fully satisfy all the needs of clerks - thick folders for A4 documents fit freely inside. Some models are equipped with a lockable cash compartment for work books, company seals, forms strict reporting and other important things. Such a compartment will reliably hide the contents from prying eyes if you happen to open the safe in front of strangers. The shelves in the safe are removable; if desired, they can be adjusted in height or removed altogether.
The protective polymer powder coating retains the presentable appearance of the safe even after many years of use. The neutral palette of the coating allows the safes to blend seamlessly into the office interior without attracting unnecessary attention.

There are never too many safes

In almost every department there are documents and supplies to which it is desirable to restrict access to outsiders. In accounting, capacious models are in demand - after all, not only primary documentation is often stored here, but also all reporting for regulatory authorities, statutory documents, company seals, various stamps and cliches. It is also advisable to equip the HR department with a safe that will accommodate all personal matters and work books workers. For the caretaker and legal department Compact models are quite suitable.

Additionally, read about cases when you cannot do without a safe in the office: “4 reasons to install a safe in the workplace.”

The use of one safe by multiple departments is not recommended. Employees should always have Free access to the documentation, money and other items located in it, regardless of the working hours of other departments. It is advisable to limit access to the safe to a narrow circle of people - this way, if the contents are lost, it will be much easier to identify the attacker.

Two aspects of security

Since the majority office premises are protected, there is no particular point in installing expensive high-class safes in them - in most cases, entry-level (class “H0”) burglary protection will be quite sufficient. Such models are a securely locked reinforced box made of thick steel. Of course, if class “H0” is not enough for your purposes, you can pay extra and purchase a product of more high level protection.

Some office safes can also provide fire protection. Fire resistance determines how long the documents in the safe will be protected from fire in the event of a fire. The most basic level of fire resistance provides safety for 30 minutes.


Today, a safe is not a luxury, but a means of organizing effective document flow. It will help bring order to the office, save important documents from loss, and protect the company from related troubles.

One of the popular and in-demand services of Russian banks is renting a safe deposit box for storing valuables. There are other names for storage places: safe box, individual safe, deposit box, but they all represent the same service.

Structurally, a safe deposit box is a metal box, usually A4 sheet format and of varying heights. The boxes are equipped with a personal key and are stored in bank vaults. “Communication” with the cell occurs face-to-face. The client enters the storage facility alone and places the valuables independently. A bank employee can only enter when the safe needs to be closed. As a rule, the cell is opened with two keys: one is with the client, the second is with the bank employee. You can open the box if you have both keys. The bank is not interested in the contents of the depository safe, but only ensures its safety. But this does not mean that you can store anything in the cell.

Allowed storage objects

Standard contract safe deposit box defines what can be stored in it by the term “values”. These include:

  • cash;
  • banking metals;
  • securities (bills, shares, bonds);
  • documentation, business papers(wills, certificates, title documents, etc.);
  • jewelry;
  • state awards, family heirlooms;
  • personal correspondence, manuscripts;
  • items that are valuable from the client’s point of view (personalized gifts, works of art, old grandmother’s shawl, etc.).

Depending on the accommodation facility, the size of an individual bank safe is determined, which affects the cost of renting a safe deposit box.

What is prohibited from storing in a cell

Some banks prescribe in the contract a specific list of items that are not allowed to be placed in an individual safe. These include:

  • objects of biological origin and living organisms;
  • Food;
  • cold and firearms;
  • explosives and toxic substances;
  • narcotic substances;
  • items withdrawn from civil circulation;
  • substances with a strong odor, items that require special conditions storage (certain temperature and humidity).

The rules may stipulate not only items prohibited for storage in individual safes, but also other subtleties. For example:

  • a completely reasonable requirement for the client to reimburse the cost of the key to the locker in the event of its loss;
  • bank law in unilaterally change the price for renting a cell: this provision should alert you and force you to look for more favorable conditions.

For a quick assessment of the offered financial institutions conditions it is convenient to use a specially designed one. The service filter allows you to select offers based on the cost of the service, the size of the cell, and additional options (for example, a cell in Sberbank is provided without a deposit for the key). Having this information, you can make an appointment with the manager without wasting time visiting several banking institutions.

What are the consequences of violating the conditions of storage of valuables?

The bank may suspect misuse individual safe based on the smell from it, liquid seepage, evaporation. Despite the fact that banks do not pretend to know the contents of the cell, they equip storage facilities with means of detecting drugs and other prohibited substances. If suspicions arise, bank employees may offer the client a joint opening of the cell.

If the safe is opened without the presence of the client, for example, if the client does not show up for his valuables at the end of the rental period, and substances prohibited for storage are found in the safe deposit box, the bank calls law enforcement agencies, a seizure protocol is drawn up, and the client is wanted as a person suspected of illegal actions. That's why current rules worth following!

Let's say you wanted to buy a weapon. It doesn’t matter what kind – hunting, gas, traumatic or rifled. Something else is important here. Before becoming the owner of a weapon, you will need to complete whole line strict and strict requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. IN in this case we will not talk about passing a medical examination, collecting various kinds certificates, etc. The topic of this article will be a safe for storing weapons, as well as everything related to this topic: requirements for it, rules for its installation, etc.

There is no way to avoid purchasing a safe. Again, this is required by the law, which states that weapons must be stored in a secure shelter, in full compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation, therefore, before you buy a weapon, a local police officer must come to your home to check and make sure how good your gun safe is. complies with legal requirements.

By the way, here it is necessary to take into account one important circumstance. Before you buy a safe (also called a gun cabinet), you first need to research the legal requirements for it. The fact is that they can be different: in one Russian region- some, in another - others. When buying a gun safe, you should study not only federal legislation, but also the legislation of the region in which you live. Otherwise, you risk purchasing an unnecessary (illegal) item and throwing money away.

Learn more about the legal requirements for storing weapons

Let's talk in more detail about the requirements of the law. So:

  • The safe must be installed in the place in the apartment or house that is the safest in terms of storing weapons. Simply put, it should be a secret place, if possible hidden from prying eyes;
  • The safe must be installed and henceforth located exclusively at the address where the owner of the weapon lives;
  • A safe for rifled weapons must be metal (in as a last resort, it can be sheathed with metal). Moreover, in accordance with the law, the thickness of the metal walls must be no less than 3 mm. As for the safe for smoothbore weapons, then here the wall thickness is allowed to be 2 mm, but in this case the compartment where the ammunition will be stored must still have a wall thickness of 3 mm;
  • Safe for traumatic weapons, as well as a safe for storing a pistol, in accordance with the law, must have the same parameters as a safe for hunting weapons;
  • Any weapon stored in a safe, regardless of its purpose (rifled, sporting, hunting, etc.), must be unloaded and, in addition, have the safety on.

Here you should know that, in accordance with the law, a police officer may come to your home at any time in order to check whether the conditions for storing weapons comply with the requirements of the law, and at the same time you do not have the right to refuse such an officer access to the safe and stored in silent weapons.

These were the requirements imposed by law for individuals. As for legal requirements for legal entities, then the law determines Additional requirements:

  • Weapons must be stored separately from ammunition;
  • On every separate sample stored weapons must be attached with a tag, which must indicate detailed information about the weapon: its type, model, serial number;
  • The thickness of the walls of the safe must be at least 3 mm;
  • There must be at least two locks with which the safe is locked;
  • Inside the safe in mandatory must be present special department for storing ammunition, and it must be locked with no less than two locks, and its walls must be at least 3 mm thick;
  • If ammunition is stored in a separate safe, then the minimum thickness of its walls must be 3 mm, and the number of locks must be at least two.

Again, it should be taken into account that in this case, police officers have the right of unhindered access to safes and what is stored in them.

What are the additional requirements for gun safes?

The basic requirements for gun safes have already been discussed. As for additional requirements, although they are not specifically stipulated in the law, they nevertheless play an important role.

In principle, weapons can be stored not in a safe made at a factory, but in an ordinary metal (or metal-lined) box, the dimensions of which correspond to the type of weapon being stored.

However, in order to more reliably preserve weapons and ammunition, it is still better to purchase a weapons cabinet made at a factory. Firstly, such cabinets have standard sizes, which means that your gun or carbine will be in vertical position(which, by the way, is required by law). Secondly, factory safes are made in strict accordance with the requirements of the law - otherwise who would buy them.

You should not skimp on the thickness of the safe walls. Here we must remember that the greater the thickness, the safer your weapon is.

The same applies to the approach to the locks you choose: the more reliable they are, the better the weapon will be preserved and, accordingly, the calmer the life of its owner will be.

It is advisable to choose a safe with separate room for cartridges. Again, for safety reasons and your own peace of mind.

How to install a safe

The gun safe must also be installed in accordance with legal requirements. The main requirement is that the safe must be attached to the floor or wall during installation. Moreover, in such a way that it is impossible to approach the fastenings if the safe door is locked. Of course, the safe must be secured with reliable fastenings. It is clear why such requirements are needed: otherwise there is a risk that the safe will be stolen along with the contents located there.

If there is such an opportunity, it is better to purchase a safe designed so that it can be installed in a wall niche. In addition to the fact that this saves space in the home, a safe built into a niche is also more difficult to steal or break into.

When choosing a safe, you need to consider what size you need. Or, in other words, the number of guns that the owner intends to store in the safe. It is clear that when storing one barrel, a smaller safe can be purchased, but if there are several barrels, then a more spacious safe is needed.

You should also take care of where exactly the safe should be installed in order to comply with the rules fire safety. If there is nowhere else to install the safe except at potential outbreak fire, then in this case it is better to purchase a fire-proof model. These types of safes are produced in large numbers at domestic and foreign enterprises.

More information about types of safes

The types of safes depend on their purpose. Actually, there are two types of them:

  • Pistol safes. Judging by the name, they store various short-barreled weapons: pistols, revolvers (including noise, traumatic, small-caliber);
  • Gun safes. They should store shotguns, carbines, rifles - both smooth-bore and with rifled barrels.

You should also know that all safes manufactured in factories have varying degrees burglary resistance, which is determined by the following values: from H0 to H5.

It is clear that the higher the degree of burglary resistance, the more expensive the safe itself is. However, this is exactly the case when you should not skimp on cheapness. After all, we are dealing with weapons.

Today it raises many questions from both new hunters and hunters with ten years of experience. LRR employees also cannot always clearly explain their own requirements, because different departments the rules may differ significantly. This means that it would be advisable to fully understand such serious question. How is it ensured keeping weapons at home? Requirements do they change every year or remain the same? What does this depend on? For these and others no less interesting questions You can find the answers while reading the article materials.

General provisions

Is it possible to store weapons at home? Requirements and the rules relevant to this issue in relation to individuals are set out in the Law on Weapons of 1996 in Article 22 “Storage of service and civilian weapons, as well as ammunition for them.”

According to the standards for storing weapons of a traumatic nature, only citizens who have special permission. It should be noted that weapons, the acquisition of which is possible without registration with the Department of Internal Affairs and a license, can be stored without documented permission. Thus, in certain cases You can still organize without registration and license. The relevant types include the following:

  • Specialized products whose design is similar to that of a weapon.
  • Pistols and rifles with a muzzle energy of three joules, as well as air revolvers.
  • Revolvers with a caliber of up to six millimeters, as well as cartridges for them.
  • Signal pistols.

Storing weapons at home: requirements

In accordance with the law, service and civilian weapons must be stored under circumstances that ensure the safety of their storage, safety, and also prevent access to them strangers. It should be noted that the requirements related to storage conditions different types service and civilian weapons (and, accordingly, ammunition for them) are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The above formulation is not very clear, it’s hard to argue with that. It is quite obvious that these conditions for storing weapons at home can only be ensured through round-the-clock security of barrels locked in a gun safe or metal cabinet. Why? For example, opening an unguarded safe today is only a matter of time, as well as the protection class of the storage facility. The world-famous “shell phenomenon” is quite relevant here: when the car is on the street, in order to hack the alarm system, the thief has extremely little time; when the car is in a “shell”, that is, in the garage, you have the opportunity to tinker with it without rushing, because, one way or another, no one will interfere. So actually safe conditions for storing traumatic weapons at home are achieved exclusively by combining the use of security and a gun safe.

Specific requirements on this issue are spelled out in the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1998, in Chapter 59 regarding measures to regulate the circulation of service and civilian weapons, as well as cartridges for them on the territory of Russia. In addition to this legislative act, the analyzed problem is regulated by means of the Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated April 12, 1999 “Instructions for organizing the activities of internal affairs bodies affecting control over the circulation of service and civilian weapons, as well as ammunition for them on the territory of Russia.”

Information on legislation

Characterizing Law on storage of hunting weapons home requirements suggest that weapons and ammunition that belong to Russian citizens must be stored in accordance with their place of residence and under conditions that can ensure the safety of storage, the safety of products, and also prevent access to them by unauthorized people. It is necessary to add that weapons and ammunition must be stored in safes or metal cabinets, locked with a key, or in high-strength boxes (for example, in wooden containers lined with iron). It is important to note that the department of internal affairs bodies corresponding to the owner’s place of residence is vested with the right to check weapons that were previously registered. In addition, the storage of the above products by Russian citizens in places of temporary stay is carried out according to the rules in compliance with conditions that, one way or another, exclude access to weapons and ammunition unauthorized persons.

In accordance with the presented material, characterizing weapon storage requirements at home, in fact, they come down to the presence of a strong box with a lock, which is located at the place of residence (but not registration) of the owner of the weapon. By the way, a metal cabinet of any system absolutely meets these requirements.

It should be noted that most detailed requirements regarding the storage of weapons and ammunition contains one of the annexes of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It is in accordance with it that all activities of the licensing and permitting authority are carried out. Thus, the equipment of specialized rooms, warehouses, storage facilities, premises for demonstration, display or trade in weapons, as well as shooting ranges and shooting ranges are interpreted as follows:

  • Citizens of Russia are required to store weapons and ammunition for them, in accordance with their place of residence, as well as places of stay, in special safes, metal cabinets that are locked with a key, or in high-strength boxes (for example, wooden containers lined with iron on all sides) .
  • Then, when a citizen owns a collection of weapons, a room for storing products must be equipped security and fire alarm. In addition, it is assumed that in the doorway of the corresponding room there should be a metal Entrance door with box and additional locks.
  • The windows of an apartment or room located on the last or first floor of a building must additionally contain an installed metal grill in the manner prescribed for storage areas for weapons products.
  • When establishing an alarm is not possible, in accordance with technical reasons, boxes and cabinets for storing products must be secured to one of the walls of the room using steel bolts (at least two), the thread diameter of which is equal to or greater than sixteen millimeters.

Storage of weapons by legal entities

It's important to note that requirements for storing hunting weapons at home (2016 year made no amendments to this law) required for individuals, are somewhat different from the requirements for legal entities. In accordance with the law, weapons products must be stored legal entities in cabinets, drawers, pyramids and safes that are installed in specialized premises. In addition, storage, one way or another, is carried out in a discharged state, with a lubricated and clean trigger in the lowered position, which is put on safety, separately from the cartridges.

A necessary condition is to attach tags indicating the type, number and model of the product in accordance with the inventory and number book and secure weapons structures on weapons located in safes, cabinets, pyramids or boxes. This rule assigned to all legal entities.

If a legal entity has special statutory tasks, in its weapons room, in accordance with the law, it is allowed to store cartridges in magazines, stocks, removable drums or clips. It is necessary to add that the product in its original packaging (box, box) can be stored on racks. Cartridges in bulk are stored exclusively in metal boxes, which are closed with two different secret locks. In addition, the following items are stored separately in separate cabinets, pyramids, safes or drawers:

  • Weapons and ammunition (with the exception of the cases specified in paragraph 164 of the above-mentioned law). It is important to note that cartridges that contain pyrotechnic compositions or are filled with irritating and tear-producing substances, as well as cartridges that have misfired, are stored in separate packaging.
  • Artistically designed weapons of all varieties, which contain gems or metals.
  • Weapons seized or accepted, in accordance with temporary storage, from citizens or employees of other legal entities.
  • Gunpowder packaged in specialized sealed metal boxes (closures), as well as gunpowder packaged in plastic bags for retail trade.

The final main provisions of the legislation, which in one way or another relate to the storage of weapons by legal entities, is that metal boxes and cabinets in any case must be locked, and also have a thickness exceeding two millimeters (in the case of storing gunpowder, cartridges and products containing a pyrotechnic charge this indicator must be equal to or exceed three millimeters).

Comments on the provisions

If we consider each separately, we can form a certain set of criteria, by observing which we can avoid questions from the LRR inspector:

  • The presence of a metal box or cabinet, closed with two locks, the thickness of the walls is equal to or exceeds two millimeters.
  • The presence of a second safe or metal box, closed with two locks, for gunpowder and cartridges, the wall thickness of which is equal to or exceeds three millimeters.
  • Characterizing gun storage at home requirements (2016 years) suggest that previous point can be replaced with a compartment for gunpowder and cartridges in a gun safe, which is locked with a separate lock. It must be added that in this case the thickness of the walls of the compartment should be equal to or exceed three millimeters.

It is important to say that these are only the minimum requirements aimed at preventing someone else’s weapons from being taken over completely. random person. For example, an iron cabinet, the walls of which are two millimeters thick, resists burglary using a locksmith's tool for only a few minutes. Therefore, if an individual has an expensive weapon, one way or another, he needs to take care of purchasing a more serious safe for the product. In subsequent chapters this question is considered in more detail.

Rules for storing weapons at home consist of numerous points, each of which is important today. Firstly, you need to pay attention to the quality of the locks that are installed in the safe. In no case should you allow the use of apartment-door installations, usually manufactured in China. But real practice says that an Italian-made lock lasts approximately five years, an Israeli one - four, and a Chinese one - less than a year. Besides, in Lately Safe manufacturers often build postal locks into their products, the service life of which is ten times less than in the case of door locks. Therefore, it must be secured through real safe locks.

It would be advisable to analyze the following nuance. Since most world standards assume that a gun safe is nothing more than a metal cabinet, it is very difficult to use burglary and fire resistance criteria in the traditional aspect of safes. However, most modern gun safes cannot be considered resistant to fire or burglary. They can be called simple metal cabinets.

Nevertheless, storing hunting weapons at home, in accordance with the relevance of the given criteria, is absolutely not an unnecessary security measure. The fact is that, for example, fire resistance guarantees the exclusion of unexpected fire from explosive ammunition towards the owner or employees fire service in case of fire. By the way, this is why, for safety and economy, experts recommend storing cartridges in a separate safe.

Questions related to the safe

As it turned out, the characterizations suggest the presence of a metal box, or better yet, a safe. In accordance with generally accepted standards, the latter is a device whose base area does not exceed two square meters, intended for storing documentation, valuables, and storage media. It is important to note that, one way or another, the safe is a burglary-resistant structure.

It is necessary to add that the number of characterizing points includes, at best, the presence of a fireproof safe. It should be understood as a device whose base area does not exceed two square meters, designed for storing documentation, valuables and storage media, resistant not only to burglary, but also to the destructive factors of fire.

What determines the burglary resistance indicator? This is the number of resistance units that can be obtained by breaking into a container with full or partial access. It must be added that full access, in addition to passing through the hole into the safe, implies opening the safe door to a width exceeding three hundred millimeters, or removing the built-in device.

Test implementation

How are safes tested for burglary resistance today? Characterized storage of rifled weapons at home requirements assume the presence of a metal device, so this issue is also very important in common problem storage In order to determine the class of resistance to hacking, today organizations often conduct certified tests. It should be noted that this provision applies exclusively to structures whose activities are licensed.

Tests are expected to be carried out on selected samples. The fact of achieving absolute access recognizes the possibility of penetration into the device using one of the “calibers” presented below:

  • Round cross-section, the diameter of which reaches thirty-five centimeters.
  • Square section, the length of the edge is thirty-one and a half centimeters.
  • A rectangular section, the length of the edges is thirty by thirty-three centimeters. It is important to add that the length of the “calibers” should, if possible, exceed four hundred millimeters.

Carrying a weapon

Today the carrying of weapons by citizens Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of license permits issued by internal affairs bodies for carrying and, accordingly, storage certain types, types and sizes of weapons - during sports events, hunting or shooting for educational or training purposes.

It is important to note that it is strictly prohibited to use faulty technical aspect cartridges and weapons, as well as motorized sprayers, aerosol and other devices that are equipped with irritants and tear substances, the storage period or expiration date of which has expired. The exception here is cases of testing and work of a research nature or checking technical condition devices.

You need to know that when carrying a weapon, any citizen is obliged to have personal document certifying his identity. This could be a passport, military or hunting license, and service ID. In addition, the citizen must have with him a license issued by the internal affairs authorities to carry and, accordingly, store the weapons he has.

Transporting weapons

It is important to keep in mind that owners of cartridges and weapons for their transportation throughout the Russian Federation must obtain appropriate permission from the licensing department at their place of residence and registration.

Citizens who organize the transportation of more than five weapons belonging to them and more than four hundred cartridges are obliged to provide government bodies internal affairs, in accordance with the place where weapons are registered, a statement, as well as information about weapons and ammunition, the route of movement and the transport used, as well as about the persons who are planned to be involved in the implementation security measures, for getting necessary permission. It is important to add that the validity period of the transportation license is established based on the calculation of the actual time required to deliver cartridges and weapons directly to their destination. However, the period should not exceed one calendar month.

These are the basic requirements for storing and transporting weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation. Failure to comply with them is fraught with problems with the law, the imposition of sanctions on the person who violated the law and endangered other people.

People keep valuables at home, from electronics to documents, and thieves are well aware of this. A fire or theft can cost more than just staggering sums material damage, but also lead to the loss of things that cannot be returned in principle - these are family heirlooms, memorable gifts and personal data.

In this regard, home safes are becoming increasingly popular as simple and reliable way protection of valuables. But many are still inclined to think that this is just unnecessary spending. Most often this happens due to the fact that there is no idea how many things there are in the house that should be stored under lock and key in a safe place, given their importance and the cost of replacement. Let's list the items that are best stored in a safe.

1) Cash. This is probably the very first thing that comes to mind, since money is extremely vulnerable to theft and fire. Even if you keep a small amount of money at home for current and unexpected expenses, it is better to store it in a safe rather than in a sock drawer. In addition, the safe protects money not only from robbers, but also from curious children.

2) Laptop and tablet. This equipment is rarely cheap, in addition, personal information can be stored here. confidential information— documents, passwords, browsing history. It is highly undesirable for them to fall into the wrong hands. Therefore, when leaving home, it is better to put them in the safe. Finding a suitable model is not difficult - the dimensions of your laptop will be the minimum allowable internal width and depth of the safe.

3) Jewelry. Check right now - how many gold rings, earrings, chains lie scattered on the dressing table or stored in a decorative box? Meanwhile, these expensive things will become the first targets in case of theft. Even wedding rings will be stolen without any sentimentality, so it is recommended to store all jewelry in a safe.

4) Bank cards. Credit cards, debit cards, and key cards—these little pieces of plastic are extremely vulnerable to fire and theft. Majority bank cards contain information to access the money in your bank account. If there are teenagers in the house, you should also not tempt them with the opportunity to pay for their purchases in online stores with your card.

5) Family heirlooms. Things with history are always valued much more, especially jewelry. - this is generally unique objects, which are not replaced if lost. Therefore, it makes all the more sense to keep them in a safe place under lock and key.

6) Passports. The loss of this document is fraught not only with headaches and hemorrhoids during its restoration. If your passport falls into the wrong hands, they can take out a loan on it or enter into an unscrupulous deal with it. There have been cases when, using a lost passport, people unknowingly got married and divorced, and participated in real estate fraud. In general, the place for passports is in the safe. Besides, this good practice- here they will always be in their place and will never get lost.

7) Documents for real estate. If you live in own apartment or a country house, then you have a certificate state registration property rights, document-basis of acquisition, cadastral passport on land plot. Without a doubt, these are important and valuable documents, which will be very difficult to restore if lost. Moreover, they are of great value for you, while for a burglar they are of little interest. The main threat to documents is fire, so it is better to store them in a fireproof safe.

8) Camera. The cost of an amateur SLR camera today starts from 20,000 rubles, a professional one - up to 250,000 rubles. In addition, the memory cards used in them may contain personal photographs. Perhaps they are dear to you or are not intended for prying eyes. Conversely, if there are children in the house, you should not test their curiosity and natural desire to figure out at random how everything works and take apart how everything works.

9) Clock. Miniature and expensive at the same time, wristwatches are one of the main targets for theft, along with money and jewelry. Whether you have a $45,000 Rolex or a gold heirloom watch, it's easy to lose and not always possible to get back. For storing elite wristwatch There are special “clock” safes - of a high class of burglary resistance, equipped with special devices for automatic winding.

10) Keys. Another item whose value exceeds its material value. By themselves, they cost very little, and if something happens, a duplicate can be made at any metal repair service in 15 minutes. However, if the keys have fallen into the wrong hands, it’s time to sound the alarm and change the locks. Keys to an apartment, car, garage, office. Considering the cost of all the property to which they provide access, your set of keys is literally worth its weight in gold.

11) Birth certificate. This is the very first and important document, which a person receives at the very beginning of his life. It is used rarely, but accurately - over time it is replaced by a passport and military ID, which are issued on its basis. For a child, this is the main document proving his identity. So that when you buy tickets to the sea in the summer, you don’t have to frantically search for your child’s birth certificate - store it in a fireproof safe. You can restore this document at the registry office by filling out a duplicate, but it is better not to lose it.

12) Will. Most testators do not disclose plans for their inheritance during their lifetime, so as not to offend any of the heirs. For this reason, your last will often set out in a will, a handwritten document certified by a notary. It is clear that the will is not intended for prying eyes. Therefore, the safe is the place for it.

13) Designer things. Chanel bags, Louis Vuitton clutches, Michael Kors sunglasses and other similar items are expensive and elite, a desirable prey for a thief. A small burglar-proof safe is perfect for storing this kind of small designer accessories.

14) Antiques. Small antiques, such as jewelry, jewelry, silverware, decorative plates, rare books or photographs, antique maps, etc. It is reasonable to put something on public display in personal account or the living room, but it’s better to put something in the safe and not show it again. Especially if antiques are stored for the purpose of subsequent sale.

15) Memory cards. Most people now store photos digitally - on a computer or memory cards. A good practice is to create an organized digital photo archive on an external drive that can also store personal data or work documents. If necessary, the data can be encrypted and the external drive can be stored in a data safe so that it does not fall into the wrong hands or be damaged in a fire.

16) Weapons. By Russian laws citizens must store firearms in a safe place to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to them. In this sense, you can’t imagine anything better than a safe - convenient, reliable and safe. A pistol or traumatic gun will fit into almost any safe, but for a shotgun or carbine you will have to look for a specialized one - . It is equipped with a lockable cartridge compartment, special holders for guns, and functional hangers for accessories and gun care products.

17) Medicines. Vital medications such as insulin require reliable storage - if necessary, they must always be in place in sufficient quantity. If there are children in the house, you need to be especially careful when storing medications. According to WHO statistics, 80% of cases of poisoning of children under 5 years of age are due to drugs. Kids try to try tasty-smelling medicines; in addition, the tablets are often colored, brightly colored and shiny in packaging. Do not leave children unattended and medicines anywhere.

18) Collections. Postage stamps, badges, bonds, coins, calendars, labels, figurines and much more - all this can be an object of passion and collecting. Perhaps your collection of beer caps or labels from matchboxes does not represent a big deal to outsiders material value, but for you personally - it’s still the same. The collection has been going on for years, and it’s even more bitter to lose it overnight. Therefore, go to the safe.

You can continue this list yourself if you wish. Especially if there are small children in the house. Write in the comments 🙂 One way or another, it’s easier to buy a top-of-the-line home safe for storing personal valuables than to then spend much more on restoring them - money, time and nerves.

Suitable for documents that will preserve them in case of fire. For valuables - certified for burglary resistance. If necessary, you can purchase a safe that combines fire-resistant and burglar-resistant qualities - this will the best option for home.

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