ARVI - how many days of sick leave is given for this disease? What can be the maximum period of sick leave?

A sick leave certificate is an authoritative medical confirmation of a person’s incapacity for a certain period of time, as well as a legal justification for absence from the workplace and the objective impossibility of fulfilling the duties outlined in the employment agreement or contract.

The maximum period of sick leave varies in each specific case. According to the Labor Code, a sick leave document guarantees payment: the minimum corresponds to the minimum wage at the time of illness, and if there is 8 years of experience, in case of an industrial injury or acquired occupational disease, temporary incapacity is subject to 100% payment (Article 183 Part 2 of the Labor Code and Federal Law 125 of 1998 /24/07).

For what is the maximum period of sick leave issued in different cases, read on.

Only staff specialists in licensed medical institutions (public and private) are authorized to issue sick leave. Neither emergency doctors, nor blood transfusion stations, nor hospital reception workers have the right to issue a document on a citizen’s incapacity.

To obtain a sick leave certificate, it is enough to present your passport. An insurance policy is not required. Sick leave cannot be issued retroactively. Opening a sick leave “tomorrow” is possible if you sought medical help in the evening (at the end of the working day).

Sick leave is submitted to the accounting department of the enterprise within 6 months after its closure (Federal Law No. 255-FZ 2006/29/12, edition 2016/09/03, Art. 12).

Common case: who determines the duration of the sick leave document?

Federal Law No. 323-FZ 2011/21/11 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” R.3, Article 59.

Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624n dated 2011/29/06 (version No. 348n 2014/02/07) and Order of the Ministry of Health No. 31n dated 2012/24/01, clause 11.

In the event of an ordinary (ordinary) deterioration in health, the therapist at the district (regional) clinic personally issues a sick leave certificate for a maximum of 15 days. Common practice shows that the local doctor traditionally issues 10 days of home and outpatient treatment. Afterwards, if the situation requires, he extends the release for another 5 days.

If cure has not occurred within the specified period, then the issue of follow-up treatment and further prolongation of the hospital document is decided exclusively by a medical expert commission. In the case of a positive prognosis, the certificate of incapacity is extended until complete recovery in 15-day steps and a mandatory examination at each 15-day step.

Severe illness and prolonged recovery

Many people are interested in the maximum period of sick leave in special cases - for example, with oncology or after surgery.

The maximum period of rehabilitation of a patient (sick leave) in 2016, according to the decision of the medical commission, is 10 months.

The hospital document will accompany the entire treatment period and will be extended after examination of the patient every 15 days.

In particularly difficult situations, such as complex injuries, tuberculosis and aggravated post-operative course, sick leave is extended on the recommendation of a medical council for up to one year with an obligatory regular examination every 15 days throughout the entire duration of the illness (Federal Law No. 255 of 2006/29/12, Art. 13).

Can a dentist or paramedic issue a hospital document?

A dentist practicing in a public or private clinic with an issued medical license is authorized to issue sick leave for a period of up to 10 days according to the circumstances. A paramedic also enjoys a similar right (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare dated January 24, 2012 No. 31n).

The child got sick

To ensure supervision and care of a sick child, a sick leave certificate is issued.

Its duration depends on the age of the child and the severity (origin) of the disease.

Let's consider this issue in detail:

  • under 7 years of age - for the entire duration of treatment (annual maximum - 2 full months); for special diseases defined by Order of the Ministry of Health dated 2008/20/02 No. 84n, the permissible total annual time is increased to three months per child;
  • children from 7 to 15 – upon illness, 15 days, taking into account the annual maximum of 45 days (No. 317-FZ 2013/25/11);
  • a child under 18 with disabilities - for the entire duration of the illness, not exceeding 120 days per year (Federal Law of 2013/25/11 No. 317 and Federal Law of 2014/31/12 No. 495);
  • a child under 18 with HIV – a full rehabilitation course without restrictions;
  • a child under 18 with complications after vaccination or a history of oncology - all the necessary time without restrictions (Federal Law 317 of 2013/25/11, Federal Law 495 of 2014/31/12, Federal Law 13 of 2009/09/02).

When, due to circumstances, care is necessary for an adult child from 15 to 18 years old, it is allowed to issue a sick leave from three to seven days (in total one month per year) with the wording “care for a sick family member during outpatient treatment” (317-FZ, as amended by 2013/25/11, paragraph 40).

A sick leave for care is issued only for one person, be it a relative or the child’s parent. To receive it, you must present your passport and children's medical card with a pediatrician's comment. If two children in a family are sick at the same time, then only one sheet is issued to provide care.

If the annual limit for caring for a sick child is exceeded, the employee retains his place of work, but payment for “sick” days is no longer made.

Hospital document during quarantine

Federal Laws No. 185 and No. 255 (Article 6, Clause 6) establish that the time of forced quarantine entails the issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work for the entire quarantine period if direct contact with an infected person was recorded.

If a preschool child or a family member with recognized disabilities is subject to quarantine, a “caring” certificate will be issued for the entire period of isolation.

Those working with children and in the catering sector are subject to isolation (quarantine) if helminths are detected in their bodies. Sick leave is issued until complete recovery.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Official exemption from work duties due to pregnancy (childbirth) is prescribed by a gynecologist at the antenatal clinic, or a family doctor, or a paramedic (if there are no other categories of doctors). Sick leave is provided one-time for 140 days (70+70) and is valid from 30 weeks of pregnancy.

If a woman wants to continue working and go on maternity leave later, then no changes will follow: she receives the same 140 days, the countdown of which begins not from the date of actual maternity leave, but from her actual period of 30 weeks, as determined by law and medical recommendations .

A woman caring for a child under 3 years of age has every right to receive sick leave under the BiR if she is expecting another baby and to go on paid maternity leave.

In case of multiple pregnancy recorded during pregnancy, the duration of sick leave is 194 days (84+110). In a number of other cases, the hospital document is subject to extension if:

  • multiple pregnancy was discovered at the time of birth - at 16 days (twins) and 40 days (3 babies or more);
  • premature birth – an additional 16 days;
  • any complications during childbirth, including caesarean section – plus 16 days;
  • IVF birth – additional 16 days.

In case of forced or intentional medical termination of pregnancy, sick leave is issued for at least three days, which is determined by medical criteria.

Sick leave document due to treatment in a sanatorium

The time spent in a sanatorium is equivalent to the option of extended treatment after outpatient or inpatient rehabilitation has already been completed and is accompanied by the issuance of sick leave for a period of time within 24 days, if the sanatorium-resort area is located in Russia (as amended from 2016/26/14 to Federal Law 317, part 2).

When tuberculosis is diagnosed, sanatorium-resort activities are provided with paid sick leave for the entire necessary period of treatment and recovery, including time for moving across the territory of the Russian Federation in the direction of the resort area and back.

Hospital document for dental prosthetics

Following the letter of the law (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624n, r. 7, art. 45), any prosthetics (including dental) in a licensed (!) medical hospital is supported by a document on the patient’s temporary incapacity and his hospitalization.

The duration of sick leave includes the prosthetic procedure itself plus moving time, if necessary. In this case, the exemption sheet is issued directly by a specialized medical organization engaged in the manufacture and installation of prostheses.

Hello! In this article we will talk about the length of sick leave after a person has undergone surgery.

Today you will learn:

  1. Which doctors and organizations set the period and for how many days;
  2. Types of operations. What deadlines are applicable for different types;
  3. Is it possible to extend sick leave after its expiration;
  4. How is payment for the period of illness carried out, what factors influence the amount of benefits;
  5. What to do if the sick leave is closed.

Who sets the duration of sick leave and how?

When illness occurs, the employee has the right to receive. It has its own terms, according to which the patient is treated at home or in a hospital setting.

A document defining the disease is issued only by the attending physician, but in no case by an emergency physician or medical professional. blood transfusion station worker.

The maximum time that a doctor can provide for self-treatment is 15 days, and a dentist – 10 days. If a person has undergone surgery, then sick leave has its own terms, which are determined by a special medical commission.

Initially, when a patient arrives for an appointment with a doctor and is diagnosed with a disease that requires surgical treatment, the doctor writes out a document about the disease for 15 days. If there is a need, the doctor prescribes surgery for the patient and postoperative hospital stay for his rehabilitation.

After regaining strength, for independent care, the person being rehabilitated is discharged to his place of registration, that is, he must then return to his clinic to receive a full course of drug treatment.

On the date of admission to the hospital for surgery, the surgeon opens a new sick leave sheet, and closes it only at the time of discharge from the hospital. This is regulated by Federal Law No. 255. This law allows post-operative treatment to be extended for another 10 days.

If a person needs additional treatment and 10 days are not enough to regain strength after surgery, the duration of the sheet is extended by a medical commission (MC).

When observing positive dynamics of the patient’s recovery, VC specialists can extend the period of sick leave to 10 months, and if the patient had to be treated after a complex operation, then up to 1 year.

A special feature of postoperative treatment is visiting the hospital once every two weeks, where the operation was performed, so that the surgeon confirms the need to extend the certificate of incapacity for work.

If the patient is sent for rehabilitation to a dispensary or sanatorium, then this fact involves the extension of the medical document for another 24 days, including the day of travel to the place.

If, while on the ballot, a person does not experience any changes in his health in a positive direction, then he must undergo an MSE - medical and social examination.

This is a council of doctors who, having studied the patient’s condition, put forward a decision to further extend the period of treatment or assign him a degree and group of disability. The patient is sent for MSE after 4 months. from the day of illness onset.

Sick leave periods after various operations

In medical practice, all types of surgical interventions are divided into two groups:

  • Lungs;
  • Moderate;
  • Heavy.

Light operations– these are those after which the sick patient gets up independently the next day and can be discharged from the hospital on the 3rd or 5th day. In some cases, sick leave may be issued for 15 days, and on the 16th day it is necessary to begin performing work duties.

Moderate– these are operations after which the hospital stay can be prolonged, and recovery requires up to 30 days.

Heavy operations– cases when a person after surgery may require long-term assistance from qualified personnel to rise to his feet. In this case, the duration of the illness may drag on for several months.

Such operations include:

  • Open fractures or displaced fractures;
  • Injuries to the skull of a person with a concussion;
  • Deep, severe wounds or abrasions resulting from heavy work;
  • Appendicitis with peritonitis;
  • Cardiac interventions;
  • On the spine.

Let's consider how long it takes to stay in hospital after various operations.

Type of surgery

Duration of sick leave

When cutting out the uterus

From 20 to 45 days

Removal of vertebral hernia

From 21 to 45 days, with extension up to 10 days

Excision of the gallbladder

Depends on the severity of the disease and can reach 3 weeks, in some cases more, until complete recovery

On the joints

Lasts about 30 days, after which sick leave is extended by ITU until complete rehabilitation and return to work

Depends on the complexity of the operation. Lasts from 14 to 60 days with an extension of up to 10 days on an outpatient basis

On the heart

1–2 months, depending on severity. The only way out is to do light work. If the operation is complex, then the ITU assigns disability

Repair of male inguinal hernia

Up to 45 days maximum

Simple appendix removal

Removal of appendicitis with prescription of antibiotics

Up to 30 days

If complications occur during appendectomy surgery

Over 30 days by agreement of the attending physician and the head of the hospital

Brain surgeries

For 8 days, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor in intensive care, only after that he is transferred to a regular ward, where he can stay for up to 1.5 months. Moreover, this period is set by the doctor himself without a VC. But in case of complications, the ITU must examine the patient and decide on further treatment

The period of sick leave depends on the type of operation:

  • Laparotomy;
  • Laparoscopy.

The first case of abdominal surgery is the most complex and requires long-term hospital stay, so the attending physician himself can issue a medical document for a long time.

The second type is less traumatic for humans. It involves punctures with special instruments, after which the body is able to quickly recover, so the period of stay in the hospital is 15 days.

The maximum period of illness cannot be determined unambiguously; it all depends on the complexity of the operation itself and the speed of restoration of human health.

All of the above cases of meeting with a surgeon must be paid for by the employer in accordance with the law.

What is the situation with plastic surgery? If a patient turns to a plastic surgeon for help to improve one or another part of the body, then sick leave is not issued in this case.

But when performing an operation to eliminate difficulties in life, for example, a deviated septum in the nose or oral cavity, the doctor cannot refuse a certificate of incapacity for work. It is issued for the period from admission to hospital until discharge from it.

Is it possible to extend sick leave after expiration?

The laws do not establish strict boundaries for the period of sick leave; they are determined individually in each case. But the last day depends on the patient’s complete recovery, which determines his fitness to begin work.

Another outcome of the disease and postoperative treatment is the assignment of a degree or group of disability, which is within the competence of the ITU.

If a disability is established, the certificate of incapacity for work is closed automatically on the day of the examination. And if this option is excluded, then the period of illness is set to the period until complete recovery.

Example: tuberculosis patient T.T. Ivanova underwent resection in 2012, that is, removal of tuberculoma (1/3 of the upper lobe of the right lung). This is an abdominal operation. An examination was scheduled 1 month after the operation. To attend the examination from the place of work, it was necessary to provide a description that reflected the nature of the work, position, personal qualities of the employee, etc.

Based on the results of the examination, a council of doctors made a decision to extend the treatment. Since such a disease requires complete recovery and deregistration. And after one and a half years of outpatient treatment, T.T. Ivanova was deregistered from the tuberculosis dispensary.

If the patient has another form of tuberculosis, it can be fibrous, with decay or cavernous, then in such cases treatment can last for years and a cure does not occur. In such cases, ITU specialists assign disability group 3.

The example shows that the extension of deadlines depends on ITU specialists.

How is sick leave paid?

When accepting sick leave from a patient, an accounting employee must pay attention to the correctness of filling out the document confirming the disease.

  1. If the illness lasts more than 30 days, then in addition to the signature of the attending physician, there must be a signature of a medical specialist.
  2. And when undergoing a medical examination, columns must be filled in indicating the date of conduct, extension of sick leave or its closure with the appointment of something else.
  3. Employee personal data.

In case of violations, the employee must contact the place of treatment with a request to correct the errors. If this does not happen, then the certificate of incapacity for work is considered invalid.

In any case, sick leave after surgery or not, if it is concluded with the employee and insurance contributions are paid to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS).

When the operation and rehabilitation are within a 15-day period, the employee must submit sick leave to the company, where it will be paid within 10 days.

Payment for any sick leave depends on several factors:

  • Duration of illness from the first day of illness until discharge;
  • The length of service of the employee during which insurance contributions were made for him;
  • Average earnings for the last two years preceding the illness.

If the period of illness is calculated in months, then payment is made in installments, for each extended leave. This is due to the fact that the form contains only a few lines for prolonging the illness.

The patient is required to hand over all the sheets as each one is closed, otherwise the absence of such sheets is defined as absence from work without reason.

The accountant calculates the disability benefit, reimburses the funds from the Social Insurance Fund, and then pays the employee. The amount of payment depends on the number of years of service and is paid in the amount of 60, 80 and 100%.

What to do after your sick leave expires

The employee’s performance will depend on the surgery undergone. Many illnesses require light labor after discharge.

  1. If an employee has undergone eye surgery, and his work involves spending a long time in front of a computer, then the employee can count on an extension of sick leave.
  2. If an employee has had surgery on his legs, for example, for varicose veins, then the period is extended to 30 days, but such a disease requires longer rest, so the employer must provide his employee with light work for another two or three months.
  3. If a woman has lost her fallopian tube or uterus during surgery, she must not lift heavy objects (up to 3 kg) for three months; the employer must also take this into account.

In any case of surgical intervention, the patient is contraindicated for the first time after going to work, stress on the body, therefore, in order not to lose a good specialist, the employer is obliged to provide him with a gentle work regime.

In case of temporary incapacity for work, a person needs a sick leave. This document serves as official confirmation of missed work days so that dismissal does not follow. The sheet is provided not only for health problems, but also when on leave to care for a child, another relative, or due to pregnancy. How long sick leave is issued depends on the type of disease.

Document validity period

How many days a sick leave is given is determined after tests have been completed that make it possible to establish a diagnosis. Its average period is 10 days. Currently in Russia there is a document adopted by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, which specifies the deadline for issuing the document depending on injuries and illnesses.

If the person has not recovered within the specified period, the sick leave is extended. This can only be done after a doctor has examined you and issued the appropriate document. If it is impossible to determine the state of health, then the sheet is extended until the ability to work is restored. How many days the hospital therapist gives depends on the tests.

Outpatient treatment

How many days is sick leave given for ARVI? Usually, with such an illness, no more than 5 days are given for recovery. This will be sufficient as most people make a full recovery during this period. If required due to an injury or complication, including after a visit to the dentist, sick leave will be issued for up to 10 days.

Inpatient treatment

How many days of sick leave is given after surgery? Typically, inpatient treatment lasts up to 15 days, but it all depends on the patient’s condition. And this is determined on the basis of analyses.

How many days of sick leave is given after the removal of a certain organ? The decision is made by a medical commission, so treatment is extended to 1 month. If an examination has been carried out, the period is 1 year.

Caring for a relative

The law stipulates the right of people to sick leave if their relative falls ill. Then the document is drawn up on a general basis. How many days of sick leave is required by law in this case? Its duration will be 10 days. If there is a need to take up to 7 years, then a document is drawn up until complete recovery. When children are from 7 to 15 years old, care is extended to 15 days. Sick leave for a disabled child is granted for a maximum of 120 days per year.

Pregnancy and childbirth

How many days of sick leave is given when you need to leave work for a while due to pregnancy and childbirth? According to the rules, this period is 140 days. The sheet is provided at week 30, when the necessary examinations are completed and tests are taken. About 70 days are given before childbirth and 70 after.

An increase in sick leave may be due to:

  • gestation of 2 or more fruits - 194 days are provided;
  • in case of complications, an additional 16 days are given.

Can sick leave last 1 day?

Many people are interested in how many days sick leave is given if the treatment does not take much time. In this case, the doctor decides what period of recovery to provide, but usually it is from 1 to 3 days. Sick leave for a short period is provided for the performance of certain medical activities, when the patient needs to remain under the supervision of doctors for several hours.

Is it possible to have two sick days in a row?

If an employee has 2 sick days granted in a row, this is not a violation. The cause of the phenomenon may be visiting doctors of different specialties or visiting different medical organizations.

The patient is provided with sick leave for the full recovery period, including the period of referral to the location of the medical institution. If long-term treatment is required, the medical commission decides to extend the sick leave.

Where is it issued?

A document confirming the need for treatment is provided at the clinic at the place of residence or other medical organization where the observation takes place. In this case, the patient can be admitted to the hospital if necessary. Often a person is treated at home and comes to the clinic for examination. If you contact a private clinic, you need to make sure that it has a license and also become familiar with the work of the institution. Only a valid document will serve as valid proof of absence from work.

Extension of sick leave

When there was not enough time for a complete recovery of 30 days, an extension of sick leave is necessary. In this case, you need to contact the head physician, who will convene a commission. A special examination is also carried out to determine the patient’s disability. General tests and ultrasound are usually performed.

In case of serious damage and injury, the procedures are carried out in a simpler form. The maximum period of sick leave is 10-12 months. Typically, an extension is required for tuberculosis, operations, traumatic brain injuries, spinal diseases, and memory loss. Doctors must confirm incapacity for work every month.

Principles for issuing sick leave for inpatient treatment

There are often situations when a person unexpectedly enters a medical organization. Then the sick leave certificate is provided upon discharge, when other documents are also given. Days spent in hospital are taken into account. Often, the patient needs to go to the doctor only on appointed days, for example, to perform a dressing or examination. Then the sheet is issued on the day of the specialist’s visit. The document will serve as proof of absence from work for a valid reason.

Sick leave day

A fairly popular question is not only about how many days sick leave is given, but also from what day it should be issued. The document is issued when visiting a doctor, who confirms temporary disability.

If the patient goes to a medical facility in the evening, the sick leave is issued from the next day. A person has the right to receive a document even when on vacation. The employer must extend the number of legal days off. Weekends are paid based on length of service:

  • with 8 years of experience, sick days are paid at 100% of the salary;
  • if the length of service is 5-8 years, then the employee is entitled to compensation in the amount of 80% of income;
  • when working from 1 month to 5 years - 60%.

Is employer notice required?

The law does not indicate that an employee is obliged to warn management about his illness. But each organization operates on the basis of internal regulations, where there are rules for notifying about the absence of an employee, including due to illness. Therefore, the employee must notify his boss about illness and open sick leave.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that the absence of an employee for 1 day or more than 4 hours becomes the reason for dismissal, therefore a warning to management is necessary, because this is in the interests of the employee himself. It also matters whether the boss knows about the health status of his employee. For example, if an employee has a chronic illness, they may be absent frequently.

You can notify about sick leave in different ways:

  • telephone call;
  • message by email or phone;
  • using social networks;
  • convey information through colleagues;
  • Sending sick leave by fax.

It is only advisable to notify the employer in advance to avoid unpleasant situations. It is necessary to inform about the approximate time of absence. In case of extension of sick leave, it is also necessary to notify your superiors. Whatever period of sick leave is assigned, the person must fully recover. Only then will he be able to fully work in a team. The decision on discharge is made by the doctor based on the tests. To do this, a corresponding record is made, serving as confirmation of recovery.

Every employee wondered: how long can sick leave last? While you are in the hospital or in poor condition at home, you have to think about financial payments. Who is entitled to this document and the privileges contained in it? What is the duration (especially if, for example, sick leave was issued to care for sick parents, described in more detail)? Answers to your questions are located below.

According to the basics of protecting the health of the country’s citizens, a special sheet is required in the following cases:

  1. For various types of diseases associated with disability.
  2. When receiving various injuries that are incompatible with work activity.
  3. In case of poisoning with toxic substances, also due to household poisoning.
  4. With the onset of late pregnancy, as well as childbirth.
  5. For illnesses of children, including adopted children.
  6. In case of installation of prostheses that need to be attached in a medical facility.
  7. If there is a disabled person in the family who cannot care for himself.
  8. In case of an epidemic, during quarantine.

Although in any case it should be noted that there are certain restrictions on the length of maximum sick leave, described.

Duration of sick leave according to the Labor Code

In 2018, the duration of the document has been slightly changed and depends primarily on the severity of the employee’s condition. The minimum that a sick leave can take is 3 calendar days, a maximum of six months (even if it overlaps with holidays, although the nuances of such sick leave are described in more detail in the article at the link).

How long does it take to issue a document after surgery? What is the duration? Depending on the type of surgical intervention, the doctor can issue a paper for a period of 24 calendar days (more information about how long the maximum period of sick leave is is described in the article at the link).

In case of ARVI, they give a period of 7 days, during which payments of material resources are made.

For pregnancy and childbirth, as a rule, a sheet is issued for 140 days, if carrying a child is accompanied by complications - 250 days. Removal of papillomas and warts – about 3 calendar days.

Maximum duration of sick leave

A certificate of incapacity for work is issued if the employee is not ready to work. The maximum you can stay at home without going to work is 90 calendar days, in case of any illness.

How many days is sick leave issued after surgery?

The duration of sick leave after surgery varies, but on average it is 14 working days. The minimum period of stay in a hospital or at home is 7 calendar days.

How many days is given in case of abortion or surgery? In practice, the employee is given a period of 3 days, the minimum period during which a woman can restore her health and condition.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies the duration that is given for artificial insemination of a woman. For how many days is it issued in this case? The doctor has the right to prescribe a maximum exemption from work in case of complications after surgery or childbirth.

How long does it cost for leg surgery? The answer depends on the doctor who performed the manipulation.

For how many days is the minimum sick leave issued?

If we talk about the duration of the minimum, then the period is definitely 3 calendar days. Disability is formalized in the form of a special document, which is then provided to the head of the company. The payment of benefits for caring for a sick family member or for restoring health depends on the length of service and the average salary of the employee per month.

In case of injury or injury to a child on a disability document, the duration is 7 days. Benefits are issued in accordance with the Labor Code. The duration depends on the severity of the illness or injury.

How many days of sick leave is given after a hysterectomy?

Due to surgical intervention on the female side, sick leave is issued for at least 3 calendar days. The maximum length of days when an organ such as the uterus is removed is 14 days.

It is important to remember that after 3 days have passed, the employer stops paying material resources to the employee and then this option falls on the special insurance fund. The amount depends on the employee’s length of service, and the minimum is 1000 rubles.

How many days is sick leave given for ARVI?

ARVI is a common viral disease that can infect any employee. When issuing sick leave, the employee’s current condition is taken into account at a minimum, and the average duration of incapacity for work is 7 days.

Amounts are accrued daily, according to established tariffs. In order to receive legal remedies after an illness, it is necessary to provide a document confirming the fact of illness by the attending physician. After this, the employee is entitled to sick leave benefits.

Sick leave payment terms

The employer has the right to pay the amount of payments within a six-month period from the date of the end of the ballot. However, the employee has the right to demand a refund earlier than the due date.

Child care benefits up to 1.5 years FSS

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, every employee is entitled to payment of child care benefits. If a woman has worked at an enterprise for quite a long time, she has the right to an amount equal to her earnings. However, if the real mother does not work and was not involved in labor, then she is entitled to a minimum amount of additional payments.

Terms of payment of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

If a pregnant woman was at the enterprise during and before her pregnancy, then she receives the due amount from her former employer.

If the girl was unemployed, then the amount of the benefit goes to her from the insurance fund. The payment period is approximately 10 calendar days. The maximum duration of the sheet is 60 days from the date of registration of the maternity period.

In case of temporary incapacity for work, a person needs a sick leave. This document serves as official confirmation of missed work days so that dismissal does not follow. The sheet is provided not only for health problems, but also when on leave to care for a child, another relative, or due to pregnancy. How long sick leave is issued depends on the type of disease.

Document validity period

How many days a sick leave is given is determined after tests have been completed that make it possible to establish a diagnosis. Its average period is 10 days. Currently in Russia there is a document adopted by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry, which specifies the deadline for issuing the document depending on injuries and illnesses.

If the person has not recovered within the specified period, the sick leave is extended. This can only be done after a doctor has examined you and issued the appropriate document. If it is impossible to determine the state of health, then the sheet is extended until the ability to work is restored. How many days the hospital therapist gives depends on the tests.

Outpatient treatment

How many days is sick leave given for ARVI? Usually, with such an illness, no more than 5 days are given for recovery. This will be sufficient as most people make a full recovery during this period. If outpatient treatment is required due to an injury or complication, including after a visit to the dentist, sick leave will be issued for up to 10 days.

Inpatient treatment

How many days of sick leave is given after surgery? Typically, inpatient treatment lasts up to 15 days, but it all depends on the patient’s condition. And this is determined on the basis of analyses.

How many days of sick leave is given after the removal of a certain organ? The decision is made by a medical commission, so treatment is extended to 1 month. If an examination has been carried out, the period is 1 year.

Caring for a relative

The law stipulates the right of people to sick leave if their relative falls ill. Then the document is drawn up on a general basis. How many days of sick leave is required by law in this case? Its duration will be 10 days. If there is a need to take sick leave to care for a child under 7 years old, then a document is drawn up until complete recovery. When children are from 7 to 15 years old, care is extended to 15 days. Sick leave for a disabled child is granted for a maximum of 120 days per year.

Pregnancy and childbirth

How many days of sick leave is given when you need to leave work for a while due to pregnancy and childbirth? According to the rules, this period is 140 days. The sheet is provided at week 30, when the necessary examinations are completed and tests are taken. About 70 days are given before childbirth and 70 after.

An increase in sick leave may be due to:

  • gestation of 2 or more fetuses - 194 days are provided;
  • in case of complications, an additional 16 days are given.

Can sick leave last 1 day?

Many people are interested in how many days sick leave is given if the treatment does not take much time. In this case, the doctor decides what period of recovery to provide, but usually it is from 1 to 3 days. Sick leave for a short period is provided for the performance of certain medical activities, when the patient needs to remain under the supervision of doctors for several hours.

Is it possible to have two sick days in a row?

If an employee has 2 sick days granted in a row, this is not a violation. The cause of the phenomenon may be visiting doctors of different specialties or visiting different medical organizations.

The patient is provided with sick leave for the full recovery period, including the period of referral to the location of the medical institution. If long-term treatment is required, the medical commission decides to extend the sick leave.

Where is it issued?

A document confirming the need for treatment is provided at the clinic at the place of residence or other medical organization where the observation takes place. In this case, the patient can be admitted to the hospital if necessary. Often a person is treated at home and comes to the clinic for examination. If you contact a private clinic, you need to make sure that it has a license and also become familiar with the work of the institution. Only a valid document will serve as valid proof of absence from work.

Extension of sick leave

When there was not enough time for a complete recovery of 30 days, an extension of sick leave is necessary. In this case, you need to contact the head physician, who will convene a commission. A special examination is also carried out to determine the patient’s disability. General tests and ultrasound are usually performed.

In case of serious damage and injury, the procedures are carried out in a simpler form. The maximum period of sick leave is 10-12 months. Typically, an extension is required for tuberculosis, operations, traumatic brain injuries, spinal diseases, and memory loss. Doctors must confirm incapacity for work every month.

Principles for issuing sick leave for inpatient treatment

There are often situations when a person unexpectedly enters a medical organization. Then the sick leave certificate is provided upon discharge, when other documents are also given. Days spent in hospital are taken into account. Often, the patient needs to go to the doctor only on appointed days, for example, to perform a dressing or examination. Then the sheet is issued on the day of the specialist’s visit. The document will serve as proof of absence from work for a valid reason.

Sick leave day

A fairly popular question is not only about how many days sick leave is given, but also from what day it should be issued. The document is issued when visiting a doctor, who confirms temporary disability.

If the patient goes to a medical facility in the evening, the sick leave is issued from the next day. A person has the right to receive a document even when on vacation. The employer must extend the number of legal days off. Weekends are paid based on length of service:

  • with 8 years of experience, sick days are paid at 100% of the salary;
  • if the length of service is 5-8 years, then the employee is entitled to compensation in the amount of 80% of income;
  • when working from 1 month to 5 years – 60%.

Is employer notice required?

The law does not indicate that an employee is obliged to warn management about his illness. But each organization operates on the basis of internal regulations, where there are rules for notifying about the absence of an employee, including due to illness. Therefore, the employee must notify his boss about illness and open sick leave.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation indicates that the absence of an employee for 1 day or more than 4 hours becomes the reason for dismissal, therefore a warning to management is necessary, because this is in the interests of the employee himself. It also matters whether the boss knows about the health status of his employee. For example, if an employee has a chronic illness, they may be absent frequently.

You can notify about sick leave in different ways:

  • telephone call;
  • message by email or phone;
  • using social networks;
  • convey information through colleagues;
  • Sending sick leave by fax.

It is only advisable to notify the employer in advance to avoid unpleasant situations. It is necessary to inform about the approximate time of absence. In case of extension of sick leave, it is also necessary to notify your superiors. Whatever period of sick leave is assigned, the person must fully recover. Only then will he be able to fully work in a team. The decision on discharge is made by the doctor based on the tests. To do this, a corresponding record is made, serving as confirmation of recovery.

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