Basic concepts about high-risk motor vehicles. Forecasting traffic conditions

The driver constantly learns to recognize dangerous road traffic situations by their typical signs, quickly and correctly assess information in a specific situation and predict not only the movement of his vehicle, but also the actions of other road users, and choose the most correct solutions to prevent a road traffic situation.

Prediction by the driver of the actions of other road users in modern conditions is of great importance. Traffic participants have, on the one hand, a limited ability to directly exchange information on their assessment of a certain road transport situation and their intentions, and on the other hand, a relatively high probability of errors in the analysis of the road transport situation and, consequently, in the development of appropriate decisions. This determines in each dangerous road traffic situation a certain probability of a traffic accident.

The ability to quickly, in a limited time limit, choose the right solutions to prevent a traffic accident creates favorable conditions for developing skills to implement these decisions.

This implies the need to predict the behavior of not only the driven vehicle, but also other road users, which corresponds to the concept of collective security as opposed to individual security.

First of all, it is important for the driver to be able to anticipate possible traffic situations and their changes while driving. The basis for such anticipation is the driver’s experience, his knowledge and analysis of the situation on the road, which he received as a result of observing the road. The main thing in the forecast is to determine how the objects in the driver’s field of vision will affect the safety of the route of his car.

During the forecasting process, the driver answers the following questions:

What will happen in the near future;

What is more likely to happen;

What situation poses an immediate danger;

What situation poses a potential danger?

A potential hazard is when a traffic situation may become imminent after a certain time. For example, a car parked at the sidewalk with a driver sitting in it may start moving without warning, and then create a traffic hazard.

Imminent danger is when a traffic situation is obvious and requires immediate driver action. For example, you are driving along a main road, and a car is approaching along a secondary road that is crossing and is not slowing down.

Let's consider a traffic situation that poses an immediate danger to drivers.

The driver constantly learns to recognize dangerous road traffic situations by their typical signs, quickly and correctly assess information in a specific situation and predict not only the movement of his vehicle, but also the actions of other road users, and choose the most correct solutions to prevent a road traffic situation.

Prediction by the driver of the actions of other road users in modern conditions is of great importance. Traffic participants have, on the one hand, a limited ability to directly exchange information on their assessment of a certain road transport situation and their intentions, and on the other hand, a relatively high probability of errors in the analysis of the road transport situation and, consequently, in the development of appropriate decisions. This determines in each dangerous road traffic situation a certain probability of a traffic accident.

The ability to quickly, in a limited time limit, choose the right solutions to prevent a traffic accident creates favorable conditions for developing skills to implement these decisions.

This implies the need to predict the behavior of not only the driven vehicle, but also other road users, which corresponds to the concept of collective security as opposed to individual security.

First of all, it is important for the driver to be able to anticipate possible traffic situations and their changes while driving. The basis for such anticipation is the driver’s experience, his knowledge and analysis of the situation on the road, which he received as a result of observing the road. The main thing in the forecast is to determine how the objects that fall into the driver’s field of vision will affect the safety of the route of his car.

During the forecasting process, the driver answers the following questions:

– what will happen in the near future;

– what is more likely to happen;

– what situation poses an immediate danger;

What situation poses a potential danger?

A potential hazard is when a traffic situation may become immediate after a certain time. For example, a car parked at the sidewalk with a driver sitting in it may start moving without warning, and then create a traffic hazard.

Imminent danger is when a traffic situation is obvious and requires immediate driver action. For example, you are driving along a main road, and a car is approaching along a secondary road that is crossing and is not slowing down.

A road transport situation (RTS) is a fragment of road traffic considered in the development of the road situation. Typically, a traffic accident that ends with an accident or traffic conflict is assessed, i.e., a violation or mistake of one (or several) of the traffic participants, which led to the need for an emergency maneuver or braking of another (other) traffic participant(s).

The essence of the situational approach is that the object of study of the driver is high-risk traffic vehicles. Subject of study: driver errors leading to accidents; signs and characteristics by which possible danger can be determined in advance; forecasting the development of the situation, etc. Experienced drivers keep in mind (more often in the subconscious) a large number of signs of a traffic accident, which can be used to predict its dangerous development.

Analysis of typical situations is an element of situational driver training. The situational approach is most effective in teaching drivers safe driving skills, especially if the learning process is supported by statistics and analysis of real accidents.

Of greatest importance for study are cases of erroneous interaction between road users. Dangerous and critical traffic accidents in the vast majority of cases are caused by a wide variety of (but equally inadequate) actions of road users. Statistical studies have established that 97% of the causes of road accidents are associated with violations or erroneous actions of road users (based on their total number, without taking into account the importance of individual causes and factors) and only 3% are associated with failures of the technical part of the “driver-vehicle-road” system. . Very often, the cause of an accident is the neglect of one road user towards another, driving a car at an increased risk, deliberate gross violation of the Traffic Rules, transferring the risk to other drivers or pedestrians, etc. Situational training as the main task aims to create psychological installations that allow him to bring his own subjective assessment of the situation into line with its objective safety.

The basis of situational training is to highlight the moment of occurrence of a danger in a traffic vehicle and describe how to recognize it. A description of the situation at this moment is given (the position of all participants in the event, objects of the situation) and questions are posed: when did a danger arise for each driver, obliging him to take measures to prevent an accident, and most importantly - how to act in such a situation?

As foreign and domestic practice has shown, this method is very effective, and the need for training is obvious, since there is a significant difference between the driver’s assessment of his qualifications and its actual level. Situational training allows the driver to develop two types of decision-making: proactive and operational. The difference lies in which of the two events - detection of an obstacle or the start of a change in driving mode - occurs first. When an obstacle is detected before a change in the driving mode, we speak of an operational type of decision or an operational response. Conversely, if a change in the driving mode precedes the detection of an obstacle, then they say that anticipatory decision making (anticipatory reaction) occurs.

Variants of road transport situations. Group I DTS with danger of hitting a pedestrian

1.1. Hitting pedestrians in areas of public transport stops. A characteristic sign of danger is the presence of a bus (trolleybus, tram) standing at a stop, boarding passengers. The next sign is limited visibility and visibility of people getting off the bus, hence the uncertainty of their behavior. The third sign is a relatively narrow roadway (two-lane road), so the likelihood of a pedestrian wanting to “quickly” cross it is quite high.

1.2. Colliding with a pedestrian at a controlled pedestrian crossing. The first sign of danger is the presence of pedestrian crossings. Despite the fact that the warning signal is turned on for pedestrians, drivers are obliged to anticipate the worst - the indiscipline and irresponsibility of many of them. Another sign of danger is a limited view of the roadway. A characteristic sign should be considered that vehicles standing on the right do not start moving without a traffic light permitting signal, which means it is dangerous. Another characteristic feature is a fairly wide roadway, to cross which some pedestrians might not have enough time during which the green traffic light is on.

1.3. Colliding with a pedestrian at an unregulated pedestrian crossing. Situations similar in meaning and in the nature of development to the previous ones. The most important sign of danger here (in addition to those already listed earlier) is the presence of an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing, where any pedestrian can be aware of their advantage and have the right to count on unconditional compliance by car drivers with the requirements of clause l4.I of the Road Traffic Rules. Such confidence can give an additional psychological motive to behavior - deliberate calm.

One of the main ways to prevent road traffic injuries is to identify and analyze the causes that gave rise to road accidents. If, as a result of the investigation of an accident, malfunctions of specific components and mechanisms of the vehicle are discovered, deficiencies in the maintenance and engineering arrangement of the road, omissions in the organization and regulation of traffic that led to the occurrence of the incident, then appropriate technical solutions are usually developed aimed at eliminating the identified factors.

The situation is different when, as a result of the investigation, it turns out that the culprit of the incident is the driver. In these cases, it is much more difficult to establish the specific causes of errors in the actions (or inactions) of the driver. And this is primarily due to the fact that the reasons for such errors are most often not obvious. As a rule, in such cases, the cause is considered to be an incorrect choice of speed or distance to the car in front, inattention, inexperience or carelessness of the driver, etc.

Analyzing the psychological causes of accidents, M. A. Kotik)

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