Features of land surveying for public use in St. The procedure for registering ownership of public land in SNT All about public lands in SNT

Questions often arise regarding objects of public importance. Most of the aspects concern the legal regulation of the use of these territories. In this case, it is important to determine their ownership, especially when it comes to joint use.

What are public lands?

Public lands according to the Land Code are regulated. It points to the following list of such objects:

  • squares and streets;
  • driveways, highways;
  • embankments, park areas;
  • water features and beaches.

Article 85 of the RF Land Code also states that public lands are not subject to transfer to private ownership. However, in judicial practice situations arise when certain objects can be leased. Such actions are carried out with the obligatory condition that their use will not be limited in any way.

Public lands in populated areas

In populated areas, public facilities may be classified as certain territories. This distribution is necessary to assign responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of such areas. In a separate order, the question arises, Is it possible to rent public land?.

Judicial practice shows that leasing such objects is possible if all conditions for their functioning are provided. The situation is also regulated when the site, which is designated for public use, already contains privately owned objects. In this situation, it is allowed to lease the land under the specified real estate for a period of up to 49 years.

Common land between neighbors

Issues of land disputes are relevant for all land owners. They arise especially often between neighbors, and not least of all is the sharing of public plots.

Land surveying of public lands in SNT

SNT is a gardening non-profit partnership, which involves the allocation of land for maintaining a vegetable garden and related economic activities. However, as with any other type of territory, for full ownership of such a territory, it must be formalized. It includes defining the boundaries and plans of all existing buildings.

The delineation of territories that are designated for public use is carried out to delimit all neighboring plots. Moreover, it can also be carried out if an individual private person has the right to own such territory. In this case, however, the basic condition in granting access to the object being used must be met.

Registration of public lands into the ownership of SNT

With regard to land plots for joint use in SNT in 2018, the question often arises whether to register them as the property of a partnership or not. According to the law, there is no such obligation to re-register before SNT. Therefore, the need for re-registration is considered by him on an individual basis.

That is, if you have previously issued documents that comply with current standards, the absence of a modern cadastral passport is allowed. However, in order to be able to fully process new documents without delays and complications, it is still recommended to bring the documentation into compliance with current standards.

How to register public lands with cadastral registration in SNT

To register public land in a garden partnership for cadastral registration, you must provide the following information:

  • diagrams of the location of land plots according to land surveying, indication of owners, as well as those territories that are designated for general use;
  • confirmation of the legality of using the allocated territories - documents for the use and receipt of allotments;
  • data on the constituent documentation of the garden partnership.

All documents are provided to local authorities. Based on the survey carried out and the information provided, a territory plan is developed, indicating both private land plots and public facilities. (Read about how to register a motorcycle)

Rules for the exploitation of public land in SNT At the same time, they prescribe that separate privatization is allowed only if joint access is maintained. At the same time, it is not allowed to determine the private or shared use of old objects. For example, there is a road. If the neighbors chip in and improve it, they will not be able to register shared ownership of it, since it was already listed according to the documents.

Tax on public land in SNT in 2018

The issue of taxation of public lands in gardening partnerships is relevant for all participants. Situations often arise when the tax is simply distributed equally to everyone, without taking into account benefits and their possibilities.

To determine the procedure for making payments, you must refer to the title documents. If specific persons are listed in the possession of the specified territory, then taxation is distributed among them. If such a list is not available, then the tax levy is levied on the partnership. The internal receipt of contributions for the payment of taxes is determined by the general meeting.

The calculation of the amount of fees is also based on documents confirming the right to these territories. In the absence of a cadastral passport and appropriate registration, the size is determined according to the general regulations established in the region.

Read about how to leave SNT

Illegal occupation of public land

Illegal occupation of public land is not uncommon. Shifting of a fence, illegal construction outside its boundaries, expansion of arable territory - such cases happen quite often.

The legislation indicates that in case of unauthorized expansion of the territory, fines are imposed:

  • from 500 rubles to a thousand for individuals;
  • from one to two thousand - for officials;
  • from two to 20 thousand - for legal entities.

A complaint about occupation, illegal construction or other violation is submitted to the authorized bodies of the local administration. Such applications are accepted from any persons, both legal entities and individuals. However, the correct execution of the document becomes an important condition.

How you can register public land in SNT as your property is worth knowing for those who have the right to property classified as common in a dacha partnership. When the issue concerns real estate, you need to approach its solution with certain knowledge. The process aimed at registering public lands located in dacha partnerships as personal property has some nuances that need to be focused on.

The legislative framework

Land and other property in a gardening partnership, which is in common ownership, the so-called PDO in SNT, are regulated by a law adopted at the federal level in 1998 under number 66. It can be characterized as property, which includes land plots with the purpose to meet the needs of residents in gardening, vegetable gardening or a gardening association that acts as a non-profit. The need can be expressed in the supply of water and its disposal, passage, travel, provision of electricity, supply of gas, heat. In addition, this includes the functions of security and organization of recreation and other needs of residents. These also include:

    towers with water pumping function;

    roads, fences and gates that are in common ownership;

    areas intended for sports and children's games;

    structures with a fire-fighting function;

    sites where waste is collected, etc.

It turns out that the property of SNT includes all property that is located on its territory. The exception is land that has undergone the privatization procedure, and all the buildings that are located on it. That is, the ownership of the said property belongs to individual citizens; the municipality will not be able to seize it.

Important! Each partnership on whose territory gardening activities are carried out must have title documents for common property. An act issued by municipal authorities, which confirms the fact of transfer of public land into ownership, can be considered as such a document. It may also be an act establishing the rule that land is provided to citizens on the basis of the right of perpetual use.

If the document contains phrases regarding the transfer of land plots on the right of ownership, then it will not be necessary to follow the procedure for re-registration of documentation for land that is in common use of the residents of the partnership. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the fact that if you put any other phrase in the document, then the gardeners’ association will need to deal with the procedure for re-registration and registration of rights to land plots that are in common use.

If you are familiar with the general plan of the locality or the rules established in the field of land use or development, this may clarify the picture. In particular, this type of documentation is currently not accepted in all regions, that is, you may not find it in your region. However, keep in mind that the purposes of using the land located near the non-profit gardening partnership established by design decisions are its intended purpose, which differs from the purpose of implementing a gardening business. Or when construction companies acting as large developers are interested in land plots, there is a high probability that gardening lands will be seized en masse, and plots will also be purchased for very small sums.

It should also be noted that anyone who aims to privatize a plot of land located in horticultural, gardening, dacha partnerships that are non-commercial in nature can take advantage of the fact that the plots do not have clearly established boundaries and increase the plot allotted to him, the size of which should be equal to 6 acres. In particular, its size can be increased due to the fact that the area of ​​the plot located next to yours is reduced; in addition, this procedure can affect the width of the roadway, areas designated for turning around, places intended for waste collection, and other. It is worth noting that the solution to the issue under consideration can be carried out in accordance with the laws. To do this, it will be necessary to register land that is in common use for cadastral purposes, while the land is displayed with clearly defined boundaries. Some people think about whether it is possible to carry out this procedure independently, to which it should be said that this can only be done with the participation of specialists, which is associated with the need to carry out geodetic work and form the allotment according to how it is spelled out in the general plan or in the plan, according to which organizes and develops the land. It is important that there are no controversial situations that relate to the boundaries of land plots located in common use. This is secured by an act in which the established boundaries are agreed upon, signed by everyone who has rights to adjacent lands.


As the legislation states in the law adopted at the federal level in 2001 under number 137, in the case when the land plot was transferred to the ownership of gardening, truck farming or a non-profit dacha association of residents before the end of October 2001, then the land is provided on the right of ownership to the members of the said association free of charge. In this case, the important point is that the purpose of using the site, which is provided for general use, is to carry out horticultural, gardening or summer cottage work.

The issue regarding the acquisition of such a plot of property by the considered association is resolved by holding a meeting at which all members of the partnership must be present. Next, an application is submitted to the municipal authorities, which is done by the person who is vested with chairmanship functions. However, please note that some documents will need to be attached to this application. In particular, a diagram that indicates the location of land on a plan that has a cadastral purpose. However, in the case where there is an approved plan, in accordance with which the procedure for surveying the territory where the plot of land we are interested in is located, then it will not be necessary to submit a diagram. The same rule applies to situations where there is a project according to which the territory of the partnership is organized and developed, or when the location of a given plot of land is described in detail. This description must be displayed in the state real estate cadastre.

In addition, the submission of an extract is required, which is made from the decision adopted at the general meeting of participants in the partnership of gardeners, summer residents or members of a non-profit dacha association. The decision must concern the acquisition of rights relating to a piece of land that is for common use. Documents of a constituent nature are required. That is, through such documents a partnership must be formed.

These documents are submitted to the local government body, which, after receiving them, reviews them. The period for this is set at two weeks. At the end of this period, the municipality makes a decision, which may concern the provision of a land plot into the ownership of citizens or contain a reasoned refusal. After receiving this decision, the person who is vested with presiding functions, or another authorized person, must contact the body involved in state registration of property rights regarding the property. The appeal occurs by submitting an appropriate application. To submit it, you will need to pay a state fee, the amount of which is 22 thousand rubles.

The legislator has clearly defined that the re-registration of the right of perpetual use of a land plot by members of a dacha or gardening partnership is not limited by time limits. Please also note that controversial situations often arise in court regarding how many members should be included in the association. As an example, we can consider a situation where members of a partnership hired a team to carry out work on asphalting a road surface; upon completion of the work, these persons filed a lawsuit with a request to secure for each of them the right of shared ownership of the specified object. However, in this case, the judge issued a reasoned refusal. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the law specifies the creation of a new thing, and not the use of an existing one. In the situation considered, the road already existed, and the members of the partnership only paved the asphalt. The court pointed out that in the concluded agreement between the summer residents and the construction company, the latter’s responsibilities include laying asphalt, and not creating a road.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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Land plots and the land surveying procedure can be applied to lands for various purposes, including plots that are part of a horticultural non-profit partnership.

By SNT we mean non-profit association of citizens who use plots, while the exploitation of this type of land is carried out taking into account the established framework of civil relations.

In parallel with this concept The abbreviation PDO is widely used– public lands that are not the property of individuals and are directly used by the owners or users of adjacent plots.

Such lands include roads, passages, playgrounds - in fact, all territories that are part of the SNT, but are not defined as a separate area.

The need to establish the boundaries of this type of land can be caused by a number of reasons, including determining the boundaries of property, processing documents, protecting one’s rights, etc.

The main purposes of carrying out public lands included in the territory of SNT are: are the following:

  • Clarification of the boundaries of the plots, their area, as well as the configuration of the plots;
  • Reducing the risk of disputes arising regarding adjacent borders with neighbors or accusations of self-seizure of territory;
  • Ensuring the possibility of obtaining documents confirming ownership;
  • Protection of the rights of the owner in the event that illegal actions are noticed regarding the land in terms of encroachment on his property;
  • The possibility of legal expansion of additional territories that do not have their own owner;
  • Obtaining a construction permit using a simplified scheme.

Order of conduct

The procedure is slightly different from that used in relation to areas owned by one person or organization.

This fact is due to the fact that areas do not have a sole owner and all organizational processes can only be carried out with the consent of the users of the plots.

General meeting and conclusion of the agreement

Since the survey procedure will be applied to lands included in the SNT and payment for the provision of such a service will be charged to each user of the site, the decision on the need to establish the boundaries of plots and public lands will also accepted by all persons entitled to vote.

To make such a decision, it is necessary to initiate a general meeting, at which, through a general vote, a decision is made both on the possibility of initiating the procedure for establishing boundaries, and on which organization will need to be contacted in order to carry out the survey.

At the meeting, the goals of land surveying, the conditions for working with a certain geodetic organization, as well as the price of the procedure, both in general and divided for each of the land users, are announced.

The decision in such a situation is made based on quorum provisions and decision making(the necessary preponderance for the possibility of approving a particular action).

Required documents

In order to be able to contact a geodetic organization and initiate the determination of the boundaries of the site, it will be necessary to prepare in advance a package of documentation required in such cases.

So, in particular, will be required:

  • Documents that indicate the right to use the site or obtain ownership of it;
  • Documentary evidence of the existence of ownership rights. This may be a certificate of receipt of a plot issued by the local administration, as well as a purchase and sale agreement or other document that can serve as the basis for the exploitation of the land by any person;
  • The general scheme of the partnership, which will be certified by the board. These materials can be used for direct land surveying; in particular, the engineer will be guided by the information when determining the boundaries of the land that will need to be included in;
  • Minutes of the general meeting of the partnership at which the current chairman was appointed.

Carrying out geodetic work

Geodetic works are the main part of the definition of plot boundaries, included in the SNT, as well as the boundaries of public land.

The engineer must first familiarize himself with the available documentary data regarding such territories and take into account all information about the coordinates of the boundaries that is available. A specialist can take the available data as a basis for further calculations.

After the calculation stage is completed, the cadastral engineer goes to the territory where the plots occupied by SNT are located and carries out work on the ground. Such work consists in directly determining the correctness of the coordinates calculated by him.

When establishing actual land use boundaries, the following are taken into account first: features of the nature of the territory and the location of natural objects on them, in connection with which it will be necessary to slightly change the location of the land plots.

After all the milestones have been established, you will need to carry out.

Moreover, if any of the boundaries exist, specialists advise to resolve such issues through a peaceful agreement, since otherwise the only solution to the problem will be to contact a judicial authority, where, based on the documentation provided, a decision will be made on exactly how the border will be drawn.

Court decisions

In the process of establishing the boundaries of land plots, SNT often has to resort to recourse to a judicial authority.

The need for this may arise due to disputes regarding the boundaries.

Such disputes may consist of the fact that the owners of adjacent plots have different opinions regarding how the boundary between their plots is drawn, or one of the users does not agree with how the boundary is established.

During the consideration of such cases the following decisions can be made:

  • Refusal to consider the case due to the lack of legal authority by the user of the site to protest the passage of borders in this way;
  • Refusal to initiate proceedings due to lack of evidence to challenge boundaries. In fact, this means that a person has the opportunity to protest against this particular location of the site, having any documents or data (including witness testimony) indicating that the coordinates of the turning points should be installed in a different location;
  • Acceptance of the appeal and rendering a decision in favor of the plaintiff. In such a situation, the court considers all the documents provided, analyzes data that may indicate that the plaintiff is right and makes a decision in his favor;
  • Acceptance of an appeal and, on the basis of the considered data, making a decision partially in favor of the plaintiff or in favor of the defendant.

In such situation it is possible to go to court again, if the plaintiff still does not agree with the decision made or considers it unfair.

Useful video

Watch an interesting video that talks about the features of land surveying of public lands within the SNT.


So, the surveying of land plots that are part of the SNT is carried out by involving a geodetic organization, which analyzes the provided plan of the territory of the partnership and other documentary information, carries out geodetic work on the ground and draws up a survey plan.

The decision to carry out the boundary establishment procedure must be carried out based on voting at the general meeting members of the partnership, as required by the established procedure.

In contact with

Accordingly, the rights of SNT members have become overgrown with myths and legends, significantly exaggerating the capabilities of land users. However, every summer resident may encounter a situation that will force him to delve into the essence of the legal precedent of the lands of gardening partnerships and form an adequate picture of his rights and opportunities.

Definition of status

Non-profit gardening partnerships unite significant groups of land users on the basis of collective ownership. The category of lands used by them in SNT includes exclusively agricultural lands. Don't confuse with .

Some citizens who want to purchase a plot of land at an attractive price ignore seemingly unimportant characteristics, without being interested in the purpose of the land plot.

Subsequently, such frivolity leads to disappointment, and the acquisition becomes a burden.

Land in SNT must be acquired with a focus on the benefits that can be derived from land of this type of purpose, with a clear understanding of the consequences of their acquisition. You can get acquainted with all types of land plots in the Russian Federation.

Persons exercising ownership of plots on the basis of common use. Their right to own a plot is determined by their membership in a non-profit partnership. The basis of the structure is a legal entity that manages and disposes of land use. Naturally, this type of law has a weak individualized basis.

The power of structure– in its corporate nature, combining elements of the rights of individual members into an integral system of rights to own land resources of high-quality fertile lands. This means that all actions related to the disposal of the site, such as:

  • drilling a well for water intake;
  • conduction of electricity;
  • widening the road to access the site;
  • similar works,

can only be carried out jointly or in agreement with the members of the partnership.

Dacha plots of this type have a higher status than, for example, dacha plots, where land for the same purpose has lower quality characteristics and belongs to the budget option of real estate.

You can build any type of house on SNT lands, with a garage and outbuildings, unless otherwise provided by the internal regulations. Its construction will not be regulated by urban planning restrictions. But when constructing it, you need to understand that no matter what area corresponds to your building, it will not receive the status of a capital real estate object.

It's all about the purpose of the land. When they were allocated for the use of SNT, the construction of country houses, not regulated by the urban planning context, was envisaged. Accordingly, you have permission to build and implement creative plans. However, do not forget that the specifics of the structure and its design in terms of status cannot go beyond the dacha plot.

For many summer residents, these rules are not a hindrance. Today you can often see a picture where modern cottages flaunt against the backdrop of rickety huts.

However, construction standards can be specified in the internal charter of the legal entity SNT. Currently, plots may be allocated that exclusively involve the construction of high-status capital buildings.

This condition is recorded in the documentary support of the partnership and is defined as provisions of the agreement, on the basis of which there is a real opportunity to become a member.

Legal and technical differences between SNT and individual housing construction lands

When purchasing land in SNT, you need to understand that the cadastral and market value of land is strikingly different from the plot for individual housing construction in accordance with the opportunities provided by the acquisition of a particular type of use.

If in the prospect of acquiring land– construction of a capital structure, then this problem can be solved only on a site acquired for individual housing construction, which has the appropriate permit and regulations provided for these types of use.

The house built here will be designed in accordance with all the rules of urban planning regulations, with appropriate commissioning and provision of technical documentation. It will give the right to unhindered residence and registration of residents.

You can also register in a country house, despite the fact that SNT use lands classified as agricultural. needs(read about). But for this it is necessary to erect a permanent structure, in which you can actually live all year round. After this, it is necessary to invite a specialized commission authorized to resolve such issues.

Based on the audit, you will be issued an inspection report of the land plot, which will indicate the compliance of your permanent structure and the state of the site for permanent residence.

The decision of the commission may become the basis for registering residents, but provided that this plot of land has an appropriate address.

There is no provision for infrastructure development on agricultural lands, which fundamentally distinguishes them from the housing complex. However, summer residents, at the expense of paid membership fees, have the right to develop infrastructure.

Provision of land plots from agricultural lands

At one time, before the introduction of new land legislation, dacha plots were allocated for permanent (indefinite) use. The adoption of new legislation made it possible to leave land plots of this type for the use of citizens, but limited their property rights.

That is You can use your summer cottage for the rest of your life, but the fact of inheritance by the plot can be questioned, since property of this type is collective.

In order for the issue of property rights to be resolved fairly, the state announced the so-called “dacha amnesty”, on the basis of which free privatization of dacha lands was carried out according to a simplified scheme. Accordingly, everyone interested in ownership of the site, summer residents, took advantage of the advantage provided.

Currently, this mechanism is still working, but in some situations the right to a plot has to be defended in court. As a rule, these are cases when, after the death of the landowner who refused to privatize the plot, children cannot enter into inheritance rights, as well as similar cases.

Claim for recognition of ownership of land in a partnership, you need to submit it to the district court at the location of your site to the magistrate. Attach to it all available documents that confirm ownership, if not of the land plot, then of the building erected on the site or for other types of work that are expressed in a specific monetary amount.

If such documents are not available, use the testimony that your neighbors can give.

In the statement of claim, you need to indicate the specific amount of the claim, which corresponds to the funds spent on the site.

Based on these documents, you can establish the right to use the site that needs to be re-registered as property.

If you are not satisfied with the conditions of collective ownership, you have the right to separate your share from the common property. To do this, you need to provide the chairman of the partnership with a statement of your intentions. Usually, the allocation of a small part of a plot from the total amount of agricultural land is difficult.

This issue should have certain conditions equal for all members of the SNTZ. These conditions must be accepted at a general meeting and the procedures adopted in this regard must be followed.

Then invite a specialist (cadastral engineer) from a geodetic company and establish the boundaries of the area that is in your property. Keep in mind that if a piece of abandoned land is adjacent to your site, you have the right to include it in the plan of your legal site.

After carrying out boundary work and receiving technical documentation, you have the right to receive a cadastral passport, on the basis of which you can re-register (re-register) ownership. The main thing is that the allocated plot does not have buildings owned by third parties.

In some cases, based on local regulations of the partnership, you will not be given permission to allocate a land plot free of charge. Accordingly, the plot can be re-registered only for a fee. The amount of payments when purchasing land, if you are in a partnership, should not exceed the cadastral value of the land.

You can obtain permission to buy from the chairman of the partnership, and after paying the full amount or drawing up an installment agreement that the partnership can provide, you have the right to allocate the land and re-register it.

If SNT land is leased from the municipality, it must provide permission to purchase the site.

If land is taken by the state or municipality through redemption, SNT members are paid the market value of the land and all buildings located on the site.

Should not exceed 0.3% of the total cadastral value of your site. You can find out the specific interest rate from the chairman of the partnership or from the administration of the district to which the partnership’s lands belong.

The tax office charges collective property tax in a single payment, with advance payments. Payment of tax by individual citizens of the partnership is usually included in the payment of membership dues. The amount of tax of an individual member of the partnership depends on the area of ​​the plot that he has in use.

As a rule, all parameters for tax deductions for summer residents are the same, therefore, in accordance with the internal charter, this amount may be required additionally.

If the land is registered as the property of individual members, they have the right to pay the tax themselves.

All members of the SNT should keep in mind that the partnership as a legal entity has the right to organize the payment of tax by members of the partnership, but is not obliged to pay tax for citizens to its own detriment.

Features of documents: why they are needed, in what cases they are used

Gardening partnerships are legally based for two types of documentary security of rights:

  1. Documents administered by the legal entity SNT, which postulate the existence of the partnership itself as a subject of ownership rights.
  2. Documents that act as a guarantor of the right of use for participants in collective property.

The first type includes documents through which SNT, as a legal entity, created the rights to exist; here, title documents for the use of land or a lease agreement with the municipality must be available.

Sublease agreement

It belongs to the second type of documents and can be held by members of the partnership in two cases:

  1. If, according to the charter of the partnership, the use of land is carried out on the basis of subcontracts.
  2. When individual members of a partnership receive autonomy in the use of the site through sublease.

Naturally, these agreements can only exist if the lands are not owned by the SNT legal entity, but are leased.

The sublease agreement is local in nature and is concluded in partnership with the chairman.

Subsequently, on the basis of this agreement, it is possible to purchase the land plot.

It is drawn up in the case when a summer resident wishes to move to a plot of land for permanent residence and obtain registration. It is issued by a specialized commission consisting of representatives of the municipality on the initiative of the owner or by court decision.

Its functions include consideration of:

  • conditions of possible permanent residence;
  • availability of water and energy supply to the site;
  • living areas of the house;
  • other properties of the site that meet the sanitary standards established for permanent residence of citizens.

Based on the conclusion of this act, the house acquires the status of residential premises and can be used for permanent residence on the territory of SNT.

Evaluation report

May be necessary when purchasing a plot. To compile it, you will also need documents from the examination carried out at the site. It establishes the suitability of land for use and its level of fertility.

The report also includes all objects of property value.

In another case, this document may be needed when challenging the cadastral value of land in order to reduce the tax rate.


As you can see, a plot of land in SNT can be a good help in the household, an outlet from the urban rhythm of life, and also a place of permanent residence for people who are not burdened by attachment to the infrastructure.

Therefore, when choosing a category of land for acquisition, you need to focus on your contextual preferences, and not into fragmented narrow frames that reflect only one side of such a multifaceted phenomenon as the lands of SNT.

Leave a request for a free cadastral audit (CCA) for your SNT + receive a decent price offer for collective land surveying of PDOs and summer cottages, as well as registration of country houses.

Today, a huge number of land plots in Moscow and the Moscow region (regions of the Moscow Region) are in the personal use of citizens. Almost no one asked the question: is it necessary to survey public lands of SNT? But not all of them have documents that comply with modern legislation. This is not a violation, but it can seriously complicate or make it impossible to conduct real estate transactions. To have the right to dispose of your land, you must issue a cadastral passport for it. This requirement applies to all types of terrain, including those that are owned by horticultural non-profit partnerships. The process of surveying public lands of SNT is practically no different from a similar procedure that is carried out with dachas, plots of fields and other territories.

Features of land surveying in SNT in Moscow and the Moscow region

At one time, the territory of horticultural non-profit partnerships was divided and given out for use without carrying out geodetic work on the ground and documenting it. The documentation provided only general information regarding the approximate location on the ground, boundaries and area. The lack of land surveying in a gardening partnership leads to the fact that visible boundaries are lost, disputes and disagreements arise. In order to streamline and legitimize the rights of owners, a procedure such as land surveying of public lands of SNT is carried out.

What is this procedure?

The demarcation of the SNT territory pursues the goals of establishing the correct geographical coordinates, turning points and exact lines defining the boundaries of a plot of public land (roads, passages, parking for equipment, utility rooms and reservoirs). Land surveying in a gardening partnership is carried out by specialized land management companies that have the appropriate licenses. In order to resolve all territorial issues and misunderstandings once and for all, it is recommended to carry out geodetic and cartographic work over the entire area of ​​SNT.

According to the law, land surveying of PDO in SNT is a mandatory event. This is the concern of the board of the dacha cooperative. But you should be prepared for the fact that it is long and expensive. To order such a service, you will need to hold a meeting of shareholders, at which you will make an appropriate decision and collect contributions. Otherwise, the state, represented by one of its institutions, may cancel the SNT as such, depriving it of the right to real estate. To avoid such problems, you need to contact our company and order this service.

Why is land surveying needed in SNT?

Many landowners have a completely understandable question about the need to carry out expensive geodetic work on the ground. The fact is that starting from 2020, this procedure becomes mandatory. In this way, the state plans to put in order and systematize the Land Cadastre. This extensive register contains data on almost all land plots. But in most cases, their exact geographical and digital coordinates are missing. A territory that does not have precise boundaries may become the subject of disputes with neighbors, or the state if the site borders on forbidden lands. It is more expedient to collect a package of documents for surveying the boundaries of a land plot in SNT and carry out this procedure.

Also, accurate data on boundaries will simplify the relationship of future neighbors. Resolution of territorial disputes. It is not uncommon for cunning neighbors to increase their allotment by moving the fence, taking over part of a common driveway or a neighboring plot. This happens especially often when owners do not visit their properties for a long time. Justice can be restored through land surveying in SNT, the price of which is much lower than that of land appropriated by criminals. You cannot do without the services of surveyors when installing a general fencing for the SNT site. It would be a good idea to document the boundaries in order to protect the common area from possible seizure by developers.

Order a free consultation on land surveying of public lands in SNT

What documentation is required for land surveying?

First, a general meeting is held and an agreement is concluded for land surveying of SNT lands in Moscow and the Moscow region. Then, on the appointed day, one or more teams of surveyors arrive and a survey of the cooperative’s territory is taken. Next, a boundary plan is drawn up, on the reverse side of which a boundary approval act is signed. This document is the basis for all further actions. The boundaries of the site are measured to the nearest centimeter, which is achieved using advanced surveying equipment made in America or Japan.

The following documents are needed for land surveying in SNT:

Certificate of ownership of the plot.

A paper on the history of the emergence of such rights. This may be a certificate of receipt of land, a resolution of the local (city/town/district) administration, a gift agreement, an exchange, or a purchase and sale agreement.

The general scheme of SNT certified by the board of the dacha cooperative.

Minutes of the meeting or other document confirming the powers of the chairman

As a rule, it takes no more than a month to carry out work on site and prepare documents. Another 30 days are required to coordinate the boundaries by submitting an advertisement in the newspaper. The price of land surveying in SNT depends on several factors. It includes transportation costs, the work of surveyors and a cadastral engineer. The remoteness and configuration of the site are of no small importance. The more lines and turning points it has, the further it is located from the center of Moscow, the more built up, the more trees and shrubs, the higher the cost of the work will be.

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