Peculiarities of obtaining a temporary permit to drive a car. For how long can you get a temporary driver's license? How to get a temporary driver's license

Hello! I was deprived of my driver's license on June 7, 2013 for a year and seven months and was given BP. After the trial, I passed the BP, but I still have the rights of a tractor driver, the driver, in the court order it is not specified whether to hand over it or not, I did not hand it over. I will not have any problems when receiving a VU?

By law, you are also required to hand over a tractor driver's license.

I suggest you contact the traffic police department with a request to clarify the terms of the return of rights. But at the same time, do not mention in any way about the certificate of the tractor driver-driver. If the deadline does not go due to a non-surrendered certificate, then you will have to surrender it. If the deadline is running, then do not mention the certificate, otherwise the deadline will start again.


Hello, yesterday a protocol was drawn up against me under Article 12.8 Part 1 After passing through all the debates, the traffic police inspectors became more inclined to me and advised me to go to the traffic police the next day and write a statement about the loss of my driver's license, while also saying that they were going to court you don't have to be, and all the protocols and a certificate from narcology have already been in the traffic police. When I received a temporary permit, there was an inscription on the bottom of it, article 12.8, part 1, and the inspector said that I was already going through their case. My main question - please advise me how to be, what to do (to take a temporary permit or not) and if I give a temporary permit, can I drive with my driver's license, allegedly lost ??? Thank you in advance!

A temporary permit issued to replace a lost (or allegedly lost) permit must be surrendered in the same way as the driver's license was surrendered. Otherwise, there is no time limit either. After the statement about the loss of rights, the old license is immediately considered invalid and it is prohibited to ride with them. This will be noted in the traffic police database.

But if the Court is dragging on (or rather, it has not yet been) and the term of the temporary coupon is already expiring, then what to do (Excuse me from the Crimea, I still don't smoke much in your parvils, etc.)

And who revoked your license? DAI or already traffic police? The fact is that in the Russian Federation, a temporary permit is excellent and has not been issued since last year.

It is still unknown how the transition period from the Administrative Code of Ukraine to the Code of the Russian Federation will take place. But one thing is known, the Crimeans will have great indulgences! By the way, under what article of the Administrative Offenses Code did you withdraw the VU? If the article is Ukrainian, then for what exactly? Since one article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine may include several different articles of the Russian Federation (by analogy).

Learn the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Our traffic rules (I mean Crimea and Russia) are tougher in relation to Ukrainian ones.


Good day, tell me please, the inspector issued a protocol on deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle, I rode a VU motorcycle to category "A" NO, there is "BC", but of course I was not with me, the court deprived me of 1.6 years in June 2013! Do I need to take the VU of the "ВС" categories?

3. Taking into account that the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - SDA) apply to all vehicles, deprivation of a person for committing an administrative offense of the right to drive a vehicle of a certain type means that this person is simultaneously deprived of the right to drive other vehicles specified in paragraph 1 of the note to article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The driver's license must be returned. Tractor driver's license, if any, is the same.


Good day! My question for you was deprived of the VU before the entry into force of the amendments to the Administrative Code, i.e. before September 1, 2013

The situation is this: The rights were lost, received a temporary certificate and got caught with a temporary one. The trial passed, I handed over a temporary certificate, the time is right for obtaining a VU, question:

1. Do I need to pick up temporary at the traffic police

2. Do I need to retake the traffic rules exams (there was an administrative offense before September 1, 2013)

3. The term of validity of the medical certificate

Maybe some other documents are needed.

P / S / Thanks in advance!

1. You can not pick up a temporary one, but contact your department (where you ordered a new VU) and get a new VU in your hands

3. Up to 3 years, but in your case a medical certificate is not needed yet.

Hello, tell me, my husband was deprived of water rights (all categories), the rights of a tractor driver remained in his hands. Do they also need to be taken? They were deprived for a year for overtaking a vehicle with a departure into the oncoming lane in the zone of action of sign 3.20, overtaking is prohibited. Thank.

Hello, Olesya.

Deprivation of rights implies the prohibition of driving all vehicles, i.e. theoretically, the driver's license must also be surrendered.

However, in part 1 of article 32.6 of the Administrative Code it is written:

1. The execution of the decision on the deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding type or other types of equipment is carried out by seizure and storage during the period of deprivation of the specified special right, respectively, a driver's license, a certificate for the right to drive ships (including small-sized) or certificates of a tractor driver (tractor driver), if the driver, navigator or tractor driver (tractor driver) is deprived of the right to drive all types of vehicles, ships (including small ones) and other equipment.

Those. in your case, one of the documents was handed over, so the period of deprivation had to begin.

Good luck on the road!


Good day! The situation is as follows (it was all in June 2012): the traffic police officer seized it, which is reflected in the protocol, they wrote out a temporary one, but while the proceedings were going on, the temporary was over. I applied for an extension and the judge extended it for 8 days. As a result, the judge changed, and the new one deprived me of my rights (at the time of the entry into force of the decision, the temporary one was no longer in force), she also obliged me to surrender a temporary permit to clarify the article that if I do not pass the term will not work, but I have something The VU was withdrawn, and in my opinion there is a determination of the Supreme Court regarding this temporary one. The question is, you can go to the traffic police department to pick up the VU t by the deadline. Thank.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses for 2012:

Article 27.10. Seizure of things and documents

3. When an administrative offense is committed, entailing the deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding type, the driver's license, the license of the tractor driver (tractor driver), the license of the boat driver, the pilot's license are withdrawn from the driver, navigator, pilot, and a temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding type is issued for a period before the entry into force of the decision in the case of an administrative offense, but not more than two months. If the case of an administrative offense has not been considered within two months, the period of validity of the temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding type at the request of the person in respect of whom the proceedings on the case on the administrative offense are being extended shall be extended by the judge, body, official, authorized consider a case on an administrative offense, for a period not exceeding one month with each appeal. When filing a complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense, the validity period of a temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding type is extended by a judge, an official authorized to consider the complaint, until a decision is made on a complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense.

Article 32.7. Calculation of the term of deprivation of a special right

1. The course of the term of deprivation of a special right begins from the date of entry into force of the decision on the appointment of an administrative penalty in the form of deprivation of the corresponding special right.

1.1. Within three working days from the date of entry into force of the decision on the appointment of an administrative punishment in the form of deprivation of the corresponding special right, a person deprived of a special right must submit the documents provided for in parts 1 - 3 of Article 32.6 of this Code to the body executing this type of administrative punishment (in the event that the documents specified in part 1 of Article 32.6 of this Code have not previously been withdrawn in accordance with part 3 of Article 27.10 of this Code), and in case of loss of these documents, notify the said authority within the same period.

Your license was withdrawn, you were given a temporary one. And after a court decision is made, you are not obliged to ask for this temporary permission, since according to clause 3 of article 27.10 of the Administrative Code it automatically becomes invalid. The judge was wrong and the period of deprivation of rights began despite the fact that you did not surrender the temporary permit. You can apply to the traffic police for a license. Just do not mention this temporary permission, so that incidents do not happen.

They were deprived of their rights for 18 months, the term expired and they were not allowed to the traffic rules exams as they did not pass the old license, although their validity expired a year ago. Is there a loophole in this situation for getting a new one? THANKS.

zzzzzzzzzzsince You have not handed over your certificate, the period of deprivation has not begun. It will start only after you hand over your license to the traffic police. I recommend doing this as soon as possible.

Legal ways to return a driver's license before the expiration of the deprivation period is not known to me.

Good luck on the road!

In the modern world, it is difficult to do without a car, whether it is moving around the city or a trip to the country. Of course, driving usually produces more positives than negative ones. But unpleasant situations can happen to everyone. This example would be the loss or theft of a driver's license. In bureaucratized Russia, the restoration process will take quite a long time, so motorists have a question: "Is it possible to get a temporary driver's license?"

This problem should be approached in stages, because no one has a desire to be deceived or receive a huge fine for false documents. Also, in order to minimize the time of winding for documents, and then in different instances, it is better to know in advance about the sequence of actions. So, it's worth starting in order.

Conditions under which you can expect to receive a temporary document

  • Temporary driver's license in case of loss. If such a situation arises, then the first thing to do is to look well, you never know, maybe it fell out in the car or in the apartment. Do not rush to immediately go to the traffic police department, since the restoration procedure, as well as the issuance of a temporary driver's license, will cost you a pretty penny. And only after a global search, if the results are disappointing, there is only one way.
  • Theft by third parties. It is difficult to determine whether your rights were really stolen or whether you yourself simply lost them. If you are convinced of the first option, then there is nothing to wait and feel free to go to the traffic police department. But if in doubt, it is better to check everything once again and only then go to issue a temporary driver's license.

Documentation for registration

If your driver's license is lost or stolen, you go to the traffic police with the following list of documents:

    Passport confirming your identity.

    Confirmation of payment of the state fee.

    As a safety net, it is advisable to have a photograph with you, but the absence of a photographer in the department is quite a rare occurrence.

How to get temporary and clearance process

Based on the attached documents, you draw up a statement that the police officer gives you. You should not dwell on the filling points, as you will see all this for yourself. After writing the application, it, along with the documents, is given to the traffic police officer, and you receive a temporary driver's license.

How long will temporary rights be valid?

There is a misconception that a temporary license lasts until a standard driver's license is issued. But this is only a delusion. The period for issuing new documents is approximately one month, and the period of validity of a replacement for a temporary driver's license is limited to two months. In theory, this period is enough for the eyes, but in practice there are cases when the creation of a duplicate is delayed. Even in this scenario, the "temporary house" after two months will be invalid.

Withdrawal of driver's license

If a representative of the authorities stops you when you commit a violation for which the deprivation of a driver's license is provided for, then a protocol is immediately drawn up and the inspector withdraws your rights from use, in exchange for issuing a temporary driver's license. Next comes the investigation of the incident in court. At this time, you can get around by car. But after the end of the trial, with a positive verdict on the fact of the violation, the driver must surrender a temporary driver's license. An interesting fact is that the term of deprivation of rights begins after the delivery of the "temporary hut". After half of the period of deprivation of rights has passed, the driver can write a petition for a refund, but at the same time he will have to take exams at the traffic police again.

Reasons for deprivation of rights

For such a serious punishment, there is a list of violations, after which it is assigned:

Does temporary registration affect a driver's license

Before answering a question so interesting to many, you should first figure out what a temporary registration (registration) is. If a person at the moment does not live at the address of registration, then it makes sense to make a temporary one. After its registration, a citizen can officially get a job in any organization, receive the right to medical care, and can also carry out banking operations: registration of mortgages, loans, making deposits. The best part is that this process takes a minimal amount of time and energy. You can find out the sequence of steps for temporary registration on your own without serious effort.

Now it is worth returning to the question of interest, namely, obtaining a driver's license for temporary registration. The answer is yes. In this case, the process itself will not differ in any way. To date, there are still problems in this system, so you may face picky employees, but the law is on your side, and if any rights are infringed, sue immediately.


Summing up, it is worth saying that now the government seems to be trying to make the life of citizens easier and better, but often it turns out just the opposite. It is worth taking an example of obtaining a temporary driver's license. In addition to the fact that you yourself will be nervous, in addition, there are police officers who will only aggravate your situation.

Numerous quibbles and arrogant attitudes often make a visit to this place very unpleasant. Also, do not forget about state fees. With them, the wallet empties significantly. And in general, any problems or loss of documents are now being resolved for a rather long time. But it is not all that bad. The main thing is to get to a competent specialist who can clearly explain and help everything. In this case, obtaining temporary rights will take place without problems.

Currently, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation contains several dozen actions for which the driver may lose his license. For example, for driving a vehicle without license plates, you can stay without a driver's license for 1-3 months, and for refusing to undergo a medical examination - for 18-24 months. Perhaps the most common violations, for which they are now deprived of rights, can be considered driving a vehicle in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication and driving into the oncoming lane.

The article discusses the main issues of concern to a driver who has been deprived of his license or who is only threatened with this harsh punishment. How is the process of driving license revocation going? What is a temporary driver's license and when is it issued? Why do I need to take a temporary VU? From what moment is the period of deprivation of rights considered?

Who deprives the driver of his license and how does it happen?

The driver's license is withdrawn by a traffic police officer right at the scene of the violation. Instead of the seized document, a temporary permit is issued for the right to drive a car of the corresponding category (the so-called "temporary house").

Directly the deprivation of a driver's license occurs only by a court decision, to which the driver is summoned as a defendant. The evidence in the case must be given by the traffic police officers who recorded the violation and drew up the protocol.

Even if the driver's license was revoked on the road, the court does not always decide on the revocation. There are cases when the driver confirms his violation in court, but in every possible way emphasizes that it was unintentional - in this case, he manages to get off with only a monetary fine. If the protocol was drawn up by mistake and the driver manages to prove his innocence (best of all, with the help of witnesses), the court decision is also made in favor of the defendant.

How is the term of deprivation of rights calculated?

According to the law, the period of deprivation of rights begins 10 days after the entry into force of the court decision (during these 10 days, the driver can appeal the decision). If the motorist disputes the decision in higher courts, then the 10-day period increases and the reporting of the time of deprivation begins with the entry into force of the decision of the last court.

If, after the end of the court session, the driver did not take a copy of the decision, the period of deprivation of rights is also postponed and the calculation will be carried out from the date of receipt of the court decision.

Temporary certificate. To hand over or not to hand over?

Another reason for the "postponement" of the beginning of the period of deprivation may be an untimely surrendered temporary driver's license. Some drivers believe that the "temporary house" is issued for the period while the deprivation of basic rights is in effect, but in reality this is not the case. The temporary VU is valid in the period between the withdrawal of rights and their deprivation in court, that is, for the period of consideration of the case.

The period of validity of the "temporary barracks" is 2 months, if the trial lasts longer, the driver can apply to the traffic police to extend the temporary VU for another 1 month. Motorists should pay attention that a photograph is not provided in the "temporary house", so it is invalid without an identity document. In addition, a temporary driver's license is not valid abroad, so those whose license has been revoked should refuse to travel to other countries.

Until 2010, the legislation did not clearly spell out the timing of the delivery of the temporary VU, so many drivers calmly drove with it for the entire period of deprivation, and then immediately received back their basic rights. However, now the rules have changed: according to Articles 32.6 and 32.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the date of delivery of an ordinary or temporary VU is considered the beginning of the deprivation of rights. There are no additional fines for holding the "temporary barn", but it is in the interests of the driver to hand it over within three working days after the court decision.

Some motorists proudly talk about how calmly they drive for six months with a "temporary hut" instead of the usual license. However, their luck may be interrupted at any traffic police post, when the inspector checks the validity period of the temporary certificate against the base.

Is it possible to speed up the process of returning the rights?

Recently, many companies have appeared that promise to help drivers who have been deprived of their rights for traffic violations. They promise to remove data on the violation from the traffic police database, attract clients with allegedly extensive ties with the authorities. In fact, the employees of such offices turn out to be ordinary swindlers who simply extort money from "disenfranchised" drivers.

Before the court ruling, the help of specialists can still be useful: a competent lawyer will consider the case, tell you how to behave in court, possibly help mitigate the punishment and replace the deprivation with a fine. But after the court decision has been made, it is useless to turn to the "assistants". It is better to immediately comply with all the formalities and wait for the driver's license to be returned according to the law - both money and nerves will be more intact.

A temporary driver's license looks like a card. An ordinary piece of paper, which is best kept in a passport, otherwise it is very easy to lose it, crumple it, render it unusable. Such a piece of paper should contain:

  • information about the owner, which includes name, date of birth and place of residence;
  • passport data, namely series and number;
  • the series and number of the lost driver's license;
  • auto category. It is on the specified vehicle category that the driver has the right to drive;
  • the reason for which the rights were issued must also be indicated;
  • validity;
  • name of the authority that issued the document;
  • seals and signatures of employees of the competent authority.

All this information must be necessarily contained on temporary rights. The absence of any information from the above list makes temporary rights invalid, which means that you cannot use them either. This is tantamount to driving without a driver's license.

What's the point in getting a temporary driver's license?

Why do you need temporary rights at all? Everything is very simple. In life, there are situations when a driver's license is lost somewhere, and the owner cannot find them in any way, but you have to drive. This is the meaning of temporary rights. In the event that permanent rights are lost or rendered unusable, you can issue a temporary hut while the old rights are restored. The time-out will allow you to drive without problems and avoid possible ones.

A temporary driver's license is valid only upon presentation of it with a document confirming the person's identity. This is due to the fact that the driver's photo is missing on the most temporary driver's license.

In what cases is a temporary certificate issued?

Temporary rights are issued for a reason. There are several grounds that can lead to the issuance of such a document. All grounds are clearly spelled out in the legislation.

Loss of driver's license

Often, the driver himself can lose his driver's license, but he cannot find it, but it is necessary to drive a car. While the rights are being restored, the driver can apply for a temporary license and will be able to drive his car again. You only have to pay the state duty if the car owner decides to get a temporary hut.

Deprivation of driving license

Obtaining a temporary hut in case of deprivation is possible only for a time before the trial, since only a court can deprive a driver's license. Preparations for the trial can be delayed indefinitely, and since the driver's license is withdrawn by the inspector, the driver can receive a temporary license. After a court decision, the issuance of temporary rights is no longer possible. Thus, a person deprived of a driver's license must wait for the end of the period of deprivation and only then can he get a driver's license.

How to get a temporary permit to drive a vehicle?

The whole process of obtaining a temporary driver's license depends on the specific situation, in other words, there are some differences. In case of deprivation of rights, everything happens at the place where the traffic police inspector withdraws the rights. In this case, to obtain a temporary hut, you must:

  • provide a passport;
  • pay the statutory fee.

Upon completion of these actions, the driver will receive a temporary license, which he will be able to use before the trial, and then, if a decision is made to revoke his license, he will have to walk or take a bus.

If you lose your driver's license, the situation is a little more complicated. You will have to go through several stages in order to get a temporary hut:

  1. Collect the necessary documents:
  • an identity document, usually a passport;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty.
  1. The next step is to draw up an application, which will become the basis for making a decision on the issuance of temporary rights, since it must contain the most important information. The application must state the following:
  • you should indicate the name of the competent authority where the application is submitted, as a rule, this is a department of the traffic police;
  • Name, date and place of birth of the applicant;
  • passport data: series and number;
  • place of residence;
  • you should indicate the reason why the temporary hut will be issued. But it should be borne in mind that not every specified reason will have a favorable result. We will talk about this later;
  • lost driving license data. Of course, some data may be contained in other documents as well, but it's better to play it safe and carry it in your mind;
  • a complete list of documents that come with the application. In order not to have any trouble in the form of the absence of any document, you need to completely write what documents are provided;
  • date when the application will be submitted;
  • personal signature at the end of the document confirming the correctness of all data in the application.
  1. The last step is, respectively, the submission of all documents to the traffic police officer. As a rule, the right employee can be found at the local traffic police department.

It is also worth mentioning one more case. But what if the rights were stolen? In this case, the restoration of rights is also underway, and the driver can issue a temporary license according to the same scheme as in case of loss. However, in this situation there are 2 new points. Firstly, a person whose rights have been stolen must definitely contact the police with a statement about the theft of his rights. Secondly, after some time it will be necessary to come to the police again to obtain a decision on this issue. The decision is taken in the form of a decision to initiate a case or a refusal to initiate. This document will be the basis for registration of temporary rights.

Temporary rights cost

Nothing can be free, so with a temporary hut. You will not get it just like that by collecting all the documents and submitting them to the appropriate authority. If you want to ride without problems - pay. In fact, temporary rights are free, but in order to get them you need to pay a state duty, which in 2019 is 800 rubles. It seems not too expensive, but still money too.

Document validity period

The huts are valid for no more than 2 months. This period is due to the fact that during this time they can make a new driver's license or a lawsuit related to deprivation of rights will take place. And not necessarily exactly 60 days, maybe less. The term is set by the inspector based on his own considerations, but whether this term will be enough or not is unknown.

Grounds for refusal to issue temporary rights

It is not always possible to obtain temporary rights, and this is due to a number of reasons that are grounds for refusing to issue a document:

  • if not all the documents that are necessary for registration of temporary rights are provided, the driver will be refused;
  • the duty was not paid or a receipt for its payment was not presented;
  • forged documents provided or documents are invalid;
  • the documents contain any corrections that have not been confirmed;
  • upon deprivation of rights, the court cannot issue temporary rights.

All of the above reasons can leave the driver without a makeshift, and therefore without a car, so you should very carefully check the presence of all papers, their content and the period of their validity, otherwise the walking course will be ensured.


Obtaining a temporary driver's license is possible, as already mentioned, only on 2 grounds. Regardless of any of these reasons, the driver remains able to use his vehicle for a certain period of time under a temporary license. In our time, obtaining temporary rights is more likely not an opportunity, but a necessity, since the ability to drive your own car saves a lot of time, and for some people, a vehicle is a way of earning money. The procedure for obtaining temporary rights is simple, but you have to collect the necessary papers and pay a small state fee. Also, before obtaining a temporary license, you must make sure that the driver will not be denied, and otherwise there are no difficulties.

Situation:The traffic police inspector issued you a temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle instead of the driver's license withdrawn from you. For how long is a temporary permit issued? How to renew it in case of expiration? Do I need to take the "temporary hut" back to the traffic police? Our auto lawyers answer questions.

In all cases, when the driver is deprived of his rights for violations of the Traffic Rules, the traffic police inspectors issue him a temporary permit to drive a vehicle. This document, as a general rule, is valid until the entry into force of the decision in the case of an administrative offense, but not more than two months.

The limited period of validity of the temporary permit can become a real problem for the driver if, at the time of its expiration, the court has not made a decision on the case, i.e. actually did not decide: is the driver guilty of the violation imputed to him by the inspector or not? A certain incident arises: a citizen of the right to drive a car is de jure not deprived, and de facto, he can no longer sit behind the wheel. In this case, the car enthusiast has a question: how to renew a temporary permit? The legislator has provided for a procedure for extending a temporary permit, which is carried out by the body authorized to consider the case (judge). However, the extension of the temporary permit is not carried out automatically, but upon a special written application from the driver - by request.

In accordance with Art. 24.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the application is submitted in writing and is subject to immediate consideration. The decision to refuse to satisfy the petition is made by a judge, body, or official, in whose proceedings the case of an administrative offense is, in the form of a ruling. You can download on our website.

In practice, judges do not refuse to satisfy a correctly drawn up application for an extension of a temporary permit for the right to drive a car, however, a situation may arise in which it is rather difficult to determine a judge authorized to consider a particular case, and sometimes it is simply impossible. Thus, uncertainty about how to extend a temporary permit may arise when an administrative case of a person brought to justice is sent for consideration at his place of residence, when a case is transferred under jurisdiction to another judge, when a case is sent for consideration to a judge of a higher instance, as well as in other situations. when the administrative material is absent from the judge who has the right to consider it.

In the event of the above difficulties with the extension of the temporary hut in court, the driver can try to make a similar request to the traffic police, whose official drew up a protocol on the fact of the offense. However, representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate may also refuse the driver's request to extend the "temporary hut", since in accordance with the law, only a judge is authorized to consider the case of deprivation of rights.

Motorists also have many questions about the need to hand over a temporary permit when issuing a decision to deprive a driver of his rights or terminate proceedings in an administrative offense case due to lack of evidence of guilt or for other reasons. Do you need to give a temporary permit in all cases?

To answer this question, let us turn to the law. The Code of Administrative Offenses says that within three working days from the date of entry into force of the decision on the imposition of an administrative penalty in the form of deprivation of the relevant special right, a person deprived of a special right must submit documents giving him this right.

The time period is one of the documents giving the right to drive a vehicle, and therefore a driver who has been deprived of his rights must submit a temporary permit within three days to the traffic police body executing an administrative penalty.

The law also states that if the offender evades the provision of a temporary permit within the time period prescribed by law, then the punishment imposed on the person is interrupted and resumed only after the appropriate subdivision of the State Traffic Inspectorate has received a temporary hut. In this case, the traffic police must give even that temporary permit, which has expired.

If the temporary permit is lost, then it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the traffic police, otherwise the period of deprivation of rights will not begin to flow.

And what about the driver, whom the court acquitted, i.e. found not guilty of committing an offense or released from liability in the form of deprivation of a driver's license, is it necessary to surrender a temporary permit? The answer is pretty simple. In the event that, based on the results of the consideration of an administrative offense case, the court decides to terminate the proceedings on the case on any grounds (expiration of the statute of limitations, failure to prove guilt, etc.), then the obligation to hand over to the traffic police a temporary permit for the right to drive a vehicle from the driver, by virtue of the law, is absent. Therefore, a driver who is not deprived of his license, who has not surrendered a temporary permit, need not fear any negative consequences.

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