I stopped at a sign and received a fine, what should I do? How to challenge a fine for stopping at a sign? Fine for illegal parking on city territory and in private parking

The increase in the number of vehicles per capita creates difficulties not only for rush hour traffic, but also makes it more difficult to find parking space. As a result, motorists arrange chaotic parking lots, in a hurry or deliberately not paying attention to the prohibitions. And the question is how to appeal a fine for wrong parking, is becoming more common today, requiring detailed consideration.

Improper parking is stopping and actually staying a vehicle in a place where, according to legal regulations, this is prohibited. The main regulatory standard establishing the list of places prohibited for parking is the “Rules traffic"(v. 12).

What to do if you don’t agree with the traffic police protocol?

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Below is a list of such places, which will allow the motorist to once again refresh his knowledge of traffic rules and prevent possible stopping and parking in in the wrong place. Thus, taking preventive measures regarding the issue of how to appeal a fine for illegal parking.
Improper parking spots include:

  • pedestrian crossings and lanes in the immediate vicinity of them (up to 5 meters);
  • dedicated lane for cyclists;
  • a distance of less than 50 meters from railway crossings and at the railway crossings themselves;
  • on the roadway located away from settlements, with the sign “Main Road”;
  • on any site, if the location of the vehicle creates difficulties for motorists and pedestrians in determining the traffic light signal or visual perception of signs (including road markings);
  • distance less than 15 meters from the stop of the route passenger transport and cars providing taxi services;
  • a distance of less than 5 meters from the section of the road where the carriageways intersect;
  • in the immediate vicinity of dangerous turns if visibility is less than 100 meters;
  • on bridges, in tunnels, on overpasses with less than 3 lanes in the selected direction;
  • a distance of less than three meters from a continuous marking line. The only exception is solid line markings designed to mark the end of the roadway;
  • in a parking lot for people with disabilities(disabled people and so on);
  • parking on a piece of land that is a lawn.

Important! Also, parking may be considered illegal regardless of actual place location of the vehicle. This, in accordance with Article 12.8 of the “Road Rules”, can happen if the car owner has not taken basic measures to prevent the possibility of spontaneous movement of the car.

And now, on the question of how to appeal a fine for illegal parking, it is important to consider the main reasons when an appeal is most relevant. That is, moments of bias or dishonesty of traffic police officers who issue a fine illegally. In this case, protesting a fine is not only an opportunity to save your money, but also a manifestation of an active civic position in the fight against injustice.

  1. These may include the following options:
  2. The absence of a sign or distortion of its visual perception due to the actions of third parties, which can be classified as vandalism.
  3. Inability to view a sign or marking due to access restrictions created by another vehicle or other factors beyond the control of the car owner.
  4. Parking in the place of persons with disabilities was carried out legally, but subsequently the disabled person decided to move in a different way. Qualifying the offense as parking on the lawn, while the plot of land on which it was located auto vehicle
  5. , is not a lawn. It is worth noting that the question of how to appeal a fine for illegal parking on a lawn is one of the most popular within the framework of the topic under consideration.

Other situations in which the application of penalties is illegal or there is a possibility of a dual interpretation of an act that has been classified as an offense.

How to challenge a traffic police fine for illegal parking

And now we need to move on to the practical part of resolving the issue of how to challenge a traffic police fine for incorrect parking (including how to challenge a traffic police fine from a camera for incorrect parking).

  • Actions at the scene of the commission of an act qualified as an offense:
  • It is necessary to write down the data of the traffic police officer drawing up the protocol: full name, rank, car number.

    Important! The shooting should clearly show not only the participants, but also the location of the vehicle relative to surrounding objects. Photography in this issue less appropriate, since in the future the emphasis may be placed on the fact that the vehicle was moved to another location after the protocol was drawn up.

  • Before signing the protocol, you must make a note such as: “I do not agree with the decision,” and write your vision of the situation. Only after this action can you sign.

    Important! No other documents except the protocol can be signed.

  • Try to find witnesses to the situation and write down their full names. and a telephone number for subsequent subpoena to testify. Exactly, witness's testimonies are the fundamental arguments in the trial.

  1. To appeal the decision in accordance with the norms of the Code “On Administrative Offences”, ten calendar days.
  2. First of all, a complaint is written addressed to the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with a request to consider the conflict in pre-trial procedure. If we're talking about on how to appeal a fine for illegal parking from a video or photo camera, then an additional complaint and a request for the release of materials (photos, videos) to the Photo Recording Center are drawn up. Complaints are sent by letter with notification, or handed over personally to the addressee signed by the latter.
  3. If there is no response within 30 calendar days, or if the decision is refused to be reviewed, it is necessary to file a complaint with the court. This complaint is accompanied by evidence (for example, photos and videos) and requests to call witnesses. Any disinterested persons who are not related to the citizen accused of an offense may act as witnesses. family relations. But, even if there are only relatives among the witnesses to the situation, it is advisable to apply for their involvement in trial, to increase the chances of resolving the issue of how to appeal a fine for illegal parking in favor of the motorist.

Video on how to challenge a traffic police fine from a camera for illegal parking

And in order to better understand how and where to appeal a fine for illegal parking, it is advisable to watch a video instruction on this topic:

Based on everyday practice, not everyone is able to park their car correctly. And, as you know, there is a fine for this. But what to do if you are confident in the correctness of your actions and “vouch” for the correct parking of your car? In this case, you have the right to appeal the actions of the traffic police officers and the imposed sanctions. Let's take a closer look at this procedure.

Since June 2012, the rules for issuing fines for illegally parking a car have become much stricter. As it turned out, most of All drivers simply do not know how to park, which leads to traffic jams and traffic accidents. On this moment fine for illegal parking in Moscow ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Its size depends on the type and extent of violations, as well as your city of residence. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO), there are such types of illegal parking:
  • on tram tracks and public transport stops;
  • near the “No Stopping” sign;
  • on the lawn or park areas;
  • in places for disabled people;
  • at a pedestrian crossing;
  • On Pavement;
  • in places mass gathering cars and possible traffic jams.

In addition, sanctions in maximum size are provided in case of non-payment of private parking services, as well as deliberate violation in the form of removal of numbers or other fraudulent transactions.

If you nevertheless encounter this “ill-fated letter” to pay a fine, do not rush to complain to the traffic police inspectorate. First, make sure it's not a fake. The official receipt must contain:
  • 2 photographs of the car from different angles confirming incorrect parking;
  • number of the car;
  • the address at which the violation was recorded;
  • payment details.

Check for correctness bank accounts, as well as the size of the sanction on the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate. In addition, you can subscribe to SMS notifications when a fine is imposed. To do this, send a free message to number 7377 with the text “fine Series STS number"or "fine VU series VU number". In the first case, we are talking about a car registration certificate, and in the second, a driver’s license.

If the data is confirmed and a fine for illegal parking has been issued in your name, you can begin the appeal procedure. At the same time, it is very important that you are completely confident that you are right and can confirm this with facts, as well as excerpts from the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 30.3), you have the right to challenge the traffic police decision within 10 days from the date of receipt of the fine information. To do this, contact the State Traffic Inspectorate with the following documents:
  • original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • copy of the resolution on administrative offense;
  • complaint about sanctions imposed;
  • petition for consideration of a complaint in case of violation established deadlines(if documents are submitted later than 10 days);
  • a statement with a request to consider the issue without personal presence (if necessary);
  • photographs, videos and other materials confirming the legality of your actions.

These documents can be submitted in person to the traffic police service or by e-mail [email protected] . The processing time for your application is 3 days.

Download now:

You can challenge a parking fine, as well as pay the imposed sanctions, through the government services portal. To do this, you need to register and submit the appropriate request, and then act according to the site’s prompts.

The increase in the number of vehicles in cities provokes constant violations traffic rules regarding car parking. Unfortunately, most cities in the territory Russian Federation was designed back in Soviet times, so there was no space for such in the courtyards large quantity vehicles that are currently in use.

Realizing that the problem of improper parking of cars must be somehow dealt with, initiative groups of people constantly unite in social projects who fight arrogant car owners. But, unfortunately, often such actions do not bring any results.

In order to somehow intimidate drivers, in 2015, changes were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding the amount of fines for violating the parking of vehicles. Moreover, in cities federal significance, the amount of punishment can be doubled.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, failure to comply with and ignore the requirements indicated by markings on the roadway highway, or road signs prohibiting stopping or long stay of a vehicle in an unauthorized place may result in a fine of 1,500 rubles for the violator.

An exception to this rule is contained in the same article, namely that for parking or stopping a car for a long time in the wrong place in Moscow or St. Petersburg, the violator will have to pay a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Traffic regulations regarding car parking are constantly becoming stricter. For example, most once free parking became paid. To combat such extortions, motorists try to hide the license plate on their car. And if earlier for such actions the owner could simply receive a small fine, now an attempt to hide the number from surveillance cameras is considered a violation of the anti-terrorism law.

According to the anti-terrorism law, if the license plates of the vehicle are not legible, and representatives of the law have every reason to believe that the car owner is violating payment paid parking, a tow truck is called to the parking lot.

The cost of just calling this car will cost the car owner 5,000 rubles, not counting additional funds, spent on paying for parking vehicles in a specialized parking lot, the cost of a paid parking space.

Fines for parking on the sidewalk

Payment for tow truck services in case of improper parking of a car directly depends on the time the vehicle remains in the parking lot and the time the car is parked.

The motorist has the right to repark the car before the tow truck arrives, but in this case he will still have to pay a fine for incorrect parking. In the same case, when the car owner approached his car at the moment when it had already begun to be loaded onto a tow truck, he can also ask not to take the car to the impound lot. But in such a situation, in addition to the parking fine, the owner will have to pay for the arrival of a special vehicle.

How to deal with parking attendants

If a person is faced with problems of illegal parking, he has the right to file a corresponding complaint or involve a traffic police officer to record the identified violations in the administrative offense protocol.

In the event that there is a person living in the house persistent offender who constantly parks incorrectly and parks his car in such a way that it is impossible to “neither pass nor pass”, anyone can take a photo of his car and send this evidence to the traffic police.

Is it possible to avoid a fine for illegal parking?

Unfortunately, sometimes situations occur when a driver urgently needs to park his car, but there is a sign that prohibits such a stop. Therefore, the question arises whether it is possible to avoid a fine for illegal parking.

In such a situation, there is only one way not to pay - if the driver is inside the vehicle.

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2.7 of the Traffic Rules, driving a car in a tired or ill state is prohibited, as this threatens traffic safety and an accident may occur.

In this case, the motorist must turn on the emergency beacons and put up a sign emergency stop car. In this situation, the traffic police inspector can only come up and clarify for what reason the motorist stopped in the wrong place.

Is it possible to challenge a parking fine?

Many drivers are interested in how to challenge a fine for illegal parking. Unfortunately, misconduct Traffic police officers have their place, so you need to know how to properly appeal them.

For example, there are cases when two fines are imposed on the same vehicle at once, with a difference of a couple of hours. In this case, the owner of the car has the right to illegal punishment. First of all, you need to photograph the place where the car was parked, and then record the absence of signs prohibiting parking of the vehicle.

Photos must be attached to the complaint challenging the decision to impose administrative liability.

In the event that the sign did exist, you can refer to the fact that the driver did not have the opportunity to see it. For example, if he entered through another lane, or if the sign was hidden by foliage, which made it impossible to see it.

In order to write a complaint, the car owner needs the following documents:

  1. Complaint.
  2. A copy of the resolution.
  3. Application to study the complaint in the absence of the offender.
  4. A petition to restore the period for appealing the offense (if 10 days have passed since the fine was issued).
  5. Other materials that prove the driver’s innocence.

All documents must be sent to regional branch Traffic police (in person or by mail). According to the law, an authorized officer must consider the received application within 3 days from the date stamped in the traffic police office.

If you do not agree with the fine issued, then you must appeal it. And this must be done within 10 days from the date of receipt of the decision. At the same time, remember: the situation with fines in Moscow is currently quite confusing. After all, you can receive a receipt from three (!) different authorities. Thus, compliance with parking rules is monitored not only by traffic police officers, but also by the Moscow Administrative road inspection(MADI). And then there is the State Treasury Institution of the City of Moscow “Administrator of the Moscow Parking Space” or AMPP, which fines for non-payment of parking (and last violation, by the way, the rule of a 50% discount on fines does not apply).

ATTENTION: You can appeal a fine within 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision. In case of missing stipulated period appeal, it is necessary to write a petition to restore the missed deadline for appealing the decision on an administrative offense. By the way, remember that a successful appeal against a fine for illegal parking automatically leads to the fact that you will also receive a refund for the evacuation (if the latter took place).

How can you figure out who you received the fine from? The easiest way to do this is by looking at unique identificator accruals (UNN) - 20 or 25 digits that are on the receipt.

If the first digits are:

782 (20-digit code) or 035604 (25-digit code)—the fine was issued by a MADI inspector. You can appeal the fine on the Autocode portal, by mail or in person. Address: Moscow, Kalanchevskaya street, 49

780 (consist of 20 digits) or 0355 (of 25 digits) - AMPP for non-payment of parking (in automatic mode). You can appeal the fine on the Autocode portal, by mail (documents must be sent to the address: Skakovaya str., 19, Moscow, 125040) or in person: Staraya Basmannaya street, building 20, building 1 (daily from 8.00 to 20.00 ).

188 - traffic police officer. The fine can be appealed through the traffic police website or in person at the address: Moscow, Sadovaya-Samotechnaya str., 1

What you need to submit in person or by mail

Behind unpaid parking(fine of the State Public Institution “AMPP”, 2500 rubles):
1. Complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense (2 attachments: complaint form; sample for filling out a complaint). Handwritten signature required!;
2. If the prescribed period for appeal is missed, it is necessary to write a petition to restore the missed period for appealing the decision on an administrative offense. (A complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense can be filed within 10 days ( Code of Administrative Offenses article 30.3) from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision) (attachment: application form); 

Handwritten signature required! 3. Additional materials if desired: a copy of the resolution on both sides; a copy of the parking payment receipt; checks; SMS screenshots; payment details; a copy of the receipt for payment of the subscription/residence fee; a copy of the postal envelope; copy of receipt notices preferential permit

and etc.

For violation of parking and stopping rules (MADI fine, 3,000 rubles).
1. A complaint against a decision in a case of an administrative offense (can be filed within 10 days from the date of delivery or receipt of a copy of the decision)
2. Copy of the resolution (both sides) 3. If necessary - Additional materials

, confirming the information stated in the complaint: photo and video materials, copies of documents, etc.
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