Difference between equal and unequal roads. Passing at an equivalent intersection

Knowing the rules will help you avoid critical situations on the road and conflicts with other participants traffic.

Assessment of the situation

Before crossing an intersection, it is necessary to make a correct assessment of its type, change lanes in advance and clearly determine the order of passage.

At the same time, you should always remember that special services vehicles equipped with special equipment have priority right of passage on all roads and intersections. flashing beacons and special sound signals. When approaching, other vehicles must give way to him.

After special vehicles, trams have the right of way, so all other types of transport, if there are tram tracks at the intersection, must give way to the trams. The trams themselves pass each other according to the rules for crossing equivalent unregulated intersections.

When making a right turn, having changed into the desired lane in advance, you must turn on the right turn and make the maneuver first, without yielding to other vehicles. But remember the two points above ( priority right passage of special vehicles with a flashing light, special signal and trams on) is mandatory

Maintaining rows

After completing the maneuver (turning right), the vehicle must continue moving in the rightmost lane. Four exceptional cases turning not from the far right lane is provided for by the traffic rules:
- large dimensions of the vehicle, which do not allow maneuvering from the far right lane;
- the presence of a sign “Direction of traffic in lanes” (clause 5.15.1), which allows turning from those lanes indicated by the sign;
- presence of the sign “ Roundabout Circulation"(clause 4.3), allowing a right turn from any lane;
- the presence of a sign “Lane for route vehicles” (clause 5.14) indicated solid line markings, assumes turning only from the second lane.

Right interference rule

Next, when crossing an equivalent intersection, you should use the “interference on the right” rule. This rule provides for the priority passage of vehicles that do not have obstacles on the right when maneuvering. In other cases, including the passage of special vehicles and trams, the driver of the vehicle performing the maneuver is obliged to give way.

An exception

There are sometimes moments in life that are not subject to any rules. This is also the case with the order of passage at an unregulated intersection. A situation may arise when four cars have approached an intersection and are about to cross it without changing the direction of movement. It is impossible to determine the order of passage using the “interference on the right” rule. None of the vehicles has priority, and no one can start moving first.

Traffic rules do not provide for the possibility of similar situation and no explanation is given on this matter. So, we will have to resolve this misunderstanding on our own. As a rule, a more experienced motorist will quickly assess the current situation and invite his colleague on the left to start driving first. And only then, if there is no obstacle on the right, oncoming traffic will be able to start moving, then the car creating an obstacle on the right to the initiator of the adjustment. Accordingly, the most experienced and polite motorist is the last to cross the intersection.

But this situation is extremely rare. Typically, such intersections, especially those with heavy traffic, are equipped with priority signs or traffic lights.

) intersections. In this article we will describe the procedure for driving through unregulated intersections.

First you need to understand that when approaching any intersection, you first need to determine its type. To do this, we look at whether the traffic light or traffic controller controls the order of movement, i.e. The traffic light operates in the “red-yellow-green” mode or the traffic order is controlled by a traffic controller.

1. If this is so, then the intersection is controlled and on priority signs The driver doesn't pay any attention. At controlled intersections there is no main road and no secondary road.

2. If there is no traffic light/regulator, or is not involved in regulating traffic - the traffic light is in yellow flashing mode or is turned off, the traffic police officer monitors the drivers’ compliance with the Traffic Rules, then such an intersection will be UNCONTROLLED. And the first thing the driver should pay attention to, what he should look for with his own eyes, are priority signs.

2.1 If priority signs are in place, then such an intersection is UNEQUAL SIGNIFICANCE, or, as it is correctly called, UNREGULATED INTERSECTION OF UNEQUAL SIGNIFICANCE ROADS. Unequal roads mean that one road is the main road and vehicles approaching along it have priority right of passage through the intersection.

If there are no priority signs, then the driver must pay attention to which roads are used at the intersection. If it is formed by a paved road in relation to a dirt road, then it will also be unregulated intersection uneven roads . The paved road will be the main road in relation to the dirt road.

Here it is necessary to clarify the fact that any hard coating – Class hard coating does not matter. At the same time, roads with different hard surfaces are equal to each other. For example: an asphalt road and a gravel road form an EQUIVAL INTERSECTION. Cobblestone pavement and dirt road– UNEQUAL INTERSECTION.

2.2 Well, as already said, if the conditions for the “difference” of the road surface are not met, then this is an EQUIVAL INTERSECTION. Or how to correctly call it - UNREGULATED INTERSECTION OF EQUIVAL ROADS, i.e. transport approaching such an intersection is in equal road conditions.
Thus, if we depict all of the above graphically, we get the following:

From the above diagram it follows that there are only three types of intersections that can be found in the vastness of our Motherland:


2. Unregulated uneven roads

3. Unregulated equivalent roads

Once again I would like to emphasize that the shape of the intersection and its location do not play a role. Each type has its own travel rules.

In one driving school, a group of more than 30 people did not pass the driving test in the city, only because “the inspector took the exam on a different route than the one he and the instructor took.” The student did not know how to drive through the specific intersection where the exam route took place.

Again - the rules for driving through all types of intersections are the same. You just need to determine its type and move based on that.

So, in this article we will look at traffic through uncontrolled intersections.


Before we begin to analyze the movement at such intersections, it is necessary to understand what signs we can use to conclude that the intersection in front of us is equivalent. Namely:

1. Sign 1.6 (Fig. 1)

2. Equal road surface and lack of priority signs. Let me emphasize again - not the same, but equal- either solid or ground.

To one degree or another, many people have heard the rule of driving through equivalent intersections. A rule that sounds like “Rule right hand" - clause 13.11 of the traffic rules at the intersection of equivalent roads, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right (Fig. 2)

It is necessary to clarify that the requirement to “give way” will arise if the trajectories of vehicles intersect or merge. If there are no intersections or mergers, then the requirement does not arise (Fig. 3,4).

It is also necessary to specify the order of movement of trams. In cases equal rights to travel, the tram has priority in movement, regardless of the trajectory of its further movement (Fig. 5).

Here you need to understand that you should avoid the so-called movement “under the cover” of the tram. It would seem why (car 3 from Fig. 5) not go at the same time as the tram, (car 2 from Fig. 5) the tram will still pass. You shouldn't do this.

According to the requirements of the Rules (author 2), he is obliged to fulfill the requirement to “give way” in relation to the tram. The requirement to “give way” in this situation means that the tram must not change its speed or trajectory. Taking into account the specifics of the tram's movement - it travels along a strictly designated track (rails), even having gone beyond the border of the intersection of roadways (but not going onto tram rails) (car 2) will give way to the tram, but (car 3) will most likely collide with it (Fig. 6).

It’s also not superfluous, I think, to talk about the situation depicted in one of exam papers. Four vehicles are approaching a four-way intersection and all want to go straight (Fig. 7).

Anyone who comes across such a question is immediately answered that “the rules do not stipulate such a situation and the drivers leave by agreement.” However, if you ask why they don’t stipulate and what does it mean by agreement? The answer is no longer found.

How is this by agreement?

It's simple, someone has to let someone through. One leaves and conflict situation not anymore. To do this, we can wave our hand, flash our headlights, or otherwise show that we are missing.

Why don't the Rules regulate this situation?

Everything is very simple. Remember how many controlled intersections we have, say in holiday villages? There are none at all! This happens because there is no intensity in the movement. Those intersections where said situation– four people have arrived and everyone needs to go straight (only one person needs to turn right and there are no difficulties) – a rare event. And there is simply no point in describing something that a driver may never encounter.

Thus, the rules for driving through uncontrolled intersections of equivalent roads can be formulated in the following theses:

1. The trams pass the intersection first. If there are several of them, and the movement trajectories intersect, then the one who has an obstacle on the right gives way.

2. Secondly, at such an intersection, trackless vehicles pass through obstacles among themselves (Fig. 8)

3. If special transport is approaching with blue flashing lights and special sound signal, then, regardless of the trajectory of his movement, he leaves the intersection first.

4. If a trackless vehicle makes a left turn, it gives way (gives way) to oncoming vehicles moving straight or to the right.


Let's start with the signs of the main road:

1. The main road is marked with signs 2.1, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.7 and 5.1 (Fig. 9), i.e. If the driver sees one of these signs, then he is on the main road. When driving on a secondary road, the driver will not see these signs.

2. Paved road versus dirt road.

3. Any road in relation to the exit from the adjacent territory.

Additionally, I would like to focus attention on two road signs 2.4, 2.5 (Fig. 10).

Both of these signs oblige the driver to YIELD (not interfere) with the right of way.

Sign 2.5, among other things, obliges you to record a stop. Installed in those places where the driver will not be able to accept the stop without registering a stop. definitely true decisions about the possibility of passing through an intersection. Some decision will be made, but it will not be definitely correct. Example: intersection Ave. Nevsky - st. Lunacharsky. Buildings standing in close proximity greatly limit visibility, and without registering a stop, the driver may get into an accident.

Once again, I’ll make a reservation that the requirement “GIVE WAY” does not say where and how the transport on the main road is approaching. Drivers on a secondary road should not force him to change speed or direction. When driving on the main road, even overtaking is allowed– i.e. transport can drive in the oncoming lane.

Sign 2.4 - is installed in those places where the driver, just approaching the intersection, can already determine whether he will create interference or not. If your movement does not interfere with vehicles approaching along the main road, you can proceed without stopping.

If the main road does not change direction at the intersection, then there should not be any difficulties. Vehicles approaching on the main road have priority through the intersection. Vehicles moving on a secondary road are required to give way. Trams that are in equal road conditions with trackless vehicles pass first. (Fig. 11)

Difficulties may arise in cases where the main road changes its direction at an intersection (Fig. 12)

The difficulty of passing such an intersection lies in the fact that the trajectories of vehicles in equal road conditions can intersect (Fig. 13)

In such situations, it is necessary to remember the rule of the “right hand” that we already know - give in to the one approaching from the right. This applies to all drivers approaching such an intersection and under equal road conditions.

Thus, we get next order in move:

1. The first trams to leave the intersection are those on the main road.

2. The second trackless vehicles are located on the main road; if their trajectories intersect, they pass in accordance with the rules for passing equivalent intersections (give way to the one on the right).

3. Thirdly, trams on a secondary road

4. And the last to leave such an intersection are trackless vehicles located on a secondary road - due to interference with each other. (Fig. 14)

Separately, I would like to remind drivers of paragraph 13.1 of the Rules: When turning right or left, the driver MUST give way to pedestrians crossing roadway which he turns to. Drivers often express the opinion that if crosswalk is absent, then there is no need to give way. This is not true. According to clause 4.3 of the Rules, the continuation of the lines of sidewalks or roadsides passing through the intersection are used for the movement of pedestrians (Fig. 15).

As the traffic rules state, today there are several ways to regulate intersections, these are:

  1. Traffic light;
  2. Traffic signs;
  3. A traffic police and traffic police officer, that is, a traffic controller;

In addition to regulating intersections with the intervention of third parties or special equipment(signs or traffic lights) exists additional rules, which, in the absence of all components, are capable of resolving the dispute.

Today it is:

  1. Uneven road surface. The surface of the road determines the role of traffic at the intersection along it. That is, if the intersection is the intersection of a gravel and asphalt surface. The road with an asphalt surface is considered the main one.
  2. Right hand rule. If the traffic of the intersection is not regulated in any way and the road surface is equal, then we are guided by the “obstacle on the right.” That is, all those vehicles that are on the right have a primary role, which means that the driver on the left gives way.

According to the traffic rules, an intersection where the traffic order is not regulated by traffic lights, traffic police officers, that is, a traffic controller, signs, as well as an intersection where the roads have the same surface, is unregulated intersection equivalent roads.

From here we get that an equivalent road is a section of the road that is not regulated, either by signs or devices, where there is no traffic controller. At the same time, the road coverage is equal. A crossroads of equivalent roads is an intersection of streets where the directions are equal in meaning.

Then, as the traffic rules say, the driver must follow the right-hand rule. That is, let everyone who is on the right side of the intersection pass. In turn, the driver who moves along the intersection on the right side has the main road and should not allow vehicles on his left to pass.

Who has the right of way when making a U-turn at an equivalent intersection?

First, let's define the concept of an intersection. An intersection is a place where more than two roads intersect.

Moreover, as is known from traffic rules, there are several types of intersection:

  1. T-shaped;
  2. With circular motion.

The adjacent territory in the form of a courtyard, alley, etc. is not a crossroads.

Above we found out that the intersection of equivalent roads is unregulated crossing, adjacency and branching of roads of equal importance, where the rule of interference on the right is used to determine the main road. That is, those vehicles that move on the right have priority in passing.

What to do in case of a reversal? After all, after entering the intersection and making a maneuver, all those vehicles that were on the right will automatically become on the left.

If you look at the handbook of traffic rules, paragraph 13.11 states that the driver of a vehicle at an intersection of equivalent roads must give way to those vehicles approaching from the right.

Thus, a driver who is preparing to make a U-turn at an intersection initially allows all vehicles approaching from his right to pass. Then, after a turn, let pass all vehicles that are on the right after the trajectory has changed.

We get that the right-hand rule at an intersection of equal roads applies twice.

Now let's talk about how to recognize the intersection of equivalent roads. First of all, it should be noted that there must be an appropriate sign in front of the intersection, which warns that there is an intersection within 50-100 meters.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the presence of a traffic light; if there is one, then we focus on the light of the traffic light.

Important point! If you are moving to dark time day, and you cannot determine the road surface, then you should assume that you are on a secondary road.

If the coverage at the intersection is the same, this means that you are at an intersection of equivalent roads. Now the following maneuvers must be performed only according to the right hand rule.

Uneven roads

An intersection where one road is the main one, and there is confirmation of this in the form of road signs, and the other is secondary, is called an intersection of unequal roads.

the main road determined according to the signs “Main Road” or “Give Way.”

Thus, we find that there are also intersections of unequal roads. Here, traffic is already carried out according to the principle of the main and secondary roads in accordance with the signs.

All vehicles on the main road, regardless of their direction, have priority after entering the intersection.

However, if the “Main Road” sign has a direction, then the relationship between drivers moving along the main and secondary roads is preserved.

If the movement of the vehicle and the sign diverge, the vehicle that was considered the main one when entering the intersection initially allows those moving along the direction of the sign to pass, and then continue moving.

Good day, dear readers of the AutoMotoLife resource. Not long ago we published material regarding the rules of travel on roundabouts. Due to the special interest, we decided to continue the topic dedicated to the details and all the subtleties of movement on non-specific sections of the road. Special interest Our readers were prompted by the question: “How to drive through an unregulated intersection?” You can find the answer to this, as well as to other similar comments, by reading this material.

An example of a real unregulated intersection

Almost all drivers are familiar with the well-known fact, supported by many years of statistical data, that about 30% of accidents occur in areas with cross traffic. Beginners who have just started driving a car admit that driving at intersections causes the most stress. There are many reasons why this becomes possible, and to name half of them would take great amount time. However, if everything is more or less clear with standard unregulated (or regulated by traffic lights/traffic controller) intersections, then their “equivalent” types become a real test for both inexperienced drivers and people who have been holding the steering wheel for many years.

The fact is that unregulated intersections of equal significance are very rare in urban environments, and therefore drivers encounter them much less often. First, let's figure out what falls under the above name. Everything is more or less clear with the “crossroads” - this is the intersection of two straight roads that are perpendicular to each other. The “unregulated” in the name tells us that the traffic order at this intersection is not regulated by the color of the traffic light or by the traffic controller. “Equivalent” means the absence of traffic priority signs.

When approaching an intersection, it is very important to make sure what type of cross traffic is in front of you. In the case of approaching an unregulated intersection of unequal roads, 150-300 meters away there will be road sign 1.6.

Road Sign 1.6

In addition, the surface in this section of the road must be equal. This means that all adjacent lanes to the intersection must be made of the same type of surface (soil-soil; asphalt-asphalt).

Next mandatory rule is a pass for rail transport. After the tram has passed, passenger traffic resumes and we can follow.

At an equivalent uncontrolled intersection, the tram always has priority

The picture above clearly shows that the tram should pass first, the movement of which is indicated by a solid line. The movement of our car is marked with a dotted line, and it is secondary. According to the traffic rules at an unregulated intersection, the driver is obliged to give way to a vehicle moving to his right. In other words, you might also have heard a similar rule as the “Right Hand Rule.”

In this situation, you only need to give way to cars that will cross or merge with the trajectory we have chosen. IN otherwise, such vehicles do not require a pass.

Correct passage of the intersection

There are often cases when 4 (or more) cars approach an unregulated intersection at once. four sides, which will pass straight. There are no precise regulations in the rules, and such situations are usually resolved “by agreement.”

Who should go first?

Such situations are resolved by an agreement between the drivers and the passage of one of the parties. It usually looks like blinking lighting fixtures, certain gestures. Difficulties similar cases They shouldn’t call, unless, of course, one of the drivers takes the initiative. And as soon as someone gives a signal to pass (let’s say a purple car gave a similar signal to a blue car), and one of the traffic participants successfully passed, then all drivers will wait their turn and use the “right hand” rule (pass the purple car, then the green one, and yellow at the very end).

Correct passage of an unregulated intersection

It would not be superfluous to remind you that when special transport approaches (police transport, ambulance, etc.), with the beacons turned on, you should stop traffic and let such a vehicle pass, regardless of whether it crosses our traffic or not. After passing, all transport continues to move depending on the prevailing conditions.


  1. Determine the type of intersection (unregulated and equivalent is indicated by sign 1.6)
  2. Rail transport is allowed through first (in equal conditions)
  3. The road is given way to those cars that are on our right (if the trajectories of the cars coincide or intersect)
  4. When making a maneuver to the left, give way to all cars passing in the opposite direction towards us, or turning right.
  5. Give way to all vehicles using warning beacons (blue lights) in all situations.

If you remember these six simple points, you will easily be able to drive through such specific sections of the road as an unregulated intersection. The main thing is to be attentive, concentrated and collected. Have a good trip.

Having the skills to move vehicle, the driver also needs to know the rules by which it is allowed safe movement cars and other transport.

On the way of travel, the driver encounters an intersection. In most cases they are regulated or one of the roads is the main one. However, there are also equivalent roads that have their own characteristics when crossing an intersection.

Without knowledge Traffic rules intersections with equivalent roads can turn into negative consequences.

In this article:

Requirements of the sign Intersection of equivalent roads

Before an intersection with roads of different significance, a road sign must be installed for the intersection of roads of equal significance 1.6. As a rule, road sign 1.6 is installed on roads with the same surface, for example, asphalt, dirt and others.

Traffic on one of these roads cannot be defined as the main one, and traffic regulation according to the rules for crossing equivalent roads comes to the rescue.

When approaching an intersection, the driver must make sure that there are no obstacles to traffic on the right side. Therefore, it is often said that the passage of equivalent roads occurs along the obstacle on the right.

Also, a driver entering an intersection and turning left at the same time as an oncoming car, which in turn turns right, the first driver also experiences interference on the right.

Thus, the driver should always give way at an intersection to a car that appears on the right.

Sign installation rules 1.6

Installation of sign 1.6 is allowed in front of an intersection where the priority of its passage is not determined, for example, in accordance with the sign Main Road 2.1.

In accordance with GOST requirements, road sign 1.6 must be installed within the visibility distance of the intersection. This distance varies for roads in populated areas and beyond their action.

In the city, the sign should be located no closer than 50 meters and no further than 100 meters. Outside the city, it is allowed to install at a distance of 150-300 meters. Also, sign 1.6 may have a different distance, provided that it is duplicated by sign 8.1.1, which indicates a specific distance in meters.

The sign is installed in front of an intersection where the queue is canceled, established by signs priority.

Liability for violation of sign 1.6

The sign has a warning meaning that when approaching an intersection of equivalent roads, the driver must remember the following regulations Traffic regulations:

  1. The most important rule will prevent the creation of interference for drivers who have priority in passing the intersection, liability for this offense will come under Part 2 of Article 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a thousand fine.
  2. If there is a traffic jam at the intersection, the driver cannot enter the intersection; this may result in liability in the form of a fine of 1000 rubles under Part 1 of Article 12.13 of the Code, since the driver in this case will create an obstacle to the movement of vehicles in a transverse direction.
  3. It is not allowed to overtake another vehicle at an intersection unless this offense liability may arise under Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code in the form of a five thousand fine or deprivation of rights for 4 to 6 months.
  4. A driver who does not turn on the turn signal to turn right, left or to make a U-turn can also interfere with the movement of other drivers and road users; liability includes a warning or a fine of 500 rubles under Part 1 of Article 12.14 of the Code.
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